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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.

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Candace Cameron Bure was just asked what she thought about the discussion she was listneing to.... and she said I have so many thoughts in my head... the guest host beside her said just say I am right.... so she did and that was the end of her participation..... what compelling argument she must have had in her head..... so much that she couldnt share them


why is she on the show??

Yeah, I didn't get the whole duck thing.  Booorrrrriiiinnnnng. 


Ditto to the weird wife of Jason Biggs.  A hooker???? for your FIRST anniversary!  Right.  That's beyond normal.   Now she has a baby?  Oh, Lord, Sherri has competition for stupidest celebrity.

My exwife never got me a hooker.... where can we find these women??

Edited by RogerFromOhio
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Candace Cameron Bure was just asked what she thought about the discussion she was listneing to.... and she said I have so many thoughts in my head... the guest host beside her said just say I am right.... so she did and that was the end of her participation..... what compelling argument she must have had in her head..... so much that she couldnt share them


why is she on the show??

My exwife never got me a hooker.... where can we find these women??

Her husband isn't there to tell her what she thinks, so Will is her stand-in.  It's great that Sherri isn't there, but it only gives will more time to push his agenda!

I wish that Whoopi would moderate & not stick her opinions in so much.

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why is she on the show??

Blonde? Check.

Skinny? Check.

Christian? Check.

Republican? Check.

As far as having nothing to say, no biggie.  Once she gets hired on as Elisabeth 2.0., she will get all the same private morning meetings with Sweaty G. and he will be filling her ear piece with all of his talking points so she will manage much the same way that EH did.

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Blonde? Check.

Skinny? Check.

Christian? Check.

Republican? Check.

As far as having nothing to say, no biggie.  Once she gets hired on as Elisabeth 2.0., she will get all the same private morning meetings with Sweaty G. and he will be filling her ear piece with all of his talking points so she will manage much the same way that EH did.

saddly you are probably right.... they promote that The View is live and real so much because it is scripted and fake...... Honestly it would be a great show if the hosts were able to actually speak their minds...... have you all noticed that if a Left leaning guest is on the show they never talk politics...... but those Right wing guests promote the Right wing agenda all the time

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Her husband isn't there to tell her what she thinks, so Will is her stand-in.


It is an absolute shame that a show that was originally supposed to be for women insists upon having women hosts who look to men for their opinions.

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It is an absolute shame that a show that was originally supposed to be for women insists upon having women hosts who look to men for their opinions.

Most men find strong opiniontated women attractive.... I know I do.... the problem is the insecure, weak men are the ones who get the most press

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This same group of people that want small government and preach about privacy are always so concerned about what people do in private in their bedrooms. 


I thought people should have personal responsibility? Raise your own children with the values important to you. Such hypocrites. 


Shut. up. Will. You smarmy dick. Go away and take your fugly jacket with you. Then burn it.

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I hope it's okay to use photos here, since there's a photo button....


But it finally dawned on me who Will Cain (who I never heard of before he appeared on The View) reminds me of, physically:  Eb the Handyman from "Green Acres"!


With Ted Cruz being Mr Haney's doppelganger, it seems the Far Right is recreating Hooterville.



Edited by ChicagoCita
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I have a couple of issues with Candace. One being her horrible, grating voice but the other much bigger issue is that I totally forget that she even exists between segments.  They'll come back from an ad and start talking and Candice will start talking. Every time she does that, I look up and think,  "oh yeah, Candace Cameron Bure.  I forgot she existed.".  And seeing Will Cain again is like finding a turd in the punch bowl.

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What is The View's problem Geddie? Hillary's book was released 6/10. On the 17th it was said it had sold 60,000 copies. I heard on CNN last evening 100,000 have been sold. At the end of the show introducing the green diet spot today WG said the book was outselling Hillary's. That doesn't even sound like WG (except in this case being read from the teleprompter.


I'm not talking politics here.....just Geddie's agenda.

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Will Cain is such a tool saying   Hillary Clinton  was a 60's Chicago lefie - and being one of them... of course she smoked pot.


