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S06.E13: Spinning A Web

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The ladies take a spin class to raise funds for charity, but flying allegations mark the follow-up lunch. Here, Yolanda targets Kyle for spreading gossip and then confronts Lisa Vanderpump. Meanwhile, Kathryn tries to gain Erika's trust.
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Yikes - so Kathryn says she's going to be a real friend to Erika (who doesn't trust women) and then goes right to the other women and tells them what Erika said about LVP?!

I don't blame Kathryn. Erika seems a little obsessed with Lisa. I think Yolanda and Erika had a plan to finally take Lisa down.

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Loved LVP's house! 


Eileen has very low Emotional Intelligence it appears.  Let me say:  LVP and Eileen will never, ever get each other nor be close friends.  Eileen was off base.  


Can't wait to see the rest of the season!!!   

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My open e-mail to Yolanda Hadid Foster:

Fuck off. We are over your issues. You are not owed any further apologies. Your game is entirely transparent.


Everything else was at least vaguely interesting. Erika is clearly projecting every one of her flaws onto LVP. That said, LVP has proven in multiple occasions that she's incapable of apologizing. Still, there are worse sins.

Eileen Davidson is stunning and might be the most beautiful woman to ever grace the franchise.

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Classic narcissists (npd) can never be accountable - their egos are far too fragile in spite of their carefully crafted false selves. That's what I see in LVP, and possibly Yolanda too. These shows are filled with such people because they bring the drama, but it really is a sad disorder.

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WTF happened to Eileen tonight? She's Miss Won't Let It Go Without Total Closure.

Exactly... Its so very odd that she's so emotional about nothing.. Reminds me of RHOA like the ladies got together and are adamant about taking Lisa down. The problem is it isn't going to happen.

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Erika now strikes me as a sober Brandi..... "she's shooting from the side, don't get caught in her web...."

IMO, she IS saying things from Brandi but in her own words/vernacular instead of Brandi's words and she got them from Yolanda.


Geez, I wouldn't want Kathryn for a friend. So no wonder Erika doesn't trust women for friends.

And here we go with the stupid drama between Eileen and LisaV again! I thought that had been laid to rest. These women are all such ding bats!

Kyle made a good point about Yo's email message; if Yo's brain is so badly affected by her Lyme disease why was the email so articulate. Oh, and she did remember how to send an email too.

How many times does Lisa need to apologize to Eileen? Really, how many times? It wasn't Lisa that brought it up, it was Eileen and this third apology was still not enough for her.

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Finally a good episode!


I liked Erika in this one, and to a point, Katherine, and even Yo held her own.  Kyle's obvious mean-girl ways were on display, and I think Eileen actually VERY MUCH finally showed Lisa's ass. 

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The thing is, these women want to try to change a person's whole persona.  Kyle is friends with Lisa because she accepts that Lisa is a chess player.  You make a note of it and move on.  Once you do that, you can enjoy a friendship with her.  All of these women have quirks about them that would make a person be on their guard around them.  If you can't handle that trait in that person, choose to be an acquaintance instead of a friend.  If you feel you can't trust them, keep them at arms length.  For instance, I see Yolanda as a vapid asshole.  But apparently Erika does not.  She can be friends with Yolanda, but there is no way in hell I could ever be in the same room as that bitch-on-wheels.  Everyone has their threshold of tolerance.  Deal with it, or not.

They're under contract to deal with each other - otherwise most of them wouldn't bother with the others.
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I always liked Eileen. Until tonight. Jesus! Drop it!!! Hate Kathryn and I'm starting to hate Erica. Living on the east coast kept me out of jail tonight because if I lived near Beverly Hills, I'd have to go steal Bambi and rename her Kingsley. That way no one would ever come looking for her.


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Kathryn always looks so dopey. Mouth open, eyes bugged out. She's like Mr. Furley.

If Lisa V wasn't rich, she'd be called an animal hoarder. I could see it if they had rescues. Enough with the animals woman.

OMG get Jenny McCarthy off my screen. Couldn't stand that woman the moment she came on MTV years ago.

