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S06.E02: Tuscany!

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I'm calling BS on the Kyle wants to borrow a dress storyline


1) If I needed to borrow a dress for a wedding I would be sure to go over to my friends and try the selections on and discuss the possibility of altering if needed especially if there is a noticeable height difference with said friend

2) Does anyone think Kyle would even do this? Have we ever seen her in the same muumuu more than once in the past 5 seasons?

This is the woman who owns a boutique and has access to Rodeo Drive who has tons of money now that Mauricio is raking it in.

3) I just don't see her borrowing a dress for a wedding, her niece's wedding, to a fancy wedding.

4) I also don't see her borrowing a dress, dress unseen. How would you know the shoes/bags you bring to Europe are even going to compliment the dress. This is a wedding in Kensington Palace...no freaking way

4) I could maybe see her borrowing a dress for the rehearsal dinner.

Agreed - plus, Lisa and Kyle can't be the same size and, even if they are, Kyle would have to wear 10" heels. BS indeed!
  • Love 6

Ken has always made these little comments and he wasn't calling Kyle fat, he was calling her short! LOL


Who signs up for a sick spouse when they get married? IMO, neither David OR Yolanda were that into each other, there was never any spark between them. Their marriage always came across as more of a business arrangement despite Yolanda spouting off about her "King/My Love" every time the camera was on her. JMO

I wonder if the business arrangement was between buddies M. Hadid and D. Foster - a deal to get Yo off the Hadid payroll.
  • Love 10

I wonder if the business arrangement was between buddies M. Hadid and D. Foster - a deal to get Yo off the Hadid payroll.

Possible, I guess. I think Yolanda has aspirations for her own TV/reality show before she and David got married, maybe even before they met and Mohammed thought/knew that David had the connections to make that possible as David had already been ON a "staged reality" show with his ex LindaT. I never thought that either David OR Yolanda looked/acted like a couple in love with each other, I thought their interactions looked more like a business relationship. JMO though LOL

  • Love 7

Possible, I guess. I think Yolanda has aspirations for her own TV/reality show before she and David got married, maybe even before they met and Mohammed thought/knew that David had the connections to make that possible as David had already been ON a "staged reality" show with his ex LindaT. I never thought that either David OR Yolanda looked/acted like a couple in love with each other, I thought their interactions looked more like a business relationship. JMO though LOL

Their relationship did seem pretty phony - "my king" my ass! lol
  • Love 6

From what I can find (and I didn't search in depth) is that Kyle is 5'2" and Lisa is 5'5".  This is pretty much what I've concluded over the seasons.  OK. I think Lisa is closer to 5'4" than 5'5"  but because both of them are pretty much addicted to wearing ridiculously high heels with platforms, it's hard to tell in photos and on the screen.  So Lisa was right when she said to Ken that she wasn't 'that' much taller than Kyle.  I also think they probably do wear around the same size.


ETA - their proportions are different.  Lisa has longer legs in proportion to her height. Kyle has shorter legs in proportion to her height.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 7

I bet we have all gone to family weddings where everyone is fueling.

It is obvious that they didn't invite the daughter who got bit because Kim would have pitched a fit. The oldest girl was most likely a running buddy of Nicky and Paris and obviously had no problem with her half sisters being dissed,

So they just ignored the middle children and invited the oldest and youngest. If I were Maurcio I would take my girls to the greatest fun time possible and turn them against the rest of the family forever.

But then I am Irish and we are really good at holding two things. Liquor. And a grudge.

Wasn't Kim in rehab during the wedding??  Who cares if she would be pissed since she has so much else to worry about.  Wow, Kim has Kathy & Co. really wrapped around her finger!    Someone above said something to the effect of the Sickest hold the most power and it is so true!  My sister (2 years plus in recovery but recent first 2-day relapse that I really haven't addressed yet since she lives out of state and we only talk on the phone but I will talk to her when I go visit next week) AND dad (active) are alcoholics and they truly hold the most power in the family.  It's the craziest dynamic to live in. 

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 11

Wasn't Kim in rehab during the wedding??  Who cares if she would be pissed since she has so much else to worry about.  Wow, Kim has Kathy & Co. really wrapped around her finger!    Someone above said something to the effect of the Sickest hold the most power and it is so true!  My sister (recovery but recent first 2-day relapse that I really haven't addressed yet since she lives out of state and we only talk on the phone but I will talk to her when I go visit next week) AND dad (active) are alcoholics and they truly hold the most power in the family.  It's the craziest dynamic to live in.

Total word. And it doesn't just go for alcoholics.

