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S31.E14: Lie, Cheat, And Steal / S31.E15: Live Reunion

Tara Ariano

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Add Kelley and Ciera and that should be everybody. Well unless survivor has a winner's season

We've got Kelley twice and Joe not all, so correct that oversight and I agree! Though Jeremy may be one of the winners with no desire to play again, I think.

Edited by innocuouspuff
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Whether it was a good move or not it was not "bullying". I hate they way that word is misused and overused.

What next, is an alliance of 5 going to be labeled "bullies" for voting out the other 4.



We'll have to agree to disagree.

I know the way Spencer did it felt like bullying to me. Yes Spencer is trying to save his alliance but it came out completely yuck.


  • Love 4

We'll have to agree to disagree.

I know the way Spencer did it felt like bullying to me. Yes Spencer is trying to save his alliance but it came out completely yuck.



Jeremy let Spencer dig that hole for himself.  He knew he now had a legitimate out to vote Kelley out (even though I believe he planned to all along) but that could have been his defense.  Spencer obviously got too big for his britches and really believed he was going to win, or that that moment was going to come back and bite him.  What did he say, he knew after the last TC he had no chance of winning?  Or was it when he was watching at home?

Jeremy let Spencer dig that hole for himself.  He knew he now had a legitimate out to vote Kelley out (even though I believe he planned to all along) but that could have been his defense.  Spencer obviously got too big for his britches and really believed he was going to win, or that that moment was going to come back and bite him.  What did he say, he knew after the last TC he had no chance of winning?  Or was it when he was watching at home?


He said he stopped watching at home. 

But I think Spencer knew that at that moment whatever chance he had had to be gone. like. EVERYONE in the Jury was all like :o about it, and Andrew even commented on it - that's not something you do in front of the Jury.


and my thing would be. If Spencer didn't have immunity and it had been Keith or someone would he have been that up front of it, or would he have been more smooth talky about it. I say more smooth talky. 

  • Love 2

Whether it was a good move or not it was not "bullying". I hate they way that word is misused and overused.

What next, is an alliance of 5 going to be labeled "bullies" for voting out the other 4.


I think the bullying comments came from how aggressively Spencer made his case, particularly the Final 4 vote where he basically all but threatened Jeremy that if he didn't take him to the end and brought Wentworth instead, he'd do everything in his power to make sure she won. Spencer played that VERY badly and I think he realized it afterwards.


He let himself get scared and just over-sold his argument when all he had to do was say all the ways Kelly was a strong threat and dangerous to bring to the end and be done with it. For the record, I disagree that he was a bully but yeah I think that's what the jury was talking about and it was less about him voting someone out because they all they did. 

  • Love 11

Brain/Brawn/Beauty again?

also. Show - wow. usually when they show all the shock and drama, it's generally not a good season.


Am nervous.


Yep.  I half worried that season tanked, which is why they did this one first instead of pushing it back to the spring.  After the disaster that was World's Apart I don't think they would want two horrible seasons back to back.  WA was one of a kind bad.

  • Love 2

Fucking Jeff.


Edit:  It's because nobody ever addressed Jeremy and how masterful of a game he played.  Spencer kind of touched on it, Jeremy KIND OF touched on it when Stephen talked about how obsessed he is with Joe, but I wanted it explicitly stated dammit.


Whatever, my man won and I'm getting greedy .  Sorry y'all!


Jeremy absolutely made the right decision in picking Spencer over Kelley.  Kelley was his biggest threat all along.  (I swear, not just hindsight.  I was taking notes through the whole thing.)  This whole game was Kelley versus Jeremy and I've been saying that for weeks ever since J&K started finding idols!!!!!   See the Winner's Edit thread. So glad the jury heartily agreed with me.  They're smarter than they let on.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 9

Were Kass and Wigglesworth the only jury members ignored at the reunion?


You forgot Jeremy and Woo.  I know this because I like them.  Don't really care about the rest.  


Redhead, my lust is already ramped up to 100% dammit!


like what was Wiglesworth's number


Jeremy:  "2"

Tasha:  "3"

Spencer:  "4"


Tasha and Spencer basically admitting they follow Jeremy and are his zombies ; )




The way Jeremy said "she hurt my feelings" was adorable. I'm sure that's not what he was going for, but here we are.


He is a woman's man, in a man's man's body.  I'm getting really gushy now

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 6

I was shocked Kass was. Really, this reunion did not go how I expected it to. I figured Wigles would be ignored, but I thought Jeff would at least acknowledge her of all people.

Speaking of Wigglesworth did she really vote based on a random number between 1 and 10? If so she is a jackass.

Spencer, Jeremy and Tasha should have all chosen the same number.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 5

While I don't know if I'd dub it a "classic," but S31 was memorable. Jeremy got all ten votes and won for his family. Kelly channeled Greg Buis. And the Blue Fairy made Spencer a real live boy! Oh, and only six players got the cold shoulder from Probst: Kass, Shirin, Monica, Kelly, Peih-Gee and Woo. That's below the over/under of 10.5 I set in the Speculation thread. Way to surprise me, Probst!


