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S03.E14: Reunion Part 1


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I'm glad Rocky was asked what is so interesting about the ceiling.  It's so weird.  I think she's beautiful but watching her is very hard to do. 


ETA:  Also, what did Eddie say in that clip to get her so riled out.  I couldn't make it out.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 2

Boy, those preview clips... Rocky is an ass. I can't imagine she'll be back, unless she has some major redemption arc, tho I find that highly doubtful. Delusional twat waffle...

Unlike other reality shows, it seems these people actually have to work. And work together as a crew. I can't imagine Rocky will be back since none of the professionals onboard would want to work with her, especially Captain Lee.

On her social media she lists her profession as entertainer. That speaks volumes about her and her actions. This was all an audition tape for her.

  • Love 6

Captain Lee was great.

I don't give two shits if Kate had a mug of wine. Unlike Kat of seasons past, we've not seen Kate behave in a drunken manner even when she was drinking and how a mug of wine somehow explains an oven fire & burnt popcorn when Kate wasn't even in the damn room just shows how STUPID Rocky is. Clearly Kate erred b/c she didn't explain to Chef Rocky that she may need to pay attention to the popcorn in the microwave. And I love how it's the pizza drippings (shredded cheese onto a dry pan) that Chef Rocky claims were responsible for the fire. That was a big ass oven fire....reminiscent of a grease fire I once caused in an oven .....when I was 13.

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 18

Before I'd believe Rocky about anything I'd want video, physical evidence, a forensic examination  and independent verification. If Kate was drinking why didn't she mention that to the Captain in her incident report. I wonder if she told Leon that Kate was drinking and Leon ran with that bit of info. If so she threw him under the bus too. Way to go friend!

  • Love 10

Captain Lee won the reunion. I doubt he was responsible for hiring her in the first place and Bravo probably wouldn't allow him to fire her. You can totally tell he's getting everything off his chest that he's probably been dying to say since day 1. How convenient that The Cowardly Leon didn't show up and is having his bestest friend Rocky the Squirrel vouch for him. Loved Captain Lee's shut down of all that nonsense, as well as the fire thing. I also think it's very telling in the unseen footage how Rocky bashed Leon's cooking. What a two faced fake. Clearly the only reason she was allies with him was the mutual Kate hatred. Nothing else. Although I do have to say one thing in Rocky's defense: Kate's slut shaming texts were unnecessary and unprofessional. She should have kept it classy and refrained from going there at all. Rocky may be a lot of things, maybe even including the things Kate said, but it wasn't classy or professional to write them on such a public platform.

I loved that we finally got to know why Rocky stares at the ceiling.

Connie looked awesome. Emile looked dapper in his suit as well. Don't like Eddie's new beard. Oh if only Dane could have come back for a visit! I seriously hope maybe the reason he cut off communication is because maybe he checked himself into a rehab facility. I hope he or those close to him saw this footage and decided he should get help. If watching himself act like a drunken fool on national TV that also cost him his job won't make him change, I don't know what will. Surprised to see Don come back and say he regretted leaving and apologized to everyone.

I really think if Kate had been drinking, we'd have seen it. The scene Rocky describes with Eddie is suspicious. Apparently there's no footage of it and he says he doesn't recall that happening. I'd almost believe Eddie is denying it because of what happened between them, but I think it's more likely he says he doesn't remember it and there's no footage of it because it never actually happened. Let's just say Kate really did have a mug of something laying around. Maybe it was something that just looked like wine like cranberry or grape juice, hell grape juice looks JUST like wine. I'm sure the part about Kate drinking out of a mug is true, but like with the fire thing, Rocky twists a few details to make it sound worse than it was. Like maybe Kate was really drinking coffee, water, or juice and Rocky says it was wine.

I really hope next week someone calls out Eddie for barging into Rocky's room though. Unless she was literally on fire or something equally alarming, he had no right to unlock her door and barge in when she specifically asked him to leave her alone.

Amy is handling herself so well so far. I like how she is answering difficult questions in a way that doesn't come across like she's insulting anyone. She's choosing her words carefully, but still getting her point across.

