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Wonder Woman (2017)

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It'd be awesome, but I'm pretty sure she's under contract, so I don't see how she can refuse to sign. Also, the article ends with:


Reps for Gadot and Ratner did not comment.

A rep for Warner Bros said only, “False.”"

Edited by Zuleikha
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Why would they waste money designing all new costumes?  I would assume that many of the same actresses could have come back for JL and used the same ones they used for WW.  Surely they were being stored somewhere and not discarded. 

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1 hour ago, Zuleikha said:

You'd think the production team would have LEARNED something from the positive response to Wonder Woman. But I suppose that was too much to ask. 

I wonder what the time line of writing/creating/filming both movies were?  Is it possible that they were working at more or less the same time and didn't know what the other was creating for costumes?  Still, you'd think they would have collaborated a little. 

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If I want to watch porn, I will. At the same time, I'm big on people dressing apprpriately for their jobs. If they're going to fight, then they should dress for combat. T&A in combat really annoys me.

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2 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

WW was directed by a woman. JL was directed by a man. Disgusted, yes. Surprised, no.

Joss Whedon completed filming JL, didn't he?  That would explain about everything.  Remember his original script for Wonder Woman?  Though if he picked that outfit, they wouldn't have been wearing any footgear either.

Edited by benteen
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I'd imagine most of the action sequences (likely anything featuring the Amazons) were by Snyder though. And while he has a long list of faults as a filmmaker, needlessly objectifying women isn't generally among them—no bikini cut for Faora-Ul's battle armor, for example.

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The plot thickens. Apparently those are only flashback costumes; the modern-day costumes for the Amazons look more like what we saw in WW.

I don't really get the "flashbacks make it BETTER!" defenses though. Costumes that are stupid because they're trying to sexualize the actors are costumes that are stupid because they're trying to sexualize the actors regardless of whether they're in the present day or flashbacks.

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While it's good that they won't be in those outfits their whole presence in the movie, the flashback defense is no defense. The WW outfits were so great because they were recognizable as a variant of historical armor. The bikini style armor is pulp swords-and-sorcery style cheesecake.

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On 11/14/2017 at 7:26 AM, benteen said:

Joss Whedon completed filming JL, didn't he?  That would explain about everything.  Remember his original script for Wonder Woman?  Though if he picked that outfit, they wouldn't have been wearing any footgear either.

On 11/14/2017 at 11:10 AM, ChelseaNH said:

How?  Production schedules being what they are, he wouldn't have had any input on costume design.

Whedon stepped in to oversee editing and reshoots. He had 2 months. It's doubtful that is enough time to have the costume department redesign dozens upon dozens of costumes to make them skimpier and more exploitative. It would however give him time to reshoot scenes to focus more on female characters tits and ass. The leather bikinis are almost certainly from the original shoot and not from Whedon's reshoots.

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IIRC, the Amazon actresses are professional athletes with amazing bodies, and I suspect many of them are used to competition wear that exposes a lot of skin. The flashback costumes probably did make her feel glamorous. But that doesn't change the fact that they're still all wrong for who the Amazons are supposed to be and how we want the movie to portray them. Costuming issues aren't just about how the individual actress feels.

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4 hours ago, ChelseaNH said:

If a soldier can't feel glamorous heading into war, whatever is she fighting for?

I mean, I don't even wage war on the leaves in the front yard unless I'm wearing Agent Provocateur. I can't expect those who bravely defend liberty, freedom, patriotism, and the majestic right of Waffle House to exist to do any less.

Please note: I love Waffle House. If someone has to put on a leather bikini to make sure it continues its reign, so be it.

Edited by afterbite
strange wording
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On 11/13/2017 at 3:33 PM, Shannon L. said:

I wonder what the time line of writing/creating/filming both movies were?  Is it possible that they were working at more or less the same time and didn't know what the other was creating for costumes?  Still, you'd think they would have collaborated a little. 

According to an article I read, WW was done with production before JL started (or something like that - something indicating that JL would have known what the costumes were in WW). I can't find that article now, as it popped up in my phone several days ago related to my previous internet history. Newer articles have replaced it.

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Justice League started shooting something like two weeks after Batman V Superman came out.  I know they went back and reshot things, because Gal was pregnant for some of the WW reshoots as well, so there was at least a little overlap.

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I finally watched this last night. Never a better superhero movie has existed. Nothing. 

I was so emotional throughout the whole thing. Burst into tears in the No Man's Land scene and cried when Steve died. I'm glad that it wasn't JUST because he died that she let her anger but that it was more that Steve represented the GOOD in humanity. 

It just was beautiful. I'm just blown away. Thank you Patty Jenkins for giving us this film.

