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6 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

That's a great interview.  But I don't agree with Bret about Will's 'report card'.  It's 100% true that you usually need some resume points to win.  Bret laughed at that like Will made it up.  And Bret thought he'd win on purely social game.  Maybe, but I think having some resume points and big moves to show would make it much more likely.  

I get Bret's point about Will's report card. Will didn't do it because it was the best strategic move for him at that moment (at least not what was shown to us), but because he just wanted to make one to prove himself.  Even Will admitted that it was a mistake he made a move to flip so early, which caused people to view him as a "threat" and got him voted out.

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1 hour ago, gator12 said:

Freaking Sunday would have won against Ken and Hannah. Wow.

To me, that just screams bitterness. There's no way in Hell that Sunday played a better game than Hannah or Ken. I can't think of one thing that Sunday did in this game other than attach herself to Bret and annoy me with that accent of hers.  


 It's 100% true that you usually need some resume points to win.  

I agree. The social game is really important but it's not enough to win. You have to actually do *something* that impresses the jury other than being a fun guy to hang out with.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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I don't think that scream bitterness at all. If Sunday play a better social game than Ken and Hannah. The jurors were never going to vote for either Ken or Hannah since everyone of them said they would have love to sit next to them in the final. 

David would have won by a landslide too and they had more reason to be bitter against him. And imo the jurors had more reason to be bitter against Adam and the perceive none factor that were Ken and Hannah.

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49 minutes ago, waving feather said:

I get Bret's point about Will's report card. Will didn't do it because it was the best strategic move for him at that moment (at least not what was shown to us), but because he just wanted to make one to prove himself.  Even Will admitted that it was a mistake he made a move to flip so early, which caused people to view him as a "threat" and got him voted out.

But him making a big move a little too early doesn't preclude the fact that making a big move is a good idea (at all), y'know?  

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4 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

How was Ken treated any better?  Or anyone else not the winner, for that matter?  

Lol yes. I don't think any one of them except Adam was treated that well. And why are people always surprised? Those reunion shows never had any substance anyway.

Those media outlets sure love Hannah.

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I'm surprised, too.  I like her fine but I like most players fine.  She reminds me a lot of last season's Aubry, too.  I guess Aubry lacked the petite body.  So America is loving that there can be a nerdy, anxious, big-nosed, curly-haired girl with a cute body and a little crush on the hottie?  How progressive of us.  

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, Aubry was pretty popular, too. "Nerdy, anxious, big-nosed, curly-haired girl" is really picking up in popularity lately apparently! Which I for one am loving.

I just think someone at TV Guide really likes Hannah.

I enjoyed Aubry more than Hannah on the show because she doesn't overact as much as Hannah. Hannah is kinda hot though. 

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17 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, Aubry was pretty popular, too. "Nerdy, anxious, big-nosed, curly-haired girl" is really picking up in popularity lately apparently! Which I for one am loving.

Oh me too!  But show equal love for the ones without a bikini bod and that'll be even better.  

It's not just TV Guide.  Hannah was also in some People year-end 'top whatever of 2016' list, wasn't she?  

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I think she was. I don't really think it has anything to do with her looks though. But I'm not entirely sure why she has seemed to really resonate with a lot of people. But since Aubry was also pretty popular maybe there's just a growing trend of people being happy to see nerdy, anxiety ridden ladies on reality tv. ETA: Although, funnily enough, I remember both of them getting quite a bit of flack (Here, at least. I don't go anywhere else.) when they had their panic attacks.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Yeah, I think some of the viewers here thought she was either faking it or it was all part of that 'participation trophy'/entitled mentality, or both.  

Hopefully that latter concept is laid off a bit moving forward.  I'm old but that 'participation trophy' complaint rankles me like few others.  And you can throw in the similar one-- 'special snowflake'.  GAH.  

Anyone who identifies with the nerds, or lives with one or raised one or is otherwise close to one, should read the book Quiet by Susan Cain.  I think the message in that book, that it's as OK to be an introvert as an extrovert, has had an effect on the cultural mindset.  

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13 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Anyone who identifies with the nerds, or lives with one or raised one or is otherwise close to one, should read the book Quiet by Susan Cain.  I think the message in that book, that it's as OK to be an introvert as an extrovert, has had an effect on the cultural mindset.  

I've never heard of that book, but I should look into it. I hate how teachers always talk as if being quiet/introverted is a bad thing/makes your kid odd.

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20 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I've never heard of that book, but I should look into it. I hate how teachers always talk as if being quiet/introverted is a bad thing/makes your kid odd.

