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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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I'm probably the only one, but I enjoyed today's show.  No shouting and cross-talk.  Sherri almost reminded me of the "old" Sherri.  Rosie has said many times that fame is very addicting.  Once you get it you lose the joy of performing and it just becomes about keeping it, remaining relevant, keeping your face out there.  I think this may have happened to Sherri because she really changed from when she was first on the show.  I remember before The View, that Ellen used to have her on her show for special segments.  She was always very sweet.  I'm sure there was some Geddie coaching going on with her.  Anyway, I love gospel music and I am a big fan of Yolanda Adams.


I think Sherri and Jennie are really friends.  Jennie has said she is not inviting her cousin Melissa to her wedding because it is an intimate affair, but she is inviting Sherri.   



The preacher is the first to speak and he says.... because she is sexy..... Isn't it odd that another church leader turns to sex to appreciate someone.


Donnie McClurkin is gay.  He made a controversial statement several years ago when he said on a Christian website in 2002, that he had  been “delivered” from homosexuality.  He caught a lot of flack for that.  I guess he prayed the gay away.  From his comment, it looks like he is still pretending to be straight. 

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I think the Sherri we saw every day on the View is the real her. I think she is a nitwit who has used that to her advantage.  So yeah she is making money at being a fool but in the long run I think people will get tired of it.  She is going to age out of the "zany madcap Calamity Jane" type of roles very soon. 


As mentioned above Minnie Pearl and Lucille Ball both portrayed characters who were either dimwitted or wild and crazy but Sherri lives her life that way.  It's not so funny when the person really is an willfully ignorant moron who refuses to learn from past mistakes and continually disregards any well-meaning advice given to her.

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Three things...


I think Sherri said that when she was asked to be on The View she didn't want to because she didn't think she could handle it.  In years gone by, I'd read stories about how persistent she was in trying to get auditions just to be a guest...when she finally got on the show as a guest, then she was persistent/pushy in wanting to be a co-host.  Now her story has changed because she's so humble and gracious.  Won't I be sad not to hear all these contradictions?  Don't think so.


I "enjoyed" the audience gifts today--three CDs from Christian artists...and a jar of body lotion one of them is selling.


Today Sherri said her previous religion (Jehovah's Witness) was not Christian.  Did she learn nothing all those years?  They're baptized "in the name of Jesus," and that leads most to believe it's a Christian religion.  Of course, I think she once said that Catholics weren't Christians.  Her pastors and leaders need to give her some basic lessons in Christianity.  Oh wait, maybe they have:  MY Christianity is real; yours is not.  I think that's the lesson.

Edited by Former Nun
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I enjoyed today's eppy too, Morgalisa....while I didn't care for Sherri on the show, I give her props for her hustle; Ride Along 2 next year, plus a Chris Rock movie and Broadway.  Suck it, Sal!


However, Arsenio was annoying at times with his mugging, especially when Kirk Franklin was trying to tell a story and Arsenio couldn't STFU so the story was aborted (ooh, no pun intended Sherri!)


LOVED BBD's performance, I was singing and dancing along with Sherri....Poison, Sheila E.'s The Glamourous Life and Bobby Brown's My Prerogative are three songs that will make this almost 50 year old dance her ass off everytime!


Jeffrey didn't have the 'special' accent that Sherri gives him when he signed off today, wish she would stop that.

Edited by Vixenstud
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I have to agree that Arsenio Hall was annoying.... not really sure why he was on...... I guess he and Sherri are tight


One thing I did notice from watching the "best of Sherri" was how back when she was first on you could tell that she was a genuine fan of many guests who were on The View..... but after time she tried to fake those genuine reactions, which is basically impossible.


Jenny was kinda muted today... except for a couple of forced fake laughter..... I guess she wasn't all that pleased to be part of Sherri's farewell show

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However, Arsenio was annoying at times with his mugging, especially when Kirk Franklin was trying to tell a story and Arsenio couldn't STFU so the story was aborted (ooh, no pun intended Sherri!)



Ouch, VixenStud! In a good way.  Arsenio Hall is probably talented and most likely a nice person, but his mugging and sucking up SURELY have caused his demise(s) over the years.  He's probably another performer who thinks so highly of himself and his talents that he won't listen to good advice.

