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Season 9 Discussion

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Conclusion. The family vacation to Thailand continues to be full of drama, beginning when Kendall and Kylie run off and can't be found. Meanwhile, Khloé is crumbling under the pressure of feeling like everyone expects her to be Rob's keeper; at the same time, Brody has revenge on his mind after being teased about walking in on Kim taking sexy selfie photos.

Who wears that much makeup when you're in a bathing suit? How do they even open their eyes with that many false eyelashes & that much mascara on their eyes? Not to mention the bright red lipstick.


If I had to waste that much time of my vacation looking for my stupid ass sisters, I would be really pissed, but I thought it was funny was Kylie agreed with Khloe about punching Kim. If I was Khloe I would have reminded Kim that even though I might be dating a lot of rappers, there was no tape of me getting peed on by one of them.

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hell no to Kris and the rest on this whole fake "panicked" expedition, searching for two spoiled brats who jerked everyone around. First of all, Kendall is over 18 so she is legally allowed to go wherever she wants. The police won't look for her unless foul play is suspected. Kylie is still a minor but it was obviously 1) hype 2) Kendall and Kylie are horrid and 3)...Kris...I just can't....all this pretend desperation that something horrible might have happened, while the girls are sending pictures that they are out having fun. But your child who IS in trouble, Rob...oh no Kris, for that you can't ruin your vacation.

At least Brody didn't jump at the bait. He knew his sisters were pissy brats and good for him for not falling for it.

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Who wears that much makeup when you're in a bathing suit? How do they even open their eyes with that many false eyelashes & that much mascara on their eyes?


In their defense (as much as this PAINS me) they all wear eyelash extensions - I actually have them on now (thanks to being in three weddings in three weeks). These things are intense and don't budge.


I had a crush on Brody back in the day, and I think I have one on him again.


Kim can barely move her face, and her faux-concern over Rob is nauseating. At least Khloe seems to give half a shit. I do wonder - she was referencing dark things in the house. I wonder what else went on that we weren't privy to.

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At least Brody didn't jump at the bait. He knew his sisters were pissy brats and good for him for not falling for it.

He didn't fall for it because it was all fake. No way in hell did Kendall and Kylie strike out on their own in a foreign country where they don't know the language or lay of the land. Asia is particularly a very dangerous country when it comes to human trafficking, etc. So there is no way Kendall and Kylie left all on their own. Not to mention all of the camera crew of KUWTK would have seen them leave and known exactly where they had gone since everything this family does is FILMED.

This was just another scripted plot line done to liven up the episode for ratings. Kris and the writers need to stop giving Kendall and Kylie these lame ass Brady Bunch sitcom plot lines. KUWTK was not as scripted or fake in the beginning, but now its just a badly written sitcom. Tonight's episode was just as dull as last week's. The writers have run out of ideas and we've seen it all before. This show is beyond stale and needs to end after next season in my opinion.

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Nioclas, you are so right about the film crew knowing where the girls were. Wasn't this filmed several weeks or months ago? So clearly they all survived. E! Treats Kris' crying over Rob as breaking news when in reality it was all scripted er, ah filmed a long time ago. Ryan Seacrest should be ashamed to produce such drivel.

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Good for Brody for staying with his breakfast instead of the fake scavenger hunt of a waste of a day for the girls. 


The more Kim talks about Rob, the more it makes him in the right for leaving her wedding circus. She doesn't show any real love or concern for him.


The way Brody and Brandon were talking about Rob with Khloe, just both conversations about Rob's "dark" place that started in Khloe's home with Lamar that she feels responsible for. It's obvious he's addicted to something. Not food. I think the Brody and Khloe conversation on the bed was the most real about Rob. There's so much this family is trying to hide about him.


Kendall's the real model and yet she's the one that's makeup free all the time. It's nice to see.


Love Leah, she's so fun and carefree. LOL at her having to go in the water with Kris because everyone else was fighting with her. 

