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S06.E13: Tell-All Episode

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How in gawd's name did Kody twist the Catfish situation around into Batman was going after the children? Seriously? What an idiot. Meri was trying to leave you for another man. Period. That whole segment was one big gigantic lie.


Tamron seemed to be making a stab at being a bit more hard core with them but completely dropped the ball with Meri's segment, so she gets a "fail" from me again.


Fake crying from Robyn AGAIN.


I'm too pissed to comment on the rest of it. Maybe later.

Edited by Galloway Cave
  • Love 17

Meri "cheating" on the Kodster online was just kind of who cares.

It happens everyday with people in relationships thanks to the wonderful world of the Internet.

I really don't care one way or the other as it has nothing to do with my life.

I will get up tomorrow and go to work just like any other day and not give these people another thought.

It is after all just a stupid TV show.

  • Love 6

The episode was as expected, although I had to laugh at Janelles' "put on armor and go to war" statement. Didn't Kody say something similar back when they were trying to get Robyn's ex to allow the adoption? As for protecting the kids, I think I read an article last month at AllAbouttheTea regarding the catfish person making threats to contact the kids about Sam/Meri. I forget the details but I remember thinking how utterly despicable that person was to drag the kids into the muck just to spite/threaten Meri.

  • Love 4

Hey Kodouche, maybe if you had time for your other wives maybe one of them would not have found solace from a catfish online. Who would want to target their family and for what? Seriously they have too many mouths to feed to have any money. I laughed with Kodouche said he was busy with his businesses, what of hair products? I also loved how the older girls did not want to be in a plural marriage

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 7

Tamryn dug a little deeper than I expected, and pressed issues more than I expected, too. I'd love to hear what she really thinks about them outside of her neutral journalistic role. She seemed try to stay neutral, but still think they're fools.


Not sure why the Browns think they're so special that someone would Target them out just to tear them apart. Nah, Meri willingly went into that relationship, turned out to be a con artist, but seriously, thinking her house was bugged, etc., these people really do have a paranoia/persecution complex.


Noticed that during the younger kids' segment, Aurora sure was giving the littlest girl (Gwendlyn?) the stink eye. It was weird.


The one girl who asked if she sounded like her dad...that one is really annoying. Just like her dad.


Older kids: Daddy daughter dates (I hate those, BTW. They sound gross, even when they're innocent) stopped when ROBYN appeared. 


Robyn tried her best to imply that Christine was jealous of her, but wouldn't come out and say it. I'm tired. I don't wan't to waist my breathe describing how Robyn pretty much said everyone is mean and jelly, and just don't get 'it", but they all LOOOOVE each other.


Janelle is either the most forgiving, accepting, and Ride of Die one of the bunch now, or she is extremely gullible. If she truly believed Meri and was ready to go to war, please girl. Meri would still toss you under a bus if she could. Also, Janelle has their accepted Robyn, or she has Robyn's number, and knows Robyn holds all the power now, and she's sucking up for her kids' sake.

  • Love 10

Kody still had a mocking who gives a crap look when Christine was talking about the rock building exercise, it is so clear he has no respect for her. All the crying over the Catfishing was so over the top. Yes it sucked but Meri acted like the Catfisher killed Mariah. And speaking of Mariah, did she finally see the light about not wanting to be a sister wife or is she embarrassed to admit she still wants to be one.

  • Love 9

Well, they circled the wagons for the public narrative, but I can just imagine what their private conversations are like. Any status Meri had left in the family is gone. Robyn must be gloating. 


Hah, BradandJanet, I had the exact same thought, in the exact same words.....It's scary how transparent they are and how we can all see right through their attempts to deceive us.

  • Love 7

Starters, I think Savannah maybe got into Christine's stash tonight. .made me laugh. Saw Dayun correcting her...hope someone points that out to Kody so he can punish him for it on camera at some point . You know. .no correcting siblings and all.I think lil Savannah just realized that Aurora had more camera time all year and was getting hers while she could. Cracked me right up.

I LOVED Gwendolyns side eye moments.GF has had it for sure and just teenagery enough to barely suppress it.

Kody looked pissed through most of it.Robyns ass is huge. I think that camera shot was deliberate and for us Sobbyn haters.Thanks TLC!

Good to know Kody is online googling himself and his family. I will have to up my anti-Kodester posts for sure now.

