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S15.E10: Hollywood Round #4

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Michelle Marie looked so much better with what I assume was a team of stylists.


I do like Mackenzie's tone, but wish he were not of the constipated- squeezing out every note painfully- extensive grimacing variety of singer.  


I thought it was funny last night how Jennifer commented how Stephany could walk to well in heels- when as soon as I saw her, I thought how funny she looked hunched over and shuffling in the too high heels.  Then they go and focus on her heels again tonight!  


I liked Jeneve at first, but now, I really don't.  I was reminded that she's 15.  And reminded, again and again and AGAIN, that she lives on a MOUNTAIN and HAS NO TV!  

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Why did Mackenzie Bourg remind me SO MUCH of Kris tonight?


Harry especially was so disappointed in them not keeping that redhead Colette Lush that it kind of made it clear that some if not all of these picks are actually producer decisions. Which kind of sucks 

especially if the spoilers for how the top ten is actually selected is true


I am officially on the Dalton train now. I REALLY liked his showcase performance and I cracked up at his "this Hollywood Week is totally ruining my self-esteem" commentary pre-sing.


I'm also a fan of Avalon now. I think she and Sarah (of the Sarah-and-Lee BFF-dom) might be battling for one spot in the finals and I hope Avalon gets picked.


Thomas/ Stringfellow's ex-girlfriend made such a dumb move. Lol

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I liked Jeneve at first, but now, I really don't.  I was reminded that she's 15.  And reminded, again and again and AGAIN, that she lives on a MOUNTAIN and HAS NO TV!  

Except that they do have a TV and miraculously tuned into American Idol--the only show they watch, as I recall--and I assume that's how she knew to audition for the show.  Yeah, right.  I was hoping she wouldn't make it through because I thought her story was such bullcrap. 

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Harry especially was so disappointed in them not keeping that redhead Colette Lush that it kind of made it clear that some if not all of these picks are actually producer decisions. Which kind of sucks 

especially if the spoilers for how the top ten is actually selected is true


I'm too lazy to dig, can you link me to the speculation on the spoiler part?

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I really like Avalon's singing voice.  I think she could go far.  But she has an odd speaking voice- is that some sort of niche California accent, or something particular to her?  


Disappointed that Colette didn't make it, but that last performance didn't sound good at all.  Sad that Chynna didn't make it through- I really liked her.  


I really liked Amelia Eisenhauer!  Don't remember seeing her before!  


James VIII's voice sounded good, but are we really going to have to say/hear "James The Eighth" or "James Eight" the whole time?

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Ooh, disappointed Sarah Sturn didn't make it.  I've liked her from the beginning.  


I've liked Gianna, but the constant references to her mom has been incredibly annoying from day 1.  It was way too shouty.  


Am I hearing things or did Thomas Stringfellow "yip" at the end of every single line??


Ugh.  Don't like Olivia "Rox" (what is her real name?).  Very affected and carefully curated stage personality.  


Except that they do have a TV and miraculously tuned into American Idol--the only show they watch, as I recall--and I assume that's how she knew to audition for the show.  Yeah, right.  I was hoping she wouldn't make it through because I thought her story was such bullcrap. 


Exactly.  She is soooooooo sheltered and living so remotely, but happens to get only AI on tv, has expensive cowboy clothes, gets out for regular orthodontist visits apparently, is aware of pop culture and is a fairly practiced performer.  :/

Edited by awaken
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I dont get the same understanding of Jeneves story at all. She clearly lives on a ranch in the mountains with no electric lines. No one ever said she was poor. It has nothing to do with wealth and everything to do with the ability to run electric lines where she lives.

I also looked her up, she has a webpage and has performed at small venues in Colorado with her father as well.

Anyway, does it seem like they put through a lot of girls and not many guys?

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Omg, in the montage they showed that sleazy guy I really liked that only a few of us seemed to!  Constantine or something?  LOL!!!!!!!!!


Loved that the blonde Green Day guy did N'Sync.  That was too cute for words.  


I'm fine with the Final 2 decisions.  I absolutely love La'Porsha and the other woman Lindita did not give a great performance, though she is very likeable.  And I really don't like Jordan Sasser or whatever his name is, but former drug addict guy, WTF?  I don't get his style at all.  It was sleazy and weird, and not in the Constantine Mouralis way I like.


The young boy "Lee" -- I liked his performance tonight.  But it seems like I only like him when he does Ed Sheeran, wonder what else he can bring?


I love that the one contestant, Avalon, was totally out and proud.


