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Worst of Golden Girls: Your Least Favorite Moments

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Someone pointed it out and I have to agree on the episode where they go to wedding and weddings make Rose hot for some reason (even though she never got "hot" at previous weddings). Dorothy is so adamant that she has to go out with Doug, which Blanche doesn't like and Blanche then lists off other men that Dorothy can have a date with but just lists off things that are wrong with them. If she couldn't accept Jake for wearing white after labor day and pushing food with his fork then why is she dating men that have something physically wrong with them minus John Quinn?

Then again I don't know why Dorothy thought she needed a date. Why is it important that you have a date at an event? In the end Sophia, Rose, and Blanche went to the wedding without dates. 

I didn't like when Blanche told Rose to cheat on Miles just because Miles was frugal. There's no reason to cheat at all but is being frugal really a bad thing, for the most part it means people are on a budget and can't spend big money. Rose singing "I'm gonna cheat on Miles" was a big WTF for me. 

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6 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

I didn't like when Blanche told Rose to cheat on Miles just because Miles was frugal. There's no reason to cheat at all but is being frugal really a bad thing, for the most part it means people are on a budget and can't spend big money. Rose singing "I'm gonna cheat on Miles" was a big WTF for me. 

There's frugal, and there's just plain cheap (or, as Rose put it, "fricking frugal").  Rose was getting frustrated because Miles' insistence on not spending ANY money meant that he didn't consider her special enough to make an effort to please her -- and it was also embarrassing when they'd go out to dinner at a nice restaurant and he'd just order water.  Even after Miles finally explained himself, she understood, but she also pointed out that that didn't mean that they still couldn't or shouldn't enjoy nice things every so often.  That's why at the end, she suggested that he let her be the one to treat him every once in a while if money was going to be that much of an issue for him because he was trying to budget for living a longer life than he had planned on.

And incidentally, even in the days when men pretty much always paid for the date, ladies were expected to reciprocate and treat the man occasionally, perhaps by inviting him over for a home-cooked meal or just "happening" to have a pair of tickets to the theater handy and inviting him to go with her.  So Rose's idea of Miles letting her treat him occasionally as a solution to their dilemma wasn't that far-fetched at all.

Edited by legaleagle53
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On 2/16/2018 at 12:40 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Loved Al the cop.  Bea Arthur and Joseph Campinella had some serious chemistry.  I agree she let him go too soon but then she had to be free to date others, right?

Per Blanche:  She did date a lot of losers, that is true!!  Rue explained it like this:  Blanche had the one true love of her life, and that was George.  After he died she spent the rest of her days looking for another perfect love.  (I am getting into the thought process of a character from a show that has been off the air since 1992.  I either get a medal or some therapy.)

All the more reason why the "George's secret love child" episode was so painful to watch - the rare moments we see Blanche show real and genuine love for someone, the way she put George on a pedestal as the "perfect man" and even he could do that to her (she could've had Andy Rooney!). They probably needed to give Blanche more drama by then but it felt so unnecessary to shatter her dreams like that.

The show reached its plateau in Season 4 but by Season 5, that's when the flanderization of the characters hit and the episodes felt like they were heading in a different direction.

Seasons 5 and 6 always felt average with funny episodes but duds inbetween, and by Season 7 I can't get through the last DVD in the series because of how many terrible ones that followed: the moonlight madness episode, the hurricane two-parter, Rose's triple bypass and, of course, the finale :)

Edited by Eri
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15 hours ago, Eri said:

All the more reason why the "George's secret love child" episode was so painful to watch - the rare moments we see Blanche show real and genuine love for someone, the way she put George on a pedestal as the "perfect man" and even he could do that to her (she could've had Andy Rooney!). They probably needed to give Blanche more drama by then but it felt so unnecessary to shatter her dreams like that.

The show reached its plateau in Season 4 but by Season 5, that's when the flanderization of the characters hit and the episodes felt like they were heading in a different direction.

Seasons 5 and 6 always felt average with funny episodes but duds inbetween, and by Season 7 I can't get through the last DVD in the series because of how many terrible ones that followed: the moonlight madness episode, the hurricane two-parter, Rose's triple bypass and, of course, the finale :)

Bolding mine:  as someone who could not STAND Andy Rooney - Blanche came out the winner on that deal.   Hated Moonlight Madness - the hurricane one....lots of duds, for sure.


