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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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27 minutes ago, may flowers said:

They continue the separate bunkers facade.  Wont watch as long as they lie t o their viewers. 

Well if he's going to make a move politically, maybe they are running out the clock on their contracts as he can't keep the show and run for office at the same time.  Or at least that's my hope.

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

And leading the chorus of love for Reagan . . . jfc.  No Peggy, we don't all have the same recollections/warm memories you constantly insist we do.

Exactly. Never understood this romanticizing of Reagan.  

Now they want to give Bill Clinton’s accomplishments to Bush41.  Then, I guess we should also give credit for the economic mess that Bush41 had to Reagan?  We should give credit to Clinton for Bush43s economy before he messed it up.  We should give credit to Bush43 for the beginning mess that Obama had.  And, we should give credit for Trump’s economy to Obama.  Republicans should learn that they can’t pick a scenario only when it benefits them.  It’s not what POTUS inherited but what he passed along.  Reagan and Bush43 passed along messes.  Bush41 didn’t have time to fully correct Reagan’s mess.  So he passed it along.  Clinton and Obama passed along positive economies.  And if Congress don’t rein in Trump, he’s going to pass along a mess too.

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I lasted 5mins max.  I streamed the video as I wanted to see if they had made it to the studio.   Agree about Mika’s hair and her chest.  She is looking so very err... mature on screen these days.  

I heard the end of Jon Meacham’s praising Maureen O’Dowd’s relationship with GHWB and Joe’s response was ‘Right’ or something equally bland.  They then linked to Richard Haas and showed some pictures from his Reagan/Bush days when Haas had ‘windswept’ hair.  Joe and Mika just started giggling and laughing.  Summed them up - image first.  

Please send them away and bring back Willie ( or someone capable of presenting a news show) 

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Apparently the goal of today's show is to kill me with a brain anuerysm as at first I had to turn it off when Noonan snotted off to Hakeem Jeffries about the Democrat's agenda (that's your agenda? after he gave four or five starting points to focus on).  Yes Peggy as opposed to those paragons of virtue you represent that when they get their asses handed to them in 2018 they turn around and try and pass laws to hamstring the incoming representatives in two states and apparently flat out physically steal votes in NC.  Yep, that's a lot to be smug about.  They blissfully cut off her mike after that and then showed her glaring/pouting at the end of the segment.  Now i tune in just in time for them to pay lip service to Kamala Harris so they can segue to everyone's favorite clusterfuck KYV complete with a giggling Mika talking about what a great way to spend her honeymoon . . . I can tell I am not long for this show once again.  I just don't do well with entitled people anymore especially this crowd.

Edited by Chloesmom
I wasn't through ranting about Noonan
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Chloesmom said:

I didn't even notice Meek's hair as I couldn't take my eyes off her chest (it seems to be larger/lopsided).

OMG what the hell is going on?  So their honeymoon was just her going to a plastic surgeon in Europe to get those DDs?   Wearing her hair back like that so severe makes her look more like a Barbie Doll than ever.   I think the higher Joe's hair gets, the bigger her boobs get. 

I couldn't watch with all the GHW Bush stuff.  barf

  • Love 6
42 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

Apparently the goal of today's show is to kill me with a brain anuerysm as at first I had to turn it off when Noonan snotted off to Hakeem Jeffries about the Democrat's agenda (that's your agenda? after he gave four or five starting points to focus on).  Yes Peggy as opposed to those paragons of virtue you represent that when they get their asses handed to them in 2018 they turn around and try and pass laws to hamstring the incoming representatives in two states and apparently flat out physically steal votes in NC.  Yep, that's a lot to be smug about.  They blissfully cut off her mike after that and then showed her glaring/pouting at the end of the segment. 

I couldn't understand why Noonan even asked the question about the agenda. It's been all over the news; Dems have been very clear about what their priorities will be when they take over. I guess she just doesn't pay attention to any news that isn't in some way directly related to the 1980s.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Eliot said:

I couldn't understand why Noonan even asked the question about the agenda. It's been all over the news; Dems have been very clear about what their priorities will be when they take over. I guess she just doesn't pay attention to any news that isn't in some way directly related to the 1980s.

I think what really got me was how openly hostile she was to him.  I don't know who whizzed in her Malt-O-Meal this morning but it wasn't Rep. Jeffries so back off Pegs.  I think he did a great job of fending her and her attitude off but I like him and would have liked to hear him engaged in a civil conversation instead of having to quickly don a hazmat suit.  I hope they have him on again when she's not there so he gets a chance to speak.

  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, millennium said:

It appears I will not be able to bear watching news or news programs until at least Friday.   

If he wasn't dead not one of these people would be going on like he should be nominated for sainthood.  Did anyone bring up the fact he had to be shamed into supporting the Civil Rights Act?  I knew Joe & Mika would be reveling in comparing him to Trump.   Is Mika down with the accusations of him groping women?    

