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Erika Girardi/Erika Jayne: Let them eat cake

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Nothing like prejudging people.  There is nothing good about Erika Jayne's show-why she thinks she is Quenn of the Gays is just a slap to LVP.  I guess LVP sees gays as something other than dance party bimbos.  She actually advocates for Gay Rights.  She can be superficial about things but this Erika is just awful.


Essentially the video consists of a group of what we are to presume are gay men (about six) patting Erika's ass, and her saying that the women individually are okay but as a group they are not.  She also makes a big deal about being around women because apparently she is above friendships with women.  The women are going to berate her show but she is fabulous and her show is entertaining, great, clean fun and she truly is the Queen of Gays, Queen of her house, of her husband and her kid.  


To me, Erika comes off as surpassing opportunistic and rounding the bases toward megalomanical.  I would love if one of the women had the courage to say they just found Erika Jayne and her act tawdry and not terribly entertaining even in a Gong Show kind of way.  I don't know why she has to continue to weigh in on how fabulous she is and how awful the other women are.  I hope none of the women give her the satisfaction of a honest answer about her show  or even continue to acknowledge it. Further, I hope it is the last show they attend of Erika's-kudos to Yolanda for not even suffering through one.


Eileen get off the Erika bus

This is the best breakdown I've seen of Erika yet. 


I also like that you touch on the examples that I've seen of her having contempt for women in general. She doesn't like hanging out with other women, she prefers "her gays" the ones who worship her every move, she's quick to think that other women are "jealous", and she can spin it however she wants after the fact by saying that she thinks the word cunt/cunty is empowering or whatever but the clip is there for all to see when she first used the word on the show and she was using it to describe a mean woman who isn't worth bothering with. She makes it seem like she's above the other women because they had the nerve to complain about Brandi. She complains about all of the women talking about Yolanda bringing up various personal issues but whines about how she's somehow unfairly criticized by *all* of the them for using the c-word. She rolls her eyes in the scene as if to say to her "creative director" 'this is why I don't like hanging around other women'.  


Yeah, I'm expecting plenty of nonsense with this one. I'm not sure if she'll be on next season or not. So far I haven't seen why she'd want to continue to hang around this group of women based on how she's responded to most of them. 

  • Love 15

To sell her music and act?

Yeah, I guess that's the reason. They've featured that silly song Painkiller so much that I already know a few of the lyrics god help me. It's been in multiple episodes at this point so mission accomplished if she wants people to be aware of at least one of her songs. I'm certainly not going to be downloading anything from this woman. 

  • Love 4

Nothing like prejudging people.  There is nothing good about Erika Jayne's show-why she thinks she is Quenn of the Gays is just a slap to LVP.  I guess LVP sees gays as something other than dance party bimbos.  She actually advocates for Gay Rights.  She can be superficial about things but this Erika is just awful.


Essentially the video consists of a group of what we are to presume are gay men (about six) patting Erika's ass, and her saying that the women individually are okay but as a group they are not.  She also makes a big deal about being around women because apparently she is above friendships with women.  The women are going to berate her show but she is fabulous and her show is entertaining, great, clean fun and she truly is the Queen of Gays, Queen of her house, of her husband and her kid.  


To me, Erika comes off as surpassing opportunistic and rounding the bases toward megalomanical.  I would love if one of the women had the courage to say they just found Erika Jayne and her act tawdry and not terribly entertaining even in a Gong Show kind of way.  I don't know why she has to continue to weigh in on how fabulous she is and how awful the other women are.  I hope none of the women give her the satisfaction of a honest answer about her show  or even continue to acknowledge it. Further, I hope it is the last show they attend of Erika's-kudos to Yolanda for not even suffering through one.


Eileen get off the Erika bus



Regarding Erika, I think megalomaniac/egomaniac works, as does narcissistic. 

I think this is the episode Bethanny should have been in;-) She could have told her all the ways her show sucked and asked her if she had to pay for the use of the club and other hard hitting questions! lol;-)


edit: added in who I was talking about

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 7


I think megalomaniac/egomaniac works, as does narcissistic.

I think this is the episode Bethanny should have been in;-) She could have told her all the ways her show sucked and asked her if she had to pay for the use of the club and other hard hitting questions! lol;-)

Remind me who you are talking about already? ;-)
  • Love 1

For all of Erika's chest pounding about how open and honest she is, I find her very shallow.  It has to hurt pandering to Yolanda and her illness.  I am anxious to see this week's episode and Tom, her husband.  These women are not his target clientele so I am sure he will be as self-righteous as Erika. 

