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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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Bitsy Barbie a.k.a. Yellow Dress Lady, said the price of a gun would be ten to twenty thousand dollars. For a gun. Alrighty then.

I haven't seen the discussion, but where the heck did she pull that number from, her yellow dressed ass? The smart gun set (pistol and watch) that's been in the news lately currently retails for around $1,800. Not cheap, but certainly not wildly outrageous in terms of overall gun prices.

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I haven't seen the discussion, but where the heck did she pull that number from, her yellow dressed ass? The smart gun set (pistol and watch) that's been in the news lately currently retails for around $1,800. Not cheap, but certainly not wildly outrageous in terms of overall gun prices.

Because they can't be sold out of state, they would become so rare that they would be prohibitively expensive in New Jersey. And the number one single mom in New Jersey, SHERRI, WASN'T THERE!  With a smart gun in her arsenal, Sherri could let Leximycanecorso free!  I wonder what happened today that was more important than the show....

I don't watch the show, but I just read this article about Whoopi discussing Dump Truck's Ebola tweets today.


Put me down for "No" to Jenny's hair extensions.


Also, I have no idea who YDL is, never heard of her or have seen her before. But, I can see the EH resemblance, including pointing her finger down (at the table, mostly) when she was talking. 

I hated the topic on teachers' tenure and not one person to argue the other side. I have to say, I believe Whoopi has had bad experiences due to her dyslexia or whatever it is, which sums up her bad opinion there. I feel like teachers' tenure is the final frontier to eliminating job rights/security for everyone, so naturally the topic's been poking its head up increasingly the past few years. People for abolishing it always bring out the argument that it's to get rid of bad teachers, which is just an excuse to me (sort of like how people who joke about fat people are "just concerned for their health"). There are some bad teachers who skate by, but the majority who have reached tenure status have been assessed repeatedly for years and deserve some security/support.


I feel sorry for the next generation when they have no good teachers left because parents, government, and talking heads have chased them all away. No, I take that back--I feel sorry for the teachers more.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Right. And Whoops said, "Single moms can get whatever they need."  Ummmm, sure, like enough $ for rent, food, baby sitting, and smart guns.  Today was truly embarrassing for the VIew to represent women's views. Morons.  All of them.



Geez when I was single mom I sure wish I had known I could have whatever I need. Sure would have made my life easier.


When Meredith, Star, Joy and Rosie were co-hosts I do think women's issues were discussed with some knowledge and care. But those were four smart women.  Whoopi is intelligent but honestly I think she is too busy worrying about herself to think about women in general. And I think Jenny and Sherri think about issues that only affect them.  As women we need to think about anything and everything that affects all women.  If something isn't relevant to our lives presently that doesn't mean it won't be in the future or won't be relevant to a woman we know and care about. 


I remember when Elisabeth would talk about women being sisters and how we should all stand together.  Yeah right.  For her that meant all the white Christian conservative Republican women.  With Rosie coming back in the fall I hope the level of conversation is elevated but I won't hold my breath. Especially if S.E. Cupp is sitting at that table.  Just from watching her on Bill Maher's Real Time I know enough to know she will be disaster.  If you thought EH was annoying, just wait till Sippy Cupp starts blathering her word salads.

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I'm getting a little pissed off about how every issue is related to "single moms." It's almost as bad as "soccer moms." Or "moms" in general. I'm 65 and I've never had a child, so I'm nobody's mom. Why doesn't someone stand up for the "un-moms"?


Being a mom is a shared experience for a lot of people, so I don't mind it being mentioned. I'm 63 and also forgot to have kids, so probably you and I have things in common if we were sitting at the oval table.

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As a mom...and I've probably said this before, I don't remember in my 47-ish years of being one...saying anything that started with, "As a mom."  Most of us just gave our opinions on childcare, politics, religion, fashion, sex, world events, etc. without announcing that we were mothers.  Maybe it was just my odd clique (of hundreds).  I don't think my kids have introduced opinions by saying, "As a son...."   Did that all start with Elisabeth?

  • Love 8

Hey GreenKnight, you are so right.  The majority of dedicated teachers (spending our own money, putting in extra time with kids, talking with families, and planning every day, and checking student work everyday), are good with kids.  Bad teachers--I have known some as colleagues--are few and far between. 


I have been noticing the Spew talks alot about negative issues.  Sparks?  Gah!  Let's tell folks about positive interactions between women and community work for families.  Fingers crossed, Rosie will be a force for change. 


