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S12.E08: Things We Lost In The Fire

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I know this is a ridiculous question in the context of this show, but are doctors even allowed to date their patients?  I spent the whole time Arizona was interacting with her wondering this.

Why would Arizona think it's appropriate to ask out a patient she has known for what, 5 hours or so? Perhaps if she came back to the hospital in the capacity of firefighter visiting her friends who were still in the hospital and she wasn't a patient anymore, 

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I know this is a ridiculous question in the context of this show, but are doctors even allowed to date their patients? I spent the whole time Arizona was interacting with her wondering this.

This! She is a patient in a bit of a compromising position, considering her ass is in full view. It's a bit creepy, sorry.

I know it's played for laughs but I realize why I'm not connecting with Arizona's storyline-there's no heart to it. It's funny or kind of cute in terms of the Webber/Arizona interaction but that's it. There is nothing underlying that makes the story resonate.

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I was glad that Weber told Arizona it was creepy that she tried to ask out her patient while her bare ass was still hanging out.


I already described in great length why Amelia's little temper tantrum this week bothered me but one thing I forgot to mention earlier is that if you are going to play the "I'm your sister" card, then ACT LIKE IT. And I don't mean the whiny little sister who will not shut up or go away and insists on following you around making annoying sounds and picking fights with you at every opportunity. If you want to be someone's sister, then be supportive, loving, dependable, etc. In other words, be a good friend but times 100.

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I think that Amelia has every right to think of herself ad Mer's sister. Just think about how many hours she has spent taking care of Mer's kids.Of course, no one will bring this up, but if Mer called her when she found out that Derick was dying, Mer's kids would have been spared a bit of trauma, having a known caretaker being with them while their father was dying. Is Amelia wearing Derick's other surgical cap? It does look familiar.



Dang it, I am about the same age as Owen's mom, why can't I find a boyfriend just like him.

Edited by Lillybee
  • Love 6

I think that Amelia has every right to think of herself ad Mer's sister. Just think about how many hours she has spent taking care of Mer's kids.Of course, no one will bring this up, but if Mer called her when she found out that Derick was dying, Mer's kids would have been spared a bit of trauma, having a known caretaker being with them while their father was dying. Is Amelia wearing Derick's other surgical cap? It does look familiar.


And at t the end if the first episode of this season Mer saId to Amelia  "Your family, and I love you" - it seems particually cruel of Meredith, knowing just how vulnerable Amelia is, to take that back.

Also, last week, as soon as Amelia walked into the door from talking to Owen after he had told Bailey she had made a mistake, Meredith was waiting and started questioning Amelia on what Owen had said to her, but she acts so offended when Amelia questions her the same way.


A problem with Meredith is that she really does believe that she is the sun, and everyone should revolve around her.  She can't stand it when she is not at the center.


Dang it, I am about the same age as Owen's mom, why can't I find a boyfriend just like him.

I feel the same

  • Love 6


And at t the end if the first episode of this season Mer saId to Amelia  "Your family, and I love you" - it seems particually cruel of Meredith, knowing just how vulnerable Amelia is, to take that back.

Also, last week, as soon as Amelia walked into the door from talking to Owen after he had told Bailey she had made a mistake, Meredith was waiting and started questioning Amelia on what Owen had said to her, but she acts so offended when Amelia questions her the same way.


A problem with Meredith is that she really does believe that she is the sun, and everyone should revolve around her.  She can't stand it when she is not at the center.


I feel the same


Can we sit at a table for two in the corner and snark about Mer.

  • Love 6

I kept having flashbacks during all those Owen scenes... 

Especially shaking my head over Owen's yelling at Riggs over his Mom being HIS family and Not Riggs...you know the mother he didn't even visit for ages when he came back from Iraq?

Now he's a model son.

Also, Riggs taking the stake out of the firefighter reminded me of the icicle stuck in Cristina's stomach removed by Owen.

And then I was totally disgusted how Owen self-righteously is somehow upset at Riggs being a bad little doctor. Was he responsible for hurting his sister? If it was Rigg's wife, he has more say than a brother.

who knows, but I still wonder why Owen never got fired for sticking the whole staff on the below standard plane where people died.

Owen is the worst doctor, son and husband ever who shouldn't be judging anyone.

Bless you. I have read your comment and I totally agree.

I kept having flashbacks during all those Owen scenes... 

Especially shaking my head over Owen's yelling at Riggs over his Mom being HIS family and Not Riggs...you know the mother he didn't even visit for ages when he came back from Iraq?

Now he's a model son.

Also, Riggs taking the stake out of the firefighter reminded me of the icicle stuck in Cristina's stomach removed by Owen.

And then I was totally disgusted how Owen self-righteously is somehow upset at Riggs being a bad little doctor. Was he responsible for hurting his sister? If it was Rigg's wife, he has more say than a brother.

who knows, but I still wonder why Owen never got fired for sticking the whole staff on the below standard plane where people died.

Owen is the worst doctor, son and husband ever who shouldn't be judging anyone.

Bless you. I have read your comment and I totally agree.

Not happy they chose second and third-degree burns as the medical storyline for this romance-driven episode. Nothing says romance to me like seeing firefighters' skin burned off while on the line of duty.

I had to look away, I could not watch those scenes. When I saw the wounds as Jo put bandages on them,oh my, I totally skipped the whole Maggie/Deluca case with the burnt patient.

I have suffered from severe scolding twice of second and third degree, so this episode was really tough on me emotionally.

