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S31.E09: Witches Coven

Tara Ariano
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Why do all these repeat challenges have to be from Cagayan?  There's 30 other seasons to tap into.


Kind of boring that Jeremy found the second idol.  I wish they'd kept up with hiding them at challenges.  Finding them at camp is dull.  I'm at work so only able to watch with the sound down and can't catch everything-but really, Joe vs Abi in the IC?  Never saw that coming.  Really disappointed that Abi didn't beat him, actually.  Even though I don't want my manbun going anywhere (so aside from that one RC that new-new Bayon lost, has Joe lost anything else this season?)  That has to be some of record winning streak.


Everyone's kind of pathetic at the fact that Wentworth/Ciera/Abi are playing the game and not going quietly.  I love it, and that's the point.  Way too often people just play follow the alliance leader until they can't do anything about, then cry and throw a tantrum that they were betrayed.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I guess I just wasn't seeing what everyone else was seeing in regards to the end game threat Wigglesworth was.


I laugh inside at the fact that Stephen still cannot recognize the golden boy even when he is his #1 ally. Again.

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They saw her in a power alliance with Joe.


Ah, thanks.  I figured, but still, weird choice.  What exactly is this advantage Stephen got?  Really was hoping he'd go tonight.


Just glad Ciera/Wentworth/Abi survived.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I swear I've seen that reward challenge (at least the peg part) before. I want to say Cook islands. at least


I'd be upset with Wiggles being voted off, but they never showed her, and I like Wentworth better  - didn't think I'd say that before. 

Jeremy having two idols. meh. 
Joe winning immunity again. meh


the steal a vote is interesting. 

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I guess I just wasn't seeing what everyone else was seeing in regards to the end game threat Wigglesworth was.


I laugh inside at the fact that Stephen still cannot recognize the golden boy even when he is his #1 ally. Again.


Which is why Stephen losing and getting called out by Probst is going to be satisfying.  At least, that's the way I see it.  He may figure he has time to take Jeremy out if needed, though I don't think he'll have good luck getting Jeremy's allies to cave.


Really boring no one bothered to make a move.  It is getting down to crunch time. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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When they started targeting Kelly Wigglesworth, a comment was made that she got along with everyone, which was a reason to vote her out.  She "talked to people."  I realize they have to edit down many many MANY hours of footage, but when the audience doesn't see that, they're left as blindsided by the decision as Kelly herself.

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Joe is killing it in these challenges.

Witches coven. Bitches coven. And now they've got Fish on their side, they've taken over the game I think. I felt bad for Wigglesworth but they were right. If she made it to the end she might have won.

Everyone looked so miserable. You could see some of them shivering.

Did Kass flip the bird again when she came out? I played it back a couple times but couldn't tell.

Jeremy 'finding' the idol that way was lame. The camera crew was lighting his way to the lantern. He did not have to stumble around in the dark. But good for him. I hope he goes far.

Edited by Straycat80
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So Kimmi is the one who came up with "witches' coven". I was hoping Abi would win immunity, just to have a break from Joe. That rain looks brutal. I wonder what they would have done if lightning started. This should be an interesting tribal. They are so cold, I feel sorry for them. But Jeff does look like a drowned rat. Nice blindside! Witches rule! Wigglesworth was mad. I saw Spencer voted for Wigglesworth, too. So she had five votes?

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The way Stephen was running his mouth the entire episode, I sooooooooo wanted him gone. And after Abi got sat-out in the reward challenge, I was happy to see her do so well in the IC. She does a lot of yoga, I guess it helps in a challenge like that.

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I really want Wentworth to get bounced and soon. She irritates me, almost as much as Ciera.

It baffles me that they wouldn't get together and get rid of someone who just won an advantage. He's not immune, so why wouldn't you get rid of that threat right away?

Kelly was the most beautiful woman out there. She was so inoffensive and not annoying so I'm sad she's gone.

Shut up, Andrew. [/macro]

Go Joe!

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Didn't see that one coming. Wiggles wasn't really a big influence in this game. Why not Tasha or Keith, people who are in the immunity challenges. 

Man, the rain looked brutal! 

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Props to Abi and Joe for lasting as long as they did at the immunity challenge.  Abi looked like she must have killer balance.


The steal-a-vote advantage is definitely an... advantage.  Stephen's not my favorite player, but I hope he gets to play it and doesn't go home in a blindside first.


Savage and Kass managed to annoy me even though they didn't give anyone the bird.

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The way Stephen was running his mouth the entire episode, I sooooooooo wanted him gone. And after Abi got sat-out in the reward challenge, I was happy to see her do so well in the IC. She does a lot of yoga, I guess it helps in a challenge like that.