Meri is a lying liar who lies. So full of shit she is. I really wish she would have been honest. She saw an escape route that didn't involve her having to go to work and was ready to bail. Now she will stay as they have another season promised. She has zero interest in being independent or giving up those sweet TLC dolla bills. Couldn't live without her fake tanner or Forever 21 5 sizes too small wardrobe.

I really think the reason they have Janelle portraying head cheerleader lately is they DO read online. They know most people see her as the most rational ( bar is low) and there isn't as much animosity towards her online so they will use her as the mouth piece.

Her boys and Maddy are far too sassy and opinionated for me to believe that she actually believes half of what she is trying to sell us all.

She is another one happy there is another season guaranteed so she can get one more year of house payments covered.

Christine was rather ambushed and that's kinda not nice when you know Kody detests her. I think they like to poke that bear for the responses they know they will get.

Sol acted like a little asshole, just like his father. ( Settle down. .he can't hear me).

Shut up Aurora. Shut up Robyn.

K..I think that's it for now!

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 23

Kody still had a mocking who gives a crap look when Christine was talking about the rock building exercise, it is so clear he has no respect for her. All the crying over the Catfishing was so over the top. Yes it sucked but Meri acted like the Catfisher killed Mariah. And speaking of Mariah, did she finally see the light about not wanting to be a sister wife or is she embarrassed to admit she still wants to be one.


I'm sure Mariah's change of heart was the result of seeing how her mom was tossed aside for Robyn. 


Also, it was very striking how all the problems--Kody paying less attention to his daughters, Christine feeling doubtful about plural marriage--occurred right around the time Robyn appeared on the scene, but they always gave another explanation. 


Lost track of how many times Christine was thrown under the bus during the tell-all. And Janelle barely had any reason to be there. 

  • Love 16

Aurora is certainly her mother's daughter.  Stop crying people!


Tamryn did seem to take the gloves off a little bit this time.  Like asking if, now that the adoption is final, Kody would legally divorce Robyn and remarry Meri.  The response was what I would expect, but at least she asked the question.



Daddy daughter dates (I hate those, BTW. They sound gross, even when they're innocent)


I know someone who has two grown daughters.  Throughout their childhoods, he would take each of them on a dinner date for the birthdays.  Part of it was just to spend time one-on-one with them, but it was also to teach them how they deserved to be treated.  He wanted them to expect to be treated well and with respect.  The girls loved it and looked forward to their dates with dad.  

  • Love 9


I know someone who has two grown daughters.  Throughout their childhoods, he would take each of them on a dinner date for the birthdays.  Part of it was just to spend time one-on-one with them, but it was also to teach them how they deserved to be treated.  He wanted them to expect to be treated well and with respect.  The girls loved it and looked forward to their dates with dad.  

Yeah, I know scads of people who do that, and I honestly don't think any of them are doing anything incestuous. The 'dates' range from just running errands to a couple of families who seriously dress up, make reservations, give flowers, etc. That's borderline weird, and why I don't like the term. Back to topic, I don't think Kody is doing anything inappropriate with any of his kids, and ice cream runs sound fun, BUT someone needed to point out that they stopped when ROBYN appeared and took over, but not even Tamryn had the guts to say it.

  • Love 6

I'm neck-deep in school work this weekend, so I could only focus so much on the tell-all, but a few things stood out. I'll jump right in by saying that I thought all five of them looked like shit, even more so than in previous tell-alls (aside from that particularly awful one a couple seasons ago). I'm not sure who dresses these people for these episodes, but they need to lose the animal print blouses and skin-tight jeans that make their legs look like kielbasas (Meri!), stock up on complexion-complementing matte face powder, and BRUSH KODY'S HAIR, in that order. Speaking of Kody, I hated his statement about adopting Robyn's kids: "Those children were going to be mine." Ugh, I hate that about custody battles and divorces. The children are not commodities. Unless their father was outright abusing them, there was no reason for Kody to adopt them. I hate that Jessop relinquished his paternal rights, especially if he allowed himself to be swayed by a zero child support balance. It doesn't get more pathetic than that. And with that, I'm officially done defending DPJ. *mic drop*

Aurora was her usual spastic self. We were treated to another sob session over her happiness at being adopted. Gwendolyn's disgust with her was absolutely palpable. I'm not a big fan of nasty attitudes and dismissive side-eyes from teens (I'm neck-deep in that, too), but I totally give Gwendolyn a pass. I feel so sorry for 90% of those kids. I was pleased to hear every single one of the older kids reject the idea of polygamy. It's quite a statement to the adults in this family when so many kids actively turn away from their bullshit belief system, if we can even call it that. The only reason Mariah didn't outright reject polygamy on that couch was that she was hesitant to disappoint her mother. She doesn't want to live the hell that she's watched her mother go through, but she's not quite ready to admit it yet.