On 2/27/2018 at 3:37 PM, ShadowSixx said:

I didn't like when Blanche told Rose to cheat on Miles just because Miles was frugal. There's no reason to cheat at all but is being frugal really a bad thing, for the most part it means people are on a budget and can't spend big money. Rose singing "I'm gonna cheat on Miles" was a big WTF for me. 

Encouraging infidelity because someone is frugal?  Blanche, who was so hurt by George's fathering a son while married to her?  No way.  Look I am a frugal/budget minded person, but to have the attitude that cheating is okay is just odd.  And mean.

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On 2/28/2018 at 9:09 PM, Eri said:

Seasons 5 and 6 always felt average with funny episodes but duds inbetween, and by Season 7 I can't get through the last DVD in the series because of how many terrible ones that followed

Oh yeah, the show definitely wore out its welcome by Season 6-7---the gals were just plain mean to each other and the jokes/wisecracks had taken a much nastier undertone by then. And agreed, the storylines had gotten so much sillier and more ludicrous.

There were several episodes beyond the secret lovechild one and the moonlight madness one that really bugged me; I remember LOATHING the episode where Dorothy brought home the Beatlemania guy...and he was in her nightie...it just didn't seem remotely believable...wasn't that the same episode where Blanche went on a date with the guy who made her feel "like a lady?" After she tried to jump his bones at that cheesy/sleazy motel?? Cringeworthy.

I also hated that "dream" episode, where Blache dreamed that George was still alive and that Dorothy had Sony Bono and that Lyle-dude fighting over her?? Another cringeworthy one from that era, in my book.

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I also hated that "dream" episode, where Blache dreamed that George was still alive and that Dorothy had Sony Bono and that Lyle-dude fighting over her??

I actually really like that episode.

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I like the Lyle/Sonny episode, too. It always cracks me up when Lyle starts singing "I'm so glad we had this time together..." and walking around the restaurant gleefully saying, "Yes, it's meeeee!" 

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On 3/3/2018 at 3:50 PM, BBHN said:

I actually really like that episode.

Same! And I love a Midwinter Night’s Dream, especially Sophia and the whole curse of the Strega storyline. 

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2 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

"Sonny Bono?  He is a big celebrity!"  "Boy you have been gone a long time....."

LOL, Blanche was not feeling Sonny Bono. I love when he asks where Dorothy is and Blanche says, “On the lanai,” then he begins making conversation and she cuts him off with, “Yeah, yeah, yeah — on the lanai!”

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On 3/5/2018 at 11:00 AM, BBHN said:

"Sonny Bono, get off my lanai" always cracks me up.

Same. As does "when we shower together, we don't have to turn on hot"

Edited by MaggieG
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Same as "Dot Dot what a girl I got". 

I can imagine Dorothy in her story saying she was sprinting to her car while he was singing it. Then you have Sophia, "Dot...Dot I gotta trot. Hey look at me I'm a Beetle."

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The show reached its plateau in Season 4 but by Season 5, that's when the flanderization of the characters hit and the episodes felt like they were heading in a different direction.

Seasons 5 and 6 always felt average with funny episodes but duds inbetween, and by Season 7 I can't get through the last DVD in the series because of how many terrible ones that followed: the moonlight madness episode, the hurricane two-parter, Rose's triple bypass and, of course, the finale :)

Most shows lose steam after the fifth season and "The Golden Girls" is not an exception. For one thing, I hated Miles Weber. The episode where Rose meets his daughter (or WAS she?) was on this morning and that episode stinks. Sophia receiving social security checks by the gross is completely unbelievable, Blanche's Mercedes selling subplot is annoying and the bitchy daughter telling Rose it's too soon for Miles to be dating all conspire to make an episode I should really avoid in syndication. Plus, Bea Arthur's energy during this particular season is on such a downtown, I find most of the episodes hard to watch. I think all the actors were getting tired of their roles at this point. 

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Although I don't enjoy it terribly, I do like the actual message that Brother Can You Spare A Dime relays which is to be grateful for what you have - you could be there as easily as any of those other folks [elderly, lost their job & home, etc].  It's powerful.  It's not the most fun episode, certainly, but I applaud them for their effort of displaying the potential brevity of our livelihoods and how quickly it can all change.  Powerfully humbling.

Edited by Danno210
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It's ham-fisted as hell, but the episode doesn't bother me; I remember very well how different the America portrayed on TV in the '80s was from the one that actually existed, especially when it came to the rise in homelessness at that time, so I appreciated the shows that tried to bring attention to the problem.  I wish they weren't so Very Special Episode-y about it, but I give points for trying.  Especially this one, including the vulnerability of senior citizens to homelessness.

