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S03.E11: Intimacy Part 2

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.....I loved that scene when Neil popped into Sam's kitchen not long after Sam returned from work. She threw a frozen entree into the microwave for herself, then sat to eat. Neil sat, too, sipping a glass of water. I guess he had already eaten? But why? Sharing a meal is too torturous?....

He was waiting, as usual, for Sam to throw him scraps.

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Ashley "has your heart" David?  Whyyyyyy???  She's a beast.  A BEAST!  Run!  And I absolutely HATE when people leave a conversation while someone else is talking simply because it isn't going in the direction they want. HATE IT.  


How the hell is Sam no longer the most hateful person on this show?  Have we all just become weakened to her overbearing, uncaring ways like Neil?  And, I'm ashamed to admit this, but when she did her impression of Neil's bug eyed stare...I cracked a smile  I KNOW.  I don't understand what's happening.


I hope Tres was kidding about writing a book.  For fuck's sake, Dr. Soda has about 80 years on you, is an "expert" but I still sure as shit wouldn't read any advice she has to say.  Sit down and look cute, Tres.  But yes, buying flowers will shut her up.  I mean, keep her happy.  For a minute.

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Ok...I will say it yet again....with just about every reality show the "bloom" is off the rose after the 1st or 2nd season...this premise is so intense that it has faded quicker


I agree Ashley has found her out - yet in some ways the premise of this show is harder - on Bachelor for instance   a gal not attracted to the lead can make her excuses and go - here they are stuck one on one for 6 weeks. We know now that the show does not apparently make them stay together. I also think a lot of the house hunting is proven to be fake. Yet they are under some contract?

It worked - for 2 young couples - Jason and Courtney and the young couple in AU - all seemed to have less baggage - I personally thought the lack of family involvement helped J and C rather than hindered them. It "worked" I guess for fame hog Jamie and lazy not good looking Doug, a failed comedian. Hearing of the higher payoff to stay together - well - that helped Doug and Jamie


In Sam and Neil - I think Sam desperately wants the attention and she likes money. Neil is shrinking and disappearing before our eyes. His desire to recreate some arranged marriage dream of his heritage - and Sams desire for semi fame and bucks - could keep them together awhile. I know many liked Jacklyn but I honestly think she was a nicer version of Sam -- I think she would have liked a spin off show and wanted to push her vodka


I think Ashley wanted out from day one - she would have left the bach house first night if David was bach. I can't figure David out - I think he is either hard headed or just feels he will have his pick of women when the show ends  - he probably will LOL. Good job, devoted, flowers and more


Hard to pin down Tres and Vanessa - he is a cutie and seems sincere but I still think she is so much more committed than him. I think Vanessa is not in it for the fame (then again she does have a 2nd rate blog biz she started LOL)


Season one attracted more sincere people or even more fame hog sincere. Now it is all over the place and the only thing most agree is the "experts" did a horrible job. I also have a lot less like for Pepper  - pretty bad when the botox guy gives better advice than her huh?

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What are the chances that David has a friend who has a friend who knows Ashley? I mean, this is Atlanta, not a tiny hamlet tucked away in Rip Van Winkle-Ville. Six Degrees of Ashley Doherty? I'm getting all skeptical of the entire stupid storyline.

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Whatever the truth behind "textgate," it somewhat restores my faith in mankind that people aren't willing to buy the bullsh*t Ashley's trying to sell us, regardless. Not sure what I'd have to find out David has done to poor little Ashley to actually feel any sympathy for her, but I know said text didn't even make me blink.

Regarding David's graveside scene....honestly, men who are super dramatic and sob and whatnot (often) are off-putting to me. Right or wrong, they just are. Not that I'm looking for some emotionless brute, such as Sam's dream guy (per her own descriptions in the first few episodes )...but neither am I looking for someone who acts like my 15 yr. old niece...

Neil is also definitely not my cup of tea, but I can't help but give the guy a *ton* of credit for his self restraint in dealing with Sam's eff'd up ass. Not only would I have lost my sh*t about 45 times by now, I'd consider it lucky if I hadn't completely snapped. I most likely wouldn't have needed a new house for the next 2 weeks...the local psych hospital would've worked just fine. (-;

Finally, I like Vanessa just fine and am still charmed by Tres. Just because he isn't all over Vanessa constantly doesn't mean he isn't into her or committed, IMHO. I think Tres is just too easy-going to be that all over anything. Hoping that's true, at least. Rooting for V and Tres, as I think they both have the potential to make great spouses.

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Okay, this episode was hard to watch. Poor David, although asking a woman out for a date is much different from asking if she could fill you in on some details about your wife. I'm pretty sure it wasn't completely innocent, however, Ashley has been shown to be so unresponsive to him, I don't really blame him.

This whole story reminds me of "cigarette-gate" in Season 1 when Doug denied smoking and Jaimie FREAKED THE HELL OUT.

It was stupid, Yet the experts took it so seriously and used it to instruct Doug on how to better communicate. Geez.

Not sure if this is where this goes but I really really hate that they are using Jaimie for the after show interviews. I usually can stomach her, but this is BEYOND. What the hell is she doing wearing ripped knee pants. That's just adding to the stupid quotient.


Edited by cardigirl
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They're fugly! But they're perfect for keeping the attention on Jamie during her Unfiltered sitdowns. We discussed her new job in the MAFS: The First Year forum. With Jamie's leggings, her overbleached teeth, and her melodramatic overreactions of AMAZEMENT, she's doing a great job of keeping the spotlight on herself.


