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Season 9 Discussion

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So they finally clarify on the show why Brody didn't go to the wedding. I was kind of surprised that Kim didn't allow him to bring his girlfriend. I had thought that she originally might would have been okay with it, but it looks like she wasn't. I didn't care for the tone she used when she talked about Brody, but I understand that ultimately it was her wedding, and she could invite and not invite whoever she wanted to her wedding.

I'm not surprised by Kris's role in Brody not attending, and I honestly didn't like her behavior, and how she dealt with Brandon/Leah/ Brody. I was not surprised by this behavior from Kris because she did something similar with the Greek vacation trip. No wonder Brody still continues to have negative feelings toward Bruce/the Kardashian family. Kris hurts his feelings by making him feel shafted and by showing favoritism towards Brandon/Leah over him. I can see why her treatment of him, makes him angry. Also, I definitely understood Brody’s anger at Bruce about how he feels he’s being treated. He does feel like Brandon/Leah are favored over him and that hurts, since he’s already had to deal with Bruce giving his younger siblings, and the Kardashian kids, more attention that he ever gave him.


I don’t blame Brandon and Leah for not really trying to help Bruce out with Brody. Brandon just kind of walked away, because it didn’t really want to deal with anymore. I think that Brandon shouldn’t have to keep being the peacemaker between Bruce and Brody and I think that he may be getting tired of doing that. 

Also I can understand Scott's feelings about Kourtney's third pregnancy. He's going to a lot right with the death of both of his parents, so close together, and now he has to deal with having 3 kids, under the age of five. That's very overwhelming, I can understand his anxiousness. He mentioned how it's harder for him to deal with raising their family, because they traveled so much, but even if they were more settled, three kids under five is still a big handful. Kourtney just seems like she wants to have a lot of children, and I understand that, I also understand her wanting to have them close together, but that can be very overwhelming and I understand Scott's feelings about that.  Though I do believe that Scott is loving a father, and will continue to be a loving father, no matter how many kids that they have together.

Edited by Jx223
  • Love 1

Scott has his own bedroom? Wow

Yeah, I caught that too. I wonder if he was as blindsided about the pregnancy as the show makes it seem? Of course the real reason for the story was so that Kourtney would be in the Hamptons. <sarcasm>What a coincidence that they need to relocate the NY Dash store at the same time that Kourtney will be staying in the Hamptons! I do hope that one of her sisters will go visit with her & maybe stay awhile. Hmm, wouldn't it be awesome if there was a show call Kourtney & Khloe Take the Hamptons?</sarcasm> Yeah.


Kylie & Kendall "wrote" a book, HA ha ha HA ha ha ha ha HA HA Ha


I don't understand the reasoning for paying for Brandon, but not Brody. It sure seems like they like one more than the other. I hate to support Kim in any way, but if she's never even met Brody's girlfriend, why would she want her at the wedding? Who wants strangers at their wedding? If that's really why Brody didn't go, then he's a jerk. I noticed how they just happened to mention that Rob might not go because he didn't like the way he looked. That doesn't make me think they set the whole "Rob went back home before the wedding" thing was a setup at all, nooooooo.


Looks like next week Kanye will allow himself to be shown on the show, I wonder if he had to approve all the shots before they could be shown?

  • Love 1
I don't understand the reasoning for paying for Brandon, but not Brody. It sure seems like they like one more than the other. I hate to support Kim in any way, but if she's never even met Brody's girlfriend, why would she want her at the wedding? Who wants strangers at their wedding? If that's really why Brody didn't go, then he's a jerk



I think that Kris definitelyfavors Brandon/Leah over Brody and shows that. I'm not sure if Bruce necessarily favors them over Brody, so much as he just finds it easier to hang out with them, because Brandon is less confrontational/more easy going than Brody is.


I think that Brody not attending the wedding might be a combination of his girlfriend not being invited, and Brandon/Leah being favored over him. Maybe he would have attended the wedding, without his girlfriend, if he didn't feel like Brandon and Leah were being favored over him. I think that finding out that Kris/Bruce paid their way and that they didn't really talk much with him about the wedding, might have been the straw that broke the camel's back for him. Kris has done this to him before with the Greek vacation, by not inviting him and giving some lame excuse why she didn't invite him. I think that he feels like they don't care about him that much.