Hillary in the 60's was a Park Ridge (Chicago burb) republican and supported  Goldwater . Oy!

Edited by sheetmoss
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It's so funny (tm Sherri) hearing Jenny say to consult a doctor and not take the advice of celebrities regarding medical matters.

Who is this Will person? I gather he works for Glenn Beck? What an arrogant buffoon! And Candace contributed nothing to the not so hot topics. If she gets hired at least that will be one person not competing to be heard.

I had to laugh at Whoopi tearing up the blue cards.

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It's so funny (tm Sherri) hearing Jenny say to consult a doctor and not take the advice of celebrities regarding medical matters.




Jenny actually said that?  I guess she meant except for when she is the celebrity.  And Sherri of course when she is discussing diabetes. And she probably means Elisabeth when she is talking about celiac disease.

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I have a couple of issues with Candace. One being her horrible, grating voice but the other much bigger issue is that I totally forget that she even exists between segments.



Yeah, Bronzedog, we might be subjected to another screecher for as long as this dreck of a show lasts.  That must be the pitch and volume Daddy Geddie prefers.

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Some of that sputtering Candace did may have had to do with her knowing what she wanted to say wasn't going to be received well and she couldn't think of a way to make her 'view' palatable for the general viewing audience. I say that because I also saw the faces she made during some segments when things were discussed that she clearly didn't agree or approve with which made her mighty fidgety.

I had never heard of Will before but once he said his boss was Beck everything clicked and fell into place regarding him and his attitude. 

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OMG... the first hot topic is Facebook crashed for like 20 minutes last night... and they are saying that they freaked out because they couldnt access their facebook..... the mistake they are making is Facebook went down between 3 and 4 am when all these hosts were asleep


just another fake scripted hot topic

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This show is boring now. I'm tired of Sherri's blathering and big ass smile, her sleeveless dresses/tops, her ghastly stupidity, and her hands flying all over the table. I'm tired of Whoopi's know-it-all attitude, Jenny's vapid smile, and the lame guest hosts. I'm kind of sad admitting that I'm over it. And also? I'm tired of them kissing Bill Geddie's ass and seeing his mug on my TV.

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Oh my gosh, Candace Cameron Bure's voice! Was anyone else so annoyed by it? She sounds like the female Steve Urkel. Not to mention she's definitely very geeky and I was a little embarrassed for her on the last 2 shows! 

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Haven't seen today yet (still at work) but watched yesterday.  Candace = Elisabeth 2.0.  She'll probably land at FauxNews, too.  Cookie cutter conservative, shrill, 'not the sharpest knife in the drawer' bottle blonde.


I'm done with Sherri, too.  Since the *ahem* alleged breakup she's been trying way too hard on all counts.  Everything she does has been turned up to 11.

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I was actually watching today but was saved by the President, good time for breaking news. I am so over motor mouth Sherri. No conversation can be finished because of her constant chattering. Of course, she knows all and has an opinion on absolutely everything. Now she even knows what Whoopi is going to say and she just keeps going and going. Kind of like the engergizer bunny.

It was kind of funny to watch Bill Rancic try to speak. He kept trying though.

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When Dr. Richard Besser was talking about vaccinations and how they don't last as long because of how they were changed and etc. he kept looking at Jenny and seemed like he was trying to be as delicate as possible when explaining everything.

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Whooping cough has such a unique sound, it's surprising that someone didn't suggest it to Whoopi.  Also, the period of contagion is much longer than she mentioned. I'm 74 and whooping cough was around more often when I was a kid...but we all thought of it as very dangerous.  Kids were kept home from school.  We couldn't play with those sick kids.  I wonder if Whoopi really had a confirming test.


As for Bill Rancic...he always rubs me the wrong way.  Such a holier than thou type.  Brag-brag-brag that his reality show (is there more than one?) isn't his "only source of income."  No!  You claim to be a big developer but I'd wager a few pennies that your wife's TV gigs are the main way your lives are financed.  His reality show is all "positive" and providing good public service information about fertility, surrogacy, etc. 