I still can't get over her enhanced chest. I literally yelled WTF when I turned on the tv, and did one of those cartoon head shakes like Am I seeing what I'm seeing?  All she needs is a red wig and a low cut gown and she's Jessica Rabbit. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Chloesmom said:

I think what really got me was how openly hostile she was to him.  I don't know who whizzed in her Malt-O-Meal this morning but it wasn't Rep. Jeffries so back off Pegs.  I think he did a great job of fending her and her attitude off but I like him and would have liked to hear him engaged in a civil conversation instead of having to quickly don a hazmat suit.  I hope they have him on again when she's not there so he gets a chance to speak.

She seems to have adopted the standard Beltway "wisdom" (in the face of direct evidence to the contrary) that Dems have no agenda but "anti Trump." I hear it from every MSNBC pundit from Chuck Todd to Kasie DC to Katy Tur. It's infuriating. And she was clearly miffed at being exposed, hence her pouting.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

If he wasn't dead not one of these people would be going on like he should be nominated for sainthood.  Did anyone bring up the fact he had to be shamed into supporting the Civil Rights Act?  I knew Joe & Mika would be reveling in comparing him to Trump.   Is Mika down with the accusations of him groping women?    

I still can't get over her enhanced chest. I literally yelled WTF when I turned on the tv, and did one of those cartoon head shakes like Am I seeing what I'm seeing?  All she needs is a red wig and a low cut gown and she's Jessica Rabbit. 

The revisionist version of Bush Sr.'s Presidency does not comport with my recollections from that time period.   I think the networks are striving to recreate the contrived, saccharine nostalgia which accompanied McCain's death.   

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, Eliot said:

I absolutely cannot stand listening to Mika stammer and flail her way through the teleprompte every morning. They should just hire a professional news reader. 

Ok by me as long as she remains that disembodied voice/giggle off camera.  I don't really "watch" the show so when she lets fly with some inane sound-thing off camera it makes me laugh.

And a smell a rat that suddenly MJ is incorporating actual breaking news as they have long treated them as an irritant to their usual drone.  Forget it Senator Wannabee from the great state of FL, ain't happenin'.

I found that whole exchange with Robert Costa totally bizarre. Joe goes into his usual diatribe about how "Washington always wins...Madisonian democracy will always prevail...blah blah blah..." and Costa respectfully points out that, no, Washington isn't necessarily winning right now because the complicit Senate Republicans still won't protect Mueller. He could go on to point out how Trump is stacking the judiciary, all the voter suppression shenanigans in North Carolina, the way Republican state legislatures in Michigan and Wisconsin are kneecapping duly elected governors etc. etc. etc., but before he can even get there Joe smacks him down fiercely and pretty much ends the interview. And then after the break Mika is compelled to gild the lily even further, nattering on about how "I've heard you say this before, Joe, it's not a new thing!" like she can't bear to see hubby contradicted in a public forum.

ETA: Oh, and when Mika finally did mention the situation in North Carolina, she characterized it as "voter fraud," which is not at all helpful, nor is it accurate because it implies that it's the voters committing the fraud. What's being investigated is actually *election fraud* committed by the Republican candidate and/or his operatives. Big difference and way more scandalous.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 17

His "Washington Always Wins" diatribe that was one of his patented meandering 4 minute lead-ins to a question was particularly gasbaggy.  Also patented, he took credit for balancing the budget... in his question.  He wove that into his question. 

I did not miss them while they were gone.

Joe must really like her new parts, because she is getting no sleep.  If tomorrow her shirt was on backwards and her hair was uncombed, I wouldn't be fazed at all.
The show is MSNBC's flagship effort outside of Rachel's.  Rather, it was.  Now instead of being a morning political news chat show, it's "Morning Joe" being "Morning Joe."  Familiar jokes, corners get cut, the same cast of characters, repeated thoughts, character driven more than news driven, etc... 

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

His "Washington Always Wins" diatribe that was one of his patented meandering 4 minute lead-ins to a question was particularly gasbaggy. 

Gasbaggy, hee!  Thank you for this Landsnark as that's when I had to turn the show off (I know it's time when I start yelling at the tv).  Washington had nothing to do with what happened in the last election cycle.  It's people (especially young people) that were fed up and started excercising their constitutionally given voice.  The only thing Washington can take credit for is inspiring their flight to the voting booth.

  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

The show is MSNBC's flagship effort outside of Rachel's. 

If this show is MSNBC flagship effort they need another ship.  And if their contract expires end of this year, wouldn't we be hearing announcement that they're either leaving YAY or staying blergh.  

