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S10.E01: Zoey's 4th Birthday

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In the Season 10 premiere, Zoey's about to turn 4, and Jen decides on a princess tea party theme for her celebration, but Bill worries that her planning is a bit over the top.

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  • Love 3

They're back and so is the utterly stupid grin on my face that was last seen during their last season finale.


William's speech is just blowing me away. To think that this is the same little boy who barely had a handle on the native tongue he'd heard from birth before then suddenly having to learn, and understand, English.


To hear him now...it's incredible. I think his speech therapist should be given a medal, because she has done wonders with him. I love to hear how he is learning to self correct himself, and speaking in whole sentences. The way he reacted when Zoey told him "Happy Birthday, William" was just priceless.


And Zoey...what can I say? She is such a little princess, heh, and all that means both good and bad. But I can't get enough of her. She was ready to strip that princess naked, heh, she wanted everything she had on, from her nails to her shoes.


I thought the party was truly stunning, a very pretty theme that Zoey seemed to enjoy a good bit, and even Will, heh, though he is the party animal in the family by far.


It's so nice to see this sweet family back in action, I don't think I will ever get sick and tired of seeing their happiness and joy being together and having fun with one another.

  • Love 13

Well I was really shaking my head at this episode. I would have said that I thought just Jen is nuts until i saw them load the balloons into the car on top of the kids and proceed to drive to the hotel with the balloons all over the car! That was so stupid and dangerous, I couldnt believe that Bill actually agreed to that. They should have had her parents drive the balloons or the kids in a separate car. And Zoey is turning into a spoiled brat. I thought it was disgraceful how she threw the Teddy Bear from Will on the floor and Bill and Jen just made excuses and accepted that terrible behavior.  They really need to work with her and stop the excuses. They were told the day they met her in India that she was "moody". They are not doing that little girl any favors by indulging her every whim. Instead of saying to the princess something like you are pretty, all she said was she wants her dress, her shoes, etc. At least she said thank you at the end unless it was voiced over. I had higher hopes for this episode.

  • Love 13
They're back and so is the utterly stupid grin on my face that was last seen during their last season finale.


Ditto.  I was just grinning at all of the antics.


Isn't it just Murphy's Law that a kid would wake up on the wrong side of the bed on the day of her birthday?  You can't predict what a little one is going to be like at any given moment and as Jen pointed out, it really doesn't matter if it's her birthday or not when she's in a bad mood.  And with most kids you can't talk them out of it, either.  


If Zoey had awakened in a sunny mood she might have loved the bear.  Luckily Will didn't give a crap one way or the other so no hurt feelings.  Zoey is so mercurial anyway (as evidenced by loving and then unloving every item in the store), she might adore it the next day.

  • Love 9

I'm happy to see the show back on the air. On a positive note, the kids' speech has improved dramatically and Zoe is much happier and more social than she was last season. On a snarky note, I think they're becoming kind of bratty. It's ridiculous the amount of time Bill, Jen and the grandparents spend pleading with the kids to put shoes on, get ready, go out to the car etc. I could see Jen was losing her patience but trying to hide it.

It'll be interesting to see how the rest of the season unfolds.

  • Love 3

I'm happy to see the show back on the air. On a positive note, the kids' speech has improved dramatically and Zoe is much happier and more social than she was last season. On a snarky note, I think they're becoming kind of bratty. It's ridiculous the amount of time Bill, Jen and the grandparents spend pleading with the kids to put shoes on, get ready, go out to the car etc. I could see Jen was losing her patience but trying to hide it.

It'll be interesting to see how the rest of the season unfolds.

I agree with a lot of this. She shouldn't have to be told more than twice (one warning, then the final instruction) to put her socks on, thank her brother for the bear, etc. It seemed like she was tired the morning of her birthday - I was always bratty on the day of my birthday party because of the over-excitement leading up to it - so maybe next year ease up on the expectations, or build rest-time into the morning. I might have told her she could nap in the car (with all the balloons, though, I doubt she would have napped). 


