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S13.E05: Big Gay Wedding

Tara Ariano

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Art seems to be not so "pinched" and cranky, like he was in the other Master's Top Chef versions when he was thin. Didn't he do some type of gastric bypass? Yeah, what the docs NEVER tell people is about 90% of people who have the surgery gain the weight back within 10 years. Those outcomes are so horrific, it should be illegal to do that to people. 

Edited by riverheightsnancy
  • Love 6

In no particular order:

generally, I react to Padma like a really well- designed building I would never, ever want to live in - she's beautiful, and I think I'd get tired of looking at her pretty quickly if I had to look at her every day. But she was born to wear that twenties hair, and she was stunning.

I could watch Art and his husband get married regularly, like a Charlie Brown special. He has a look on his face like he doesn't quite believe his luck, and it makes me misty.

Not sure how they came up with all those reasons why there were dishes that could have been worse than the whipped potato glue, but I'm pretty sure that's a conversation where they avoided discussing the whipped potato glue.

Just, aww. Happy couples.

  • Love 8
Not sure how they came up with all those reasons why there were dishes that could have been worse than the whipped potato glue, but I'm pretty sure that's a conversation where they avoided discussing the whipped potato glue.


It's harder to make mashed potatoes than popularly thought.  If whipped too much with too much cream there is potato glue, as Philip produced,  To avoid this I prefer to make a more rustic version using a hand masher rather than an electric whipper.  It is delicious and the same as mashed potatoes with butter, cream, and salt.  I have also used creme fraiche if I have it on hand.

  • Love 4

This season is definitely Top Carrot.  More carrot dishes thus far than I think we've ever seen.  Weird. 


So happy for Kwame.  And Wesley has probably become my favorite.  I loved his version of Yoga, in the lounge chair.  *LOL*


I've found using either a blender or food processor makes potatoes gluey.  For me, only a ricer makes them foolproof and perfectly fluffy. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 12

Potato sauce or whatever he called it looked and sounded gross. My Irish relatives would be irate that someone could screw up mashed potatoes that badly. Philip is lucky that Gail pushed hard to get rid of Giselle. She deserved to go just for being so annoyingly indecisive. At least she went out with "honor."

I generally find Art Smith to be tiresome and smug but he was quite tolerable. I agree that he seemed happy to renew his vows. As hard as it is to lose weight, it's way harder to keep it off. I feel for you, Art.

I don't get why people who struggled for equality and waited so long to have the right to marry would then be content to participate in an impersonal mass service officiated by Padma Lakshmi of all people.

  • Love 4

BTW, I will now only refer to Philip as Hipster Mashed Potatoes, which I consider his new name.


Speaking of which, I found myself while listening to his date story about his actress/model wife wishing his actress/model wife would leave him so he would finally stop talking about his actress/model wife.  Because I am a horrible person.

I've found using either a blender or food processor makes potatoes gluey.  For me, only a ricer makes them foolproof and perfectly fluffy. 


Manual potato masher! Uphill!  Both ways!

Edited by Lassus
  • Love 14


Ah so Phillip worked for Stefan, that explains a lot.

I always liked Stefan. He had some humor and sarcasm to him. I loved during his original season his mad eel skills. 



Speaking of which, I found myself while listening to his date story about his actress/model wife wishing his actress/model wife would leave him so he would finally stop talking about his actress/model wife.  Because I am a horrbile person.

I am horrible as well, because I was thinking the same thing. I feel like I know more about Philip's actress/model wife than some of the cheftestants.


I am not a fan of Chrissy Teigen, but I laughed at Kwame's reaction to her. Wesley's lawn chair yoga cracked me up as well.


I am pretty indifferent on Art Smith. I think for me, it depends on who he is interacting with. I loved watching him and his husband get married. So much Joy.


I am fine with Giselle leaving, even though I might have been able to tolerate her more in the long run than Philip. Giselle was annoying me with asking Karen what and how to do whatever she was tasked with in the recipe for their dish. I know she wanted to do it right, but it was overkill.

  • Love 6

Nice to see so much actual cooking and great looking food!

Kwame is a star. Love to see him do well. I'm predicting him, Isaac, and Melanie in the top.

I just want to be friends with Isaac every time I see him on the screen! He seems like a blast to hang out with, and makes some tasty food to boot!