Next season looks nuts. I wouldn't have been surprised had somebody from S32 stormed the stage. "I WON! I SHOULD GET MY MONEY NOW! I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT FIVE MORE FUCKING MONTHS TO GET IT!!!"

  • Love 8
Am I the only one who doesn't think Joe's all that?


He's good looking and I can respect his strength in challenges but I've always been more attracted to the quirky and slightly awkward myself, so I'd probably be more attracted to someone like Spencer. But yeah the Joe anointing is a bit much since he's really never done anything that special in either of his seasons in my opinion.


Even his challenge abilities, okay he won a few but he couldn't immunity win his way to the end like Mike did last season. And Joe won what, three individual immunity challenges was it? I think that's how many Spencer won this season and Wentworth won two. So yeah I do think the exultation of him is a bit much.


By the way, I'm not sure the bullying the jury was referring to about Spencer included the tribal council where Kimmi left. Kimmi may have felt that way but as Savage noted in his question, Jeremy is the one who skipped to the voting area, made remarks to Kimmi after he realized she voted for him, called her out aggressively, etc. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4

I for one would be shocked if this turns out to be the case with someone from a season as dynamic as Big Brother 16 apparently in the ca... no, I wouldn't, actually.

Speaking of which do they have specialists on hand in case said stalker falls in love out there in the jungle.  Might want to keep them close by.

  • Love 7

Same here!  I think I may need this forum more than ever next season.  This season left it with big shoes to fill.


i agree. "Gimmicky seasons" (well i like. I like some like the idea of One World, and the FIRST Fans v. Favourites) leave me nervous. And I've watched enough now that when Jeff has to push something - it means the season is going to be a struggle to enjoy. The fact that Jeff showed like every single injury that next season is going to have + the knowledge that this was flipped with Second Chances, really makes you wonder 

A: if this is a douchetastic season (for whatever reason, sexism/racisim/Russelism)

B: it's just BORING

or C: it's just a dude. (like your Nicaragua, or basically any other season that follows up after an amazing season). it always feels that after the first 10 seasons (even AS) - they never can have. two or three seasons that is BAM! amazing. BAM! more amazing BAM! more amazing again. (and I am actually wondering if this is why they've done more and more returning members, to try to keep the momentum)


though i would suggest if they would stop gimmicking (and casting for looks, characters) the amazing will come on its own imo. 

  • Love 1

Beast Mode Cowboy!!! Suck it, Derrick!!! [/random Big Brother moment]


I said at the beginning that perhaps this season was about how you can't be anyone but your authentic self, and there's no such thing as "changing" who you are. I actually think that proved true tonight: Jeremy was a family man, which got him voted out in his first season (among other things), but won this season. Spencer tried as hard as he could to prove that he had a better social game, but I would argue it was his lack of social game that once again did him in (per the jury). Tasha said she was going to play "dirty" this year and played the same sort of low-impact, unmemorable game she seemed to play in her first season. You can't ever be anybody but yourself. Second chances are not first impressions.


Thank you to this cast for a memorable season -- now please go back to your normal lives, I never want to see any of you again.


See you all in February! (I can't get over it...Beast Mode! Suck it, Cody! Suck it, Frankie! Whee!!!)

  • Love 5

I am SO happy Jeremy won. I have t been this happy about a winner in a long time. Although to be fair in Jeremy's first. season I was happy that Nat won. The last few seasons have otherwise had deserving winners but nobody I really liked. Jeremy just seems awesome and it seemed like everyone adored him out there.

  • Love 3

While I don't know if I'd dub it a "classic," but S31 was memorable. Jeremy got all ten votes and won for his family. Kelly channeled Greg Buis. And the Blue Fairy made Spencer a real live boy! Oh, and only six players got the cold shoulder from Probst: Kass, Shirin, Monica, Kelly, Peih-Gee and Woo. That's below the over/under of 10.5 I set in the Speculation thread. Way to surprise me, Probst!

Still: 5/10 women, and all three Asian players. That part isn't so surprising.

  • Love 7

The scene of Jeremy trying to get Keith's attention is probably one of my favorite Survivor scenes of all time.  Gotta love Keith. He seems like a good, honest man and I think he did very well.


Kimmi way overplayed and far too late in the game. It was never going to work out well for her but probably the first time she's done anything interesting in the game.


I don't think Spencer was a bully at the TC with Kimmi, but I do think he was too brazen. The thought of drawing rocks is a lot less scary when you have a large red velvet and gold necklace around your neck.  I thought the TC with Kelley was his "give this everything I have" attempt to save his own life. No it wasn't pretty but I think his paranoia drove him to make that asinine speech. Hey Spencer, you don't have THAT much pull on anyone. Just saying.


Loved Jeremy's win. He played an almost perfect game.  I thought the way he handled Kimmi's jury question was prefect - she tried to pin it on him for choosing Spencer over her, then he turned it around on her and explained how much she hurt him by writing his name down. Which is exactly true, so Kimmi kinda sucks.


I fast forwarded the entire reunion part dedicated to Joe. He really does nothing for me, oh no Jeff is there something wrong with me? *eye roll*


Overall very satisfying season after the shitshow that was last season.

  • Love 7

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