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hell no to Kris and the rest on this whole fake "panicked" expedition, searching for two spoiled brats who jerked everyone around. First of all, Kendall is over 18 so she is legally allowed to go wherever she wants. The police won't look for her unless foul play is suspected. Kylie is still a minor but it was obviously 1) hype 2) Kendall and Kylie are horrid and 3)...Kris...I just can't....all this pretend desperation that something horrible might have happened, while the girls are sending pictures that they are out having fun. But your child who IS in trouble, Rob...oh no Kris, for that you can't ruin your vacation.

At least Brody didn't jump at the bait. He knew his sisters were pissy brats and good for him for not falling for it.


I loved Brody for that.  That whole segment was fake.


Kim could not be anymore self absorbed. "I'm talking to Kanye" - Kim we know you married him, you can stop the name dropping.   And the Invisible North when her picture has been plastered all over the place by her mommy.  Standing on the boat for even more "selfies".


But what really got to me were her comments to Khloe and her comments about Rob.  As much as I think this show is scripted, I am wondering about that scene.  There seems to be such an underlying tone of resentment  this season - clearly not everything is well in Kardashian Land and it's more than Rob, more than Bruce/Kris.

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Wow!!! This series is becoming painful to watch, scripted or not.

Kim is in a beautiful country but more self absorbed about taking selfies for Kanye. What!!!

She seems to have become too full of herself to stomach. Also, why is she hiding North? I don't get that. The babies are what makes this show bearable to watch. Mason and Penelope are so adorable. It's kind of fun watching them grow up.

Khloe's toilet mouth has gotten worse. She tells her mother she can out cuss her. What man will want to take her home to meet mother.

Since Bruce left home, the Jenner girls have become little brats. I used to think he kept them grounded.

Brody lying naked in Kim's bed---gross!!! So not funny!!! How was that getting back at Kim.

Kim was too stupid to be fazed by it anyway.

I would loved to have seen more of Thailand and less of the Kardashians/Jenner's.

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Wow, I'm so glad they were able to get so many perfect shots of various hotel signs and tourist traps while they ran around looking for the "missing" sisters. What luck! And how perfect  that everyone agreed to be on camera and all spoke English at the various road side stands. They really need to get better with their fake story lines. Obviously the whole story line was just too stupid for Brody and he refused to play. 


Just how many people did Kim bring along to take pics of her? There was at least 4 people working on her during the beach photo shoot. I saw the "assistant" we saw last week, a blond chick, and two guys who seemed to be in charge of sticking sand to her ass. I'm gonna assume that this "selfie" book has already been printed and will hit local bookstores in a matter of weeks for the world to buy. No way in hell this much attention is being given to something that won't make Kim some money. 


Did see a few real moments though. I 100% believed the Brody/Khloe convo about her guilt over Rob, that Bruce was super pissed when Kris was babbling to some unseen stranger about hair braiding (notice that person was not shown and didn't seem to speak English), I'm leaning towards Kris going off script there and Bruce was pissed this was making the fake search scene even longer than it needed to be when he wanted to go kayaking, and the nastiness between Kim and Khloe when Khloe dared to actually care about Rob and not about Kim's photo shoot schedule. 


Boy, Leah is striking me as as famewhorey as Kim. She never misses a chance to get her own little camera time during these things. 

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Ugh, these past two Thailand episodes managed to make this group of people that I already dislike even more unlikable. Every single one of them. Brandon is the exception. He didn't bother me. Brody I usually enjoy, but even he worked my nerves by the end. Half a chub will never not make me laugh, though.

There's not much to say that hasn't already been said; kims ugly cry face, obnoxious jenner girls, no one concerned about rob, Khloe overly concerned about rob, kris inviting the jenner boys to get Bruce off her back, Kim and her camera, Kim's huge ass & her entourage ....

They were all awful. The thing that most stuck out to me is how totally disconnected kris is as a mother. Bullshit she's crying herself to sleep. She didn't give one fuck about rob at any point. She treats kendall & Kylie like they're 30 She's an authority figure to no one - just encourages self indulgence, looks and materialism above all else to her spawn. Sad and gross. She's a really shitty mother.

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And two guys who seemed to be in charge of sticking sand to her ass.