I can't with Jeneve.


I've said this before, but James VIII looks exactly like Ethan Embry.


The Brenda K. Starr's daughter thing is still weird to me.  Was that performance good, or shouty and out of tune?  Doesn't the daughter of someone who helped create Mariah Carey's career already have enough opportunities or what?  Anyway there's no way she can win this, can she?  


Seemed like lots of good contestants were cut all in the same montage.  The one who sang Up on the Mountain last episode?  Damn.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I think that the final 2 as well as several other decisions were wrong too. I'm not going to get attached to anyone in this competition because it really isn't clear what they want. I'm sure this is all producer and marketing driven.

I didn't count but it seemed like a lot of girls

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Jordan looked like a 50 year old man in the showcase. If it came down to him and the other guy I would pick the other guy hands down every time even though I wasn't all that fond of him either.

I feel like I dislike a hell of a lot more of the 24 than I like or even have lukewarm feelings for.

Tristan looks like she bought herself a whole pile of hair. Can't wait to not vote for her. I'm also way over Shelbie and Jeneve's tan hat is just horrid and far far too large.

Both Constantine and Pickles next week? What did I do to deserve that?

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I agree to not loving this group but I'm not their demographic. It just feels like a disjointed hodgepodge with way more time on the judges than on the singers.

I guess they are doing duets with former idols next week.

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I think Dalton will be the final WGWG winner.  Oddly, I'm very okay with that.  I don't get a Lambert vibe from him, but as someone here stated a few weeks ago, he is a lot like Jacob Hoggard from CA Idol - good voice, irreverent and punk-lite.  He's definitely the most interesting contestant this year, IMHO.  Sadly, it's a pretty low bar, but he should be fun to watch.


Really bummed to see Collette go, but figured she's was a long shot with no air time since auditions, and yeah, her last performance was surprisingly shaky.   Least surprising Top 24 ever...AI is gonna go out with a whimper, I'm afraid.


Oh, and I like LaPorsha enough, but HOTRS was terrifying.

Edited by lyric
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So kind of not happy with last dude going through.


Happy with Trent going through. Rest up man. Dalton of course, gone through. Liked his comments. 


None of the girls are interesting to me. At all. Nada. All seem flat. 


So the ex girlfriend of Stringfellow is clearly an idiot. She's gonna regret this. But whatever. Girl do whatever you want, I'm sure whatever girl comes next will thank you. 

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Can someone tell me what Stringfellow's exgirlfriend story is all about?


I don't get a Lambert vibe from him, but as someone here stated a few weeks ago, he is a lot like Jacob Hoggard from CA Idol - good voice, irreverent and punk-lite.


Me!  Thanks

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Where to begin, where to begin?

La'Porsha: Well, Lindita must've known she was dead girl walking that whole time.

Jeneve: I was pre-determined to hate her selection, but honestly that was one of the better RoF versions I've heard a teen do. And a harp sighting too!

Gianna: Jeez, Brenda K. Starr must have deep pockets to continually bribe her daughter through round after mediocre to bad round...

Sonika: Enough with this ridiculous non-performance quality narrative. She's awesome and maybe if she squeaked 60% more she'd have this performance quality thing down pat.

Shelbie Z: Expletive, Expletive......Malie should've had this country spot. Or even Laurel Wright who got 10 seconds of airtime the whole audition process.

Emily B: I suppose if you want a Carrie Underwood bookend, you could do a lot worse. She clearly has the drive to do this as a career.

Avalon: The only person other than La'Porsha in the top 24 w/ a remotely "Urban" sound. Thought the Top 51 performance was intriguing.

Stephany: Pretty cannon fodder. Don't expect her to survive whichever semifinal she's in.

Amelia: Intriguing (but too often verging on unpleasantly nasal) voice. Much rather have seen Sarah Sturm or Kayla Mickelsen get this spot.

Jenn: AI's resident weirdo this season. Her and Thomas are two halves of a wildly over-affected whole.

Tristan: One of the chosen 2 or 3 is still here. She's like a lesser version of if Kelly and Carrie had a singing baby. So make of that what you will.

Olivia: Preternaturally poised teen who probably will make zero impression with America if she even gets that far.

Jenna Renae: Not 15 or 16 + no major drama or backstory to sell = easy to eliminate (despite considerable talent) in the Semi's?

Mackenzie: May wreck producer dreams of a chosen girl winning. Please back off the weird side tilty singing style just a bit.

Lee Jean: Also may wreck producer dreams if he can survive post-Sara separation.

