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I'm pretty sure he'll be returning in Spring, because my personal feeling is that Amy will write and direct the premiere and finale and Dan will do the middle two episodes.


Good point. I suppose Jess could be in multiple episodes, but one episode would suffice if all the character is doing is checking in, essentially.

Edited by Eyes High
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Sutton playing Hopie's daughter would be awesome! I always wanted to know more about Hopie and Emily's family and upbringing.


I did have a really scary, twisted thought when I thought of how Lauren and Sutton looked like relations that the scary, twisted idea crossed ASP's mind to make them (gulp) half sister's through an affair Richard had long ago. I probably shouldn't have even wrote that one out, but I really would hope ASP couldn't be that cruel and unusual.

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Sutton playing Hopie's daughter would be awesome! I always wanted to know more about Hopie and Emily's family and upbringing.

I did have a really scary, twisted thought when I thought of how Lauren and Sutton looked like relations that the scary, twisted idea crossed ASP's mind to make them (gulp) half sister's through an affair Richard had long ago. I probably shouldn't have

even wrote that one out, but I really would hope ASP couldn't be that cruel and unusual.

Ha. Maybe Pennilyn Lott will make an appearance.

But I doubt even ASP would do that given the circumstances of Ed Hermann's absence.

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Good point. I suppose Jess could be in multiple episodes, but one episode would suffice if all the character is doing is checking in, essentially.

I read elsewhere that they are filming in blocks and when the actors they need are available. So Jess could be in all the episodes or just one we won't know, because today he could of been filming a scene from "Summer" with the actors that needed to be in that scene as well. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I read elsewhere that they are filming in blocks and when the actors they need are available. So Jess could be in all the episodes or just one we won't know, because today he could of been filming a scene from "Summer" with the actors that needed to be in that scene as well. 


Without knowing any more about it other than Logan and Jess are back, I imagine the writers will try to seek a balance between giving Rory some sort of ongoing romantic entanglement--because Heaven forbid that Rory be deprived of romantic attention--and letting Rory boy drama eat the series. I suspect that at the end of the revival series, she'll wind up with some sort of promising relationship with one of her past boyfriends, as unrealistic as it is, rather than ending up single (unthinkable!), or introducing someone new as an "endgame" prospect for her. However, I hope that the writers can accomplish it without any kind of love triangle tediousness or similar nonsense.

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I agree, especially something like this being 90 minute episodes that are set in the following order: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. Plus, it sounds like they are all being filmed back to back. So, Milo can be in the end of Spring (Episode 1) and then show up more front and center in Summer (Episode 2). I know there were rumors that Jared might show up since SuperNatural is in question of returning in the fall and I could see AS-P wanting to snatch him up like she always did and put him in Summer briefly before having him show up in Fall (episode 3). One thing about shows that stream like this on Netflix or Amazon. They film on a regular basis with no breaks and sometimes they will film all of the scenes for an actor with another actor because they can't be around during other filming time. Hence they are finished with everything in 3 months instead of spread across an 8 month schedule like other TV or Cable series. 

  However, I want the characters like Jess, Logan or even April showing up for character and plot reasons and not just because they are free and need a paycheck. As we know how that turns out. 

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The episodes are ordered - Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall .... like the lyrics in the Carol King song You've Got A Friend

Of course shooting order may well be completely different but from what I've heard the episodes will air in that order!

Thanks for clarifying the episode order.

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So now Dean and Christopher are confirmed as well...which I'm sure will garner a very mixed reaction :) Putting aside how much I do or don't like some of these characters, I'm starting to agree with the poster who wondered whether shoving pretty much everyone into these four episodes will start to give the show an overstuffed, self-conscious and pandering feel, but I'm trying to be optimistic! 

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I'm actually ok with people coming back, but as long as it isn't one of those awkward "hey long time no see! Good to see you! Bye!" type of things. And also not a "OMG I still love you. I'll be here for a few minutes in this episode and then leave and none of this makes sense what a waste of time sorry."


People like Chris, Jess, and April (actress not confirmed or anything) being in it makes sense. Chris is Rory's dad. Jess is Luke's nephew. April is Luke's daughter. It'd actually be odd to me if, in the year this takes place, they don't show up.