Yess,yoga!  Joe does yoga too. The balancing is fiendishly difficult.  Props to Joe and Abi.

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Honestly, I would think Wigglesworth would be happy to be voted off because she actually gets a warm bed while all these people will be suffering and freezing their asses off. 


I'm not sure if I think Spencer and Jeremy made the best move there. I thought they were both very reasonable in their hesitation to go with the Wigglesworth plan and Spencer said it perfectly. Big moves are great but they don't help if you do them and all it succeeds in is blowing up your game. I'm not sure I really bought that Jeremy or Stephen was really at the bottom, especially with Savage gone who was the one who really wanted Stephen out. 


And as Spencer and Jeremy both pointed out, this move puts them in the cross-hair of Joe, Tasha, Keith and Kimmi and now requires them to trust three women they don't trust at all and one of whom is Abi who is completely erratic and unpredictable. Guess we'll see where it all goes from there and I guess things may just be fine for Fishbach and Jeremy, what with Stephen having that advantage and Jeremy having two idols no one knows about.


I'm interested to see when and how Stephen uses his advantage and when and if Jeremy uses his idols. I was really surprised that only Spencer and Stephen went for the advantage. Especially surprised that none of the women in the bottom three went for it. Guess everyone believes immunity is truly your greatest weapon. Although good luck getting it with Joe there. Yeah  I'm ready for him to lose. I like you Joe but ain't nobody got time to watch you just immunity win your way to the end. Where's Cirie when you need her to work some voodoo magic to coach someone on convincing Joe to give up his immunity necklace. 


Okay, that was a really bizarre boot.  Why Kelly?  Disappointed and a little stumped.



There seemed to be a consensus that she was very liked by everyone and coupled with her strength and ability to win challenges (I guess if Joe ever stops winning), guess they figured she was a threat. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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The witches of Macbeth.  I love it!!  Conjured up some drama.  Fishback, Jeremy and Spencer crack up the gang of eight.


Reward challenge  Abi looking like the forlorn little girl when she didn't get picked.  


Not sure if purple figured out to look at the size of the colored part of the pole vs. the dark part and that showed the order.  Green was pathetic.  


Ciera is right about losing to Jeremy or Wiggles.  Now he has another idol.  Cool trek through the pitch dark jungle.


Wow!  Fishback beats Spencer for the mystery advantage.  He has to survive tonight, first.


Amazing balance by both Joe and Abi.  


Ferocious southeast asian rain.  That tribal looked brutal.

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I saw Spencer voted for Wigglesworth, too. So she had five votes?

He voted for Wentworth. He's not ready to burn bridges.

The steal-a-vote will be interesting. I hope.

I'm glad Jeremy found the second idol. 

Edited by Haleth
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I wasn't surprised to see Stephen beat Spencer to the advantage. I think he's a lot more athletic than the show wants us to see. They've consciously edited in every screw-up he's had in challenges.

I am tired of hearing Stephen talk about the amazing evolution the game has taken. This is not the first time players have teamed up with people on the bottom to take out a threat. They merged with a huge number and have a massive alliance. There is always shifting when that happens.

I do like Stephen. I hope he doesn't pull a Dan with his advantage. I feel like he's been set up for a fall.

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I think Jeremy just blew up his own game by going along with the Wigglesworth blindside. He was in a perfect position, at the top of a strong alliance and 2 idols. Now he has to count on the 3 women, plus Spencer and Fisbach, none of whom can be trusted.

Even if he makes it to FTC he probably just threw away the votes of Wigglesworth, Tasha, Kimmi, Keith and Joe.

He either should have stuck with the Wentworth plan or snitched on Fishbach and Spencer and led a blindside of one of them. Plus they all know Fishbach has the advantage in the game and has been scheming the past 2 episodes. Very dumb not to blindside him.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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Joe is killing it in these challenges.

Witches coven. Bitches coven. And now they've got Fish on their side, they've taken over the game I think. I felt bad for Wigglesworth but they were right. If she made it to the end she might have won.

Everyone looked so miserable. You could see some of them shivering.

Did Kass flip the bird again when she came out? I played it back a couple times but couldn't tell.

Jeremy 'finding' the idol that way was lame. The camera crew was lighting his way to the lantern. He did not have to stumble around in the dark. But good for him. I hope he goes far.


The WC and Stephen are 4 votes (5 with his vote advantage I guess).  I don't know that I believe Jeremy and Spencer are 100% on their side or not.  If Stephen makes a move he will probably do it soon while he has the numbers and the advantage can work effectively.  Though I can't stand the guy, so I'm hoping he ends up not being able to use it before being booted.  If/when Stephen goes I believe it'll be a blindside.