Edited by charmed1
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I thought Kyle was the shit stirrer tonight-twice! She so looks like Kim in her talking heads when she makes fun of the other women. I've missed so many episodes, I'm not even trying to know the new ones. I'll be around longer then they.

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Wow this episode was hot mess (dot).org!


Lemonlymes continues to play the victim and spin cycle on her castmates.  The lunch was so telling how when she's back into a corner here comes her idle threats!  "I know a lot what's in the vault, Kyle"  Oh really you sure your brain function will allow this??? For someone to say they tell their kids not to play dirty who is playing the dirtiest now?


The next thing, that was clearly passive aggressive, was Lemonlymes had the nerve to send a carbon copy email to Kyle and the other women to call them out on their behavior and lack of support towards her Lymes!  But the best part she says in her talking head to paraphrase, "my brain function was so bad I just had to write an email to explain my displeasure to the other women."  Ummm if Yo is as sick as she claims the last thing she would do is type an email to grill them on their behavior.  Plus if her brain function is yet again failing, why hop on a computer at all!  She's full of shit and I'm over her.


Then here comes the great disappointment of the night - Eileen.  Ok, I love me some Eileen but if it's one thing I hate about others is when they clearly upset they don't want to express their feelings or what's pissing them off.  She's still pissed Lisa V won't give her a genuine enough apology about bringing her affair.  Well, if that's it, she needs to stop dancing around it.  But her fear of calling out LVP because she's afraid of the social media response is probably playing into it.  She knows if she outright says why she's mad, most fans of LVP will attack her.  At least that's the impression I get.  Because why would she keep saying "I can't say what I want to you (LVP)."  Still, if you're not gonna come out with then don't bring it up most people don't like guessing games.


Oh and Kathryn, the bore of the season, snitched out Erika.  Surprise, surprise!  She must want her second season afterall and based off of the 2nd half of the season preview she will be working hard at it.



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I was lost for a moment because I didn't watch last season. So I almost fell out of my chair when LVP said "And then the town drunk..." I thought, which ONE?

I needn't have worried. Bravo elves will provide.

OMG!!!  ME TOO!!!!  I thought, "Lisa, Kyle is right there and you're talking about her sister like that?!?!?"  I wonder if any of the other girls thought that too?

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Oh, so Erika is one of THOSE women. Who doesn't have female friends because blahblah they talk shit about me whatever and then proceeds to talk shit about other women. Got it. I see you now Erika.

Yep, don't we all remember someone like this from middle/high school.

You like them at first and then realize "something" isn't quite right.

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Yikes - so Kathryn says she's going to be a real friend to Erika (who doesn't trust women) and then goes right to the other women and tells them what Erika said about LVP?!


This premise is so confounding to me. Erika has loudly advertised her nominal "realness," transparency, inability to countenance what she articulates as stereotypical female behavior like gossiping, and has taken great care to differentiate herself from such lamentable conduct. Then, in this episode, she bemoans how these sentiments are all attributable to the corruption of trust for women that she suffered at the hands of some classmates over three decades ago . . . only in the next breath to start disparaging a co-worker who has never perpetrated unkindness against her behind said co-worker's back. Where is the braggadocio for honesty and authenticity on which Erika has the trademark when she's scurrying to talk shit, finesse alliances, out and out lie about the remarks the she has made and otherwise indulge in all of these supposedly reprehensible "mean girl" tactics instead of directly confronting disputes and openly expressing her perspectives and positions?


The only thing that Eileen showed tonight in the opinion of this erstwhile fan was her own nuttiness. Maybe Yolanda can lend her a vitamin drip because the woman is dehydrated. That display was every bit as messy and embarrassing as Rinna's shamelessness. It was jaw-dropping to watch her stampede to make the metaphorical long jump/leap of (il)logic necessary to somehow make Erika's duplicity all about Lisa's brutal verbal assault on her weeks, if not months, ago.