  • Love 5

For all of Erika's chest pounding about how open and honest she is, I find her very shallow.  It has to hurt pandering to Yolanda and her illness.  I am anxious to see this week's episode and Tom, her husband.  These women are not his target clientele so I am sure he will be as self-righteous as Erika.


Another one bites the dust!

  • Love 1

For all of Erika's chest pounding about how open and honest she is, I find her very shallow.  It has to hurt pandering to Yolanda and her illness.  I am anxious to see this week's episode and Tom, her husband.  These women are not his target clientele so I am sure he will be as self-righteous as Erika. 


This clip of a double date between LisaV & Erika and their husbands is good. I love it where Tom tells Erika to go to her room!



  • Love 3

This clip of a double date between LisaV & Erika and their husbands is good. I love it where Tom tells Erika to go to her room!



I keep hoping this group will move past the obligatory Yolanda discussion, it is tired, she is tired and I am tired.  I blame editing for it being a running theme.

  • Love 7

Hey Vicky, Could you kindly provide a quick recap of this video as I am Canadian and don't have access to Bravo videos. I feel so left out of the loop. : (


I sent you a PM but it summarized the wrong video. 

Someone on the Media thread (I think that is the thread) summarized Erika's bus scene well.

Can you access youtube (USA stuff)? Try:



There use to be a little program that was easy to use where you could pick where your computer looked like it was coming from. I don't remember the name but it was free and easy to use. I used it for the last Canadian BB but since then I updated my operating system and lost that program (don't remember the name of it). It worked and was free and best of all a non-computer person could figure it out. I don't think I could run it on safari and had to use firefox or chrome for it. I wish I could remember the name of it!!

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 1

So fun to see this thread without all of the LOVE HER! posts. 


It's kind of strange though, she finally, finally does something spontaneous instead of simply making a talking head comment, and suddenly, she's awful.  I think she finally got interesting, we may be seeing something real there, for the very first time since she joined the show.


Get in there and mix it up lady, that's why they hired you.

  • Love 5

Since this is Erika Jayne's thread and she's all about performing wearing next to nothing, I just want to go off topic a bit and pay homage to the first sexy lady I ever saw performing outside of a strip club wearing sexy lingerie while performing; Denise Matthews aka Vanity of Vanity 6.  Rest In Peace to a ground breaking performer.  Sorry Erika Jayne, but you can't hold a candle to Vanity.  :'(


Erika sounds delusionally conceited in this clip.



If a person hears daily that she's the shiznit and is just the best thing since sliced bread, with the hottest vagina (and how would he know this?), they're going to eventually start believing it.  Unfortunately for Erika, the people telling her this claptrap are being paid by her to say it.  She does look good for a forty-something, but she's nowhere near as good looking as her sycophants keep saying she is.

  • Love 5

Shrug, I guess I'm the voice of dissent in thinking Erika doesn't sound delusional just confident. 


It reminds me of all the "how dare Carole Radziwill think she has a great ass!" chatter in RHONY. I don't really mind any of the women on these shows thinking they are beautiful/attractive/sexy even if *I* don't. So long as they aren't ragging on anyone else's looks, I don't see why I have to make fun of their ability to love their own.


I might find their style tacky, their make-up overdone, and their clothes ill-fitting, but I'm okay with a HW who is happy with how she looks (or at least the image she presents to the world), and I actually don't think it makes her conceited or delusional to openly state they think they're hot. YMMV.

  • Love 9

Shrug, I guess I'm the voice of dissent in thinking Erika doesn't sound delusional just confident. 


It reminds me of all the "how dare Carole Radziwill think she has a great ass!" chatter in RHONY. I don't really mind any of the women on these shows thinking they are beautiful/attractive/sexy even if *I* don't. So long as they aren't ragging on anyone else's looks, I don't see why I have to make fun of their ability to love their own.


I might find their style tacky, their make-up overdone, and their clothes ill-fitting, but I'm okay with a HW who is happy with how she looks (or at least the image she presents to the world), and I actually don't think it makes her conceited or delusional to openly state they think they're hot. YMMV.

And when Erika is dressed as Erika she always looks great.  In her talking heads we are not subjected to vagina armpits or hanging cleavage.  Her pantsuit when she had Rinna over was great, her dinner outfit with LVP and a Ken was lovely. When she was on WWHL she looked great in her pantsuit.  Even her Moulin Rouge outfit was not overly revealing compared to Kyle who had back fat, side fat and her boobs almost popping out.  Erika Girardi dresses well for her figure.  There are never lumps or bumps or buttons popping.  Erika Jane is supposed to be slutty and overly revealing and she nails that too.  Her personal style reminds me of Dallas.  Dressy but not too revealing.

