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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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I loved the 3rd dress - the semi Grecian one with the silver outlined cutouts and the spectacular back.


I'd buy that dress and then get married on the beach in it - and I would look great!!!!! - - ok - - - --30 years ago, but still - - terrific dress!


I seriously don't care whether Jenny gets married in a flour sack or a bikini - and I will never pursue the pics I'm sure they will sell to TMZ

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The last one - a full-on glamour, drop-dead-gorgeous gown by Monique Lhuillier - would be spectacular for a first wedding. It's just inappropriate for a second wedding. And she says the wedding is going to be very, very small? Then why would she wear a long gown?

I agree about the last dress and I really loved the blush pink  Monique Lhuillier (#2) but let's face it, Jenny is going to look good in anything.

Thanks, Cosmocrush, the last dress I believe was a Marchesa. I mixed up my "M"s! 

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And, really, does anyone even care about Jenny and her wedding, especially since she's leaving before it even takes place?



No, probably not.  But I guess The View is letting her get as much mileage out of it as she can now.  Same goes for Sherri's wigs.



Sherri had to be the first and loudest commenter on each dress and then I heard someone say stop it.






I'd buy that dress and then get married on the beach in it



But the question is - can you pee standing up in it?

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Okay, I watched the video at Mediate. Classy, Whoop, real classy.


But, at the very beginning of the clip something struck me as a bit odd. Jenny said that when Donny moved in with her he was surprised that she hadn't yet taught her son how to pee standing up. Huh? Isn't her son 12 years old? And, she's only been dating Donny for a year, right? WTH??


Also, way to go again, Jenny. Please stop talking about your kid and his private business on national TV.

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Since the topic of the dresses is being discussed...... I really didn't like the short dress as a wedding dress..... seemed kinda tacky to me.

Jenny could save herself a lot of time and use Sherri's very expensive wedding dress. Like new! Only used once! Apparently it's up for grabs according to Sherri's tweets. Then again, as I recall Sherri shared that she went commando while wearing it, so....hmmmm.....maybe not.

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The final stretch...


Mo 8/4: Clive Owen, Josh Henderson, guest co-hosts Nicolle Wallace & Kayleigh McEnany
Tu 8/5: Megan Fox, Derek Hough, guest co-host Suzy Welch
We 8/6: Tyra Banks, T.I., guest co-hosts Sunny Hostin & S.E. Cupp
Th 8/7: Patrick Duffy, Nico & Vinz, guest co-host Sage Steele
Fr 8/8: The Muppets


Sunny and Sippy  both on leads me to think they landed the two spots.  Bah. 

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The final stretch...


Th 8/7: Patrick Duffy, Nico & Vinz, guest co-host Sage Steele




UGH. Sage Steele. I can't stand her.

Sunny and Sippy  both on leads me to think they landed the two spots.  Bah.


If I had to choose, I'd pick Sunny over Sip. But a poster on another board said TheView announced on their Facebook page this: "Fall 2014 Hire S.E. Cupp" (h/t Hallie). I don't have a Facebook account so I can't verify nor do I know the context but going by Whoopi's slip of the tonge a couple of weeks back and The View's never ending quest to make sure the show has a political bent, I would not be at all surprised that they've given her that spot. 

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Regarding the Muppets appearance...it's a free commercial for ABC/Disney.

Article excerpt from CNN:

(EW.com ) -- Is it easier being green or going viral?

Disney has launched a new digital series starring the Muppets in support of "The Muppets Most Wanted" release on Blu-ray and DVD August 12. The series, called "Disney Drive-On with The Muppets," follows the characters' adventures in the movie industry and as they interact with various celebrities.

Disney has already released episode 1 of the six-part series, in which Pepe the King Prawn is left in charge of the office and struggles to network with the stars. The remaining episodes, debuting on Fridays, will be available on Disney Movies Anywhere

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oh ugh!


Both those women are unacceptable.  Way to draw a dividing line right down the middle of the table - really - -only two sides to every question??!!  Even complex political and economic ones?


What are we in grade school?


How about some people who are willing and able to DISCUSS topics in an informed way?


I will watch a bit for Rosie, but this is not good news for those of us hoping for a  retooled smart show.