Eh, it was Gisselle's time. I'm not upset. Better her than Karen. Angelina snuck by again. Jason is deep. I like him.

Edited by awaken
  • Love 9

I was kind of hoping Isaac would tell Chrissy Teigan his sex life was none of her damned business but as long as you're allowed, is John Legend's dick as big as we've all heard? 


But I guess they would have edited that out of the final broadcast.


I also disbelieve him that he doesn't play well with others while cooking.  I'm sure he's fine.

Edited by Lassus
  • Love 13

BTW, I will now only refer to Philip as Hipster Mashed Potatoes, which I consider his new name.

Speaking of which, I found myself while listening to his date story about his actress/model wife wishing his actress/model wife would leave him so he would finally stop talking about his actress/model wife. Because I am a horrible person.

Don't forget, she's also a pastry chef!

I was kind of hoping Isaac would tell Chrissy Teigan his sex life was none of her damned business .

That was incredibly annoying. she was trying to be cutesy and out there but really came off as quite dim.

  • Love 5

Is there some secret syndicate for the promotion of carrots sponsoring Top Chef this season?  Art Smith's lapel pin looked like a carrot with wings.  Weird.


I love Art Smith.  I always want to reach into the TV and pinch his cheeks.  He looks like he's gained back every bit of all that weight he lost but he seems happy with his life which always makes me smile.


Giselle is delusional.  She kept talking abut how nice she is while using bad language and acting snotty and a bit dumb.  I was relieved they didn't keep her and eliminate Sharon (?) who was at least in charge of her dish.  


I knew Phillip's potatoes would fail as soon as I saw him using a blender.  You'd think a chef would know that over-working potatoes makes them gluey.  I don't think he was being disingenuous about his description of what he was going to do vs. what he did.  I just think he used the word "mashed" and set up an expectation different from what he actually intended to do and then didn't understand why he was being confronted about it.

  • Love 7

Wow, I'm afraid over the hiatus I forgot who most of these chefs were.  It's like the first few days of school when only the very best and the very worst kids stick in your mind.  Anyway, at least they seriously rose to the challenge for those brides and grooms!  And I loved the rainbow cake.  Overall a good episode.  And I've amended my opinion of Philip from big, bumptious puppy to annoying little yap dog.  So insecure. And he was trying to make gummy, flavorless potatoes?  Hoo boy.

  • Love 3

Manual potato masher! Uphill!  Both ways!

This will be in my head making me giggle for the next day or so. Thanks!


I have learned to let it go when "regular" people call mascarpone "marscapone," but I will never accept it in professional chefs. 



Well, I can't let it go at all. But agree that from chefs it's inexcusable. I kept checking to see if the closed captioning had it spelled right despite pronunciation. (Yes, I'm that person. Sorry.)

  • Love 2

What a farce....padma presiding over a wedding?


are ratings dropping for top chef or something.  notice how there is less and less of real chefs life tom and more and more of padma and model friends.........and more eccentric no talent contestants finding their way through the process.


more naked jeremy and i will be watching top chef forever, lol.

Edited by lovebug1975

I don't get why people who struggled for equality and waited so long to have the right to marry would then be content to participate in an impersonal mass service officiated by Padma Lakshmi of all people.


Add to that the fact they did not have their families and friends present and I have to conclude that these people were already married and got some perk (plus dinner) to appear on the show and go through this mass service. So they were really being remarried.


Did Chrissy Whatever-Her-Name really ask Isaac if he and his girlfriend "did it?" How classy. As I don't follow pop culture I had no idea who she was, and I don't think I'm missing anything.


Did anyone else roll their eyes at Tom's story and losing and then finding his wedding ring? Like, where was he when he felt the need to take his wedding ring off and put it in his pocket?


I liked the humility Wesley showed when he said he needed to learn about the food of other cultures. Made me think of the former winner (Kevin, can't remember his last name) who routinely showed his contempt for non-Western food and pretty much boasted about his ignorance. Still don't understand how he won.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 6

I am so glad Giselle is gone, she was really getting on my nerves. Hearing her talk about how she didn't get love & support from the other contestants & wasn't making friends made me want to shake her. Did she know she was on a competition show? Usually people say the overused "I'm not here to make friends" but I guess that's exactly why Giselle wanted to be on the show, to get some new friends.