Kody mentioned how he makes sure that his "work" doesn't take him from the kids too much and Janelle launches into a diatribe about what a "superhero" of a dad he is. The only conclusion I can draw is that Janelle is so emotionally checked out of whatever relationship they have/had that it's easy for her to fib to herself. She doesn't need him on the same level that Christine and Robyn do, so it matters less to her that he spends the majority of his time wrapped up in Robyn and her kids. Oh sorry . . . HIS kids.

And finally, Meri's ugly-cry segment about her catfish debacle. I do not believe that she was under any threat at any time. Sure, maybe Sam/Jackie said he/she was going to rat her out, but I would hardly classify that as a threat of the caliber that she's trying to portray it to have been. When you play with fire, you tend to get burned. For that reason, I blame her for her own stupidity in falling for something so ridiculous when, as she admitted, she saw the writing on the wall. I'm very intrigued by the fact that Meri seems to be getting a free pass for her emotional affair. Sure, they're not legally married anymore, but don't they have a "spiritual marriage?" I sure as hell wouldn't be okay with my legal husband, spiritual husband, boyfriend, or partner sending romantic texts and suggestive pictures to someone else. Call me crazy!

Hey, Robyn? Just in case you read this, poor Janelle might defend you and your actions, but I think you're a duplicitous, manipulative bitch. Stick that in your sisterwife's closet and smoke it.

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 23



And Janelle barely had any reason to be there. 


Well, she had to don her Captain-Save-a-ho cape and come to everyone's rescue.


Note to Janelle: the cape doesn't suit you and doesn't fit. Leave it to those who actually gain some discernible benefit for playing martyr (Here's a clue: certain somebodies whose prior last name was Jessop) to the family, oops I mean Kody.  I have come to the conclusion that family = Kody. When he was building that rock tower on the beach with Christine he was building a monument to his virility. Full stop. 


I've never seen nor heard such illogical & magical thinking outside of a mental institution.  So, just because the person on the other end turned out to be a fraud and a fake that means that Meri wasn't emotionally cheating & had no intention of leaving? Meri's intentions and feelings which she admits were feeling of love are completely negated and of no consequence because the person on the other end wasn't real? Well, if that were true than no person who ever intended a murder for hire and wound up engaging an undercover cop isn't guilty of any type of crime because the person on the other end was lying about who they were!  


Since when does intention and what you thought and felt in the moment not count for anything?


Seriously, if my husband sat there and spouted that shit about it didn't matter because Sam wasn't real that would be the biggest indication that he gave no shits about me.   Meri was at the very least emotionally unfaithful to her spiritual husband and for him to have no real reaction says it all. 


Poor Meri just wanted someone to laugh and eat bananas with.  She is just the poor put upon victim here. No mention of Disneyland? If Sam had been real, I am sure that she would've ridden more than the teacups while she was there. LOL!


Worse yet, Kody and Meri's divorce and him turning around to marry Robyn is not even mentioned or considered as a factor in all this. I want to give Tamara some credit for seeming a bit more on the ball and persistent this go around but I have to give her a fail because she didn't even ask if there was a cause and effect what with this catfishing thing coming on the heels of the divorce.


YES!! Mariah stepped into the light. 


Is it wrong that I get tickled every time they mention Christine going off in the past and saying she hated plural marriage which totally pissed off King Kody? My only regret is that she seemed awake for a bit and then fell right back to sleep and been in the plural marriage coma ever since, which seems to have deprived her brain of oxygen based on the crazy off the wall way she has been acting.


One good thing about this reunion is that at least Robyn seemed relative quiet compared to how she usually takes over at these things.


Good gawd Aurora! Robyn Jr indeed.


I know it should have been a sweet, unique moment but Kody crying over his adopted kids made me want to wretch! After all the 'won't someone please think about the children" the mask finally fell off. Once again, he made it about him. Those kids were Kody's! He wanted them to increase the population on his planet Uranus and he was going to go to war and he almost seems to regret that he didn't have to.  What a giant flaming jackass!