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UGH. Sage Steele. I can't stand her.

If I had to choose, I'd pick Sunny over Sip. But a poster on another board said TheView announced on their Facebook page this: "Fall 2014 Hire S.E. Cupp" (h/t Hallie). I don't have a Facebook account so I can't verify nor do I know the context but going by Whoopi's slip of the tonge a couple of weeks back and The View's never ending quest to make sure the show has a political bent, I would not be at all surprised that they've given her that spot. 


I don't think you need a Facebook account to see The View's Facebook page, I just checked it and don't see a post about hiring Sippy Cup:



Sherri says she has never got sick from shaking hands. How would she know that? People DO pass germs around by hugging, shaking hands, etc. An illness doesn't let you know whee you got the germ.  And it takes a while between the germ and the illness.  The only way you can say you NEVER got sick from shaking hands is if you've never been sick.


That kind of logic always bugs me.  It's like saying Sun exposure doesn't cause skin cancer  because I don't have it.

Edited by backformore
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That comes across as a post from someone hoping she's a Fall hire. No matter because I don't see a post like that there either but I could only get through so many things not posted by whoever runs their FB page.


You're right, @Jaded . I found it. It was a comment posted yesterday on the most recent Facebook post The View did on their page:





It's misleading because that is not The View posting it. It looks like a fan account, but they're using The View's logo just like The View uses on their FB page. Here's the fan FB page:




Oddly, it's an account started in June of 2012 and its URL is "Today Show Needs Deborah Norville". So, now I guess this person switched to a fan page lobbying for various people to be the new co-hosts of The View.

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Sherri says she has never got sick from shaking hands. How would she know that?



Does she remember nothing (oh crap...am I actually asking a question that starts like this?)...does she remember nothing about having a seriously ill preemie and all the precautions taken to be sure everything was antiseptic?  I'm sure she was given instructions about keeping herself and the baby's surroundings scrupulously clean.  That information translates to every day life...just not on such a serious basis.

  • Love 3

That comes across as a post from someone hoping she's a Fall hire. No matter because I don't see a post like that there either but I could only get through so many things not posted by whoever runs their FB page.




You're right, @Jaded . I found it. It was a comment posted yesterday on the most recent Facebook post The View did on their page:





It's misleading because that is not The View posting it. It looks like a fan account, but they're using The View's logo just like The View uses on their FB page.

Ah ok. Thanks for checking on that.

I feel better that wasn't an official announcement or anything. Whew (for now) 

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I can't claim I've never gotten sick from shaking hands, but I only get maybe one cold a year, and I suspect that that one is more likely caused by the fact that I work in a preschool - and I don't shake hands with the kids! I'm not a big believer in over-sanitizing everything. In a public restroom I watch women turn themselves into pretzels trying not to touch faucets, fixtures or door handles, while I wash and dry my hands and walk out the door. When it comes to networking or meeting people professionally, I just don't see many people fistbumping these days.

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On my PVR listing Thursday, it says that they will have a look back at "Jenny's best moments."  Which means...her first day on the show with Donnie, a quick shot of "Date My Dad" , the day she and Donnie were at the haunted house for Halloween, a quick shot of her Miley Cyrus Mouth Halloween costume, some embarrassing bon mots about her son, the engagement announcement and...that's it.  Unless she did something dazzling in the past year that is worth mentioning. 

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SE Cupp has been a Glenn Beck employee and acolyte for years. That's all you really need to know about her. She's not a deliberately cruel bomb thrower like Ann Coulter, but she is way out on the RW fringe; arrogant, obnoxious, snide and condescending. I'll give her credit for being more articulate than Bitsy, but otherwise...oy. No...just...no....

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Jenny just mocked the term "smart gun".... she made it sound like guns are stupid... when just last week she was harping on how families with kids need to have guns..... maybe she just doesn't remember what she thinks from day to day



I think this is in the contract of all The View panelists...either that, or their memory banks are scrubbed at every commercial break.

The lady in the yellow dress seems to just be playing to the cameras. I'm really not sure why she's there; her opinions are not that insightful and whenever she says something it comes off as very scripted (NJ law! Single mothers won't be able to afford a smart gun! Single mothers!!!!)