  • Love 6

I don't much care for ManBun, but I take more exception to Angelina.  Has there ever been a less talented chef with a bigger attitude?  The way she talks you would think that she was hot shit, but she is routinely in the bottom and the only reason she wasn't this time is because she was paired with a talented chef.


And where the heck did that whole bloodletting at Judges Table come from?  The guy who started it wasn't even in the bottom and no one was asking him anything?  Whether or not ManBun described it as mashed potato sauce or mashed potatoes it was a total failure and he was getting rightfully dinged for it.  So why did that guy have to interject?  ManBun wasn't trying to blame Kwame for the gummy potatoes, or at least I don't think that was where he was going with it.  And if he did, that would have been the time to speak up.  ManBun wasn't going to convince anyone at judges table that those disgusting looking potatoes tasted any better just because he meant for them to come out gummy....and frankly, gummy mashed potatoes sounds absolutely horrible.  I can not imagine a dish with gummy mashed potatoes that would be delicious.


Giselle was cannon fodder from the jump, you didn't get kicked out because you were too nice, you got kicked out because your food sucks and you didn't contribute anything by your own admission.


Did Chrissy Whatever-Her-Name really ask Isaac if he and his girlfriend "did it?" How classy. As I don't follow pop culture I had no idea who she was, and I don't think I'm missing anything.


I liked the humility Wesley showed when he said he needed to learn about the food of other cultures. Made me think of the former winner (Kevin, can't remember his last name) who routinely showed his contempt for non-Western food and pretty much boasted about his ignorance. Still don't understand how he won.

I like Wesley too, wished he would have expanded his horizons by doing the yoga.  No one was asking him to eat a live scorpion, and he might have liked it.  I get a little annoyed by people who won't even try new things.....but I know a few people who won't eat anything but fish sticks, chicken fingers and plain hamburger.


I'm also going to need for Wesley to get clothes that fit him, I'm tired of seeing random flashes of very white skin.


As for Chrissy "Whathername" I just needed her to dial it down about 5 notches.  I thought it was hilarious when Kwame only knew her as "John Legend's wife."  But nothing says "I'm serious about food" like asking people if they "did it"

That guy with the serial killer eyes told two different stories about his "date" night milkshake. First it was because his tonsils were removed. He changed it to wisdom teeth when he spoke to the judges. Never happened, I bet. And the "wife" is a plastic inflatable, obviously.


  • Love 5

What a farce....padma presiding over a wedding?

I can't think of a worse omen for their marriages. I wonder if she'll preside over the mass divorce, too?


Whether or not ManBun described it as mashed potato sauce or mashed potatoes it was a total failure and he was getting rightfully dinged for it.  So why did that guy have to interject?  ManBun wasn't trying to blame Kwame for the gummy potatoes, or at least I don't think that was where he was going with it.

It wasn;t just the description of the mashed potatoes that was the problem - there was also a claim by ManBun that it was supposed to go with a sauce of some kind. Then they cut to footage of ManBun describing the dish, where he emphasises only mashed potatoes and no sauce (and certainly doesn't describe them as some kind of potato cream or "ISI" or whatever).

Maybe that's where Kwame comes into it? Was he supposed to make this mythical sauce? It's a little confusing, but I think the dispute is over more than small potatoes.

Edited by In Pog Form
  • Love 1

Chrissy Teigan is immature and flighty.  She has a very high opinion of herself as does her husband.   She did a poor job as guest host.  Why did they ask her to do this?  She has no background in food, whatsoever.


I like Padma and she looked beautiful.  I agree that those couples were asked to participate whether they were previously married or not even considering it.    It was all staged for the challenge.  Art rounded up his friends and friends of friends for this gig.  I have no problem with that. 


Thank you for not requiring the chefs to make a wedding cake!  I never want to see that again. 


Giselle was not likable no matter how many times she said how nice she was.  Okay, you are nice, got it.  Not the point, your personality grated on everyone thus your inability to bond with anyone.  


I like Grayson in the Last Chance Kitchen.  She is witty and I love her banter with Tom; he seems to like her a lot, too.   


Why was your wedding ring in your pocket, Tom?  He did not stash it there to flirt with women or he would not have told that story.  I can only think that he takes it off when making food that requires him to use his hands, like meatballs.   But would he be wearing a suit?  Maybe he will explain at some point, maybe on WWHL.  I feel certain he got some questions on twitter.  


