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Survivor In The Media

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4 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I already turned it off. Took 5 minutes and I was done.

Why? Because fo Anglelina? I didn't like her on her season but I thought she did a good job covering the show with Rob. That said, I'll any coverage on Survivor. I also watch another channel called The Survivor Specialists. I'm such a geek that I have to watch any wrap up shows about Survivor. I blame Dalton Ross. LOL!!!

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Why? Because fo Anglelina? I didn't like her on her season but I thought she did a good job covering the show with Rob. That said, I'll any coverage on Survivor. I also watch another channel called The Survivor Specialists. I'm such a geek that I have to watch any wrap up shows about Survivor. I blame Dalton Ross. LOL!!!

I hated her on Survivor (but it was a fun hate), but I liked her on RHAP.  She had pretty good thoughts on strategy and a good sense of humor.  I loved when they mentioned Mike White and she asked Rob is he had seen The Emoji Movie, a nod to a drunk  sounding Mike going off on Rob for teasing him about it on the podcast.  

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Reality Blurred on "The Rick Devens Show." Andy makes the point that Rick didn't vote for Ron, and that he didn't engineer his ouster while he avoided getting snuffed. I didn't remember Lauren and Victoria were behind that, mostly because I wasn't playing enough attention. That might fall under shafting female players in terms of editing. Also, I just found out that we haven't had a female winner since Sarah on Game Changers, which was two years ago.

ETA: Here's another recent Reality Blurred article; this one is about allegations of sexism and racism from CBS in relation to Survivor and Big Brother.

Edited by Lantern7
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I'll have to read that later. I feel bad for Erik. Yeah, it was a dumb move. Yeah, I adored Cirie at that time. But that first image in the article could have been captioned, "The Black Widow Alliance share a laugh, as Erik's shorts fall to his ankles. He had also neglected to don underwear that day. Not shown: Jeff Probst bloodying his knuckle by biting into it to keep from laughing." He did finish fifth on Caramoan. If he hadn't been forced out, maybe he could have won that season.

I like his cartoons accompanying Steven Fishbach's recaps. I met him at New York Comic Con years ago. I didn't mention THAT moment to him. I wound up buying his Survivor parody book, and I got a sketch from him. I asked for the self-portrait; normally, I'm armed with references, but I didn't know he was coming, and I figured he'd be the contestant I'd ask to be drawn.

Edited by Lantern7
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Christian was on Rob Has A Podcast..... 3 hrs 21 minutes! I work from home and always have podcasts on for background noise.  That guy can talk!! I really like him though, I'd love to meet him. 

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I think Eduardo's blindside was much better.  A great blindside causes a smug grin to slide off an arrogant person's face.  Erik's was an example of something else, I'm not sure what. The ultimate Mean Girl Moment maybe.

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Stacy Title, director of the low-budget indie horror flick The Bye-Bye Man and wife of three-time Survivor castaway Jonathan Penner (she was in the family visit episode of Cook Islands, too), is profiled in a lengthy piece for Vulture about trying to get her final film made while fighting ALS: https://www.vulture.com/2019/05/stacy-title-director-walking-time-bomb.html

It’s a terrific and candid— and incredibly sad— profile of Stacy. Quite a bit of Survivor talk in the piece; I know Penner’s a divisive figure among the show’s fanbase, but I think he comes off very well.

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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

From Reality Blurred: what "we" know thus far about S39. Naturally, even with the "names" and their involvement, I don't have that great of a feeling about it.

As long, as when they are voted out they are voted out. No more of the EOE stuff. That was killer for me this year. I like when they are voted out and Jeff says his stupid pep talk and tells them to head back to camp. I actually missed all of that stuff this year.

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On 5/14/2019 at 7:54 PM, omophagia said:

Stacy Title, director of the low-budget indie horror flick The Bye-Bye Man and wife of three-time Survivor castaway Jonathan Penner (she was in the family visit episode of Cook Islands, too), is profiled in a lengthy piece for Vulture about trying to get her final film made while fighting ALS: https://www.vulture.com/2019/05/stacy-title-director-walking-time-bomb.html

It’s a terrific and candid— and incredibly sad— profile of Stacy. Quite a bit of Survivor talk in the piece; I know Penner’s a divisive figure among the show’s fanbase, but I think he comes off very well.

What an emotional experience reading that article was!  I've always liked Penner - as one of the few people to ever tell Jeffyboi to shut up, it would have been enough to sway me.  But his voice also makes me melt.  My dream combo would have been Penner and Cirie narrating the show and offering their insights.  But now I also respect him immensely after reading that.  So heartbreaking, but both of them so brave and strong.

And if Sia is such a damn fan of the show, how about helping where it's actually needed?