Also, I m thinking that Sweaty Geddie may be humping for a job at Fox News--after supporting them all these years, he may start calling in favors. 

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I think a lot of people when saying "as a....." whatever that it somehow makes their opinion more valid or something.  I'm a mother but I don't think my opinion on anything other than how I raised my child is any more important than someone else's on the topic of gun control.  However, the fact that my mother and my son's biological father were both victims of gun violence does make my opinion more valid.


Did that all start with Elisabeth?




With Elisabeth it was always "as a mother" "as a Christian" "as a blond nitwit".  And Sherri is just as bad.  "As a mother" "as a comedienne" "as a Christian, "as a fame crazy twit".

  • Love 9

Oh you betcha! (Hey, Sarah!) Gun control is very important to me because I am a mother. And a wife. And a daughter, a sister, a friend, a neighbor, a dog owner, a citizen. Keep your f*cking guns out of my child's face, out of my Target, out of my movie theater, out of my school, out of my neighborhood watch program and out of my life. I look forward to the topic being discussed during the next mass shooting under Rosie's tenure. While Sherri and Jenny are still around, not so much.

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Being a mom is a shared experience for a lot of people, so I don't mind it being mentioned. I'm 63 and also forgot to have kids, so probably you and I have things in common if we were sitting at the oval table.

I know I could have never been a mom... being a dude and all..... but Im 52 and have never been a dad either. I guess that is why I will never understand why so many adults lose their minds when a baby is brought in the room..... I have nothing against kids... especially when I'm able to send them home with their parents.

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I think a lot of people when saying "as a....." whatever that it somehow makes their opinion more valid or something.  I'm a mother but I don't think my opinion on anything other than how I raised my child is any more important than someone else's on the topic of gun control.  However, the fact that my mother and my son's biological father were both victims of gun violence does make my opinion more valid.




With Elisabeth it was always "as a mother" "as a Christian" "as a blond nitwit".  And Sherri is just as bad.  "As a mother" "as a comedienne" "as a Christian, "as a fame crazy twit".

I will say that the issue can work against people..... I have been told more than once that I should not share my opinion on raising a child because I don't have one. Although, usually that is when I hold a stance which is different than theirs.

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The only time I would use that phrase in a sentence would be:  "As a mom, I have made enough mistakes with my children to fill an entire book so therefore I have no advice or opinion on the subject of child rearing."  It just drives me crazy when Whoopie speaks as if she is the know all and be all in the parenting arena.  Whoopi has admitted that she was an absent mom and she made mistakes and thought of herself first.  Now she is the authority.  But I've never heard her say "as a mom" so I give her a point for that.

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Dang Whoopi is getting all pissy over what some people said on Twitter? I thought she doesn't bother reading that stuff - she certainly said people should not email her because she doesn't care.


Edited to add: and the Suzy Welsh guest tried to turn the issue into how wonderful it is Chris Christie is going after the unions but thankfully Whoopi isn't having that and she said this is not about busting unions and suggested Welch  not conflate the two.

Point, Whoopi.


Oh and the Welsh lady is part of a union (but it's a TV union so apparently that doesn't count) yet she's bashing teacher's unions. It was really funny to watch her dig in and then try to dig her way out of the discussion.

Edited by Stacee
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We got Yellow Dress Lady (YDL) yesterday and Emily Get your Gun lady (again) today.


Gosh, just get to the reruns for the rest of summer already.

I gotta say Nicolle Wallace is probably the best of the conservative guest hosts that have been auditioning so far...... she seems more levelheaded and didn't really get outrageous.... I'm watching the show from yesterday since I wasn't paying attention too much the first time it was on

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Jenny's comment about child birth being like getting kicked in the balls over and over reminded me of a joke I heard....


Which is more painful, Child birth or getting kicked in the nuts??


Obviously getting kicked in the nuts.... because no guy has ever said, kick me in the nuts again..... but lots of women have more than one kid

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I think a lot of people when saying "as a....." whatever that it somehow makes their opinion more valid or something. I'm a mother but I don't think my opinion on anything other than how I raised my child is any more important than someone else's on the topic of gun control. However, the fact that my mother and my son's biological father were both victims of gun violence does make my opinion more valid.

With Elisabeth it was always "as a mother" "as a Christian" "as a blond nitwit". And Sherri is just as bad. "As a mother" "as a comedienne" "as a Christian, "as a fame crazy twit".