I also didn't see much interaction with all her "friends" - some of them gave her hugs, but they didn't seem to play with her. She spent most (camera time, at least) with her mother and brother and the "Ice Princess" while Bill kept talking about how all her friends were playing with her. Show, don't tell. 

  • Love 4

Well I was really shaking my head at this episode. I would have said that I thought just Jen is nuts until i saw them load the balloons into the car on top of the kids and proceed to drive to the hotel with the balloons all over the car! That was so stupid and dangerous, I couldnt believe that Bill actually agreed to that. They should have had her parents drive the balloons or the kids in a separate car. And Zoey is turning into a spoiled brat. I thought it was disgraceful how she threw the Teddy Bear from Will on the floor and Bill and Jen just made excuses and accepted that terrible behavior.  They really need to work with her and stop the excuses. They were told the day they met her in India that she was "moody". They are not doing that little girl any favors by indulging her every whim. Instead of saying to the princess something like you are pretty, all she said was she wants her dress, her shoes, etc. At least she said thank you at the end unless it was voiced over. I had higher hopes for this episode.

You know what, I was right there with you regarding Zoey and the Teddy. Then my Mom asked if I still had my firstborn's birthdays on CD. I was watching it (his 4th birthday) tonight and OMG, he was far worse than Zoey. He would even yell "I don't like this" before he heaved the present. My response is also on tape, and frankly, I was a bit of a bag. Thank goodness that was 25 years ago, and he has been a delight since he was 5.5 years old. It's like a different switch went on. Keep an eye on Zoey, I bet it will be the same. Kids have to be rude in order for us to correct it. We can't correct something we wouldn't anticipate.

  • Love 8

Ditto.  I was just grinning at all of the antics.


Isn't it just Murphy's Law that a kid would wake up on the wrong side of the bed on the day of her birthday?  You can't predict what a little one is going to be like at any given moment and as Jen pointed out, it really doesn't matter if it's her birthday or not when she's in a bad mood.  And with most kids you can't talk them out of it, either.  

Has anyone else had kids who, for whatever reason, get so overloaded on Christmas day that they end up in a time out by the afternoon? I remember many Christmases where I ended up in my room (soon to pass out) because I was a 'brat' to my parents or siblings. I even knew I was being horrible, but it was like I couldn't stop what came out of my mouth. After a nap, I was good to go. Watching Zoey trying to go to bed, instead of the party, was understandable.

  • Love 6

I did enjoy this episode and I agree with mostly all of your posts. Zoey seemed very bratty and was not corrected on her bad behavior even after she swung whatever she had in her had and hit Jen. Jen simply threatened with a timeout but of course no action was taken, this behavior needs to be addressed because it's just going to get worse and once Zoey is bigger than Jen it's going to be a loss cause. It also seems that the party may have gotten in the way of her nap time because she clearly stated to was sleepy and wanted a nap. I don't want to judge the price of this party, but when my sister got married and we reserved a room at a rather nice hotel similar looking as this one it was $7,000, but this was for 7 hours I believe and Zoey's party was 2 hours. But it was definately on the fancy side. I also can't believe how Jen has no common sense with all of her book sense, to buy all of those tea cups without even checking what goes into the decorating of them. She is truly dense in a lot of situations. I also think it was ridiculous to expect the kids to be ok with balloons in their faces the entire ride in the car and the back of the SUV was empty. To yell at them to stop pushing the balloons into the front seat because Baba was driving, that was just dumb IMO. The progress of the kids is great and I love to see it.

I noticed that Jen mentioned many times how Zoey just loves tea parties... etc. Yet they kept showing the 7 sec clip from the one and only 20 minute tea party. You would think there's a few more clips of tea parties, or is this really Jen who LOVES tea parties?

maybe that was the only one that was filmed but I do seem to remember Jen stating prior to getting Zoey that she loved having tea parties as a child so it's probably more for her, like everything seems to be.