I thought it was interesting how Brandon didn't even want to talk with Bruce about Brody's issues with the wedding and how he walked away. I think that Brandon is tired of trying to play peacemaker with Bruce/Brody.

Edited by Jx223

Yeah, I caught that too. I wonder if he was as blindsided about the pregnancy as the show makes it seem? Of course the real reason for the story was so that Kourtney would be in the Hamptons. <sarcasm>What a coincidence that they need to relocate the NY Dash store at the same time that Kourtney will be staying in the Hamptons! I do hope that one of her sisters will go visit with her & maybe stay awhile. Hmm, wouldn't it be awesome if there was a show call Kourtney & Khloe Take the Hamptons?</sarcasm> Yeah.


Kylie & Kendall "wrote" a book, HA ha ha HA ha ha ha ha HA HA Ha


I don't understand the reasoning for paying for Brandon, but not Brody. It sure seems like they like one more than the other. I hate to support Kim in any way, but if she's never even met Brody's girlfriend, why would she want her at the wedding? Who wants strangers at their wedding? If that's really why Brody didn't go, then he's a jerk. I noticed how they just happened to mention that Rob might not go because he didn't like the way he looked. That doesn't make me think they set the whole "Rob went back home before the wedding" thing was a setup at all, nooooooo.


Looks like next week Kanye will allow himself to be shown on the show, I wonder if he had to approve all the shots before they could be shown?

The whole pretending Kim is some first time bride? How fucking laughable. And they all just go along with it!

Not inviting the gf to the wedding is one thing, why couldn't she come along to Paris with Brody and just not attend the wedding? People have strangers at their weddings all the time, they don't always know who is coming as someone's plus one. Why is Kris okay using her "points" to get Brandon and Leah's airfare, but Brody has to use his own? Whose plus one was Jaden Smith? Kim trying to get Bruce to cut his hair? No way she didn't climb up Robs ass because of his appearance.

Brody never mentioned work commitments. I feel sorry for him. Clearly Kris wanted Brandon and Leah there to amuse Bruce.

Kim being her mom's biggest defender all of a sudden? Sure!!!! she's doing all Kim's dirty work for her.

The only thing funnier than Kylie and Kendall writing a book? Them reading a book!!! I. Wonder how many copies sold?

I felt for Scott. His folks are dead and. NOW suddenly it's let's spend the summer in the Hamptons! Because it's convenient for the Kardashians and Kris's game plan.

As far as Kanye appearing on the show, did you think he wouldn't? North was never going to be on the show and slowly she's there. He's a famewhore. He loves the publicity. Even if he tries to play it that he hates it.

  • Love 4

I agree about Scott. Even though this show is totally fake I bet Scott does feel bad that they never stayed in the Hamptons when his parents were there and could enjoy the kids.

Kim is so gross in every way. If she really wanted her family there she and Kanye could pay to have them travel there. They are both multi millionaires and getting paid to televise this shit show. No way would I spend my own money to travel and get hotel rooms etc for this circus. Brody should have said it's not worth it to me to spend the money. I could tell that Kourtney didn't agree with Kim's defense of poor Kris because she said nothing. Khloe just walked out of the room during the same discussion since she wanted no part of it.

  • Love 2

Brandon seemed very uncomfortable discussing it also. It's very clear he and Leah are invited only to keep Bruce entertained.

Kim mocking Bruce's hair and then having the little sit down to convince/nag him into cutting his hair, BECAUSE SHE wants things to look a certain way was hysterical. Kylie put her in her place, threatening to do,worse than the blue hair was great.

And Kim was just thrilled to have another bridal shower, I think her protests were just for the show.

Bruce is such a pussy. He knows damn well Kris snubbed Brody on purpose. And then tries to manipulate the situation to make her self look good. Kim being the pit bull defending KrIs was so over the top. Of course she defends her, Kris does all the shitty stuff for her.

  • Love 1

I felt for Scott. His folks are dead and. NOW suddenly it's let's spend the summer in the Hamptons! Because it's convenient for the Kardashians and Kris's game plan.


How was that Kris' fault that Scott didn't spend more time with HIS parents?  The onus was on him, not Kris, not Kourtney (who seem to have a positive relationship with them). 

