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S31.E09: Witches Coven

Tara Ariano
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It could be that each of Jeremy/Stephen/Spencer are thinking they are setting up each other as shields for themselves and it comes down to which shields ultimately work.

Edited by pennben
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Well hello Kimmi. So nice to meet you where have you been all season?

Anybody noticed how when Ciera bought up Jeremy's name that Tasha quickly changed the subject? Might have been editing but that's the way it seemed.

If this vote didn't make it obvious, the TC did that Spencer's attaching himself to Jeremy whether Jeremy likes it or not.

Abi that was quite an impressive showing. Now let us never talk about the three amigas not being immunity threats ever again. Any given sunday...

Kelley, that was a great first act, but I believe that it's time for you to show us your second .

Ciera, if you and your crew vote out Joe once he loses immunity, then you'll deserve what you get.

Stephen, way to go after that clue and to avoid the target that normally comes from doing such a thing. Now it's time to get over your Joe obsession and get back in the game.

Um, hi Keith?

Joe, if this vote doesn't serve as a wakeup call that you need to do something other then winning immunities then I don't know what will.

Kelly, you'll always be the best second place finisher ever.  The game just passed you by, unforch.

 Spoiler alert. Remember what happened to the last black all star with the initials JC that had two idols. dun dun dun.

Jk I like the more aggressive play. I hate when people just rest on their laurels and try to ride out one alliance to the end.


On a side note, I love how they call this a new way to play the game when Stephen basically played the same game last time he played. Just without the Alpha obsession.




Because there is no logical reason why Jeremy and Stephen should have more game trust with Spencer than Kimmi given that they've been on a tribe with Kimmi the whole time, and Kimmi "exposed" Monica's treachery to them.


Kimmi hates the three girls on the bottom so coming to her with a plan that involves booting somebody else would be a bad idea.

Edited by Oscirus
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I was kind of bored, nobody is really making a move IMO. The most interesting thing was watching them being drowned in the rain during the immunity challenge.


Agreed.  I really don't get what's so great about this new "evolution" because it's been done for years.  I guess they needed something to stand out and define this season of returnees.  FvsF#1 had the most successful female alliance ever, HvsV had idol mania, so Second Chance has this so called evolution of voting blocs instead of alliances?  Kelly's vote was surprising, but not the big, huge shocking blindside like we've seen at other points this season.  More so because we barely saw anything of her all season, suddenly she gets a scene with Joe and she's a threat because they are getting close?  I was surprised Jeremy and Spencer flipped with Stephen, but at this point, Spencer is Jeremy's little lamb and Jeremy probably has something planned to let Stephen take the fall if they catch flack back at camp for blindsiding the others.  In no way do I see the 6 of them sticking together.  Even the vote didn't get the reaction from the people pulling the blindside (except Wentworth) like we usually get.

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Some things that surprised me this episode:


1.  Jeremy went along with Stephen's plan and joined forces (for this instant!) with the three witches.  IMO those three are his biggest threats -- Ciera e.g. has called him out twice -- and should be the #1 targets for him to boot; 


2.  Kelly was so widely seen as a big threat.  I think Stephen used that partly as an excuse.  He wanted Kelly out because she was so close to Joe, who more than ever is his white whale;


3.  Joe managed to hold on and win the IC.  He looked so shaky, as soon as they got to the top level, and his size and weight are big handicaps in this IC.  Kudos again to the guy who is probably the best challenge monster in Survivor history.


What didn't surprise me: the cutthroat interplay, where alliances break down, those who look invincible suddenly get targeted and even booted.  The level of play all season has been off-the-charts good.  This episode was no exception.


What didn't surprise me but annoyed me: more complaints from Ciera about finally 'playing the game.'  This chick is delusional.  Every episode we've seen some fantastic play.  She is still in the game, despite her monumental screwups, because of the phenomenal play from other contestants. 


Ciera could have been maneuvering from the shadows these past several weeks.  As we've seen over and over, cracks keep opening up, that savvy players can explot.  Instead she decided to make her 'big move' way too soon, and has been minimalized as a result. 


And yet this season is so fluid she still has a chance.  Not a good one IMO, but her head is still above water, and this episode breathed a whole lot of new life in her threesome. 

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More so because we barely saw anything of her all season, suddenly she gets a scene with Joe and she's a threat because they are getting close?


The disdain in Stephen's voice when he walked up on Joe/Kelly...talking about their 'arrogance' or whatever he said..where the hell did that come from?