Edited by sleekandchic
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Vanessa and Tres - I figured I would lead off with these two cures for insomnia....nothing to add other than Vanessa's 'nervous' laugh after EVERYTHING she says is becoming tortuous.  Forget waterboarding, just get this woman to talk for ten minutes and the suspect will be giving up all strategic locations for any nefarious plan.  Tres....still think he is biding his time and will be looking to get out


Sam and Neil - Umm...two episodes in a row where I don't hate her?  Something is wrong!  It's the end of days I tells ya!  Still Neil....maybe you no longer have to run away...but you should still do a brisk walk away.


Ashley and David - I cannot believe that everyone is against her!  She is a robot scorned and she deserves SOOO much better....sigh....I can't do this...there is no defending her whatsoever.  I mean David gets caught doing something kinda sketchy, and NO ONE could blame him!  I almost threw up when she stated that she was starting to get close to him 'in her own way' as if we should excuse her monosyllabic, vacant stare and robotic personality as 'oh, well that's just the way I am...you should accept my awful personality and mind read me'.  And her dumbass excuse of 'if I didn't care and start having feelings for him, then I wouldn't have cared that he texted this girl'...soooo the ONLY way for him to get a reaction from you is to do something bad?!  Well then, job well done David!  How would he know this from ANY moment leading up to this situation?!  Even if David was trying to have drinks with this girl, considering that when asked if she was just biding her time, Ashley recently had said that she could not answer that right now.  Clearly she had one foot out the door the minute she laid eyes on him.  And the back story about the girl is so convoluted....there seems to be no clear consensus of who really knew her, why this girl 'tattled' if she didn't even know Ashley, how Ashley talked to her, etc.


Production - Please get ANYONE other than Jamie Otis with these post game interviews.  She makes it about her and her over the top reactions,  And please please please please, during the reunion please someone on the show call out Ms. Robot as being completely fake.  Right now it seems they are all taking Ashley's side which is mind boggling

Edited by jamblastx
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Ashley must think she has the body of a goddess, the way she insists on tight and short.  But sorry, David; "Ask you out for a drink" is not neutral language. He also seems to think marriage is a tangible object, a "thing" he must defend, "fight for," and try to keep, like a football. Weird.


I can understand Sammi's being unhappy at suddenly living alone after seven years, being 100% responsible for everything, having no-one to talk to. But if Neil has any brains, Sam will be returning soon.


Tres. He sees Vanessa's good qualities (being a good mother some day, e.g.), but whether she's The One for him, I don't think he's made up his mind on that score yet.

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To be honest both David & Ashley are shitty people.


David’s fake crying on his dad’s grave was kind of despicable. I said it in the SM, but he’s a twat for allowing production to convince him to engage in this bullshit. And I’m not sure I buy his whole explanation about texting the girl.


Ashley finally got her golden ticket and will not give it away to anyone. She’s a terrible actress. I laughed at her fake hurt and concern. You don’t even like the dude as a human being but care about a text? She is truly a shitty person. She’s probably aware at this point of how bad she comes across but wants to make sure that David’s image is also tarnished.


Neil is pathetic. I’m sorry but I still think he’s a virgin and Sam is his only chance at pussy. I can’t explain him putting up with her.


I don’t see the change in Sam. Sam is one of those extremely obnoxious people that think they have a great personality. Her jokes are lame. Her pranks are lame. She is lame. Her main motivation for signing up to this show is being on TV.


Vanessa and Tres had very little air time but I still think they are not compatible and I still feel the same about Tres.

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What are the chances that David has a friend who has a friend who knows Ashley? I mean, this is Atlanta, not a tiny hamlet tucked away in Rip Van Winkle-Ville.


He said it was a "mutual friend". Are we really to believe that? So weird.


Also who takes a six pack to a graveyard? And when he calls her and gets voice mail he says "this is your husband, Dave"

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Sam is one of those extremely obnoxious people that think they have a great personality. Her jokes are lame. Her pranks are lame. She is lame.

Yeah, every time I see her I think "She's not as [fill in the blank] as she thinks." She's very average-looking, she keeps saying she's a nice, empathetic person and I have seen no evidence of that, she's not that funny, she thinks her quirks are cuter than they are. The one thing that's interesting about her that I've seen is that she goes to an aerial gym - that's an unusual way to exercise.


Also, if I had met someone online and started dating them and five weeks in, I met up with my friend and was talking about "The hugs are different. They're not side hugs, they're now full-body hugs with pressure," my friend - any friend, doesn't matter which one - would be like "Five weeks? Hugs? Girl, he doesn't like you like that." And if I were like "I've planned a dinner and cooked him food and gone to the gym with him" and couldn't come up with anything he'd done for or with me, she'd tell me to cut him loose because he's not that into me. And she'd be right. I just don't see what Neil gets out of being with Sam.

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To me Ashley is very simple.  She saw David, she wasn't attracted to him, she didn't want to have anything to do with him.  But, Ashley is also conscious of how she appears on TV, which was why she said no to the male strippers.  She doesn't want to look like the bad guy on TV, so she makes this text from David a HUGE issue.  Now, going by what people say, texting another person can be an issue in a marriage, but that's only if the people married actually have a marriage, and I don't mean just on paper; to me they are married on paper and that's it.  


Now I"m going to say something old fashioned.  There was a time, and I believe even the Roman Catholic church still believes this, that the purpose of marriage was to have children; so one of the grounds for annulment was if the marriage wasn't consummated, the idea being that if a marriage was consummated, there was a possibility of pregnancy, which was the reason folks used to get married.  I just feel that if there is no intimacy (not necessarily sex) there is not marriage, and I don't think David and Ashley were EVER intimate in any way, shape or form. 

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Editing will be the end to all of us


T&V - I want to think that he is being honest and sincere.  I think V will ruin everything.  She is so insecure and noncommunicative that it will not end well for them.  I hope she can hang on and take the leap of faith in two weeks.  I do not think she was the right one to ask about David's text.  She has proven she doesnt think men and women can be friends, so she cannot possibly think they can go somewhere together even if it is to give the other person some advice.