ETA: Wait, so the big evolution in the game is just people teaming up with those on the bottom?  Really?  Those girls had nothing to lose, they would have gone with anyone.  If that's all it is, I consider that a fail.

Edited by LadyChatts
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What in the everlovin hell did Savage do to his hair? It was parted in the middle, or something. He looked like a character in a Jim Carrey movie.

It looked like Gerard Depardieu was sitting in the jury.


But I *think* it was a knit cap.  Sort of a silly thing to wear when it's raining that hard, but whatever.  Have to look more closely on a rewatch.

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I was so hoping Fishback would be gone also, can't stand him.  Actually I'm finding it hard to root for anyone, tho I like Joe.  Ciera just has that kind of face you know, you see it, you wanna slap it.  I hate Abi so was glad Joe hung on to win.

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The rain looked the worst I have ever seen. I guess Stephen thought it's bad enough that Joe keeps winning II he needed his #1 allie(s) ( Wigglesworth) gone?! She's was really harmless. I would have turned it on Tasha. I guess the witches were playing the Sandra game. As long, if it's not them.........

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Abi's animal print swimwear was very sexy.  So you have to do a lot of yoga, and I guess be Brazilian, to have that kind of body.  I'll never get there.  I was so frustrated by her not winning the Immunity Challenge.  I really wish she didn't raise her damn foot.  I think she got a bit cocky towards the end.  F***ing so crazy how Joe always wins.


Kass 100% gave the finger again at tribal.  Spencer voted for Wigglesworth.  It said Kelly Wi.  And Andrew was wearing a beanie.


Christmas bells seemed to ring over any strategy talk.  I thought it was so funny.  Better than some kind of racist supposed-to-be-Cambodian music or maybe they were intending that.


In the immunity challenge, when they had to move to the top ledge, and 6 or so players all fell in the water all at the same time, that was a great shot.  So dramatic.  They do a really good job building tension in these challenges.  I am always holding my breath and completely captivated.  I don't remember feeling like that in many years from this show.  I usually tune out at the challenges which I find so boring and convoluted. Meaning, I can't follow them.


I have to congratulate Ciera.  I am no fan of hers but she's played a great game so far.  She really got in Stephen's head and swerved him around.  Good for her.  I give her all the credit (and obviously Wentworth with her idol).  And then Stephen played the WC women very well, by slowly and gently floating out one name and letting Abi shark bite all over it.  


I was getting really scared for this tribal.  Jeremy and Spencer are my boys so I just want good things for them.  I guess this is a good move for Stephen?  He keeps the supposed Witches Coven around him who apparently are not as likeable (I guess Abi is the least likeable, then Ciera?  Then Stephen LOL then Kelley being the most likeable?  I don't know.  I'm not the jury.)  And he got rid of Joe's closest ally apparently.  


The other castaways see Wiggles as a threat because she's the only returnee from Season 1.  To them, that looms large over their heads.  To us, we think she's boring as F***  (sorry, but I do.  Did her plastic surgery also remove her personality).   


This picture is actually from the recap of last week's tribal, when Ciera smiled at Kass:  (Ciera DID look cuter this episode.  In the rain, and in the Immunity Challenge.  But I can't help myself ok)



Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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What in the everlovin hell did Savage do to his hair? It was parted in the middle, or something. He looked like a character in a Jim Carrey movie.

It's a knit cap he started wearing at Ponderosa.
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He voted for Wentworth. He's not ready to burn bridges.

The steal-a-vote will be interesting. I hope.

I'm glad Jeremy found the second idol. Was he the only person actually looking for one?

I thought I saw Spencer's vote as: "Kelly Wi" for Wigglesworth. I guess I didn't get a good look at his vote.

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They need to mix up these immunity challenges. They've all been balance related, haven't they?

I don't like the condescending way everyone kept referring to "the girls" or "the witches," it just rubbed me the wrong way.

I really wanted Wigglesworth to do well, but she's gotten no screen time and didn't seem to have much of a game, despite being seen as a threat. So, I'm just glad for a bit of a mix up.

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It's a knit cap he started wearing at Ponderosa.


I thought it was a hat, when everybody started talking about his hair, I thought I needed to go back and take a look. Oh Savage, wearing a knit cap, trying to look down with the latest fashions to impress his crush, Joe.

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Well, that was interesting. So Stephen's plan is to target Joe's lieutanents. Last week Stephen wanted to take out Wentworth because she was a vote for Joe to use. This week it was Wigglesworth. Stephen's entire game is focused on Joe. I'll be happy when he loses.