I don't care how much they were paid to do it, it was not enough.   They probably had to stick their hands in bleach for an hour afterwards, or something even more serious.   Gah just the thought of having to touch that nasty ass that we ALL know where it's been makes me sick.

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I wish they had mentioned Brody's half chub a couple more times. Kim's so hot, he can't even control himself!! She loved every minute of it.

Everybody in this family grates except Brandon, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

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I wish they had mentioned Brody's half chub a couple more times. Kim's so hot, he can't even control himself!! She loved every minute of it.

Everybody in this family grates except Brandon, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time.

Even the botox couldn't keep the smile off her face when she saw Brody there naked.

Kim telling Kris that Khloe shouldn't have to be responsible for Rob( oddly enough in this instance Kim is correct)... and Kris nodding along. But earlier  Kris told Khloe that it was her responsibility to make sure Rob stayed excited about vacation, so he would be sure to come with them and that she hoped Rob would move in with Khloe when she got her new house.


Why did Kim need people to stick sand on her ass? Just  spray it with water and sit on the beach for a minute or two.

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#1 Kendall & Kylie are brats, period. If I did what they did, especially in a foreign country, I cannot tell you what my mother would have done to me. They fluffed it off like "they were upset so it's ok".


#2 Kim pretending to be embarrassed by Brody seeing her in a see through outfit was stupid. Most of the world has seen her porn (I mean sex tape). 


#3 Since when is having someone taking your picture considered a "selfie"? Isn't that just someone taking a picture then? A "selfie" means you take it yourself.


#4 When Kim was lying on her stomach we saw rolls & imperfections. None of those imperfections show up in the pics she posts. 


#5 Did she bring a team along to care for her daughter & another team just to take pics & rub sand on her ass (BTW, that's a full time job)?

I don't care how much they were paid to do it, it was not enough.   They probably had to stick their hands in bleach for an hour afterwards, or something even more serious.   Gah just the thought of having to touch that nasty ass that we ALL know where it's been makes me sick.

I can't believe she brought people along just to take pics of her & more people for her daughter's care. Who goes on vacation just to take pics of themselves? I wonder how much the ass/sand person got paid to do that.

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There's a clip of Kim talking to Kanye about the "selfie" book, so it's no surprise to him. She wants to have 1200 pictures in it. She's prancing around in front of Kris taking pictures and talking about changing clothes for more pics, even Kris seems to think its strange. But 1200 pictures in the 5/6 days they are there? Does she spend anytime at all with North? This is what she went to Thailand for?  

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I loved Brody for that.  That whole segment was fake.


Kim could not be anymore self absorbed. "I'm talking to Kanye" - Kim we know you married him, you can stop the name dropping.   And the Invisible North when her picture has been plastered all over the place by her mommy.  Standing on the boat for even more "selfies".


But what really got to me were her comments to Khloe and her comments about Rob.  As much as I think this show is scripted, I am wondering about that scene.  There seems to be such an underlying tone of resentment  this season - clearly not everything is well in Kardashian Land and it's more than Rob, more than Bruce/Kris.

It is pathetic and wrong that they are using Rob's problems as a storyline on the show. That's all they've got?

There's a clip of Kim talking to Kanye about the "selfie" book, so it's no surprise to him. She wants to have 1200 pictures in it. She's prancing around in front of Kris taking pictures and talking about changing clothes for more pics, even Kris seems to think its strange. But 1200 pictures in the 5/6 days they are there? Does she spend anytime at all with North? This is what she went to Thailand for?  

She won't be selling this "book," because we are all tortured with these pictures for free daily on the internet. 

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Kim's selfie book reminds me of the Travelocity Gnome. She goes to various places and takes pictures of herself to verify she was there. Kris has the same weird mentality of needing pictures of everything. Kim's are narcissistic in nature, but Kris seems to need to have photographic evidence that things happened as if the actual memories are not sufficient

So was Kendall's thinking that if they went missing Bruce and Kris would stop fighting and work together to find them? Epic fail! If anything it proved the two of them need lots of distance. Leah and Brandon looked very uncomfortable. Loved that Brody just stayed and ate his breakfast.