I am sure because the cameras were rolling, Jen and Bill refrained from correcting Zoey.  All kids have moody days.  All in all, the kids have really come a long way.  Their speech has improved tremendously; they are more social, and seem happier.  Their parents are doing a great job!

why would the cameras stop them from correcting bad behavior? They have done it in the past and that is reality, hence a reality show. My mom said the same thing or possibly they had that part edited out, which I don't understand either.
  • Love 5

Maybe it's just me, but I thought tonight's show was dull. Same old thing. Jen organizing another over-produced party, expensive and elaborate, and for a child who's unlikely to remember one second of it. Don't families have plain old cake-and-ice cream parties anymore? I found myself wandering over to see what Frontline was covering. On a very positive note though, the progress the kids have made, especially with language, has been terrific - Will especially. I was worried about him, wondering if his very early severe malnutrition was going to be responsible for him missing some key developmental steps in China, ones that he'd never be able to make up here. But he really does seem to be doing very well - his speech pathologist has done a great job. Not to say that there won't or can't be other issues, but if all his progress continues along these lines, he should be fine.

  • Love 7

It was wonderful to see the family again. Loved seeing the kids decorate the cake and run in circles! And decorating the teacups, what fun. The balloons in the car, well I have been guilty of the same crime.

It was so nice to watch something that did not involve someone being murdered, shot, cheated on, drugs, drama, blahhhhh... I have had enough of that stuff. Seeing smiles and happiness makes me happy.

Can't wait for next week!

  • Love 12

Jen is really into extravagance and excess. I cant wait for her garage sale because these kids get presents for no reason constantly. The thing that bothered me most was Jen purchasing that rocking horse. Yes, her eyes lit up! Yes she liked it! You know she will never get on it again and it looked very pricey and will take up a lot of space. You dont have to buy everything a 4 year old points at and says Ooooh I like that! 


I know Jen makes a lot of money and enjoys buying stuff for the kids but there gets to a point where they just do not appreciate it. I sound like an old hag but I grew up in the 60s ad 70s and presents and toys were few and far between we really appreciated each one of them, kids these days! They get stuff and gifts non stop. They dont give a shit about party favors. that stuffed dog is gonna go into a pile and never be played with. It too much! This is why the bear didn't thrill her- she gets a present every single day, who cares?

I do say if my kid's party was being filmed I would be a total perfectionist about it too! Think about that you would want it to be perfect if the world was watching! It was at the St Regis a very nice hotel

  • Love 5

I noticed that Jen mentioned many times how Zoey just loves tea parties... etc. Yet they kept showing the 7 sec clip from the one and only 20 minute tea party. You would think there's a few more clips of tea parties, or is this really Jen who LOVES tea parties?


I give this a pass in that a) its entirely possible that Zoey loves tea parties and they just don't film every one and b) most parents encourage their kids to like what they like because frankly it's just easier.


To me, the birthday parties across the board are excessive but then I don't like the trend of extravagant "for the parents" parties and thats what these big 70 guest parties are. I was invited to a friend's kid's party recently and while there was extravagant kid stuff (a magician, a show, ponies) there was also a pretty extensive cocktail hour... Its not for the kids.

  • Love 8

@Jellybeans--I agree with you--I'll take cute and happy over murder and mayhem any day.   Will and Zoey are the luckiest and sweetest kids to have such loving and devoted parents.  I love it when Zoey gets excited and her voice just gets higher and higher.  And her conversations with the ice princess were golden--loved it when she was asked if she had a castle and she said "I have a home."  Almost brought tears to my old dry eyes!

  • Love 13

I noticed that Jen mentioned many times how Zoey just loves tea parties... etc. Yet they kept showing the 7 sec clip from the one and only 20 minute tea party. You would think there's a few more clips of tea parties, or is this really Jen who LOVES tea parties?

They don't film their lives daily.  I'm sure Zoey has plenty of tea parties. 


That was the best looking real life Elsa that I've ever seen.  The party was adorable!  I didn't think it was too over the top.  The location was nice and they likely would have had to rent out somewhere for all those people so this hotel might have just been the best "all inclusive" option.  They probably planned the entire thing for Jen and just gave her a bill to pay.  We all know that Zoey doesn't have that many friends but maybe Jen just invites her entire "class" or daycare so everyone is included. 

