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S31.E12: Tiny Little Shanks To The Heart

Tara Ariano

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Also, I feel like these one man, one woman immunities are basically just a gimme.


Anyway, so long Joe.  I believe he got lucky last week but I doubt he will this time.  Glad he at least made it to the family visit.  And honestly, they need to worry about Keith more than Joe at this point me thinks.

CBS cut out for news conference just at the climax of the immunity challenge.


I'm at work, but it didn't cut out here.  Not sure at my house.


And they can make it look like the obvious isn't happening, but I know this week it'll be careful editing to make it seem like Joe has a chance.  I don't think they are that stupid this week.  Kelley herself said she can't compete with a guy that'll push himself to pass out to win.


At least Savage will have one of his people at Ponderosa.  Wonder if Stephen will gloat.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I am 100% done with Abi, by the way.  Her horrifying smile throughout Joe's whole ordeal.  She was so goddamn gleeful.  That's a sick person.   I never even saw her give up one mistaken or deliberate flicker of concern through the whole thing, from start to end!


Yeah that was pretty classless how she handled that.

So Dan glared last season when Mike kept coming in with the necklace, and Fishbach smiles that Joey Amazing isn't wearing it.  So glad he at least outlasted him.

  • Love 21

Abi wasn't the architect of Joe's ouster. Tasha was, in my view. She saved her own ass by telling Jeremy and Spencer about the all-girl alliance, and at the same time suggesting Joe would stay until he died in order to win. Joe wanted Abi gone, to save himself. And took it too far at TC. Abi isn't a challenge threat, Joe is a massive one. When you are down to individual immunity, you get rid of the strongest players.

  • Love 10

I don't normally like the whole loved ones episode but I have to admit I got a little verklempt at this one. Jeremy's wife telling him it's a boy...oh, that got me!

That second challenge was a nail biter. Keith has proved as much a threat as Joe. I was surprised Joe went down. I'm glad he was ok. He played really hard, I hated to see him get voted off. I was hoping Abi and her big mouth would have got the boot.

So it will be interesting now to see if the four girls take over the game and vote off the rest of the guys.

  • Love 11

Ugh, ugh, ugh.  So much hate for Abi right now.  Please tell me I wasn't the only person rolling my eyes when her mother said, "She's my angel."  Well, at least she's an angel to someone, because to everyone else...  I'm amazed she didn't say something similar to what she said to Savage when he was voted out.  (Although I found that hilarious...yes, I will admit to my own hypocrisy there.)

  • Love 13

I don't like any of the ladies.

Would be happy with Spencer, Jeremy or Keith.

Abi has got to go!

Sad to see Joe leave but made sense.

Everyone looked really sunburned from the challenge. Wonder if Keith wearing the hat was what gave him the edge over Joe.

Why did Keith vote Tasha?

Edited by SoWindsor
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Why did Keith vote Tasha? That was out of the blue.


Also I found this episode kind of boring compared to all the stuff that happened last week.


If Joe went I knew it was going to be a boring episode.  At least last season we saw him making a fake idol.  And there was Jenn wanting to quit but not quit.  But Joe was an obvious boot. 


Why the guys didn't go for a tie, I don't know.


Joe lasted longer than I ever thought he would. I was glad to see Keith knock him out of the game. His "Kill the Golden Boy" mantra was pretty potent in the end.



Me too!  I think he got extremely lucky being on two tribes that couldn't lose up until the merge, and that he was paired with more strong alphas this season that wanted him around for a shield and took the heat off of him.  I thought for sure he would be a pre-merge boot.  I hope he'll come back as long as Survivor will have him, though next time I don't see him lasting long enough to paint the merge flag.

Edited by LadyChatts
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So I waited for the previews just to see who voted for whom. Especially because the editing made it seem like Spencer and Jeremy were surprised by the vote with the way they kept looking at each other. However they all voted for Joe except Keith who for some reason voted for Tasha. Um what? Did no one break the plan down to Keith? He really is in his own world isn't he? 


I absolutely agreed with Spencer's saying to Jeremy that he was scared either way, because it's true. Let a strong physical threat like Joe slide for a second tribal council and then he can possibly immunity win his way to the end. But vote him out and Tasha's claim of the women's alliance comes true and then he and Jeremy are screwed.


But that's the game really. You have to just go with your gut and hope for the best. I have to say I was getting very excited at the possibility of losing Abi who was perfectly annoying and despicable as usual again, as she seemed to be laughing at Joe's passing out at the immunity challenge. Well Joe's elimination certainly made Stephen very happy. It was mean but like Abi did to Savage, when Joe was eliminated, all I could think was, "well you made it to the family visit this time." 