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The disdain in Stephen's voice when he walked up on Joe/Kelly...talking about their 'arrogance' or whatever he said..where the hell did that come from?


I think he his just so down on getting Joe out that anyone talking to the golden one is automatically the enemy.  He seems to have some issues regarding that, and I'm looking forward to his interviews and the reunion since that will no doubt be a topic with him.  Although I see him trying to derail that conversation and talk about how he invented a new way to play the game with voting blocs.  The secret scene this week involved Stephen trying to strategize with Abi and Kelley, but it was really awkward.  He was making Abi feel weirded out.  Then he went over to talk to Kelley and Abi and it was like he was either expecting someone to jump out from behind a bush and catch him or wanted them to make the first move-even though he approached them first and said he wanted to talk.  He just doesn't have a good handle on this game.  I think he's getting by because he's got Jeremy.  If it wasn't for that I don't believe he'd have a prayer.  Jeremy let him run the show tonight.  He went along with his plan.  I don't think Stephen knows what's around the corner for him.

Edited by LadyChatts
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The funniest thing is that per the you tube videos, the three amigas are already plotting his demise. He's probably third on their list of people to get rid of.  The only thing keeping him from ponderosa at the mome is Jeremy since I'm pretty sure that everybody else wouldn't mind seeing him gone.

Edited by Oscirus
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Wait....what??  When Ciera was saying that people needed to start playing as opposed to being stupid (i.e. not playing with her), she didn't mean to honor the deal when they saw the light?  Impossible!!:)

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The very fact that Jeremy has out the kabosh on getting Stephen out of this game more than once should maybe make people realize that they need to get Jeremy out. Or just say screw him and vote off Stephen. Which again, I don't know if Stephen realizes how he's being dragged along as a pawn. Jeremy and Stephen are two people. Joe/Keith/3 amigas could turn this game. Sadly the opportunity might be lost with 2 idols in the hands of Jeremy and Stephen having the advantage.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Dumb, dumber, and obsessed. So they lose the trust of their alliance, so that crazy weeping Stephen can get rid of Joe's yoga buddy who is not doing much in this game? Poor Jeremy's eyes looked so scared in that tribal. Spencer, I give a free pass as I like him the most. I cannot believe they did that. Plus it was boring as hell.


I was looking forward to Ciera going all day, and all day yesterday also, which I got confused with today...

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Didn't Parvati, Amanda, and Cirie have their own witches coven in FvsF? Wasn't that what that whole "stir the pot" thing was about?


Ugh.  That was the memory that came up for me, too, when Kimmi called them that.


I was more offended that self professed nerd Stephen Fishbach misquoted Shakespeare.



YES!!  He put them through that long, ridiculous poem and then couldn't get one of the most-quoted Shakespearean lines right?  Helloooo.

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For pete's sake, they couldn't put a roof on Tribal Council?  We all know those TCs are actually a couple of hours long and are edited down, so making those poor sods sit in the pouring rain seemed inhumane.  (Not to mention dangerous, given the lightning.) 

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For pete's sake, they couldn't put a roof on Tribal Council?  We all know those TCs are actually a couple of hours long and are edited down, so making those poor sods sit in the pouring rain seemed inhumane.  (Not to mention dangerous, given the lightning.) 

I always assumed there was some PA or intern hiding offscreen or above or something holding an umbrella over Probst, but the last couple of seasons he's let himself get soaked.


All this talk about the game evolving is interesting enough, but Stephen harping on it isn't doing himself any favors.  People like Kimmi who he had previously worked with can't be happy about Stephen crowing about temporary voting blocs in lieu of traditional alliances must be an unwelcome surprise to those who thought they were in a traditional alliance with them

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Right. Wigglesworth has finished her survivor career by doing, for a second time, absolutely nothing. Even her immunity wins in season 1 were easy wins with older people and the winner Hatch who withdrew from the final challenge. I really feel a disappointmengt for wasting a spot in Survivor Second chances with her. I wish I could see T-bird or even Shane there instead of her. Goodbye Kelly, I hope I never hear of you again.


I was mad with Kimmi referring to the girls as witches. It seems her voting out Monica is a pattern for her: she dislikes strong women cause she is a weak woman herself. Does she really think she could actually win if lets say final tribal council was today? What exactly has she done to deserve it? Kimmi, just shut your mouth. I'm not a feminist nor do I feel like this cause I love underdogs, but calling other women witches in a game is insulting.