I'm surprised Kim was so laid back. Usually she's right there demanding punishment for the "lack of respect" they show.

Based on the size of Kim' ass, I consider that a full time (and nasty) job.

I guess that's why Kim has an executive "ass"istant. To manage the being that is that ass. Edited by iwasish
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Kris is a beautiful woman.   She has a nice figure.  However, she looked about 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide in that blecherous Crocodile Hunter get up.   Similarly, Khloe and Kim look really wide in flats/bare feet.   They sort of waddle like penguins.    Oh, and Kris,  that diaphanous white nightie you were wearing at the family table was very flattering, but hon, I could see the individual hooks in your bra through it, and your thong.   I'm pretty sure all your bits were on display after your wet t shirt contest with that  air headed little blonde sycophant.   I'm thinking she's ditzy from having her poor head so far up your and Kim's enormous butts that she's oxygen depleted. 


I hate to agree with a dolt like Kim. but she's right about Rob.   All they can do is offer help, and if he doesn't respond,  all they are doing is enabling him.   Whatever his issue is, he will play hell hitting rock bottom because of his privileged lifestyle,  and co dependents like Khloe feeding off the "dark" drama in the guise of being the "nurturing" one aren't really helping him overall.  He didn't want to go on vacation.  You did.   Let him live his life, and live yours.   


I was hoping  the duck that flew into Fabio's face on the roller coaster would show up and whap Kim upside her empty botox reservoir (That's head, to you'uns who don't know medical terminology, Kardashian style), or that she would fall off the ship, have to survive years on a desert Island, and once discovered, was back to being the hairy faced,  slightly homely girl with a normal sized butt whose one function in life was to wash the sweat out of Paris Hilton's bra.   

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It is pathetic and wrong that they are using Rob's problems as a storyline on the show. That's all they've got?



So wrong, because he clearly does have a problem.  I thought the part where Khloe said that only she, Rob and Lamar knew what went on in their house was very telling. But it clearly could not have been a healthy environment for any of them. 


The word I was looking for earlier - was "hostility". There seems to be an undercurrent of hostility this season that I never noticed before. It was especially evident in the last scene between Khloe and Kim.  And Kourtney not going on the vacation along with their reaction to the Vogue cover.  There is real tension between the sisters.


I wonder if the rumors that Kim wants out are true.

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The more Kim talks about Rob, the more it makes him in the right for leaving her wedding circus. She doesn't show any real love or concern for him.



Kim can't even show real love for her own spawn.  "Can mommy take 2 bites North?"  Pfft...bitch please.  Kim is Joan Crawford's Mommie Dearest.  She may not freak about wire hangers (I bet she does though) but North will be raised by nannies while Kim takes selfies and gets married and divorced 10 more times.

I can't believe she brought people along just to take pics of her & more people for her daughter's care. Who goes on vacation just to take pics of themselves? I wonder how much the ass/sand person got paid to do that.


The vapid that is Kim, that's who.


I loved how Kim tried to "insult" Khloe by saying she wants to go home to date 50 rappers.  Isn't Kim's husband a rapper?   I wish Khloe would've fired back, you dated 50 athletes, married one and got pregnant by a rapper before you divorced him. Bitch. 


I don't know how I feel about them having conversations about Rob on camera.  Obviously, something is very up with him.  But it's not their story to tell, and I hope he is at least being compensated for it.


Kendall and Kylie? Snooze.

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Kris is a beautiful woman. She has a nice figure. However, she looked about 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide in that blecherous Crocodile Hunter get up. Similarly, Khloe and Kim look really wide in flats/bare feet. They sort of waddle like penguins. Oh, and Kris, that diaphanous white nightie you were wearing at the family table was very flattering, but hon, I could see the individual hooks in your bra through it, and your thong. I'm pretty sure all your bits were on display after your wet t shirt contest with that air headed little blonde sycophant. I'm thinking she's ditzy from having her poor head so far up your and Kim's enormous butts that she's oxygen depleted.