  • Love 7

So earlier, people talked about how if Kyle pulled everyone out of the wedding because the rest of her family were not invited or disinvited, she'd mess up the family and hurt her nieces, causing much more problems. But here's the thing. Kyle would not be the one hurting the family or nieces, nor causing the problems. Kathy (or Nicky) - the one who disinvited people and/or only invited some of Kyle's family over others - is the one who caused problems, not Kyle

Of course, totally agree. Except, the Hiltons, like many other assholes, would put the blame on Kyle. They can do all the dis-inviting, inviting they want and subject their family  to their asshole behavior, BUT! if someone else were to dare to take a stand against their nasty behavior, they'd be finger-pointing (something they do very well) and putting the blame on them. As much as Kyle would be within her right to remove her daughter from the wedding and not show up, she would pay the price for her deed.




I have to wonder if there's not some small amount of anxiety that Kyle feels when it comes to Kathy and Kim. She forever seems to be interested in pleasing them even when they'll cut her off quick or not be there for moments in her daughters' lives (I still remember Kathy's absence from Farrah's college graduation party). Kyle is forever in the damned if she/damned if she doesn't position with those two women. 

You read my mind. This!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

Back to Yo's dental work.  It's just another example of Yo's dramatics.  You don't need to have an 'oral surgeon' to replace crowns.  Your regular dentist does this all the time.  And you don't need a heart monitor or oxygen.  God, my parents both had crown work done in their eighties and didn't have this.  I do give credence to the choking.  I've had my whole mouth numbed and was warned that this may happen.  It didn't to me. 


Yo just wallows in poor sick me.   Ya know, she had teeth pulled.  Not. She can't read, write or watch TV.  Not.  She has no brain function.  Not.  I don't like David but I can't blame the man for walking away from this if that was the case.  She needs a therapist more than she needs the 'questionable' Lyme advocate (who no doubt IMO is being paid for her services).  It wouldn't surprise me if David suggested this on more than one occasion.  He may be an egotist but he does seem to have some common sense.


Oh, and another poster wrote about the wonders of nitrous.  I am so on board with you!!!!  It probably would have done Yo a lot more good to give her some nitrous mixed in with that oxygen.  She obviously didn't have it because the thingy would have covered her nose. 

  • Love 9

I would think Sunday would be one of the best days...when more people are not working.

Agree. That might be why Kyle was in "disbelief" because why not have the open houses spread out or have them on Sunday only.



For all we know, David has spent months and even years urging Yolanda to discontinue the meds, supplements, colonics, cleanses, and such and instead seek mental health treatment, but she has refused, instead possibly ramping up her incapacity, symptoms, meds, treatments, etc. Maybe what he "didn't sign up for" is a wife who thinks working through a closet full of (possibly dangerous) meds and supplements is a rational path to treating an illness.

I agree that when it comes to addictions, domestic violence, and other issues, there is only so much one can take or tolerate, especially if the partner who has the issues is not wanting to seek help or seek the proper help. As for David, he was with YoFo for a total of 9 years(?). He married her four years ago. How soon did YoFo's health problems emerge after their marriage? Hasn't it been three years since she was diagnosed with LD? It seems they were married one year before she found out she was sick. It doesn't seem like David had to deal with much of YoFo's illness since he spent a lot of time working, traveling, doing charity work, making music, producing albums for other artists, and all the million other things he does in his work life. YoFo mentioned how hard he works and how much time they spent apart. He admitted he hated this show, but yet, he supported his wife being on this show. It sounded too much like Kelsey Grammer who wanted Camille to do the show so she could be kept busy while he went out to New York while having an affair. I don't know. I certainly don't know the ins and outs of the Foster marriage, but I do know David Foster's previous wives didn't have chronic illnesses or some debilitating health issue. No such excuse for those divorces. It just seems YoFo's chronic illess (chronic complaining fits better) is a perfect excuse for David to walk away from marriage number four when he would have walked away anyways.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

Agree. That might be why Kyle was in "disbelief" because why not have the open houses spread out or have them on Sunday only.


I agree that when it comes to addictions, domestic violence, and other issues, there is only so much one can take or tolerate, especially if the partner who has the issues is not wanting to seek help or seek the proper help. As for David, he was with YoFo for a total of 9 years(?). He married her four years ago. How soon did YoFo's health problems emerge after their marriage? Hasn't it been three years since she was diagnosed with LD? It seems they were married one year before she found out she was sick. It doesn't seem like David had to deal with much of YoFo's illness since he spent a lot of time working, traveling, doing charity work, making music, producing albums for other artists, and all the million other things he does in his work life. YoFo mentioned how hard he works and how much time they spent apart. He admitted he hated this show, but yet, he supported his wife being on this show. It sounded too much like Kelsey Grammer who wanted Camille to do the show so she could be kept busy while he went out to New York while having an affair. I don't know. I certainly don't know the ins and outs of the Foster marriage, but I do know David Foster's previous wives didn't have chronic illnesses or some debilitating health issue. It just seems YoFo's chronic illess (chronic complaining fits better) is a perfect excuse for David to walk away from marriage number four when he would have walked away anyways.