Edited by Nobodysfan

Amelia is without question the worst character this show has ever introduced. She's a horrible, horrible person played by one of the worst actresses I've ever had the displeasure of watching. I really, really do not like her, I don't care about her struggles with sobriety or her forced relationships with Meredith and Owen. I wasn't a huge fan of Derek but we lost the wrong Shepherd of this is the garbage we have to endure. 

  • Love 4

The problem with Riggs is he's coming off as a jerk in ways that have nothing to do with Owen.  This is the second episode in a row in which he plowed in on another (female) doctor's case and took over.  I want to punch him in the face too.

In some way I feel you are right.  I disliked how he constantly treated Meredith like an incompetent dirtbag even during the operation, blaming her, and after it saying she was lucky. Awful behaviour on his part. Maggie was right - another alpha-male who pees all over. Or is he just frustrated how Meredith behaves to him and hates him? He has this macho attitude though.


I also did not like how he took that metal object out of Mrs Hunt´s boyfriend. Like there is no need for an X-ray? Just to be maverick and all?


My crush on him has disppeared.


However, I still think Hunt is off - the way Mrs Hunt greeted Nathan- so lovingly with open arms, there is no way she feels hatred towards him. I believe her. She strikes me as a mature woman who has experienced a lot in her life and is able to make healthy unbiased judgements of people. 


But to use physical and verbal abuse on him like Hunt does - unapologetical.

Edited by Nobodysfan
Amelia is without question the worst character this show has ever introduced. She's a horrible, horrible person played by one of the worst actresses I've ever had the displeasure of watching. I really, really do not like her, I don't care about her struggles with sobriety or her forced . . . .


Loathsome on Private Practice, too. Playing essentially the same self-entitled while at the same time self-doubting brahmin fault-finding, elitist "I'm so effing brilliant, except you know, not as brilliant as Derek" character.

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my only highlight likeable point of the episode was Arizona and her awkwardness. It has so much underlining to show her as someone who used to think there are women lining up for her to show her struggling still. It shows how much she has suffered and though she keeps a perky exterior, there's a wounded soul inside.

This hospital is based on inappropriate relationships so I don't know if anyone even has the right to call her out for just simply trying. And both times she approached she said 'follow up' aka when the fire fighter won't even be her patient anymore.

Give japril something original to do cos these are good actors just juggling with old calzona story lines . In span of 8 episode they are still where they were.

Contradictory to literally everyone everywhere (lj, tumblr, twitter ) I don't think Callie was annoying. Callie was just Callie. Do people believe that Jackson isn't actually looking for advice but is just shy to ask. What amused me is that she was on fence with Penny but wasn't affected by it at all. She was joyous. I know it's easy to just hate her when err n she's been written so horribly this season but I think people need to look at her beyond 'she's dating penny' focus.

Say no Jo. Please say no because as someone said above, a diamond (and a Taylor swift cover ) doesn't solves the things she pointed out to be wrong in her relationship.While Alex's proposal was sweet it didn't warmed my heart that much cos this is him. Jo is always his end of the day priority, never first.

Let's just say Meredith and Amelia were both wrong but I was more pissed at Amelia. Why not accuse Owen huh? Why does she thinks it's okay to attack Meredith instead of Owen? Her root cause of problem? Though my heart broke a little when she relapsed.

Owen is just insufferable and Kevin is just horrible with this arc. In season 6 his face used to be young so when his face used to show a painful expression it used to look that way. Now it just looks constipated sorry.

I don't like how people still throw shade at Meredith about how she treats Penny. She only treated her harshly for one episode. And has been better ever since.

Can't care much about maluca or Penny or Riggs though. Sorry they don't stir anything for me.

Can we sit at a table for two in the corner and snark about Mer.

You need to make room for me too.

Also, last week, as soon as Amelia walked into the door from talking to Owen after he had told Bailey she had made a mistake, Meredith was waiting and started questioning Amelia on what Owen had said to her, but she acts so offended when Amelia questions her the same way.

A few scenes before they argued Amelia & Meredith were talking about how Owen knew Riggs with Meredith saying maybe its a sibling, it happened to her. Then she calls Amelia a child for asking Meredith what she found out. So its not childish when its Meredith bringing it all up.

And at t the end if the first episode of this season Mer saId to Amelia  "Your family, and I love you" - it seems particually cruel of Meredith, knowing just how vulnerable Amelia is, to take that back.

Amelia knew Meredith didn't like her and should have never have moved in with her and Maggie. The last time they argued she told them to get Amelia out of there or she would kill her. Amelia certainly has her problems but she's not any more hostile than Meredith is. Even when Derek was there Meredith didn't like her (or any of Derek's family really), she liked her at the house to have childcare help.

But Meredith's (Ellen's?) demeanor is different too, and it has been since even before Derek died, even before Cristina left I think.

I don't think Meredith has been warm in general since she drowned herself but I agree she's been bitchier/colder in her demeanor in more recent seasons. I think its a combo of writing and actor choice. I don't think its the directors since there are different directors for different episodes.

Edited by windsprints
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The problem with Riggs is he's coming off as a jerk in ways that have nothing to do with Owen.  This is the second episode in a row in which he plowed in on another (female) doctor's case and took over.  I want to punch him in the face too.


I don't really see this at all.  Last week he was working on the patient when Maggie came in, it wasn't Maggie's patient, it looked like a woman who just came into the ER that Riggs was working on.  Then Maggie came and had no clue who he was so she just shoved him out of the way.  She seemed more angry about the patient deferring to Nathan rather than something that Riggs had done.  He specifically said that his name was on her chart, he had a plan for the procedure and disagreed with Maggie but he did not plow and take over a case from Maggie.