S&N - She is a trip.  As long as she gets her way, she is fine.  She is still a bully.  Neil said he didnt like anyone touching his face, knew it was weird but just didnt.  So she rubs her dirty hands all over his face!  She wants to make him happy!  While she is eating her tv dinner, he watches with a glass of wine.  OK.  but then she just slurps the liquid from the container, ugh.  His old apartment looked like it was decorated with good taste, he speaks well, carries himself well.  Bet his manners are much better than hers


D&A - I agree, this is her key to the door.  She has shown nothing but disrespect to David during these long weeks.  I cant believe that he is stupid enough to contact someone he KNOWS has a connection with her, for a "date".  He has enough friends for that.  I am sure there is some truth in the middle.  But she just went off.  I loved it when he was saying he knew nothing of her  etc  then in her TH she said that she would never say anything that unkind to anyone..  Oh really, I dont like the way you look is kind?  When her friend came over to talk, I never heard A say why D had contacted this girl. That might have been information the friend needed to give some helpful advice.  Of course then A would be told to calm down and talk it over with D.I have been wanting the fairly tale for this couple.  I wanted her to say she was willing to try without the cameras and  see where they could go with the relationship. I dont think this can happen now.  Of course in the previews she is seen kissing him on the cheek.  Again, i say Editing is what this program is all about.


Jamie - Please if anyone from production reads these posts, please do not have her at the 6 months show.  She does not add any quality or sincerity.  If you just want reaction - you will probably not get what you want. People will stop watching. I couldnt believe it when she was with Ashley and totally agreeing with her. When she had spent the last season talking about her EX and giving him all kinds of free publicity.  I would think that someone doing a true interview should not input their own feelings but would draw information out.  And who wants to know about her first time with Doug!, totally the Jamie Show and not the uncensored talks with Season 3 participants


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Vanessa and Tres - I figured I would lead off with these two cures for insomnia....nothing to add other than Vanessa's 'nervous' laugh after EVERYTHING she says is becoming tortuous.  Forget waterboarding, just get this woman to talk for ten minutes and the suspect will be giving up all strategic locations for any nefarious plan.  Tres....still think he is biding his time and will be looking to get out



Production - Please get ANYONE other than Jamie Otis with these post game interviews.  She makes it about her and her over the top reactions,  And please please please please, during the reunion please someone on the show call out Ms. Robot as being completely fake.  Right now it seems they are all taking Ashley's side which is mind boggling


I agree about Vanessa. I'm sure she's a nice person, but I personally like her less and less. Not just because of the nervous giggling, but also because of her sky-high, unrealistic expectations. I agree with the poster above who said that Tres doesn't have to be all over her all the time to be committed. But I think that's what she wants. I think Tres is a laid-back, fun-loving guy, and Vanessa is a bit too serious for him. If somebody had prepared those gifts and flowers and cakes and all those things for my birthday, I would have been all "Aww!" and "Oh my god!" and "Thank you!" - but she barely showed any emotion or excitement about him doing this for her. Like she'd expected something, but this wasn't quite up to her expectations. I could be wrong, and I understand that everybody's different, it just underlined the fact for me that she's just not a very fun person.


I agree about Jamie, too. She's beyond annoying.


Ashley must think she has the body of a goddess, the way she insists on tight and short.  But sorry, David; "Ask you out for a drink" is not neutral language. He also seems to think marriage is a tangible object, a "thing" he must defend, "fight for," and try to keep, like a football. Weird.


I can understand Sammi's being unhappy at suddenly living alone after seven years, being 100% responsible for everything, having no-one to talk to. But if Neil has any brains, Sam will be returning soon.


Tres. He sees Vanessa's good qualities (being a good mother some day, e.g.), but whether she's The One for him, I don't think he's made up his mind on that score yet.


I agree about David. It didn't sound neutral to me, either, and I just didn't feel like his reaction and his defense was 100% honest.


What I found weird about Sammie's reaction to Sam moving out was how sad and crushed she looked, even though this was the second time Sam supposedly moved out to live with Neil. So I don't really know what she'd expected? That the 3 of them would live together for eternity?


To be honest both David & Ashley are shitty people.


David’s fake crying on his dad’s grave was kind of despicable. I said it in the SM, but he’s a twat for allowing production to convince him to engage in this bullshit. And I’m not sure I buy his whole explanation about texting the girl.



I agree. If him crying on his dad's grave had been genuine, he shouldn't have let the crew film it. It should have been a private moment. Maybe just film him from afar, without the microphone. The whole thing seemed staged, including his tears. And yes, I don't buy his explanation either.

Edited by BunnySlippers
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Sam and Neil- There is no chemistry. There never will be. Stop trying to make us believe it's possible and things are starting to turn around cause we're not stupid. 

Who moves in to a new house when there is only one week left of the experiment? I suppose they are going to decide to stay married now because to use Sam's words, Neil is "growing on her".  


My only regret with David is that he finally gave Assley some ammunition to use against him and she has certainly taken it and made the most of her little act of being so upset. Please, girl. YOU don't care. And you are the worst actress on the planet.  I just hate it when I'm arguing with someone and they keep walking out of the room. Stand there and hash it out for god's sake. She didn't want to hear a thing he had to say. 


I did like David's brother telling him that text was not cool. He said something like, Man, why did you have to send a text like that? Really, David, Why??

Edited by bichonblitz
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Did anyone notice that when David called Ashley from Buffalo and got her voicemail, the screen on his phone identified her name as "WIFEY" ?  LOL.  He put her into his contacts as WIFEY!  Oh my God, give it up already!


Yes, I saw that! I doubt she has one that says "HUBBY".


I still want to know why he took six pack to the graveyard?????