She was diagnosed during their first year of marriage BUT she said she had been sick/infected with LD a few years before that. Also, she complained of other health issues BEFORE she was diagnosed with LD, when she first came on the show. Remember how mad she was at Kyle for not coming out to the limo and offering/bringing her water even though Kyle didn't know she was even there. That was on her first day or first week of filming I believe. I think Yolanda has been chasing some phantom illness since before they got married and it got worse each year, untill it was all she cared about, well....except getting her daughters modeling contracts, trying to get her very own show and filming this show. Where/when was David/their marriage supposed to fit in? I think Yolanda quickly became all about herself/HER kids and had nothing left for David/his kids/their marriage. JMO

  • Love 9

I was amazed by Yolanda's assertion that doctors had found a 2-foot long parasite in her.  Its proximity in her conversation to the topic of her teeth made it sound like the parasite had been in hiding under one of her teeth.  Had that been the case, I'm sure the cameras would never have stopped rolling!


Something else about the parasite story struck a chord in me.  She brought it up quickly as she named off various complaints, but as soon as her friends were aghast, she waved off any more discussion of it, as if it were too unseemly to discuss (OR something she knew little about, so she wanted out of the story). 


This moment in the episode struck me as so questionable that I couldn't accept it as truth.  You could say that it was the straw that broke the camel's back, and I was the camel!  All along, I've made excuses for Yolanda and tried to support her as one of my favorites.  Now, I don't think I can go along with it.  The combination of Bella's interview  (link provided under the Yolanda thread) and this "worm" are just too much to swallow.  I can only think that Yolanda is a sicko who needs help upstairs.  If two of her children honestly suffer from Lyme disease, I'm sorry for them.  If the children have been led to believe that they have it, that's criminal in my mind.  No one has the right to frighten their children with a story that is actually the foundation of support for their mother's cause.  In that case, I would feel extra sorry for them.


Maybe the kids need to live with Mo for a time, while someone investigates further.  Did the children see their own test results, or did Yolanda merely inform them?  I think that something's rotten in Denmark (or, in this case, Holland).

Edited by Lura
  • Love 9

No, "In sickness and in health" for David Foster or what?

Nope.  Yolanda was wife #4.    And I'm certain there will be a #5.  Who knows, if he stays healthy maybe even a #6.  

I believe Yolanda is sick.  Why would she put her marriage in jeopardy if she wasn't and not everyone is super stoic when they are ill especially a lengthy, chronic illness no one can seem to identify.     Kyle's insight about her own multiple diagnosis being the physical pain of a lengthy (didn't she say two years?) depression after her mom died was good.  But don't forget that not only can "depression hurt" but actual chronic illness can create real depression.  I'm not a doctor but it's not hard to tell Yolanda of the Lemons is depressed - holed up in that condo with the shades drawn looking at pictures of herself Gigi  Then to add insult to injury her husband leaves her?    I'm getting depressed just writing about it.  The only thing I don't get is why she would still want to be on this show?  Is famewhoredom stronger than anything?  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 10

Agreed - plus, Lisa and Kyle can't be the same size and, even if they are, Kyle would have to wear 10" heels. BS indeed!


Yes it was all set up for the following


1) to give the viewers some Lisa Vanderpump closet porn

2) More importantly to bring up the subject of a destination wedding that Kyle wanted to talk about.

If she didn't want to talk about it - when Lisa said she sorted out some dresses to bring to Europe for Kyle - Kyle should have just said I can't wait to see them, no need to say micced up I'm not going to the wedding.

  • Love 9

Yes it was all set up for the following

1) to give the viewers some Lisa Vanderpump closet porn

2) More importantly to bring up the subject of a destination wedding that Kyle wanted to talk about.

If she didn't want to talk about it - when Lisa said she sorted out some dresses to bring to Europe for Kyle - Kyle should have just said I can't wait to see them, no need to say micced up I'm not going to the wedding.

Exactly, Kyle and Lisa cooked up the scene to discuss her family conflict and destination wedding while giving us closet porn and allowing Ken his fashion police report! :-D Edited by talula
  • Love 10

Exactly, Kyle and Lisa cooked up the scene to discuss her family conflict and destination wedding while giving us closet porn and allowing Ken his fashion police report! :-D


I, for one, have been loving the Ken shade. I say, if Kelly Osbourne and her purple wig, who has no fashion background, other than she's been to a few runway shows and her family has the money to buy her designer gear and was able to land a role on Fashion Police, then Ken and his Silver Mullet has every right to do the same.


If Yolanda has LD, CLD, NLD, parasites, no brain function and often justifies her faux pas with one or the above, Then I say Ken has PTHRSD - Post Traumatic Hip Replacement Surgery Disorder. Keep it up Ken!