I once got a C in English (my best subject by a mile) because I was "shy." I still don't know what that had to do with my reading and writing skills, but that was the reason my teacher gave to my mother. That was second grade and I'm still annoyed by it, ha! 

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On 29/12/2016 at 11:01 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

Hopefully that latter concept is laid off a bit moving forward.  I'm old but that 'participation trophy' complaint rankles me like few others.  And you can throw in the similar one-- 'special snowflake'.  GAH.  

The "participation trophy" complaint always seemed strange to me—if we're going to heap scorn on an entire generation because of them, shouldn't it be the one that invented them and handed them out, rather than the one that received them?

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I don't think the "participation trophy" complaint is about actual physical trophies being handed out, I think it's more a metaphor about how Millennials (according to Probst anyway) have a mentality where they they think they're entitled to be rewarded just for trying instead of winning. I know plenty of lazy Gen-Xers who feel that way too though.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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I'm paraphrasing a (completely non-Survivor-related, I think) tweet here but: the 'participation trophy' - as actual thing and as metaphor - is an irritating thing to throw at millennials because 'participation trophies' were actually more about appeasing their boomer parents.

I'm sure there are millennial that have taken on that everybody-deserves-a-prize mentality, but they're not responsible for it's existence.   

(I'm GenX so obviously completely blameless and also perfect. Heh.)

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He was the good-looking lawyer that for some reason was ostrasized by Corinne & Gang. They complained that he ate too much of his share of the food. The episode that he was voted out, they compared him visually to one of the most disgusting wildlife shots they ever did on the show - a grub being attacked all over by ants until the grub burst and pus splattered all over the place.

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On 1/2/2017 at 0:29 PM, MissEwa said:

I'm paraphrasing a (completely non-Survivor-related, I think) tweet here but: the 'participation trophy' - as actual thing and as metaphor - is an irritating thing to throw at millennials because 'participation trophies' were actually more about appeasing their boomer parents.

I think Millennials are actually the offspring of Gen X. Gen X are the offspring of the Baby Boomers. I mean, it's all bullshit to me these arbitrary divisions, but I am a bit sick of the golden oldies getting the blame for the every single fucking thing!

Boomers brought you Punk, world.

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32 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I think Millennials are actually the offspring of Gen X. Gen X are the offspring of the Baby Boomers. I mean, it's all bullshit to me these arbitrary divisions, but I am a bit sick of the golden oldies getting the blame for the every single fucking thing!

Boomers brought you Punk, world.

A little more complicated that.  From my understanding the majority of millennial's parents are actually baby boomers, though I am guessing it is a just  a small majority.  These parents would be the late baby boomers born in the late 50's early 60's.

I do agree with you that these arbitrary divisions are pretty much bullshit.

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2 hours ago, LanceM said:

These parents would be the late baby boomers born in the late 50's early 60's.

Many of whom, including Jiffy, think of themselves and describe themselves as Generation X.

It just goes on and on!

The cut-off dates are pretty fuzzy... 

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35 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

Ah, Julie, one of the many many people for whom I had hopes, dashed to pieces.  God what a terrible season Caramoan was.

This would never happen, but a fun season concept would be the eight 'fans' from Micronesia against the eight 'fans' from Caramoan in a "sorry we put you at such a massive disadvantage, here's a chance to actually play Survivor."

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9 hours ago, violet and green said:

Many of whom, including Jiffy, think of themselves and describe themselves as Generation X.

I have a feeling Jeff would describe himself as a woolly mammoth or a geisha girl if it tied into the season's theme.  

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7 hours ago, Trick Question said:

This would never happen, but a fun season concept would be the eight 'fans' from Micronesia against the eight 'fans' from Caramoan in a "sorry we put you at such a massive disadvantage, here's a chance to actually play Survivor."

I love this idea so much!

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11 hours ago, Trick Question said:

This would never happen, but a fun season concept would be the eight 'fans' from Micronesia against the eight 'fans' from Caramoan in a "sorry we put you at such a massive disadvantage, here's a chance to actually play Survivor."

Tracy FTW. 

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I guess I don't get the big deal with that E! segment.  While I don't believe there's a Survivor curse, I didn't find it disrespectful.  Also, they could have added Tod, Mike Skupin, and all the Survivor medevacs if they wanted to talk about a curse.  4 deaths out of over 400 contestants isn't really a curse, even if 3 did die young.


This would never happen, but a fun season concept would be the eight 'fans' from Micronesia against the eight 'fans' from Caramoan in a "sorry we put you at such a massive disadvantage, here's a chance to actually play Survivor."