In this ep, he was on a consult and Meredith made it personal by continually asking for Pierce when he was standing right there.  I did find his interaction with Meredith to be way more antagonistic but I put that on both of them, tbh.

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Objectively, this was a good episode -- more like classic Grey's. I prefer the lighter episodes, but the firefighter and his wife were really good guest actors and it reminded me of the caliber of guest star acting Grey's used to have. The scene between them was so moving. "You did good." Sniff.


I don't actually mind that Amelia could be going after Riggs (in a substance-filled haze, of course) because I swear, the Owen/Amelia romance is so incredibly mind-numbing that last episode, when she climbed into bed with him, I went "Huh? What? Are they together now?"


I did like the genuine moment between Maggie and DeLuca. Against all odds, I find myself charmed by them (I like both actors a lot). It's interesting to see the shoe on the other foot, so to speak, when the romance is between a more senior woman attending and a junior male intern. I think women get judged differently for that kind of thing, and I sort of saw that in Maggie's scene with DeLuca. What an odd, fun little romance they are. I don't know if they're #truelove5evah, but they're cute.


Jackson and April are messy and confusing, but damn if both actors aren't selling the heck out of it. I have no idea what Jackson was going to say (other than the opposite of what April thought). Maybe it was "Let's go to counseling." I guess we'll find out.


And I do really like Meredith trying to be there (in her Meredith way) for Owen. I like that the show is giving "priority" to the relationships between the long-timers, and that the newbies (Jo and Amelia, in this instance) are on the outside, looking in. For viewers, that's how it should be. Meredith and Owen have been linked by Cristina, and I'm enjoying their dynamic. I think because Owen can be blustery around everyone, but Meredith won't take his crap and forces him to soften a little -- like she's his big sister. I always thought Cristina had a similar (albeit different, because it was romantic, not familial) impact on him. It makes him a slightly nicer person, which I appreciate -- since I don't think he's been very nice since Cristina left.


And I agree with everyone who says Riggs is Owen's former brother-in-law. The dead spouse will connect him to Meredith, and be a good second relationship for them both -- whenever they get there.


One of the strongest fall seasons I can remember for Grey's in a very long time. Here's hoping it keeps this momentum into the new year!

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Loved Arizona and Webber. He's the oldest person on the show, and I'm glad that he's written as a wiser person, but still able to pal around with the doctors. Go on, Richard. The bump was my dance, too!


Bar scenes are the only non-hospital scenes I like because you get to see more of the dynamics between the doctors and less of their personal lives. I just don't care about these people's private lives. But this show is clearly not being written for my demographic.


It's been a while since AZ was on the market, and since then, she's become a parent and has lost a leg, and, of course, aged. Surely she has to feel a bit unsteady.


I'm guessing that part of Owen's problem with Riggs is that "Mom always loved you more!" Probably jealous that this guy marries into the family and becomes closer to MIL than Owen is to her.


I wish they would give Jo an opportunity to shine as a surgeon so that her focus shifts towards her work. I, too, enjoyed the days when a surgeon would come out of surgery bubbling over with enthusiasm and declaring how badass they were. I'd like to see Jo and Steph become the badass duo and have people looking at them in awe.

Not happy they chose second and third-degree burns as the medical storyline for this romance-driven episode. Nothing says romance to me like seeing firefighters' skin burned off while on the line of duty.


I just kept thinking of that poor guy that Wilson was working on. I know he was unconscious but the idea that he was laying there burned while she and Alex had to have a fight just me sick. When Wilson said, "I need to concentrate on my patient" I thought, "How nice of you to remember him."

OMG this was such an emotional episode. I had stopped watching Grey's for awhile so I'm not up to par on a lot of the relationship back stories. But could someone please tell me why Meredith doesn't like Derek's sister. I mean there is some serious hostility between those 2 and I was curious as to what caused it. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to let me know,


Say no Jo. Please say no because as someone said above, a diamond (and a Taylor swift cover ) doesn't solves the things she pointed out to be wrong in her relationship.While Alex's proposal was sweet it didn't warmed my heart that much cos this is him. Jo is always his end of the day priority, never first.

Agreed. I think it's a cop out as well that Mer's reason for being a bitch to Jo was that she was hiding the ring. Fuck off writers. Every point Jo made was on par but I felt like it still went nowehere. Even when Alex was proposing to her he still wasn't listening to her. How far up in the clouds is he to not see how hurt and upset she is.

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I'm happy that Jo and Steph made up. I'd love to see Jo get some career focus for a while. I feel if she had more career focus she might grow the confidence and backbone that she so desperately needs in order to get Meredith and her other attendings to acknowledge her. I really want to see her and Callie work together again.


I'm not sure exactly who was right or wrong in the surgery between Riggs and Meredith but I do think that she made things 100% more awkward by being so rude to him and demanding Maggie be called etc. There's nothing to show he's bad at his job so she needs to grow up a bit and at least keep it professional.


Jo is right when she says if you're out with Grey then your out with everyone. Amelia is out with Grey. I think she's always been out of the circle. While Meredith doesn't treat her with the same open disdain she treats Jo, she doesn't treat her the way she does those she's loyal too aka Maggie, Alex and now Owen. The relationship is so unhealthy. Amelia is so needy and Meredith is so cold. The more she pushes her the more Meredith cuts her off. The main difference between Jo and Amelia's situation with Grey is that most of the time Amelia is too self centred to see whats in front of her and takes no notice whereas Jo can't focus on anything but that.