I don't understand why the constant interviews with Fishbach. It seems they are using him as a podcast presenter or something. I wish I could give up this time to hear from Tasha, Keith, Joe and the rest of them. I know that these people don't strategize that much, but I still want to hear their thoughts.


I find it interesting that Fishbach from all people decides to align with the three girls and he recruits Spencer and Jeremy. Jeremy finding a second idol? If it goes like this, I don't see him losing at this point. The three guys made the right move. They saw that the three girls are more weak at challenges than the rest of the people. Jeremy finally decided to throw out his shield, Joe.


Regarding Joe, why the hell does he not try to work something with the three girls? Does he really think he'll win all immunities till the end? And even if he does, will these victories be enough to win him the money with zero strategizing?


I still hope Spencer wins but he needs to start strategizing a bit now. He's remained in the shadows for more than enough time. Time to play the game.

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I think it would be excellent to do a whole season without any Hidden Immunity Idols. Immunity only to be won in a challenge setting. That would be nice.


But they only find out in the traditional "hidden immunity package"--aka, "Congratulations!  This is production's announcement that there are no hidden immunity idols this season.  You can choose to tell your tribe mates.  OR  You can use these craft supplies to create and keep or hide an immunity idol.  Love, the Producers."

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Ugh, I so dislike Jeremy.  His woman hating just drives me up a wall.


I just don't evidence of misogyny in Jeremy's behaviour.


I think Jeremy is in far worse shape after the blindside and shake up. He is now aligned with 3 women he knows he cannot trust and 2 men who he thinks he can trust, but who will throw him under the bus at first chance. Plus one of them has a vote steal.


THIS. This game move for me was a case of blowing up an alliance just for the sake of it. The only purpose it served was to feed Stephen's paranoia and ego. It would be interesting to see how Jeremy can come back from this. I think he's lucky he has two idols.


Does anyone else hate this new advantage, i.e., the vote stealing twist? Really, I know this is a reality tv game show - but stealing another player's vote just seems like such overt unfairness. It's one thing to have an extra vote, but to essentially render another powerless at the same time regardless of the game they have been playing seems a bit much. I guess the only thing I can do is root for it to fail to work for Fishbach.

Edited by Beebee111
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Right. Wigglesworth has finished her survivor career by doing, for a second time, absolutely nothing. Even her immunity wins in season 1 were easy wins with older people and the winner Hatch who withdrew from the final challenge. I really feel a disappointmengt for wasting a spot in Survivor Second chances with her. I wish I could see T-bird or even Shane there instead of her. Goodbye Kelly, I hope I never hear of you again.


I was mad with Kimmi referring to the girls as witches. It seems her voting out Monica is a pattern for her: she dislikes strong women cause she is a weak woman herself. Does she really think she could actually win if lets say final tribal council was today? What exactly has she done to deserve it? Kimmi, just shut your mouth. I'm not a feminist nor do I feel like this cause I love underdogs, but calling other women witches in a game is insulting.


I don't understand why the constant interviews with Fishbach. It seems they are using him as a podcast presenter or something. I wish I could give up this time to hear from Tasha, Keith, Joe and the rest of them. I know that these people don't strategize that much, but I still want to hear their thoughts.


I find it interesting that Fishbach from all people decides to align with the three girls and he recruits Spencer and Jeremy. Jeremy finding a second idol? If it goes like this, I don't see him losing at this point. The three guys made the right move. They saw that the three girls are more weak at challenges than the rest of the people. Jeremy finally decided to throw out his shield, Joe.


Regarding Joe, why the hell does he not try to work something with the three girls? Does he really think he'll win all immunities till the end? And even if he does, will these victories be enough to win him the money with zero strategizing?


I still hope Spencer wins but he needs to start strategizing a bit now. He's remained in the shadows for more than enough time. Time to play the game.


Agree with you 100% about Kelly.  A wasted space IMO that could have been better filled by others. 


About Kimmi, I don't think Kimmi minds strong women.  e.g. she has no problem with Tasha, as far as I know.  Her problem is with women, strong or otherwise, who are not in her alliance, or have plans to tear apart her alliance. 


Interviews with Fishbach: this episode he drove the strategy and boot decisions.  He won an advantage that could be huge.  He turned on his alliance, and gave still another life to the three who have been at the bottom of the barrel for three weeks in a row.  


