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Reel to Real: Backstage, Twitter, & All Media Dram-ugh

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Thanks so much for your post @APSimpson!!

The thing is if you have been watching Gina closely on Twitter this stuff is pretty obvious. I’m not just hating on her. I actually loved her when she came on. She sold Phack. She spoke highly of Peter. She HAS talent.

Then Jason Thompson came and I don’t know how else to put this but she went cuckoo. She even ACTS differently with him (I mean onscreen). It’s OTT, forced, weird. Some of the stuff she says: “Jason is a beautiful light. A beautiful light of a human being.” Um. 

I joined Twitter briefly and tweeted nice stuff to her about Phack. She never liked a tweet of mine. NOT ONE. She likes a lot of tweets (not everyone does but she does). So I started watching her likes. (For the record, I followed her closely for hints of story - ie when will this Philly affair end and Jack get vindication). Every single like but maybe 0.01% were Philly-related, others were just complimentary of her.

She would share selfies of her and JT and always hashtag Philly. If Peter were mentioned by her for some reason she wouldn’t hashtag Phack. 

The hashtag would rally the Philly stans, who were very vocal as couple stans tend to be. If you like good story and want to see respect for character/history you are not generally obsessive (making videos and tweeting TPTB hourly). Oh and she’d share pics of every gift Philly fans sent, which encouraged more gifts, etc.

Gina pimped so hard for Philly she appears to have lost her job because of it. I dont know this for a fact. But this is what I believe. 

That is something.

Edited by miamama
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2 hours ago, PatsyandEddie said:

I can wholeheartedly believe that JM would lobby for MS to return as they are such BFFs but PB? I find that a bit difficult to swallow after the way MS acted towards him in her last stint. 

You bet your ass he did. If anyone thought GT was OTT on social media sites in pimping Phylly, just wait 'til the Phick stans and JM take to the soap rags and through Twitter to rule the day.

Back to GT, I never watched her elsewhere on daytime, but I've seen the soap magazines throughout the past couple of decades, and I've certainly seen her on their cover periodically. She always gave me the impression her roles never featured her as the "good girl". She's always been extremely pretty and it was just my idea that she was more vixen than heroine. But I'm probably wrong. At any rate, while I can't ever see anyone saying that she's a classic beauty, she's definitely very pretty and she has a killer bod for a woman in her mid-forties (but so does SC, and she's better endowed). My take on her social sites is that she still wants to play the sexy leading lady and not paired with a mid-sixties actor. As much as I love PB, I can understand her rationale. Women over forty in soaps are getting to be as rare as hens teeth, especially women in leading lady sexy roles. It's a pretty cutthroat competitive genre since the shows have dwindled down to just four remaining, so I can imagine fighting for every second of airtime. I dread MS coming back and starting to muscle every other female off the stage as she chews through leading men and the scenery simultaneously.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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3 hours ago, APSimpson said:

I've been mystified by this too for a long time. I'm terrible with time, I don't know how many years it's been now, but I think I started following GT around 2015-ish. That's about the time I think I started watching. Loved her and PB, Phyllis and Jack and became a big fan of "Phack." I never knew MS, I started watching the show right around the time of the Marco Annicelli incident wrapping up. GT was the only Phyllis I ever knew, and it was her Phyllis in the hospital room praying for Jack to wake up from his coma. Loved those moments. Fell in love with "Phack," and the two actors and their chemistry. This is why it confused and struck me when GT would promote solely the Philly ship.  What about Phack or Phick? I was thinking "this doesn't look professional" to be taking sides the way she seemed to. I was thinking "what is PB thinking and what is JM thinking?" PB isn't on Twitter from what I understand, but JM is. He, at least, could see the tweets, the Philly promotion and exclusivity of it which didn't seem respectful. Heck, I'm a fan and I was irked. I kept thinking to myself she must be alienating some of her co-stars. But here's the thing: GT comes across as being so nice and sweet, that I wonder if she has some naivete and perhaps didn't quite fully know what she was doing. But then I'd look at some of her tweets that always seemed a bit too pretentious. She'd do this thing where she'd tweet something about "love and light" and compliment Jason Thompson that way or something or other, and I'm thinking... Jason Thompson is a married man. GT is a married woman. And where's the love and light for PB? For JM? It was just too exclusive for me, and didn't seem inclusive of her other co-stars. This is what turned me away from GT. Then Mal Young's reign of terror and it becoming the Gina Hour. It was too much. I kept watching, though, a dedicated, loyal fan, every day. Never missed an episode. I had faith Mal would do right by Jack, because surely he wouldn't take everything away from him and then leave him with nothing, would he? Mal took away Jack's wife, his job, his identity. At least Jack would get his CEO job back eventually, right? I kept the faith, but Mal let us down, and when he was fired, I was surprised and thrilled. It renewed my hope in TPTB. There were times I was going to quit, even had an ultimatum for this year: "if Phyllis is still CEO of Jabot by September, I'm out." LOL Turned out I didn't have to wait too long, and props to you @miamama for calling this, that Josh Griffith would get Jack back in the CEO chair quickly. Your posts have kept me sane, so thank you. 🙂

Early on when I was following GT on Twitter, I had tweeted some complimentary things about Phyllis and GT liked a few of my tweets. The only celebrity that ever liked any of my tweets, so I felt special. I felt somewhat of a kinship with her too because we're the same age and generation (Generation X). I've also listened to GT in interviews and she comes across as very nice and engaging, and she's said lovely things about PB, but the constant Philly promotion alienated me.