Owen is the worst. The worst. The only way I want to see him and Amelia end up together is if it results in both of them leaving. I don't even see a relationship. Jolex haven't had much screentime but Owen/Amelia have had such little screentime that I'd forgotten about them and didn't get why she was involving herself so much in his issues.


Also, is Sara Ramirez leaving at the end of the season? Callie's reduction in screentime and storyline has been huge this year. She's basically the back up propper to Perfect Penny. It's weird seeing her so in the background all of a sudden.


Speaking of Perfect Penny - snoooooooooooooooooooooore - Samantha Sloyan is the dullest actress ever as Penny is the dullest character ever. I'd say one drink at Joe's with her had Steph running back to Jo.

Edited by Chas411
  • Love 5

I'm not enjoying Bailey as chief, and her arrogant insistence on taking all the burn patients angered me. "We're not turning away firefighters!" No one would be turned away, they would be diverted to facilities who could actually accommodate them, versus stockpiling them in a filthy cafeteria, and treating them bare-assed to the world. And the old firefighter is just allowed to die because the other patients need to be treated first. Maybe if he was diverted to a hospital who had time for him, he would have been properly intubated before he deteriorated into heart failure. Oh he knows he's dying - then they all walk away leaving him alone in the room.

It's too much to add Riggs/Owen as mortal enemies when we are already suffering through Meredith/Penny. And nothing convinces me that Riggs did not anticipate this problem, or would be willing to stay once it became intolerable. Meredith seemed to oppose him on principal alone, and a patient was placed in danger as Mer and Riggs circled and peed on him like a dog claiming his territory.


This! They truly opposed each other in every scene, even amidst the surgery, like two kids fighting over a toy.


You have two doctors fighting out of spite, and the poor patient lies on the table unaware of how two doctors  are claiming the ownership of him and playing the game of being the god.


It´s sick. They both behaved awfully and unprofessionally.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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I don't really see this at all.  Last week he was working on the patient when Maggie came in, it wasn't Maggie's patient, it looked like a woman who just came into the ER that Riggs was working on.  Then Maggie came and had no clue who he was so she just shoved him out of the way.  She seemed more angry about the patient deferring to Nathan rather than something that Riggs had done.  He specifically said that his name was on her chart, he had a plan for the procedure and disagreed with Maggie but he did not plow and take over a case from Maggie.


In this ep, he was on a consult and Meredith made it personal by continually asking for Pierce when he was standing right there.  I did find his interaction with Meredith to be way more antagonistic but I put that on both of them, tbh.

I might reconsider my viewpoint form earlier when I supported Meredith more, but for me still both Riggs and Meredith behaved awfully is safe to say. True indeed, he was friendlier with Maggie,because she showed respect towards him,but with Meredith he pushed back,constantly. She was rather nasty and disrespectful to him as well. As colleague like Maggie did, you would discuss the course of action to take, she took his opinion into account which is the best way for the patient,not some petty malicious games. Why did even Meredith interfere when she is not a cardio surgeon is worth considering. I honestly do not see why she felt the right to change his decision of monitoring him instead of opening his chest, she still told Penny to book an OR. What on earth  was that? Also she called him a maniac??!!!! 


Also why did Riggs constantly  threw it in her face that she opened the fireman´s chest against his will, like a little kid because sb stole his favourite toy? Also when they were losing the patient in such a crisis he screamed at her again. Odd.

Edited by Nobodysfan
  • Love 1

A few scenes before they argued Amelia & Meredith were talking about how Owen knew Riggs with Meredith saying maybe its a sibling, it happened to her. Then she calls Amelia a child for asking Meredith what she found out. So its not childish when its Meredith bringing it all up.

Meredith didn't call Amelia a child for asking about Owen's secret. She called her a child for the ensuing temper tantrum Amelia threw after Meredith refused to disclose Owen's secret in which Amelia told Meredith that (1) Cristina was a shitty friend who abandoned her, (2) Meredith is a hollow shell, and (3) Derek would be disgusted with Meredith if he could see her now.

  • Love 1
It's been a while since AZ was on the market, and since then, she's become a parent and has lost a leg, and, of course, aged. Surely she has to feel a bit unsteady.


Didn't Arizona have sex with that flirty blonde doctor after she had already lost her leg, and that broke her and Callie up?  And then she had that thing with Leah?  I'm just not buying it that Arizona is suddenly incapable of flirting or lacks confidence.  I like her and the Chief, but otherwise this storyline is a dud for me.

I'm really, really liking DeLuca/Maggie and I hate that. I don't like to ship couples on Shonda's shows. At least I know I'll start hating them in a few episodes because Shonda always go too far with her couples and end up making me hate them. Whatever, I'll enjoy them while the going is good and hope for their deaths when it goes bad.

Meredith/Amelia were both wrong. Meredith and Riggs were both wrong. Owens was just a big asshole who is giving me more reason to hate him.

Jo was right in her argument with Alex but unfortunately, I don't think Alex was really listening to her.

Don't care about April and Jackson.

Love the Chief and Bailey. Love the Chief and Arizona.

I didn't think Callie really did anything wrong. She was being Callie.

I'm glad that Stephanie and Jo's fight is over with and hopefully the writers won't go there again anytime soon because Jo need someone in her corner.

  • Love 1

Meredith didn't call Amelia a child for asking about Owen's secret. She called her a child for the ensuing temper tantrum Amelia threw after Meredith refused to disclose Owen's secret in which Amelia told Meredith that (1) Cristina was a shitty friend who abandoned her, (2) Meredith is a hollow shell, and (3) Derek would be disgusted with Meredith if he could see her now.