  • Love 7

I, too, can't get over the progress of William's speech. I liked how he still used "her" instead of "she" sometimes. I know he needs to learn the correct usage, but I still love to hear a little one talk this way. I'm sure we all have memories of when our kids were little & talked this way.

I loved Will at Build A Bear. Being a typical kid, he had to look over the snacks at the checkout. When he grabbed the undies first & told the sales girl "you need to start with these" was priceless. Then he added the "No Pee pee in her pants" when they were dressing the bear. It was so nice when he said he would let Zoey name the bear.

I am also guilty of driving with balloons that way. I thought it was a bit monotonous showing them getting out the door to the party but thought it could be producer driven. I agree with Jellybeans, it was nice watching something happy for a change.

  • Love 11

I’m so glad this show is back. I enjoyed every moment of this episode, smiling, “awww-ing” or laughing out loud.  Just to see the children’s amazing progress was worth the price of admission. It’s hard to believe these are the same children we first met only two years ago. I give due credit to Will’s speech therapy sessions, but I think it’s also that Will and Zoey have two parents who fully engage with them in their daily life, talking to them, reading to them and exposing them to all manner of stimulating activities. In addition, they also engage with their grandparents, classmates, probably television crew and each other as siblings close in age.


I also particularly enjoyed seeing the kids running around excitedly in the hotel party room and I, too, thought Zoey’s serious conversations with the princess were so sweet:


Zoey: “Will you come to my castle?”
Princess: “Do you have a castle?”
Zoey: “I don’t know…. umm, no, but I have a home.”


My laugh-out-loud moments were with Will and Bill at the Build-a-Bear shop. Will knew exactly how he wanted that bear to look, from the necessary underwear, lol, to the chic sunglasses, yet he thoughtfully wanted Zoey to name the bear. Hopefully, they will put the bear away for the time when Zoey will really appreciate how her brother chose and dressed that bear for her. Incidentally, I thought the young woman at the bear shop and the princess were great with the kids. I enjoyed their interactions.


As far as their kids’ naughty moments, I’m sure they’ll be fine in the long run. They’re affectionate and are learning good manners so I don’t think they’ll be allowed to run wild or develop into delinquents or serial killers.  As always, I found the show to be fun and heartwarming, probably because this is one show that I watch with an open heart and an open mind.

  • Love 15

Maybe it's just me, but I thought tonight's show was dull. Same old thing. Jen organizing another over-produced party, expensive and elaborate, and for a child who's unlikely to remember one second of it. Don't families have plain old cake-and-ice cream parties anymore?

I agree, while I'm 48, I can't tell you how many wonderful parties my parents gave me.  I have a twin brother and 2 younger siblings and my parents did NOT have money, but they always managed to give us a nice birthday party at home with our neighborhood/school friends.  At that time, you "dressed" for a party.  Girls with party dresses and boys with nice button-down shirts and everyone brought a present.  My mom baked our cakes and decorated them with jelly beans and whatever candy she had and we had a BLAST.    


Things are so different now.  All my friends have these huge elaborate parties for their kids.  Just way over the top.


Anyway -- I liked the show.  Will's speech is getting so much better and he truly cares for his sister.   Zoey - i'll be honest, seems very bratty to me.

  • Love 5

Adoptive mom here.  Please remember these kids have experienced trauma, abandonment, malnutrition, etc.  It doesn't just magically go away when they have a birthday.  Kids that live in orphanages have their emotional/mental/physical growth stunted.  It takes them much longer (in some cases if ever) to be age-appropriate in language, emotional maturity, etc.  So yes Zoey is 4 and Will is almost 6, but they are much younger in many aspects.  I saw Zoey's behavior very normal - typical for a toddler.  This too will pass.


As with all these toddler birthday parties, its more for the parents than the kid(s).  The whole tea party theme was definitely Jen's idea.  I dont believe that Zoey is much into it, but I think its more of Jen trying to relive a part of her childhood who may or may not have that experience herself.


