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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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18 hours ago, Mumbles said:

According to the DNC emails leaked over the summer, Wasserman-Schultz was furious about things Mika said and complained to Chuck Todd and wanted to escalate it to Phil Griffin. So there may be something to Mika's account.


Her point this morning was related to Biden saying that he too was yelled at by the Clinton campaign when he said something mildly critical about its focus. 

Also, Mika was critical of Hillary, true, but was very complimentary of Bernie Sanders. And at the end of the day, Mika's comments proved valid if not prophetic and were geared toward her campaign decisions. It wasn't as if Mika was mean-girling Clinton because of her gigantic ass or something petty like that.

Mika was right about Hillary's emails & private servers causing her problems on the campaign.

Mika was right about warning that the success of Bernie Sanders campaign meant that some of the frustrated voters would not vote for Hillary or end up voting for Trump.

Mika was wrong about attacking all the GOP guests after Trump's vulger Access Hollywood comments . It ended up not causing Trump to lose.

The problem I have with Mika & Joe is that they got way to close to Trump during the primaries & never asked him tough questions about his policies.

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On 12/6/2016 at 9:17 AM, teddysmom said:

You have to understand that Mika resents any woman who gets attention that she thinks she should get.  Her insecurity and insane need to be desired by men are why she poses like a stripper in Vanity Fair, thrusts her breasts at the camera like she's trying to get a mammogram from 20 feet away, and goes goo goo crazy for any asshole who shows her attention.

When she first started on Morning Joe, Tiki Barber was on one morning and I swear I thought she was going to crawl across the desk and give him a lap dance. 

Mika was upset yesterday about the burger chain with the Paris Hilton bikini commercials. The CEO will become the new labor secretary.

Mika shouldn't comment about women in bikinis after her legs in the air photo shoot with GQ.

Mika succeeded in luring Joe or maybe Joe succeeded in luring Mika out of their marriages. It is very icky.

Mika dresses more appropriately now that she & Joe are together. You rarely see her in the sleeveless dresses or short skirts anymore. Joe is returning to his fleecy ways .

I ended up buying some LL Bean turtlenecks after hearing about Joe being an LL Bean customer. I didn't know much about the company prior to Joe's ad for LL Bean.

There was an interesting discussusion with Senator Portman, & Janet Napolitano. The health discussion with Dr Emanuel was also good. I always miss these segments when I leave for work.

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On 12/7/2016 at 8:43 AM, oakville said:

I saw a couple of minutes of the show today. Joe trashed Obama for not doing theatre like Trump. Joe said ObAma was too snobby to care about the Hulf oil spill in zFlorida in 2010.

Joe made fun of the Japanese executive who was at Trump tower & wanted to create 50k jobs &make America great again.

Joe utter contempt for Obama is growing each show

I hate using an iphone to post messages . I am shocked by the spelling mistakes.

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3 hours ago, oakville said:

I hate using an iphone to post messages . I am shocked by the spelling mistakes.

No problem oakville.  I don't text much on my iphone because if I did, I don't think anyone would be able to read them.  I'm a pretty good typist, but a horrible texter, lol.  

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48 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Has anyone else noticed how, for months, Meek-a's and Joe's clothes are color-coordinated every day?  You just know they get dressed in the same closet. 

Yes!. Joe's suits rare kept in the Bunker studio. Mika has not been given access to the bunker closet yet. She does shop at UnitarianScarves.com.


Monday Recap from Snowy Oakville.

Joe is wearing a navy suit with a purple tie. Mika is wearing a black top with a red & white flowered scarf.

Joe strongly supports Rex Tillerson Exxon CEO for SOS.

Joe said McCain & Little Marco are misguided.

Joe said Rex made good deals in Russia with Putin.

Joe said Condi Rice & Bob Gates recommended Rex for the SOS.

Joe did not mention that Condi & Gates get consulting contracts from Exxon.

Mika & Joe defended Trump.

Joe said there was a backlash against Romney for trashing Trump during the campaign.

Joe said Sunni Gulf Arab states love Rex. Israel doesn't know who Rex is.

Mika went on a rant against Frito Lay new flavors of potato chips.

The next topic was Intel agencies saying that the Russians hacked the DNC & tried to influence the US election. Trump said no.

The RNC said they were not hacked.

2 minutes ago, navelgazer said:

Harold Ford Jr.'s raving testimonial to the merits of the Tillerson appointment as secretary of state made me throw up in my mouth a little,  

Harold was rumored to be on the short list to be in Trump's cabinet. He is an excellent Yes man after agreeing with Joe for years on the show.