No, I just re-watched this scene - Meredith called Amelia a child after Meredith said that Amelia was not her sister, that Christina was, but before Amelia told Mer that she was a hollow shell and that Derek would be disappointed in her.  Those last 2 points of yours happened after Meredith called Amelia a child.   The argument before that had mainly to do with Meredith refusing to tell Amelia what was going on with Owen and saying that the reason it was Meredith business and not Amelia was because Meredith had promised Christina she would look out for Owen. Meredith seems to see herself in the role as "best friend to ex-wife" as a good reason to delve into Owens private matters, while Amelia in role as current lover as no role in his life or in any need to be concerned.


This reasoning of Meredith’s is so sick to me.  My ex-husband lost any right to be concerned in my life with the signing of the divorce papers, and if any friend of his dared to poke his nose in my affairs, I would call the police and report a stalker.  While my current lover does, of course have a legitimate interest in my life.

  • Love 3
Loathsome on Private Practice, too. Playing essentially the same self-entitled while at the same time self-doubting brahmin fault-finding, elitist "I'm so effing brilliant, except you know, not as brilliant as Derek" character.



Also was she always this needy on Private Practice? Because she seems to need a lot of reassurances. I think in a previous episode that touched briefly about race she literally badgered Maggie over and over to make sure she wasn't a closet racist and when she wasn't completely satisfied with Maggie's answer she kept hounding again until Maggie had to be the older sibling and take her by the hand to stop her babbling.  Ugh, it's embarrassing. Did Derek's death suck the will out of her and made her so clingy, because last season when she was working on that brain tumour she seemed at least self-possessed and level headed.

Ive always found Meredith to be one of the more selfish, self-centered assholey people on the show so anytime someone tries to knock her down a peg or 3..for whatever reason, I celebrate.

I dont necessarily have a problem with Meredith telling Amelia she's not her sister if that's how she feels, but what bothered me is how and why she said it. This wasnt the first, or second time Amelia has referred to herself as Meredith's sister. Those two and Maggie have clearly developed some kind of bond, and if Meredith truly wasnt interested in being that with Amelia she should/could have made that clear beforehand. But to just blurt it out like that, IMO, only to hurt Amelia was shitty (but par for the course).

  • Love 8

Owen's sister has to be dead, right?  If it was just a bad divorce, Mama Hunt wouldn't have been crying at the sight of him. So it looks like Riggs was involved somehow and while Mama has forgiven him, Owen hasn't.


It occurred to me that (one of) the problems with Meredith/Amelia is that Amelia desperately wants a sister, especially now that Derek is dead, and Meredith doesn't.  Meredith didn't even want her own sisters at first, not Lexie or the other Grey sister, and she knew Maggie was her sister months before she told Maggie.  It's like there is a feeling chip missing in Meredith's brain.


Amelia never really had a chance to process Derek's death and it seems like she's stuck in the moment more than Meredith is. (scientific foundation in fMRI studies).  Meredith can shut off her emotions and work with Penny; Amelia can't.  Amelia is looking for emotional connection now that Derek is gone (e.g. so worried she had offended Maggie and Stephanie last episode) and both Meredith and Owen have just shut her out.



 And at t the end if the first episode of this season Mer saId to Amelia  "Your family, and I love you" - it seems particually cruel of Meredith, knowing just how vulnerable Amelia is, to take that back.

A problem with Meredith is that she really does believe that she is the sun, and everyone should revolve around her.  She can't stand it when she is not at the center.

And this.


Between her treatment of Jo, Owen (he's hers/Cristina's and Amelia can't have him) and Amelia lately, she's not a nice person.  Hugh Laurie made selfishness work for Gregory House but it's not working for Meredith.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 5

I love when they show Jackson being a great doctor. I feel like that's a side of his character that doesn't get shown often.



I thought this too while watching the episode. But I may be biased because I could take an entire hour of just that beautiful face.

Naaaah... that's not it. He's really grown as an actor because when he started, he wasn't that good.


(1) Are we supposed to hate Owen?  He constantly does this, just overly aggressive and angry and it's old at this point.  I wish his character would just go away.  


(2) April can truly be insufferable but I am happy that Jackson pointed that out to her, that she is constantly pulling this shit and has since the beginning of their relationship.  (3) As an aside, Jesse Williams is truly a gorgeous man, when they were fighting and he had his head tilted...too hot.



(1) I'm SO sick of Owen at this point. When he hit Riggs I instantly thought "Ugh, typical Hunt". Seen it too many times now. Whatever happened to character growth? *sigh*


(2) I cheered internally at that scene. We've been thinking it for so long, time for someone to point it out to her. Always about her and when you get married, you are supposed to consider the other person at lease SOME of the time!


(3) I swear this comes out in my posts on every episode but OMG he is so delicious!


I'm starting to like Maggie and her intern, he seems to act mature. 

I'm surprised that I'm actually liking them too. Really didn't expect to but I am pleasantly surprised.


I know I'm always late to this party as I watch the episodes online a few days after but I actually thought transgendered at first as well. I blame this on the media now. Almost every tv series now seems to be trying to introduce a transgender story so I half expect it all the time. But after reading these post I think the Brother-in-law story makes more sense and hopefully that's the way it goes.


Unpopular opinion time... Still LOVING Meredith this season, more than I have in a long time and I agree with her... Christina IS her sister and Amelia is Derek's sister and she needs to get to hell out of her house!