My sense is that Jeremy made the wrong choice in booting Kelly.  Things were lined up nicely for him.  Stick to plan, keep your numbers, boot Kelley, Ciera and Abi.  Seems like a good path to FTC, especially with two idols in his pocket.  I really would like to hear more why he turned his back on that, and sided with three people who will slit his throat in a New York second. 

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Except Jeremy made it clear in his talking head that he considers Stephen his right hand that he still needs. He wasn't going to sell him out. I guess he could have tried to turn things on Spencer but Spencer was hesitant about Stephen's plan like Jeremy was and asking the same questions Jeremy was. So I don't think Jeremy was seeing him as being too sneaky. Basically it's clear Jeremy wants to work with Stephen and Spencer for now so the only choice he was considering was just ignoring Stephen's plan or taking the risk.

He might consider Stephen his right hand man, but doing so is very stupid. Stephen has been openly targeting members of his alliance for several episodes. Why does Jeremy think he won't be next?

Also Stephen has been spewing all the "evolution" and temporary voting blocks crap at every opportunity. Why would anyone want to be in an alliance with someone who believes and is determined to prove that alliances are obsolete?

On top of all that, the schemer, who doesn't believe in alliances has an advantage in the game that you should know he might be able to use to blindside you.

If this is "new school" Survivor, then new school is stupid.

At the very least, Jeremy should have insisted on seeing what Stephen's advantage was before agreeing to a big move.

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Kelly's Ponderosa video pretty explains why she got no air time. She wanted the adventure and to see how far she went and she was not interested in actually playing the game.


I think that Jeremy is going to be fine. He has two idols and Kelly is not someone calling the shots. I suspect that her departure is not going to be that big of a deal around camp. Joe knows he is being targeted by Stephen, so I don't think he will be all that surprise. Tasha and Kimmi are going to be the ones most upset and I think Jeremy can handle Tasha and Kimmi. Keith will probably not care all that much. Jeremy knows that he is a target and that he has got to find a way to eliminate the numbers of the folks who are going to eventually target him. Clearly he bought Stephen's argument about Kelly. Ciera, Abi, and Kelley are probably easy picks when they want folks gone. Sooner or later that might change because people keep using them to vote out the other side of the alliances threats.


I don't see Kimmi as a weak woman who is voting out women stronger then her. Kimmi is doing just fine in the game. There is no indication that she is playing worse then Kelly was or even Monica. I have no idea why Kimmi called them the witches coven. Hell, we don't even know if she is the one who started that, all we know is that she was shown as the first person using it. Everyone in the tribe seemed to be calling them the witches. I don't know if I find it offensive or not. I guess I do because the context is so negative but their reaction to Kelley's idol play and the way Ciera and Abi have been stirring things up, I can see where it would come from. Especially in a game where it is probably easier to vote out people who you think less of so you work to find reasons to dislike someone so you can vote them out with a clear conscience (sp). I have enjoyed Kelley, Abi, and Ciera's tweets on the subject.

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So Wiggles finally gets some screen time, I knew she was going to be going home. Ha! Nah, I don't have anything against Kelly. She's just kind of a boring player. I was a bit shocked when people were like, "She's got such a strong social game". I mean, I remember from season 1 that she was genuinely well liked and the only person on the tribe who knew so many personal details about the other players. So it seems like she is the type of person to get to know people and be friendly with everyone. But we just haven't seen anything from her this season! I was left with an impression of her huddled under a palm tree, eating coconuts all by herself.


Anyhow, I'm not sure evicting her was the smart move for everyone, I have nothing against her, and I don't even like all of the 3 "bottom" girls, but it was still fun to see the game constantly changing. Mostly, I was glad to see Wentworth survive another day. She and Spencer are probably the two I'm rooting for hardest right now. I don't even really hate Ciera, but she certainly bugs at times. What I really hate is calling them "the three witches". I don't know, something about it just turns me off. Abi I could certainly see as a "witch". Ciera....eh, I know she annoys a lot of people, but I don't mind her all that much. She's scrappy as hell, and even though she can be quite immature, I admire her moxie. And what makes Kelley a "witch", because she played hard and played well and fooled everyone with her idol? 