I can see why Eileen so identifies with Yolanda. And it was hilarious to watch Lisa hand backhand her by noting that she, too, was just sweeping her own disgruntlement and dissatisfaction under the rug toward the end of the dialogue.


As much as I dislike most of the other women, I will concede that Kathryn didn't even try to dress up the fact that she was runtellingdat. It was messy as hell. And I'm beginning to second guess my initial assessment of her (I appreciated that she seemed to have at least a moderate command of the English language and interests like traveling, culture, and religion). But I'll probably remain firmly on her team considering the alternatives.

Edited by lunastartron
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Lisa said "I APOLOGIZE" twice in the Hamptons and she said "I am SORRY" tonight. All 3 are considered apologies and whether or not Eileen accepts them is on her, NOT on Lisa.

At the same time she uses words to negate the apology - words like IF I...

She's good but she's not fooling Eileen.

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Lisa said "I APOLOGIZE" twice in the Hamptons and she said "I am SORRY" tonight. All 3 are considered apologies and whether or not Eileen accepts them is on her, NOT on Lisa.  


I'm at a loss that "I apologize" and "I'm sorry" don't constitute apologizing even though they are literally the definition of the verb. Words have meanings!

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In many ways, Erika is much like Yolanda. They both want other women to fawn over them, to give unconditional support/praise, and heaven forbid never question them or disagree with them. But THEY want to gossip/be catty about, question/disagree and judge the other women. JMO

Amen, Wirewrap. :)

Also, Nexxie, any apology that uses the word "IF" is not an apology. It's a self-serving asshole way of making themselves feel better. IMO. :)

Edited by cooksdelight
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Geez Eileen, give it a rest. Especially considering she's an invited guest in Lisa's home.

Kathryn tried to earn her salary for selling out Erica. What's worse, instead of being accurate with what Erica said, she paraphrased and made it sound far worse.

Yolanda can suck on a lime. She's patronizing and blatantly threatens Kyle, yet Kyle's somehow the rude one deserving of a public lashing for having a side conversation? Ok.

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At the same time she uses words to negate the apology - words like IF I...

She's good but she's not fooling Eileen.

Saying "IF" means that she is unsure of what she did wrong to offend Eileen, Lisa said that she meant NOTHING offensive to begin with and was unsure how it was taken the wrong way. Eileen wasn't very articulate when she whined to Lisa the first time, the second time or even this last time. For an actress, she sure has trouble expressing her own feelings IMO.

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Kyle made a good point about Yo's email message; if Yo's brain is so badly affected by her Lyme disease why was the email so articulate. Oh, and she did remember how to send an email too.



I thought it was hilarious that Yolanda was trying to pretend the email was due to her not having her brain functioning right at the time. Yolanda, not being able to think of the right burn in the moment isn't a symptom. Most everybody has that. Everybody's even more articulate about their complaints when they can write it out with time! You were obviously focused enough to laser in on a way to start yet another "everybody is attacking me!" situation so your brain was working as usual.


It is funny watching Lisa unable to really apologize--she's like Fonzie. "I was wr...wr...wr.." She can say she's sorry for politeness sake but yes, it makes her uncomfortable when that kind of spotlight gets put on her. She'd start out saying she was sorry but if you make her keep saying it her irritation is going to become more obvious. She's defensive. Here she would go from reluctantly apologetic to resentful to downright hostile!


Erika's standard speech about how she doesn't have girlfriends because girls just aren't trustworthy---yeah, we all know what you mean. You don't value women and see them only as competition and you'd rather be just the one woman admired by men. No wonder she's friends with Yolanda, former wife of "the king" who thinks friendship means people are constantly calling up to ask if they can be at your beck and call and if she doesn't answer it's like you ignored her. Meanwhile she does pretty much nothing for anybody else. In fact via editing it seems like she's literally ruined like 3 lunches in a row now by either taking offense at something or bringing the offense to the party.


Were Kyle and Lisa even really saying much about the bipolar thing? I thought the thing that caught Yolanda's attention was Kyle saying "I'm not even bringing up that" in an exaggerated side-mouth way.

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