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Survivor In The Media

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3 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Cesternino was also in attendance, and he did an interview with Peachy on the red carpet.

As part of that interview, Peachy said that he'd finally heard the fans saying they didn't like the EoE concept, even though he was a big fan of it and wanted it to become a more frequent part of the game.  So it's going to be shelved for a while, and maybe retooled some.

He also got super defensive with Rob from the get go. He wanted to know why Rob doesn't like him. Rob was, "What? Whatever gave you the idea I didn't like (paraphrasing)". I know Rob has his opinions on the game itself and somehow Jeff takes that as not liking him. Jeez! Relax Jeff.

4 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

Who attended could have partly been an availability issue. Not everyone can drop everything and go to LA for a Monday night party which would also, depending on where they're from, cut into Tuesday morning.

Although, Rob & Amber have 4 kids and live in Florida. It didn't seem to be a problem for them. LOL!!! That said, I'm sure that CBS footed the bill for them two. He's basically a CBS employee.

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16 hours ago, ByaNose said:

 I'm soooooo excited. I'm also a Survivor geek. LOL!!!

If you have not already done so I would highly recommend checking out Australian Survivor. They are currently doing their All-Star season as well and it has been fun thus far.  Each episode is an hour and a half (Or at least that is what they are on the site I watch it on) and they air three episodes a week but it really is very good.

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11 hours ago, BK1978 said:

If you have not already done so I would highly recommend checking out Australian Survivor. They are currently doing their All-Star season as well and it has been fun thus far.  Each episode is an hour and a half (Or at least that is what they are on the site I watch it on) and they air three episodes a week but it really is very good.

I can only concentrate on one Survivor. That said, I have heard good things about it and I know RHAP covers it, too.

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4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I can only concentrate on one Survivor. That said, I have heard good things about it and I know RHAP covers it, too.

To be totally honest, Australian Survivor is way better than last years' American Survivor. Plus, as it was said before, the fact that there are 3 episodes a week of almost 90 minutes gives us (the audience) the chance to see more of the strategy, to know more about EVERY player in the game and to deeply understand what is going on in the game. Most players are interesting, there are no boring people in there and I would say in 4 seasons of Survivor AU I have seen more good players AND better gameplay than the last 10 years of Survivor US. If I had to choose, I would certainly choose the Australian version. There are more podcasts for Australian Survivor such as Ryan Brink Podcast and The Merge podcast which are really fun.

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On 2/11/2020 at 2:27 PM, ByaNose said:

He also got super defensive with Rob from the get go. He wanted to know why Rob doesn't like him. Rob was, "What? Whatever gave you the idea I didn't like (paraphrasing)". I know Rob has his opinions on the game itself and somehow Jeff takes that as not liking him. Jeez! Relax Jeff.

Although, Rob & Amber have 4 kids and live in Florida. It didn't seem to be a problem for them. LOL!!! That said, I'm sure that CBS footed the bill for them two. He's basically a CBS employee.

Jeff always gets defensive when someone goes against his line of thinking.  If he's called out for how something is handled, if you don't like who he likes, if you don't like a twist, then your wrong.  I mean, this is the guy who thinks Brad Culpepper is actually good at this game, and said he hopes to see another Cirie-idol situation again (because it just made such great TV).  I can see why some people are finally tired of him and the show and don't want to cover it anymore.  

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7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Jeff always gets defensive when someone goes against his line of thinking.  If he's called out for how something is handled, if you don't like who he likes, if you don't like a twist, then your wrong.  I mean, this is the guy who thinks Brad Culpepper is actually good at this game, and said he hopes to see another Cirie-idol situation again (because it just made such great TV).  I can see why some people are finally tired of him and the show and don't want to cover it anymore.  

I swear that Cirie might very well be the most screwed over player in the history of the show.  First during season sixteen they had a final two instead of a final three.   I truly think that Cirie would have beaten both Parvati and Amanda had their been a final three because she played the better game (Granted I am going by memory here and I am biased because I dislike Parvati and Cirie is one of my favorite players).  Then there was that whole Idol debacle, I mean yeah it was interesting to see but it still sucked to see her go out when she did not get a vote and nobody would have voted for her.

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Not sure if I should post this here or in Survivor in the Media thread.  If it belongs there, will you please re-home it for me, @Whimsy?