As for Stephen and Jeremy, I have to mull over this some more. I just don't know how well this will work out in their favor. On the one hand, I don't think Wiggles was super close to anyone on their "side", other than maybe Joe. So maybe no one will care too much. It's not like they booted Tasha. However, you just made a big move without telling other people, so that might have lost you a lot of trust. Jeremy probably feels a bit comfortable about it, given he has two idols (good for you, Jeremy!), but he might have to really scramble to continue to keep Fishbach in the game. 


Joe is apparently never going to go home. I like Joe, but does anyone feel like we've had an overabundance of balance challenges??


Ugh, Tribal. I don't know what was worse - The fact that Kass is apparently now going to make flipping the bird her thing? Savage and his douche beanie? Or watching everyone shiver in the freezing rain? That was awful! I felt cold just watching them, and it doesn't look like they're going to get a break any time soon. 

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With the way Kelley and Ciera were cackling at the TC just before, I don't have an issue with Kimmi calling them witches because that's basically how they were acting. At that point they thought they were still on the bottom, so their gloating, in most seasons, should have been very short-lived. If you're trying to work with people, don't act like an ass.

Also, Abi is part of the coven Kimmi described and I mean, it's Abi.

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Hey, all, sorry for misstating (way back on page 1) that Spencer voted for Wentworth.  You all were correct, he voted for Wiglesworth.  I went back to see what the heck I thought I saw (and had to sit through a True Value commercial 4 times).  It was Joe's ballot that I attributed to Spencer.  Sorry for the error.


Everyone must be thinking that Fishbach's advantage is another HII.  Odd that we saw no one discussing it after the challenge.

Edited by Haleth
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It could be that each of Jeremy/Stephen/Spencer are thinking they are setting up each other as shields for themselves and it comes down to which shields ultimately work.


I think that has a lot to do with it. Kimmi hasn't really performed great at challenges. If it's Jeremy and Kimmi, people are going to want to take out Jeremy. Spencer already has been a target, and he continues to do well at challenges. It makes sense for Jeremy to want to keep him close. When you're not great at the physical aspects, you want to take out those who are. When you, yourself, are a big threat, you want the other threats to stay. 


For pete's sake, they couldn't put a roof on Tribal Council?  We all know those TCs are actually a couple of hours long and are edited down, so making those poor sods sit in the pouring rain seemed inhumane.  (Not to mention dangerous, given the lightning.)


The Jury members looked relatively dry, though, no? Bastards. I'd much rather see Savage and Kass getting soaked. 


Does anyone else hate this new advantage, i.e., the vote stealing twist? Really, I know this is a reality tv game show - but stealing another player's vote just seems like such overt unfairness.


I don't like it. At. All. But I'm one of those people who likes to keep it simple, stick with the basics. I'd also be fine with going back to no hidden immunity idols. But yea, the vote stealing does seem unfair. People should have to work and scramble for their votes, this just takes all the fun out of it. 


Keith will probably not care all that much.


He definitely won't. Jeremy will explain and Keith will be all, "Herp, derp, okay buddy. Sounds good". 

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The Jury looked to be drenched. They were all wet. I was actually thinking that the Jury should have a nice covered area with a space heater and a table full of food and rink to consume while listening to Tribal Council.

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Kimmi really doesn't like women, does she? "Witches," really

I'm not sure if it's all women, so much as younger women who don't defer to what she sees as her much greater age and wisdom. A small and laughable difference from my standpoint. She mentioned it several times with Monica, in a how dare she voice her opinion to me sort of way. She also likes to take that superior attitude to the men as a way to downgrade the younger ones. She had no reason to trot off and tattle to the men that Monica was "wanting to start an all woman alliance." All Monica said was, "Maybe we should keep her in case we want to start an all women alliance down the road." Well, it's "down the road," now and it might have been the perfect time for Kimmi, Monica, Ciera, Abi and Kelley to team up and start voting out the powerful Jeremy, Joe, Spencer and Stephen.

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I am loving this season.  I like the fluidity of the alliances/voting blocks.


I would probably be more upset at Wigglesworth being voted off if she herself seemed upset, but she seemed kind of over it.  i think it's logical that if she'd made it to the end, she might've won based on her historical position in Survivor alone, plus apparently she was playing a good social game.  I just wish we'd gotten to see more of it.


Abi - holy crap, what a yoga body.  I liked how she placed her hands on her stomach a couple of times, trying to center her core.  If it had been anyone up there with her besides my beloved Golden Joey, I would've liked to see her win that one.