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On 10/27/2017 at 0:43 PM, VCRTracking said:

Gal Gadot Says Wonder Woman's Backstory in Batman v Superman Was the Wrong Choice

Agreed. After Wonder Woman the idea that Diana would abandon mankind in the last century especially during WW2 is ridiculous. I wouldn't mind that being retconned.

I had the impression maybe that was referring to the moment when she killing them all before remembering that  Steve gave her the watch and told her he loved her.

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On 8/19/2017 at 1:07 AM, stealinghome said:




I finally watched this last night. Never a better superhero movie has existed. Nothing.

I respectfully disagree. I would put WW in the same class as Superman II, Batman Returns, The Dark Knight, The Avengers, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, X-Men: Days Of Future Past, Logan, Guardians Of the Galaxy, Captain America: Civil WarThor:Ragnarok, but I wouldn't say it was better. Different strokes.

Edited by DollEyes
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The Avengers is still my platonic ideal superhero movie, but I do think that Wonder Woman depicted the inspiring, emotional core of the heroic character better than anyone since Donner's Superman movie. If Warner Bros. can't give the reins of the DCEU to Patty Jenkins altogether, they at least need to put her in charge of any future Superman solo films in addition to the Wonder Woman ones, and she should probably have considerable input on anything they do with Captain Marvel as well.

Edited by Bruinsfan
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On 11/24/2017 at 6:17 AM, DollEyes said:


I respectfully disagree. I would put WW in the same class as Superman II, Batman Returns, The Dark Knight, The Avengers, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, X-Men: Days Of Future Past, Logan, Guardians Of the Galaxy, Captain America: Civil WarThor:Ragnarok, but I wouldn't say it was better. Different strokes.

Well, that was just my opinion. My rank is







Dark Knight


And everything else after that in whatever order.

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19 hours ago, Bruinsfan said:

The Avengers is still my platonic ideal superhero movie, but I do think that Wonder Woman depicted the inspiring, emotional core of the heroic character better than anyone since Donner's Superman movie. If Warner Bros. can't give the reins of the DCEU to Patty Jenkins altogether, they at least need to put her in charge of any future Superman solo films in addition to the Wonder Woman ones, and she should probably have considerable input on anything they do with Captain Marvel as well.

This is exactly it for me. Thank you for putting it in words I could not.

That's what I felt. I believed every moment that she was doing what she believed she had to do for humanity when she didn't owe them anything. She was good and kind and brave. And she was imperfect. She was wrong about Ares initially. She gave into her anger and rage but then remembered that love would be better than hate. And it wasn't ever sappy. It felt earned and believable.

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First thing I love about this clip is Kate McKinnon's Gal Gadot impression and second thing is the story of how Gal had dinner with the cast of SNL and Lorne Michaels the week she hosted and she actually got each of them to reveal a secret they never told anyone. She doesn't need a magic lasso!

Edited by VCRTracking
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I finally got to see this, and I have to say it lived up to its hype.  I know it was very well received, and made a lot of money at the box office, and deservedly so.

I loved Diane's wide eyed innocence.

My only criticism is I thought it was about 20 minutes too long.  I probably just would have had Ludendorff be Ares and had the epic battle at that point.  I don't think there was much that was gained by the twist of having Sir Patrick be Ares.

Gal Gadot was awesome on SNL when she hosted, by the way.

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Wiig? Possibly as Cheetah? "Yeah, I was also born on Paradise Island, I was the best Amazon, the others were so jealous that they turned me into a cheetah. A cheetah is the fastest animal on land, so that makes me the fastest person in the world . . . " It's funnier if you imagine her in Cheetah makeup saying that.

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1 hour ago, VCRTracking said:

Whoa. On the one hand it's seems off the wall casting you look at Cate Blanchett and Jeff Goldblum camping it up in Thor: Ragnarok and I don't think it's that nuts.

She is actually a really good good actress. But it depends on if she makes an actual character, or she defaults into some high-pitch voice eccentric character like she would often do on SNL.

Apparently it's going to be set in the 1980's and they're rumored to be bringing Chris Pine back as Steve Trevor's grandson?

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What I really wish is that they'd keep Lucy Davis.  Set it up that Diana stayed close with Etta and her family (seeing as she didn't really have any other friends in Man's World)... and by the second movie Lucy is playing Etta's grandchild (or great-grandchild), Julia... who becomes Julia Kapatelis.  Then her daughter could be Silver Swan in the third movie.

Kristin Wiig is an interesting choice, but I think she could pull off Cheetah.

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Wiig is an interesting choice for Cheetah and assuming it's the Barbara version, she'll be transformed into the character.

Will they do that in a similar way to how June was turned into Enchantress I wonder?

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