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S06.E07: Heads Up

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Here is your Episode thread for S06.E07: Heads Up. This thread opens Sunday at 10:00 pm, after the episode airs.


Before the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E07: Heads Up - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat, to speculation and chat like crazy! Thread opens this Friday at 6:00 pm.




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Well, I guess Glenn IS a superhero. Kinda wonder if they faked us out now because they will kill him later for real. I mostly liked his stuff with Enid.


Nice to see Carol tonight. She's been so absent lately.


As expected the horde made it inside the walls in time for the mid season finale. Kinda fearing that someone will die, I hope it's not someone I care about too much.

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Glenn's alive! I'm going to keep my promise: I'm happy the boy's still with us, but that was weak sauce.

I suppose Enid's going to help save Alexandria after being so annoying this ep.

Spencer proving that the brains are on Mom's side, and they take after dad.

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How did the tower fall?  I missed that.


Walls sabatoged from within.  Typical CDB


My mistake the tower is outside and is in really bad shape.  I am doing a rewatch and it is being shown within the first couple of minutes at Alexandria.

Edited by Macbeth
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Another great episode. I was so excited to see Glenn alive. Of course, then Enid had to ruin it. The green balloons were ridiculous when they knew the Wolves were around.


I am glad that Michonne made Rick confront his distrust of the Alexandrians. Maybe they can earn if by not fucking up and helping fight off the walkers.


The good thing about the tower coming down is that it ruin's Ron's plan to kill Carl and/or Rick.


I still love Morgan, but if that Wolf kills Denise, I might have to be through with him. 

Edited by SimoneS
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Maybe if they hadn't all been so busy SPEECHIFYING someone would have noticed that freaking tower falling apart?  
Way to check out the structural stability of the perimeter and to keep a close watch on it, guys.

We see what Morgan is spending time on instead.

Were Aaron and Heath missing tonight (or did I nod off for a second and miss them?). Seems like it maybe should be all (able) hands on deck.

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Glenn's alive, therefore this was an awesome episode.


That puts me in such a good mood that things that would normally have me screaming at my television are only annoying me. First of all, Enid, Ron, and Spencer all need a good kick in the ass. Enid for being a brat, Spencer for being too stupid to live, and Ron for stealing the bullets. Attitude and stupidity I can forgive, but Ron with a loaded weapon who has no experience with guns is just a beloved character's death waiting to happen.


That tower going down just made me jump, and cringe. People I like are going to die. Darn it all.

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Could I request a recounting of the last 10 minutes, please?


My AMC, and only AMC, froze up during commercials. Last thing I saw was the rescuing of Spencer. Thanks!


What is the last thing that you saw?

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Could I request a recounting of the last 10 minutes, please?


My AMC, and only AMC, froze up during commercials. Last thing I saw was the rescuing of Spencer. Thanks!

Carol saw Morgan leading Doc to where bitten Wolf is.

She left Judith with Jessie, went there and confronted him.

Rick and Tara talked it out, about her saving Spencer.

DeAnna thanked Rick.

Green balloons went up, signaling that Glenn is alive.

Everyone saw them,Maggie ran for the gate.

At this time, the tower fell, fade to black.

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Could I request a recounting of the last 10 minutes, please?


My AMC, and only AMC, froze up during commercials. Last thing I saw was the rescuing of Spencer. Thanks!


*Morgan asked Denise for help because the wolf has a wound. Carol saw them and figured out he has someone in that house. She walked up and asked him who he has there, end scene.

*Ron was following Carl around with his loaded gun.

*Glenn released the balloons and now they know he's alive.

*The church that had been struck by the truck fell on the wall and now the horde is going inside.

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Even though Porchdick Jr. is unhinged, I kind of understand why he would want to shoot Carl, because he was acting like a smug knowitall when Rick was teaching Porchdick Jr. how to shoot.  


I want Morgan to kill Carol. Just kill the bitch.  

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And The Walkers are like "Yay!  Church dinner!"


Speaking of church, fuck you, Father Gabriel, and your prayer circle!  You almost fucked shit up for everybody last season, so no one should entrust their soul to you.


And fuck you, Morgan, for all your shit.  Michonne, Rick, and Carol are having none of it.


And fuck Inid or Ida or Gertrude or what ever 19th century name that girl has and her damn green balloons, carrying them around like she's all indie and shit.  She damn near blew Saint Glenn's head off :(


One thing I learned is, during the zombie apocalypse, never wear opened toed shoes.  And also have plenty of spare socks on hand, like Spencer, because his were immaculate.


One thing that hit me was, if there was zombie apocalypse, I'd miss Tropicana orange juice.  So I had some.  Enjoy the little things, people.


Stephen Yuen's message during Into the Badlands was very gracious and nice.  We care about both the characters that touch our hearts and the actors who play them.  They're like family.

Edited by bmoore4026
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Carol saw Morgan leading Doc to where bitten Wolf is.

She left Judith with Jessie, went there and confronted him.

Rick and Tara talked it out, about her saving Spencer.

DeAnna thanked Rick.

Green balloons went up, signaling that Glenn is alive.

Everyone saw them,Maggie ran for the gate.

At this time, the tower fell, fade to black.


Porch Dick Jr was trailing behind Carl.  I think the tower going down is the only reason Carl didn't get shot in the back.  I initallly took the sound of the tower coming down as a gunshot..

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So glad Glenn's alive...for now. 


I cannot believe no one has been taking note of the fences and the structural integrity of their surroundings. I actually liked tonight's episode, but some of these characters are too stupid to survive, and it's frustrating to know that people who are competent to live in the ZA are going to die because of other's idiocy.