Wow! This makes me feel somewhat validated in my feelings on this, that maybe PB and JM were seeing what we were seeing, or seeing more than we were seeing. I just kept feeling for them through all of this, and boy, if true then good for them to assert themselves.

Is it possible that as two newbies, they felt more of a kinship/friendship with each other than with PB or JM? I’ve always heard PB is so professional, but I can totally see JM acting like a jerk. He probably prefers the frat boy-type friendship he has with MS. Am I supposed to feel sad JM saw stuff he didn’t like on Twitter? Seems like he did the same when he and MS we’re promoting Phick  

I follow GT on Twitter but I don’t really do Instagram or read too many interviews. I didn’t really see anything too off-putting on her Twitter feed. Mostly she retweets. Big deal. She retweets all sorts of stuff. I don’t see it being confined to Philly. 

Edited by Runningwild
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22 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

when ms and jm were the phick coupling, jm would praise ms as the best thing since sliced bread and that SHE was the reason he was the actor he was giving no credit to sharon case whatsoever.

I wonder what the history is between JM and SC. I've seen them do some interviews together and some stuff for the fans on social media and they always seem to get along nicely. I guess the question I would have is about how SC feels about Shick and specifically with JM. The two seem to get along but I wonder if there's some issue that maybe JM during Phick with MS felt he needed to exult in that pairing because he didn't feel SC had the same enthusiasm maybe for Shick? I may be reaching, but just trying to understand because sometimes men will feel the need to "canonize" a woman maybe when they feel she respects him, and I don't know if there's that same vibe between JM and SC, but I could be wrong. With Gina and Peter and Josh, I didn't get the sense that the men weren't thrilled to be working with GT, but it's possible maybe JM wasn't for some reason, but I don't know. I know PB was gung ho for GT, so her promoting Philly over Phack always disappointed me, but hey, there's probably so many moving parts to all this stuff, and my points are pure opinion and speculation.

22 hours ago, miamama said:

Thanks so much for your post @APSimpson!!

The thing is if you have been watching Gina closely on Twitter this stuff is pretty obvious. I’m not just hating on her. I actually loved her when she came on. She sold Phack. She spoke highly of Peter. She HAS talent.

Then Jason Thompson came and I don’t know how else to put this but she went cuckoo. She even ACTS differently with him (I mean onscreen). It’s OTT, forced, weird. Some of the stuff she says: “Jason is a beautiful light. A beautiful light of a human being.” Um. 

I joined Twitter briefly and tweeted nice stuff to her about Phack. She never liked a tweet of mine. NOT ONE. She likes a lot of tweets (not everyone does but she does). So I started watching her likes. (For the record, I followed her closely for hints of story - ie when will this Philly affair end and Jack get vindication). Every single like but maybe 0.01% were Philly-related, others were just complimentary of her.

You're welcome and thanks!! 🙂 All this media dram-ugh is fun to dish about. Yeah, I was enamored with GT and miss those days when her Phyllis and Jack were together. When Burgess Jenkins was playing Billy during that time, IIRC he and GT had some interesting chemistry but never to the point I'd ship their characters. I was all in on Phack, although when Jason arrived, I liked how Phyllis and Billy would support one another. I liked how Phyllis cared for her husband's brother, and it was that caring aspect Gina brought to the character that I really liked, but I never thought Phyllis and Billy would be together after all Phyllis and Jack had gone through.

I know what you mean about GT's acting in scenes with JT. She did act strangely, and honestly, I thought she lost herself. She wasn't herself. I always thought she was at her best in scenes with PB. The two had amazing chemistry and I always looked forward, even during the Mal era, for the two to have scenes together. They just smoked with magnetism.

19 hours ago, Runningwild said:

Is it possible that as two newbies, they felt more of a kinship/friendship with each other than with PB or JM? I’ve always heard PB is so professional, but I can totally see JM acting like a jerk. He probably prefers the frat boy-type friendship he has with MS. Am I supposed to feel sad JM saw stuff he didn’t like on Twitter? Seems like he did the same when he and MS we’re promoting Phick 

That's interesting! I never knew about JM promoting Phick with MS because that happened before I came to the show, but yeah, there seems to be a lot of history there. With Shey happening for Sharon, I guess Phick is a real possibility now with JM and MS and I'm looking forward to experiencing that version of the relationship because I've never seen MS and JM as Phick. Don't even think I've YouTubed that. I better get caught up! 🙂 

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My take on the GT and MS switch. 