I also know a lot of people here love Alex and while I do hold a special place in my heart for him, I can never really take him seriously as I still see him as Massimo from The Wedding Planner... So as he's proposing to Jo, all I could think was "Alex wants Jo to be his buddy-buddy". LMAO

  • Love 1

Actually, Meredith did not know Maggie was her sister. Maggie did. 


Anyways, my thing with Amelia/Meredith is that, I think the word "sister" sends Mer into a thing. And I said this a few pages ago, the only "sister" I think Mer will consider one who is her sister was Lexie and that took years. And when it happened, she lost her. So, while she might love Amelia and Maggie, she can't consider them as close as Lexie became. The only time this issue was brought up was when  Derek's sister Neve Campbell came to the hospital and gave up her some of her leg to help Derek and she asked about her sister "who was on the plane as well"  and Mer refused to talk about it. I think that word, is a trigger for her, in many ways. And I feel like Lexie really worked at trying to forge a relationship with Meredith. It felt earned to me. Maggie doesn't seem to push for it too much, I'm not sure why. I think she likes Mer enough but doesn't feel the need to justify who Meredith is to her, whereas to me, Amelia feels the need to remind Mer that she's "her sister! WHO IS HERE!" But hey just my opinion. 


I also think my big problem with Amelia is that she is a "child" as Mer pointed out. She seems to rely on her heavy titles that mean nothing when the work isn't putted in. Amelia is Derek's little sister and is Mer's sister in law but, they've only been somewhat close for two years and hardly, really. I think the season is the only time it's been just them-and Maggie- living together. Derek was there, last season. And I'm trying to think in terms of  this show, of the time-frame. Christina and Mer were together for longer and all Amelia seems to do is toss the word sister around and around as if that means something. 


And someone said Mer should have called Amelia when Derek died, but there wasn't enough time. She should have called them to watch the kids or something but from my understanding of that moment and episode, there wasn't enough time. I remember her opening the door and then the next scene was her walking down the room, it was a split second thing. I know we all say when tragedy situations happen, we all have these ideas of what we will do and make a plan but when it happens, life happens, to me there was not enough time. And according to both Derek when he was on the table, dying, and the doctors, he had been gone for quite some time. 

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OMG this was such an emotional episode. I had stopped watching Grey's for awhile so I'm not up to par on a lot of the relationship back stories. But could someone please tell me why Meredith doesn't like Derek's sister. I mean there is some serious hostility between those 2 and I was curious as to what caused it. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to let me know,


It started last season after Derek died. Amelia was pissed that Meredith didn't call Amelia that night before going ahead and pulling the plug. Amelia thought maybe she could have saved him, or at the very least say goodbye. They had seemed to get past that, but when Penny arrived (the doctor that failed to save Derek) it brought the issue back to the front of Amelia's mind.

I think at one point Meredith tried to interfere with Amelia/Hunt out of loyalty Christina. But I think most of the resentment is about Derek.


Also was she always this needy on Private Practice? Because she seems to need a lot of reassurances.


I don't remember her needing that much reassurance at first. I actually really liked Amelia when she first showed up on PP. But after her drug relapse and having a brainless baby she got really annoying. I think that experience made her more needy. It did get worse when she came to Grey's though, because she felt like she was being compared to Derek all the time. On PP she could claim she was the best neurosurgeon ever and there was no one to dispute that.


Talking about PP reminded me that Amelia did stay close to Addison after she and Derek split. So, maybe it's in character for her to still consider Meredith a sister.

Edited by KaveDweller

Talking about PP reminded me that Amelia did stay close to Addison after she and Derek split. So, maybe it's in character for her to still consider Meredith a sister.


I was thinking that... Her and Addison called each-other sister all the time, talked about being Auntie to each-other's kids etc. Amelia even knew about Addison's fling with Mark before Derek walked in on them, and she kept it from Derek.


Although they knew each-other for much longer and from when Amelia was younger (in the intervention episode Addison talks about doing Amelia's hair for her prom) so the sister bond is more understandable. 


I think that Amelia isn't that close to her own sister's because they're older and had their own lives when she was growing up, yet she was closer to Derek and so saw whatever woman he was with as her sister.


And someone said Mer should have called Amelia when Derek died, but there wasn't enough time. She should have called them to watch the kids or something but from my understanding of that moment and episode, there wasn't enough time. I remember her opening the door and then the next scene was her walking down the room, it was a split second thing. I know we all say when tragedy situations happen, we all have these ideas of what we will do and make a plan but when it happens, life happens, to me there was not enough time. And according to both Derek when he was on the table, dying, and the doctors, he had been gone for quite some time. 


I agree that there wasn't time when the police came to the house. 

However, once she was at the hospital and knew the severity of the situation there was plenty of time for her to call the family to come and say goodbye before they pulled the plug. 

I understand that Meredith probably just wanted to get it over with and didn't want to be sitting around for hours with the kids waiting for Derek's family members to show up, but it was selfish of her to deny them the chance to say goodbye. 

A selfish decision isn't necessarily a wrong decision, Meredith did what was best for her and her kids which is fine. 

However, Amelia (and the rest of Derek's family) have a right to be upset over it. 


If both Meredith and Amelia would just step back from their own selfish bubbles and try to see it from the other's viewpoint then they might be able to support each-other through their grief instead of all this butting heads.

Edited by PrincessTT
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I hate the writers for making me dislike April. It's like there are two sides to her and if we get unlucky (might depend on the specific writer?) we'll have whiny April to deal with. Sorry but when she's using that voice I just can't listen. The mad look in her eyes doesn't help, neither does the crazy hair (yes this is superficial. Somehow everyone else always manages to have a beautiful coiffure after hours at the hospital).