  • Love 20

I got the impression



At some point this family needs to put aside the business dispute and move forward.  If I had to wager a guess I would think it would be Kyle wanted to include all of her daughters and her husband and was probably a little indignant they weren't included.  This isn't a drive three hours to a wedding proposition this was fly the family half way around the world.  My guess is the exchange was made in anger and cooler heads prevailed with Nicky making a phone call, Kathy sending an e-mail and  most importantly Mauricio insisting Kyle go even though half the family was not allowed to attend.  Just because Kyle thinks they can leave business at the door doesn't make it so.   However it is really strange to me Rick can set his differences with Mauricio to walk Faye Resnick down the aisle  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/faye-resnick-marries-everett-jack-at-kris-jenners-house-wedding-pics-20151210


Mauricio, like many others may have started his real estate career at Hilton & Hyland but he was not under any obligation to spend the rest of his life with them. He got paid if he made a sale-it wasn't as if Mauricio was on the receiving end of a dole from Hilton.  If they wanted to keep Mauricio they could have offered him more money and a partnership or executive position.  He left to start up with his father and two other men who essentially hired him away.  Blair Chang and Billy Rose had a brokerage, Prudential Rose & Chang.  Here is the story and what Mauricio had to say :  http://la.curbed.com/tags/blair-chang  Regardless of what Brandi has said, Mauricio didn't steal clients or agents.  Clients decide who they want to business with, agents and brokers decide where they want to hang their shingle.  Rick needs to grow up.  Mauricio claims he wanted to change the structure of an a real estate brokerage.  Apparently it worked.



This, all day long.  I think basically the older sisters are mad at Kyle for having the gall to be more successful.  Kathy was always the rich one; now Kyle has a fortune.  Kim was always the famous one; Kyle is the real star of their show.  Plus Kyle has the gorgeous, wealthy husband - which their mother always saw as the REAL measure of success. And the four daughters who by all accounts are level headed, loving kids?  Please.  It is so obviously jealousy.  I just wish Kyle could see that, a bit, and could detach, as Lisa Vanderpump said "just a LITTLE bit."


I joined a smallish company once, with promises that we would join forces to build a new division within their company, and that I would get a percentage of the profits.  It didn't work out that way, and after two years, they hadn't followed through on the percentages, and they refused to advance the new division, wanting me instead to work on their core accounts.  During that time their business was suffering and I was very good at my job, so I was helping to hold things together.  But it wasn't what I signed up to do.  So I left their company to start my own.  They were really mad.  They're good people, but they were furious, and years later, still don't like to talk to me.  They genuinely believed that since they had hired me, I owed it to them to stay until they didn't need or want me anymore.  It's so common with owners of small businesses - they think they own you, because they paid you.  Mauricio didn't do anything wrong.  But given the Richards/Hilton dynamic, of COURSE they are furious at him for daring to leave, and it's even worse that he has been so incredibly successful, and Kyle is "rubbing it in" on camera.  


For those wondering about the show - I remember when it was announced, and was hoping (still am) that we will see its development on this season.  It's a scripted show for TVLand, and the most impressive part is that her co-producer is John Wells, of ER fame.  I haven't heard any more about it, so I don't know where it's going, but it has a credible pedigree; Kyle is by far the least experienced of the trio who's developing it.  Kyle is WAY too successful for her sisters to tolerate.  


Over at Vulture, they're steamed because they think their beloved LVP is getting the "bitch edit" this season.  I don't see that.  In fact, I am liking Lisa a lot this season; she's being kind to Kyle, giving good advice, being quite rational about Yolanda.  Is Lisa a fan of the shade-throwing and a bit of a grudge-holder?  Yes, but goodness, we've known that since Season One.  I wondered if LVP did end up having a falling out with the other ladies, but it sounds from WWHL that Lisa R. is still okay with her.  Eileen maybe not; I'm thinking that Eileen goes hard core on the Yolanda side, with the new girl.  


And speaking of the new girl - one more Yolanda thing that's irritating me.  She clearly was given preference on hiring new cast members this season - Angie Simpson was originally hired to join the show as a full time HW and Yo's friend, until her visa fell through; Erica has joined as a friend of Yolanda - that's TWO new women brought on specifically to be Yolanda's friends.  So she is far from too sick to film; in fact, the cast was literally rebuilt around her.  And meanwhile she lounges in bed, faking her sick voice, pretending that getting her crowns (and possibly one tooth) removed is a liver transplant, pretending to be sleeping when friends come to visit, telling people "oh, you look so HEALTHY" to make them feel self conscious, lying about her life's limitations (you haven't driven? but it's on camera.  You don't wear makeup? WE'VE SEEN THE PICTURES), and now this whole "I can barely work" thing but she clearly has laid claim to the central storyline this year, which is, as we know, a tremendous amount of work. 


