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I don't think it's surprising at all.  I mean, if he's going to be around anyway, why not host? Larry David did last year.  I don't think he's a fallback host at all.

There's a three week break after this episode before the next new episode. Maybe they're using this as an excuse to "retire" Alec's Trump impression and use the break to recast the role (maybe even hiring a new cast member?)

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I'm not sure what the Super Bowl has to do with Kristen Stewart hosting. That's on Sunday, this show's on Saturday. I assume she has something to promote (potentially an NBCUniversal project, since she's not exactly known for her charisma), and maybe the first five people they were hoping to get for this weekend had prior commitments. She feels much more like a fallback than Baldwin, who maybe asked if he could host a whole show if they were gonna keep calling him back for Donnie.

I'm looking forward to Alessia Cara, though. She opened for Coldplay when I saw them this summer and she seems like a cool chick, and super talented for how young she is.

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There's a three week break after this episode before the next new episode. Maybe they're using this as an excuse to "retire" Alec's Trump impression and use the break to recast the role (maybe even hiring a new cast member?)

I very seriously doubt that.  I see no indication that either the show or Alec is looking for a recast.  Alec seems very into it to me.  He's even taking the impression on the road.

If they did recast, I think it would be over the summer when those decisions generally get made.  I'm pretty sure there's some type of agreement with Alec through the Spring to finish out the season. 

Edited by vb68
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12 hours ago, possibilities said:

10 year olds should always be off limits.

Eh, I really didn't think the tweet was that bad. It feels more like to me taking a dig at Trump (even his kid hates him so much he'd kill him) than a jab personally at Baron. I've seen far worse directed at the Obama Sisters, the Bush sisters, Chelsea, etc. And not that everyone's bad behavior needs to be excused because Drumpf's a turd, but it feels especially hypocritical that SNL had no problem having Donald host, despite the horrible and controversial things he's said, done, and tweeted - but this writer's out on her butt (basically) because of one, perhaps ill-thought out, tweet.

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I don't remember anyone getting fired for making fun of past president's kids. And yes, they were picked on (Chelsea Clinton for example, and that was ON THE AIR). Is it because this writer was a woman? I wonder if they would have booted a male writer for a joke he made off the clock.

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It's starting to stray from conversation on SNL in the Media in here, and cross over into political discussion that, as you know from reading this mod note, is not allowed here. Also, keep it on topic. Yes, Katie Rich's suspension is up for discussion, as it relates to the show itself, and not the current political climate, not free speech, not what pundits of any stripe may have said about current or past presidents' children. Posts have been removed; please keep discussion show related, or warnings may be handed out.

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16 hours ago, vb68 said:

I very seriously doubt that.  I see no indication that either the show or Alec is looking for a recast.  Alec seems very into it to me.  He's even taking the impression on the road.

If they did recast, I think it would be over the summer when those decisions generally get made.  I'm pretty sure there's some type of agreement with Alec through the Spring to finish out the season. 

+1 I'm wondering this is a way to set up a clear case for Emmy. I read people wondering if his impersonating performance over those episodes would be good enough to land a guest nomination. This proper hosting gig would give them a more obvious/conventional excuse to reward him for the overall contribution.

Edited by sum
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DGA award for SNL:


Variety/News/Talk/Sports – Regularly Scheduled Programming

Saturday Night Live, “Host: Dave Chappelle” (NBC)
Directorial Team:
Associate Directors: Michael Mancini, Michael Poole, Bob Caminiti
Stage Managers: Gena Rositano, Chris Kelly

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Rosie O'Donnell is now campaigning to play Steve Bannon.

I really hope this happens and it turns out well. I'm not a fan, in general, of shows responding to viewer hype and demands, because I prefer the show's writers/performers have the space to put out their vision, but this time? I'll make an exception. 

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9 hours ago, absnow54 said:


7 hours ago, potatoradio said:

I really hope this happens and it turns out well. I'm not a fan, in general, of shows responding to viewer hype and demands, because I prefer the show's writers/performers have the space to put out their vision, but this time? I'll make an exception. 