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 23

I have to give Tamron a couple of snaps as I feel like she was hinting as hard as she possibly could about Robyn, without coming right out and saying it. Much better than she has done in the past. I also get the feeling she Tamron doesn't like Robyn much. Or maybe it's me that doesn't like Robyn much. I lost count of how many times I screamed "Ugh, Shut up Robyn!" at the tv.

My God, Aspyn has gorgeous hair!

  • Love 11

I'm only half-way through the tell-all and I am floored at Tameron Hall! Normally, the Browns give a "non-answer" that glosses over the issues with generalized language that says nothing at all. Tameron responds with a smile and a compliment and moves on to talk about Kody's hair.

I am dead serious when I say that I couldn't watch Tameron Hall at all after the first Tell-All. I lost all respect for her as a woman and a reporter. I am impressed that she is asking real questions this time.

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 6


So, just because the person on the other end turned out to be a fraud and a fake that means that Meri wasn't emotionally cheating & had no intention of leaving? Meri's intentions and feelings which she admits were feeling of love are completely negated and of no consequence because the person on the other end wasn't real?

 This statement perfectly sums up the situation. They are claiming her to be a victim due to a technicality, he wasn't real.

That excuses nothing. I am not saying she deserved to be duped or even brought it upon herself, but she did allow it to happen. 


How could they leave out Disneyland. That clearly shows she intended to leave.

in reading the blog, I was amused about the batman talking about the plans they made...like what they were going to do with Meri's house.

Would she even have a claim on that house? She'd probably have to buy the family out.

  • Love 4

I too was pleasantly surprised with Tamron I think she was as hard hitting as she could be considering it was the Browns, and they likely would have walked off and yelled "persecution" if she had been much tougher. I thought it was precious how when she was pressing Kody he got all defensive and was asking Christine to talk off camera.

There was something I noticed with the adoption scene that I was wondering if anyone had experience with: when the attorney specifically asked if Kody and Robyn were legally married, was that normal? I am just wondering if that was a typical question or an FU inter webs question since people disputed whether he really needed to legally marry Robyn.

I also noticed when they were talking about Kody spending time with the kids and someone (one of the wives) mentioned the older kids saying he payed them plenty of attention growing up, but we have seen ON CAMERA they say he didn't always pay them as much attention, especially the girls. Also WTF he doesn't play golf... What does that have to do with anything?! Are we supposed to feel bad that you don't have a hobby to enjoy? I thought Robyn was your hobby. And I would like to know what he meant by "businesses" not even one singular he definietly said "Es".

I will also say, although they spent a little less than a quarter the show on the catfish... I really thought it was going to take up more of the show. Thank GOD they are not dragging it out for 2 weeks. I really want to feel bad for Meri, I don't think an affair is ok, but I can see why she did it, but she is making it so damn hard to have just an ounce of sympathy. For starters, in my opinion and affair is an affair whether physical or emotional, and regardless of the outcome Meri intended on cheating/leaving, so to me that's all that I would need to know, and I'd be gone. To me it was also telling that Janelle was talking about going back to battle or whatever, but Kody didn't seem to really care, I guess Robyn's kids are the only one he puts war paint on for.

It was super annoying how she put all the blame on "Sam", while I think JO is a horrible excuse for a person, and I do believe there was some manipulation there, but ultimately "Sam" really couldn't/shouldn't be able to "Make" Meri do anything she didn't want to, I think there was at least a small desire to leave or else he wouldn't have gotten through to her to begin with. I know I've said this somewhere so I apologize if it was in the sisterwives thread, I'm thinking it was teen mom, but I might have said it here... But this reminds me of the episode of friends where Monica doesn't want to tell her parents to know she is with Chandler because they don't like him because he smoked pot in Ross' room when they were younger, except he didn't, Ross was caught smoking pot and told his parents it was Chandler But he jumped out the window. Monica was telling Ross he had to come clean so their parents would be ok with her dating Chandler, and Ross reluctantly agreed, and says "fine, so who should we say tricked me into smoking pot", and that's kinda how Meri is treating this confession, she admits (sorta) that she did something wrong, but making it very clear she was "tricked", "made", "forced" to do it.