It was nice seeing Val again but I have to say, considering how much Wentworth has talked about her dad screwing up her game, I'm shocked she picked him for her family visit. But nice to see good ol' Dale again as well. And it was interesting that Wentworth didn't pick Jeremy, Spencer or Tasha for the reward. It will be interesting to see where the season goes from there. If Tasha will go with the girl's alliance or if, as I suspect, she's a lot closer to not just Jeremy, but also even Spencer than people realize and she sticks with them. But it's nice to see Kimmi show a little gameplay this episode and I like Kelly but I think she's getting a little too comfortable and cocky for my taste. 


Two times tonight Probst was...well, Probst. First, his basically stating Spencer has a girlfriend like it's the most shocking thing in the world. I know the show likes to edit Spencer as this dorky, awkward nerd but in reality Spencer developed quite the number of fangirls after Cagayan. But I will admit I did laugh when Probst said it with this awe in his voice. And speaking of Spencer's girlfriend, did anyone else think she looked creepily like Jefra from his original season, which kind of amuses me since I don't think Spencer cared very much for Jefra that season.


The second time Probst was just...well himself, was when the doctor said to get some shade for Joe and Probst takes the umbrella and basically has it over his head. Sure Joe was getting a little bit of the shade because of his position but the whole thing was basically over Probst's head and just slightly over Joe. It was like, "um Probst, he's the one who passed out. The umbrella wasn't for you."  


I am happy though that it seems like everyone is trying to play which should make for an exciting end to the season - well except Abi who is just batshit crazy and Keith who is just there to vote wherever the majority is. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 12

You know for them wanting an all female alliance, you think Wentworth would choose all females on the reward challenge. I rarely if ever have faith in an all female alliance. They may be able to do it this time around and the men are in trouble so Spencer and Jeremy may have slit their throats unless they can win immunity.


Abi is such a bitch, she sounds like a stank ass clown with a deflated balloon in her ass. She's such a nasty human being.


Did I miss something with Keith voting for Tasha? Was that a throw away vote on his part?

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 8

So that's it for Joe.  I'm kind of sad.  I never thought I cared.  Abi being downright "evil" (I can totally see it now -- took me awhile) all episode made me despise her.  The editors really #blindsided me.  I totally bought Jeremy and Spencer being downright panicked.   I really also thought that Wentworth would play some kind of Immunity for Abi.  I have to admit I was really surprised.  Poor Joe.  I was thinking he shouldn't have played his cards about wanting Abi out so badly because Wentworth would have done it!  Never mind.


Loved all the editors' shots of J&S, my favourite players, scheming together.  I guess a lot of posters think Spencer is dumb for taking Jeremy to the end but when I thought about it deeper this episode -- the jury seems to like and notice Spencer so much better than Jeremy.  I want Jeremy to win, but I'm scared Spencer could do it.  All Jeremy has is the idol, and my love for him.    I hate the word Broalliance because I think it's so stupid and inaccurate.  I think they're the Bromance, it's just the two of them.


It's kind of sick, but Joe was so emotional and physically vulnerable this episode so of course it was majorly easy for me to like him.  He was so attractive.  His shorts could not possibly have ridden (? how do you spell?) any lower.  I took a few photos.   What was with Joe's eyes at Tribal by the way?  He looked fucked up!


The family challenge -- Jeff Botoxing through the tears was one of the highlights for me.  


One of the great clips:


Tasha:  You're not really worried about this All Girls' Alliance are you?

Jeremy and Spencer:  (Pause)  No no no no no


Jeremy to Spencer:  I'm just really worried about this All Girls' Alliance.  What do you think?


I love Jeremy getting right back in the fucking game.  Just inserting himself into it and making sure Spencer doesn't do anything without him.  And Spencer doesn't even think twice about re-aligning.  Jeremy so smooth


And Abi thinks that Joe is the clown of the season.  Yeah girl.  You're spot on.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 16

Not surprised they voted Joe out.  Big threat if he's in your F4 though, too.  Scary when he went down. 


I don't know about Wentworth, but every time I have passed out, there was really no option of stopping whatever I was doing and thus not pass out.  Sometimes for a brief instant  I've realized it was gonna happen, but there was no stopping that train.


She can go any time now.  And take whatever that TC face was with her.


I can foresee Abi blowing up the new girls alliance with her catty craziness.  Evil.  She could do a cameo on Criminal Minds.