I'd like to see this too. I agree with you about responding to viewers and am a bit wary of their political humor becoming a parade of celebrity guest stars, but I hope this happens and that they even go a step further and find actresses to play all the most odious members of the administration in a sketch listening to Trump ranting about how it makes them look bad to have Spicer played by woman. Especially if they can find a way to have him ask Kate or Leslie if they agree that women should never play men's roles...

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I have really come to dislike Rosie O'Donnell for a variety of reasons (her comments about Barron Trump and autism were completely inappropriate, IMO), but this could be a very powerful portrayal. She does look like his long-lost sister, and apparently women in man-drag really bug Trump and Co., so I'd love to see it.

Unfortunately things involving Rosie tend to become all about Rosie. And I'm not sure she is strong enough to withstand being in Trump's crosshairs yet again. I don't view that as a character flaw, by the way--his treatment of her was abominable and the repercussions have been ongoing. I just recall that she was pretty bitter against HRC for participating in a mean tweets segment about her on Jimmy Kimmel. While I don't blame her for feeling that way, I just question whether it is wise for her to put herself out there to be abused yet again on the national stage. 

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Yeah, while I imagine having Trump himself go livid over her portrayal would be like a refreshing mountain breeze, he wouldn't be the only person flinging insults by a long shot. Trying to get in the last word against hundreds of Right Wing trolls can't be good for the blood pressure.

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I'm sure she's fully aware of that and wouldn't put herself so there for this if she wasn't prepared. I'm also thinking this has blown up  so big now that they pretty much have to do it.  It totally reminds me of people saying Tina Fey had to play Palin before it was ever official.

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22 hours ago, vb68 said:

I'm sure she's fully aware of that and wouldn't put herself so there for this if she wasn't prepared. 

Rosie's track record does not inspire confidence that this would be true. Her disastrous second stint at The View, for example, was a terrible idea from start to finish and everyone seemed to know it but her (and The View producers).

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Keeping it about SNL, I see any downside to an appearance as quite minimal.  I don't see that it's hurt Alec Baldwin at all, and we know he can be quite fragile at times too. In fact, he seems to be having the time of his life. At any rate, I'm thinking they will try to keep it a surprise with no announcement through Saturday if she is coming.  

Edited by vb68
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Holy moly, I'm reading tonight that there have been interviews for a new press secretary and one has been purportedly selected (Carl Higbie).  If this really happens, it reminds us of the power of parody and comedy.  If Spicer loses the press secretary job, it is completely on him for being so bad at his job that a single parody of him could cut him off at the knees.  Check that, I guess it is also a bit on Trump for being so vapid that a comedian's parody could sway his opinion.  We live in interesting times (although I believe the proverb/curse tells us that is both a blessing and a curse).

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8 hours ago, Princess Sparkle said:

The Writer's Guild Awards were this past weekend and SNL won the award for Comedy/Variety Sketch series. I am a little curious as to how the different writers are included in the awards, only because Fred, Tina, and Seth won as part of the group, but I have to think those were for one-off sketches. 

Yeah that's weird as one would expect it to be for the Trump-related stuff, and it would be surprising if Seth, Tina, and Fred had much to do with that.  If the award was for a one-off, or several one-offs, why would they include the entire writing staff?

Poor Patton Oswalt, the death of his wife has really put the whammy on him.  He looks so hideous in that picture. Of course his dead wife didn't give him that haircut or those glasses.   [shrugs]

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I look forward to them awkwardly avoiding Scarlett Johansson playing a Japanese character in The Ghost in the Shell (that's what she's promoting, right?).

Sooo excited for Lorde, mostly because her being the musical guest means she's finally releasing a new album.

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6 hours ago, helenamonster said:

I look forward to them awkwardly avoiding Scarlett Johansson playing a Japanese character in The Ghost in the Shell (that's what she's promoting, right?).

They had Emma Stone reference her playing a part-Asian character, so maybe they won't avoid it?