There was no need for Jason (glasses) to speak out against Phillip during the judging.  He is having problems getting along with this group.  He strikes me as a humorless, uptight guy.  I did understand his irritation with Angelina, though.  Her days are numbered.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

I can't think of a worse omen for their marriages. I wonder if she'll preside over the mass divorce, too?


It wasn;t just the description of the mashed potatoes that was the problem - there was also a claim by ManBun that it was supposed to go with a sauce of some kind. Then they cut to footage of ManBun describing the dish, where he emphasises only mashed potatoes and no sauce (and certainly doesn't describe them as some kind of potato cream or "ISI" or whatever).

Maybe that's where Kwame comes into it? Was he supposed to make this mythical sauce? It's a little confusing, but I think the dispute is over more than small potatoes.



Kwame made a sauce for the beef in Phillip's dish.

See, I thought ManBun was saying that his mashed potatoes were supposed to be some sort of sauce.  So, I didn't know if his plan was to throw Kwame under the bus, or to claim some credit for Kwame's delicious eggplant sauce by lumping in his gummy potatoes as part of the "sauce idea."  But either way, don't understand why that guy cut in when not even Kwame was saying anything.  And then Marjorie was talking and at that point I did sort of feel bad for ManBun.  I'm not sure what his end game was there, but he is fighting for his life and those two aren't even in the crossfire so I'm not sure why the thought to interject.


ManBun's problem is the same problem that IMO, various chefs have had on the show.  He just can't do anything without some sort of gimmick to it.  It couldn't just be mashed potatoes....which might have been nice if they were creamy, delicious and mashed well.  He had to put them in a cannister and pulverize them and make them gummy and do all sorts of stuff.  It was like with the damn rock.  Issac cooked dirty rice, and it can't get any less fancy than dirty rice, but the judged loved it.  There was someone else who made like 20 million foams all the time, and I can't remember if he was on TC but it was like....okay, enough with the foams just cook some good food and call it a day.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 8

Potato sauce or whatever he called it looked and sounded gross. My Irish relatives would be irate that someone could screw up mashed potatoes that badly. Philip is lucky that Gail pushed hard to get rid of Giselle. She deserved to go just for being so annoyingly indecisive. At least she went out with "honor."

I don't get why people who struggled for equality and waited so long to have the right to marry would then be content to participate in an impersonal mass service officiated by Padma Lakshmi of all people.


I will bet anyone a week's pay that all of those couples are already married and wanted to be on TV, meet Art Smith, and score some free food.


I am baffled by the potato "sauce". He basically described mashed potatoes (potatoes, butter, cream, and salt and pepper) and said it "tastes just like mashed potatoes". Um, what? Is there some version of mashed potatoes of which I have been previously unaware for the last 60 years? Someone else said it too! "potatoes, butter, cream-it tastes just like mashed potatoes!". I'm so confused.

I was kind of hoping Isaac would tell Chrissy Teigan his sex life was none of her damned business but as long as you're allowed, is John Legend's dick as big as we've all heard? 

Sigh. Up until now, I felt positively toward Chrissy Teigan. I thought she was sweet, and nice. Then Padma introduced her as "my FRIEND" and I winced. If she's friends with Padma......well, my loathing for Padma is no secret.  Then she came out with that graceless, intrusive remark and she is now dead to me. Girl, you are not cute and edgy. You are rude.

  • Love 8

Oh, good. My absolute favorite Bravolebrities, Art Smith and Chrissy Teigen. Now all we need is Kyle Richards doing a split to make it a perfect trifecta.


Glad to see Kwame win again. Also glad to see Gisele leave. Next up for departure: Angelina and Philip, hand in hand after next week's challenge in San Delusion.



There was someone else who made like 20 million foams all the time, and I can't remember if he was on TC but it was like....okay, enough with the foams just cook some good food and call it a day.


Marcel, who was nowhere near as annoying as Philip. Where are Ilan, Elia and Cliff to give someone a haircut when you need them?

  • Love 3

Oh, good. My absolute favorite Bravolebrities, Art Smith and Chrissy Teigen. Now all we need is Kyle Richards doing a split to make it a perfect trifecta.