Edited by PaperTree
  • Love 16

Abi is a hateful shrew.  I about died laughing when her mother said she was her angel.  Lady, that's a girl only a mother could love!  I have liked Kelley until tonight's episode.  She was a terrible sport, a real mean girl.  Nasty Kimmi suddenly thinking a female alliance is a good idea - what a hypocrite!  Jeremy and Spencer may be in real trouble.  I hope Jeremy can play his idol in such a way that Wentworth goes home with hers in her pocket.  I'm going to miss Joe, but I'm looking forward to his Ponderosa video.  

  • Love 20

You know for them wanting an all female alliance, you think Wentworth would choose all females on the reward challenge. I rarely if ever have faith in an all female alliance. They may be able to do it this time around and the men are in trouble so Spencer and Jeremy may have slit their throats unless they can win immunity.


She said that she trusted Spencer the most back at camp to keep things at bay. She didn't trust Joe so she had to keep him close. Classic case of keep your enemies closer.

  • Love 3

I think there were truly very few people I didn't want to slap after tonight's episode.

1) Stephen - you can laugh all you want, he outlasted you, you tool

2) Kelley can shut it with the whole "he would pass out to win" as if him passing out was his choice. As if he thought right beforehand, I want to pass out right now and lose immunity.

3- and the prize goes to Abi - yeah she's a real angel there, Mama. Sitting there with a barely concealed smile on her face as Joe was lying there. Then her comments during tribal council really solidified it - she is heartless.

They needed to vote Joe out but after Abi's actions tonight, I so wished it was her going home.


I guess I don't see the big deal in voting Joe out.  Stephen never wanted to work with him.  Stephen was out to get him for 29 days.  He had one of the best boots ever because of his arrogance and so-called expertise failing him.  Obviously, he probably never anticipated being edited as anything other than an underdog Survivor genius and Joe as a meathead.  Did he miss how popular Joe was last season?  That betting sites basically said he was a lock to make it on?  Did he really think TPTB were going to make the golden boy look bad?  I didn't see Joe sitting around crying because Jeremy wouldn't go along with voting Stephen out when he and Savage wanted to.  Joe going was no big shocker, no big deal.  He went because he would have won.  Stephen wasn't going to ever win, they just had to break up him and Jeremy (though why Jeremy has yet to be targeted I can not figure out).

  • Love 8

Gloat all you want, Stephen. JT 2.0 still outlasted you. Really thought it was disgusting how they celebrated Joe losing, and then Abi's comments about him during her voting confessional and not caring that he had passed out.

Also, Abi can go. I have a feeling this girls alliance is short lived. I believe Tasha is using it to her advantage and playing both sides, but I don't see her sticking with it. They got a pretty bad edit tonight, so I don't think TPTB are setting up another Black Widow Brigade.

Agree about Abi, but I think she will be at FTC. She is a perfect goat with absolutely zero chance of beating anyone at FTC.

I think Tasha will go for the all girls alliance. Would you rather sit next to Spencer and Jeremy (or Keith) or Abi and Kimmi?

I think Tasha and Wentworth will end up battling for the final spot next to Kimmi and Abi, and whoever gets there will win.

I bet Jeremy wishes he had that 2nd idol he squandered on the cry baby. I suspect Jeremy might whip out the remaining idol at TC next week to try to foil the girls alliance.

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However they all voted for Joe except Keith who for some reason voted for Tasha. Um what? Did no one break the plan down to Keith?

Maybe they didn't want Mr. Stick With The Plan to know what the plan was.

Editing was very messy with this episode. Smiles and laughs being inserted when they didn't really happen at the time. That's all I gotta say.

  • Love 9

Oh I've been checking Joe's shorts out this season ;)  Anyway....I have faith Spencer and Jeremy will pull it together.  Jeremy's got an idol.  Maybe TPTB will decide to change the rules again and plant a super idol.


If only he hadn't wasted that first idol on Stephen.  A lot of good that did him!


Editing was very messy with this episode. Smiles and laughs being inserted when they didn't really happen at the time. That's all I gotta say.



That is why I believe that this girls alliance is going nowhere.  Parvati's girl group got a decent edit (even if Natalie came out of nowhere to show the crazy).  But it wasn't a horrible, root against her crazy.  People were wanting the girls to succeed.  I just think if this girls alliance was going to last, they would have painted them in a better light starting right now.  Plus, I don't think Tasha will want to stick with them.  She went to Jeremy and Spencer, so I think she fully has a plan b with them that she's going to execute down the road.  Either that or she's just trying to stay in their good graces.  But maybe I'm wrong!

Edited by LadyChatts
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