To me, the most interesting narrative is not "Yolanda's illness and whether the ladies are empathetic and give her proper special treatment" - which is the storyline Yolanda intends it to be - but the subtext of how the ladies handle a situation where someone is both sick and behaving badly.  I'm sure she doesn't feel good.  But it's quite literally impossible to know how much of that is from having had Lyme Disease, how much is depression, how much is her treatments that she won't stop taking, and ALL OF IT is complicated by her malingering and melodrama.  Yolanda has made a hard core, high stakes play to hijack the season, including the announced divorce to cement sympathy for her.  My biggest interest is - will it work?  

  • Love 17

If Yolanda is suffering from depression should the public criticize and parse out every word that comes out of her mouth?

She's put herself on TV and in the media. Didn't she know viewers would be snarking about her health decisions? Is it part of her plan to be torn apart while suffering a public divorce! Or is she so chronically depressed that her decision making process has been greatly compromised?

Edited by talula
  • Love 9

Welcome Pepe the Dentist , should I have the silver fillings removed?

Yo filmed for national tv in a bathrobe in bed and IMHO coached her health advocate to show them the Cvs drug closet. WTF Wouldn't be surprised at all if things came to a head because David said I'm not paying 8k for this "health advisor" unless you are also in therapy and Yo refused . Yolanda can bitch all she wants about people and co stars gossiping and doubting her but the very footage she is giving us is what makes us doubt , not mean spirited non compassionate speculation . The BS is coming from the source herself !

Also one of girls Bella? Is saying she is vying for 2016 Olympics/equestrian which is the furthest thing from the truth . She may ride and be accomplished in her area but she's not even a member of USEF the US National governing body for that sport. As for Lyme making her unable to care for her horse trust me she never cared for it to begin with you pay up to 3k a month to have the horse boarded trained groomed and standing there tacked up when you arrive to ride it. This is another Lyme DUI Bella Yolanda's girl exaggeration.

Eileen BORING but she's likeable.

Kyle and Lisa is getting boring except for grandpa Kens old codger routine getting better, and the Vaca porn.

I liked that the daughter told them to shut up about the family and they respected it.

  • Love 11

If Yolanda is suffering from depression should the public criticize and parse out every word that comes out of her mouth?

She's put herself on TV and in the media. Didn't she know viewers would be snarking about her health decisions? Is it part of her plan to be torn apart while suffering a public divorce! Or is she so chronically depressed that her decision making process has been greatly compromised?


Interesting that when I quoted you, a second part of your post, not visible above, appeared.  


Yolanda was aware of the criticism coming her way but her mission to educate people on Lyme Disease reined supreme in her decision.   She was braced for what might come her way.   She may regret that choice now, though.  


A desire to keep herself in the media to benefit her kids and more work for herself figured into her decision, is likely. 


As far as depression, it comes with the territory in chronic illness.  I think she knew what she was doing. 


She is so over the top that she may be inadvertently helping herself in being forced to look at what she is doing with a more critical eye through feedback.  Certainly she has friends in her life that can jar her into seeing this.  Or maybe a alternative health specialist will reach out to her and speak about supplement interactions.  Good may come her way.  

Edited by wings707
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Frankly, I think Lisa was told by the producer to bring up the wedding thing at dinner.  They had to get something somewhat juicy to use on the show to justify the expense of sending a crew all the way to Tuscany.


Yes I am sure of that.  You could tell by the way the others at the table were reacting.  Everyone allowed Lisa to speak with no interruptions and Kyle quietly said she didn't want to talk about it.  Had it been Lisa's idea I think we would have heard a stronger protest from Kyle.   And production was probably trying to instigate that!  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7


Not to "side with" David Foster, but I believe there IS a limit to "in sickness and in health". Addiction/alcoholism, for one thing, is a reason for one spouse to divorce another, if the addicted spouse repeatedly refuses to admit a serious problem and attempt treatment.


David's first wife had alcohol/substance abuse problems.  He probably recognizes when a person isn't going to commit to receiving real help.

  • Love 6

After 7? 8? years of lurking here and on twop previously, I have finally decided to write my first post!

I am a dentist and want to add my 0.02 to the "Yo goes to the dentist" scenes. Most issues have been covered, but the scene got me to perk up a bit.

The provider Yo saw is not likely an oral surgeon. I don't know any oral surgeons who do crowns. She may, and is absolutely trained to do so, but seeing that would be a first for me.

And, yes, she was replacing crowns. However, a few posters have said "Yo had crowns removed, not teeth." While I am loathe to defend Yolanda, she had at least one tooth removed. The last procedure shown was definitely of the Doctor extracting a tooth.

As far as the oxygen and pulse ox, Yolanda was given IV conscious sedation. I saw the needle being removed from her arm at the end of the procedure. Those are both legally required, at least in my state, when giving IV sedation. That wasn't for show.

Ugh, I can't believe I just supported Yolanda in any way! I hope I helped-love the snark!