The EW recap was titled "What you DIDN'T see in the Survivor: Winners at War season premiere" and apparently Dalton wasn't kidding.


Things I selected as being most notable:


What you saw on TV was Dakal winning pretty easily 3-1. But there was plenty more to this competition that you did not see. First off, the wind and swells were crazy!...

Because of those swells, I’m not sure the Sele tribe ever had a chance, as the current kept pushing, if you were facing the water, from left to right. Probst even alluded to this at one point, mentioning a big swell that carried the competitors over towards the Dakal side. That happened constantly. Think of it this way: If you were treading water by yourself out there, the current would have naturally moved you to the right, so Sele had to battle against both that and the other team.

He goes on to give much more detail about that.

Stuff I think people will care about from the first TC that wasn't shown that Dalton mentions (there are other things, too):


• The contestants walked in at 7:54 p.m., voting was at 8:51, and then they walked out at 9:15, making total Tribal length 1 hour and 21 minutes.

• In the episode, you saw Jeremy and Ben whispering, but there was a LOT more than that. In fact, it was chaos. After those two whispered, then Natalie and Michele started. Then they whispered to Rob. Then Rob and Jeremy started in. Then Rob got up and went over to talk to Ethan. Then it was Michele getting up to chat with Parvati. Meanwhile, Jeremy talked to Ethan, then Adam, then Denise. Then it was Ethan whispering to Parvati, Ben whispering to Ethan, and Ethan and Rob chatting again. Everyone was pretty much everywhere, except for Adam, who never left his seat. He was pretty much alone for a lot of this, never moving as everyone else went around, but then Ethan and Rob finally went over to him. Then it was Parvati and Rob with one last whisper before everything calmed back down. Very surprised none of this made the episode, but with so many “Live Tribals” happening lately, maybe cutting it was for the best.

• Right before voting, Natalie asked Adam if he had a plan. “I’ll tell you in secret,” he told Natalie. “Not in the open.” And then Natalie, clearly sensing danger, made an open plea to the tribe: “All I can say is this: I’ll say it out loud. I hope the people who talked to each other stick to the plan. I’m sticking to the plan and I hope everyone else does too.” Jeff then asked if anyone else wanted to make a public statement, to which Natalie replied, “Guys, we do not want to come back here, so let’s stick to the plan.” They did, just not her plan.

Things not shown during second TC:


• The second Tribal started at 7:45 p.m., with voting starting at 8:45, and ended at 9:07 for a total running time of 1 hour and 22 minutes.

• There was a bit more talk about Tony’s… shall we say, exuberance? Wendell also said Tony went into speed mode on day 3, and Amber told him, “You were creating a target on yourself by the way you were acting.” To which Sarah replied, “Today was a wake-up call” for those who aren’t used to the new pace of the game. Tony got very upset that Amber called him out and then Sandra said Amber was not used to the pace and can’t keep up with Tony. (Yes, Sandra defending Tony. My how times have changed.) This subject concluded with Amber saying of Tony, “The way he operates just makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.”

• Kim said she was reeling, and the first 3 days were harder than anything she encountered on One World. Considering the level of competition on One World, that’s probably not surprising. She also called her appearance at the poker tournament “the biggest mistake of my life.”

• Edge of Extinction became a major topic of discussion at Tribal. It started when Yul called out Chris Underwood’s win as very controversial and polarizing. Sandra then weighed in on EOE, going on about how someone should be out when they were out, and now because of the twist, she had to be nice to people instead of mean. Jeff then polled the tribe, asking who among them liked Edge as another chance to get back in the game. Sarah, Amber, and Nick raised their hands. The other 7 did not. Jeff then asked Sarah and Amber what they liked about it.

Sorry this was so long, but some of that seemed interesting to me. Like there WAS whispering at the first TC. A lot.

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2 hours ago, simplyme said:

In the episode, you saw Jeremy and Ben whispering, but there was a LOT more than that. In fact, it was chaos. After those two whispered, then Natalie and Michele started. Then they whispered to Rob. Then Rob and Jeremy started in. Then Rob got up and went over to talk to Ethan. Then it was Michele getting up to chat with Parvati. Meanwhile, Jeremy talked to Ethan, then Adam, then Denise. Then it was Ethan whispering to Parvati, Ben whispering to Ethan, and Ethan and Rob chatting again. Everyone was pretty much everywhere, except for Adam, who never left his seat. He was pretty much alone for a lot of this, never moving as everyone else went around, but then Ethan and Rob finally went over to him.