Edited by BogoGog24
  • Love 12

And I love how it's the pizza drippings (shredded cheese onto a dry pan) that Chef Rocky claims were responsible for the fire. That was a big ass oven fire....reminiscent of a grease fire I once caused in an oven .....when I was 13.

And it wasn't even pizza droppings. When the fire is happening they show the pizza being pulled out and it was on a pan so melted cheese couldn't have fallen into the pans below. Also, Rocky is shown earlier commenting on how dirty the oven is, she is the worst.

I refuse to believe Rocky and the only other person who has ever mentioned her drinking was Leon who was sound asleep and clearly got his info from Rocky. I think Rocky creates scenarios in her head and just commits even if they have no basis in reality.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 14

Ugh. Was wanting to hear follow-up about Rocky/Eddie but they're obvi saving that for next week.

I wish Leon had shown up. The collective Eros vs. Rocky wasn't so interesting to me. I love Kate, but her tweets calling Rocky a slut/whore were kind of mean and yes, evil. But no fucks are given about Rocky so no one said anything. Meh. Hope Part 2 is more entertaining.

Edited by delicatecutter
  • Love 6

Before I'd believe Rocky about anything I'd want video, physical evidence, a forensic examination  and independent verification. If Kate was drinking why didn't she mention that to the Captain in her incident report. I wonder if she told Leon that Kate was drinking and Leon ran with that bit of info. If so she threw him under the bus too. Way to go friend!

I'm sure Rocky told Leon about Kate "drinking." Leon slept through the entire fire and awoke the next morning. He had no knowledge about the alleged drinking except for what Rocky told him.

Rocky has no understanding of how she comes across to everyone. The only reason Eddie decided to gaslight her was because Rocky comes across as completely untrustworthy. And that shit almost worked. How was she not aware that to come at folks she needed receipts?

  • Love 4

I think Rocky knows the history of this show and when the first season chief stew, Adrienne, called out Kat for drinking it was a pretty big deal. I could see her trying to start the same thing here by telling Leon that Kate was drinking, hoping it would result in equally harsh treatment for Kate.

No way did Rocky not watch the show prior to joining the cast.

  • Love 10

Yay Capt. Lee...for telling what really happened when it comes to Rocky.....and shutting her down.  Rocky was rocking herself big time patting herself on the back for her so called clever quips and then....Capt Lee speaks....  No response from Rocky.  At least she realized she couldn't go up against Capt. Lee.  There was no back at ya response because she had none.  Loved it.


Kate and Eddie looked pretty uncomfortable.  Eddie, I get why.  He's waiting for the hook up package.  I don't totally get it with Kate.  She didn't look  good either.  Whoever did her hair did her no justice and the dress looked too big. I was really surprised.  Then Lee in his sneakers.  Maybe he can't wear boat shoes but the sneakers?  I noticed he wore sneakers all season.  Rather unusual for a boater.  Amy was rocking the big hair.  Just makes me laugh.  Connie looked great.  And then we have Emile in his grandfather's suit.  I'd like to think that Emile learned some things this season, and I'm not talking about being a deckhand.  Nice that Alex(was that his name) actually showed up and apologized as well as admitting he made a mistake by quitting.


No surprise Leon didn't show up.  I wonder who told who about Kate so called drinking.  Did Leon tell Rocky or did Rocky tell Leon or did they make it up together.  Loved that Capt. Lee said to Rocky about her revelation of Kate drinking that Leon admitted he made it up. 

  • Love 6


I don't give two shits if Kate had a mug of wine. Unlike Kat of seasons past, we've not seen Kate behave in a drunken manner even when she was drinking and how a mug of wine somehow explains an oven fire & burnt popcorn when Kate wasn't even in the damn room just shows how STUPID Rocky is.

This. So much this. I could care less if Kate had a mug of wine either. Like you said, we have never seen Kate drunk. We have seen her drink off the boat, but we have not seen her drunk. Oh and Rocky, if that is Kate drunk she is still getting her work done and probably some of yours as well. 