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We all pretty much figured that Chris would be back. There was no way Rory's father wouldn't be on the show since AS-P loved writing the character so much and Sutcliff is pretty free. I figured we would find out what happened to Dean. AS-P before said she felt she didn't really give the character a good send off and believe it or not, you have to wonder what happened to him over the last 10 years. Did Dean get his life together? Did he go back to school? Did he remarry? Did he have kids? Plus, as I said, there isn't much talk if Supernatural is coming back in the fall and if it does, might be the end after almost 12 years. A major long run for any series, especially for the CW. 

  I guess we will find out if Sookie and Jackson will return or not, their appearance makes the most sense but with Melissa McCarthy doing more movies, its hard to tell since Mike and Molly has finished its final season filming and will air in a couple of months. Yet, with Ghostbusters and a few other things coming up soon for Melissa. Outside a Skype call, she might not be as free as Weil is. Of course that leaves April too, both Switch at Birth and GG film in LA. Plus, I think SB just wrapped up filming of the current season. So, I think April will show up. If not, at least in Spring or Summer episodes since April would be in College now. Come see her dad over break or during the summer. 

Edited by readster
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Aw, yeah! Dean was always my favorite--maybe because I was already in my 30s when the show aired. Season 1 Dean was that perfect first love that can't last, but you remember fondly. He did get petulant later, but I found that realistic for a teenage boy who senses he's losing his girlfriend.

Of course, I think it helps that he reminds me of my first boyfriend, who I broke up with for a Jess. Except my Jess didn't mature into someone cool. ;) Anyway, I've always wondered how things turned out for Dean!

Edited by lizzbert
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I was older when I first watched the show as well, but Dean was never a perfect boyfriend to me :) 


I figured we would find out what happened to Dean. AS-P before said she felt she didn't really give the character a good send off and believe it or not, you have to wonder what happened to him over the last 10 years. Did Dean get his life together? Did he go back to school? Did he remarry? Did he have kids? P


My totally unfounded guess is that he'll pop up just long enough to assure Rory (and viewers) that he's happy, holds no grudges against Rory--- who he (and all other men!) will always think is one of the most wonderful people on the planet---and to wish her well. 

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Much like MV, David Sutcliffe broadly hinted he'd be back on social media before the actual announcement. I'm curious to see what Christopher's up to.


Yay for Dean coming back! We're three for three!


My totally unfounded guess is that he'll pop up just long enough to assure Rory (and viewers) that he's happy, holds no grudges against Rory--- who he (and all other men!) will always think is one of the most wonderful people on the planet---and to wish her well.


Nailed it...I think, no spoilers here.

Edited by Eyes High
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Im glad for Dean coming back too. I hope they leave him in a better place than where they left him. I always enjoyed Season 1 Dean a lot.


Surprising that Jared could fit this into his schedule with SPN filming as well.


Without any spoilers or inside knowledge on this point, I can see it playing out pretty quickly along the lines of what amensisterfriend suggested. Dean runs into Rory in SH, is chatty and friendly, invites Rory for coffee or lunch. Rory agonizes about whether or not to go to lunch, worries about Dean making overtures or dramatically turning the tables to excoriate her for ruining his life, etc. etc., but finally sucks it up and goes. Rather than making a pass at her, Dean expresses regret about not clearing the air sooner, talks about how happy he is now, shows her pictures of his girlfriend/wife and kids, blah blah blah. Rory is relieved and happy to leave things with Dean on a positive note...and scene. (Bonus points for any Supernatural references.) You would need one episode, tops.

Edited by Eyes High
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Without any spoilers or inside knowledge on this point, I can see it playing out pretty quickly along the lines of what amensisterfriend suggested. Dean runs into Rory in SH, is chatty and friendly, invites Rory for coffee or lunch. Rory agonizes about whether or not to go to lunch, worries about Dean making overtures or dramatically turning the tables to excoriate her for ruining his life, etc. etc., but finally sucks it up and goes. Rather than making a pass at her, Dean expresses regret about not clearing the air sooner, talks about how happy he is now, shows her pictures of his girlfriend/wife and kids, blah blah blah. Rory is relieved and happy to leave things with Dean on a positive note...and scene. (Bonus points for any Supernatural references.) You would need one episode, tops.

This is exactly what I want to see for Dean (and Logan as well). Just a few short scenes to assure the viewers and Rory that they are living happy, productive lives. Bonus points if Rory thinks one or both is trying to come on to her and gets a little humble pie when she realizes they definitely aren't.

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This is exactly what I want to see for Dean (and Logan as well). Just a few short scenes to assure the viewers and Rory that they are living happy, productive lives. Bonus points if Rory thinks one or both is trying to come on to her and gets a little humble pie when she realizes they definitely aren't.