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So, I watched, LOL! It wasn't a bad show but............Whoopi asked Sherri how she was doing . A sentence or two would have covered it but she went on and on, goodness. If only guests were given that opportunity! The end I thought, was uncomfortable with Sherri making remarks about Jeffrey's father and Sal while Jeffrey was sitting right next to her.

Edited by ginger90
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I fast-forwarded through most of it because I'm just so sick of Sherri and her "friends." She just had them on for her birthday; and didn't she just see BBDv last weekend? The whole show was a self-indulgent wallow in the Sherri Shepherd culture. And then to top it off she had to reiterate how the show has allowed her to proclaim her love for Jesus all these years. 


She's been pushing this religiosity for months - more intensely since Barbara left. I hope whoever comes in will not be quite so vocal about their personal faith. 


I noticed that in the clips of previous episodes how much better Sherri dressed. In earlier years she was downright presentable. In the past few months she has been wearing tight clothes that look like they're at least one size too small for her. There's nothing wrong with being dressed casually, but Sherri went from casual to sloppy in three short months. 

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 And then to top it off she had to reiterate how the show has allowed her to proclaim her love for Jesus all these years. 

So THAT's what she was doing all these years - or that's what she's calling it anyway.  Alrighty then.  Yikes.  I'm kind of embarrassed for Jesus. 


So sad I missed the Farewell, Good Riddance, Don't Let The Door Hit The Door On The Way Out, show except not really. Although my DVR had other ideas so it's there for now.  Not sorry I missed Arsenio Hall.  Didn't his comeback show get cancelled earlier this year?  Some things from the late 80s - early 90 are still awesome [bon Jovi] and some things should just stay part of that time capsule - like Arsenio Hall. 


Jenny probably didn't care but seems like it would have been awkward.  But I guess it wouldn't be any more awkward than producing your own Farewell Show. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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So, I watched, LOL! It wasn't a bad show but............Whoopi asked Sherri how she was doing . A sentence or two would have covered it but she went on and on, goodness. If only guests were given that opportunity! The end I thought, was uncomfortable with Sherri making remarks about Jeffrey's father and Sal while Jeffrey was sitting right next to her.

Couldn't bring myself to watch the show. What remarks did she make about Jeff Sr. and Sal?

When Sherri was saying she cried for 3 years (oh the drama) because she didn't feel she belonged on the show, my very accurate, very alert Bull Shit Meter went off! I distinctly remember her saying in an interview, that she was a guest when she was carrying Jeffery (2005) and had been told to stay off her feet & not travel. But she wanted to be on the show to hopefully someday be considered/hired as a co-host so she flew across the country, not following her doctors orders.


Again, an example of her stories contradicting each other....

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it's NEVER a good idea when you have a special needs kid, to let it be known that you didn't follow doctor's orders when you were pregnant.   The same thing holds for Jenny, who once talked about drinking while pregnant. 


While the studies about vaccines causing autism have been de-bunked (because the original researcher falsified data) there is real research about smoking, drinking, hypertension, etc , during pregnancy increasing the chances of developmental problems.

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gawd can you imagine if BaWa was still on this show they would probably skip the prerecorded show so Babs could talk for the whole hour about how she interviewed Robin Williams and show clips from her interviews.  She could tell us how well she knew him while the person who really knew him, Whoopi, would be at home grieving.

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When Sherri was saying she cried for 3 years (oh the drama) because she didn't feel she belonged on the show, my very accurate, very alert Bull Shit Meter went off! I distinctly remember her saying in an interview, that she was a guest when she was carrying Jeffery (2005) and had been told to stay off her feet & not travel. But she wanted to be on the show to hopefully someday be considered/hired as a co-host so she flew across the country, not following her doctors orders.

Again, an example of her stories contradicting each other....

Wow, I've never heard that but if true it would be pretty shocking given that they struggled for years to get pregnant, and then when they finally did conceive via IVF, she had a high risk pregnancy with twins, miscarried one twin at 11 weeks, and then delivered Jeffrey very prematurely 3 months later, all of which she has discussed publicly. I can't imagine the guilt one would feel defying doctors orders under those circumstances. I hope it's not true.