I can't believe they even turned this into an attack against the kids, if the kids were always in this much danger why not just put them in the witness protection program.

I know you are all celebrating that it looks like we'll be treated to another birth from Robyn.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 6

What a bunch of total BS.  We here knew they would whitewash Meri's part in the Catfish affair, that she wouldn't take responsibility for her part in the relationship, and that they would make it yet another "our family is being targeted, we have to go to war to protect the family" situation.  They must think we're as dumb as they are and will buy it, but most of their audience is much smarter than that and knows the real truth.  If that catfish had turned out to be a real guy, Meri would have flown that coop.  She seems to forget that in the previous episode she told everyone not to be surprised if she just did something crazy like up and left.  If she had no intentions of ever leaving the family then why would she have said that?  Again, total BS.  I'm pissed that these assholes think we're dumb enough to believe it.


Well said. I'd quote all of you, but can't for space and time!


I too think Meri's full of shit and wants us to believe what she's telling now rather than the truth that transpired. She's trying to save face, but it isn't working. At the top of the show she reminded us that she is still married to Kody. Later, she began telling us the story about Sam. So Meri... you were cheating on your husband Kody by having a loving relationship with Sam. Emailing Sam, talking to Sam, sending explicit photos to Sam, meeting Sam at Disneyland, but it ended up not being a real Sam. Meri... what makes that not cheating on your current hubby Kody? Do you tell yourself it wasn't cheating b/c a guy didn't show up and it was a woman? Ridiculous BS.


Kody sat there with a quizzical dog expression rather than someone concerned about his WIFE cheating on him and making plans to leave. His was not a normal reaction. AND, he said something like he was giving Meri her space. BS. His reaction was more of someone who does not care anymore for that person. He was probably hoping Meri would find someone and move on. At this point, Kody thinks about what drama they can come up with to keep the TLC gravy train going. If Meri up and leaves, or gets catfished, or has another online affair, he's in for the viewership it will draw. His emotional attachment to Meri ended awhile back and he's not feeling any remorse or concern about it.


I keep thinking about when Meri was sitting at that dinner table and she said that one day she might be gone and not come back. What about her daughter? Mariah's at college but isn't really that far away. If I were her and heard this story play out, I would be in tears. Mariah is all about her mom and doesn't want to be that far away from her. But, Meri was planning to go away with Sam who she hadn't known for long. No thoughts about Mariah. Meri would be gone somewhere and what is Mariah supposed to do? Mariah shouldn't count on her mom much now. That can be a really tough revelation for someone.


Also about Mariah, it was really interesting that she is now not gung-ho about plural marriage. Could be this recent incident with her mom's fiasco, the legal divorce and Robyn,  OR her having been around other young adults in the real world who are having good one on one relationships. Like all of us, she deserves to have someone love her rather than her being just another number in line.


Well, she had to don her Captain-Save-a-ho cape and come to everyone's rescue.


That had me laughing so hard! That was really weird how they were trying to spin the whole catfishing incident into some sort of "we've got to go to war" thing. Really? And do what? First tie Meri's hands and take her social media away. Meri is responsible for her part in it. She's no innocent in all of this.


My comment/question...For someone who espouses that his religion values "spiritual marriage" (non-legal marriage)...why is "legal adoption" so important?  In other words, it's okay to have many "spiritual" wives" or "spritual marriages"...but it's not okay to have just "spiritual" (stepchildren) children.  He believes the children have to be "legally adopted" kids.  AND...after the adoption...the family had a big celebration of the "legal' adoption. What?  Isn't that kinda contradictory thinking? Double-standards?


Totally hypocritical! Kody implied that making his and Robyn's marriage "legal" was small-minded thinking. They have much higher ideals with spiritual marriage. ::insert eye-roll here:: Yet, Kody has a stick up his butt about the non-biological kids being LEE-GALL-EEE his with a piece of paper, signed, filed, framed, hung on the wall, etc. Kody, you should legally change your name to "Hypocrite Brown".

  • Love 7

Much to my chagrin, I have been reading this forum regularly.  First time posting and my question is:


If the "threat" was so stressful and dangerous -- why didn't you report it to law enforcement??? 


And, as an aside, I am SO tired of hearing  "monogamists don't/can't understand polygamy".  Perhaps polygamists don't understand what it is like to live in a monogamous marriage/relationship!