Adam L: Made it to the top 24 in amazing stealth fashion. He and Jordan look like gramps in this group.

Korey W: Zzzzzzz....fodder....Zzzzzz

James (8): And Amber Lynn (the better of the two) vanished without a trace. They must've needed an easy "No" for one of these semifinal rounds

Manny: Off-putting personality. Didn't love either performance they showed tonight. I would've taken a flyer on Zach (despite his own entitled personality), the blues guitarist guy instead.

Trent: Not really a fan. He's gonna be polarizing like Quentin and Kassim were polarizing last season.

Jordan: Old fodder. Although that Top 51 performance was the best we saw of him, so good on him for that I guess.

Dalton: Heh, nice job with the nSync performance buddy. Weird that we only got a pre-song soliloquy from him and him alone.

CJ: Yay. Probably my favorite guy here. Actually looks like he's enjoying his performances most of the time.

Thomas: Now with 400% more end of phrase squeaking. Yeesh.

I suppose of the 17 guys they were down to at the Top 51 that's really not a terrible 11. In no way did I want the shrieky Russian kid Andrew or country Bieber showing up. Zach Person (despite his deficiencies) would've added a little diversity though.

On the girls side I'm way less happy. Really disappointed for Malie who is an objectively better country singer than Shelbie Z and battled her voice to the death in Hollywood and for Sarah Sturm who I thought had an engaging pop radio (Disney Radio even) voice. Super bummed that we never once got to hear Kayla Mickelsen. She was the uber-pale waif who had such a jazzy cool audition montaged in before Melanie Tierce made Keith cry and HCJ get up and leave. Even more bummed/angry that the ridiculously talented Jessica Cabral wasn't in the top 24. That should've been one of the easiest no-brainers of the season. I suppose they feared she'd challenge one of their chosen ones. Amelia for sure will be an easier cut....same maybe for Olivia and Jenna Renae.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Even more bummed/angry that the ridiculously talented Jessica Cabral wasn't in the top 24. That should've been one of the easiest no-brainers of the season. I suppose they feared she'd challenge one of their chosen ones.


I'm hoping she'd be a surprise Wildcard pick. Not holding my breath though. As for fearing she'd challenge their chosen ones, I say... why not make her the chosen one?

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Wait. I stand corrected on the girls. Avalon with the whole not a girly girl thing. Tomboy. I'm curious about her. So I got three I'm rooting for to go further.


As for the other girls.. Shelbie I hope disappears soon. Poor choice to represent country. I would have preferred the one that sang with barely a voice. All the rest just don't seem to have much of a personality or just not showing it. Which seems to be a continuing thing with the show. The ones with personality do not get put through and the guys that do have personality do, and then people wonder why the girls aren't winning? 


PICK THE LADIES WITH PERSONALITY. Real personality. Which sadly means Avalon won't last long probably. 


So yeah, back to just hoping Trent and Dalton (who's doing good with his humility.. I'm hoping that's not an act and is genuine) .

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The Top 24 this year is... strange. Too many teens for my taste, particularly on the women's side. I don't hate anybody, but I really only have about 7 or 8 I'm interested in seeing perform/advance. I'm sure that TPTB and I are not on the same page with those contestants. Then again, I liked the last two seasons worth of contestants until we got into the finals. Then I was sad. Maybe it will be the reverse this time.


Top tier for me (for you), highest probability at making Final 10: Jenn, La'Porsha, Mackenzie, Avalon

Interested in but need more information: Sonika, Dalton, Trent, Amelia, Olivia

Interested in, but likely fodder: Jeneve, Kory Wheeler, Adam Lasher (the two males here are doomed based on age/editing)

Needs a few years: Lee Jean (beautiful tone, but not ready for prime time whatsoever)

Robbed of a T24 spot: Jessica Cabral.


GTFO: The Rest.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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Jenn: AI's resident weirdo this season. Her and Thomas are two halves of a wildly over-affected whole.


I really like Jenn - and because she speaks pretty much the same way that she sings, I personally find it less overly affected and more her, which I'm all for.  She, Dalton and Avalon are the ones I'm rooting for.

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Stephany Negrete - She's fodder. This performance was a strong vocal but she brings nothing else to the table. Fodder.


Shelbie Z - I'm over her too. Again, strong voice, brings nothing else original to the table. She tries way too hard. And she seems a bit full of herself IMO. Some folks on MJs pointed out she was wearing a shirt with her own name on it? Ugh.