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It might not work for Mondays, but anyone wanting something other than MJ for a politics fix in the morning, I have found recording Rachel Maddow and watching it to be a pleasant way to start the day.

Facts, intelligence, no yelling, no one making faces into the camera (eye rolling excluded, that can't be helped). 

Just sayin...

Did anyone point out that it wasn't CIA analysts who went to Bush with the WMD story, it was Cheney forcing Tenet to craft the story to fit their narrative. And maybe remind Einstein and Girl Friday who found Bin Laden's compound?  I mean, Zero Dark Thirty is on tv every month or so, if it's too hard for them to remember how that went down. 

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Rachel lectures too much, repeats herself, and her buildup to the actual story takes forever. I don't care how intelligent she is--and she is--I can't stomach her. 

The method in which they build up to stories is network driven to keep viewers from changing channels. Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell do the same thing. Hence the recording and use of FF. 

Compared to yelling and breast thrusting, I'll take a little repeating/lecturing.  ymmv

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Harold Ford Jr.'s raving testimonial to the merits of the Tillerson appointment as secretary of state made me throw up in my mouth a little,  

Sickening, right? When they were all kvelling that Exxon is in more countries than State has embassies, I thought, great, let's just outsource diplomacy to Exxon. No mention of the excellent book by New Yorker reporter Steve Coll on Exxon's global reach - including Exxon'a funding (under Tillerson) of a mercenary army to protect its oil interests in Chad (a ruthless dictatorship.)

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Harold Ford Jr.'s raving testimonial to the merits of the Tillerson appointment as secretary of state made me throw up in my mouth a little,  


Also vomit inducing, as Joe was speaking, Mika was looking at him and nodding & smiling in that self satisfied way, as if to say "Isn't my man SOOO smart?"

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6 hours ago, teddysmom said:


Did anyone point out that it wasn't CIA analysts who went to Bush with the WMD story, it was Cheney forcing Tenet to craft the story to fit their narrative. And maybe remind Einstein and Girl Friday who found Bin Laden's compound?  I mean, Zero Dark Thirty is on tv every month or so, if it's too hard for them to remember how that went down. 

Bold mine.

I think the only place I've seen that corrected is this board!

But I'm pretty sure my neighbors are aware. Windows open and all that.

Edited by NewDigs
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Oh, my. Joe shared part of a recent convo he had with Dr Z, sounded maybe like Thanksgiving dinner ("a couple weeks ago.") Joe told us that, yes, Dr Z once called him stunningly superficial but that was then and this is now. So, Joe asked Dr Z about the upcoming Nobel Peace Prize Forum and Dr Z said "Yes, I am going to Oslo." Joe said "Ah, Oslo" and Dr Z said "It is in Norway."

Edited by suomi
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21 minutes ago, suomi said:

Oh, my. Joe shared part of a recent convo he had with Dr Z, sounded maybe like Thanksgiving dinner ("a couple weeks ago.") Joe told us that, yes, Dr Z once called him stunningly superficial but that was then and this is now. So, Joe asked Dr Z about the upcoming Nobel Peace Prize Forum and Dr Z said "Yes, I am going to Oslo." Joe said "Ah, Oslo" and Dr Z said "It is in Norway."

Joe is scared of Dr Z. I enjoyed Dr Z's comments in Oslo. He sad the USA has to regain leadership of the world.

Joe trashed Obama for not getting involved in Aleppo.


Joe complained that Obama made a mess of the Middle East by not getting involved. He did the opposite of Bush who made a mess a of the Middle East by invading Iraq.

Joe is well dressed today. Navy Blue blazer with red striped tie. Mika is wearing a tight fitting navy blue top.

The panel is excited about Exxon CEO Tillerson taking control of State. He was an Eagle scout. Joe said it was like McNamara who became defense secretary during the vietnam war.

Everybody on the panel is well behaved today. Meacham, bearded Bret Stephens, Nick Confessore.

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Holy Frick, I'm watching Carly Fiorina flush her dignity down the toilet.  She mentioned that she worked hard to make sure Trump got elected rather than Hillary, who would have ruined the country. She also just said that KAC and Bannon are "Honorable People." 

Oh God, I could not be in that business.