It felt to me, like Rocky was throwing random shit out there and hoping something would stick. She cannot take any criticism or responsibility for her part in anything. Hell, it looked like Emile was not really on her side either. Rocky sounded so condescending with her apology to Emile. 


Don seemed to recognize his crappy behavior and apologized for it. Emile even seemed to have some self awareness. 


From what I remember it felt like Rocky's dive off the ship in protest over Leon leaving made Amy and even Eddie question Rocky's behavior. It felt like that was the major tipping point for some regarding Rocky.


Captan Lee was my hero during this reunion. I loved him shutting Rocky down.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 14

I've never been much of a Captain Lee fan but boy did I find his complete smackdown of Rocky, and her nonstop bullshit about Chef Leon, completely, utterly and 100% delicious. It was even more satisfying knowing he gives zero f*%cks about any of them but just couldn't let what she said stand.

While Andy, the worst moderator in the history of moderating, focuses 90% of his attention on her and lets her ramble on with her completely fictional retelling of events, even those that are belied by actual footage.

  • Love 12

Before I'd believe Rocky about anything I'd want video, physical evidence, a forensic examination  and independent verification. If Kate was drinking why didn't she mention that to the Captain in her incident report. I wonder if she told Leon that Kate was drinking and Leon ran with that bit of info. If so she threw him under the bus too. Way to go friend!


I was going to post asking the same thing.  Even if there was no footage of Kate drinking suspiciously from a mug, where was the footage or even audio of Rocky telling Eddie about it and him saying "We take care of our own"?  If Rocky and Eddie couldn't be bothered to de-mic themselves during their laundry escapades, then I'm sure that they would have still been mic'd during the speaking and dumping of the mug o' wine, especially if they were still up and in the midst of dealing with the aftermath of the fire.  Plus, I believe Bravo would've shown any footage of that in a heartbeat if that existed.  However, while I want to readily believe that Rocky is making that up because she's proven herself to be batshit crazy, then why didn't Kate vehemently deny it?  Plus, Eddie simply saying, "I don't remember that," instead of vehemently denying it, too, makes me suspicious.  To me, saying "I don't remember" to something is akin to a person on trial for murder and suddenly having "amnesia" because they know they are truly guilty.  I have a feeling Eddie thought by saying he didn't remember was an easy out in case Bravo decided to air the footage right then and there; if he said he didn't do that, then the footage would've proven him to be a liar.


And again, speaking of Eddie and being a liar, I am so, so disappointed as to what Rocky said in the previews for the next half of the reunion.  Jesus God, Eddie... ever after all of the bullshit with her, you still went back to that.  TWICE?  I liked you, Eddie, but if your dick falls off (or your girlfriend cuts it off), I don't think I'd exactly shed a tear for you now.

  • Love 5

I was honestly not sure if this reunion would answer many questions, I was pleasently surprised Rocky wasn't handled with kid gloves.

I am pissed at Eddie though. Since we saw how easily he lied about him and Rocky, I now have a shred of doubt that the Kate drinking story could be true. Eddie is making me potentially believe Rocky. I really don't know at this point what to believe, it's possible she was winding down for the night, settling the guests in and was going to have a mug of wine once they were settled, but perhaps started a little too early. I'm not excusing it, she really shouldn't be drinking, but I don't think it's the biggest sin ever. But Rockys allegations that Kate was hammered and couldn't train her was 100% bs. You and I both know if bravo had footage of Kate being wasted they would have used it, even when they had time off the boat she hasn't gotten blatantly drunk... So I find it really hard to believe that she was stumbling about at any point in time during the charter. She strikes me as a glass of wine a night kinda person.

I am glad that Kate called her out on Rocky getting a share in the tips everyone else earned. I can see where Kate is also doing wrong in all this, she is not blameless, however Rocky is the one escalating things, Kate will make one comment on Twitter, and Rocky will go on a 3 tweet rant. I also loved when Kate called her out for monopolizing the reunion by talking through everything; I just noticed, there was very little drama on the boat that Rocky wasn't involved in, to some degree. Even things that shouldn't have anything to do with her such as Kate and Leon's disdain for each other, Rocky managed to get her 2 cents in.