Welcome Pepe, I work for a dental consulting firm and thought way too much about the oral surgeon/crown/teeth pulling line too...I don't think I have come in to contact with one dentist that would pull a healthy tooth just because but part of me really wanted to see her toothless. LOL.

  • Love 6

You know, fat or thin, mumus are very comfortable. I live in a warm area and I don't really like my clothes to touch me. Shorts are not comfortable at all. But a mumu with nothing under it? So much cooler and comfortable. And there are styles that are more flattering than you might think.

Gotta agree here.  I was in Hawaii a few years ago for a work project and discovered the fabulousness that is a mumu.  It was quite warm and a bit humid, so flowing dresses that didn't stick to my skin were awesome!  I still wear some of them back home in CA.  Surprisingly enough, I receive compliments on them - who knew?  

  • Love 11

Frankly, I think Lisa was told by the producer to bring up the wedding thing at dinner.  They had to get something somewhat juicy to use on the show to justify the expense of sending a crew all the way to Tuscany.

For some reason I thought it was Kyle who brought up the wedding and Lisa kept pressing for more details. I do remember Mauricio being completely open to discussing it as well. I will have to go back and re-watch that scene.

  • Love 4

I think Yolanda is really sick too.  She initially received a Lyme diagnosis.  She had a leaky breast implant.  She was diagnosed with some cow virus apparently that she contracted when she was young.  I'll wager she has the blood tests to prove this in those binders.  She isn't lying about these things.  I wouldn't doubt that she has the lab report with the parasites too. ( I thought she has 2 1 foot long ones.)  And I think she is suffering from major depression.  Anyone going through chronic illness would be prone to depression and its debilitating effects. Is she hurting herself to boot with all these successive treatments? Maybe and probably.  But maybe she is also finding illness that are present in her body - like the leaky implant.  

She has no long game in being ill.  She sabotaged her life if this is all a scam and missed out on things that she really treasured.  She went to one fashion show - the VS one recently.  She missed Paris Fashion week where both her girls walked.  She even missed last years Paris FW when Gigi walked I believe. Her marriage to her King is kaput - so much for the Keep Romance Alive thing.  On WWHL she said her brain function is 60% better than last year - not at 60% function. So she is probably having the cognitive functioning tests done that they do to post concussive people.  


I totally believe the producers/editors are messing with her too.  Either she was laying down after the other HWs left or they told her to pretend she was sleeping.  Nothing is black and white in this world, including Yolanda's words.  She can't read probably means she can't do sustained reading without her head hurting - not that she can't post on Instagram or look at the internet for awhile.  


Eileen and Lisa R walked away from Yolanda believing she was sick. Ken at that luncheon really thought she was sick. Not that she was pretending to be sick by not wearing makeup.  Kyle is swearing up and down that Yolanda is sick, and Eileen is distancing herself from any allegation that Yolanda isn't sick. They think it is something more than Lyme.


I agree with Vulture, I think Lisa V is going to get a bad edit.  Not necessarily bad, but her bitchiness is going to shine through. At least it has so far, and it has been fun to watch.  I love Ken's snarky, bitchy comments.  


I can't feel sorry for Kyle about the wedding.  She brought it up on camera.  Lisa continued the conversation - in front of Kyle's kids no less.  Heartless really.  The Richards sisters are f'd up. There is no rhyme or reason for how any of them act toward each other.  Kyle and Mauricio needed to protect their daughters.  That was the most important thing, both in the scene and the wedding.  

  • Love 9

She was diagnosed during their first year of marriage BUT she said she had been sick/infected with LD a few years before that. Also, she complained of other health issues BEFORE she was diagnosed with LD, when she first came on the show. Remember how mad she was at Kyle for not coming out to the limo and offering/bringing her water even though Kyle didn't know she was even there. That was on her first day or first week of filming I believe. I think Yolanda has been chasing some phantom illness since before they got married and it got worse each year, untill it was all she cared about, well....except getting her daughters modeling contracts, trying to get her very own show and filming this show. Where/when was David/their marriage supposed to fit in? I think Yolanda quickly became all about herself/HER kids and had nothing left for David/his kids/their marriage. JMO

Yolanda got pissy with Kyle which became a two year unprovoked insults on Kyle in August of 2012.  They were doing a photo shoot of the entire cast that was a spoof of the "Beverly Hillbillies" http://allthingsrh.com/rhobh-dress-up-as-the-beverly-hillbillies-for-in-touch-magazine/ one can see where Yolanda was photo shopped in.  So she was married about six months when the symptoms occurred.  This was also Yolanda's first year on the show where we watched her doing Herculean workouts with her trainer.  Poor sick Yolanda.  I think by the time they filmed the reunion Yolanda was announcing she had Lyme's Disease.   The season started with house porn of David and Yolanda and their fabulous lifestyle and an incredible amount of name dropping and ended with a series of sing along songs appropriate for funerals.  Yolanda was a bitch back then and still is.  I also remember Kim, of all people, calling Yolanda out for using her English as a second language and illness when she misspoke.  Yolanda's blogs have been brutal over the years, especially considering she has not been able to read or write for three years.