I suspect this is all on purpose and unfortunatey, it's working. I used to love Japril but now I want Jackson to leave her. Clearly those two are not able to talk about their issues. As someone pointed out correctly, they're at the same point they were 8 episodes ago. And did she really always decide upon everything? I feel like that happened 'only' this season and they're trying to rewrite history.


The only thing that could turn this around would be Jackson saying "let's go counseling" or maybe "let's take some days off to spend time together and actually talk" AND April saying "I am sorry". Could you do that for me writers? Please?

I don't remember her needing that much reassurance at first. I actually really liked Amelia when she first showed up on PP. But after her drug relapse and having a brainless baby she got really annoying.


Well, crap. This show is developing some bad habits of making characters emotionally weaker/ emotionally annoying after a traumatic event that chip away everything that made the character interesting.

And did she really always decide upon everything? 

No she didn't, Jackson decided when they broke up the first time, when they got back together the second. He never talk about his feeling, he doesn't bother to call her when she went back to Moline. He gave her an ultimatum(s), call her crazy for believing in God.He decided they should get a divorce and shouldn't even be talking. When she get the clue and doesn't want to talk it back to it being her fault. They live in his place, which is in his name, she doesn't even have a home. This whole she decide everything storyline is BS from the writers

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The argument before that had mainly to do with Meredith refusing to tell Amelia what was going on with Owen and saying that the reason it was Meredith business and not Amelia was because Meredith had promised Christina she would look out for Owen. Meredith seems to see herself in the role as "best friend to ex-wife" as a good reason to delve into Owens private matters, while Amelia in role as current lover as no role in his life or in any need to be concerned.


See, I thought the argument stopped being about Owen real quick.  The bottom line is Meredith has her own separate relationship with Owen that has nothing to do with Amelia's relationship with Owen.  And Meredith and Owen get to decide how that relationship works.  But Amelia doesn't compute that and so the conversation quickly moved away from Owen onto Meredith herself.


It was frustrating to watch that scene because Amelia never let Meredith finish a sentence.  You could clearly see that Meredith was trying explain her reasoning without breaking Owen's confidences.


But Amelia very quickly turned that around and made it a personal attack on Christina (whom she  dismissed as 'some woman' and Owen's 'ex-girlfriend'), Meredith's relationship with Christina, Meredith's relationship with Derek, and then on Meredith herself.  So yeah, I thought the whole 'Owen is telling you stuff and not me' got completely wiped away under what was really chapping Amelia's ass, which was some needy affirmation that she means as much to both Meredith and Owen as Christina did.


Frankly I think it was Amelia's dissing of Christina that pissed Meredith off so much.  Really Amelia was completely over the line in her nastiness around Christina.

  • Love 4

To be fair to Jackson, April does decide a lot of their relationship. She went out of the country and barley talked to him. Because according to her, she "had to" and Jackson-who was also hurting from their child's death- was hurting too and he needed his wife. And she left for months! And then when she came back, she wanted to leave again. So, I mean, she decided a lot of their relationship. A good chunk of it.

  • Love 7


Frankly I think it was Amelia's dissing of Christina that pissed Meredith off so much.  Really Amelia was completely over the line in her nastiness around Christina.

I get her jealousy over Cristina, she should be, she'll never be as awesome.  


But in all honesty, I get her being pissed about feeling like she's on the outside looking in when it comes to Owen.


However, Meredith owes her NOTHING with regard to Owen.  Nor does she owe Amelia a sister. Amelia actually has sisters. 


Meredith was raised by wolves, so she damn well gets to make the decisions about who she wants to call family, and sure as hell doesn't have to justify it to anyone thank you.  



My ONLY issue with Amelia is that she keep Cristina's name out of her  fucking mouth, keep it out writers.


Owen can forever shut the fuck up about Cristina too especially if he's talking to Amelia.


Just leave it alone.  


Finally, if Amelia wants to bitch about Owen, then she should do it TO OWEN, not Meredith. 


Meredith has no obligation to stay out of it until Owen tells her to do so, because she just doesn't care about his love story with Amelia. 


Speaking of "love" I haven't heard that word yet between those two, so Amelia is a girlfriend who is trying to increasingly become close to her boyfriend Owen and vice versa I guess.  And it's up to NO ONE Meredith included, to help that closeness along, that's all up to Owen and Amelia.


This was the same shit that happened when Derek was tired of Meredith turning to her friends instead of him in her time of need. Again, it was up to Meredith to respond to this issue not Cristina, Izzie, Alex and George.  


Now Amelia is going to fall of the wagon?


Yeah, well a relationship with Owen as fucked up as he is, or any man for that matter, is the last thing this chick needs. 


Maintaining her sobriety and being able to function as a surgeon is about all she can handle IMO.


I heard this many times from recovering addicts, they can't take on too many things and relationships are way too demanding for them when they are just trying to get through minutes of the day.


She can't handle this, any of it. Especially since she feels like she's second to third best and has seemed to have this syndrome way before Owen came into the picture. Amelia has a serious inferiority complex and only she can get that under control. Until she does this, she'll continue to fall off the wagon.


But I do get that she feels like she has no one. (See I can be understanding toward her, but just don't bring my Cristina into it, DON'T LOL.)



I mean I get her feeling frustrated and saying WTF? He's turning to a woman who is suppose to be my family but doesn't like me very much. But I'm sorry, she and Owen just aren't even at a place that she should start losing her shit and putting her sobriety at risk for it. 