I suspect next week's going to be a wild ride providing we don't suddenly just follow Daryl, Abe, and Sasha on their ride back to Alexandria. Did I just jinx myself?

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So Glenn is a live. Shock. I love Glenn, and I don't even think the way he survived was that implausible, but I feel like my glee about him being okay is overshadowed by my extreme resentment towards the show for fucking with us. If he had simply survived in that episode,or even the next, it would have been a lot more tolerable.


And then they had Glenn just wandering around, being all contemplative, and trying to save Enid - when I was like, "Go! Just go back to ASZ!" But that's Glenn. He's a good dude. I did like what he said about living to honor those who didn't make it. 


Speaking of, LOVED the callback to Lori. I'm probably the only person alive who has a fondness for her. But I thought it was sweet what Maggie said about Judith resembling her mom (even though it was obviously a bold faced lie). 


Rosita giving machete lessons was pretty cool. But I felt badly for Eugene. Eugene is like my dog - skittish and annoying, but he means well and I just can't help but get all sad when people are mean to him. 


Speaking of annoying, so life is so dull in ASZ, Father Pee Pants now has time for a damn prayer circle? 


And Spencer! Was anyone else praying he fell? Maybe I need my own prayer circle. 


Loved Tara flipping off Rick and their conversation later. 


I have to start sleeping better on Saturday nights, because I feel like it's fucking with my ability to grasp the show on Sunday nights. How/why did the big steeple fall like that??? Ron was being all shady. Did he have something to do with it?

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No. She left Judith with Jessie while she went to check out what Morgan and Denise were doing.

Hopefully this doesn't lead Sam to pull a Lizzie on Judith's Mika after he misunderstands Carol's underspecified yet intense advice.

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Dear Tobin: Never say "Don't give up on us/give us a chance" things to CDB. Especially when you live in a community that built walls with supports on the OUTSIDE.

Sigh. I fear you are dead, sir.

Edited by EllenC
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I have to start sleeping better on Saturday nights, because I feel like it's fucking with my ability to grasp the show on Sunday nights. How/why did the big steeple fall like that??? Ron was being all shady. Did he have something to do with it?


The truck with the horn had slammed into it a few episodes back, IIRC, and it was unstable.

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Awwwwww. Steven Yeun's message was sweet. He followed what was said about Glenn and thanked the fans.

I might actually stay up for Talking Dead now.

I'm so glad Glenn is back. I know on this show, anyone can go, but I hope the Walking Dead learns from this and keeps the originals safe. Glenn is hope, I can't imagine the show without him.

This season has been setting up quite a bit, I hope everything comes together next week. I hope it's all action-packed. Tonight was too many speeches again.

All the Ladies were badass tonight. Maggie taking extra watches, Tara hanging from the fence to save Spencer, Michonne being the voice of reason, and Carol just being all around badass.

I actually don't mind Enid. She is definitely traumatized. She's lashing out to keep everyone at arm's length. I also do not think she's a Wolf. I hope she becomes Glenn and Maggie's, she could learn so much. Plus, we do need children actually growing up and not dying out

All in all, I'm just glad Glenn's back.

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Happy that Glenn is alive. Hope it stays that way.

I would never normally root for the deaths of children, but it's time for Enid and Porchdick Jr to go.

In the ZA people need to grow up faster. Sort of like in the Middle Ages. So I think we can consider Enid and PDJr adults and root for their deaths with a clear conscience.


Steven Yeun's message was sweet. He followed what was said about Glenn and thanked the fans.

Damnit! I missed that. That's what I get for using Into the Badlands as laundry time.

Edited by lulee
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I actually don't mind Enid. She is definitely traumatized. She's lashing out to keep everyone at arm's length. I also do not think she's a Wolf. I hope she becomes Glenn and Maggie's, she could learn so much. Plus, we do need children actually growing up and not dying out


That's what I figured, that they're gonna adopt her.

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I'm sorry but I have to say, Glenn's survival was weak, cheap and lazy. They really should be ashamed of themselves for pulling that stunt. I'm not saying I wanted Glenn to die, but they never should have gone for that cheap storyline if they weren't going to kill him. It's manipulative and annoying.

As for the episode, this was much more interesting than the last 3 episodes and I'm now worried for several characters. After making Rosita so awesome and giving Abe a new chica I'm worried they're going to kill her off.

I just started to like Tobin so of course he's going to die and I'm worried about Denise and even little Sam (I like his connection with Carol).

I was also really annoyed at the whOle Glenn/Enid stuff it dragged the story down and really seemed like a cheap delay tactic just to keep Glenn away from Alexandria until the end of the episode.

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There was no good reason to not end the episode where Glenn first fell off the dumpster with the first scene of this episode. At least the part up to where he does pull himself under, and is still getting grabbed at. Fade to credits.

If they'd have gone that far, at least there would still have been some anticipation of seeing if he manages to make it back out from under it. But not be pissed about a full-on fake-out and having to wait for 3 episodes to go by before finding out for sure.

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I don't mind Gabriel, but I have real issues with him not helping watching the walls. He could pray at the wall. Instead he is forming a prayer circle. I don't like how any of the African American men are being written on TWD. They keep hiring talented African American actors, only to emasculate their characters. and I think that it is racism.


Speaking of, LOVED the callback to Lori. I'm probably the only person alive who has a fondness for her. But I thought it was sweet what Maggie said about Judith resembling her mom (even though it was obviously a bold faced lie). 


I liked Maggie talking about Lori also.

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