I hate to agree with a dolt like Kim. but she's right about Rob. All they can do is offer help, and if he doesn't respond, all they are doing is enabling him. Whatever his issue is, he will play hell hitting rock bottom because of his privileged lifestyle, and co dependents like Khloe feeding off the "dark" drama in the guise of being the "nurturing" one aren't really helping him overall. He didn't want to go on vacation. You did. Let him live his life, and live yours.

I was hoping the duck that flew into Fabio's face on the roller coaster would show up and whap Kim upside her empty botox reservoir (That's head, to you'uns who don't know medical terminology, Kardashian style), or that she would fall off the ship, have to survive years on a desert Island, and once discovered, was back to being the hairy faced, slightly homely girl with a normal sized butt whose one function in life was to wash the sweat out of Paris Hilton's bra.

They are never consistent in their comments about Rob. They insinuate he never sees them or talks to them, but he was there getting his shots and being social. Kim say he talks to Kris for hours everyday on the phone? But not when she's in Thailand? According to Kim he wants everyone else to do things for him. Like what? What did he ask Kim to do for him?

And Khloe is on my last nerve with her hints about what went on in "that house" and how Rob got dragged into it.

I'll go on record saying I never liked Lamar. I thought he was weird from the beginning. The 180 from single baby daddy of three kids to husband in a month? The goofy overgrown oddball way he acted/interacted with Rob and Khloe. I will never think its not strange for a newlywed husband to be more attached to his brother in law, spend more time with, to the point of excluding his wife. The signs were there from the beginning. His refusal to get rid of the separate apartment, the one that his good buddy Jamie had free access to. The "business" Jamie ran on the internet. Who knows what they were actually selling. His being MIA from almost every family function. Khloe's efforts to get him attracted her physically. All warning signs.

Edited by iwasish
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Kris is a terrible Mother.  Robert Kardashian was probably a negligent Father.   All the kids adapted in different ways:   Kourtney and Rob withdrew,  Khloe became very rude and aggressive,  and Kim exploited her role as the favored child.   The woman is dumber than a box of rocks, but possesses an amazing talent for self preservation.    Kim ain't ever going to be a drunk, an addict,  or broke.   She loves Kim and only Kim.   Everything she does is to promote Kim.   She does not care what others think of her.  She exists only to be Kim.   Sort of like a shark.   Or a virus.

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Kris is a terrible Mother.  Robert Kardashian was probably a negligent Father.   All the kids adapted in different ways:   Kourtney and Rob withdrew,  Khloe became very rude and aggressive,  and Kim exploited her role as the favored child.   The woman is dumber than a box of rocks, but possesses an amazing talent for self preservation.    Kim ain't ever going to be a drunk, an addict,  or broke.   She loves Kim and only Kim.   Everything she does is to promote Kim.   She does not care what others think of her.  She exists only to be Kim.   Sort of like a shark.   Or a virus.

I wish Bruce planted a foot on her ass and shoved her off that platform,...after she unhooked from the zipline.. That twat travels all over with no sign of a fear of heights, ex London, the big wheel (the Eye?) with Jonathan, but now she wants attention! Then Kris pulls the same shit. Perhaps they should have taken a selfie of Kim, maybe that would have gotten her going.

And then Kim picking at her salad " oh my mom is hurt?" Let me take a selfie.

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The sad thing is that not a day goes by that I don't see some lured photo of Kim on the Huffington Post. I can't wait for the day she becomes "Where are they now" fodder for the HP. Lindsay Lohan barely gets a yawn out of the news media lately and she used to be the cover story every damn day (at least Lindsay was an actress before she hit the skids...Kim and the rest have no careers except media whores).

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Similarly, Khloe and Kim look really wide in flats/bare feet.   




They look really wide because they are really wide. It's their own faults for having whatever pumped into their butts to make them bigger.

And Khloe is on my last nerve with her hints about what went on in "that house" and how Rob got dragged into it.



Especially since it was her house, if bad things happened there, where was she? Why didn't she stop it?

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Who wears that much makeup when you're in a bathing suit? How do they even open their eyes with that many false eyelashes & that much mascara on their eyes? Not to mention the bright red lipstick.