Now about the show...it really needs to be 30 mins vs hour.  Like last year simple events are artificially drawn out to where it becomes a bit boring. However, I will take the "boring" over shows like The Duggars any day.

  • Love 12

Now about the show...it really needs to be 30 mins vs hour. Like last year simple events are artificially drawn out to where it becomes a bit boring. However, I will take the "boring" over shows like The Duggars any day.

This^^^^. While I genuinely like this family, I agree the scenes have become way too drawn out and overdone. For example, did we really need fifteen minutes of Bill and Jen hashing out party details? We're talking about a birthday for a four year-old where the venue did most of the legwork, not a State Dinner at the White House.

I agree that a boring Klein day beats a shitshow Duggar year by leaps and bounds, they just need to condense the footage down a little or I think casual viewers will lose interest.

  • Love 5

It was great seeing how much the children had grown and matured.  The one thing that keeps bugging me is that Will is not potty-trained yet.  It was obvious that he was wearing a diaper.  He is definitely smart enough to know how to tell his parents when he has to potty.  And to be honest, Zoey is too.


I don't know if it's laziness on the parents part or stubbornness on the children's part.  On the show "My Little Family", they showed Michelle potty-training the twins when they were like 2 and half.


That's really my only beef with this show.  I've loved it from the beginning when no children were in the picture and I still love it today.  I just wish Jen and Bill would teach the children that they can't have everything they want, that they cannot walk into a store and just start pulling stuff off of shelves and start playing.  They need to be taught "don't touch" early in life.


But I can tell that they love being parents and I hope the day comes when both Will and Zoey will understand the sacrifice that Bill and Jen made in order to bring them both into their family circle.

This^^^^. While I genuinely like this family, I agree the scenes have become way too drawn out and overdone. For example, did we really need fifteen minutes of Bill and Jen hashing out party details? We're talking about a birthday for a four year-old where the venue did most of the legwork, not a State Dinner at the White House.

I agree that a boring Klein day beats a shitshow Duggar year by leaps and bounds, they just need to condense the footage down a little or I think casual viewers will lose interest.

I agree; 30 minutes of the kids doing things that kids do would be perfect!

It was great seeing how much the children had grown and matured.  The one thing that keeps bugging me is that Will is not potty-trained yet.  It was obvious that he was wearing a diaper.  He is definitely smart enough to know how to tell his parents when he has to potty.  And to be honest, Zoey is too.


I don't know if it's laziness on the parents part or stubbornness on the children's part.  On the show "My Little Family", they showed Michelle potty-training the twins when they were like 2 and half.


That's really my only beef with this show.  I've loved it from the beginning when no children were in the picture and I still love it today.  I just wish Jen and Bill would teach the children that they can't have everything they want, that they cannot walk into a store and just start pulling stuff off of shelves and start playing.  They need to be taught "don't touch" early in life.


But I can tell that they love being parents and I hope the day comes when both Will and Zoey will understand the sacrifice that Bill and Jen made in order to bring them both into their family circle.

I would be so stunned I would fall over if laziness were the reason. And I'm pretty certain they know how to get Will to comply, so if he's wearing a diaper, it is something else. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 7

Thanks, PJ123, for your insight as an adoptive mom. If these kids were raised from birth by the Arnold-Kleins then I might be more inclined to be slightly critical of their development.  However, neither were infants at adoption and both were ESL upon arriving in the US.  Throw in Will's hearing issues and I think that they are doing very well under the circumstances.  


Give me Will's giggle any day of the week and I will instantly feel better!  That is one happy kid.


Bonus:  Bill's sense of humor. I think he's a hoot.

  • Love 11


On a snarky note, I think they're becoming kind of bratty. It's ridiculous the amount of time Bill, Jen and the grandparents spend pleading with the kids to put shoes on, get ready, go out to the car etc. I could see Jen was losing her patience but trying to hide it.