Most of today's show was pre-empted here (AZ) by President Obama's press conference on Iraq.  I usually see those comments from other areas of the country; it rarely happens here because of our time zone.

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Since when do people go around saying they had "whooping cough"? It's been known by the name "pertussis" for decades. The reason it's called "whooping" is because the cough is so distinctive that it sounds like an actual "whoop" because you can't catch your breath before the next cough hits you. It starts to sound like a death rattle. 


I had an upper respiratory infection a few months ago and the coughing got so bad I was wondering...but I've actually had my Dtap (Diptheria, tetanus, pertussis) booster within the past year. If Whoopi had had it, they would have heard that cough. She did say she had it for the week that they were off. Wasn't that right after Barbara's farewell week? So she exposed an 84-year-old woman to one of the scourges of the century? I don't think so. 

Edited by CousinAmy
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It was my understanding that Whoopi found out she had it during the week they were off.  She was spreading it prior to that, if she indeed had it. This show, as with many topics they discuss, sucks when it comes to medical knowledge, imo of course!

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I have to say, not being familiar with whooping cough, I can see how Whoopi worked a while before going to the doctor. Plus I had no clue adults should get a booster shot for it as that doctor suggested - and I am a senior. So I am grateful Whoopi brought the subject up. What I couldn't believe is how offended Sherri was.

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Let me ease your minds.  By the time we found out what it was, it was long, long finished.

Whoopi:  You know I would have said something.

Sherri [yelling]: You didn’t know you had it though.

This is the point Sherri was arguing, and in my opinion, Sherri was correct. Whoopi can't help that she didn't know the minute she had it. But, what she doesn't seem to grasp is she had it quite a while before she KNEW she had it. Today is the first she even thought of mentioning it? That just seemed wrong to me and ****LIVE*** on tv besides.

Edited by ginger90
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Ross tried to calm things down with the wise crack that it seems like it is something you would get on Little House on the Prairie, it’s old-fashioned sounding.

Normally, I can't stand Ross, but this show makes any ordinary shlub seem like Albert Einstein compared to the Mensa Brain Trust. 

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But wouldn't Sherri be re-assured by the fact that her kid has been VACCINATED for pertussis?   The real danger is spreading it to infants who haven't had their shots yet (or children of parents who follow Jenny M's advice)


I didn't watch the whole show.  But I did see the Gosseln teens on video being all snotty and like normal teens, not wanting to participate in some part of the reality show that is their lives. Good for them!   Teenagers are entitled to some privacy - to have a birthday party that isn't on TV, to not have their personal lives dissected by strangers.  These kids have been profoundly affected by not having "normal"  childhoods, since everything they do is in front of cameras.   Sherri pissed me off with her attitude that Kate is a singel mom!  and her ex is "not a CEO", so the only way to support these kids is the reality show!   How insutling to The View audience. most of whom are able to support their families without the beneit of a fat paycheck from a reality show!


Sherri yelling about "the show puts food in your mouth!"   Right, because children al over America are starving to death if their parents don't put them on TV!    I'm sitting here, feeling sorry for these teen girls and Sherri acts like they're  spoiled brats for wanting some basic privacy. 

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Backformore, I just said the same thing on the Sherri thread!

The doctor said that whooping cough is making a comeback among adults and children because the vaccine had been re-formulated in the 1990s and was weaker than the original. Whoopi probably had the vaccine in the '60s, though, and it might just have worn off.

So Sherri was right to think that if she got the pertussis from Whoopi, she could have spread it to Jeffrey.

Get your Dtap, folks!

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I just a little skeptical of Whoopi's "self-diagnosis."  Maybe she went to a doctor, but sometimes Whoopi reminds me of the crazy old aunt.  Self-diagnosis and home remedies kind of person.  Anyway, I recall in the past, Whoopi saying one time that she had "the flu".  Not a bug, or 24-hour virus, or something like that.  She was gone for a 1 or 2 days and she admitted that she had been sick all week on the show.  Could be a false memory that I have.  But I don't she how she could have hidden the cough for a week.