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Holy Frick, I'm watching Carly Fiorina flush her dignity down the toilet

You can't throw something you never had away. 



id anyone point out that it wasn't CIA analysts who went to Bush with the WMD story, it was Cheney forcing Tenet to craft the story to fit their narrative. And maybe remind Einstein and Girl Friday who found Bin Laden's compound?  I mean, Zero Dark Thirty is on tv every month or so, if it's too hard for them to remember how that went down. 

Bold mine.

I think the only place I've seen that corrected is this board!


I actually heard Chris Matthews mention it last night. That it was "Cheeney" as he calls him, who did the WMD bullshit, along with Bolton and the other neocons pushing it. 

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2 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:


Holy Frick, I'm watching Carly Fiorina flush her dignity down the toilet.  She mentioned that she worked hard to make sure Trump got elected rather than Hillary, who would have ruined the country. She also just said that KAC and Bannon are "Honorable People." 

Oh God, I could not be in that business.


Wasn't that something? And to the show's limited credit, they didn't let up on asking why she was being so subservient and supportive of a man who basically called her ugly.

I wish they had asked what her qualifications would be to be head of national intelligence. Absolutely no experience in that important field. But on the other hand she wouldn't have answered the question. That was her shtick during the debates - never answer the question posed, just say whatever she wanted to say.

I am no fan of the man but I think this leaves Kasich as the only one of that field who has maintained some of his dignity when it comes to Trump. Even Jeb has tweeted his support of some of Trump's picks.

I am split on the Rohrbacher interview at the end. On one hand he's a complete nut and his positions are gibberish. On the other hand Joe was yelling at him. A real TV journalist - the CBS Morning folks, Martha Bradlee, Chris Wallace - would have listened to the answer and then surgically and efficiently made mincemeat out of them without raising their voices.

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4 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe complained that Obama made a mess of the Middle East by not getting involved. He did the opposite of Bush who made a mess a of the Middle East by invading Iraq.

Joe is well dressed today. Navy Blue blazer with red striped tie. Mika is wearing a tight fitting navy blue top.

The panel is excited about Exxon CEO Tillerson taking control of State. He was an Eagle scout. Joe said it was like McNamara who became defense secretary during the vietnam war.

Everybody on the panel is well behaved today. Meacham, bearded Bret Stephens, Nick Confessore.

And we know how well that worked out with McNamara.

Listening to Joe criticize Obama over Aleppo, I can't understand why he thinks its fine to now, under Trump, be saying as Rohrbacker was, that Assad isn't a bad guy, that Putin is fine, too, and if they wipe out the rebels (and civilians), it's good because Assad's done a lot for Syrian Christians.

Someone--maybe Rohrbacker--seemed to be setting up a scenario where Putin would invade the heavily Muslim border nations that used to be part of the Soviet Union. Like Hitler taking back Austria and the Sudentenland while Trump let's him do it because "he's fighting radical Islam."

After listening to Rohrbacker, I think Hillary and Obama were right, that using "radical Islam" is just a set-up for scapegoating Muslims as terrorists in general.  Same way Trump promised last week (covered here) to not allow immigration from countries with Muslim terrorism (of course the Muslims are the biggest victims of it, hence, trying to immigrate to somewhere safer).

Their excitement over Tillerson is bizarre to me.  And I wish they would stop talking about Romney as if he was ever anything more than window dressing.  Also, Fiorina proved she's up Trump's ass, too, but I guess it was too much to expect Joe to ask her why anyone would think she should be Director of National Intelligence.  

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Not sure I can stomach this show right now. Maybe I'll start watching again after Joe's right-wing fever breaks. Yesterday's show is always better than the one after. The parade of deplorables just goes on and on. Today it was long interviews with Reince and Carly. Also unseemly are Joe and Mica trying to put their thumb on the scale: John Bolton bad! (don't disagree with them there), Gulliani bad! (same). It's almost like they are trying to speak directly to Trump, which honestly I think they really are trying to do. It just makes for some boring TV when it's obvious they aren't talking to the viewers anymore.

Edited by Abiding Dude
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They are gaga about Tillerson and think Bolton is a dangerous nut. I wonder how they will rationalize this if Tillerson is confirmed and names Bolton (largely seen as unconfirmable) as the deputy/day-to-day guy (as many suspect is really going on here.)

What kills me is the basis of the Tillerson love - that Baker, Rice, Cheney, and Gates speak highly of him. Yeah, those guys have such great judgment. What a bunch of establishment flunkies.