  • Love 3

Since this is Erika Jayne's thread and she's all about performing wearing next to nothing, I just want to go off topic a bit and pay homage to the first sexy lady I ever saw performing outside of a strip club wearing sexy lingerie while performing; Denise Matthews aka Vanity of Vanity 6. Rest In Peace to a ground breaking performer. Sorry Erika Jayne, but you can't hold a candle to Vanity. :'(

Aww I didn't see your shout out. I talked about our girl in the episode thread. And yeah, Erica Jayne could not hold a candle to Vanity. Dance nasty girls...dance.

  • Love 4

For me, Eileen got off the Line of the Week.  LisaR was rounding up all the gals for a "talk" (translation: fight!).  She went on and on about the fact that they needed to talk, and then she began her spiel.  As LisaR began to prattle, she said something about there being things that needed to be said, "But I hate to say them."  Like lightning, Eileen butted in with, "Then DON'T!"  Classic!!!  This exchange took place one second before the commercial, and I was still laughing at Eileen when the commercial was over!


Way to go, Eileen!  She can even out-crack Erika!

Edited by Lura
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I'm finding the whole Erika Jayne act a little forced.  If her husband was truly as virile as she claims, I don't know that she would need this outlet for her sexuality.  I'm not judging, nothing wrong with what she's doing, I'm just not buying what she's selling.  

IA.  I'd like to see her mix with a group of straight men and women her own age or younger.  I'll bet she's a big ol' horn dog.

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I've been reading recently about Vanity, the early '80s Prince protégé who recently passed. She had an interesting and redemptive life story and I was saddened to read of her death this past week.


In any case, I was unfamiliar with the solo work she put out after severing ties with Prince but before she left the mainstream entertainment industry altogether. Apparently, one of her minor hits was entitled Pretty Mess.


I wonder if Erika cribbed her signature philosophy from this source. 'Cause there's nothing more charming than a rich white hobbyist ripping off an undersung black talent.

  • Love 3

I finally figured out what else I find so odd about Erika.....her voice! She has the voice of an 80 yr old woman, especially when she laughs/cackles. No disrespect meant to elderly ladies, it's just so jarring coming from (in her mind) a sexy sassy fairly young woman.


I was going to say the same thing. I'm usually multi-tasking when I watch this show and I had it on while I was getting things done around the house. Only hearing her voice, she sounds like an old lady and then I'm shocked when I look over and see a 40 year old woman dressed like a Barbie doll. It's very weird.

  • Love 5

I just had to come here to say that "Erika Jane" was on our local Dallas radio station today and she was as obnoxious as the host Courtney Kerr.  She went on about being authentic and being a woman's woman, whatever the hell that means.  She was speaking as though her work on the housewives is curing cancer or lyme disease as it were.  Take it easy EJ you ain't that important nor are you that authentic. Anyway, they were just praising her for being so supportive of Yo at that point I had to change the station.  

  • Love 10

Erika hasn't done anything to make me change my initial impression that she has issues with women. From her blog:


What I said to Kathryn at my home about Lisa Vanderpump is how I felt and is based upon my in-person observations of her behavior. Let's see if Lisa will take my opinion like the man that she claims to be.Something tells me she probably won’t.



So reacting like a man is the only proper reaction to have? Whatever that even means. The implication to me is that she thinks Lisa is going to react the way that a woman will and that this is a negative thing. 

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I have been meaning to mention this since it aired but I kept forgetting. I found it very strange when Erika said in her talking head " what difference does it make if Yolanda's children have Lyme disease or not?" Hmm it makes a big difference IMHO. That lead me to beleive that maybe she wasn't buying it either .

  • Love 10

I've been everywhere about Erika -- around the block, up and down, liking her (initially), disliking her, being surprised by her, you name it!  It's really my own fault.  I like to be able to figure people out, and she won't let me!  lol


Erika can be so sweet and funny; then, she turns around and uses the c-word and gets tough, and I don't know what to make of her.  For sure, she's one brassy character.  I've gone from thinking she's a male crossdresser to thinking she's a filthy tramp to not knowing what she is.  There is one thing for sure:  She gets my undivided attention when she's onscreen.


Erika has never mentioned her parents, has she?  Only her grandmother, I think.  I have wondered if she has some scars from them or maybe from girlfriends that she originally trusted.  Something had to make her the way she is.  I also wonder about her son and whether he had caused some of her feelings.  Nothing has been said about him  --- yet.