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Backformore, I just said the same thing on the Sherri thread!

The doctor said that whooping cough is making a comeback among adults and children because the vaccine had been re-formulated in the 1990s and was weaker than the original. Whoopi probably had the vaccine in the '60s, though, and it might just have worn off.

So Sherri was right to think that if she got the pertussis from Whoopi, she could have spread it to Jeffrey.

Get your Dtap, folks!

LOl they actually had a doctor talking about the benefits of vaccines of Jenny's head didn't explode? 


I think the best time of this show was when Rosie O'Donnel was on. I just loved to see Lizzy squirm. 

What really annoyed me about his show is that they have to rush through shit to get everything to fit in. It happens alot and it just annoyed me. 

Edited by BollywoodLover
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It really annoys me when someone's personal tragedy is then designed to be entertaining to the masses. I have no idea what we were supposed to take away from the car accident and death of their family members........ I was not entertained

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Sherri pissed me off with her attitude that Kate is a single mom!  and her ex is "not a CEO", so the only way to support these kids is the reality show!   How insulting to The View audience. most of whom are able to support their families without the benefit of a fat paycheck from a reality show!



Yep, Backformore, no matter how many times Sherri is "corrected" by Whoopi, her peers, and the viewers, she comes back to this same mantra: the only way for Kate (and many others) to support their families in splendor is Reality TV.  Okay...so let's say that's the M.O. for Kate.  What is she teaching her kids?  Are they going to have to scramble to come up with ideas of how to support themselves/their families on television?   Perhaps Sherri can have a new segment (get rid of What's Poppin') and have experts come on to provide financial advice to those single women who have to start over...and include some "where are they now" stories.

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That is a good term Ellie "Cynic" forgiveness is a wonderful thing..... but it seems like the whole thing should have been a private affair..... the court date was in 2011..... why is this being made a public spectical today?? Jaded works as well as cynic

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As most of you know, I'm no prude, but I thought Sherri & then Jenny saying they were horny while discussing "whatever" the topic, was highly uncalled for & totally inappropriate for daytime T.V.  Just sayin'.  But then, are they saying that just to solidify their personas??

Edited by Medicine Crow
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In regards to the two ladies and the car accident; the case was just closed last month. Tamara pleaded guilty to misdemeanor homicide, and was sentenced to 36 months probation and 500 hours of community service. Sandra Walker is a better person than me. It would be so hard to forgive, even an accident. Bittersweet for both of them I'm sure. 

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Next week (so far)

Mo 6/23: Bill Maher, Tai Beauchamp, guest co-host Carolina Bermudez

Tu 6/24: Noah Wyle, Ben Savage, Danielle Fishel, guest co-host Carolina Bermudez

We 6/25: Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth, New Edition

Th 6/26: Keira Knightley, Jay Thomas


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The first segment today about men's shoe size relating to another body part size (WTF?) was so inappropriate. Welcome to morning TV, folks. Then Sherri and Jenny admitting the conversation made them horny, Bill Rancic reassuring everyone that he had no problems...size, endurance, no, nothing like that. Poor Ross, trying to lighten the mood. Good grief! It's high school all over again. At the end, Sherri was wiggling to the music in her head (she needs an evaluation as to whether her fillings conduct music from radio waves). Thank jeebus I record this mess so I can use the FF button. Yet, I record. My bad.

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Concerning the Sandra Walker / Tamara Matthews story, I found this story of such incredible forgiveness very thought provoking - and sad.  According to news reports I read, Walker sustained brain damage that makes it impossible for her to live independently, so she continues to live the effects of the crash every minute of her life.  And the accident happened in 2011, so Walker has had a lot of time to change her mind about forgiving Matthews if she wanted to but continues to feel forgiveness. 


When Matthews was asked if she has forgiven herself, I found it interesting that she said she started to when Walker forgave her.   