Thanks for this (and thank you, Survivor Pravda -- sometimes it's good to report the truth)

This adds to my suspicion this season is being under-edited, which I sort of guessed at that first frenetic pre-tribal council. They are trying to create the illusion of a fast-paced game by showing us ... very little. I was shocked only two people whispered at tribal council. This makes a ton more sense.

I think the editors are so thrilled to have engaging people who know how to give confessionals back that they're going confessional-happy, and not showing enough action. Of all the ridiculous whispering sessions we've ever been treated to, and they cut this one? For ... what? More confessionals about the oldskool winners going "golly gee gosh, this game sure has changed."

Show, don't tell, editors. Especially in this season.

(And editors left Natalie -- Natalie! -- saying "Stick to the plan" on the cutting room floor? When "stick to the plan" was a thing in her season?! Wow. That shows very little institutional memory, and that's too bad. I'd hope they'd have people editing Survivor 40 who sort of remembered past Survivor seasons.)

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17 hours ago, Eolivet said:

(And editors left Natalie -- Natalie! -- saying "Stick to the plan" on the cutting room floor? When "stick to the plan" was a thing in her season?! Wow. That shows very little institutional memory, and that's too bad. I'd hope they'd have people editing Survivor 40 who sort of remembered past Survivor seasons.)

But I bet Keith was SO PROUD of her....  😄 

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Bringing this to the media thread, as it's about the ET clip at the premiere party:


Sandra made it sound like they were asked about 40 when they had been on the S39 island for a few weeks?  Rob said NO right away?  (Sandra said yes) Rob made it sound like a phone call after?  Didn't sound like he was going to say yes till they asked Amber. 

Sandra thought Mike Holloway was a definite should be there.

That fits with the scuttlebutt from another board -- there was lots of uncertainty over including Rob, speculation that he wanted more money or something. It sounded like Rob and Sandra had their families living in Fiji while they filmed The Season That Will Not Be Named.

Amber was never even assumed to be asked until she showed up, so maybe it was part of the deal.

I thought I heard Mike Holloway had his own substance problems (but I also think he's a useless winner, with no real game to speak of except "win lots of immunities" and "be less heinous than the other two"). Everyone else there -- including Ben -- had more game than Mike Holloway. I also think Probst wants to forget 30 ever existed.

Edited by Eolivet
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13 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Bringing this to the media thread, as it's about the ET clip at the premiere party:

Yeah! 30 was a bad season. It's funny but Tyler Fredrickson (from Season 30) hates how everyone loves Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X and RHAP always had them on but no one from Season 30. Joe Anglim was the only person Probst liked. In general, he'd rather forget that season.

I still wonder the real reason that Mike wasn't asked. I had heard it was some political tirade that he went on twitter or some other social media. The only two people I have heard confirm why they’re not on Winners at War were Vecepia who said she was never called and Tina who said she was called but didn't make the cut.

Edited by ByaNose
5 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

It's funny but Tyler Fredrickson (from Season 30) hates how everyone loves Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X and RHAP always them on but no one from Season 30.

Survivor Millennials vs Gen X: Season of empathy, of people finding their voice and strength, opening up to one another, sharing secrets and pain of all sorts, from sexual identity to personal tragedy.

Survivor Worlds Apart: Season of bullying and mansplaining, of misogyny and outright nastiness, terrible human beings acting terribly.

Or their two reunion shows: Adam, love him or hate him, in a flood of tears, relaying his mom's final moments as his castmates offer words of encouragement and support.

Dan Foley, complaining loudly about the editing, and Will's wife yelling from the audience that he was portrayed unfairly.

Golly, Tyler, I'm stumped, too.

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2 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Survivor Millennials vs Gen X: Season of empathy, of people finding their voice and strength, opening up to one another, sharing secrets and pain of all sorts, from sexual identity to personal tragedy.

Survivor Worlds Apart: Season of bullying and mansplaining, of misogyny and outright nastiness, terrible human beings acting terribly.

Or their two reunion shows: Adam, love him or hate him, in a flood of tears, relaying his mom's final moments as his castmates offer words of encouragement and support.