  • Love 9

My belief is that this was a power marriage. He got a beautiful wife as arm candy. She got the prestige of being with a famous man in the public eye in front of cameras. Money wasn't an issue because they were both wealthy. Neither feels that the other "cares enough"as both are invested in something else more important to them than the marriage, one a stress free musical career and the other chasing attention now through illness. I imagine that they both nagged each other about it to the point of separation and then Yoyo filling for divorce.

They are both at fault in this divorce.

  • Love 6
This, all day long.  I think basically the older sisters are mad at Kyle for having the gall to be more successful.  Kathy was always the rich one; now Kyle has a fortune.  Kim was always the famous one; Kyle is the real star of their show.  Plus Kyle has the gorgeous, wealthy husband - which their mother always saw as the REAL measure of success.



Not to mention, when Kyle married Mauricio he wasn't at all rich enough by their standards--she may have even walked away from an engagement to a richer man to do so. So not only is he now very wealthy, but there's a very different dynamic between them because Kyle was basically his partner as he worked his way up. I think that's partly why they consider each other more of a team. Not that Kyle was working with him in real estate, but I think working out their budget raising the kids etc. was more of a team effort and he probably remembers Kyle supporting and encouraging him when he took the risk of starting his own business. So in some ways she completely went off script, marrying a guy who by their standards was just some guy.


Re: Yolanda's kids having Lyme didn't the previews even mention the world "Munchhausen's?" Seems like they're going there one way or another. (I think when you project the illnesses on your kids it's Munchhausen's by proxy.) 

  • Love 13

Yes, I actually meant to include that in my post (a few posts upthread). Clearly setting a scene and manipulating their emotions. I was kind of surprised that they seemed so sympathetic (knowing her the way they do), but I have a feeling that won't last.

I think Lisa R and Eileen know that poking the bear of "how sick is she?" will not look good in the court of public opinion. Now with the divorce Yo has made herself untouchable imo.
  • Love 7

I just think that Kyle was damned either way with this one. Whether or not Farrah attended the wedding was completely up to Farrah as an adult to make that decision. The real issue becomes what to do about Portia as the flower girl. If Kyle pulls her from the wedding at the last minute as a show of family unity, she has to deal with the backlash of leaving Nicki in the lurch, playing into Kathy's bait by going tit for tat, and making the wedding about her as opposed to Nicki. 


If she agrees to let Portia keep the role as flower girl and accompanies her (which Portia is 7, of course she would need a parent there with her), then she is accused of not being loyal to her husband and other two daughters. There was no way to win this, and Kathy knew that when she uninvited and then re-invited Kyle. She most likely rescinded the invite not realizing that would leave Nicki without a flower girl, and then invited her again as a babysitter for Portia. These type of mind games seem to be a huge part of the family dynamic. IMO Kathy knew that Kyle would take the heat either way and was ok with that.


ETA: I also think that Kim played a huge part in this. Kathy has been one of Kim's biggest enablers probably only second to Monty. After Kyle and Mauricio essentially washed their hands of Kim, Kathy was most likely angry with them about it. I have seen it in many families in which addiction is an issue. The addict can't be blamed for their behavior, so those enabling the addict tend to blame the ones who refuse to enable the addict.


I don't think Nicky would have been in the lurch without a flower girl, looks like there were 2 (or more) other flower girls in the wedding.  It wouldn't have mattered if Kyle pulled her out. 


Let's be honest, Kyle wanted to go to a Rothschild wedding. 


That's the bottom line.  She wanted to go to a fabulous Euro wedding of billionaires.  The money of the the Rothschilds (and the Goldsmiths, and Guniesses - family members to the Rothschilds) make the Hiltons look poor.  How rich are the Hiltons anyway??  I am sure Rick makes good money, but wasn't most of the old family money left to charity?


It is terrible that Nicky only invited half of a family to the wedding.  But she seems like a bitch anyway, so par for the course.  She is her mother's daughter, and Kathy seems like a real asshole.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 8

I think Lisa R and Eileen know that poking the bear of "how sick is she?" will not look good in the court of public opinion. Now with the divorce Yo has made herself untouchable imo.


Just like with Kim, that lesson was learned to not upset the poor sick one or else the public will flay you alive.

Yo spent 4 years auditioning for the part of Mrs. David Foster. I would lay money that she started getting "sick" before the ink was dry on that marriage license.

  • Love 5

IMO, the timing of the announcement was calculated, VERY calculated, for that exact reason.

I agree. No matter what Yo's illness is, She imo is very calculated in the ways she deals with everything.

She is fascinating to me.