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Can’t recall if I’ve already seen this mentioned but the episode with the housekeeper that wasn’t any good at keeping house. She had the audacity to tell them they were making a big mistake firing her, but then admits later that she was slacking off due to her studies? I don’t see how any self-respecting person would do any of that. Then again, she was studying to become a lawyer, if memory serves . . . 

(No offense to you who are lawyers but my dad’s a lawyer and I used to work for lawyers so I know from lawyers, LOL ?)

Then the way the women tried to woo her back even though she was crap at her job. Dorothy, you’re supposed to be the sensible one!

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I hate, and I do mean HATE the Mangiacavallo Curse episode. Reasons:


1. The bride’s and bridesmaids’ dresses are UGLY, even by the standards of this show, and the 80’s/90’s in general. 

2. Blanche giving men away like sweaters and Dorothy getting mad because she can’t hand select the one she wants. WTF?!

3a. Rose needs to be babysat so she won’t cheat on Miles because she’s THAT horny. 

3b. Rose hops a plane to go jump Miles’ bones instead of cheating on him, and the others are impressed. 

4. Not only are Blanche and Rose invited to Dorothy’s goddaughter’s wedding, but Blanche at least has grown so close to this one off character who was an ADULT when Blanche met Dorothy that she merits being called “Aunt Blanche”. 


This list was was not written in order of importance. 

This was on Hallmark this morning. It's not my favorite either. I don't like the way any of the women act in this episode and I hate the bride. Also, the bathroom at the wedding venue is so atrocious it would make Gianni Versace say, "This is too much even for my taste!"

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3 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

The only parts of the maid episode that I like is the applicant from San Quentin and Sophia telling the girls that the rock can still buy you a sandwich. I skip the rest. 

I do like Dorothy's line, "Use vodka and black underwear like everyone else."

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Aw, no love for Sophia's funny?

S: She isn't to lift a finger?

D: Right

S: If I need something done I'm supposed to ask you instead of her?

D: Right

S: I'm going to get a job as a housekeeper.


D: Ma, Marguerite is dangerous.  She put a curse on us.  Keep it to yourself.

S: If it means that much, Pussycat, you go it.

::walks into living room::

S: What the hell is this I hear about you putting a curse on my daughter?

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I'm wondering why Blanche & Dorothy both slept with Rose's cross eyed cousin Nolan from Ohio? I think that they wouldn't be attracted to anyone in Rose's family enough to sleep with them. Since Blanche is superficial I think a cross eyed person would be on her list. 

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What drives me crazy is the little round table. It appears everywhere. It’s in their kitchen, at the Mangiacavallo wedding, in almost every restaurant. The most you can fit at it is three people with single plates. In some restaurant scenes it looks like it barely fits two people. Someone always has to sit at the (bigger) island in the kitchen or on a stool. Or be missing from the table altogether (such as at the wedding which never showed more than three at the table). Shows have been filming four or more people at large tables since I Love Lucy. And this show did manage it at a couple of awards ceremonies with the girls and their dates. So why this stupid small table? And why didn’t this huge house have a dining room? Where did Blanche, George and their kids eat? 

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I caught an episode the other night where there was a 4th chair at the table. Across from Dorothy and would have been facing away from the camera. It seems to me that they only used 1 camera in the kitchen as the view is always looking over the table with the stove to the right.  That’s probably why. But yes, the size of the table makes no sense since Blanche supposedly lived there with the husband and kids. The same 5  kids who were all out of the house before she hit menopause and never needed to stay overnight. 

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I know anything is possible in the sit com world, but every time I see the episode with Trudy "dying" on the tennis court, I wonder if EMS was called.  Unless it was a fake unit or they were paid off, the medics would know Trudy wasn't dead.  Dorothy, Sophia, Blanche, and Rose had to have been hustled away and that makes no sense.  Still love that episode, though.

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17 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I caught an episode the other night where there was a 4th chair at the table. Across from Dorothy and would have been facing away from the camera. It seems to me that they only used 1 camera in the kitchen as the view is always looking over the table with the stove to the right.  That’s probably why. But yes, the size of the table makes no sense since Blanche supposedly lived there with the husband and kids. The same 5  kids who were all out of the house before she hit menopause and never needed to stay overnight. 