Edited by represent
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However, once she was at the hospital and knew the severity of the situation there was plenty of time for her to call the family to come and say goodbye before they pulled the plug. 

I understand that Meredith probably just wanted to get it over with and didn't want to be sitting around for hours with the kids waiting for Derek's family members to show up, but it was selfish of her to deny them the chance to say goodbye.

I hope it's not just because Meredith wanted to get it over with.  That would be a new high in self-centered to deny Amelia the chance to say goodbye to her only brother because Meredith wanted to get it over with.  Derek was Amelia's long before he was Meredith's.


The other problem is that Amelia is a very good neurosurgeon.  Maybe she could have done something but even if she couldn't, she'll always be left with the feeling that if only she had been there, she might have saved Derek.*


Meredith is mad at Penny for not doing everything she could to save Derek but Meredith did the same thing herself when Derek had a neuro problem and she didn't call Amelia for medical help. And that's setting aside the whole thing about Amelia being Derek's sister.


See, I thought the argument stopped being about Owen real quick.  The bottom line is Meredith has her own separate relationship with Owen that has nothing to do with Amelia's relationship with Owen.  And Meredith and Owen get to decide how that relationship works.  But Amelia doesn't compute that and so the conversation quickly moved away from Owen onto Meredith herself.

And Meredith has her own relationship with Alex that has nothing to do with Alex's relationship with Jo.


Except it does.  With both men, Meredith's need to be first, most important person with Alex because she's so needy, most important friend to Owen because of Cristina, is hurting them by pushing away the women who really should be there for them and be the most important women in their lives.


Alex thinks he needs to be there for Meredith every time she crooks her finger or shows up at his door, and Owen thinks that he can't tell Amelia what's wrong because she'll no longer think so highly of him and Meredith is handy to be the one to hate Nathan with him.


Bottom line is that Meredith's neediness with Alex and selfishness with Owen is hurting both men and keeping them from dealing maturely with the issues in their lives.  It would be a problem in any way but since the show has spent years telling us how Ellis hurt the people around her because of her self-centeredness, it makes it worse to see that Meredith is like her mother.


*During my father's last illness, his doctor's made a number of mistakes, a couple very blatant.  My mother, a very good doctor herself, tortured herself for years until her own death thinking that if only she had caught the mistakes, he wouldn't have died.

Edited by statsgirl
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I'm not sure exactly who was right or wrong in the surgery between Riggs and Meredith but I do think that she made things 100% more awkward by being so rude to him and demanding Maggie be called etc. There's nothing to show he's bad at his job so she needs to grow up a bit and at least keep it professional.

She was completely unprofessional. Her playground "I hate Nathan because Owen does" mentality had her dismissing him as a doctor. She'll always behave this way because no one ever calls her out.

I wanted to add that Meredith is really wrong for her treatment of Jo since she knew for months that Jo was someone her best friend wanted to spend his life with. Her having that ring for months and still treating Jo with such disrespect is just wrong.

She knew for well over a year. Alex told her "I'm going to marry that girl" before Derek died. She knows damn well that Jo is an important person in Alex's life. She hates people she knows nothing about Owen says to yet she can't be cordial to Alex's girlfriend. Her friend loyalty is pick and choose. You can be Meredith would expect Alex to be nice to anyone she was with because "YOU'RE MY PERSON".

With both men, Meredith's need to be first, most important person with Alex because she's so needy, most important friend to Owen because of Cristina, is hurting them by pushing away the women who really should be there for them and be the most important women in their lives.

You're right, all she cares about is herself.

Edited by maasa
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Hate Amelia so so much. She is strident and immature and annoying and just...I can't stand her. Because her non-boyfriend won't share with her, she gets mad at Meredith? Even if Meredith was keeping Owen's secret just because he asked her to, and having nothing to do with Christina, Amelia should respect that. Gaaah. She is the worst character on the show. (Owen is a close second at the moment, but I am interested to see where the Riggs storyline goes).


I do think he was married to Owen's sister, and that she died, and that Riggs is somewhat responsible. I can't possibly imagine a transgendered story line because like several others pointed out,  Owen wouldn't beat up his sister, even if she had transitioned into being his brother. Right? 


All the other storylines: Jo and Alex should split up, but they won't. Yet. I am still holding out hope for Callie and Arizona one day - and Penny is the most boring person on the show. Her face is boring. I'm not sure about April and Jackson. I just want Jackson to get what he wants - either the two of them back together, or a divorce. April is the one in the wrong, so Jackson needs to get what he wants. Also because he's super super hot. Oooh. They could introduce a hot lady to him during this split with April. That would be a treat for all of us.

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Did anyone else find it odd that Arizona compared fires to sick babies? She seemed to imply that she secretly hoped babies would continue to be sick so that she could make money. I liked the episode, overall, but I'm still thinking about that scene several days later.  I had expected the firefighter to give her a "HUH?! You're a psycho!" sort of a look but it didn't happen. 

Did anyone else find it odd that Arizona compared fires to sick babies? She seemed to imply that she secretly hoped babies would continue to be sick so that she could make money. I liked the episode, overall, but I'm still thinking about that scene several days later.  I had expected the firefighter to give her a "HUH?! You're a psycho!" sort of a look but it didn't happen. 


I don't think it was odd, and I get why the firefighter understood her perfectly... They both rely on the traumatic (sometimes fatal) misfortune of others to make their money. They don't want people to be sick or be trapped in fires, but they have bills to pay and they need other people to go through terrible times in order for them to do that. 

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