Maybe spending time in surroundings that Scott grew up in could help in his healing.  Scott is obviously depressed and going through survivor's guilt.  Most do not expect to lose their parents so unexpectedly, a month apart, and at a relatively young age.

Edited by twilightzone

I am still laughing over everyone acting as though this is virginal Kim's first wedding. Ha ha ha. And yes, let's celebrate how Kim is marrying the love of her life. For the third time. I guess the first two were the practice and the rehearsal (thank you, RHOM Janet). 


WTF was going on with Kim's ass in that scene with Bruce talking to Kendall on the phone towards the end?  What a lumpy, lopsided, massive mess.  It's like she's got a rotting, squishy pumpkin under those leggings.


Why on earth does Khloe need such a big house?  Money is clearly no object so if I was her, I'd be looking for a fantastic condo or townhome at the beach.


The situation with Brody was beyond screwed up.  You can't  pay one child's way and not another's.  That's just Parenting 101.  I'd be pissed if I was Brody.


I feel for Scott.  I know 99.9% of this hot mess of a show is scripted but I don't doubt that he is suffering over losing his parents.  I do think it's unusual that he and Kourtney have separate bedrooms.  Their kids are freaking adorable though. 

  • Love 2

How was that Kris' fault that Scott didn't spend more time with HIS parents?  The onus was on him, not Kris, not Kourtney (who seem to have a positive relationship with them). 

Maybe spending time in surroundings that Scott grew up in could help in his healing.  Scott is obviously depressed and going through survivor's guilt.  Most do not expect to lose their parents so unexpectedly, a month apart, and at a relatively young age.

True Kourtney shares a lot of the blame, but Kris arranges their filming schedules and from what I've seen, Kris isn't big on sharing time with in laws or step kids unless it's on her turf and even then it's all about what Kris wants. Ultimately it was Scott's responsibility to visit his folks, with his kids and with or without Kourtney. I'm sure he never thought he would lose them this young, that there was lots of time.

Yeah, it's pretty clear it's more than the "plus one" with Brody. Let's just say I can relate to some of what we saw. Families suck.

That said, as someone above reminded us, Kimmy loses any moral authority (ha ha. I made a funny.) on that topic when she allowed that Smith brat to come along. Bet Brody's girlfriend wouldn't have made a scene - in or out of a Batman costume. Oh, except her last name isn't Smith...

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 3

True Kourtney shares a lot of the blame, but Kris arranges their filming schedules and from what I've seen, Kris isn't big on sharing time with in laws or step kids unless it's on her turf and even then it's all about what Kris wants.


I disagree.  Kourtney has always spoken well of them.  The onus was on Scott, it was his parents.   I seriously doubt Kris Jenner was working filming schedules around how to exclude Scott's parents from the show.  They lived 3,000 miles away.  They were featured on the show, but I can't see any justification they should have been part of the recurring story lines.  Kris Jenner is given more power than she really has.

Yeah, it's pretty clear it's more than the "plus one" with Brody. Let's just say I can relate to some of what we saw. Families suck.

That said, as someone above reminded us, Kimmy loses any moral authority (ha ha. I made a funny.) on that topic when she allowed that Smith brat to come along. Bet Brody's girlfriend wouldn't have made a scene - in or out of a Batman costume. Oh, except her last name isn't Smith...

Bruce also commented that this GF of Brody's was " different" that it seemed a more serious relationship. For a family that professes to be all about "family" I find it hard to believe a plus one for a step brother couldn't be found. Especially since Bruce's relationship with that son is just being re established. Kris was all over Brody in Greece, I wonder what went sour?

IMO it was just a way for Kim to exercise control over something, since Kanye was pretty much running the rest of the show. I just wish Brody would call her out on her sex tape making , selfie taking, 2 time loser at marriage bullshit.

I disagree.  Kourtney has always spoken well of them.  The onus was on Scott, it was his parents.   I seriously doubt Kris Jenner was working filming schedules around how to exclude Scott's parents from the show.  They lived 3,000 miles away.  They were featured on the show, but I can't see any justification they should have been part of the recurring story lines.  Kris Jenner is given more power than she really has.

I don't think she deliberately excluded them from the show. But I do think she would not have been happy if Kourtney told her she and Scott and the kids were summering in The Hamptons and unable to film. I think Kourtney liked Scott's parents. And yes it was on Scott to push things in terms of visIting.