Well, that was interesting. So Stephen's plan is to target Joe's lieutanents. Last week Stephen wanted to take out Wentworth because she was a vote for Joe to use. This week it was Wigglesworth. Stephen's entire game is focused on Joe. I'll be happy when he loses.

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That was kinda a boring ending for me even though it was a blindside I think this was a missed opportunity to get rid of a bigger threat that was dumb to vote out Wigglesworth this episode lol 2 hours of Survivor next week!

Edited by Mreid
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I realize they have to edit down many many MANY hours of footage, but when the audience doesn't see that, they're left as blindsided by the decision as Kelly herself.


Exactly.  It was honestly hard to tell how much she was even playing until we were told tonight that she has this awesome (but pretty invisible IMO) social game.  I want to be upset that she's gone, but I'm having a hard time getting there.  I do think she would have won in the finals just on her first season street cred alone, so it's probably a good move to get rid of her.


Interesting that Joe got a very slight negative edit tonight as Stephen pretty much said Joe  buys into his own hype.

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What I thought was unbelievable is that when Probst asked about who was worried about the vote that Jeremy didn't raise his hand (or Kelly or Kimmi for that matter!), it's my view that saying yes is always the right answer unless you have an idol around your neck. To say no makes you look too confident- and if I was Jeremy and I knew they saw me as a threat I would lie and raise my damned hand.

I'm depressed Wigglesworth got voted out...she was one of my favorites so now I'm upset.

Edited by Sarahsmile416
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He voted for Wentworth. He's not ready to burn bridges.

The steal-a-vote will be interesting. I hope.

I'm glad Jeremy found the second idol. Was he the only person actually looking for one?



I thought I saw Spencer's vote as: "Kelly Wi" for Wigglesworth. I guess I didn't get a good look at his vote.

I saw "Kelly Wi" on his ballot, too.

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Exactly. It was honestly hard to tell how much she was even playing until we were told tonight that she has this awesome (but pretty invisible IMO) social game. I want to be upset that she's gone, but I'm having a hard time getting there. I do think she would have won in the finals just on her first season street cred alone, so it's probably a good move to get rid of her.

Interesting that Joe got a very slight negative edit tonight as Stephen pretty much said Joe buys into his own hype.


He also said that about Wigglesworth which seems silly to me. I don't buy Stephen's perception on anything concerning Joe considering his obsession with him. Now, Kass and Savage, yes...Wigglesworth and Joe, especially considering his precarious position in the game (which he knows) I do not.

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He voted for Wentworth. He's not ready to burn bridges.

The steal-a-vote will be interesting. I hope.

I'm glad Jeremy found the second idol. Was he the only person actually looking for one?

Spencer definitely voted for Wigglesworth (He wrote "Kelly Wi") as did Jeremy, Fisbach and Wentworth, Ciara and Abi.

Tasha, Kimmi and Wigglesworth voted for Ciara.

Keith and Joe voted for Wentworth.

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I really wish she didn't raise her damn foot.  I think she got a bit cocky towards the end.


She said her butt was cramping, she was trying to stop the pain, I think.


I really enjoyed that episode! Wentworth and Ciera are playing a helluva game from a position of NO power. They got into Steven's head and Jeremy trusts Steven's judgment as to strategy ... and poof, Wigglesworth is gone!  Amazing.  Actually, Steven/Jeremy/Spencer had a tough balancing act to figure out -- piss off and fracture the majority alliance early or get out a power player -- a challenge threat, liked by everyone and carrying the mystique of being one of the original Survivors -- when they have the chance.


Not sure they made the right decision for their games, but for my entertainment as a viewer, it was fantastic.


The weather looks brutal. I think it may be the worst since they were starving in Season 2.  That rain is unrelenting. There was a quick close-up of Joe's hands during the immunity challenge -- they were wrinkled little pink prunes. 


And to add to the chorus: I can't believe I was rooting for Abi in the immunity challenge.  But I was.  What a figure on her!


Kimmi really doesn't like women, does she?  "Witches," really?  Geez, threatened by the young, cute, smart girls much?  At least Steven tried to take it in a literary direction, but he beat the metaphor to death and then put the boot in, just to make sure.


Damn, Tasha looked pissed. Gonna be a fun walk back to camp. 


Have I mentioned how much I'm enjoying this season?


ETA to correctly identify Kimmi.

Edited by Gummo
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I think this was a missed opportunity to get rid of a bigger threat that was dumb to vote out Wigglesworth this episode


Yea, Ciera made the comment that Jeremy would win at final tribal.  It would have been great to see him blindsided here with the two idols.  I don't see how he doesn't win this game now.  



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