I was a nanny when I was in college and some days it took forever to get two small children out the door. Some days were easier than others, but the time spent looking for particular shoes, wanting to wear matching shoes, one getting distracted, getting all the various winter clothes on, and other situations could take awhile. Sometimes they would have to be asked repeatedly to get their shoes on, and other times they would get ready with ease. 



From my perspective, Bill and Jenn are wonderful parents and the children are progressing beautifully.  I enjoy this show and can find nothing wrong with the way they are being raised.  I guess that's just me.........lol

 I am with you. Everyone parents differently. I see fairly typical kids. Sometimes they are sweet and sometimes bratty. I know I was. I was not a polite angel all the time. I was the only girl and the youngest. I knew how to work that angle. I knew if I could cry I could generally get my brothers in trouble. Most of my aim was directed at my brothers, but I could be bratty to my parents too, well into my teens. None of it was an every day occurrence. I got warnings and my parents saying my full name in a warning tone. Not everything was time outs all the time.


I admit to finding the Jen and Bill going over party plans scene funny. Bill and the poisonous pens made me laugh. Him cleaning while Jen was talking about the party. They seemed to good naturally tease each other. I thought it was fun to watch.


I thought it was funny when Zoey pulled Will's gift of a bear out of the box and threw it on the floor. 


I am not guilty of driving my car with balloons in it, but I have moved to college with a car full of stuff where I cannot see out of my back window. I also, moved from Michigan to Chicago in the same manor. 

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 5

It's so nice to see the kids progressing so rapidly.  I'm not one of those people who likes kids.  Not even a little bit.  There's something different about Zoey though.  I can't get enough of her.  Even when she's naughty...especially when she's naughty, she's too cute for words.  When she's moody and stomping about, it just kills me.  Love it!


This show could be a 3 hour show, and I would sit and watch the entire thing.  Even if every show was a birthday party show.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 13

I noticed that Will's behavior toward Jen has really improved.  He is openly affectionate with her and they seem to have bonded very strongly.  We have to hope that Zoey will outgrow her moodiness and bad behavior as well!


I think Zoey is very likely to be permanently moody, just the way Will seems to be permanently open and up-for-anything. Th nannies at the Indian orphanage used that exact word - moody - to describe her. Much of the Chinese foster home footage of Will shows a very happy, outgoing little guy as well. Exhibiting the same behaviors at age 4 and 5 that were visible at 1 and 2 is a strong indicator that the behavior is the child's natural inclination. IMO, it's up to Bill and Jen to learn to cope and curb Zoey's moodiness, and not for nothing, but they'll be making a major mistake if they wait until she outgrows her cuteness to do it. And she WILL outgrow her cuteness.

  • Love 2

Initial impression this season says that Princess Zoey has changed for the worse. I want this, I want that and Jen and her Mom and Bill just say OK. Only Jen's dad seemed concerned.

Zoey was a damaged child from childbirth. Even the orphanage warned them DAY ONE. After they came back to the US, Bill indicated they had some sort of professional therapy and I hope it is ongoing because this little girl is struggling. Throwing parties that cost $58 per person at the St Regis is not the answer. Maybe for Jen..but not for Zoey.

Will seems to have improved so much with his family relationships and that is a good thing.

  • Love 3

Throwing parties that cost $58 per person at the St Regis is not the answer. Maybe for Jen..but not for Zoey.


My small point of disagreement is that if there's a genuine problem with Zoey (I don't think she is "a damaged child from childbirth", I don't think birth damage has ever been mentioned, but she does have a deprived past) then she has two involved parents, neither of whom put up a protest over the lavish party. I also think, despite the cute smiles, that Will's behavior wasn't exactly super awesome and Bill did as Bill always does, he laughed and encouraged it. The kids have two parents. I don't even get a *whiff* of a hint that Bill disagrees with Jen on anything to do with raising the kids and if he's whipped, he owns damaging his daughter by not standing up to his wife... However, I didn't get the impression that Bill was against the 58 per person party at the St Regis at all.


I suspect, based on how relatively behaved the kids are, that they're starting to suss out that Mom and Dad aren't as strict when the cameras are there.