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Apparently, this will make Scarlett a member of the 5-timers club.

I have to say that her impending 5th time really snuck up on me. I wasn't really expecting it, and I wasn't even aware she was right on the verge of it.  Maybe partly because while her previous outings were all good and certainly respectable, I don't know that they were great..

It's very interesting to me that she gets there faster than people like Melissa McCarthy or even Jon Hamm, who at one time I thought was going to race there.

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On 2/25/2017 at 9:45 PM, Trini said:

They had Emma Stone reference her playing a part-Asian character, so maybe they won't avoid it?

True, and I may be splitting hairs here, but I think that was different. Emma referenced that after the movie had already been in (and left) theaters, so she wouldn't have been compromising promotion efforts. Also, I never saw Aloha, but from what I can remember about the controversy, no one knew that plot point was coming until they had actually seen the movie.

Scarlett will be here to promote Ghost in the Shell, and I doubt whatever studio produced it wants her slagging on it and costing them ticket sales. Also, Ghost in the Shell is an adaptation of a story that has existed in some form since 1989; this won't be an Aloha situation where people will go to the movie and then discover she's playing a Japanese character. People have been pissed about this since the casting was announced. I have a lot of friends who are fans of the MCU and loved her as Black Window who now can't stand her; this whole thing has not been a good look for her and I think it's going to be an elephant in the room when she hosts.

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On 2/25/2017 at 1:55 PM, helenamonster said:

I look forward to them awkwardly avoiding Scarlett Johansson playing a Japanese character in The Ghost in the Shell (that's what she's promoting, right?).


I thought she played an android.  : )

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So Alec says he won't be playing Trump much longer. I wonder what this other idea is that he says they have.  I do remember though that he was always going to leave 30 Rock and Tina would just go "um...".  I bet if Lorne wants him to keep doing the impression, he will relent. 

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Re: Pete's instagram post. I just saw this in the NY Daily News.  I found the article a little confusing, because it says he is sober, and then it goes into how he was smoking pot to deal with the effects of Crohn's disease. I see that was from an article written in September, so apparently does not reflect his current frame of mind.

Anyway, peace and good luck to him. He has never been my favorite performer, but I really did enjoy his "Youngblood" performance this week. When he is used well, he's great. Not easy to be battling an illness and finding that the methods you use to battle it don't always have the best influence on other aspects of your health. I hope he is able to be well. 

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17 hours ago, vb68 said:

So Alec says he won't be playing Trump much longer. I wonder what this other idea is that he says they have.  I do remember though that he was always going to leave 30 Rock and Tina would just go "um...".  I bet if Lorne wants him to keep doing the impression, he will relent. 

Yeah it seems to be getting a lot of press. Personally I agree with you that he will keep doing it, just less frequently. One reason is that he doesn't want to piss off Lorne and the other is that fact that he really likes pissing off Trump. He never intended this to be a long term thing, he just felt he owed his backer and enjoyed the publicity and the chance to promote upcoming projects and has no real idea what do now (seems familiar somehow...) It seems a little more definitive than all the other times he's talked about his reluctance, but ratings and YouTube traffic will drop and Lorne will push or Trump will appoint Stephen to the Supreme Court and he'll be back again. 

Edited by wknt3
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4 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

Zero surprise on Pete Davidson's announcement.  That's what I immediately suspected was going on with his absence.  Very best of luck to him.

But hasn't he been around in the show?  Not as much as in previous years he seems to show up in taped skits.  So do you think he was he doing some kind of outpatient thing? 

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On 3/7/2017 at 1:56 AM, vb68 said:

So Alec says he won't be playing Trump much longer. I wonder what this other idea is that he says they have.  I do remember though that he was always going to leave 30 Rock and Tina would just go "um...".  I bet if Lorne wants him to keep doing the impression, he will relent. 

But this isn't the first time that Baldwin said he would quit playing Trump -- didn't he say the same thing right after the election ?

ETA:  I forgot the part where said Baldwin that he would stop playing Trump if Trump released his tax returns -- which of course didn't happen.

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