Nicole Wallace was careful in not saying the Teacher's Union should be dismantled but she did get in a sort of potshot about how the issue is "fracturing the Democratic Party" (news to me). And then we had Whoopi wag her finger, telling the audience members who are teachers to boot out the bad ones.


The more I see of Jenni at the table, the more I realize she really was a bad fit for the show.

I don't hate her or anything; I think she's funny and a bit kind hearted. But she needs her own venue, her own show to express her own view without a blue card or directions on what stance to make. I really hope the radio gig works out for her.

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The lady in the yellow dress seems to just be playing to the cameras. I'm really not sure why she's there; her opinions are not that insightful and whenever she says something it comes off as very scripted (NJ law! Single mothers won't be able to afford a smart gun! Single mothers!!!!)

That fox blonde was so ridiculous she made Nicole Wallace seem reasonable and I can't stand Wallace. Not only was she playing to the cameras but she seemed to wait for some way to include her talking points then she was done. Maybe they are trying to make us think Sippy Cupp and/or Sunny aren't all that bad.

During the talk regarding Israel, I saw Nicole put her hand over the blonde's hand and she actually stopped her from talking and let Nicole speak. Maybe somebody should have tried that with Bitsy. HA!

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She sounds like she has a speech impediment!!??


Along with a brain impediment. She was actually arguing against the smart gun because they'd likely be so expensive that New Jersey housewives wouldn't be able to afford to arm themselves. What the hell?!

I felt like Whoopi wanted to reach over and smack that girl.


ETA: Sorry for repeating what you said, Stacee.


Really though. What the hell?!

Edited by Fisher King
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 She was actually arguing against the smart gun because they'd likely be so expensive that New Jersey housewives wouldn't be able to afford to arm themselves. What the hell?!

If I'm remembering correctly (and I could very well be wrong beacuse listening to them talking can frazzle the brain), she was advocating against smart guns because single moms wouldn't be able to afford them. Because they are single. And moms.

Then she kept talking about a New Jersey law or something. Ya know, due to the fact that NJ is all 50 states.

Please add my "what the hell" in with yours.


I don't normally care for Whoopi's style but in that case, I loved how she got an exasperated look on her face when the yellow dress lady made that point. She also pushed back against it. I think Wallace (Dissy, I can't stand her either) made a valid point regarding how there has to be a demand for them, which most likely would lower the cost.

In fact, I almost got the impression Wallace was sort of distancing herself from yellow dress lady.

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I googled her


Kayleigh is a conservative commentator who is currently in the second year of pursuing her J.D. at Harvard Law School.  Kayleigh graduated from Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service with a BSFS in International Politics. She also studied politics at Oxford University, St. Edmund Hall. Kayleigh serves as editor-in-chief and founder of Political Prospect.


Harvard Law and Georgetown???? Please add my "what the hell" in with yours, too.

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My favorite part today was when Whoopi  was trying to "respectfully" comment on Donald Trumps latest ignorant blathering [while slipping in a fart joke, nice] by saying, "Do your homework.  Just do your homework.  I mean if WE know that it's not contagious [through the air] then you should too."  Hahahaha!  That's right Whoopi, if this craptastic fountain of half-facts and misinformation can get it right then I guess she rightfully thinks anyone should be able to do it too. 

  • Love 10

If I'm remembering correctly (and I could very well be wrong beacuse listening to them talking can frazzle the brain), she was advocating against smart guns because single moms wouldn't be able to afford them. Because they are single. And moms.

In fact, I almost got the impression Wallace was sort of distancing herself from yellow dress lady.

Bitsy Barbie a.k.a. Yellow Dress Lady, said the price of a gun would be ten to twenty thousand dollars.  For a gun.  Alrighty then. 


@Stacee I had the same impression about Wallace and the YDL and it tickled me because yes, the teacher union issue could fracture that segment of those Democratic voters but Wallace's own party is already split thanks in large part to the Tea Party members like YDL. 

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Can't anyone ever have a rational discussion of guns for protection?  And labeling it an issue for SIngle Moms?  I don't get it at all.


I'm sure Whoopi can shot straight at a problem, Jenny I wouldn't trust because I don't think she would put in the work to learn how to actually shoot under stress at another human being and Sherri - I better be miles away from her and her gun.