Tuscany looked so beautiful! Thank you Lisa and Kyle for bringing the travel Porn.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 4

Being someone with sibling issues, I feel for Kyle. It's very hard to stay close and dedicated to the children when the mothers are fighting. I don't think Kyle's a good enough actress to put on that pain but maybe I'm projecting. I think she's tried to make things work so she can stay close to the kids. That's not always possible. Some people and relationships are toxic and they need to end. Kyle should let go of her sisters and just try to independently work with the nieces and nephews. They are all old enough now.


Kathy Hilton seems to be a serious bitch. Kim's just not even worth discussing. But Kathy Hilton and her husband are pissed at Mauricio and probably now pissed that Kyle will begin showing "secrets" in a narrative form on this alleged sitcom that allegedly is coming. This is worse than anything Kyle's show will present. This makes her look like a spiteful, uncaring sister, aunt, and person. Kyle was portrayed as victim here, with her daughters being the real victims, and that's a no win for Kathy. Bad form indeed. I didn't like her before but now I feel justified. 


Eileen and Vince seems like a real life couple who just happen to be in show business. It's nice to see them just live and be normal. So nice and fun. Even if they have problems coming up, I would like to think it's just stuff that couples have. Nothing dramatic.


I found the parent call from Rinna to be like most others did. Sad and pathetic and her trying to show she's a good daughter. She's not. Those girls of her seem really nasty and I'm not liking them at all. They should just move off to obscurity and this can't be a good thing for them. I could criticize them more if they were adults but I won't. But I'm biting my tongue. They need to go be teens off screen for their own good. Not much to say that's positive and they don't need to hear it from strangers.  Rinna needs to be what she is- a fame whore. I think she owns it but trying to show she's sympathetic and loves her parents doesn't look good on her. It just highlights her need to be in the spotlight. I don't want to hear about her father's penis. Gross.


Lisa V is looking more Baby Jane every day. Ken has gotten meaner- I agree- but he needs to watch his mouth. The aging British bombshell thing isn't working much anymore. She's getting to look more and more drag queen everyday. He should look at his own wife before criticizing other women.


Nothing to say about Yo. She is sick- both physically and possibly mentally. She just need to heal....off screen. It's not fun and it's sad.

  • Love 6

But this was filmed way before the divorce was announced, so she wouldn't have been untouchable at the time of filming because of the divorce.

Yes, it was filmed before the announcement because they delayed announcing their upcoming divorce. They could have made a statement when they made the decision, months ago but instead Yolanda delayed it until the show was on air. I supect she knew that production would show her doing things in direct conflict to what she claims, like not being able to read, in bed 24/7, no makeup, ect and she has to counter the possible damage that will do to her victim status. IMO, Yolanda is a very, very calculated woman and will say/do anything to preserve her "image".   JMO

  • Love 10

I don't think Nicky would have been in the lurch without a flower girl, looks like there were 2 (or more) other flower girls in the wedding.  It wouldn't have mattered if Kyle pulled her out. 


Let's be honest, Kyle wanted to go to a Rothschild wedding. 


That's the bottom line.  She wanted to go to a fabulous Euro wedding of billionaires.  The money of the the Rothschilds (and the Goldsmiths, and Guniesses - family members to the Rothschilds) make the Hiltons look poor.  How rich are the Hiltons anyway??  I am sure Rick makes good money, but wasn't most of the old family money left to charity?


It is terrible that Nicky only invited half of a family to the wedding.  But she seems like a bitch anyway, so par for the course.  She is her mother's daughter, and Kathy seems like a real asshole.

I don't agree with the part that Kyle just wanted to go to a Rothschild's wedding.  Kyle is very close to her nieces and nephews and she has shown how much the cousins all love each other.  Even the cousins, themselves, are always posting pictures of them together.  It is a hard and fine line to walk when you are having a major falling out with the parents but you don't want to destroy the relationship between the children.  I feel for Kyle she was damned if she did and damned if she didn't.


I was so excited when I heard Lisa Rinna was coming on the show as I loved her.  Found out I only loved her in interviews - she is just so on all the time and I find myself fast forwarding through her scenes with her and her children.  So I only know how crappy she was to her parents from other posters.  I am ready for her to be off the show.


I only liked Yolanda being on the show because she was married to the great David Foster. Sad to find out neither he nor she is very great at all and now she is getting divorced, I will parrot her:  Just who in the world is Yolanda Foster.  She can ride off into the sunset with Lisa Rinna.

  • Love 3

Most people would love to go to a Rothschild wedding. Come on, who isn't curious to see how the 1% of the 1% live? That said I don't agree that that was Kyle's sole or primary reason for going. Maybe if we had never seen footage of her being disappointed when her sisters didn't show up for Farrah's graduation or Portia's birthday, or her being there for Kim's kids or if we didn't know that around the same time she took in Kim's son, I'd say Kyle sold out her middle kids for a Rothschild wedding.

  • Love 14

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