  • Love 1

Just sitting down to watch this week's freak show. "Me and Kendall" wrote a book. That tells me everything about whether "Me and You" should waste a penny or a minute on it.

Illiterate idiots.





Rebels: City of Indra: The Story of Lex and Livia Hardcover 

by Kendall Jenner  (Author), Kylie Jenner (Author)


reviews are horrible.

  • Love 1

See this pisses me off.   There are really good writers out there who can't get anyone to read their books, let alone published.   Yet, these 2 nitwits get that dreck pubished.   And they are not part of the Kardashian clan.   There is not one drop of Kardashian blood in them.    They are Jenner and whatever Kris brings to the table.  

  • Love 3

As far as Kanye appearing on the show, did you think he wouldn't? North was never going to be on the show and slowly she's there. He's a famewhore. He loves the publicity. Even if he tries to play it that he hates it.

I disagree.  Kanye has been given a harder time in the media ever since he got with Kim.  There's no advantage to him appearing on the reality show.  He did it because he was with Kim.  Kim is the only one who has benefited publicly from the pairing.  As far as North not appearing on the show, people are allowed to change their minds and reevaluate their positions on certain things.

Yeah, it's pretty clear it's more than the "plus one" with Brody. Let's just say I can relate to some of what we saw. Families suck.

That said, as someone above reminded us, Kimmy loses any moral authority (ha ha. I made a funny.) on that topic when she allowed that Smith brat to come along. Bet Brody's girlfriend wouldn't have made a scene - in or out of a Batman costume. Oh, except her last name isn't Smith...

Jaden is a family friend they've known for years.  Kim didn't know Brody's girlfriend.

I disagree.  Kourtney has always spoken well of them.  The onus was on Scott, it was his parents.   I seriously doubt Kris Jenner was working filming schedules around how to exclude Scott's parents from the show.  They lived 3,000 miles away.  They were featured on the show, but I can't see any justification they should have been part of the recurring story lines.  Kris Jenner is given more power than she really has.

I have to disagree. Kris decided to pay French Montana to be on the show all by herself. That was a biggie because that's not how it usually works on reality shows. Kris has a ton of power, if she really didn't want them on the show, they wouldn't be. 





Rebels: City of Indra: The Story of Lex and Livia Hardcover 

by Kendall Jenner  (Author), Kylie Jenner (Author)


reviews are horrible.

The character's last name is Hardcover? LOL, they really couldn't think of a single other name than Hardcover? Do they plan on changing the last name to Paperback when it comes out? I went to read some of the reviews, & the first two made me laugh my ass off


Just finished the book and went to get some egg rolls. The fortune cookie they gave me said "The book you just read was terrible" and now my egg rolls taste like regret.


Garbage from start to finish. Don't bother wasting your time or money on this piece of trash. The trees that died to make the paper for this book would have been better off as toilet paper.

Awesome, the reviewers are apparently better writers than Kylie & Kendall.

Edited by GaT

I disagree.  Kanye has been given a harder time in the media ever since he got with Kim.  There's no advantage to him appearing on the reality show.  He did it because he was with Kim.  Kim is the only one who has benefited publicly from the pairing.  As far as North not appearing on the show, people are allowed to change their minds and reevaluate their positions on certain things.

Jaden is a family friend they've known for years.  Kim didn't know Brody's girlfriend.

He's gotten much more mainstream press since he's hooked up with Kim. As far as good press or bad press, I don't think he cares. And IMO he'd rather get negative press so he can play the victim of racism. He'd rather be able to piss and moan about not getting a fair shake or opportunity because he's black. And if he's going to be on the show "for Kim" then he's selling out his deeply held principles and the fact that she'd ask him to sell out, says as much about her lack of principles as his.

  • Love 3

Oh. Kim's getting married to Some Guy? Wow. Who knew? Seems like every full moon Kim has a wedding to plan. I love that Kris gives her advice about how weddings go. I believe this is Fat Ass's third effing wedding. Furthermore, they gave her a shower whose attendees were mostly people not invited to the wedding. Etiquette fail! What a surprise provided by the Oaf family.