If I had to waste that much time of my vacation looking for my stupid ass sisters, I would be really pissed, but I thought it was funny was Kylie agreed with Khloe about punching Kim. If I was Khloe I would have reminded Kim that even though I might be dating a lot of rappers, there was no tape of me getting peed on by one of them.


Um, this about summed it up for me.  Amen! Never liked Brody but loved he didn't fall for this bullshit scripted stuff of running around looking for some brats with all that booze and food there.  I know I wouldn't leave either. 


Kim reminds me of Guiliana Rancic.  Just don't get me dirty and ruin my shot.  I bet that was not even North. 


Loved the fake baby crib by Kim's bed.  Yeah, right.  The only fun thing was watching Bruce yell at momager.  These people go on this most expensive vacation and talk about chub knubs.  Take selfies.  Take off.  It's just too much.   


I always threw away the black lipstick that came with my kid's Halloween make up kit.  I think I'll send it to that brat - soon - to - say - no - to - rehab Kendall/Kyle.  They are one big huge mess to me.  With that said, I did see a slimmer of hope in their eyes how embarrassing their step sister Kim is with all the selfies.  But they do it to!  I'm holding out for these two girls, hope they turn out okay.  However, if they are going to run away....run away to a new manager.


I went to my family reunion this Saturday, I told my cousins I would kill them if they posted a bad picture of me.  Um, no pictures were posted of me on FB  or instagram.  But I didn't have anyone rubbing sand on my ass.  They would have thrown it in my face.  Then posted.

Edited by Lablover27
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Poor Kris, it was torture..torture I tell you, to be on that vacation while worried about Rob. Didn't they hear her crying herself to sleep every night?

And again, Bruce tries to reprimand the girls and she cuts him off at the knees. He should have hauled Kylie's ass back to the USA.

Bruce and Kris aren't doing the girls any favors by pretending to be besties. It's clear they want different things in life. Split, rebuild their lives apart and once they establish the new normal then maybe they can vacay together. But it's fucking up the girls heads right now.

If they aren't going to spell out what exactly is wrong with Rob or exactly what happened "in that house" then don't talk about it at all.

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Especially since it was her house, if bad things happened there, where was she? Why didn't she stop it?


The rumour has always been that Khloe was doing recreational drugs, too.


Who wears that much makeup when you're in a bathing suit? How do they even open their eyes with that many false eyelashes & that much mascara on their eyes? Not to mention the bright red lipstick.


They get together every day at Kris' house to have their hair and makeup done. They even mentioned it on the show.  I assume the hair and makeup people accompany them on vacation, so at least they don't have to apply it themselves. 

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Kris is a terrible Mother.  Robert Kardashian was probably a negligent Father.   All the kids adapted in different ways:   Kourtney and Rob withdrew,  Khloe became very rude and aggressive,  and Kim exploited her role as the favored child.   The woman is dumber than a box of rocks, but possesses an amazing talent for self preservation.    Kim ain't ever going to be a drunk, an addict,  or broke.   She loves Kim and only Kim.   Everything she does is to promote Kim.   She does not care what others think of her.  She exists only to be Kim.   Sort of like a shark.   Or a virus.

Interesting how Kourtney and Rob are also the only two kids who got college educations.

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Kris said they could do homeschooling. Not that I believe they really put much work into it, but the Daily News is nothing but a tabloid and I wouldn't consider them a legit news source. 

Kris doesn't know where her kids are half the time. You think she follows up on homeschooling?  She let them get out of school so their fabulous work ethic could kick in and she can collect her pimpmom % from their earnings.  If they have a diploma, one of Kris's paid flunkies  did the work for it.

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Kris doesn't know where her kids are half the time. You think she follows up on homeschooling?  She let them get out of school so their fabulous work ethic could kick in and she can collect her pimpmom % from their earnings.  If they have a diploma, one of Kris's paid flunkies  did the work for it.

Kylie probably tells Kris that Chris Brown is tutoring her in math, & that's why she's hanging out with him.