How about buying a can (or better yet, ,many cans - one for each room, the purse and the car) of wasp spray if you are so worried?  No worries about the kids finding it and killing one another, no worries about unlocking it, loading it, aiming it and shooting it at the right target in a crisis....if you miss no worries and if you hit one of the kids or a friend, well it will be an awful hour or so, but the person won't be dead.


Just a thought about an alternative for all these scared women - admittedly celebrities do have concerns the average person doesn't.

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Can't anyone ever have a rational discussion of guns for protection?  And labeling it an issue for SIngle Moms?  I don't get it at all.


I'm sure Whoopi can shot straight at a problem, Jenny I wouldn't trust because I don't think she would put in the work to learn how to actually shoot under stress at another human being and Sherri - I better be miles away from her and her gun.


How about buying a can (or better yet, ,many cans - one for each room, the purse and the car) of wasp spray if you are so worried?  No worries about the kids finding it and killing one another, no worries about unlocking it, loading it, aiming it and shooting it at the right target in a crisis....if you miss no worries and if you hit one of the kids or a friend, well it will be an awful hour or so, but the person won't be dead.


Just a thought about an alternative for all these scared women - admittedly celebrities do have concerns the average person doesn't.

Totally agree!!!  I have a half dozen cans of wasp spray distributed strategically around my house.  Very comforting & no worries about "mechanical failure".

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Started watching today and was waiting for Sherri's breasts to enter and they weren't there...or Sherri either.  Boo to Yellow Dress Lady (YDL) - her official name now.


That jalepeno that Evan carries everywhere is kinda cute.  Hey, if he doesn't care that it's a little odd, more power to him if he loves it.


It always makes me laugh when people talk about stuff they really know nothing about - like the gun discussion.  It is amazing to me how so many "news" people know nothing about the real, real life facts and real life situations.


Please a big NO to YDL as a co-host.  I can't stand her voice and couldn't listen to it every day.

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Thank you Whoopi for today's smackdown of the blonde Barbie (YDL, though she was more of a girl to me, so maybe YDG?). Especially during the Israel topic and the facts on the broken cease-fires. Frankly I'm completely shocked at YDL's resume; if she graduated from Georgetown and is currently studying at Harvard, then why does she sound like that!?

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Thank you Whoopi for today's smackdown of the blonde Barbie (YDL, though she was more of a girl to me, so maybe YDG?). Especially during the Israel topic and the facts on the broken cease-fires. Frankly I'm completely shocked at YDL's resume; if she graduated from Georgetown and is currently studying at Harvard, then why does she sound like that!?

Do you mean her accent or her lack of knowledge?

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I'm getting a little pissed off about how every issue is related to "single moms." It's almost as bad as "soccer moms." Or "moms" in general. I'm 65 and I've never had a child, so I'm nobody's mom. Why doesn't someone stand up for the "un-moms"? 


Which, BTW, the YDL also is. So why was she so passionate about the need for single moms to have guns? 


Funny how they were talking about their childbirth experiences and she threw in a comment about how surrogacy was the way to go. AND SHERRI WASN'T THERE! Oh, I would have loved to have seen Sherri's reaction to that. 

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Yellow dress lady needed voice lessons to come down a couple tones and modify the babyish voice.  Her resume is unbelievable given her presentation of "facts"--which WHoops shot down.  The smart gun discussion was ridiculous. Single moms need  guns according to YDL, cuz the stats show that there are so many home attacks on them???  I am not aware of the upswing of these crimes.   Or is it that as women, and as women protecting kids, we are more afraid???? Or conned into thinking we need guns, rather than dogs, wasp spray, pepper spray, alarm systems, a support system, etc. 


  Right. And Whoops said, "Single moms can get whatever they need."  Ummmm, sure, like enough $ for rent, food, baby sitting, and smart guns.  Today was truly embarrassing for the VIew to represent women's views. Morons.  All of them.

BTW, I have lived alone for seven years, since my son went to college). I was afraid sometimes. But nothing ever happened. Good door locks, an alarm system, and a cell phone are my security. I have been fortunate to live in several safe areas.

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