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I echo all of you. Ashley is awful, she's a phony, she's a hypocrite and so, so much more. Love how she attacked on all fronts--"why didn't you come to ME?" "you need to talk to me!" David: "I am talking to you!" Ashley "well, I don't want to talk to you right now! Why can't you respect my need for space??" No matter what he said or did, she wanted the opposite. And her pearl clutching outrage was ridiculous. Does she really believe this? Because I don't, not for a minute. And dear lord, if what we've seen from Ashley is "trying".....well, I just can't. She is delusional.

I had to fast forward through David's hideously mawkish scene at the cemetery. i don't dispute that his feelings are sincere but that was horrifically uncomfortable. Dude, get some therapy, something.

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I was outdone when Sam slurped that frozen dinner. She's disgusting. And if Neil stays with her, he's a fool. Get out while you still can, dude!


I laughed my ass off at Ashley's performance. Bitch, please. However, David is just not right either. Unless he's being forced to say all that "fighting for my marriage" crap, there is something truly wrong with him. Good God, man. There's nothing there. I agree that him going to grave and sobbing all over it for the camera was terrible.


I wanted Tres and Vanessa to work out and I really think they could have gone on at least longer than the 6 weeks if she would have relaxed a bit more. I don't know that they don't make it, but I wouldn't put any money on it.

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I just watched.  David is delusional.  "Ashley is my heart.  I'm committed to my family, which is Ashley.  I'll do anything to fight for my marriage."

Dude, she's barely given you one-syllable answers since you got married.  This is NOT a relationship.  You need to stop reading fairy tales.  

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He said it was a "mutual friend". Are we really to believe that? So weird.


Sleekandchic wrote:


What are the chances that David has a friend who has a friend who knows Ashley? I mean, this is Atlanta, not a tiny hamlet tucked away in Rip Van Winkle-Ville. Six Degrees of Ashley Doherty? I'm getting all skeptical of the entire stupid storyline.


I have a feeling it might have been someone in production, perhaps a former makeup artist or assistant that may or may not still be working on the show.  It would be someone David thinks Ashley might have told the truth to.  Perhaps the woman herself hinted around to David before this that she knew a little about what was going on with Ashley and he took the bait.  Too bad she was really not on his side.  I find it strange that the woman would have ratted David out unless she were in kahoots with Ashley on framing him.  It makes very little sense otherwise.  Why would just any old woman tell Ashley about this???  If he were really trying to cheat this would not happen.....

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Aha! During Jamie Otis's Unfiltered portion of the episode, David said that the following weekend he and Ashley were scheduled to attend his friend's wedding in Nashvile. But due to Ashleys broken trust, she refused to attend. Lol. [Note to RedheadZombie: Because of your helpful posts last episode, I DO recognize that using David's blip as an excuse to avoid the wedding could be Ashley's social anxiety manifestation. See?I paid attention! ;) However, I do think Ashley is being manipulative and shady here. Me no like-a Ashley.]

Makes me want to know EXACTLY when David reached out to the other girl. Was Ashley holding that ammunition in her arsenal for a while?

I feel bad for Bella and Marley, the dogchildren of stress and divorce.


Noa is Vanessa's dog's name.

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Re; Sam - Yeah, every time I see her I think "She's not as [fill in the blank] as she thinks." She's very average-looking, she keeps saying she's a nice, empathetic person and I have seen no evidence of that, she's not that funny, she thinks her quirks are cuter than they are. The one thing that's interesting about her that I've seen is that she goes to an aerial gym - that's an unusual way to exercise.


Actually aerial gyms must be hot right now.  I've seen them featured on no fewer than 5 shows by now in the last 6 months.  So I'm not seeing it as all that unusual.  Perhaps "trendy" at best, but more like "typical" of someone trying to be trendy.  Nothing wrong with Aerial gyms, it looks like fun, it's just when someone like Sam latches on to it, it's after everyone else has already discovered it and she's just trying to keep up with what's in style.

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Impressions from this week: 


Tres & Vanessa are so cute to look at that you have to be pulling for them, but it's going to depend on whether Tres actually wants to be married or not (to anyone.) If he does, I think they could do just fine. If he just can't bring himself to be all in, she's going to be more and more unhappy until it finally falls apart after months and years of suffering. Tres, just do everyone a favor - including yourself - and make up your mind one way or the other. Now.


Sam and Neil: Regrettably, Neil thinks this is what marriage is, and that being abused by your narcissistic spouse is just part of the bargain. He will stay around for the crumbs she throws him, and if she actually provides any sex he'll trade the last shreds of his self-respect to join the Legion of the Pussywhipped forever. Hate to see it. Oh, yeah, glad the Experts could guide Neil on recognizing a healthy relationship. Great job there, guys.


David and Ashley: 

First, David. He's still a total clumsy clod when it comes to approaching women and I can see what he means by "no good at dating" and how he thought this show would provide him with a ready-made willing bride so he wouldn't have to bother with any sort of courtship to make a woman feel comfortable with him. Unless and until he learns to stop immediately pushing for more at the slightest sign of response and then immediately whining when he doesn't get it, he's going to turn off every woman in the world.


He's clearly not ever dealt with the death of his father. After all this time, most people have come to terms with such a thing as much as they're ever going to, but this is still controlling his life. Once again, Experts, great job on helping him cope. I think the beer at the graveside was probably just some sort of tradition, since what he really wants is to have a beer with Dad but this is the only way he can. People have done stranger things.


My take on Textgate is that it was a clumsy attempt to make Ashley jealous, but it backfired completely.


Now, Ashley: I'll say it again: Ashley is hung up on someone else, just like Jaime was hung up when she did MAFS. They both reacted the same way to their grooms - I think it was "OMG WTAH have i done?" - but where Jaime dissolved in near-hysterics, Ashley simply froze and completely shut down. She hoped David would get the message but he never did - in fact, her extreme reticence only made him chase her harder.