Glad to see Kwame win again. Also glad to see Gisele leave. Next up for departure: Angelina and Philip, hand in hand after next week's challenge in San Delusion.



Marcel, who was nowhere near as annoying as Philip. Where are Ilan, Elia and Cliff to give someone a haircut when you need them?

yeah...that guy!  and the foams.....

Manbun's problem is the same problem that IMO, various chefs have had on the show.  He just can't do anything without some sort of gimmick to it.  It couldn't just be mashed potatoes....which might have been nice if they were creamy, delicious and mashed well.  He had to put them in a cannister and pulverize them and make them gummy and do all sorts of stuff.


Right--they had to be edgy mashed potatoes.  I think he probaby felt that making plain ol mashed potatoes was beneath him so had to whip out (pun) all the cheffy techniques.

  • Love 2

Right--they had to be edgy mashed potatoes.  I think he probaby felt that making plain ol mashed potatoes was beneath him so had to whip out (pun) all the cheffy techniques.


Of course, ManBun can't be trying to do just regular, but delicious mashed potatoes!  Who are you talking about?  Not the same guy with a giant lifesized poster of himself  in the front of a restaurant.  That is not the guy who is trying to do something simple and delicious.  I think everyone was just lucky there wasn't dirty rocks around or some desert tumbleweed he could put into the potatoes.


The thing I remember most from this episode is being continually revolted by the one dude's enormous gross beard because I am sure it ends up in all of his food.

I almost threw up because ManBun got some of those gummy disgusting potatoes stuck in his hipster beard and it looked awful.  There were bits of it on the top and it was running through the bottom.  Ugh....just ugh.

  • Love 5
There was no need for Jason (glasses) to speak out against Phillip during the judging.  He is having problems getting along with this group.  He strikes me as a humorless, uptight guy.

Jason strikes me as having a huge chip on his shoulder.  I think he overreacted to something that really wasn't any of his concern anyway.  If he really wanted to get rid of Phillip, he should know that causing a big disagreement with Phillip is the surest way to keep him on the show.


I thought Phillip handled it well.  He took responsibility and stayed calm in the face of Jason's odd behavior.


I was put off at Giselle's exiting statement that at least she kept her integrity.  Maybe I missed something, but I didn't see anything in her partner's behavior that was objectionable.  I think they started the partnership off on the wrong track by not clearly outlining who was going to be responsible for what.

Edited by backgroundnoise
  • Love 8

I DVR'ed so I might have to go back but date smoothie chef (forget his name) in his original story to Angelina didn't he say he was getting his tonsils out the next day and then when he presented to Padma/Chrissy he said wisdom teeth...am I mistaken?



He changed it.   That undermined his credibility even though it has nothing to do with his skills.  I found it very odd; felt like the entire story was made up.   Maybe it happened to a friend and he thought it a cute story might win the challenge? 

  • Love 2

Nice to see so much actual cooking and great looking food!

Kwame is a star. Love to see him do well. I'm predicting him, Isaac, and Melanie in the top.

I just want to be friends with Isaac every time I see him on the screen! He seems like a blast to hang out with, and makes some tasty food to boot!

Eh, it was Gisselle's time. I'm not upset. Better her than Karen. Angelina snuck by again. Jason is deep. I like him.

Jason strikes me as having a huge chip on his shoulder.  I think he overreacted to something that really wasn't any of his concern anyway.  If he really wanted to get rid of Phillip, he should know that causing a big disagreement with Phillip is the surest way to keep him on the show.


I thought Phillip handled it well.  He took responsibility and stayed calm in the face of Jason's odd behavior.


I was put off at Giselle's exiting statement that at least she kept her integrity.  Maybe I missed something, but I didn't see anything in her partner's behavior that was objectionable.  I think they started the partnership off on the wrong track by not clearly outlining who was going to be responsible for what.


This is one show where I believe that they do judge the food and do not consider personalities.  Grayson would be one to keep if they were out to save ones who spark drama. 


I agree with the rest of your post.  Jason does have a chip on his shoulder and the only reason we have seen is that he does not like the group dynamics and some specific personalities.   


 No one wanted to work with Giselle from the get go. Part of that is her skill level and the rest is her personality.  I am curious how she was in their down time.  


Phillip did handle the situation well. I understood that he was going to make a sauce of mashed potatoes.  I saw that he wasn't clear enough but that was his mission.  

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