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15 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

An interview with Gavin. I wonder if not getting any votes cast against you could also mean people did not believe you were that much of a threat?

Hahaha, he compares himself to JT and Cochran.

Sugar and Michael Skupin never received votes either. It doesn't make them great players.

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Rick is too boring...and annoying...for me to be interested enough to watch. I don't mean to be mean, but I just can't stand the guy. And he WASN'T in the final 3. So isn't that a moot point?

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Forgive me if this has already been posted, but I read a devastating story last nite about Johnathon Penner (who i did not know was a playwright and an actor), whose wife is a director and has ALS. I feel just so awful for them, but total admiration for how they are taking this beast on. 

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That article is powerful. Their situation is sad and yet their lives and reaction to the disease is so admirable. Such a shame it hit Stacy just as her career was taking off. Jonathan sounds like he's still completely in love with her. 

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On 5/14/2019 at 8:54 PM, omophagia said:

Stacy Title, director of the low-budget indie horror flick The Bye-Bye Man and wife of three-time Survivor castaway Jonathan Penner (she was in the family visit episode of Cook Islands, too), is profiled in a lengthy piece for Vulture about trying to get her final film made while fighting ALS: https://www.vulture.com/2019/05/stacy-title-director-walking-time-bomb.html

It’s a terrific and candid— and incredibly sad— profile of Stacy. Quite a bit of Survivor talk in the piece; I know Penner’s a divisive figure among the show’s fanbase, but I think he comes off very well.

link to the Penner story

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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

S40 cast list leaked. Now I wonder whether to poke around the S40 speculation/spoilers thread to gripe about the list.

The tagline from the casting department:  ”Survivor: Season 40. We found ten female winners. The rest is out of our hands.”

and, "Jeff didn't really want to do it but CBS made him". LOL!!!!

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Julia talks about her experience. It was mostly bad. I haven’t read it . . . I got directly to it via Reality Blurred, and the “highlights” show that the producers are mostly assholes. I’d think that maybe CBS would be outraged enough to end things next year with the fortieth season . . . but I guess Julia’s gripes will get buried deep enough where the show continues onward, suffering on and off-camera.

Plus side: apparently, Reem was awesome to Julia. I can see that. 😀

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41 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

the “highlights” show that the producers are mostly assholes.

Wait, what? I got this from the Reality Blurred article (unless that was sarcasm -- the tone wasn't clear to me).


Producers apologized for having to deal with racist language at camp, Julia writes, and I have no doubt that was sincere.

I get that the producers shouldn't have allowed the language (and that's a fine tightrope to walk -- you want the contestants to interact organically, but when do you step in?), but saying the show should be canceled because of it seems like a stretch to me.

(my money is on Gavin or Eric, for what it's worth. If it was the former, it would certainly explain his invisible edit.)

Edited by Eolivet
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19 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

(my money is on Gavin or Eric, for what it's worth. If it was the former, it would certainly explain his invisible edit.)

I think Aurora might be a possibility as well. Even if there were no racist intent behind it, she's so tone-deaf that I could see her thinking it was fine.

In any case, I look forward to the discussion of this on these boards as my ignore list hasn't been updated in a while.

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Okay, I read Julia's essay, and I think it's Joe. The demographic fits (especially South Park), and I can see Joe honestly being that dumb. Plus, there's no reason why that might not have made the edit unless it was someone production was trying to protect (who cares if it's Eric?). In the essay, she's sort of dismissive of Joe, and makes it a point to say that Joe didn't carry Kama. She also says that she was never going to work with Aubry because Aubry was too attached to Joe. Julia has complimentary things to say about Aurora and Victoria, and sort of matter-of-fact things to say about others, but she side-steps Joe, only to say that being on his tribe was an advantage in the beginning.

That could also explain why Ron was all for getting rid of Joe early in Kama.

But Julia seems to be complimentary of the producers, as well (and I don't think it's sarcasm). Very interesting, and sadly enlightening essay.

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I hate it when someone tells a story like this and doesn't name the culprit, because now everyone but Ron is a racist in somebody's mind.

ETA: I'm back an hour later after skirting around the internet to see if my own worst fear was true and, sure enough, several sites had already decided that it absolutely had to be Gavin  -- because he's from the south, of course.

 Then Gavin popped up to say:

It wasn't me. Never seen Django, only cartoon I watch is SpongeBob.

Proving just what I always thought about Gavin, that he's a very sweet guy, not terribly up to date or savvy, just a good guy who loves his new wife. Now lots of people who just skim information will think he's a racist. 

Edited by JudyObscure
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Well, now I get why she was upset by her non-edit when she first spoke out about it on twitter.  I will say, I do feel sorry for the cast in the sense that there season was overshadowed by both returning players, a lousy twist, and a controversial outcome.  Coming off the heals of DvsG, which was not only very well received by fans but also had one of the most balanced edits in a long time, I'm sure it was hard for these guys to watch their season and see the exact opposite happen.