Michelle Marie - This was not that bad of a performance, better than some of her others, but she was never going to be a favorite with voters. (Why in the voiceover did Ryan call her an "early favorite?" Da fuq? Nobody liked this chick ever.) But for being so young, she took the whole thing in stride with a damn positive attitude and that is one quality about her that will take her very far in life. As annoying as I thought she was, the girl has a heart of gold, you have to give her that. She's a sweetie and she seemed so happy and just thankful to even be on her favorite TV show and I'm happy she said she had the time of her life doing it. That's the right attitude to have.


Collette Lush - Man, oh man. I loved her initial audition but she tanked so hard this round. The cut was justified, unfortunately.


Jessica Cabral - WTF???? Ok I'm not as crazy over Jessica as several others are/were, but I really did like her quite a bit, thought she was easily one of the strongest females, and she's cut? I'm calling major shenanigans on this one, as they never showed even 1 second of her showcase performance. I'm assuming she did not tank. The producers probably knew she did well and didn't want to provide any justification for her getting cut. I'm just confused that if they want a female winner so badly why they cut one of their strongest? Not marketable enough? I feel terrible for her that hers was the only showcase not even montaged, let alone shown at all, even if she had possibly done poorly. She at least deserved that.


Jessica Clark/Ameet Kanon/Terrian Bass - Whatever. Pretty obvious they were all going home as we barely saw them,


MacKenzie Bourg - OMG get it baby! One of the best of the night. Mac is one of my fave guys. I loved that rendition of Can't Help Falling In Love. My only problem is that his voice gets thin and weak on the higher parts. Hope a vocal coach can assist him with that. Because otherwise I think he's great and has a real shot at winning. Love him! And he's so cute and adorable too. Like a geeky Kris Allen with glasses.


Trent Harmon – Poor thing is STILL sick? I’m amazed he can still sing even in spite of the illness. Whether you love him or hate him, I think he deserves credit for being able to perform under such a serious illness. Like he said, Hollywood Week would be a nightmare for anyone with 100% perfect health, but imagine going through it with a serious illness like that? If he can do it while being this sick, he’s ready for this. The live shows will be a piece of cake for him after this. Trent is one of my fave guys also, so happy he made it through. I think the fact he’s been able to perform this good while sick is what sealed the deal. He has the pro attitude already. Good for him.


Jenna Renae/James VIII/Kory Wheeler/Adam Lasher – Too bad we didn’t get to see much of Adam (or any of Adam?) at all this week. He’s also one of my fave guys. Kory, James, and Jenna are all fodder. Buh-bye.


Jeneve Rose Mitchell – NO. Just no!!! She’s honestly the worst of the entire top 24. I don’t think her voice is good at all and that arrangement of Ring of Fire was terrible and weird. Jessica Cabral was sacrificed for this? I don’t blame some of the contestants later on (Chynna, Dalton) giving a side eye to what was happening. Heh. The second the public gets to vote, back to the mountain she goes.


CJ Johnson – He’s good but there’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way. Like he’s too used to being a bar singer. I think that’s what it is.


Amelia Eisenhower – She just sounds way too young right now. She’s a 15 year old that sounds 15 (or 16 now, whatever). She is a good violinist though. She reminds me of Lindsey Stirling. But I think she needs a few years for her voice to mature. She is gorgeous though, very striking.


Lee Jean – This was one of his better performances, vocally, and he tried to be a little cute with the audience this time, but I still feel he’s undercooked. I had to kind of agree with JLo calling him out for that shushing thing he kept doing.


Avalon Young – She has one of the most current sounding voices of the females. I like her but don’t love her yet.


Chynna Sherod/Mary Williams/Zach Person – OMG Chynna my CT girl throwing major shade! At least girl is keeping it real. She was probably referencing the Jessica vs Jeneve tragedy. Bahahaha


Dalton Rapattoni – MY FAVE. I wasn’t crazy about this song choice though, way too boyband (well duh). I watched his full performance on VEVO though and it’s a lot better than what those few seconds showed. His hair and outfit were so on point tonight. And he dug in the right emotions for the song. But I wish he had chosen something different altogether. I guess it doesn’t matter because HE’S IN THE TOP 24. I got nervous when Harry said he was inconsistent until he explained that was a good thing. I do feel like Dalton’s unpredictability will shake things up and make things interesting. I didn’t like how he said all this stuff about being insecure onstage right before his performance though. I’m surprised that with all his showbiz experience that he’s had such a rough time in HW. You could also tell when he was throwing shade like Chynna he was also thinking WTF about the Jessica/Jeneve thing. Bahahahaha I don’t care, I still love him anyway. This competition would be so boring without him and his wacky sense of humor.