That kind of preface would indeed sound ridiculous in most normal conversations. However, I think the view crew would argue that part of their role is to be archetypal representations. In that context I think they've developed the annoying habit of announcing what role they are about to play before commenting on something. "Hey everybody, get ready! I'm putting on my mom hat now." Or the woman of color hat, or the woman of faith hat, etc. Apparently they don't think the audience can figure that part out on their own.

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Oh and the Welsh lady is part of a union (but it's a TV union so apparently that doesn't count) yet she's bashing teacher's unions. It was really funny to watch her dig in and then try to dig her way out of the discussion.



She also gave the impression that "we're not THAT kind of union," and mentioned that they don't picket.  A union is a union is a union...and they did picket some years ago when there was a writers' strike.  She doesn't even realize all the many and grand benefits her union provides for her.  Just another twit.

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I gotta say Nicolle Wallace is probably the best of the conservative guest hosts that have been auditioning so far...... she seems more levelheaded and didn't really get outrageous.... I'm watching the show from yesterday since I wasn't paying attention too much the first time it was on

I have to agree.  She has been the only one intelligent enough to discuss issues.

Edited by Fannysue
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She also gave the impression that "we're not THAT kind of union," and mentioned that they don't picket.  A union is a union is a union...and they did picket some years ago when there was a writers' strike.  She doesn't even realize all the many and grand benefits her union provides for her.  Just another twit.

Yeah it was rather bizarre watching her. Much of what they were saying was hard to understand but it sounded like she was suggesting the TV Union is not that union-y while the Teacher's Union's purpose is picketting. Or something.

Sherri was waving her hands and then Suzy backed off what she was saying and then she dove back in and then backed out again.It was almost like unions are bad, but I'm in a union, but we dont picket so it's not a real union but unions are great but teachers unions are not.

My head was spinning,

Another thing that even irked Sherri was how Suzy was all upset because she says JayZ and Beyonce have a "fake marriage" and are together for money.

Sherri was trying to stay in character by nicely questioning why she was so angry. Seemed Suzy couldn't even articulate why, really. But damnit she was pissed. Then Whoopi had to remind everyone that these two share a child and it's not as simple as what people are claiming.


I have to agree.  She has been the only one intelligent enough to discuss issues.

It helps when she's sitting next to someone like YDL but yes, Wallace can be seen as more reasonable by way of comparison. However, I will never forget how she always tried to polish up and sell Palin during the 2008 elections. I know that was her job but her credibility took a hit with me especially when you consider Palin stopped even halfway pretending she was a rational, reasonable person since then (Thanks McCain!) . I also think a lot of what Wallace says is disengenuous but whatever, I guess it pays the bills.

Edited by Stacee
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She also gave the impression that "we're not THAT kind of union," and mentioned that they don't picket.  A union is a union is a union...and they did picket some years ago when there was a writers' strike.  She doesn't even realize all the many and grand benefits her union provides for her.  Just another twit.

yeah so what she means is she's not in a BLUE COLLAR union-- SHE went to COLLEGE and doesn't get her hands dirty so it's OK for HER to be in a union, but those "lower class" people who aren't educated like she is are just grubbing for money they don't deserve.   Typical elitist republican twat.

Another thing that even irked Sherri was how Suzy was all upset because she says JayZ and Beyonce have a "fake marriage" and are together for money.

Sherri was trying to stay in character by nicely questioning why she was so angry. Seemed Suzy couldn't even articulate why, really. But damnit she was pissed. 



again, her elitist bent coming to the fore… how dare these black people flaunt their wealth, it's soooo awful…. but that swamp turd Trump can blab all about his money and that's ok.

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"yeah so what she means is she's not in a BLUE COLLAR union-- SHE went to COLLEGE and doesn't get her hands dirty so it's OK for HER to be in a union, but those "lower class" people who aren't educated like she is are just grubbing for money they don't deserve.   Typical elitist republican twat."


Rock on, GoldDustWoman! You summed up her attitude very well. The cognitive dissonance on this panel and their guest hosts never ceases to amaze me.

Edited by GiveMeSpace
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Several degrees and teaching certificates (for which I had to pass some pretty grueling tests).  Plus, I'm observed and evaluated three times a year by a variety of administrators.  Tenure doesn't mean that incompetent teachers can't get fired.  If there are teachers on staff that are incompetent, it means that administrators are not doing their jobs and are too lazy to go through the steps in the established process.


Tenure simply means that I can't be fired without due process.  For example, I can't be fired because I gave a student a detention or because he/she earned a poor grade because his/her parent bitches to the superintendent and/or school board about it. 