  • Love 19

Kody mentioned how he makes sure that his "work" doesn't take him from the kids too much and Janelle launches into a diatribe about what a "superhero" of a dad he is. The only conclusion I can draw is that Janelle is so emotionally checked out of whatever relationship they have/had that it's easy for her to fib to herself. She doesn't need him on the same level that Christine and Robyn do, so it matters less to her that he spends the majority of his time wrapped up in Robyn and her kids. Oh sorry . . . HIS kids.


THIS!!  When Tamryn asked Janelle if she thought her relationship with Kody had changed in response to Christine bringing up her jealousy she said "No" - My reaction is "Well, no wonder, Janelle, you never had much of a relationship with him in the first place".

Also, re: Meri's sob face - Is it me or does her upper lip grow with every lie she tells?  I don't mean that to insult her, it's just how long can it get?

  • Love 4

Was the 'Tell All' episode recorded before Sam/JO released the voice mails, letters, and banana photos? Kody minimized the exchange as 'flirting' which doesn't even come close to describing the obvious emotional intensity that Meri had invested in the affair. Meri' s revisionist version relies heavily on being manipulated and 'threatened', but it's a pretty flimsy explanation when she briefly tried to reconnect with 'Sam' on Twitter in September. Apparently, repeatedly cooing "baby, baby, oh baby" and pledging her love and devotion to Sam was Meri' s feeble attempt to 'go to war' to protect her family and her marriage.

  • Love 6
I've never seen nor heard such illogical & magical thinking outside of a mental institution.  So, just because the person on the other end turned out to be a fraud and a fake that means that Meri wasn't emotionally cheating & had no intention of leaving? Meri's intentions and feelings which she admits were feeling of love are completely negated and of no consequence because the person on the other end wasn't real? Well, if that were true than no person who ever intended a murder for hire and wound up engaging an undercover cop isn't guilty of any type of crime because the person on the other end was lying about who they were!  


Since when does intention and what you thought and felt in the moment not count for anything?


Since the show and Kodouche especially thought that the only way to save face with the public for the family is to engage in yet more revisionist history.  Seems to have been a theme for them this season.  Too bad, Kodouche, your little plan failed, most of us are too smart to buy it.

  • Love 5
Also, it was very striking how all the problems--Kody paying less attention to his daughters, Christine feeling doubtful about plural marriage--occurred right around the time Robyn appeared on the scene, but they always gave another explanation.


This is so true - In fact "giving another explanation" is something this family does best.  First and foremost with Kodouche himself.  Oh, no, he didn't get married to 4 women for his own satisfaction, but because of his religious beliefs that this is a lifestyle God approves of and encourages.  And Oh, no, he didn't divorce Meri and marry Robyn because he was done with Meri.  And oh no, he didn't want to adopt Robyn's kids because he prefers her and wants to increase his power in the next "kingdom", but to "protect them".  And Oh, no, Meri never intended to run off with some fantasy guy.  She would never leave the family!  She stayed involved with this person wholly out of fear, there was no intention on her part to stay in the relationship - (Yeah, right, like they think they can sell me the Brooklyn bridge!)  The list of "other explanations" goes on and on.  These people make an entire career out of being pathological liars!

  • Love 9

Why doesn't Meri feel any shame? Is it because that kind of marriage isn't the same as the usual kind of marriage--because Kody shares his life and has sex and children with three other women? I mean, think about your mate kissing someone else. Then think about him/her doing all kinds of other things with someone else. And sharing intimacies with those other people. Just wouldn't work for me. Some things are reserved only for that special someone. Not those special someones. Can't get over that.


Janelle, matching your clothes to your eye color really doesn't work. Especially when you match teal to your eyes. That pantsuit was horribly outdated.


Christine, where did all of those wrinkles come from? I think it might have been the makeup emphasizing the lines on her face. No shame at all in aging, but I think the makeup artist could have done a better job. And I think the stress of being in an unhappy marriage has taken its toll.


Actually, I think the marriages have taken a toll on almost everyone--except for maybe King Sam, Queen Robyn, and Kody. The older kids seem to have figured out that plural marriages don't work. Good on them!

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 7


So, just because the person on the other end turned out to be a fraud and a fake that means that Meri wasn't emotionally cheating & had no intention of leaving? Meri's intentions and feelings which she admits were feeling of love are completely negated and of no consequence because the person on the other end wasn't real?