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Not sure I can stomach this show right now. Maybe I'll start watching again after Joe's right-wing fever breaks

Ok I was in the shower at this point, but did one of the guests mention that Mika and Joe talk to Trump several times a day?  I am going to need to stop showering if I'm going miss all this important dirt (haha dirt pun there)

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I'm terrible at linking but the Washington Post tweeted an article about Joe's connection to Trump which he seems no longer to deny. There are some choice quotes from Meeka including that people who criticize Joe are "unfair, mean and jealous." !!!!!!!!!

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Do Joe and Mika and their guests know that many of Tillerson's esteemed boosters have deep, significant financial ties to Russia and to Exxon Mobil?  If they don't know, why not?  If they do know but deliberately hide it from their audience, why?   At the least, they're derelict.

For example, the international consulting firm RICE Hadley GATES works for Exxon.

And James Baker, a partner in the law firm Baker Botts, represents both Exxon AND Rosneft, the Russian state-owned oil company that partners with Exxon. Baker Botts also represents Gazprom, the Russian state gas company. See link below.

Also interesting to learn via that link that Bob Dole is a lobbyist for Taiwan and receives $20K a month for his services.  He lobbied Trump and his team for months to set up that phone call with the Taiwanese prez 

This stuff is so insidious and skullduggery, and all Joe and Mika seem to care about is their Trump insider status;  facts and audience be damned. Joe and Mika look like fools when they wink and say things like "...oh keep an eye on Corker for SOS," cause Trump changes his mind in a nanosecond.  Their insider chats are nothing but bullshit sessions meant to make Joe and Mika feel "important," and to groom them to become apparatchik/stooges.

Foxes in the henhouse, and journalists and politicians giving up their ethical and moral obligations, for VANITY.


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10 hours ago, Mumbles said:


I am split on the Rohrbacher interview at the end. On one hand he's a complete nut and his positions are gibberish. On the other hand Joe was yelling at him. A real TV journalist - the CBS Morning folks, Martha Bradlee, Chris Wallace - would have listened to the answer and then surgically and efficiently made mincemeat out of them without raising their voices.

Joe's problem is that his idea of asking tough questions is to shout down his guest, and not let them answer any questions. He hasn't figured out yet that it is possible to ask tough questions without yelling. 

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5 hours ago, Maire said:

I'm terrible at linking but the Washington Post tweeted an article about Joe's connection to Trump which he seems no longer to deny. There are some choice quotes from Meeka including that people who criticize Joe are "unfair, mean and jealous." !!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the heads up.  Here's the link. 


Looking at the photos in the article, it looks like Joe is wearing a suit with dress shoes and no socks. That's just awful.  

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13 hours ago, Mumbles said:

From Sleekandchic (sorry, can't correct above):

.Do Joe and Mika and their guests know that many of Tillerson's esteemed boosters have deep, significant financial ties to Russia and to Exxon Mobil?  If they don't know, why not?  If they do know but deliberately hide it from their audience, why?   At the least, they're derelict.

For example, the international consulting firm RICE Hadley GATES works for Exxon.

And James Baker, a partner in the law firm Baker Botts, represents both Exxon AND Rosneft, the Russian state-owned oil company that partners with Exxon. Baker Botts also represents Gazprom, the Russian state gas company. See link below.

Also interesting to learn via that link that Bob Dole is a lobbyist for Taiwan and receives $20K a month for his services.  He lobbied Trump and his team for months to set up that phone call with the Taiwanese prez 


Great points. I'm sure many in the media know this information and should tell us so we could decide if all these "endorsements" might be from financial bias more than anything else. Why would you quote that group giving their credibility to Tillerson (I've been hearing it all day, esp. about Baker and Rice) when they have personal and financial biases? 

Makes you wonder how much we -should- know that we don't.

Edited by Padma
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Catching up with yesterday's show. Joe was shouting at the GOP Congreeman Dana Knickerbaker ( SP_. He threatened to leave the show. The GOp guy said the US was allied with Stalin to defeat Hitler, so it was OK to work with Assad to stop ISIS> The panel shouted him down.

Joe is back to wearing fleece. Mika has her Unitarian scarf. They showed a clip with a Merry Christmas label on the Trump podium. That is hilarious!.  Barnicle is upset with Trump's lounge act.

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Trump made fun of the Green Party for having the recount which increased Trump's votes by 131.

Joe said Ryan has more power than Trump. Joe was bragging about the rules Chairman.. Joe is very preachy today.

Mika wants to have a conversation.