Jeremy, after discovering the second clue, running down the beach like a 10-year old chasing after the ice cream truck - loved it.  I love the game he is playing.  When he, Spencer and Fishbach were discussing going with the "Witches," Jeremy stood there silently, eyes downcast, playing it very low-key.  Keep it up, Jeremy - I think I want you to win the whole thing.


Probst - what the heck was with calling out Fishbach when he went down the slide at the RC?!  It's not as if Fishbach was moving slow, or fell, or whatever. I thought that was a total bully move by Probst for no good reason.  


I used the term "groveling" last week when I wondered who would decide to flip and go with the three women on the bottom.  Not the right word to use, but I'm happy to see that Wentworth, CIera and Abi are getting credit for playing strong and getting into Fishbach's head.


I watched the episode wrapped up in a blanket and I was still shivering in empathy.  They looked miserable, and even Probst glanced up at the sky a time or two.

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I hope no one is buying this "voting bloc" BS Stephen is slinging.  Probst of course is eating it up with "new way to play the game" this and that, but what it really is is Stephen trying to betray alliance mates while claiming he isn't. 

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I was actually thinking that the Jury should have a nice covered area with a space heater and a table full of food and rink to consume while listening to Tribal Council.



Since the jury consisted of Kass and Savage,  I would have preferred it if the jury was made to sit under a waterfall for TC.  Preferably somewhere in the arctic.

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I am tired of hearing Stephen talk about the amazing evolution the game has taken


It has though. In Wigglesworth's parting remarks she said that the game has changed too much for her and it's nothing like it used to be. She said the remaining survivors can "have at it."

Strength is no longer an asset but a liability; loyalty is a strategy flaw. These contestants can't flip fast enough and will go whichever way the wind is blowing. In past seasons those whose loyalty came into question were jettisoned immediately. Goat cultivation is also critical.

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Has every TC in every location been without a roof?   It does not enhance or benefit anyone to sit in the rain and suffer with the cold.  If  they think it adds to the torture that Survivor can be, it does.  All you end up getting is lack luster challenges the next day because everyone is depleted.  There must be a reason, has to be.  

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Boring eppy after last week's.   Wiggles boot did not make sense to me, wasted vote and why give the three witches more power?  Wentworth is much more dangerous or even eye rolling Ciera is than Wiggles.    Bye, Kelly.  I am guessing no one will really miss you and that you will continue to be a non entity on the jury like you were in the game.

Abi was impressive in the immunity challenge and I felt bad  for her for a moment when no one picked her – then I remembered that it was Abi I was feeling bad for and got over it.

Ugh, so far we are off to the WORST jury ever – Klassless Kass and pompous Savage.  Loved them getting rained on.

Hopefully Fishbach will use his advantage and it won’t get wasted – but this is Fishbach I am talking about so he will probably self implode before he gets the chance to use it – that just seems to be the kind of season he is having.

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What I thought was unbelievable is that when Probst asked about who was worried about the vote that Jeremy didn't raise his hand (or Kelly or Kimmi for that matter!), it's my view that saying yes is always the right answer unless you have an idol around your neck. To say no makes you look too confident- and if I was Jeremy and I knew they saw me as a threat I would lie and raise my damned hand.


I see a few people saying this, but I am fairly sure Jeremy did in fact raise his hand. And as you said, it would be very stupid not to and Jeremy isn't stupid.


Yea, Ciera made the comment that Jeremy would win at final tribal.  It would have been great to see him blindsided here with the two idols.  I don't see how he doesn't win this game now.  


This. It feels like a slow, boring ride to a Jeremy win is almost 100% fact now. I'm so disappointed. This season seemed to be shaping up to be really exciting until this ep.


He also pissed off 5 people who will likely be on the jury if the new 6 person alliance holds up.


I think Jeremy's fine. I'm pretty sure he can easily get Tasha, Kimmi, and Keith back on board with him. I certainly don't see any of them staging a coup to target him in the near future. They certainly should though. It's mindboggling to me that everyone is so blind to Jeremy's power. It'll be even more mind mindboggling after this vote. And yet I feel sure that still no one will target him. Sigh.


Was it Kimmi or Tasha that pronounced coven wrong?  It doesn't rhyme with woven.  More like the o in hover.


It was Kimmi. I was rolling over that.


I had forgotten Jeremy already has two kids.  


Apparently Jeremy did too since he said he wanted this to make a better life (or something) for Val and his new baby. To hell with the other two, I guess!