If Eddie and Rocky hooked up after the season, then Rocky is incredibly dumb, dumber than I thought. Hear me out, the reason I only say Rocky, is because I actually think it's smart on Eddies behalf... I'm not sure I can explain this well, but if they did hook up, Eddie got what he wanted... Sex. If Rocky went back and answered his booty calls after the way he is treating her, that's her problem. I don't think it was wise on Eddies behalf to hit her up IF he did but my point is, he got what he wanted. I just want to make one thing clear though, I am cautious of my use of the word dumb, in the context that she went back to him... I know people go back to people who hurt them all the time, hell, I have too, but I think it's a little different to keep hooking up with a booty call that has hurt you vs a actual relationship where true feelings are involved. Sorry I know that was a random tangent, but when I re-read what I wrote I didn't want anyone to feel insulted that I called Rocky dumb.

  • Love 4

Whoever did her hair did her no justice and the dress looked too big.



Both Kate and Amy's hair looked a hot mess if you ask me.  I wonder if all of the salty sea air has damaged their hair.  I haven't seen such bad hair since RHOC.  LOL!


I really could have done without the clip of Emile whacking off.  Do these people have any privacy?!  He owned it but still, ewwww!

  • Love 5

I think Rocky is getting more time because everyone else got along. It's all about the Drama. It would be funny if they brought up all her reality whoring, but it would ultimately make Bravo look bad. And what the hell is the thing about her working for Aleks now? What brain damage did he get?


I thought Don was a pretty stand up guy for just going on and apologizing for his behavior. Leon is a hilarious douche. I have no idea why they hired him and he accepted this gig.


I have yet to understand the Siren quality of Rocky. I find her weird looking with a pretty pasty white ass. Then again, I'm into Amy, high hair and all.

  • Love 6

Loved this clip and we have Rocky's pathetic attempt at going up against Capt Lee in the last five seconds:




The good part is that I don't think the captain would ever allow her on a yacht he was captaining ever again and hopefully her 15 minutes is up. 

  • Love 7

Kate's slut shaming texts were unnecessary and unprofessional. She should have kept it classy and refrained from going there at all. Rocky may be a lot of things, maybe even including the things Kate said, but it wasn't classy or professional to write them on such a public platform.


I love Kate, but her tweets calling Rocky a slut/whore were kind of mean and yes, evil.



I don't see how Kate can slut shame Rocky when she has clearly hooked up with Ben before.  And yes, Rocky flashes her ass a lot, but Connie flashes her tits a lot but nobody is calling her a slut.  I'm not a Rocky fan by any stretch, but I hate seeing one person being ganged up on by the whole cast.  And if Rocky and Eddie did hook up after the show, I think Eddie is twice the big douche since he knows she was harboring a huge crush on him and he seems to get off on hurting her emotionally.  Rocky has issues, no doubt, but she was really hurting over this guy and he just enjoyed using her.  I think Eddie gets the huge douche of the show award.


I don't like Kate.  Her bitchface slays me.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 7

I, Me, My that is all that comes out of Rocky's mouth unless she is blaming or accusing someone. She never takes responsibility, nor sincerely apologizes, nor thinks beyond herself. She is blinded by her own sense of awesomeness that in reality is severely lacking.


Her parents are assholes for raising her to be this way. This started long, long ago and was never corrected.

  • Love 15

There are several reasons I don't believe Rocky about the wine. The things we were able to see with are own eyes she was lying about, she said it happened right then, they were both miked and the camera crew was there, Captain Lee and the first officer were quickly on the scene and lastly because there is no way in hell I believe she wouldn't have then and there screamed at the top of her lungs that Kate was drinking, mention all of those details to Leon and mention it several times when she thought Leon was unfairly dismissed but it never crossed her lips until months and months later, I simply can't buy it. Also, her "see two people said it" was beyond ridiculous given that Leon didn't even know about the fire until he saw a note on the oven the next morning because he slept through the entire thing.