Dan Foley, complaining loudly about the editing, and Will's wife yelling from the audience that he was portrayed unfairly.

Golly, Tyler, I'm stumped, too.

First off, this is so well written. I really should have paid more attention in school. Secondly, I totally agree and this whole post is hysterical. Thanks, I needed this laugh.

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3 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Survivor Millennials vs Gen X: Season of empathy, of people finding their voice and strength, opening up to one another, sharing secrets and pain of all sorts, from sexual identity to personal tragedy.

Survivor Worlds Apart: Season of bullying and mansplaining, of misogyny and outright nastiness, terrible human beings acting terribly.

Or their two reunion shows: Adam, love him or hate him, in a flood of tears, relaying his mom's final moments as his castmates offer words of encouragement and support.

Dan Foley, complaining loudly about the editing, and Will's wife yelling from the audience that he was portrayed unfairly.

Golly, Tyler, I'm stumped, too.

I blame Probst.  He's the idiot that told the cast mid-way through filming through the season that this was the best cast he'd ever had and he wished they could all come back together as a cast and play again.

Also, I had to go look up who Tyler was.  I don't remember much about him except Carolyn told him she had an idol, and Shirin said Tyler was the one who came and got her and led her over to Will, when he went on his infamous tirade about her own family not liking her.  Other than that, he seems to hang out with Joe and Sierra a lot.


Yeah! 30 was a bad season. It's funny but Tyler Fredrickson (from Season 30) hates how everyone loves Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X and RHAP always them on but no one from Season 30. Joe Anglim was the only person Probst liked. In general, he'd rather forget that season. I still wonder the real reason that Mike wasn't asked. I had heard it was some political tirade that he went on twitter or some other social media. The only two people I have heard confirm them not being on are Vecepia who said she was never called and Tina who said she was called but didn't make the cut.

To be fair, I don't care for MvsGX in the way that other people do, but it sure beats most of the other seasons that dropped in the 30s.  It's like DvsG.....MvsGX....Ghost Island....and the rest.  I think Dan might have scared Rob into not having anyone from S30 on his podcast lol  I remember after that podcast he did with Dan, he actually released the transcript, because I think Dan was saying that he was portrayed unfairly on there, too.  Because the whole world is against Dan.  But there was one point in that transcript where Rob said something like 'yeah, please don't find me.'  I heard something similar about Mike.  I never did find out what it was, but it was supposedly something he did on SM.  Mike is the type of winner that was satisfying for the season I guess, but in hindsight really wasn't that great.  He was half of the problem in the first half of that season, and then was portrayed as an underdog in the second half when it seemed like everyone was against him.  And again, when you have a final 6 of Will, Dan, Carolyn, Rodney, and Sierra-how do you not root for the guy?

Edited by LadyChatts
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On 2/13/2020 at 4:24 AM, simplyme said:

• Edge of Extinction became a major topic of discussion at Tribal. It started when Yul called out Chris Underwood’s win as very controversial and polarizing. Sandra then weighed in on EOE, going on about how someone should be out when they were out, and now because of the twist, she had to be nice to people instead of mean. 

I would have LOVED seeing this.  Both Yul calling out the win, because Yul doesn't make his living from Survivor and can afford to say what he wants. 
And Sandra - LOL!  

Damn editing.  

How do you watch Australian Survivor? 

  • Love 4

Reality Blurred: Andy is getting tired of the Rob worship from people who actually won the game. I can't say that I blame him, though I'm guessing the benefit of having Rob as a provider outweighs the immediate need to vote him off. Still, Andy get a few choice quips out of his system:



And how, exactly, is Rob dangerous? What’s there to be scared of if Rob’s dumped onto the Edge of Extinction and left to help decipher word puzzles? If he wins his way back in—vote him out again!

Of course, I’m sure that’s when Jeff Probst will introduce The Sia Shield of Permanent Immunity and Cash and deliver it to Rob in his bag along with a latte and a thank-you card for making the last two seasons of Survivor so fantastic. But they might as well try.


Ouch. 😁


The episode opened with a shower of idols: Denise found one, helped by Ben, who was searching with her and teaching her how to win new Survivor, which usually just involves being a man to whom Jeff Probst gives advantages.

I guess Andy believe the show basically gave Ben the million bucks.