I have been a member of NJEA for 26 years and I have never picketed.  I have, however, seen NJEA protect teachers who were being railroaded because a parent complained that a teacher wasn't being fair to her little sweetie-pie and even complained to the county on the basis of racial discrimination.  It was NJEA who found out that this parent moved in and out of districts one step ahead of eviction and often made these claims in an attempt to initiate lawsuits and excuse her son's aggressive and disrespectful behavior towards his teachers.  The school board and administration didn't lift a finger to defend or protect their employee.


ETA:  I am currently in an email battle with an incompetent administrator who screwed something up and expects me to correct it.  That's not happening.  They can't fire me for that, either.

Edited by DebbieW
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Whoopi is going off on Sippy Cupp...... the whole issue was about praying in public and she told Whoopi that she doesn't have the right to be upset if someone else is praying.... which isn't what Whoopi was talking about.... she had Sherri explain it to her hahahahhaha


Earlier in the discussion..... Sherri was using prayer as weapon by shouting her prayer while Jenny was trying to read the statement of the Mall who didnt want a prayer circle demonstrating at their Mall

Tenure was instituted for the reasons stated so clearly by DebbieW.

I taught high school for 10 yrs.in the '70's and I was very shocked the first time a collegue was attacked by a parent for comments made during a discussion about politics - during a social studies class in a suburb of Chicago.

High school students should be challenged to learn to think and reason. If you are old enough to remember Chicago during that time, you will remember there was more than enough to discuss.

The school board backed the teacher, but it was a bit nerve wracking for all of us, particularly those of us who had not yet received tenure.

I have never understood why it is so hard for people to understand that regardless of tenure or union contracts, if management is capable, an employee who is not performing can and should be fired.

Failure to fire non performing employees - teachers, construction workers,etc. - is the fault of management period! Lazy management at that

Management has all the power. Tenure and union contracts are simply ways to level the playing field a bit and guarantee a process that ensures the employee has their day in court so to speak!

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Whoopi is unbearable! If I was was sitting at that table I would have backed up SE cupp. She may not be popular, but she was right...whoopi DID say that. Why is everyone so afraid of whoopi?! Maybe because she'll yell and roll her eyes and belittle you if you contradict her.

Whoopi did say that she is glad people are praying but she doesn't want to see prayer circles at the mall or people praying over their food. To me, there is a big difference between those to forms of praying. Saying grace before you eat really shouldn't disrupt anyone anymore then having a conversation with your dinner partner would. Having a prayer circle could be disruptive to people depending on how many were there, how big of a circle they were making and where it was located. I've never been to any mall that would have enough room for a group of people to just stop for a while.

I will agree with Whoopi and disagree with Sunny about the notion that women who get involved with married men deserve to spend eternity in the sauna. I assume that Whoopi has been the "other woman" at some point since she looked like she was taking personal offense to the statement. The man (or person) who is married is the one who is breaking vow/promises that they made to their spouse. The other woman doesn't "owe" the wife anything. Nor is she breaking some universal sisterhood code (is this in same code book that causes women to be catty towards each other?).

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I will agree with Whoopi and disagree with Sunny about the notion that women who get involved with married men deserve to spend eternity in the sauna.




I'm curious if Sunny thinks the married men should be joining those women in Hell.  I don't know a lot about Sunny but I'm going to assume she is a Republican right?  So does she think Cindy McCain should burn for all eternity?  Didn't she become involved with John McCain while he was still married to his first wife?

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I will agree with Whoopi and disagree with Sunny about the notion that women who get involved with married men deserve to spend eternity in the sauna. I assume that Whoopi has been the "other woman" at some point since she looked like she was taking personal offense to the statement.


Well, yeah. Whoopi had an affair with Ted Dansen.  He was married at the time. Around the time that they did the movie "Made In America."


Whoopi is unbearable! If I was was sitting at that table I would have backed up SE cupp. She may not be popular, but she was right...whoopi DID say that.

I'm not a fan of SE Cupp, but I agree she was right. Whoopi might have been trying to make a different point but she is so horribly inarticulate, it sounded like she was saying: "I don't want to see you praying and don't tell me it's mandatory for me to pray." Or some version of that. 

Edited by Fatkat
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I'm curious if Sunny thinks the married men should be joining those women in Hell.  I don't know a lot about Sunny but I'm going to assume she is a Republican right?  So does she think Cindy McCain should burn for all eternity?  Didn't she become involved with John McCain while he was still married to his first wife?