  • Love 3

Wasn't Zoey adorable when she found the little piano at Berings?  Her "come here, come here, come here!" got higher and higher until she was almost squealing with excitement.  I'm glad I wasn't there as her mom, I would've bought her everything in the store.  

I didn't notice the name of the toy store. Since it was on camera, that means everything (or most everything) they bought at that store was compted. The same for the party at the St. Regis Hotel, and Build-A-Bear (which I don't think they verbally named, but showed all the signage for it - and Bill talking about every single component of the bear's costume was an awesome TV commercial. And I don't know if BAB even has commercials!) Ice Princess didn't have any identifying information on screen, that I could see, but I'll bet her bookings increase anyway. 

  • Love 2


Initial impression this season says that Princess Zoey has changed for the worse. I want this, I want that and Jen and her Mom and Bill just say OK. Only Jen's dad seemed concerned.

I did not think too much of her "I want this" while in the store. My nieces would do the same thing. They never expected for me or anyone else to buy it for them that second, but they just liked pointed it out. If you put me in the Barbie aisle in a store when I was younger I would point out how I wanted it all too. 


I do not remember, but in what month is Zoey's birthday? Does this show typically film at the same time each year? I am drawing a blank and so many episodes are running together in my head, but didn't last season also start with Zoey's birthday?

Edited by Misslindsey

I did not think too much of her "I want this" while in the store. My nieces would do the same thing. They never expected for me or anyone else to buy it for them that second, but they just liked pointed it out. If you put me in the Barbie aisle in a store when I was younger I would point out how I wanted it all too.

I do not remember, but in what month is Zoey's birthday? Does this show typically film at the same time each year? I am drawing a blank and so many episodes are running together in my head, but didn't last season also start with Zoey's birthday?

Cousin Amy: The name of the toy store--did you mean the store Jen, Judy, & Zoey went to for the stuffed animal favors, etc.--was Berings. Jen & Bill each mentioned it in their voiceovers/talking heads for the ep. And they both said it was actually a "hardware" store; Jen said, though, it had a lot of other stuff, ladies' purses & such, besides normal "hardware store" stuff. Which is probably why Jen could find the animals & other stuff for the party favors, & why Zoey found the rocking horse, there.

Misslindsey: The hotel's daily events board they showed onscreen, which mentioned Zoey's party & had her pic on it, had the date Sunday, September 27th on it. So if that isn't Zoey's exact birthday, it's at least probably close to it (& they held the party on an alternate, but close, date probably to accommodate Zoey's friends & their parents--like they mentioned they did with Will's fifth birthday party at the science center, in the ep about Will's fifth birthday party--perhaps because the actual day of the week Zoey's birthday was on in 2015 was a weekday & bad because of the kids' school, parents' work, & other activities).

Edited by BW Manilowe
  • Love 1

I'm so glad to see this family back. 


Will and Zoey have such a special bond.  Love that she calls him William and Will is just so sweet with her. 


Along with the kids cuteness, Bill just cracks me up.  All the reactions of Jen and Bill talking about the party to one another was funny.  I have such a big crush on that little man. 

  • Love 5

I didn't notice the name of the toy store. Since it was on camera, that means everything (or most everything) they bought at that store was compted. The same for the party at the St. Regis Hotel, and Build-A-Bear (which I don't think they verbally named, but showed all the signage for it - and Bill talking about every single component of the bear's costume was an awesome TV commercial. And I don't know if BAB even has commercials!) Ice Princess didn't have any identifying information on screen, that I could see, but I'll bet her bookings increase anyway. 

It seems to me they give us only small peeks into their private lives at home. When they are taping Will and Zoey, they are mostly out in a public situation. The film crew is there, but it is kind of like a massive equivalent of a big family taking videos -- from a child's perspective. So Will and Zoey sort of play a role in a public place and that takes up a huge amount of the filming of them. It doesn't appear they have their home filled with cameras and sound people and directors surrounding the children week-after-week, hour-after-hour as some families have done. 

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