I don’t know if I would be able to forgive in this situation.  There are some things that have been done to me by other people far less devastating than what happened here and I still harbor resentments.  So forgiveness in a situation like this does seem incredible to me.  It seems to me that forgiveness will be far healthier for Walker’s two young children.  What a horrible thing for these families to have to struggle with everyday.


(Don’t worry - the cynic in me is alive and well: I kept waiting for the book sales pitch and screeching audience members wetting their pants over getting a free book.  Guess that comes later ... ... )




I just read that article and the two articles linked at the end of the Daily Mail article and I still don't understand what caused the accident. The Daily Mail only says:


Police said the crash happened when Matthews drove her black minivan across the center line into the Walker family's white minivan on November 5, 2011...


One of the articles they link to says:


Police say Tamara Matthews was behind the wheel of an out-of-control minivan that slammed into the Walker family car...


I'm left wondering why her car was out of control and crossed the center line. Was she on a cell phone while driving? Looking at the GPS? Distracted by something else?? Did it come up on the show today?


When my son was two years old, my SUV was almost hit on the passenger side of the car right where he was sitting in his car seat in the back seat. A crash didn't happen only because of my quick reaction and defensive driving as I saw her swerve into my lane while driving about 70 mph on a major highway. She was to my right and I had to swerve into the lane to my left, (the far left lane), which thankfully had an opening at that precise moment. Trying to get far enough away from her, I came within a couple of inches of hitting the concrete barrier wall.


When I finally recovered my vehicle and got a look at her, that's when I saw that the stupid fucking bitch was on her cell phone (still!) and she looked at me like, "Uh, oh, I fucked up". Well, heaven forbid that didn't work out right and something tragic happened, I never would have forgiven the dumb bitch. In fact, I might even have killed her myself had the worst possible nightmare happened due to her need to use her fucking cell phone while speeding down a major highway. Forgiveness for that reckless, dangerous, selfish act would never even have been in the realm of possibility.


Years later, just the thought of that very close call still freaks me out. My one major regret is that I didn't try to get to the right lane and follow her as she exited the highway so I could eventually call the police, (while stopped at a red light), so she could have been ticketed.

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All the woman said, when asked how the accident happened, was her vehicle went out of control.  I got the impression that it was one of those mechanical failures that they're probably still suing for & she wasn't going to elaborate.  But .... that's just my interpretation.

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What's confusing though is, if it was a mechanical failure and not the fault of the driver, why would she need forgiveness? I mean, the woman lost her own son, too. The story was confusing.

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I think this accident story was a really hard one to discuss on the show. I think they were just trying to talk about Sandra Walker forgiving Tamara for the crash. After a long search, I found a story right after the accident. At that time it was reported that Tamara Matthews was speeding and weaving through traffic. It was thought she tried to pass a city bus and went across the center line and hit the Walker family. That was the first reports not to say that is exactly what happened. Whatever it was though, she was charged with causing the accident.

Thanks goodness BW wasn't there for this interview. Just imagine her questions!

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Thank you celi cat and boots for the clairification...... I misread the article...... since it was just a recient court case that is why they were on the show. Im glad I asked

I agree Ellie.... my criticism was toward the show not the women..... Im not sure I could be as forgiving..... but I have no doubt that their forgiveness was a better way to handle this tragedy

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Ugh, why does Whoopi have to out-do everyone and think she knows everything? Sherri says she's getting horny talking about shoe size and dicks, Jenny said she is getting a bit randy over it and Whoopi has to remind everyone that she is always horny. Barfworthy topic and FFS, make it stop!

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Ugh, why does Whoopi have to out-do everyone and think she knows everything? Sherri says she's getting horny talking about shoe size and dicks, Jenny said she is getting a bit randy over it and Whoopi has to remind everyone that she is always horny. Barfworthy topic and FFS, make it stop!


Yuck. I am so glad that I no longer watch The Spew. They all should all be fired as far as I'm concerned. It's far past time to either start over with a  total revamp or just  kill the show for once and for all.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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