It wasn't even just that - Kody said he didn't believe that you could have feelings for someone you never met or even saw, so on that basis he did not consider what Meri was doing "cheating" in her heart.  Wow, is he ever wrong as I know first hand - But I doubt he even believes that - it's just another way to re-write history to benefit his image.  He doesn't want to look like he's been cheated on.  I have a feeling they are also trying to show the catfish that she didn't succeed at breaking up the family - because they believe that was her motive (or at least that's they're story and they're sticking to it).  Meanwhile, behind the scenes things are much different, I'm sure.  Also, the K-man still won't give up his campaign to make polygamy look wonderful which he thinks denying Meri's real feelings will further.  He is so wrong and so deluded by now.  These people are like the little Dutch boy putting their fingers in the dyke every time a hole springs up, but eventually it can't hold anyway.

When this catfish thing first came out, I hoped that Meri would eventually get over it and come out swinging again. I hoped that she would either leave or stay and knock Robyn off her thrown and take top spot back. Now I don't think it's going to happen. Meri and the other wives are completely beaten. Robyn's victory is complete. Her and her children have completely and totally stolen Kody from the 16 people that were in his family at the time that he married her. It was really amazing to watch her climb over their backs one by one and claw her way to the top with her children. She is truly diabolical.


I know, I hoped too but I posted early on that she would probably be just as vulnerable to giving up and going back into the family after being defeated and knowing her fantasy lover didn't exist and wasn't going to rescue her.  She doesn't have the balls to do it on her own.  Anyone who needs to be rescued to escape a bad situation usually doesn't.  It's so sad.

  • Love 3

1.  I wonder if Kody had the swapping hormones talk with Logan, who (gasp) apparently kissed Michelle!!!

2.  Daddy dates.  I think this is a great idea.  I could definitely have saved a couple decades of struggle if I had had some (I had a good dad, just no had idea what to do with a girl).  Too bad he gave that all up.  

3.  Gwendolyn is over this shit.  Good for her.  

4.  Did anybody else catch the line that Jessop asked them to adopt the kids?

5.  tie in to #4 above, Aurora still tugs at my heart.  What is her story?  What is she struggling with?  She seems SO vulnerable and damaged to me.  

Why doesn't Meri feel any shame? Is it because that kind of marriage isn't the same as the usual kind of marriage--because Kody shares his life and has sex and children with three other women? I mean, think about your mate kissing someone else. Then think about him/her doing all kinds of other things with someone else. And sharing intimacies with those other people. Just wouldn't work for me. Some things are reserved only for that special someone. Not those special someones. Can't get over that.


Janelle, matching your clothes to your eye color really doesn't work. Especially when you match teal to your eyes. That pantsuit was horribly outdated.


Christine, where did all of those wrinkles come from? I think it might have been the makeup emphasizing the lines on her face. No shame at all in aging, but I think the makeup artist could have done a better job. And I think the stress of being in an unhappy marriage has taken its toll.


Actually, I think the marriages have taken a toll on almost everyone--except for maybe King Sam, Queen Robyn, and Kody. The older kids seem to have figured out that plural marriages don't work. Good on them!

Agree Janelle's pantsuit was dated, but I liked the color on her.  I'm partial to turquoise and teal though.  Agree about Christine's make up.  I think she has a natural beauty and should merely even out her skin tone for camera, wear some lip color and let her hair drape straight.  I envy her hair!!!

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 2

What a slap in the face for viewers. They must think we are really stupid. Oh, wait, it's them that are stupid. Especially Kody. As long as there was no sex happening, he considers it harmless flirting. What an idiot- has he read his wife's correspondances with her online boyfriend/catfish?! Meri expects people to believe that this person was forcing her to leave voicemails declaring her love? Utter horseyit!!

Someone up thread said Savannah got into Christine's stash- hysterical. That girl was wound up- maybe she found Janelle's Twinkie stash and had a massive sugar buzz!! Maddie and Logan seem to have developed an arrogant attitude. I agree that each of the women's children's attitudes are a good barometer of how the women really feel about the situation. I felt empathy for Meri at first, but she can go suck an egg now. They could have probably legally shut down Jackie Overton, but chose not to for ratings. Then Meri spins all kinds of BS to make herself look less culpable. If JO lures in anyone else, the Brown's and TLC will not be blameless. They could have illuminated her for what she really is, and shut her down.