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Mika & Joe are upset that Obama has allowed a Holocaust in Aleppo. Joe mocked Obama because no one cares about his red line.


Joe has never volunteered to send his sons into Aleppo to support the Syrian rebels. Joe said Hollande was tougher than wimpy Obama.


Joe said it is sad that the French are more hawkish than the USA. Joe supports Kerry & Graham who wanted to take a tough stand against Assad,

Joe said that Obama should have set up a no fly zone.

Joe blames Bush for Iraq. Joe said Iraq was stable in 2010 & blamed Obama for leaving Iraq. Joe blamed Obama for supporting the rebels in Syria but giving them not enough weapons to fight Assad.

Joe is very whiny today.

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I'm fairly sure Joe's inside-joke rant at the end of the first hour was a swipe at Olbermann, who has been posting rants online (Joe said something about "ranting from my basement.") The two loathe each other which I find funny because they have a lot in common - pompous, narcissistic blowhards.

I will give the panel this much: they are right about the UN. It is absolutely useless as a means to resolve conflicts. 

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.Do Joe and Mika and their guests know that many of Tillerson's esteemed boosters have deep, significant financial ties to Russia and to Exxon Mobil?  If they don't know, why not?  If they do know but deliberately hide it from their audience, why?   At the least, they're derelict.

Do Joe & Mika and their guests know about agreement the nation of Chad had with the US & World Bank to use profits in early 2000's from their newly found oil fields for schools, hospitals, infrastructure, and instead, at Exxon's urging, that agreement was voided. Two of Exxon's competitors were given 24 hours to get out of Chad,  and a new agreement, solely with Exxon,  laid out that all profits went to amping up Chad's military.  

And that Exxon, under Tillerson, also went against US policy and had agreements with Kurds in northern Iraq for oil, when US instructed them to work with government in Baghdad. This is why I watch Rachel Maddow.  Tillerson is basically running his own foreign policy counter to the policy's of the country he will now be representing. 



Mika & Joe are upset that Obama has allowed a Holocaust in Aleppo. Joe mocked Obama because no one cares about his red line.


Joe has never volunteered to send his sons into Aleppo to support the Syrian rebels. Joe said Hollande was tougher than wimpy Obama.


 Last time I checked, the US isn't bombing civilians in Aleppo.  And as Mark Halperin pointed out, are we supposed to get in a proxy war with Russia over Syria?   Yes, the red line bluff didn't work, but it also didn't help that Russia got in the game, and that we saw what happened in Libya and didn't want another one of those situations.  

Show of hands around the table at Morning Joe of everyone who wants to send their kids to fight in Syria?  Anybody?  Or who thinks it would be a good idea to start bombing Syria's military bases?  Don't think Assad's pal Vlad wouldn't just love to start some more shit with us? 

Edited by teddysmom
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What kills me is the basis of the Tillerson love - that Baker, Rice, Cheney, and Gates speak highly of him. Yeah, those guys have such great judgment. What a bunch of establishment flunkies.

Rice & Gates are consultants for Exxon.   

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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Priebus is speaking to Mika and Joein front of a special first-time-ever-in-history "President Elect" logo.

This, plus an email from Trump about a discount I could get on the newest MAGA hat, with gold embossing "for Xmas", shows that the untapped commercial possibilities of the presidency are already being tapped.

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 Mika has not been given access to the bunker closet yet. She does shop at UnitarianScarves.com.

Oakville, I neglected to give you props for this funny comment.  I rely on your recaps because at some point, one must step into the loud, roaring shower.

This AM KAC ruined my morning, you know, kinda like she ruined the next 4 years of this country.  I turn MJ on, I hear her earnest, yet brittle yapping. Turn back 2 minutes later, she's still on. Yammer lie yammer lie yammer lie. On it goes for what felt like 1/2 hour.  I truly wish that KAC and Ted Cruz would divorce their spouses and get married.  Because then I could have what is for me the #1 and #2 Most Evil People in America together so that I can hate them in one wedded unit.

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This AM KAC ruined my morning, you know, kinda like she ruined the next 4 years of this country.

Oh, come on. You don't give her enough credit.

The damage she and Trump will do to this country will extend well beyond four years.

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I am going to try & recap the show tonight with some wine.  It's been so busy at work I had no time to watch this morning. 


Richard Hass is becoming considered from Tillerson's deputy! Morning Joe has so much clout:))

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Evening Recap with Chardonnay.