  • Love 5

Oh. Kim's getting married to Some Guy? Wow. Who knew? Seems like every full moon Kim has a wedding to plan. I love that Kris gives her advice about how weddings go. I believe this is Fat Ass's third effing wedding. Furthermore, they gave her a shower whose attendees were mostly people not invited to the wedding. Etiquette fail! What a surprise provided by the Oaf family.

Was any of Kanye's family at the shower? Did the bride or her mom donate any of their points to get tickets for them?

How sad that so many of Kim's closest friends are not invited to the wedding. But I guess they showed up for the great gift bags that Kris gives out. I wish some show would splice clips of this fairy tale wedding with clips of the last fairy tale wedding, that would be hilarious. Love how Kim is now all tough love and suck it up attitude. 19 yr old

Kendall is home sick? Tough, that's life as a model. Nice that Kim has her mom at her beck and call, ready to fly across the world on a moments notice to live vicariously thru her.

  • Love 1

Kim and Kris browbeating Bruce into cutting his ponytail really cheesed me off.   Her telling Bruce her style is Pairs "chic"  was even more teeth grinding.  Uh,  you're a fat ass woman who jams your junk into  tacky designer clothing designed for someone with a different figure.   Chonga chic is more like it.    Why does Bruce need to cut his hair and the ugly one gets to have hers blue?     Ugh, Bruce is truly henpecked by those two harridans.    Truly ball less, he is. 

  • Love 3

He's gotten much more mainstream press since he's hooked up with Kim. As far as good press or bad press, I don't think he cares. And IMO he'd rather get negative press so he can play the victim of racism. He'd rather be able to piss and moan about not getting a fair shake or opportunity because he's black. And if he's going to be on the show "for Kim" then he's selling out his deeply held principles and the fact that she'd ask him to sell out, says as much about her lack of principles as his.

I have to disagree.  Kanye has always gotten press.  Maybe you weren't paying attention.  There isn't much more mainstream press than Kanye calling out Bush and the incident with Taylor Swift.  Kanye has never chased fame.  Of course, in the music business, fame comes with it, but he never pulled stunts and did legitimate press when he had to promote.  Legitimate press is not to be confused with being on the cover of a tabloid every week.  Kim's star was fading after her divorce announcement from Kris and her relationship with Kanye became fodder for the tabloids which has kept her afloat.  Without Kanye, she wouldn't have been at the MET, on the cover of Vogue, at Versailles or dining with Valentino.  All of those things have garnered her international press as well as having a baby by someone who is considered a legit celebrity instead of a reality star.


I've noticed that you comment a lot about race in relation to the couple,  have gotten several things wrong and even referred to Kanye as an n word yourself.  I'm not sure how negative press = racism.  Whether anyone likes Kanye or not, he has millions of records sold and several pop hits.  When he first got with Kim, there was lots of chatter about how she would tarnish him and now the majority of his press is negative.  Although his last album is certified platinum, it did sell less than his others.  Kim has done nothing for his image and popularity.  Also, Kim took Kanye's last name, something she didn't do with her last husband.  Kanye definitely upgraded Kim. 

Edited by Talented Tenth
  • Love 2

I think Brody's reason for not going is perfectly valid. His father and stepmother made sure to invite and pay for his brother and sister in law (who could afford the trip themselves if they wanted) for all the special events and the wedding itself without seeming to invite Brody to the special events - Kris said that if Brody got to Paris they'd figure out the dinners etc - or even seem to care if Brody attended at all.

It sure seems to be an issue beyond the wedding and more about how he's treated in general. Why bother going to all the trouble and expense of the trip when they don't really want you there anyway. Based on what the show shows of Brody's relationship with Bruce, Kris, and the Kardashians, it's probably a familiar scenario for him.

I find the dynamics with Brandon (the peace maker), Brody (won't always fake it), Bruce (wants an easy relationship on his terms) fascinating. I don't understand how any decent parent would flat out tell one son that he's paying for the other because the other son is basically more eager to please.

  • Love 3

The idiotic thing about Kanye allegedly not wanting to appear on the show is that he has in the past. What's so different now?  Oddly enough I saw a rerun recently of the very first time he appeared a few years back before he and Kim were even dating and there was actually a real chemistry between them.  The first scene you see him Kim utters "well hello Mr. West" and it was kind of hot..what the hell happened? Now they dont even look like they enjoy being near each other much less have chemistry.