Yet she stayed on the show for the same reason Jaime did: Contracts and Money. And, you bet, because they each hoped their Real Guy would get jealous and ask them not to do it. I'm betting that Ashley's guy did just that, which made her even more distant, but Contracts and Money again. And hey, it's only six weeks, right? And Contracts. And Money. And Money.


Come to think of it, I wonder if Basement Ryan last year didn't do something similar. There were stories about him having a girlfriend the whole time the show was filming. Maybe he was trying to light a fire under her, too, by going on MAFS, and maybe it worked.


But back to Ashley, and anyone else who would marry someone else while they're on the rebound from someone else: Don't do it. It's selfish and cruel. And I can say that as someone who DID do that many, many years ago. Thought I was over him and never thought I'd see him again, but it still wasn't fair.


Experts, once again, great job at weeding out people who are only doing MAFS because they're on the rebound as high as the moon. Oh, wait . . .


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I feel so annoyed with Vanessa. Tres buys her a perfume gift box filled with scents, cheesecake, chocolates and a M&M cookie, PLUS a bouquet of exquisite flowers and she seemed to be a little underwhelmed. Holy crap, could he BE any more thoughtful and sweet? He brought home cold pills, flowers and sushi when she wasn't feeling well too. I feel she could have been just a little more enthusiastic and appreciation for his thoughtfulness. Tres doesn't need to see that frowning pout on her face when he's been trying so hard to please her. Vanessa is one of those selfish little girls that thinks it's all about her. She'd better start giving Tres a little TLC as well so he knows that he's appreciated or he's going to give up.


I have a problem with David asking a girl that 'follows' him on Facebook out for a drink. I mean, what was that supposed to accomplish? Is David trying to say that he asked a stranger out on a date just to get this stranger's insight about Ashley? I'm not buying that one and I'm pretty naive. And Ashley (sigh)....... she really believes that she doesn't shut down and leave the conversations and while David was trying to have the conversation, she turned and walked out FIVE separate times!  Ashley girl, your dog just might be the deepest relationship of your life.


Samantha and Neil are severely mismatched. Neil has a Master's degree in biology and has a very cerebral personality, he'll never be a drama queen. He's more refined and delicate and probably a lot more sensitive than Samantha. She is more spontaneous and lives in the moment, and I can see her getting bored quickly with someone like Neil.

Edited by Drogo
Removed social media content. Wrong thread.
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Wow...just wow.  Last night  the Production crew got even with Ashley.  She thinks she was oh so clever and now she's going to look like the victim.  Silly fool...these people are pros and they can make you look bad or good.  And last night, it was payback time.  They let her hang herself with her histrionics and phony outrage. 


Regarding David's indiscretion (if you could call it that)......how come last year Basement Ryan had a girlfriend on the side the entire time and it was never shown?  The only way we found out was when Jaclyn finally mentioned it during the update show.  He was clearly cheating, and they show nothing.  Now there's some text that could be interpreted either way, and it's blown up like Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky.  Didn't you love the self-satisfied look on Ashley's face when she was talking to Jamie..."texts don't lie", and she shows it to the camera.  She really thinks she's going to come out of this smelling like a rose.  Snarky comment - she really slathered on the makeup for her one-on-one with Jamie, didn't she?


Loved Tres' ideas for a How To book.  He is really cute.  I'm not saying he's not intelligent, but I just don't think he's very deep.  What you see is what you get.  He's very laid back and is a go-with-the-flow kind of guy.  Some might see that as lack of involvement or caring in the relationship.  I guess we'll find out in 2 weeks.  I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for them.  I do agree with another poster that Vanessa didn't really seem to be very enthused by his gifts, although I thought her basket was lame.  There was nothing personal in it.  Tres cleaned up and made food.  Let's face it...there's not a lot of husbands that would do that.


Neil and Sam are pretending.  There is nothing going on between them.  Not now, not 2 weeks from now, not ever.  Sam looks at Neil like a pet.  "Oh, look at the cute thing he did".  And then she slides him back in to his cage when she's finished with him.  Neil wants his reward for putting up with her for 6 weeks, but sorry fella, you're not getting any.  I'm actually going to look forward to hearing the b.s. that will come out of their mouths when they say they want to stay together and watch the look of phony delight from the experts who think they put one over on us.  And I'm slow on the take, but my "gay-dar" was going off like crazy with Sam and Sammie's little exchange.  Poor Sammie looked so bereft at the thought Sam might be continuing on with the slug.  If there's anything I'd like to see come out of this, it's Neil doing some serious introspection and finding out why he had such low expectations and was willing to put up with so much in order to stay married.


Finally, Jamie managed to insult Doug several times when she was supposed to be interviewing other people about themselves, not her.  How embarrassing for Doug to hear her say "I'll say it...our first time was not romantic".  And don't forget the knowing eye roll she gave David, I think, when something was said about not being attracted to their partner.  Oh thanks Jamie....I'm sure that will make Doug feel like the stuff you scrape off your shoe.

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Tres strikes me as- babyish.  He talks like a child, and although he says he's "committed to the marriage," I don't know if he has any idea what that means.  Not that he isn't trying but I don't know if he'll ever match Vanessa's dream idea of a mate. 


David is as awkward as they come in navigating any relationship.  I was cringing when he kept over trying to explain the texts: "Ashley, I I just wanted to talk to someone about what you are really like!  I can't believe you keep walking away when we are talking about something!"  Then when he was leaving for Buffalo:  "I'm going now.  I'm leaving for a few days.  Yup, leaving now.  Let me know if you need anything."  OMG, just go already.  