Edited by Lantern7
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37 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Reality Blurred: Andy is getting tired of the Rob worship from people who actually won the game. I can't say that I blame him, though I'm guessing the benefit of having Rob as a provider outweighs the immediate need to vote him off. Still, Andy get a few choice quips out of his system:

Ouch. 😁

I guess Andy believe the show basically gave Ben the million bucks.

I do agree about the Rob fear. What do people think he’s going to do them? Kill them? Drown them? I just never understood what they are so afraid of. It’s not even being afraid of getting voted out but they are just afraid of him in the game. I’ve always found it kind of bizarre. Vote his ass out and move on. Jeez!  

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

I do agree about the Rob fear. What do people think he’s going to do them? Kill them? Drown them? I just never understood what they are so afraid of. It’s not even being afraid of getting voted out but they are just afraid of him in the game. I’ve always found it kind of bizarre. Vote his ass out and move on. Jeez!  

Judging by the look on his face tonight when he saw Amber was gone, I’d be a little scared, too. 

Kidding, though, because I do agree.  It was the same thing during AS.  In this case, though, they could have just voted Rob out of the game.  Maybe he would have made it back in, maybe not.  If he did, who cares?  Just vote him out again.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

do agree about the Rob fear. What do people think he’s going to do them? Kill them? Drown them? I just never understood what they are so afraid of. It

Rob has a superpower. He asks people direct questions in a way that makes people almost unable to lie. Look at tonight how he got everyone to empty their bags without raising his voice or even saying that much. I've known people like this and it's really unnerving. I always enjoy watching him just for this thing he does. It's impossible to describe, but fascinating to watch. 

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12 hours ago, marys1000 said:

How do you watch Australian Survivor? 

I watch it on Dailymotion.  From there just search Australian Survivor and the current season, which is season seven, should pop up.

Just now, LadyChatts said:

Kidding, though, because I do agree.  It was the same thing during AS.  In this case, though, they could have just voted Rob out of the game.  Maybe he would have made it back in, maybe not.  If he did, who cares?  Just vote him out again.

Yeah he was pissed I was laughing about that.

He did that during the season he won to I want to say Mat (the guy that was always hanging around Andrea).  I would love to see it happen to Rob.

Just now, Melina22 said:

Rob has a superpower. He asks people direct questions in a way that makes people almost unable to lie. Look at tonight how he got everyone to empty their bags without raising his voice or even saying that much. I've known people like this and it's really unnerving. I always enjoy watching him just for this thing he does. It's impossible to describe, but fascinating to watch. 

It reminded me of when he convinced all of the teams behind him on TAR to take a penalty.

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Of course these people are either star struck or intimidated by Rob.  It's natural.  Nick said in an article that when he thinks of Survivor, he thinks of Rob and Sandra.  I think that's reasonable.

Having said that, I think we are seeing a new day. 

Nick has the following posted on his Twitter:

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” - Sun Tzu

I'm no expert but based on the Sun Tzu's 31 war strategies, Rob's contention that Survivor has always been, and continues to be, a primarily social game seems to ring true.  However, I think the difference between Rob's time and now is that the game moves faster and has more pieces to it - it's still about how best to deal with people in order to win, but there are more mines to dodge which impacts how the social game is played and how fast it is played.

I feel Rob might not appreciate the sophisticated level at which the "social" game is played now-a-days - nor the speed required to play it well.

Edited by Jextella
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On 2/19/2020 at 11:54 PM, BK1978 said:

I watch it on Dailymotion.  From there just search Australian Survivor and the current season, which is season seven, should pop up.

Yeah he was pissed I was laughing about that.

He did that during the season he won to I want to say Mat (the guy that was always hanging around Andrea).  I would love to see it happen to Rob.

It reminded me of when he convinced all of the teams behind him on TAR to take a penalty.

Technically, he only convinced one team, and they were allies from a previous leg.  A second (the senior couple) overheard that conversation and also thought the penalty was the better option for them.


On 2/19/2020 at 11:54 PM, Melina22 said:

Rob has a superpower. He asks people direct questions in a way that makes people almost unable to lie. Look at tonight how he got everyone to empty their bags without raising his voice or even saying that much. I've known people like this and it's really unnerving. I always enjoy watching him just for this thing he does. It's impossible to describe, but fascinating to watch. 