  • Love 6

Robyn looking into the monitor to fluff her curls as she was about talk about her legal marriage was annoying.


Yes!  Someone previously rather brilliantly said Robyn's hair fluffing has reached Khloe Kardashian levels.   I always get a kick out of it when Robyn does it as I remember that.   She was not caught doing it as much this "tell all".

Edited by SuzWhat
  • Love 4

Janelle, matching your clothes to your eye color really doesn't work. Especially when you match teal to your eyes. That pantsuit was horribly outdated.

I thought she looked great with the exception of the pants. Trade those for a pair of jeans and she would have looked way more stylish. I liked the color on her. I thought all the wives looked good, actually. 


What a bunch of total BS.  We here knew they would whitewash Meri's part in the Catfish affair, that she wouldn't take responsibility for her part in the relationship, and that they would make it yet another "our family is being targeted, we have to go to war to protect the family" situation.  They must think we're as dumb as they are and will buy it, but most of their audience is much smarter than that and knows the real truth.  If that catfish had turned out to be a real guy, Meri would have flown that coop.  She seems to forget that in the previous episode she told everyone not to be surprised if she just did something crazy like up and left.  If she had no intentions of ever leaving the family then why would she have said that?  Again, total BS.  I'm pissed that these assholes think we're dumb enough to believe it.


And we can't forgot that DURING the tell all Meri admitted that what she found attractive about the catfish was the "laughter" as if that minimized her affair in some way when in my mind it amplifies it hugely. She basically said joy and happiness were missing from her life and somehow that is okay to the Brown because the affair wasn't physical or sexual in nature. One of Meris' basic human needs was being neglected and there is no acknowledgement of that, especially by Kody. 


I agree with all other comments about Tamron asking better questions and being firmer interviewer, especially with Robyn. One of the better tell-alls. 

  • Love 3

Well, Tamron did a better job with the questions and not letting the Browns laugh her off or change the subject, but still, I'd rather have Dr. Phil asking the questions.  Or better yet, anyone from this forum.  But as a poster already said, Tamron probably has to walk a fine line because the Browns could just cry "persecution" and run away.


When Meri said that she thought JO might be targeting the kids, etc., I have to say I'd give her a pass on that, based on the fact that JO posted pictures online of the inside of Meri's house.  That makes the creep factor go way up.  However, Meri supposedly saw red flags early on but kept on with the relationship.  So any perceived danger to her family came firmly in second place to the thrills she was getting from flirting online.


Janelle - being Kody's cheerleader does not suit you.  It sounds fake.  Go back to sitting quietly on the couch.  And those pants were awful, sorry.


Christine - pretty in real life, but always comes across as way too made-up and dressed in unflattering colors on these tell-all shows.  Ask you daughter Aspyn, who was KILLING it, to give you some fashion tips.  Also, Christine has this way of talking really softly and kind of slurring her words when she's trying to come across as acquiescent, and it drives me CRAZY.


Aurora - yes, something not right about her.  She is beautiful and mature for her age appearance-wise, but I think there's a stunted, pained and confused young child in there somewhere and Robyn is not properly taking care of this girl's psyche.


Savannah - too many pre-show cookies and Mountain Dew in the greenroom!


Robyn - girl, you really need to practice your crying face some more.  It would probably help if you actually produced tears.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 9

Kody admitted tht people in his OWN CHURCH complained about his divorcing Meri to marry Robyn.

Then, 30 minutes later apologist Janelle explains that monogamists don't understand the divorce because they are more narrow minded than polygamists. Really, Janelle? How does that explain your fellow polygamist church members?

Poor Browns. Persecuted on all fronts!

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 12

What snarklepuss said.  These people must think viewers are stupid.  No one targeted their family.  Meri thought online guy was going to be her ticket off the compound and when that turned out to be a farce, she decided to play the victim. 

OMG I totally agree....  It pisses me off that Kody tried to make it look like that.   Meri was miserable, lonely and vulnerable.  She truly felt like someone was giving her real affection and love - something she hasn't had in a long time from Kody.   I feel sorry for her for that -- but she totally backtracked to make it look like someone was targeting her.  


I watched the entire show last night and if I rolled my eyes anymore they would have stuck to the back of my head!!!!


This family is nothing but lies....  and Robyn ass is huge...(just had to throw that in)

  • Love 12

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