I don't know what to think of Sam and Neil.  I just like to watch him because he is SO über-nerdy that it fascinates me.  I definitely don't care for the submissive role he takes.  And she's all over it.  The one episode where they arrived at her townhouse and she directed him to make breakfast for her and the roommate while they went to the other room and bonded?  Uh, no.  Weird.

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I have a daughter too David! I hate her boyfriend so David, Save her please!

Yes David. Tons of us have NORMAL, loving attractive daughters that would give their right arm for a man like you!!! STOP investing time with that dented forehead, mustached, whiny, frigid snatch

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I feel so annoyed with Vanessa. Tres buys her a perfume gift box filled with scents, cheesecake, chocolates and a M&M cookie, PLUS a bouquet of exquisite flowers and she seemed to be a little underwhelmed. Holy crap, could he BE any more thoughtful and sweet? He brought home cold pills, flowers and sushi when she wasn't feeling well too. I feel she could have been just a little more enthusiastic and appreciation for his thoughtfulness. Tres doesn't need to see that frowning pout on her face when he's been trying so hard to please her. Vanessa is one of those selfish little girls that thinks it's all about her. She'd better start giving Tres a little TLC as well so he knows that he's appreciated or he's going to give up.


I have a problem with David asking a girl that 'follows' him on Facebook out for a drink. I mean, what was that supposed to accomplish? Is David trying to say that he asked a stranger out on a date just to get this stranger's insight about Ashley? I'm not buying that one and I'm pretty naive. And Ashley (sigh)....... she really believes that she doesn't shut down and leave the conversations and while David was trying to have the conversation, she turned and walked out FIVE separate times!  Ashley girl, your dog just might be the deepest relationship of your life.


Samantha and Neil are severely mismatched. Neil has a Master's degree in biology and has a very cerebral personality, he'll never be a drama queen. He's more refined and delicate and probably a lot more sensitive than Samantha. She is more spontaneous and lives in the moment, and I can see her getting bored quickly with someone like Neil.


I agree with all this. And that's exactly what I was trying to say in my earlier post about Vanessa's lukewarm reaction to the gifts Tres had given her. Nothing is good enough for her. I don't see that being good for their marriage in the long run; I think she'd always be critical of everything he does or doesn't do.



Wow...just wow.  Last night  the Production crew got even with Ashley.  She thinks she was oh so clever and now she's going to look like the victim.  Silly fool...these people are pros and they can make you look bad or good.  And last night, it was payback time.  They let her hang herself with her histrionics and phony outrage. 


Regarding David's indiscretion (if you could call it that)......how come last year Basement Ryan had a girlfriend on the side the entire time and it was never shown?  The only way we found out was when Jaclyn finally mentioned it during the update show.  He was clearly cheating, and they show nothing.  Now there's some text that could be interpreted either way, and it's blown up like Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky.  Didn't you love the self-satisfied look on Ashley's face when she was talking to Jamie..."texts don't lie", and she shows it to the camera.  She really thinks she's going to come out of this smelling like a rose.  Snarky comment - she really slathered on the makeup for her one-on-one with Jamie, didn't she?


Loved Tres' ideas for a How To book.  He is really cute.  I'm not saying he's not intelligent, but I just don't think he's very deep.  What you see is what you get.  He's very laid back and is a go-with-the-flow kind of guy.  Some might see that as lack of involvement or caring in the relationship.  I guess we'll find out in 2 weeks.  I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for them.  I do agree with another poster that Vanessa didn't really seem to be very enthused by his gifts, although I thought her basket was lame.  There was nothing personal in it.  Tres cleaned up and made food.  Let's face it...there's not a lot of husbands that would do that.


Neil and Sam are pretending.  There is nothing going on between them.  Not now, not 2 weeks from now, not ever.  Sam looks at Neil like a pet.  "Oh, look at the cute thing he did".  And then she slides him back in to his cage when she's finished with him.  Neil wants his reward for putting up with her for 6 weeks, but sorry fella, you're not getting any.  I'm actually going to look forward to hearing the b.s. that will come out of their mouths when they say they want to stay together and watch the look of phony delight from the experts who think they put one over on us.  And I'm slow on the take, but my "gay-dar" was going off like crazy with Sam and Sammie's little exchange.  Poor Sammie looked so bereft at the thought Sam might be continuing on with the slug.  If there's anything I'd like to see come out of this, it's Neil doing some serious introspection and finding out why he had such low expectations and was willing to put up with so much in order to stay married.


Finally, Jamie managed to insult Doug several times when she was supposed to be interviewing other people about themselves, not her.  How embarrassing for Doug to hear her say "I'll say it...our first time was not romantic".  And don't forget the knowing eye roll she gave David, I think, when something was said about not being attracted to their partner.  Oh thanks Jamie....I'm sure that will make Doug feel like the stuff you scrape off your shoe.


I agree with everything in your post. Good point about Basement Ryan - I hadn't thought of that.

Edited by Drogo
Removed social media content.
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I started to ponder something last night.  Has Ashley considered how the ramifications of her behavior may follow her after the show is over?  Or....will there not be any?  What I was thinking about was if I was sick in the hospital and Ashley walked in and introduced herself as my nurse.  Would this silly reality show be enough for me to send her away and ask for a replacement?  I have complete and total hate for the Robot, but I'm not sure.  Maybe leaning towards thinking that I actually would?!  How would others react?


Or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself......will this affect her ability to get a nursing job right away?  Would HR just laugh at her and say a huge "NO WAY"?  

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Or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself......will this affect her ability to get a nursing job right away?  Would HR just laugh at her and say a huge "NO WAY"?

I can see being on a reality show as being an automatic disqualifier from some fields of work (though not nursing) but I doubt that how she acted on this show will matter much. Being a terrible romantic partner is just so far afield from permissible job interview questions and actual job responsibilities that I can't see it. Also, I would have no problem with her as my nurse in a hospital, I don't really need to make small talk with everyone who comes through the room.