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Was able to watch only about 20 minutes of this episode; turned it off while they were eating lunch on the yacht & Brody was quizzing Kris on the meanings of different sexual terms & the other Jenner son (the married one) admitted to kissing Kim.  I know they are only 'steps' but still...



First, I do not believe for one minute that the 2 K'Jenner girls took off without someone knowing where they were.  The one time Mr. ToStandOn & myself considered going to Thailand, we were warned very heavily about not going anywhere without someone knowing where we were heading towards and to never take off by ourselves.  With all of the kidnapping and human trafficking in that area, I am sure someone had very close tabs on those two. 

I do not think Brody is too much with the fakeness of this show & was probably thinking 'why should I give up my breakfast to go looking for 2 people who are really here.'. 


Second, even though it was a 'fake storyline', everyone's reaction to finding the was so ridicules, except for Bruce. No repercussion whatsoever for these two, well, just for Kylie since she is the one who is still a minor, for "running off".  At least take her stupid camera phone away from her.   


I cannot handle the ongoing bickering between Kris & Bruce.  I think they are leading up to filing for divorce and using this 'vacay' as a lead in on how they could not even be under one roof together in Thailand, how are they expected to ever live together again, so they are filing for divorce.


Had no idea what a 'half-chub' was, I honestly thought he was talking about Kim's bod.

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I noticed that Kendall and Kylie were already miked up when they were "found."


I thought Kim's cutting remark to Khloe about the rapper was the one "real" moment of the entire episode.  Khloe nearly said as much.


And for the love of all that is good and holy, it's not a "selfie" if someone else is taking it.

Edited by ladle
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I thought Kim's cutting remark to Khloe about the rapper was the one "real" moment of the entire episode.  Khloe nearly said as much.

The whole episode was scripted and poorly acted until that moment.  It was very uncomfortable to watch, but I wanted to see more! Things got real in that moment and you could feel the tension.


The whole phony happy Brady Bunch family just does not work.  Khloe has mentioned that they didn't see that much of each other before the show started. More like the average family. Your closer to some siblings than others and as adults everyone is doing their own thing.  It could have been an interesting show if they showed us more of the realistic workings of this blended family.  As it is it's just phony and annoying.  But still I watch!

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I have mostly successfully avoided this show, but caught a bit of the background while flipping channels, and ended up watching because I really enjoyed my time in Phuket. 


But this show makes me so sad. I was relieved that in the previews, at least they did some good, photo op or not, but otherwise with all their money and connections, this is how they choose to live? Some of my favorite parts of our trip was swimming in the wonderfully warm waters, getting massages, eating the awesome street food (I couldn't' get enough of the papaya salads). 


I hope whatever is going on with Rob, he gets help, and it doesn't make the show until he is ready to talk about it, because he wants to help others.


As for the two younger sisters, the whole family probably has gps chips implanted in them. But seriously, that was such a stupid plot line. At the very least, there should have been some punishment for their behavior, at least for the one who is still a minor.


I think I'm going back to avoiding this store, despite the beautiful scenery. It is too depressing.

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High-school dropouts Kendall and Kylie Jenner aren’t even interested in the book they wrote.

Read more at ONTD: http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/88969786.html#ixzz38wyl79tk


Kendall and Kylie Jenner hosted Canada’s Much Music Video Awards on Sunday night, but  recently were called out by a three straight A students for their ditsy behavior, dropping out of high school, and misrepresenting the millennial generation.



I can't find any confirmed from MSM because MSM doesn't report about them.


There are 3 articles that clearly state that Kendall and Kylie are high school dropouts.

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That's not proof of anything though, Kendall's management would be in charge of her finishing up her tutoring on the road. Like other teen actors who usually to be hired have to put in a certain amount of study hours.

And I doubt Kylie's doing math for fun. https://www.facebook.com/KylieJenner/posts/642871692460083

Just because they don't attend an actual school doesn't mean they're drop outs. They'd have obligations to meet by employers (ie PacSun) who would want to know they're being tutored or in Kendall's case, she could be done by now.

Edited by Artsda
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