I think Brody's reason for not going is perfectly valid. His father and stepmother made sure to invite and pay for his brother and sister in law (who could afford the trip themselves if they wanted) for all the special events and the wedding itself without seeming to invite Brody to the special events - Kris said that if Brody got to Paris they'd figure out the dinners etc - or even seem to care if Brody attended at all.

It sure seems to be an issue beyond the wedding and more about how he's treated in general. Why bother going to all the trouble and expense of the trip when they don't really want you there anyway. Based on what the show shows of Brody's relationship with Bruce, Kris, and the Kardashians, it's probably a familiar scenario for him.

I find the dynamics with Brandon (the peace maker), Brody (won't always fake it), Bruce (wants an easy relationship on his terms) fascinating. I don't understand how any decent parent would flat out tell one son that he's paying for the other because the other son is basically more eager to please.

Listening to Bruce say that Brandon calls and comes over to visit when Brody doesn't, made me laugh. Bruce is such a wimp. Brody doesn't owe him anything. Why should he have to come over and keep Bruce company now that the family Bruce dumped him for can't be bothered with him? Kim even mentioned that Rob was going to walk her down the aisle. Bruce is only getting that job because Rob doesn't want to be in the spotlight.

  • Love 2


Oddly enough I saw a rerun recently of the very first time he appeared a few years back before he and Kim were even dating and there was actually a real chemistry between them.  The first scene you see him Kim utters "well hello Mr. West" and it was kind of hot..what the hell happened? Now they dont even look like they enjoy being near each other much less have chemistry.

What happened to the chemistry is Kanye caught Kim.  I think for Kanye it was all about the hunt.  Real life could probably never live up to his Kim fantasies.


Why does Bruce need to cut his hair and the ugly one gets to have hers blue?

It's true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I would never consider Kylie ugly. She may not be a classic beauty.  Like a lot of young women she wears way too much makeup.  She certainly is perfectly nice looking especially in the occasional picture with a more natural look.  I like that she has done blue hair and threatened to do more for the wedding.  Kylie is showing some individuality.  I just don't see how she and Khloe are the ugly sisters.  Not talking about personality or behavior!



Listening to Bruce say that Brandon calls and comes over to visit when Brody doesn't, made me laugh. Bruce is such a wimp. Brody doesn't owe him anything. Why should he have to come over and keep Bruce company now that the family Bruce dumped him for can't be bothered with him? Kim even mentioned that Rob was going to walk her down the aisle. Bruce is only getting that job because Rob doesn't want to be in the spotlight.

Apparently you get to be the favored son if you visit and call Bruce.  I will always look up to Bruce's athletic achievements, other than that, feet of clay!  It seems that the only relationships Bruce is interested in are the ones that are on his terms.  He even commented that Brody should be on the golf course.  Bruce isn't going to go out of his way to have a close relationship with his sons.  Brandon seems to be able to put his feelings aside and see Bruce. You can see on Brandon's face that he isn't happy with it, but that's how his father is.  Brody seems like he'd like to at least be met halfway.  Bruce is lucky Brody has anything to do with him at all.  As scripted as the show is Brandon, Brody and Bruce have some very real moments.

Edited by beagletime
  • Love 1

Scott saying Rob missing the wedding was sad because it's something he'll never see again. Does Scott even know how funny he is?

They sewed up the slit in the front of the bridesmaid's dresses. Kanye thought it was vulgar. What a comedian!!!!

He'll sing about fucking his wife on a sink and her blow job talents, but a slit in a dress is vulgar!!

Glad Kylie kept her blue hair. Let Kim photoshop it out and recreate those amazing memories the way she wants them.

  • Love 8

I'm a perfectionist and a control freak, so I kind of understand Kim's concerns.  She takes it over the top! Let Kylie have blue hair. In most families that would be something to laugh over in 20 years.  Kim's dress is beautiful.  I think it would look a little better with a bit lower neckline. Not showing cleavage just a little lower.  


One smart thing Kris has done is stick with the short hair.  It really does suit her.  She did look nice all fixed up for the wedding. She's had some pretty good work done.

  • Love 1

What happened to the chemistry is Kanye caught Kim.  I think for Kanye it was all about the hunt.  Real life could probably never live up to his Kim fantasies.