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The jury is still out on if I would ask for a new nurse if Ashley showed up but I would defiantly sign myself into a new hospital if Jamie showed up (even though I think she has given nursing the flick due to her 'fame' and 'business')  I would have a hard time holding my tongue with either of them though and I only snark on boards where if they see it I blame them and do not do social media as it is directed at them. Both of them seem to think that their crap does not stink and they can do/say whatever they want and always be right and then cry poor me, people are bullies boohoo, why are people so mean on social media all while directing crap at others.


Sam is growing on me, these last two episodes she has seemed almost human

Neil still needs a backbone and I hope he finds it soon

Tres I am ambivalent I can't decide if he just does not care or is just easy going

Vanessa is a sulky whinger

Ashley arghhh I really wanted to get the razor out this week, her mustache is darker than her husbands

David I am giving side eye to him about the text and defiantly about the grave visit but I can't be mad just because I feel like Ashley needs to be bought down a peg or two


My surprise winner of the episode was David's brother who called him on his crap


Sigh autocorrect hates me I swear

Edited by crazychicken
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I hope we get a few scenes next episode of Sam and Neil in their new home because I want to see if her dog, Marley, and her two caged sugar gliders are living there.

When Sam and Neil left the first marital home, they gave several questionable excuses; but when explaining why they moved into Sam's place, complete with roommate, Sam said it was because Neil's home didn't accept pets.

So, I don't believe Sam would relinquish Marley & Co. permanently, not even to Sammie. I'll be looking for the animals next week to see if Sam, Neil and Production even remember the b.s. they spout from one week to the next.

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As I was writing yesterday, I used to defend Ashley, but I'm over her. There's nothing wrong with not being attracted to David - I wouldn't either, he's too pushy. But instead of being open and telling him she see's no future she's glueing herself to a lame excuse. She wanted an out and find one. What a coward.


I don't know what is happening to me, but Sam has worn me down in that I didn't mind her all that much.


Tres is too cute for words, I'd really take him. The only thing worrying for me is that he rarely initiates physical contact and if he does, it doesn't last long. But as a human being he is really sweet, sensitive and lovely.

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First, David. He's still a total clumsy clod when it comes to approaching women and I can see what he means by "no good at dating" and how he thought this show would provide him with a ready-made willing bride so he wouldn't have to bother with any sort of courtship to make a woman feel comfortable with him. Unless and until he learns to stop immediately pushing for more at the slightest sign of response and then immediately whining when he doesn't get it, he's going to turn off every woman in the world.



Yes, David may be clumsy, but that's okay.  I'd rather clumsy than passive aggressive shrew, which is Ashley.  Here's what I can't stand about Ashley.  Sam, who I don't like, had the stones to tell Neil she wasn't attracted to him, it wasn't the best move, but she said it and it was done.  Ashley didn't want to come off bad, she really wants to make sure she comes off good on TV, so she said things like, "I don't want to hurt his feelings."  Passive/Aggressive/Shrew.  She had vital information and held it from David, that's not good in my book.  How dare she accuse David of not being honest with that dumb ass tweet, when she herself was dishonest with David by not telling him how she felt about him.  I detest people who say, "if you cant' say something nice, don't say anything."  Ashley is a coward and a loser.


Also, women are not the same, some of us need pushing because if I'm not pushed, I might not move.  


That courtship shit would turn me off now; when I was in my 20's I'd be all over it but now it's just time wasted.  For me, courtship is action like taking out  the garbage, buying me a Dyson vacuum cleaner, or something from KitchenAid.  

Edited by Neurochick
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I agree...Ashley was looking for the first opportunity to put David in the hot seat and blame him for their "marriage" not working out.  I think she was getting desperate and was planning to keep bugging him about the 4th of July party...and then she found out about the text.  The text was kinda shady behavior on David's part, but at least he had been TRYING up until then. 


Regarding Sam and Neil's new house...I saw David and Ashley's place on Air BnB (fully furnished) and I'm wondering if that's how S&N found their place too.  Sammie looked so sad when Sam was leaving, which struck me as odd.  I don't get the two of them. 


I think Tres and Vanessa will stay together.  I can see them being the next Jason and Courtney.

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This whole thing with Ashley is pathetic. She is so stupid. If she thinks we would all feel for her and the believe her victim act she has another thing coming. She has done nothing to add to their marriage. Sorry but she doesn't have any social anxiety or any social issues. She just wasn't attracted to David and wanted nothing to do with him so she decided to be an icy bitch the whole time to him instead of just trying to even be friends. When his friends were around she was laughing and smiling at the 4th party. When he had a couple of his guy friends over she spoke to both of them and hugged the dark featured one. Really the experts should have finished them when Dr. C had her sitting there saying how she wasn't attracted to him at all and he had to tell David to stop trying to touch her even. That to me was where the show should have been ok we failed here let's call it a day instead of torturing them (more so David) and us. It was very robot like of her in her THs on this too. She has no emotion at all. Just blank always. I wonder if she is like this outside this show. If so she really does NOT need to be a nurse. I would run if I saw her coming in as my nurse. Working in that field you shouldn't be a cold bitch. Same with being a social worker I would think. What hurtful things was David saying to Ashley? How was she being treated when he was the one just talking and her raising her voice over everything......she is running out left and right and coming off like she is projecting herself on him. I don't doubt he was trying to talk to a mutual friend about her since she never says a damn word to him. He probably figured one last attempt on his part since its almost over. Its obvious she is going to use this as an excuse to get out of things but in the end those of us watching have been on to her. OMG calling David fake and his note. LMAO Where was this feelings she claims were there? All I know was this whole thing was pissing me off. Between her and the friend (another with the same name) OMG just admit you didn't want to be there and weren't into it. There was nothing to be there for with this junk. If I was the friend I would have asked to see the screenshot she had and been asking about if she had spoke to him about it and what he said. Of course the friend can be there when David isn't. I think as others have said before Ashley didn't want them around because one of them might have slipped up and spilled the truth on what was going on behind his back. He said in a TH and to his brother how it could be her excuse to get out..DUH!!! Which in turn he should be ok you want out you have it now go.  It really has to be producer driven that he wants her cold sorry ass back because there is no way he could otherwise IMO. He had said it 2 times that she wanted to use this as an out. Yet of course the show can't have them just split before the "big reveal" on if they will or will not stay together. If being married was such an important thing then why has Ashley not tried once during this whole show? Someone smack her!!! 