I just can't imagine the network letting this half assed Wayne's World  in the basement bullshit go on much longer.  If Joe is establishing residency in FL to run for whatever, good for us, too bad for Florida. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Eliot said:

I found that whole exchange with Robert Costa totally bizarre. Joe goes into his usual diatribe about how "Washington always wins...Madisonian democracy will always prevail...blah blah blah..." and Costa respectfully points out that, no, Washington isn't necessarily winning right now because the complicit Senate Republicans still won't protect Mueller. He could go on to point out how Trump is stacking the judiciary, all the voter suppression shenanigans in North Carolina, the way Republican state legislatures in Michigan and Wisconsin are kneecapping duly elected governors etc. etc. etc., but before he can even get there Joe smacks him down fiercely and pretty much ends the interview. And then after the break Mika is compelled to gild the lily even further, nattering on about how "I've heard you say this before, Joe, it's not a new thing!" like she can't bear to see hubby contradicted in a public forum.

ETA: Oh, and when Mika finally did mention the situation in North Carolina, she characterized it as "voter fraud," which is not at all helpful, nor is it accurate because it implies that it's the voters committing the fraud. What's being investigated is actually *election fraud* committed by the Republican candidate and/or his operatives. Big difference and way more scandalous.

Exactly.  As a resident of North Carolina I can agree that it is "Election"  fraud, not voter fraud.   Would it be too much to ask that the hosts of these programs get their facts right? Surely they have minions who do the research.

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8 minutes ago, novhappy said:

7:06 am. Heidi P. “ we have sat around this table many times, or remotes, talking about this”

lolllll “or remotes” !!!!! Good one Heidi!

I love Heidi, she's terrific especially today.  My favorite was when the Mrs. was droning on about Kamala Harris deciding over the holidays about whether she is going to run and Heidi cuts in and says something to the effect I'm calling it, she's running (I like Kamala but her, Sherrod and the rest that are mulling it over over the holidays are full of crap about it and it's just irritating).

And Joe gets accosted at the airport and gets a Reagan mention in there . . . a twofer . . . drink!

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29 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

I propose a new Joe  phrase repeated ad infinitum, like "Women Voting in the Rain."  And it is: "After Trump passed the tax bill he flew down to Mar a Lago and told his rich cronies, "I just made you a LOT of money."  I hear this overandovernadover. 

I wonder why he says things like that. There’s a papertrail of Joe being one of his old rich cronies who stayed at Mar A Lago. 

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, The Solution said:

just realized that the only way we're going to put an end to this travesty is to stop watching it. I started watching the BBC news in the morning again.

ITA and have for the most part. It might come on at 6 am because I had First Look on but I change the channel as soon as I can. I watch whatever I have dvr'ed from the night before, etc.  My alarm comes on with NPR Morning Edition so I hear news while I'm waking up at 5 am. 

One thing I've noticed is they NEVER have celebrity types on anymore, like they used to, not only to promote projects but they would discuss current events.

Jeff Daniels is starring in To Kill A Mockingbird at the Schubert Theater. In the years before he or Sorkin would have come on and talked about adapting it and what has changed since the time of the book.  Of course considering Joe spoke of it recently and called Tom Robinson "Jim" and said he was accused of murder instead of rape, and that Atticus said "hey Scout, the jury almost acquitted him", so that conversation would be quite amusing. And  I'm sure Mika never read it, too low brow for her. Ick it's about poor people. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, stormy said:

ohn Meacham what the hell?  He's so busy reminiscing about the GHWB years that at one point while describing the end of the Cold War, he stopped and muttered, Mika you know about this from your dad.

Yeah right, she's a foreign policy expert. If Dr Z had been a brain surgeon, she could preform brain surgery too.

He forgets Ms Know Your Value has no value without her father's name or her new husband. 

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Poppy is planted, back to business, 45 starts our morning tweeting about Lyin' Leakin' Comey. Jonathan Swan shares that interviewing Giuliani is like riding a high-spirited horse that refuses input from the rider, hang on tight, he goes where he goes. Asked about Trump CFO Weisselberg, Rudy isn't concerned in the least.* Questioned further, he is "reasonably confident." The WH rebuttal "report" is compared to/described as a stack of news clippings.

*To be clear, Giuliani was not on the show.

Edited by suomi
  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, stormy said:

It's All American Joe this morning.

"Every Sunday me and my 10 yr old son read Axios, go to church then throw the ball around".

Donnie is still my favorite panelist.

Who said "me and my 10 year old son.."  -  Joe?  Did he not learn proper grammar in grade school, high school, college or law school?  This drives me nuts, coming from supposedly educated people.

I like Mika's longer hair.  It makes her looks slightly less boyish.  The color gives me Andy Warhol vibes, though.

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I know I said I wasn't going to watch this trainwreck anymore, but what was happening at 7:45 EST? There was a Republican politician from California, and Mika went IN on him. Just as I was saying "well if you hadn't been such a whoore for trump 2 - 3 years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess", she went IN, as did Kasie from another bunker a minute later. (Too much to expect everyone to be in the same space). I didn't see Joe or Willie, but this was all I watched today because the BBC was obsessed with Indian celebrity weddings.


Among other things, they pointed out to him that he LOST and that it probably had something to do with him and his support for trump rather than revisionist voting or whatever he called it.


WTF? I mean, it was cool, but WTF?

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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