DEAN: Wait, you thought I wanted to get back together with you?

RORY: Kind of, I didn't know what to thi--


RORY: I realize in hindsight that it sounds kind of ridi--


RORY: Okay, okay. Jesus Christ.


Michael Ausiello at TVLine.com has just posted an interview with Milo Ventimiglia. He confirms that he'll be in THREE episodes: "more than two, less than four." 


Also of interest to the whole endgame speculation:




TVLINE | What can you say about where Jess is in his life when we pick back up?

I was trying to recall where we left off with him. I think he was starting his own press in Philadelphia. He had written a book. And he was trying to re-inspire Rory into going back to her roots. Not much has changed in Jess’ world since then. Jess might’ve been a pain in the ass when he first got to Stars Hollow, but he grew up and became a pretty decent guy. So it’s kind of a continuation of that with Jess. [bold mine]


Yay for decent Jess!

Edited by Eyes High
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Gilmore Guys confirmed that Danny Strong as Doyle is coming back.


Updated List:


Confirmed: Lorelai, Luke, Rory, Emily, Paris, Lane, Michel, Gypsy, Miss Patty, Kirk, Caesar, Christopher, Finn, Logan, Jess, Dean, Andrew, Town Troubadour, Miss Patty, Babette, Taylor, Doyle, Sutton Foster as unknown character


Most Likely Out: Sookie, Liz

No Official Confirmation/Unknown: April, Anna, Gigi, TJ, Colin, Jackson, Zach, Gil, Brian

Edited by stopthestatic
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DEAN: Wait, you thought I wanted to get back together with you?

RORY: Kind of, I didn't know what to thi--


RORY: I realize in hindsight that it sounds kind of ridi--


RORY: Okay, okay. Jesus Christ.


From your keyboard to ASP's eyes, this would be awesome to see. On a similar note, here's how I envision Rory's potential meetup with Logan:


(Rory approaches the front door of Logan's house. She's expecting to be bored with this evening; after all, Logan invited all his idiot college buddies to this little gathering. It wasn't hard to imagine that they all behaved like the same immature fratboys, even after all these years. Hopefully Logan didn't expect to reconcile with her. She knocks on the door).

Logan: Hey Ace! Great that you can make it. Hey, sweetie, come and meet Rory! Ace, this is my lovely wife!

Rory: You're married?!

Wife: Pleased to meet you Rory! I've heard nothing but good things. Come in, come in, the kids want to meet you too.

Rory: Kids?!

Logan: Yup, and Colin and Finn brought they're little boy to, so it is a full house tonight. Just as old married folks to entertain you tonight.

(Rory, a little dazed, walks in with them).

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I'm glad Dean is coming back. He left in such a terrible place that I think Rory could run into him in Stars Hollow and they do the " how are you, how's life?" conversations that you have with people you haven't seen in years. I hope he's doing well and moved on. Excited for all the people that have said yes. I just realized there's Lane and no Zack. That seems odd but I guess that could be explained away.

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There also appear to be some "TBA"s in the mix.


You guys, I totally know who the TBAs are! It'll be Tristan, who's still hung up on Rory. And Marty, who's still hung up on Rory. And that guy from the Yale laundry room, who turned down Rory's offer of coffee because he didn't feel he was worthy of her but has secretly always been hung up on Rory and still is. And... 


(Just kidding...I hope!!!) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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Gilmore Guys confirmed that Danny Strong as Doyle is coming back.


Updated List:


Confirmed: Lorelai, Luke, Rory, Emily, Paris, Lane, Michel, Gypsy, Miss Patty, Kirk, Caesar, Christopher, Finn, Logan, Jess, Dean, Andrew, Town Troubadour, Miss Patty, Babette, Taylor, Doyle, Sutton Foster as unknown character


Most Likely Out: Sookie, Liz

No Official Confirmation/Unknown: April, Anna, Gigi, TJ, Colin, Jackson, Zach, Gil, Brian


 Actually, Liz was confirmed in at least the first episode, after that we don't know. April is really the big question considering her involvement and the use of her in the last two seasons. Not seeing Anna, Colin or Gigi or Brian is fine by me. I be very shocked if Zach wasn't there, especially considering the actor just floats from project to project according to IMDB. Gil is really a good question considering Sebastian Bach's schedule, but hey if Weil and Jared can do it, why not Gil?