Anybody noticed how when Ciera bought up Jeremy's name that Tasha quickly changed the subject? Might have been editing but that's the way it seemed.


I noticed and I hope the players noticed as well. After that I'm most interested to see how Tasha reacts to Jeremy's vote.


I was loling so hard over the HII being lit up for Jeremy to easily find. I miss the days when you actually had to work to get idols. They should've at least kept them in challenges. Although, it would probably be next to impossible to get an idol in an individual challenge. But then maybe idols should be next to impossible to get.


Kimmi is awful. AWFUL. I'm so over her and I'm pissed now I even voted for her to return.


Joe has got to be playing the worst game out there. My damn he is dumb. If he doesn't do something after this vote then there is just no hope for him. Although, lucky for him, apparently every IC is gonna be a endurance/balance type one and he has that shit in the bag so he may very well be able to IC win his way to a victory. Boring.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'd be upset with Wiggles being voted off, but they never showed her, and I like Wentworth better  - didn't think I'd say that before. 

Yeah, from the viewer's entertainment perspective, Wiglesworth was probably the best one to leave because she has barely been shown saying a word or having a reaction to anything. 



And to add to the chorus: I can't believe I was rooting for Abi in the immunity challenge.  But I was.  What a figure on her!

I was shocked to see Abi do that well, but I was also distracted by how fabulous she looked up there, her body is amazing. 


Still glad she lost because Joe's continued presence makes the next vote off less predictable because I think he's toast the minute he loses. 


I thought I saw Spencer's vote as: "Kelly Wi" for Wigglesworth. I guess I didn't get a good look at his vote.


Ah, I didn't see the "i" on the vote, I was wondering why the hell he was voting for "Kelly W" on a season that has 2 of them. Granted, Kelley Wentworth spells her name a little differently, but name spelling is not their strong suit (as Ciara, Cierra, Ciarra can attest, heh.) 


I thought maybe he was hedging his bets in case Jeremy backed out of the plan and Wentworth went home after all. 


Stephen may think big moves will win him the million, but he has to remember that the very people he's screwed will be in charge of voting for him.  They may yawn at the fact that he spouts off his list of big moves that got them ousted.  It's the game and I love people who play that way, especially when a jury is bitter.  But big moves have often lost a person the game.  He may have underestimated what the reaction will be back at camp.  Should be interesting.  I just don't like to see one alliance control the game, so hopefully his little group gets shook up.


Seriously. Is Stephen thinking Cesternino and Josh Wigler are deciding who gets the million? He really seems to be viewing the game through the lens of professional Survivor watcher and not so much as a player. 


He doesn't really have the charisma to sell it at FTC either, I can totally see him desperately rattling off his "big moves" to a bitter, backstabbed jury and handing the game to whoever is next to him. I spent most of this episode thinking he was going to talk himself straight out of the game. 


So that's three immunity challenges that relied on balance. 1) balance on narrow beam while holding something in hand, 2) balance the ball on a platform while holding it up with ropes, and 3) balance on pyramid in water. Not surprisingly, all won by Golden Boy Joe. Who does yoga. Where are the challenges that rely on puzzles, strength, accuracy? Seems really fishy that the first three are all about balance. It's as if they knew Joe would need the help to survive the first few boots. I call shenanigans.


To be fair, Joe is probably the best puzzle solver out there as well, plus he is very strong and is nicknamed "MacGyver Joe" because he can do most things well so his accuracy is probably good too. 


I agree that the first 3 challenges are a little too same-y and favor certain people (namely the yoga practitioners, of whom Joe is not the only one), but I also think Joe is the rare challenge beast who is literally good at everything. Usually the people who can win on brute strength will falter on a balance challenge or a puzzle, and the puzzle geniuses will lose on a strength challenge, but Joe is good at all of them. I don't think he can win every single one because at some point the pressure will get to him, but he's the odds on favorite to win each challenge for good reason. 


My issue, however, is that if Joe is eventually dead meat anyway, why even bother with this alliance-fracturing move?  Stephen/Jeremy/Spencer now have some serious explaining to do to Tasha/Kimmi/Keith/Joe.


I'm confused about where Joe is, alliance-wise. Is he officially done with Wentworth, who he was trying to save at the expense of Kimmi, just a few votes ago? 


Keith, as always, just seems to be blissfully floating along in whatever alliance he thinks he might be in. I was cracking up when Jeff asked the question of who felt vulnerable and almost everyone raised their hands (as I think they should, even if they feel safe, no need to advertise that you feel secure) and Keith just sat there like "nope, feelin' good." He makes me laugh. 