I'm trying to remember - did they ever actually say that Blanche's kids lived in the house?

We know that when Rebecca was young, the family lived in the house where Blanche would go downstairs to scream for the governess. I'm not sure when they moved.

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I don't think Blanche remembers when she moved either because her story about the house changed all the time.

I hate the episode where Blanche allows herself to be bullied by that jerk Rex Huntington. Dating slump or no, I thought it was very out of character for her to put up with that kind of mistreatment. Sophia should have put a Sicilian curse on him.

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1 hour ago, mmecorday said:

I hate the episode where Blanche allows herself to be bullied by that jerk Rex Huntington. Dating slump or no, I thought it was very out of character for her to put up with that kind of mistreatment.

I thought it was out of character as well. What really bugs me is Dorothy telling the jerk Blanche was a scared little girl under all her swagger. Why say that? And to him of all people? I always think “shut up” when I hear those lines. I don’t even think it was true. Blanche was generally quite confident in herself, with an off day here and there. 

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4 hours ago, Ria said:

I thought it was out of character as well. What really bugs me is Dorothy telling the jerk Blanche was a scared little girl under all her swagger. Why say that? And to him of all people? I always think “shut up” when I hear those lines. I don’t even think it was true. Blanche was generally quite confident in herself, with an off day here and there. 

Even if it was true, why the hell would she tell the guy who is already treating Blanche like crap. That would just give him ammo to treat her worse and take advantage of that "scared little girl". I hated Dorothy saying that. Better would have been to tell him that Blanche can and has done so much better than him that she will soon get tired of his shit and toss him out on his ass so he'd better start treating her better or be prepared to be dumped. 

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6 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I'm trying to remember - did they ever actually say that Blanche's kids lived in the house?

We know that when Rebecca was young, the family lived in the house where Blanche would go downstairs to scream for the governess. I'm not sure when they moved.

I think in the episode where the house inspector checked on the hot tub, he also informed her that she need to make improvements since there are too many borders. Since she can't afford it, Dorothy suggested that Blanche sell them a share of the house. Blanche refused because that's the house she and George raised their kids in.

I may be remembering wrong though.

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I thought of another thing that really annoys me.  I can't stand how Dorothy is in Ebbtide's Revenge.  At first, she is doing a good job of trying to mend the rift between Sophia and Angela, but then she starts acting like Angela is playing a part in the feud.  All we ever see is Sophia being horrible to Angela.  I don't blame her for not wanting to walk in on her knees and apologize to Sophia.  Apologize for what? She never did anything to Sophia. For Dorothy to get on to both of them about getting along was annoying. Sophia, sure.  Not Angela.

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I seem to remember a throw-away line where Blanche said something about her kids had stored things in the attic.  That house has no attic, so either they moved when kids were past the nanny stage or else it's just another of those errors everybody thinks won't be noticed.  The terrible continuity doesn't keep me from enjoying the Girls, but it really just hits you in the face sometimes.  

Not continuity, but they sure got mileage out of that dress Betty wore in the dance marathon -- it shows up on the sister in the Libertine Belle episode and again when Blanche is trying to join what is probably the Daughters of the Confederacy.  I think it was on the woman who fainted.

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22 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I thought of another thing that really annoys me.  I can't stand how Dorothy is in Ebbtide's Revenge.  At first, she is doing a good job of trying to mend the rift between Sophia and Angela, but then she starts acting like Angela is playing a part in the feud.  All we ever see is Sophia being horrible to Angela.  I don't blame her for not wanting to walk in on her knees and apologize to Sophia.  Apologize for what? She never did anything to Sophia. For Dorothy to get on to both of them about getting along was annoying. Sophia, sure.  Not Angela.

Not to mention that Dorothy (a schoolteacher who supposedly had read a LOT) should have caught that fact that since one of Angela's hashmarks was that her late father's dowry check for her had BOUNCED, since Angela was now widowed and the PRINCIPAL of the dowry was supposed to revert to the widow from the late husband's family upon his death , if anything, it was SOPHIA who owed Angela the money- not vice versa!  For that matter, I can't imagine Sophia herself NOT insisting on the senior Petrillos coughing up HER own principal upon Salvatore's death if she'd had a dowry !


Of course, it didn't help Phil's case that he was supposedly a wonderful father but they didn't bother to mention where his and Angela's offspring may have been- much less why they were missing his funeral!