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I have been meaning to mention this since it aired but I kept forgetting. I found it very strange when Erika said in her talking head " what difference does it make if Yolanda's children have Lyme disease or not?" Hmm it makes a big difference IMHO. That lead me to beleive that maybe she wasn't buying it either .

I think Erika meant what difference does it make to Kyle? How would it affect Kyle, and what could Kyle do about it either way?
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Erika really isn't that complicated.


She's a gold digger who married a VERY old man who would keep her in the way she planned on becoming accustomed to.  She has almost no talent, but has a deep pocketed sugar daddy who lets her run around with men and pretend to perform in front of bored audiences as long as those men are gay.  He probably gets hard at the very idea of her half-naked body patting her puss, or enjoys frequent saggy balls blow jobs with her in her "outfits."  Bullshit he doesn't use Viagra or another enhancer.  He'll die soon and then she can do whatever she wants with his money, or at least that is probably her secret prayer.  Hey!  Now we know why she has a chapel!


Her story is as old as the hills

  • Love 7

I don't think Erika's marriage is deserving of gold digger scorn anymore than Lisa Vanderpump's is. Which is to say, of any criticisms I might have of either HW, their marriages aren't one of them.


In Erika's case, she's been married to Tom Girardi for nearly 17 years. That's a pretty long time by any stretch of the imagination, much less an LA marriage. I'm not saying she deserves a medal of honor for it, but I think she's been with him long enough that it's really no one's business to pick at why they got married in the first place. Hey, whatever their situation is, it seems to be working. (Hey, maybe Tom likes Erika using a good strap-on the way Harry does with Lisa.)


I'm going to withhold the "gold digger" label since I'm pretty sure if she had no feelings for the guy, they wouldn't still be married. It's not like she sunk her fangs into a man on life support.

  • Love 7

Ken was still hot and extremely popular when Lisa married him.  She was 21, while he was 36 when they married.  He is 15 years older than she is.


Erika is 44 and her husband is 76.  He is 32 years older than she is.  That's more than double Ken's age over Lisa's.  He was 60 and she was 27 when they married.

That makes Erika's husband twice as much older than she was when they married. 


There really is no comparison.  Whatever, it works for them.  He gets a hot Barbie doll to play with, she gets her "music" financed and to be covered in cash.  I agree, it works for them, they are both getting what they want.

  • Love 8

Erika went toe to toe with LVP and won!!  Erika told her exactly why she thought LVP was asking about her friendship w/Yo.  LVP knew she was beat and looked pissed!! 

I don't think she, Lisa, looked "beat" or "pissed", I think she really saw WHO Erika is for the first time and realized she was looking at scum. JMO though. LOL

  • Love 13

Erika went toe to toe with LVP and won!!  Erika told her exactly why she thought LVP was asking about her friendship w/Yo.  LVP knew she was beat and looked pissed!! 

I'm all over the board with Erika but she sure READ LVP this episode!  Floved that.  I had to rewind the scene and watch it again (hee).  Cannot, cannot stand Kathryn.  I find it hard to root for her and we both come from the same home town, by the way.  Just nope.  LisaR is full of shit (by the way) when she said she didn't believe LVP was calculating (paraphrasing here).  I'm glad Eileen called her out on that.


FF'ed through everything Kyle and Kim.  I don't want Kim to come back.  The one thing I don't understand is why Erika's so paranoid about others (LVP, Kathryn) asking how long she and Yolanda have known each other.  Apparently Vander Pump and Kathryn asked Erika that very question back to back.  Even so, who cares?  I mean, isn't that a somewhat normal question when you're trying to get to know someone new?  One tries to connect the dots, find common ground, etc.    I don't get why Erika thinks LVP & K have some type of hidden agenda.


I also don't understand why Yo still didn't seem to accept Lisa Vander Pump saying she's never said anything derogatory about Yolanda's children.  LVP make be a manipulator at times, unable to admit wrong doing, can't ever say she's sorry, etc. but I do believe she loves Mohammed's children.

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I think erika's hubby looks sharp in his work suits, and I'm by no means a big fan of older men. He's about 30 yrs older than me so I think is just say to my friends, wow he looks great in that suit. I would definitely say no to a date. I've had numerous attorneys ask me out, and one even caressed my neck at a company party (and he's a freaking fox) but we are both married and I was pretty well squicked out. Lol. He never seemed attractive to me again.

I think she was a gold digger to start but somewhere along the line, I think they both just began to enjoy each other's company. Who knows.

Edited because of so many auto correct errors. Sorry.

Edited by hatchetgirl
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