I think (within the game) that Rob has perfected an effective type of bullying.  It's the type used by horrible parents, teachers, and coaches to make people feel helpless and less than, without raising their voice or a finger.  And it's interspersed with enough kind words to make the victim doubt their own brain.

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3 hours ago, EllenB said:

I think (within the game) that Rob has perfected an effective type of bullying.  It's the type used by horrible parents, teachers, and coaches to make people feel helpless and less than, without raising their voice or a finger.  And it's interspersed with enough kind words to make the victim doubt their own brain.

I don't think Rob is bullying anyone. I do think that Rob can read the room really well and identify peoples weaknesses. I don't think he would have tried the "If you don't tell me who is putting my name out there then you are against me" against someone like Parvarti or even Ethan or Jeremy. He knew Ben would fold so it was the response.

I don't see Rob really brow beating people. He is a charmer with a good amount of charisma. He works around camp, is a beast in challenges, and can be funny. I can imagine that he is fun to be around.

I hope that Adam and Jeremy and Denise are looking to keep Rob until just before the merge and then cutting him.

Denise has surprised me. The idea that she would share an idol with Parvarti is crazy. Denise is crazy smart and a therapist. She should be able to see through Parvarti and Rob's smoke screen but it seems like Denise is not seeing through Parvarti. I am thrilled that Adam was comfortable going "No" with a look of horror on his face. And then go on to explain why it was an awful idea. I am also thrilled that Denise listened. I do not object to her thought that the idol should be used to draw someone into her group of three but Parvarti is a ridiculous choice.

I love Jeremy and how he plays. He is the anti-Tony. He is not panicked or overly worked up. He is a sponge who observes what is happening and listens to people. He understands that he a challenge threat and that he needs to take the target off by being more chill in his strategic play.

I think Adam is playing pretty well. He has a good alliance in the work, sees the danger in that alliance, and is working well with others.

Ben is an idiot.

I want Cops R Us to succeed. I love Sarah and I want her to go far. I can handle Tony is small doses, like this episode. He is a meat head but he has a good heart. Everyone was telling him to stop and pointing out the danger. Medivac was mentioned several times. Tyson's talking heads about Tony as a Cop policing the streets were pretty hilarious. There are worse pairs to advance far into this game.

  • Love 8
On 2/21/2020 at 3:32 AM, EllenB said:

I think (within the game) that Rob has perfected an effective type of bullying.  It's the type used by horrible parents, teachers, and coaches to make people feel helpless and less than, without raising their voice or a finger.  And it's interspersed with enough kind words to make the victim doubt their own brain.

Rob is absolutely not a bully.  He speaks to people calmly and directly, he doesn't threaten anyone, he's never cruel to anyone, hell, have we ever even heard him raise his voice?  He's good at reading people and getting information out them, which doesn't make him a bully in any way, shape or form.  It doesn't mean anything other than he's really good at Survivor.  

  • Love 19
On 2/21/2020 at 7:26 AM, ProfCrash said:

I don't think Rob is bullying anyone. I do think that Rob can read the room really well and identify peoples weaknesses. I don't think he would have tried the "If you don't tell me who is putting my name out there then you are against me" against someone like Parvarti or even Ethan or Jeremy. He knew Ben would fold so it was the response.

I don't see Rob really brow beating people. He is a charmer with a good amount of charisma. He works around camp, is a beast in challenges, and can be funny. I can imagine that he is fun to be around.

I hope that Adam and Jeremy and Denise are looking to keep Rob until just before the merge and then cutting him.

Denise has surprised me. The idea that she would share an idol with Parvarti is crazy. Denise is crazy smart and a therapist. She should be able to see through Parvarti and Rob's smoke screen but it seems like Denise is not seeing through Parvarti. I am thrilled that Adam was comfortable going "No" with a look of horror on his face. And then go on to explain why it was an awful idea. I am also thrilled that Denise listened. I do not object to her thought that the idol should be used to draw someone into her group of three but Parvarti is a ridiculous choice.

I love Jeremy and how he plays. He is the anti-Tony. He is not panicked or overly worked up. He is a sponge who observes what is happening and listens to people. He understands that he a challenge threat and that he needs to take the target off by being more chill in his strategic play.