Manny Tores – I feel like I should like him but I don’t. He just doesn’t do anything for me.


Laurel Wright/Anatalia Villaranda/Isaac Cole/Kassy Levels/Andrew Russian Kid/Jon Klassen – Saw that one coming. Glad Country Bieber is gone. Kassy Levels was good though.


Thomas Stringfellow – I honestly thought when they were talking about “heartbreak” that they were going to say his grandma died right before the showcase or something. Really? Stupid girlfriend drama? Whatever. His girlfriend is an idiot because now Thomas has all the teeny bopper girls stalking him on Twitter now LOL. OMG his voice grates on my nerves with that fucking hiccupping thing he does AT. THE. END. OF. EVERY. FUCKING. PHRASE!!!!!!!! He actually has a good voice if he would just fucking stop that shit right now. Get him to the vocal coaches quick! I won’t be able to stand watching him every week if we have to suffer through that fucking mess.


Sonika Vaid – Pretty voice but I agree something is missing. I don’t get why the judges said this (and also about Lee as well) and then put them through. Shouldn’t that mean if you have some issues to work out that you shouldn’t go through? Whatever. She has a nice, pleasant voice, but if this is what we’re going to get every week, she won’t last long. Zzzzzzz


Malie Delgado – I really liked her but it was obvious she was not going to get through, considering how little we saw of her and it was mostly just screw-ups. That last performance was pretty bad, terrible song choice. Oh well.


Olivia Rox – Best performance I’ve probably seen of her yet. There’s still something about her I don’t like though. She comes off like a Disney character to me. Which is funny because I liked Jax from last year even though everyone said she was calculated. I feel like Olivia is too but in a more Disney-ish way.


Emily Brooke – One of my fave girls. She totally deserved to make it this year. She has improved so much.


Sarah Sturm/Jordyn Simone/Tiffany/Kayla Mickelsen/Mionne Destiny – Oh no, Lee Jean lost his girlfriend! The rest… who, who, and who? I remember Jordyn from her audition but we never saw her since.


Gianna Isabella – O.M.G. Enough with the fucking Brenda K Starr nonsense already. This story is beginning to grate as much as Tristan’s army mom sob story and Jeneve's off the grid story. We. Get. It!!!!! She is the daughter of some one hit wonder from the 1980s. Who cares. It was a dumb idea to sing her mom’s song. Be your own artist, girl. And her mom is way too pushy and a totally momager. BACK OFF. These 2 need to get off the screen already. I predict Gianna is fodder. Once the audience can vote, see ya.


Jenn Blosil – I. LOVE. HER. Go J Blo! She is so weird and I love it. She’s so fucking funny but when she comes out to sing, she’s 100% business. Perfect. Really ballsy song choice too. She is one to watch IMO and the dark horse in this competition.


Christian Eason/Ariel Sprague/Kelsie Watts/Shevonne Philidor – Who, who, who, and who?


Tristan MacIntosh – Easily her best performance yet. I’m still not feeling her though. Her personality is just completely tainted for me. There’s nothing about her that makes me want to root for her at all. And producers, STFU about the army mom sob story already. We get it.


Jordan Sasser vs Kacye Haynes – Da fuq? Why did it come down to these 2? They are nothing alike at all… While I liked Kacye in his audition I didn’t think this was a good performance from him and he was justifiably cut. Jordan is actually a technically great singer. But I hate that hair man and it looked even worse out of its bun. I hope the stylists seize him and give him a better haircut. PLEASE.


La’Porsha Renae vs Lindita – Ok, these 2 I can understand putting together. You could tell when Lindita found out she was against La’Porsha she knew she was done. I actually didn’t think anything about La’Porsha’s HOTRS was anything spectacular but she was still better than Lindita, who chose a terrible song (not that the song itself is bad, but bad for a singing competition).


Out of the top 24 I love/really like (in order of fave to least fave):


In between:
Lee Jean


Flat out just don’t like:
Shelbie Z


In case anyone did not see the tag onscreen at the end, all of the top 24 performances (only of those who were admitted to the top 24) are up online in full at Vevo.com/AmericanIdol. Jessica Cabral’s performance is the only one I think we did not even see a glimpse of and it’s not online because she didn’t make top 24. I smell something fishy with that one. Overall, a mostly decent top 24. There are a few WTFs (Jeneve?), everyone else is either deserving or at least has a solid track record so far. Jeneve is the only one I don’t think should be there at all.