   UGH Sam is just fake and disgusting as well. There is no hope for them unless he likes walking on eggshells all the time so he doesn't set her off into beast mode. There is just nothing there with them. I wouldn't doubt her and Sammie have had some sort of relationship. That was coming off to me when they moved back to her place and how they had to go up to Sammie's room (aka Sam's sanctuary). There went Sam again with the head nodding and never looking anyone in the eye when she speaks of what they supposedly want. I wanted to smack her because she just nods and makes her noises like she agrees but she is bored and wants to not be there. Its so obvious. UGH could someone please tell her to stop tilting her head back like she does in her THs cause no one wants to see up her nose. She gets those big crazy eyes in those as well. She is just a nutjob though and Neil needs to run. I don't care what she does or says at this point because you can see the effects on him over time with her behavior having taken a toll on him. It sounded like not just Sammie would miss Sam but that Sam was going to miss being there all the time with her too with how they spoke to each other. She literally has no respect for Neil. The way she was with grabbing his face after he said he doesn't like that and sadly he knew she would. 



OMG someone kick Dr. Logan!!!! If its so important for them to live together in their own places then that should be in the contract that if they don't and are found to run back to their old homes or somewhere else for even a night they will be breaking contract. We know that they don't live together even when they "move" into a place. I'm still not keen on Tres but agree with those saying they should be going out more and doing stuff. Most of what we see is them at home. I'm so sick of the how important it is for these couples to do things to make memories. UGH Enough with that repeated line over and over again. Literally I think they have all repeated the same junk this season more then they have in the past.  


Vanessa with her I am a product of divorced parents. I don't know how much they fought but couples do fight. If she thinks that doesn't happen she needs to get a clue. Its when its always happening everyday over even the littlest thing that is bad IMO. The gift basket she put together was a cute idea. I honestly hate that happy wife happy life crap. Its such a joke when any man or woman says it. That was nice what he did for her birthday but take the damn girl out. 



Previews I kept seeing....UGH The Sam and Neil stuff. It really makes me sick. She is such a horrible person. It looks like they will try to be all "look she changed at the end" when that is so far from how she is. She has shown she is a horrible nasty person on the show and on SM. Its who she is. Those kind of people love to try to make themselves look good to others when they can then BAM back to the abusive side all over again when you might feel its safe to come off those eggshells. 

  And the David/Ashley was as well made me sick. Its like why other doing anything together? 


Sorry but I don't remember who has said it about Sam and Neil getting a place unseen. While I think for the show it was whatever they found that could work for a couple weeks needed....I will say that there are lots of people that rent a place with out seeing it. Sometimes you have to. Those that move from another state and need a place asap be or even in state at times. We did it with a house we rented many years ago. It was near the school our kids went to at the time and had 4 bedrooms/2 baths. When we got in there it was nice. It wasn't as nice as Sam and Neil got but it was bigger then we had though and was what we needed for the years we were in it. While it could have been a disaster doing that it can work out for some. I would never buy something though without seeing it first. That is a different story and I couldn't do that. 


Jamie with these interviews. Boy is she rude to Vanessa when she is telling her she is all lady like and then repeating what was said. I would have given her a look for that. Ashley's choice of lipstick for this was so horrid. They really over did the makeup on her. Those eyebrows. YIKES! OMG just because David said the girl wasn't at the party doesn't mean he wanted to hook up. He wanted to discuss Ashley since she won't discuss herself. This thing was beaten to death over and over and OVER!!!! Of course Jamie is all over it with each couple. I doubt Ashley would have gone with him back home no matter what had been going on. Does she hear herself? Doing what is best for each other? When did Ashley do that EVER? At this point I had to stop watching Jamie was bugging me to much and I don't think I can sit through even 1 minute of her again doing these. 

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I hope Tres and Vanessa stay together, although I'm by far not sure about it (even if they are still together, chances are they'll break up in a few years).


But there's something genuinely sweet about them and even at their worst, there's no bullying or huge passive-aggressiveness.

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The thought has occurred to me that none of these couples have ever, on camera at least, asked their partner about their career or job. Neil Bowlus is a Compliance Specialist at QualTex Laboratories. That's interesting but if I was Samantha I'd ask him about more details about his career. The same goes for Samantha, Ashley, David, Vanessa and Tres. These people all have careers that take at least 40 hours of their lives every day not including traveling to and from work. Does everyone only talk about communicating without really communicating? I mean, isn't showing an interest in their careers and former lives something that communicates interest and develops a relationship? Two strangers that meet at a bar would share an interest in each others careers or jobs. Ashley is a nursing student but she's 30 years old and must have done something else before nursing school. Does David even know what that was?


I think that anyone would feel pleased that someone would be interested in their jobs, careers, former relationships, family, interests, likes and dislikes. Isn't finding all that out about someone simply working at creating that relationship? It seems that the past five weeks has been all about, 'she's non-communicative' or 'he's not attractive' and even 'It's difficult for me to get close to anyone'.  I mean geeze, can't they go outside of themselves and their own needs long enough to show some genuine interest about the other person instead?

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