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I'm confused about where Joe is, alliance-wise.


The only thing I can imagine is just that Joe has decided to give up trying to play the game and has decided he's just going to try to win every IC. He's so stupid, I can't. I was never very enamored with Joe, but he has me feeling so much rage this season. He has got to be the worst player left and yet he's still getting a hero type edit. I need him gone already.

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Did they really play that IC in Cagayan? I can't remember at all. I do remember that challenge from Caramoan, where Brenda and Andrea had that epic 3-hour battle in which no one wanted to give up the immunity win even though they were from the same alliance. Probst even asked them what they wanted to do and the two of them decided to raise their left leg to see who is last left standing. Jeff made it a point to say "these are your rules, not mine." I guess they incorporate those "tie-breaker" rules early now in the challenges to avoid another hours-long battle.

I would love to see a return of that water challenge in which you just hold onto the crate for whatever air is left remaining until you're fully submerged underwater, another one from Caramoand and a challenge Brenda rocked. If Joe wins that kind of IC, then I give up. He can have all the immunity wins from now on even without playing.

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Since the jury consisted of Kass and Savage,  I would have preferred it if the jury was made to sit under a waterfall for TC.  Preferably somewhere in the arctic.


Can we add some type of mean, biting fish at their feet?


I see a few people saying this, but I am fairly sure Jeremy did in fact raise his hand. And as you said, it would be very stupid not to and Jeremy isn't stupid.


I remember Jeremy raising his hand as well. 


This. It feels like a slow, boring ride to a Jeremy win is almost 100% fact now. I'm so disappointed. This season seemed to be shaping up to be really exciting until this ep.


Yea, between the dual idols and his crying about Val (which I, personally, found endearing), I can see Jeremy being the winner. I wouldn't actually mind, because I like him and think he's been playing a good game. But I'd rather it not be so obvious this soon. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd be surprised. 


It was Kimmi. I was rolling over that.


That was awful. I hate the "witch" reference, in general, but I was like, "What in the fresh hell is a coh-ven??"

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Here's a pet peeve of mine:  men wearing knit caps in tropical climates.  Andrew S:  that makes you a jerk.  And a geezer trying to act like a 20-year-old.


Thank you! The only good part of watching that TC in the monsoon was hoping that Savage's stupid hat would be ruined and we wouldn't have to see it again.

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Thank you! The only good part of watching that TC in the monsoon was hoping that Savage's stupid hat would be ruined and we wouldn't have to see it again.

Savage's beanie, Dan's beret, anything tie-dyed belonging to Rupert, Russell's fedora, Kass's middle finger - all should be destroyed.

Edited by laurakaye
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Apparently Jeremy did too since he said he wanted this to make a better life (or something) for Val and his new baby. To hell with the other two, I guess!


He mentioned Val and then two other names (Jay and Kim, I think?) -- I assume those are his other two kids -- before he said "and our next child."  It was quick but he said it.


That TC was unbearable, I had to put it on pause and go get a fleece and fuzzy slippers.  I wonder how close they were to hypothermia and if they were actually allowed to warm up -- of if they had to spend the night in soaking wet clothes without a fire. 


Abi - dang, girl!!  She owned that challenge.  I like Joe, but I'm so sorry she didn't win just because her balance and focus were epic and admirable (not to mention her body).  I would have liked her to shame all the folks who continually fail to pick her in the "schoolyard picks."

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Savage's beanie, Dan's beret, anything tie-dyed belonging to Rupert, Russell's fedora, Kass's middle finger - all should be destroyed.


It wasn't even a beanie.  I was one of those droopy knit things that remind me of the snoods the Orthodox ladies wear.

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Apparently Jeremy did too since he said he wanted this to make a better life (or something) for Val and his new baby. To hell with the other two, I guess!


He actually said two other girl's names before he talked about his third unborn kid.


It's weird, I like the move for Jeremy because once the three girls and Joe is booted, he becomes target number one.  It doesn't hurt to have players in the game that dislike each other. 

I like the move for Spencer. This move pretty much locked in his alliance with Jeremy. No more scrambling.


However, not so much for Stephen.  There is no need to weaken Joe when everybody else wants to boot him as well.  It allowed Jeremy and Spencer to get closer and it chopped off the amount of people that he could potentially work with it the future.



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