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So yeah, back to just hoping Trent and Dalton (who's doing good with his humility.. I'm hoping that's not an act and is genuine) .

I've watched several interviews of Dalton and he really is that self-deprecating and humble. I liked how he wanted to shake hands with all the judges at the end. 


I like Avalon's tomboy personality as well. I'm kind of a tomboy too so I find her relatable in that way and a breath of fresh air in comparison to the Stephany's and Sonikas of the competition.

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OK, anybody stripping on stage is my favorite, so, go Stefany.


Michelle Marie was not very good in the live performance.


Mackenie wasn't that good in the live performance, but I like him so I'll let it slide.


Glad to see Trent make it.  I like him.


I liked CJ.


I liked Amanda Eisenhauer from her  first audition.


I think Lee Jean is my favorite right now.


Avalon was really nice.


Was Dalton throwing shade at the people who went through?  "Based on the people who are going through and the ones who are being sent home, none of it makes sense."


Jeebus, Thomas, you're 17 years old.  Suck up the breakup.


Why was there much debate about Sonika?  I love her.


Olivia Rox's (and I detest that name)'s father looks like Kato Kaelin.


Emily Brooke was singing like Miranda Lambert. And she seems to have lost her pants.


Gianna and her unknown well-known mother can get off my screen. And why did she perform in a dress that made her look like a 12-year-old?


I like quirky, but Jenn just annoys me.


There are sure a lot of people getting no that I don't recall having ever seen.


I like Tristan, but the mother story is just annoying.


It was pretty obvious that LaPorsha was going to be chosen, she's been telegraphed into the top 24 since the audition. But House of the Rising Sun?  C'mon. Yeah, your infant daughter is going to be so proud.


I'm happy with these final 24.

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Not a single surprise in the entire Top 24. Literally every one of them was telegraphed during the auditions. Way to go show, as far as killing any suspense.


I think Kayce is a talented singer, but he was out of luck because clearly the mandate this year is to pack the top 24 with as many teens as possible. That  "ageism" doomed several really good singers, like Ameet Kanon, who we never heard sing again after her brief audition clip. It's like they didn't want the more artistically mature singers to show up their youngsters.


Now we're stuck with seeing shots of Major Mom, Brenda K Star, and Jeneve Rose's family in the stupid oversized cowboy hats for the long haul.


I hated that version of "Ring of Fire" as much as I've ever hated any version of a classic song on this show. You don't have to copycat the original. Adam Lambert did a brilliant reinvention of that song. But what Off the Grid Girl did made no sense on any level. It was pretentious, self-indulgent, and immature, all at the same time.


Even the teens who I think have talent, like Lee and Amelia, seem to me at least two years away from being ready for prime time. They are both right now high school talent show level. But I like that Amelia acts and dresses like a teen. Emily Brooke, who I think is only a year older, looked like she wandered in from a street corner on Hollywood Boulevard.


Two squatters in the Top 24. LaPorsha and Shelbie Z. Yuck.


In short, I'm pretty underwhelmed by the talent they assembled for the last round-up. With the possible exception of Dalton, I don't see anyone with the potential to pull off something really memorable and original. Every year of Idol, even the ones generally considered weak, always had at least a couple of singers capable of that. (Even if they were not the eventual winner).

Edited by bluepiano
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In short, I'm completely underwhelmed by the talent they assembled for the last dance. With all these kids, the thing that hits me is how many of them are really calculating about having created an image they're selling. Well, I guess they didn't grow up watching this show for nothing


Agreed...and our saving grace is that this is the last season.

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Jessica getting cut just proves that this show is complete crap. Total manipulation. And they don't even show her performance because she was probably great. im guessing she was too much competition for Tristan who is ok but nowhere near as good yet for some reason she's the one they want us to like. Whatever. Dalton is gonna win anyway.

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It amuses me when the judges are like "we really love your voice and think you're SO talented..." just not here. Bye.

LaPorsha doesn't have to change the melody of every single song she sings. I'm growing weary of her.

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I am dying to see if the AI stylists succeed in getting Jeneve out of those oversized puffy cowboy shirts. Where does she get those, and why does she have so many?

Sorry, I know she's young, but there's something creepy about her.

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It amuses me when the judges are like "we really love your voice and think you're SO talented..." just not here. Bye.

LaPorsha doesn't have to change the melody of every single song she sings. I'm growing weary of her.

It amuses me more when they say "Something is missing, there's things you need to work on, you're so young," BUT YOURE IN THE TOP 24!