Joe is nicely dressed in a navy blazer & black & white striped tie. Mika is wearing a grey top with a bland scarf. It might be Presbysterian:)

Halperin, Ratner & Barnicle, Willie & Jeremy Peters are on the show.

First topic. Joe went on a rant against John Bolton being deputy SOS.

Joe said Eisenhower was a great President who picked smart businessmen to run the cabinet. Trump is doing the same thing.

Joe complaine about Mike Flynn's son sharing classified info.

Joe said Obama picked Susan Rice & she was incompetent & irrelevant over Libya.

Jeremy Peters said the cabinet could change after events happen during Trump's Presidency.

Halperin said people should be outraged by Russia getting involved in the US election.

Joe applauded Trump for meeting with the high tech executives. Mika said it was Ok for Trump's kids to be in these meetings because Hillary was in Bill's meetings when he was President.

Joe said the media is wrong to focus on Trump's kids. The focus should be on Trump helping high tech. Joe wants more foreign high tech visas in exchange for Apple making more iphones in the USA.

Halperin said businnesses are afraid of Trump tweeting nasty things about them, so they will be nice to him

Joe said Trump should sell his hotel in Washington

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Thursday's recap of the rest of the show.The panel made a big argument that Trump will have trouble confirming some cabinet members so it's best not to have extreme candidates like Bolton.

Joe Manchin came on to say that the GOP has 52-48 leader in the Senate.

Manchin was upset that Harry Reid change the rules in the Senate during the Obama era to have a nuclear option that will allow only a 51 votes to confirm cabinet members.


It used to be 60, so you would usually need 60 votes.

Manchin said Democrats were too politically correct & they should be less hostile towards rural America & Blue Collar voters.

Steve Schmidt joined the show. He was baffled why Obama didn't bring up the issue of Russian hacking into the US election during the campaign. Joe said he was afraid that if Obama did that & Hillary won, Trump voters would be mad & not accept the results.

Schmidt mocked Obama for having "strong feelings" about Russian Cyber attacks.

Joe was mad at Kerry & Obama for not doing more for Aleppo.

KAC came in the show. She was upset that she looked like Cinderalla before the ball compared to the other more attractive Trump women.

KAC made fun of Obama for sitting idly by wile Syria is a mess.

KAC said they found a loophole that will allow Jared & Ivanka to work in the West Wing. They will work for Trump directly as staff.

KAC turned down the Press Secretary job. She might do something else for Trump.

Mika likes Tim Ryan because he is from Ohio & likes blue collar voters unlike  Pelosi. Mika wants him to run for bigger jobs in future.

Ratner was happy that the tech executives behaved at the meeting with Trump. He was also happy that Trump behaved during the meeting.

The panel had two media analysts at the end of the show. They admitted that the Nate Silver Vegas bookie model of covering politics. Joe made fun of Silver & his 98% chance Hillary will win the election.


Rosen said people like Chuck Todd are part of the political class but pretend to be outside it.

Mika defended Chuck Todd & said he made an effort to travel to Michigan & talk with regular voters. Mika said the political class likes cocktail parties.

Joe trashed the political class.

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It's always uncomfortable to listen to somebody sticking up for the biggest bully on the playground.

"How dare you be scared of the scary guy who says he wants to break all the rules!  We have rules that prevent rule breaking!!!"

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6 hours ago, cased said:

New interview with Mika and Joe, attempting to defend their relationship with Trump. 



 “It’s not fair,” Brzezinski told me a week later, in an hour-long interview. “No one has been tougher on Donald Trump than Joe and I.”

Really, Mika? Do you not watch your own network? Rachel. Chris. Joy. Rev Al.

Hell, watch your own show. Donnie Fucking Deutsch is harder on Trump than you are.

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Friday Recap. Joe is wearing a Blue Blazer with a striped tie. It must be his new collection of " I have a meeting with Trump today wear" Mika is wearing bright red sweater & a blotchy scarf. Is it an Episcopalian scarf? I am confused.

Joe is wearing green corduroy pants... Trump won't like that.

Joe was busy shouting at Donny throughout the first segment. Joe said the NY Times was wrong to attack Trump over his tweets. They should focus on some cabinet members that Joe doesn't like Flynn.

Heilemann looks demoralized to be on the show.

Trump started tweeting during the show attacking Earnest because the Russian hacks revealed that Donna Brazile was giving questions.

Joe is talking about his cat Meatball knowing about the Russian wiki leaks.

Eugene Robinson is baffled by what Trump is doing.

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