I loved Kate and Amy pointing out that she was the one who frequently criticized Leon with a clip to back it up, she was silent after that and her only real defense of him was "I like the guy," even Emile acknowledged it was a bad fit and Leon didn't try his best.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 13

Kate seems to own brevity in her words but this is a show that depends on conversation. Equally annoying to Rocky's prattling on were Kate's directives to Rocky to stop talking. it is rude and does nothing to move things along. I think for the audience and just general HR I would like to hear what exactly it was Rocky didn't do.  Last year they seemed to have to wake Kat up a time or two.  Was it Rocky didn't clear the tables, didn't wash the dishes, didn't wait on the guests, took too many breaks? A little specificity would go a long ways.  She seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time doing laundry or at least in the laundry room.


Andy made a good point about Kate and her disdain for Leon repeating meals from charter to charter.  It is why restaurants have menus.  Chefs learn the menu and work from that repertoire.  Last year I thought Ben serves a whole lot of lamb and bitched when people didn't like it. 


I may stand alone here but by now I would think Kate and the rest of the crew would know how long it takes to cook a bag of popcorn in the microwave.  It is usually a set amount of time,  by the time it smells like it is burning it is too late.  I think Kate probably does enjoy a bit of wine.  I think there are different rules for the cast than regular crew.  Firing her for breaking the rule would put a damper on the season. 

  • Love 5

Rocky makes me angry because I find her to be the epitome of what's wrong with this generation (arguably mine, depending on what you read), but I'll limit my rant to three points.


First, I think if Kate had wine in a mug we'd have seen it in the clip where they showed someone filming someone filming the fire and Rocky almost ran into the camera.  Even if I assume it was there, I think Rocky/Leon planted it and set up the fire to get rid of Kate.  They're hateful people who wanted her gone, Rocky set up that whole scenario.  And, I can't imagine Kate ever drinking wine out of a mug.  


Firing her for breaking the rule would put a damper on the season.


I don't buy into that.  Maybe because I'm so anti-Rocky, but I also think they had a very easy alternative storyline wherein Kate was the villain, especially since that's how she came out of last season.  A little tweak, firing Kate would have been something we all cheered, and I'm not sure why production would protect her specifically.  I think they rolled with what happened.  


Second Rocky-related thing- I'm over the idea of being "real" in all situations, so when she faulted Amy for gossiping behind Kate's back...whatever, Rocky.  Sometimes in life nobody gives a fuck how you feel--like at work--and you have to learn to either communicate like a grownup or vent to the appropriate people at the appropriate time.  On the flipside of that, shouldn't Rocky applaud Kate for keeping it real and not pretending like she could tolerate Rocky's entitled incompetence? 


Finally, I just want to tell Bravo: I get that you love Rocky.  You set up an hour of reunion time primarily for her and her nonsense.  And, I'll grant you that she was a great catalyst for drama.  


Let me say for the record, however, that equally important in the success of this show is that you fire people halfway through and replace them.  That way the cast can't divide into teams, like the Housewives, and rehash the same drama week after week.  It keeps things relatively fresh.  While I'm not suggesting you hire a bunch of incompetent people, I think you should keep that in mind as you cast the next season.

Edited by phoenix780
  • Love 3

We saw several things that Rocky didn't do, including talking to the guests instead of getting work done and leaving the sky lounge a mess when she was on night duty, lacked attention to detail when cleaning,. Not to mention bitch and moan at every opportunity.

I agree about the constant bitching and moaning but watching the Reunion it would be nice to hear some specifics.  Granted it is hard getting a word it edgewise with Rocky but I think for the viewers it would be a better dialogue.  To me it would be like saying Kate is always a bitch.  Well what we see of her she is pretty much a bitch and then we see she is also competent.  When Kate says stuff like, "this isn't about getting along it is a job," and then in the next sentence talking team work. 

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