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On 3/16/2018 at 2:28 PM, Ria said:

I thought it was out of character as well. What really bugs me is Dorothy telling the jerk Blanche was a scared little girl under all her swagger. Why say that? And to him of all people? I always think “shut up” when I hear those lines. I don’t even think it was true. Blanche was generally quite confident in herself, with an off day here and there. 

Blanche's confidence re: men was really all over the place, wasn't it? She usually embodied what she told her slutty niece, about how she slept with men because she liked them - not because she wanted them to like her.

But then she'd be pathetically desperate to win a man over sometimes. And she just couldn't handle rejection at all. She fell apart when Jerry didn't seem to be interested in her, and when she couldn't seduce Ham (Hamm?), and when Ted was more interested in Dorothy than her.

17 hours ago, Blergh said:

Of course, it didn't help Phil's case that he was supposedly a wonderful father but they didn't bother to mention where his and Angela's offspring may have been- much less why they were missing his funeral!

And they had ten kids!

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I didn't like Miles in general and I cannot stand the episode where he realizes he might run out of money in his retirement so he starts to fret about every penny he spends much to Rose's annoyance. I can understand why he would be concerned about this, but people do work part-time in their retirement to supplement their incomes. Life is too short to buy day-old eclairs for a dinner that's still days away. I hate it when he and Rose are at the nice restaurant and he notices a couple eating chateaubriand and he remarks that it looks good. Rose says, "Well, have it, Miles." To which he replies, "No, it looks like they're going to finish it." Really? He would eat a stranger's leftovers? That's not only being cheap, that's disgusting!

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On 3/16/2018 at 8:05 AM, schnauzergirl said:

I know anything is possible in the sit com world, but every time I see the episode with Trudy "dying" on the tennis court, I wonder if EMS was called.  Unless it was a fake unit or they were paid off, the medics would know Trudy wasn't dead.  Dorothy, Sophia, Blanche, and Rose had to have been hustled away and that makes no sense.  Still love that episode, though.

There were so many holes in that storyline!!  No published obit, just many many things!!  But I love the episode:  "Boy have I missed you!!!"

On 3/14/2018 at 2:06 AM, ShadowSixx said:

I'm wondering why Blanche & Dorothy both slept with Rose's cross eyed cousin Nolan from Ohio? I think that they wouldn't be attracted to anyone in Rose's family enough to sleep with them. Since Blanche is superficial I think a cross eyed person would be on her list. 

I agree but the line:  "I agree that the fault lies with Nolan" never gets old!!!

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5 hours ago, mmecorday said:

I didn't like Miles in general and I cannot stand the episode where he realizes he might run out of money in his retirement so he starts to fret about every penny he spends much to Rose's annoyance. 

So you're saying you don't luuuuuv a tight man? :)

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On 3/26/2018 at 3:43 PM, mmecorday said:

I can understand why he would be concerned about this, but people do work part-time in their retirement to supplement their incomes.

That story about his sudden extreme cheapness always bugged me about Miles too!!! I know the dude was in the witness protection program and all(stupid storyline, btw), but shouldn’t he have gotten some sort of pension as a former college professor? But yes, he was a healthy and able older man—-if he was *that* concerned about money then he could’ve very easily gotten a PT job to supplement his income. 

I did respect the fact that for the most part, the girls all worked and did volunteering on the side too—-Dorothy had her subbing gigs, Blanche was at the art museum, Rose eventually became a tv news reporter...Hell, even Sophia tried to work here and there between her various volunteer jobs(lest we forget her stint at the fast food place where she and her old co-workers endured their awful teenage boss!).

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26 minutes ago, schnauzergirl said:

Miles, the mob accountant, goes into the Witness Protection Program and becomes a college English professor?  I don't think so, unless in GG land there's a fake college where all the faculty are in the WPP.  

I hated that whole storyline BUT I love the name Samuel Plankmaker as an alias.  That, and "What are they gonna do?  Call me?"  

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On the Little Sister episode(S4,e21), it’s absolutely terrible how Dorothy and Blanche treat Rose. It’s almost unwatchable. Rose is a better person than I, because I wouldn’t and couldn’t be that forgiving so soon. Especially since it was her sister. They should’ve realized that Rose knew what her sister was capable of and even if they didn’t realize, they should’ve known it was a trying time for their “best friend” and chose her over Holly.  They wouldn’t have been my friends anymore.