I've heard that Angelica McDaniel has all her Rosales hopes riding on Rey and has bet the farm. She's all in for Shey and wants Sharon to do for Rey what she did for Dylan and Adam. IMO, for that to happen, she needs Nick out of the way and in a pairing that works. He and GTs Phyllis don't work. Lack chemistry.  So, I think she decided to bring MS back to set Nick in the corner and possibly playing angst for Shey to float. Don't be surprised if Phyllis and Sharon fight over Rey. MS and SC, along with Phyllis and Sharon and their fans, have a history that GT's Phyllis and SC's Sharon and their fans do not. But I think it's more about Rey than anything else. GT is a casualty. 

MS only agreed cause Scientology wouldn't allow her to work on GH with that cult storyline. Plus, she was THE star on Y&R and never quite made it on GH the way she hoped.

Also, I've heard that the show wants to go back to a time (look and feel) when the show had higher ratings. Thusly, they are bringing in the characters and actors from that time. I expect more returns and onscreen dynamics to look like it did at least 5 or 6 years ago before Pratt and Mal took a sledgehammer to it. 

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16 hours ago, DivaT said:

Also, I've heard that the show wants to go back to a time (look and feel) when the show had higher ratings. Thusly, they are bringing in the characters and actors from that time. I expect more returns and onscreen dynamics to look like it did at least 5 or 6 years ago before Pratt and Mal took a sledgehammer to it. 

I hope that means we get Billy Miller back!

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30 minutes ago, paisley said:

He kicked y'all to the curb. He came to us voluntarily and although the writers haven't valued him as they should we still deserve good things and Billy is one of the few good things we have. Please leave him be. He may be our only hope against the Corinthos Apocalypse.

BM's leaving was partly, IMO, JFP clearing the way for her boy SBu and partly BM not wanting to completely commit. 

Edited by DivaT
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18 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I’m sure him and GT will move to wherever Mal is located in the UK to create the next Bogart and Bacall duo. 🤩

They could form a comedy troupe ala Monty Python

How sweet to be an Idiot
As harmless as a cloud
Too small to hide the sun
Almost poking fun
At the warm but insecure, untidy crowd
How sweet to be an idiot
And dip my brain in joy
Children laughing at my back
With no fear of attack
As much retaliation as a toy


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On 4/4/2019 at 4:31 PM, paisley said:

He kicked y'all to the curb. He came to us voluntarily and although the writers haven't valued him as they should we still deserve good things and Billy is one of the few good things we have. Please leave him be. He may be our only hope against the Corinthos Apocalypse.

Hey @paisley lol

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Look, Paisley, you give us Billy Miller, and we’ll give you a shiny Jason Thompson right off the showroom floor. You’d have to be crazy to walk away from a bargain like that. If you act now, we’ll throw in a Noemi Gonzalez for no extra charge; you only pay shipping and handling. Hurry! This deal is only available for a limited time.

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27 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Look, Paisley, you give us Billy Miller, and we’ll give you a shiny Jason Thompson right off the showroom floor. You’d have to be crazy to walk away from a bargain like that. If you act now, we’ll throw in a Noemi Gonzalez for no extra charge; you only pay shipping and handling. Hurry! This deal is only available for a limited time.

I think we can also throw in Hunter King and Gina Tognoni at NO extra cost.

Expedited shipping!

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16 minutes ago, basiltherat said:

Sooo, are they saying that Lola received Dummer's sex drive along with a piece of her l***r??  Or that Lola discovered that the first four letters of that word is "live" and that she should do so posthaste by banging Kyle.

no, they are saying that lola is a slag for going after dummers huzzbend...

seems they see dummer as an innocent victim and not deserving of it..

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59 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

But of course the cheating husband goes blameless. Kyle should've never married Summer and given her hope that he'd fall out of love with Lola and in with her. That said, I really wish Lola would want better for herself than to be Kyle's sidepiece, even if she is still in love with him.

i think joshey poo is going to be writing a whole slew of women as side pieces...

that's just how he rolls.

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To me, the easiest way to watch soaps is to forget about dates and ages and SORAS. It will never make sense. Some characters are obviously older than others. A kid born five years ago might be an adult today or a couple who should be too old is having a baby. Whatever. It’s my understanding that Victor was part of the Lewis & Clark expedition and he’s still kickin’. Now if the writers pull some nonsense like making Jack Dina’s father or recasting Adam with a toddler, then I’ll get shirty about it.

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26 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

To me, the easiest way to watch soaps is to forget about dates and ages and SORAS. It will never make sense. Some characters are obviously older than others. A kid born five years ago might be an adult today or a couple who should be too old is having a baby. Whatever. It’s my understanding that Victor was part of the Lewis & Clark expedition and he’s still kickin’. Now if the writers pull some nonsense like making Jack Dina’s father or recasting Adam with a toddler, then I’ll get shirty about it.

Written in letters of fire and bronze, Ninja!

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