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Emily Brooke, who I think is only a year older, looked like she wandered in from a street corner on Hollywood Boulevard.

If you look at the clips from last year, she has completely changed her style.  Last year it was all jeans, straight hair, unadorned.  This year it's the long curls, make up, short skirts, lots of skin.  It seems to me like a very conscious choice to vamp up her look.  

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I was SO wrong ... I thought they'd make Tristan vs. GiannaIsabellaBrendaKStarrWhatever the showdown in the battle of the hair because Tristan would so CLEARLY go through and GiannaWhatever wouldn't ... GAH.


(I confess to being a Tristan fan since she sat down at the piano in that first audition and opened her mouth -- and remain one DESPITE the mom story which has hurt her more than helped her ... thanks a bunch, TPTB!)


Bummed that Ginger Lush crashed and burned. I would have put her through anyway because they certainly put through plenty of people who had a bad day (hey, that would be great name for a "song for the season," no?)


Love Lee Jean even if he is too young ... and LOVE Mackenzie Bourg. The other boys can leave now. 


Bummed they broke up SarahLee -- she was really good (she actually was my daughter's favorite after the audition episodes, strictly based on her vocals) and -- please correct me if I'm wrong, but had they ever had an on-camera "showmance" before? It was so cute!


And please for the love of all that is good and holy get Jordan Sasser off my screen forever. If he makes it through the showcase rounds I will officially call pronanigans.


And I'd like them to bring back Ginger and Jessica Cabral. But I guess they won't. 

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I just don't get the appeal of off-the-grid girl. That "Ring of Fire" was an embalming. 


Thomas Stringfellow won me over a little when he was happy about getting picked and he asked J-Lo if it was okay to hug her, instead of just doing it. He's a gentleman. It made up for the girlfriend drama. When they gave it such a heavy intro, I thought they were going to say she died in a car accident. 

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I'm pretty much only tuning in because this is ending. I watched the first few years and the last few years (absolutely the first few years were MUCH better. Here's my breakdown:


Olivia - who???

LaPorsha - fodder

Jenn - why do I get the feeling she is way to unstable for this show? she seems a nano-second away from absolutely losing it

Shelbie - no just no

Sonika - girl can sing! but she has no stage presence - she reminds me of that little girl a couple seasons ago with the same problem (Jessica???)

Stephany - for whatever reason she bugs,  I can't put my finger on what bothers me about her

Tristian - I called her for the final 24 the second we met her, girl is pretty and she can sing!

Amelia - who???

Avalon - I really like her but hope the stylists don't ruin her vibe

Emily - whatever

Gianna - her mother will kill her career for her - wow what a momanger! LOVED when Ricky Minor gave her mother the smack down!

Jeneve - sorry she's a country bumpkin, unfortunately I think they picked her as the novelty act.

Jenna - who???


Adam - who???

CJ - who???

Dalton - dayum he brings the pretty! this nearly 50-year old grandma isn't afraid to admit that I am mezmerized by him - what did he sing? who cares! Kid has "it".

James - who???

Jordan - fodder

Kory - meh

Lee Jean - what a cutie! but he seems very one-note in his style

McKenzie - I find him very interesting 

Manny - brings the creep

Thomas - how much heartbreak can one 17-year old have had?

Trent - meh


My prediction is that there will be a female winner this season simply because I have more of an opinion of the girls than the guys, other than Dalton (who will probably be final 2 along with Tristan) it just seems to me that they "stacked the deck" with females (although there were a few head scratchers that didn't make it)

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Well, it was pretty much guaranteed that if I didn't like a contestant, they got through.  Manbun, Manny, Tristan, Gianna, Jeneve, all got through at the expense of better people, imo.  Still, a lot of contestants I DID like got through too, so I probably won't hate this last season just yet.  Give it time.


I'm calling it now: Mackenzie Bourg is your very last WGWG American Idol.

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I think that the final two decisions were wrong.

I didn't like any of those final 4 performances, but I definitely wanted other guy rather than Manbun.  I did prefer La'Porsha personally; something about Lindita's personality rubbed me the wrong way.  Probably not fair, but there it is.

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I have to admit  Dalton's eyes really appeal to me... just so easy to get lost in them. 

I'm hoping like heck that AI will not get what they want. I don't want a blah female winner. I want a winner that gets me interested. I started watching AI more regularly during the Adam Lambert/Kris Allen season. I remember not really getting into Adam until he sang Tracks of My Tears and I was like..oooh.