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Wow, she dissed her child's father right in front of her child, saying The View is better at picking hosts than she is at picking husbands.  And she can't say this was a slip of the tongue since she had it prepared and placed on the teleprompter.

Well, it's the truth isn't it?  It probably still sticks in her craw that he got another women pregnant when they were still married.  I'm pretty sure Jeffery knows all about his Dad, but he's still his Dad!!

Edited by Medicine Crow

The other day we were talking about how The View didn't make a mention about Robin Williams.  ( I think in the Whoopi thread)

I was watching Saturday Night Live and it was a re-run..... but at one point they announced Robin Williams and he came dancing out on stage and after a moment there was a still screen with Robin Williams 1951-2014


It was pretty classy...... something The View could have done to honor Whoopi's friendship with him.


Hope this wasn't off topic. :)

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Wow, she dissed her child's father right in front of her child, saying The View is better at picking hosts than she is at picking husbands.  And she can't say this was a slip of the tongue since she had it prepared and placed on the teleprompter.




Wow, do I detect a note of self-awareness with Sherri?  I know she was going for a laugh but maybe she is realizing she has lousy taste in men.

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The View is airing the entire Final Week Of Barbara as a lead-out for Season 17, leading in to the all-new Season 18.


Mo 9/8: David Letterman, Michael J. Fox, guest co-host Jane Fonda (R 5/12/14)
Tu 9/9: Jimmy Kimmel, Goldie Hawn, Hugh & Deborah Jackman (R 5/13/14)
We 9/10: Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Eric Stonestreet, Martin Short (R 5/14/14)
Th 9/11: Meredith Vieira, Star Jones, Joy Behar, Debbie Matenopoulos, Lisa Ling, Rosie O'Donnell, Elisabeth Hasselbeck (R 5/15/14)
Fr 9/12: Mayor Bill de Blasio, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Cheri Oteri, Michael Douglas (R 5/16/14)

I think that is new. Before all the co-host speculation, I'd never heard of October Gonzalez in my life.


Also, I am looking forward to seeing the last show of Joy, Meredith, and Lisa again, even if the whole show is spent in forced awe at Barbara's feet.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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I think this episode is "new" (I know they added a few tapings during the last 2 weeks of shows) 


Fr 8/29: Brad Paisley, guest co-hosts October Gonzalez & Sage Steele


Interesting they are reairing Jenny's on air goodbye but not Sherri's.


This is what I find so weird about this show. The rumor is that they've hired October Gonzalez, who most people hadn't even heard of before. In all these months of having guest co-hosts, they never had her on, although she was reportedly at the secret audition with Rosie and Whoopi recently. 


I realize that they want to see a potential co-host's chemistry with Rosie and Whoopi. However the fact that they never had October Gonzalez do an on air try out until this very late date tells me they really do not give a crap what the audience thinks of her. 

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they really do not give a crap what the audience thinks of her.


Judging by their Facebook, Twitter and Message Boards, they never gave a crap about much. Except to ignore or delete. Perhaps in this case though, they didn't really care how she came across with former hosts.

Edited by ginger90
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This is what I find so weird about this show. The rumor is that they've hired October Gonzalez, who most people hadn't even heard of before. In all these months of having guest co-hosts, they never had her on.... 


I realize that they want to see a potential co-host's chemistry with Rosie and Whoopi. However the fact that they never had October Gonzalez do an on air try out until this very late date tells me they really do not give a crap what the audience thinks of her.

I remember reading somewhere, I wish I could recall where, that The View was interested in October Gonzalez as part of their goal in hiring a Latina, but they didn't realize until much later that she isn't Latina. The last name comes from marrying her husband, but doesn't reflect her heritage, and the show didn't look further than "Gonzalez" in its research before expressing interest. Probably the same crack team who writes the info on the blue cards.

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marny, I read that somewhere also. So typical for this show!



ETA:  I think it was this article:



As for October's appeal?

"Whoopi liked her and her chemistry test was more of an on-air interview because she doesn't have very much experience compared to the other candidates," the source dished. "They initially picked her because they thought she was Latino but she actually isn't. Her last name is because of her partner Tony, but both Whoopi and Rosie liked Lauren and Nicolle so we'll see what happens."
Edited by LuckyBitch

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