It sounded like Sherri tried to make that point about the married men also going to Hell, and Sunny seemed to agree as an after thought, but she definitely seemed more angry at the women then the men.

I am not sure about anyone going to hell, but Whoopi sure was defending woman who have affairs with married men.  Guess because she is one of them.  Not sure what man in their right mind with cheat with Whoopi, oh wait Ted Dansen.  Wow was she fired up with Sunny and SE.  While arguing with SE, even though she was wrong, Sherri was motioning  "next season, next season".  Is this SE joining the panel?   Love the way Jenny takes every chance to mention her new show.   Sherri really over reacted to the guy running the ride telling Jeffrey he talks too much.  What was so horrible about that, she is really an idiot. 

Edited by LucyEth
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It sounded like Sherri tried to make that point about the married men also going to Hell, and Sunny seemed to agree as an after thought, but she definitely seemed more angry at the women then the men.


This is something I do not understand.  Why women blame and hate "the other woman".  The other woman didn't marry you and recite vows promising to be faithful.  The other woman didn't cheat on you.  Your man did.  Sunny must be cut from the same cloth as Elisabeth.  I remember when Elisabeth spoke about having to guard your marriage because evil was just lurking trying to sabotage it.  Which of course I took to mean harlots hanging out around trying to entice husbands into cheating.  I'm not saying women who have affairs with married men are virtuous pillars of the community by any means but they sure don't need to be condemned to Hell.

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 Whoopi apparently wasn't  listening to herself speak. What's her name did quote her correctly. I guess Whoopi didn't like the way it sounded when spoken back to her? I think she's cracking.

I think what caused the riff was Cupp was 2 comments behind when she spoke up. Whoopi was saying that she doesn't like to be told she should be "praying over her food" That was when S E Cupp said she didn't have the right to be upset because others are praying..... Whoopi did say that previously but not when Cupp chimed in.


I have to say though..... we all have the right to get upset about anything...... what we do not have the right to do is to demand someone change their actions because we don't approve. Although, since the people who own the Mall get to make the rules, they had a complete right to not allow a prayer circle to take place on their property. Saying grace should never be disruptive, but I don't think that was the issue at the mall.

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I am not sure about anyone going to hell, but Whoopi sure was defending woman who have affairs with married men.  Guess because she is one of them.  Not sure what man in their right mind with cheat with Whoopi, oh wait Ted Dansen.  Wow was she fired up with Sunny and SE.  While arguing with SE, even though she was wrong, Sherri was motioning  "next season, next season".  Is this SE joining the panel?   Love the way Jenny takes every chance to mention her new show.   Sherri really over reacted to the guy running the ride telling Jeffrey he talks too much.  What was so horrible about that, she is really an idiot. 

Sunny and Cupp. are joining the view

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Oh yeah Whoopi.. I'm sure people are asking you why aren't you praying over your food.. Tripping over people praying?? For hells sake! I am not religious at all, but seriously?? You have become so ridiculous.. Stick to movies bitch because you are not the end all in the conversation. bitch bitch bitch. fuck her. 

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Personally, I do not want to dodge prayer circles when shopping or on errands. The mall managers/owners have every right to stop prayer circles just as they forbid picket lines inside the mall or solicitors of any kind.

I also believe that my beliefs, or lack of them, are personal and private. I promise not to run around trying to make you share my beliefs and I expect you to do the same.

If I want to hear your religious beliefs I will ask and then I will listen. Please do not accost me in a public space that's not a place of worship!

A quiet prayer before eating is fine, but not atthe top of your voice please.

I do wonder how all these folks would respond if Muslims were to pray out loud at a restaurant before eating? My guess is all their indignation would be of the "how dare they...." variety.

I was thrilled to see Whoopi go after sippy cup. It's about time.

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Whoopi did say that she is glad people are praying but she doesn't want to see prayer circles at the mall or people praying over their food.


I have quite a few very fundamentalist relatives, and when they're in town and we go out to eat, we pray (quietly) at the restaurant table before eating.  I can't say I'm really comfortable with it, but they are, and it's 20 seconds of bowed heads and hushed voices and .. done.  I seriously doubt anyone who wasn't looking at our table would even be aware it happened.  So, sorry to be offensive to Whoopi, but there are so many worse restaurant behaviors than a few seconds' prayer, if she's looking for something to be upset about


Live and let live, right?

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