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17 hours ago, Cchtater73 said:

On the Little Sister episode(S4,e21), it’s absolutely terrible how Dorothy and Blanche treat Rose. It’s almost unwatchable. Rose is a better person than I, because I wouldn’t and couldn’t be that forgiving so soon. Especially since it was her sister. They should’ve realized that Rose knew what her sister was capable of and even if they didn’t realize, they should’ve known it was a trying time for their “best friend” and chose her over Holly.  They wouldn’t have been my friends anymore.

That was one of my least favorite episodes for that very reason. Of course Dorothy and Blanche always seemed closer to each other than either of them was to Rose, so I got the impression she was kind of the odd girl out to begin with, which made their choosing Holly even worse.

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18 hours ago, Cchtater73 said:

On the Little Sister episode(S4,e21), it’s absolutely terrible how Dorothy and Blanche treat Rose. It’s almost unwatchable. Rose is a better person than I, because I wouldn’t and couldn’t be that forgiving so soon. Especially since it was her sister. They should’ve realized that Rose knew what her sister was capable of and even if they didn’t realize, they should’ve known it was a trying time for their “best friend” and chose her over Holly.  They wouldn’t have been my friends anymore.

True. But Rose and Dorothy were just as bad to Blanche when they thought she had slept with that politician. Dorothy was also pretty unreasonable to Blanche when she didn’t believe her boyfriend Eliot had made a pass at Blanche and accused Blanche of lying out of petty jealousy. 

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6 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

That was one of my least favorite episodes for that very reason. Of course Dorothy and Blanche always seemed closer to each other than either of them was to Rose, so I got the impression she was kind of the odd girl out to begin with, which made their choosing Holly even worse.

Funny, I always thought it was Blanche and Rose, with Dorothy the odd one out. Dorothy got paired off with Sophia for a lot of storylines, and I often saw a dynamic where Rose and Blanche had bonded over being widows. Strange, the different perspectives people see when they watch the same thing. 

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2 hours ago, ZuluQueenOfDwarves said:

Funny, I always thought it was Blanche and Rose, with Dorothy the odd one out. Dorothy got paired off with Sophia for a lot of storylines, and I often saw a dynamic where Rose and Blanche had bonded over being widows. Strange, the different perspectives people see when they watch the same thing. 

That's why I love this place. I love seeing other people's perspectives. I do recall Rose and Blanche outing Dorothy for complaining about something to do with Stan when they were both "our husbands are DEAD!" Oh, and there was that time when they had to vote for someone to move out and they all voted for Dorothy, but I thought that was more just played for the laugh than an indication that she wasn't liked. I mean, even her mother voted for her. I actually didn't care for that scene much either. I'm very sensitive to people being left out in a group situation. 

I just recall more than once, not a lot of times, maybe two or three, when Dorothy and Blanche referred to each other as their best friend. I don't recall either doing the same with Rose. I could be mistaken. I have a terrible memory. 

But yeah, a lot of what we see in shows is based on our own life experiences and how we see the world. Like I said, I'm very sensitive to people being left out, especially in a three friendship setting, mainly because I was that person and maybe since I like and identify with Rose the most I just am more aware when it was done to her. 

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I always hated when the girls turned on each other. Each time, it was so unwarranted. After all those years, you'd think they'd have known each other and would not suspect that they would lie or do anything really bad. Of course, they forgave very easily, but still, the way they quickly believed other people and believed the worst of each other always irked me!

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I'm guessing the show did it to add "drama" to the storylines, or because they had some great punchline they wanted to use, but I don't think the show needed it. It was always so much better when they were together.

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On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 10:43 PM, Gothish520 said:

I always hated when the girls turned on each other. Each time, it was so unwarranted. After all those years, you'd think they'd have known each other and would not suspect that they would lie or do anything really bad. Of course, they forgave very easily, but still, the way they quickly believed other people and believed the worst of each other always irked me!

I hated that too and am so glad it was brought up here!  They would be downright cruel to each other and say terribly things that wouldn't in real life be so easily forgotten.  It was not fun to watch. 


On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 12:28 PM, Ria said:

Dorothy was also pretty unreasonable to Blanche when she didn’t believe her boyfriend Eliot had made a pass at Blanche and accused Blanche of lying out of petty jealousy. 

Perfect example.  Dorothy was horrid to her.  Another example would be when Blanche thought Dorothy was trying to steal her job when in reality she was planning a surprise party for her.  Do I remember that Blanche even kicked her out of the house and told her she had to move? 

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