I'd love this idea!  Though I preferred the fans of Micronesia to Caramoan, it'd certainly be a different idea.  I've always wanted to see Tracy get another shot.  She seemed to have the goods in her, but she ended up having to baby sit two pathetic allies who ended up quitting (one unofficially).  She didn't have anyone else but Chet and Kathy.  Too bad she also got screwed in the tribe swap.  Though I've made it clear that I love me some Ozzy, I wish Ami had been able to secure the votes to blindside him at that TC where Tracy ended up going home.  Too bad Erik was such a star struck fan boy that would have carried his idol around piggy back if he had asked.  

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I don't think Natalie and Alexis were morons, either.  But I think Erik has probably had his fill of Survivor, and Chet too; and Kathy would never be allowed back on (even if she wasn't threatening to cut her fingers off or whatever the rumor was).  On the Caramoan side, Shamar sure didn't seem to want to be there, and if we're talking about morons, surely Eddie Fox is right up there in the Survivor Hall of Infamy.  But I'd like to see Laura Alexander and Allie get another go.

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I don't care if Eddie was dumb. His life's dream is to own a dog bar and I fully support that.

"I like dogs and I like bars, so if I could open a bar and you could just bring your dog there, that would be unbelievable."

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4 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Someone give me a hat; I think I'm going to throw up.

With the CDC's help, I did a little number crunching on things mortal - and someone at E! needs to get their ass fired:

(Sorry for the ugly table below, but PrevTV's editor doesn't give much in the way of format control...)

Survivor base: 498

CDC base: 100,000

  • Age    CDCRate  CDC % SurvRate Surv% Difference
  • 15-24     79.9     0.08%     0      0.00%.    -0.08%
  • 25-34  104.9      0.10%.    1      0.20%       0.10%
  • 35-44  187.3      0.19%.    2      0.40%.      0.21%
  • 45-54  420.9     0.42%.   0      0.00%.     -0.42%
  • 55-64  877.7     0.88%.    0     0.00%      -0.88%
  • 65-74  2011.3    2.01%     0     0.00%      -2.01%
  • 75-84  5011.6    5.01%     1     0.20%.     -4.81%
  • 85+   12946.5  12.95%    0.    0.00%.   -12.95%
  • Total of Differences:                             -20.84%

Conclusion: when you compare Survivor's mortality rate with the general U.S. population across the TOTAL relevant age range - covering from Will Wahl (18) to Rudy Boesch (88) - Survivor's death rate is almost 21% BELOW the national average.

So sit on it and rotate, E!.

(God, i hate sloppy stats....)

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4 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

I don't think Natalie and Alexis were morons, either.  But I think Erik has probably had his fill of Survivor, and Chet too; and Kathy would never be allowed back on (even if she wasn't threatening to cut her fingers off or whatever the rumor was).  On the Caramoan side, Shamar sure didn't seem to want to be there, and if we're talking about morons, surely Eddie Fox is right up there in the Survivor Hall of Infamy.  But I'd like to see Laura Alexander and Allie get another go.

People forget if not for Amanda finding an idol she most likely gets voted off and Natalie and Alexis find themselves in a final five where there is a good shot one if not both of them make the FTC.  So yeah not dumb at all. Erik, well that is another story. As is Jason "the stick has a face on it so it must be an idol". 

Edited by LanceM
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I thought that E! story was offensive, especially days after a death.  And it would've been stupid and based on bad data at any time.  

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13 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

I don't think Natalie and Alexis were morons, either.  But I think Erik has probably had his fill of Survivor, and Chet too; and Kathy would never be allowed back on (even if she wasn't threatening to cut her fingers off or whatever the rumor was).  On the Caramoan side, Shamar sure didn't seem to want to be there, and if we're talking about morons, surely Eddie Fox is right up there in the Survivor Hall of Infamy.  But I'd like to see Laura Alexander and Allie get another go.

Chet and Shamar both had their fill of Survivor about two episodes in, so yeah, a return visit is unlikely.

It's too bad so many of the fans ended up being non-entities, since another easy hook for a season could've been 8-9 of the original "fans" returning to face 8-9 newcomers.  But of all the "fans," maybe Erik is the only one semi-recognizable to a casual Survivor viewer.  I doubt the likes of Eddie, Jason Siska, Sherri, etc. hold much appeal.

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16 hours ago, fishcakes said:

I don't care if Eddie was dumb. His life's dream is to own a dog bar and I fully support that.

"I like dogs and I like bars, so if I could open a bar and you could just bring your dog there, that would be unbelievable."

The funny thing about the dog bar is at the time that aired one of my sisters was very seriously contemplating opening a doggy daycare in her neighborhood that also served craft beers to its patrons (the humans) when they picked up their dog after work.  

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