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Taylor, Babette and Miss Patty are listed on the script picture Milo tweeted out. People colour-edited the image to see what was on the next page.


Ha! How very CIA.

Edited by lulu1960
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I'm glad Dean will be back, even if it's just for a quick moment. I can totally see him as maybe like the on hand fixer handyman guy for the Dragonfly or something along those lines. Maybe dating a girl with a personality.

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I basically hate Dean, the rare times I think about him.  But I'm glad he's coming back.  He's one of the few main characters you couldn't really explain away, because I don't see him EVER leaving Stars Hollow.

I don't like Dean at all. I think he was a jerk to Rory quite a few times but if they just check in with him, that's fine. I just don't want Rory to get back with him in a romantic sense. 

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I just don't want Rory to get back with him in a romantic sense. 

Small danger of that, I think. I do think she'll end up with one of her exes, and I think she might have a potential near miss with one of them as well, but I doubt either will be Dean. If I had to guess at this point...


Endgame: Jess (based on the number of episodes, although to be fair we don't know how many episodes will feature Logan)

Near miss (ill-advised kiss they agree they regret, drunken one-night stand, whatever): Logan

Happily partnered/married: Dean


Is Jess staying in SH for an extended period in the revival? It's hard to believe Luke, Rory, etc. would be traveling to Philly in three separate episodes.


I gotta say, if Jess is Rory's endgame, I have to applaud AB for being willing to play a romance with MV given how awful their breakup was rumoured to be.

Edited by Eyes High
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If Jess and Rory do end up partnered up for good by the end of the revival, I wonder if Milo and Rory can still generate believable chemistry. I assumed the big reason they had it in the first place was because they were dating irl, since Alexis was so weak in faking attraction to her other male romantic costars.

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Without any spoilers or inside knowledge on this point, I can see it playing out pretty quickly along the lines of what amensisterfriend suggested. Dean runs into Rory in SH, is chatty and friendly, invites Rory for coffee or lunch. Rory agonizes about whether or not to go to lunch, worries about Dean making overtures or dramatically turning the tables to excoriate her for ruining his life, etc. etc., but finally sucks it up and goes. Rather than making a pass at her, Dean expresses regret about not clearing the air sooner, talks about how happy he is now, shows her pictures of his girlfriend/wife and kids, blah blah blah. Rory is relieved and happy to leave things with Dean on a positive note...and scene. (Bonus points for any Supernatural references.) You would need one episode, tops.

I don't want Dean and Rory together in a romantic sense, but honestly I would be very disappointed if something like this scenario played out. For all the brouhaha over signing all of Rory's exes, it'd be nice if they could all be in more than one scene. And I'd like to see at least some kind of development for the characters during the course of the new episodes. Otherwise what's the point in bringing them back? If the whole point of bringing Jared Padalecki back is one scene so Dean can update Rory on his married life, then we can just that information from Miss Patty or something like that.


I'm thrilled that Danny Strong will be back. 

Edited by Minneapple
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Dean had no definition or development for his entire time on the show. Why would they waste time on striving to develop his character or giving him a real storyline during this limited four-episode revival?

I think he did have definition. As for why they'd give him a storyline, what's the point otherwise?

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DEAN: Wait, you thought I wanted to get back together with you?

RORY: Kind of, I didn't know what to thi--


RORY: I realize in hindsight that it sounds kind of ridi--


RORY: Okay, okay. Jesus Christ.


Michael Ausiello at TVLine.com has just posted an interview with Milo Ventimiglia. He confirms that he'll be in THREE episodes: "more than two, less than four." 


Also of interest to the whole endgame speculation:





Yay for decent Jess!

I liked decent Jess. I'm glad he'll  be back.


Wasn't Dean from Chicago? Since he would fly out to visit family, maybe they gave him more to do out of town. Or he could be running the store. I don't know how old Taylor was supposed to be, he wasn't that old, so maybe not. 

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Wasn't Dean from Chicago? Since he would fly out to visit family, maybe they gave him more to do out of town. Or he could be running the store. I don't know how old Taylor was supposed to be, he wasn't that old, so maybe not.

I for some reason can't see Taylor ever retiring. And when he finally does it would be a huge thing and he'll make the town do something ridiculous like build a statue of him lol.


I don't really like Dean, and was disappointed to see he is coming back. I really hope he is just in a few town scenes, and not overall important to the story. And defiantly not with Rory.

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