However, I do question how much of a super fan Julia is.  I watch Big Brother (mainly the live feeds), and see all the horrible shit that goes down, and then hear how the show is edited in a way to make those very people look good and leave out a bunch of stuff.   Survivor has never had a topic like that discussed before in that context, and I don't know that they ever will.  In addition, saying that certain people like Joe and Wardog getting credit over others-well, that's nothing new in Survivor, either.  Joe's a challenge beast, and no offense to her, but I believe if he had been on Manu, Kama would have been the ones making multiple treks to TC.  It's not that I don't understand her frustrations, but this isn't anything new or different with reality TV in general.  Reality TV is all about characters, showmances, underdogs, heroes, villains, and carefully/deceptively edited story arcs.    

Edited by LadyChatts
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On 6/7/2019 at 1:18 PM, Eolivet said:

Okay, I read Julia's essay, and I think it's Joe. The demographic fits (especially South Park), and I can see Joe honestly being that dumb. Plus, there's no reason why that might not have made the edit unless it was someone production was trying to protect (who cares if it's Eric?). In the essay, she's sort of dismissive of Joe, and makes it a point to say that Joe didn't carry Kama. She also says that she was never going to work with Aubry because Aubry was too attached to Joe. Julia has complimentary things to say about Aurora and Victoria, and sort of matter-of-fact things to say about others, but she side-steps Joe, only to say that being on his tribe was an advantage in the beginning.

That could also explain why Ron was all for getting rid of Joe early in Kama.

But Julia seems to be complimentary of the producers, as well (and I don't think it's sarcasm). Very interesting, and sadly enlightening essay.

Just to add to this (and not that it proves anything) but Joe is the only Kama member that Julia does not follow on twitter.

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My point of posting wasn't about whatever inappropriate crap plopped out of a player's mouth. It was that the series gives less of a shit about casting with each year. Seriously, Julia got picked because they found her audition from the previous year, and they decided, "Yeah, she fits a requirement." And they "rewarded" Julia with a mostly invisible edit.

Basically, I'm ticked because I like The Amazing Race so much more, yet Survivor gets the guaranteed spots, even as Probst and the other producers produce fewer great seasons. I'm sure the ratings are good enough to prevent CBS from even thinking about shelving the series for any amount of time, but the results are far less relevant. Also: Probst slobbering all over alpha males, and his dismissing of female players, especially when they win.

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On 6/7/2019 at 1:18 PM, Eolivet said:

Okay, I read Julia's essay, and I think it's Joe.

I keep thinking it's Joe, too, mainly because he's always impressed me as sort of a jerk, but I'm trying to keep my opinion on a leash until we know for sure.  I keep hoping Julia will step out and tell us so I can release the hate!

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Not going to speculate on this because in the current climate, racist is an AWFUL damn nasty brush to be tarred (and feathered) with in the absence of something approaching validation/verification - and (as @JudyObscure has already noted previously) that brush is already getting slapped around with little or no justification, other than regional bigotry.

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Speculation is a bit ridiculous. I think it is easy enough to remove candidates but there are still a decent number of people left. The only ones that I think we can 100% rule out are Ron and Aurora. we can probably rule out Aubrey because Julia discusses some other issues that the two had. Outside of that, I can't say if it was Eric, Joe,  Julie, Gavin, or Victoria.

And I suspect that who ever it was was was more an idiot then a racist.

It sounds like one of the reasons Julia didn't appear in the first few episodes may be because of the racism angle, there was too much conversation about the two incidents that she mentioned and TPTB were doing their damndest to pretend it didn't happen. It might also explain some of the tribe divides.

I would actually argue that it might have been Eric or Julie because he was tightly allied with Ron and I can't see Ron allying with someone who was using a racial slur.

Overall, the season sucked for a variety of reasons and now we have another reason why it sucked.

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1 hour ago, ProfCrash said:

And I suspect that who ever it was was was more an idiot then a racist.

I agree, which is why I'm unclear why speculating about it is a bad thing. There's a difference between saying someone used racist language and calling someone a racist. Maybe it's semantics, but one actually happened -- one is a conclusion drawn out of it. I am curious who made the galling error in judgment to use racist language, and erroneously thought this was acceptable.

And I think if you look at the evidence -- taking into account Julia's self-reported analysis of the contestants, the likely demographic where the offensive material could've come from, any firm denials, and the reason we saw absolutely none of it (i.e., why would they protect a newbie from nowhere vs a producer darling who was all but invited back for a fifth time) -- it seems fairly obvious to me.

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