It's true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I would never consider Kylie ugly. She may not be a classic beauty.  Like a lot of young women she wears way too much makeup.  She certainly is perfectly nice looking especially in the occasional picture with a more natural look.  I like that she has done blue hair and threatened to do more for the wedding.  Kylie is showing some individuality.  I just don't see how she and Khloe are the ugly sisters.  Not talking about personality or behavior!


Apparently you get to be the favored son if you visit and call Bruce.  I will always look up to Bruce's athletic achievements, other than that, feet of clay!  It seems that the only relationships Bruce are interested in are the ones that are on his terms.  He even commented that Brody should be on the golf course.  Bruce isn't going to go out of his way to have a close relationship with his sons.  Brandon seems to be able to put his feelings aside and see Bruce. You can see on Brandon's face that he isn't happy with it, but that's how his father is.  Brody seems like he'd like to at least be met halfway.  Bruce is lucky Brody has anything to do with him at all.  As scripted as the show Brandon, Brody and Bruce have some very real moments.

I think that scene was heavily edited. It was very tense. I hope the favoritism Bruce and Kris show Brandon doesn't start to affect Brandon and Brody's relationship. Kris would love it if they had a falling out and then she could be just an amazing step mother to Brandon.

I can't get over Kim not allowing a family member (Brody) to bring his girlfriend.  Why make the guy go alone?  They are living together, it's not as if he wanted to bring just anyone.


I don't believe for one second it had to do with limited seating. What an insult.

Kimmy was pissed that Brody doesn't kiss Kris's ass. That he speaks his mind and heaven forbid it wasn't flattering to the most amazing stepmother ever. Only Kimmy's version of events are allowed out in the press, and everyone else has to be on the same page.

From the look of the rehearsal and some of the other activities, the wedding didn't go as smoothly as it could have. Kris's favorite planner Sharon Sacks was there, I guess she was the one Kanye didn't see eye to eye with.

Was Bruce's interaction with Kanye anything other than awkward?

  • Love 2

Did Lorraine Schwartz call Kim "eloquent"? Like, literally bible?


Was it just me, or was the way Kim picked up North at the fitting really awkward? She picked her up by the upper arms and for a second I was afraid she would dislocate the poor kid's shoulders. Made it very obvious that Kim doesn't interact with North much.


Line of the of night for me was Scott telling Kim "you know what to do" right before the wedding.


For all of Kendall's talk about how she made it in the modeling industry "despite" her family's fame, she sure took full advantage of the opportunity to befriend Valentino Garavani through Kim and Kanye.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 3

I can't get over Kim not allowing a family member (Brody) to bring his girlfriend.  Why make the guy go alone?  They are living together, it's not as if he wanted to bring just anyone.


I don't believe for one second it had to do with limited seating. What an insult.


I never got the sense Brody really cared about going.  It's a long trip.  It was just all amped up for the show.  Otherwise, there would be no storyline.  I don't feel sorry for Brody.  He gets paid for appearing on KUWTK.  He's also known to play the media.

I was just going to write that in the Part 1 thread! For someone who hates Kris and is so hurt by Bruce, Brody sure keeps showing up on this show somehow...

Brody is being paid to play the role of the hurt, victimized step son, abandoned by his father, with a wicked step mother, evil step sister.


He's a better actor than I give him credit for, since a lot of people here actually believe that with all the money this family has made, they could not pay for his airfare.



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I was just going to write that in the Part 1 thread! For someone who hates Kris and is so hurt by Bruce, Brody sure keeps showing up on this show somehow...

I think he goes on the show to get under Kim's skin. It pisses her off that he is getting press by being on their family show, when it's clear they don't consider him family, but have to make nice because of Bruce. I'm glad he does it and I hope he keeps doing it. Maybe everyone else wants to pretend Kimmy's little audition tape doesn't exist, but I'll betcha Brody has watched it all many times.

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I think he goes on the show to get under Kim's skin. It pisses her off that he is getting press by being on their family show, when it's clear they don't consider him family, but have to make nice because of Bruce. I'm glad he does it and I hope he keeps doing it. Maybe everyone else wants to pretend Kimmy's little audition tape doesn't exist, but I'll betcha Brody has watched it all many times.


And guess who approves Brody being on the show - Kris Jenner, Executive Producer.


Script.  Remember - Brody gets paid to come on and stir up the drama.

Edited by twilightzone
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