I think Adam is playing pretty well. He has a good alliance in the work, sees the danger in that alliance, and is working well with others.

Ben is an idiot.

I want Cops R Us to succeed. I love Sarah and I want her to go far. I can handle Tony is small doses, like this episode. He is a meat head but he has a good heart. Everyone was telling him to stop and pointing out the danger. Medivac was mentioned several times. Tyson's talking heads about Tony as a Cop policing the streets were pretty hilarious. There are worse pairs to advance far into this game.

Hell no to Cops are Us succeeding cause Fuck Tony. Arrogant obnixous Paranoid exhausting punk. Of course they will probably succeed and I'll detest Sarah cause lately I cant ever get a ending to a season of Survivor that I love. 

I hope this is okay to post here: The Amazing Race has suspended filming due to concerns over the Coronavirus pandemic. What I'm wondering is if Survivor might be affected. I know that they're permanently based in Fiji, but there might be a possibility that alarms might be going off.

I'm assuming S41 hasn't started filming; I'm thinking a season would air with enough time for Probst to unwind and do the S40 Reunion.

S41 would probably start filming in March (the filming cycle is typically March-May, May/June-July).  Since this upcoming season doesn't air until the fall, they could always push back filming and it probably wouldn't affect anything, except possibly casting.  I can see why this might be easier to keep on schedule or postpone than TAR is.  I guess we'll see how the disease progresses in the next few months.  According to Redmond, the cast is finalized. 

Edited by LadyChatts

Actually, Survivor would seem to be the model of social distancing. They're on an island away from everyone else. Not exactly "search through a crowded marketplace and interact with the locals, a.k.a. community transmission ahoy." I think if the show limits the number of crew interacting with the cast, they have a good chance of being unaffected, unlike Amazing Race, which is designed to spread disease. (sorry, TAR)

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16 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Posting a photo of herself with perfect hair and makeup shortly after giving birth and the baby being just a little hat strikes me as a very Angelina thing to do.

Reminds me of a Joan Rivers bit, back in the day: “I want a Jewish delivery - knock me out with the first pain, and don’t bring me back around until the hairdresser shows up.”  😄

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I don't have kids and don't think I ever will, but I've never understood the whole make-up and hair being done for childbirth, either.  It's the one time in your life where your expected to look crappy in a picture, and people will understand.  Go for it!

But anyway, congrats to Angelina!  Hopefully there's enough jackets in the house for everyone to share.

ETA: so this goes along with what we were saying above, but any chance Survivor could be pushed back from filming?  Fiji has a travel ban for some countries and precautions in place for visitors traveling to the country.  The US isn't on the list yet, but the new Survivor season should be starting filming sometime this month.  Once filming starts it probably won't be disrupted, but getting there might be a problem.


Edited by LadyChatts
  • LOL 2

I don't even mind the hair and makeup so much, but it makes me laugh that in announcing the birth of her baby, while most people would post a picture of, you know, the baby, she posts a glamour(-ish) shot of herself where the baby is a barely identifiable prop. It's not really surprising if you look at the rest of her instagram. The photos are all posed shots of herself, sometimes with another person, but more often than not just of her. It reminds me of Mr. Pimp Good Game's instagram, except without the humor and self-awareness.

  • LOL 3
1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

ETA: so this goes along with what we were saying above, but any chance Survivor could be pushed back from filming?  Fiji has a travel ban for some countries and precautions in place for visitors traveling to the country.  The US isn't on the list yet, but the new Survivor season should be starting filming sometime this month.  Once filming starts it probably won't be disrupted, but getting there might be a problem.

Given that the U.S. now has community transmission of coronavirus, it seems unlikely they will start filming without quarantining people (in Los Angeles or asking people to self-quarantine at home). They can't take the chance this will spread on the island. But if they quarantine the cast and the crew going over there (and Fiji has yet to experience local transmission), they should be fine. It might push the filming back a couple weeks, but I'm guessing their lawyers will tell them it's necessary.

The three places where Fiji has restricted travelers (other than China) all have high levels of local transmission, which the U.S. does not have yet, and I think the Fijian government could be assuaged if the show can prove these contestants (and crew) are healthy. But given that local transmission is happening in the U.S., if they haven't left yet, I can't see the lawyers letting them without quarantining them first. The last thing they want is to have to stop filming.

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