No other singer appealed to me really until Phillip Phillips. Scotty was good, I'm a country fan big time, but Scotty didn't get me as invested as i was with Phillip. 

So I'm feeling a spark with Trent and Dalton, and I'm waiting to see what will happen with Avalon. Hoping she'll be able to break free from the Blah Girls. As for Thomas Stringfellow, I kept hearing some sort of hiccup(?) at the end of each phrase while singing. Bit annoying. I know singers have their own quirk but hopefully the hiccup is just nerves and it'll go away. He'll be fine with the breakup soon enough though. 

I'm wondering if Gianna is going through because of her mom's connection with Jennifer Lopez. I didn't think AI would want to saddle themselves with the Stage Parent From Hell again after Archuletta's Dad. I read they had to ban him from rehearsals. And it sounds like Brenda K is gonna be just as bad. I can't wait to see what meltdown will happen when Gianna gets booted.. cause you'll know it'll happen. 


And Tristan is gonna go far unfortunately. I may be a Vet but I'm tired how they're pimping out the mom. (Then again as an enlisted, it's grating that officers get more notice... so just a rivalry thing) The patriotic part of the country will be voting for Tristan most likely. How old is the girl? Just curious, because her mom's command will only let the Major be away from command on leave for so long before she's told to get back to her command. They won't make exceptions for a competition.

Edited by AshleyLyn
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I'm also way over Shelbie and Jeneve's tan hat is just horrid and far far too large.


Great, thanks for reminding me that Shelbie made it.  UGH

So kind of not happy with last dude going through.


Happy with Trent going through. Rest up man. Dalton of course, gone through. Liked his comments. 


None of the girls are interesting to me. At all. Nada. All seem flat. 


So the ex girlfriend of Stringfellow is clearly an idiot. She's gonna regret this. But whatever. Girl do whatever you want, I'm sure whatever girl comes next will thank you. 

I definitely liked more of the guys they put in the Top 24.  I liked a couple of the girls, but not many.  I wish Malie and Colette had made it.

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The only thing that surprised me about this episode was how mature Bangs 'n' Braces girl was about being the first one cut.  (Because she was the first one to audition, get it?)  She sucked it up quite bravely.


Shelbie fascinates me in that she started out as the no-nonsense beautician country belter and now seems to be making a sharp turn to the Ann Wilson rocker role (if Ann Wilson ever worked the pole, that is).  I'm guessing she understands that the country blonde role is already spoken for so she had to find herself a new box stat.

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And on a purely superficial note (and speaking as a woman of size herself), someone needs to tell La'Porsha to never wear skin-tight tapered leather pants ever again.  If it makes you look like you've been stuffed into sausage casings, it's not a good look.  That white dress she had on for the actual chair part of the show was much, much more flattering, and made her look softer and more approachable, which is probably a good thing at this point in her residence on a show where earning audience approval is so important.  Yeah, it should be all about the talent, but we know it isn't.

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I think Dalton will be the final WGWG winner.  Oddly, I'm very okay with that.  I don't get a Lambert vibe from him, but as someone here stated a few weeks ago, he is a lot like Jacob Hoggard from CA Idol - good voice, irreverent and punk-lite.  He's definitely the most interesting contestant this year, IMHO.  Sadly, it's a pretty low bar, but he should be fun to watch.


I like this kid and agree he has a Jacob Hoggard vibe for me too.  I think he knows how to play the game and is going to run with all the opportunities it gives him.  When he talked about being on the show makes the difference between smoky bars and larger venues as well as something else I don't remember, I knew he was in the game.  Jacob did the show for exposure and didn't want to win (no one will ever change my mind on that fact).  He got what he wanted out of Canadian Idol and look where he and his band are now!  I think Dalton is going to do the same thing.  I'm waiting for Dalton's Paul Anka's "Put your Head on my Shoulder" moment that Jacob pulled off flawlessly.  Dalton makes different song choices and for me that's a good thing and makes him very watchable.

Too many young singers.  I know it's the last season, but can't get behind putting all those young teens through.  Guess HCJ has given up on lecturing about age appropriate songs and "feeling the lyrics and music" as these kids wouldn't have enough life experience for him or wouldn't have in the first year he judged.  From everything I've watched so far I have to say that although I know "reality tv" isn't really "reality tv", it's still sad to see how little real talent and charisma have to do with the selection of contestants.

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Totally agree about that "You haven't seen the last of me, America!" stuff.  Exactly one person has been cut from this show and gone on to have a hit song. One.  And I can't remember her name right this second.

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