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S06.E06: Always Accountable

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I figured this would be a Daryl centric episode meaning it would be pretty much Daryl trying to survive on his own against these other people. I was largely uninterested in Abraham and Sasha in this scenario.  And ugh to Abraham's entitled "You want me" bullshit. Sigh.


I liked Abraham for the most part until that moment. And it feels like okay if Sasha doesn't reciprocate then that will be awkward af going forward and if she does reciprocate then it'll seem like "Oh see the mens know what the womenz want even if the womenz don't seem to want it'.  Blergh. Not diggin' that. 

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I thought the threesome originally mistook Daryl for a Wolf (which would be really easy to do considering his hair, clothing, etc.) and that's why they said "we thought you were one of them!" and not one of the group they were escaping from. 

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So, what I want to know is if the Wolves, the Kneelers, and the Termites put aside their differences for Thanksgiving and share a feast of wild game and people. Or, maybe the Termites aren't invited--I mean, who needs a bunch of uptight PC cannibal hipsters, anyway--and they have a pile of bones and grass and stuff, and they do the hand waving thing like in A Charlie Brown Christmas and suddenly the table is full of delights. Everyone is secretly scared of Aunt Carol because last year she didn't get her casserole dish back and she killed everyone under the pretense of showing them a holiday floral arrangement.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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We have a new TV, a Sony something, it's big and flat and is hooked up to a separate Sony speaker (I'm not a tech person at all).  Yet I CANNOT hear what these actors are saying,  It's Marlon Brando-level mumbling going on there.  I crank up the volume to hear this terrible enunciation and then the music swells up and God forbid it cuts to commercial which blasts us off the couch.  Hate that fuckery.  So, to sum up, I have no idea what anyone was saying. 

I'm watching on a 27" little guy and I have the same problem. I tend to watch shows like this with closed captions on. That includes Supernatural and Angel (which I'm just now watching for the first time on Netflix).

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I actually think it's all a scam.

"Fear the Walking Dead" was created to make the actual "Walking Dead" look better by comparison.

And then "Into the Badlands" was created to do the same thing for "Fear."

God only knows what they'll add next. "Comic Book Men in Thongs" perhaps?

Oh dear, if this has been an elaborate false flag by AMC, feed me to the walkers.
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That bugged me too! I wanted Daryl to laugh and say 'bitch, I killed that many before breakfast'. Seriously, how have these people survived???

Seriously though, how?!?!  Didn't they say they were in the wood before the ZA even started?  So they were like hippie forest dwellers?  But they were part of a group that they ran away from?  Either way, I think Eugene might have killed more walkers than that at this point.


And "never" killed a person.  Uh huh.  In this (new) day and age?  Don't buy that for a hot minute.


Although, maybe they didn't actually directly kill people - but instead stole their weapons and transportation, like they did to Daryl, leaving them stranded and [mostly] defenseless.

That's the sort of Morgan brand of dickery that is driving my crazy.  It's like, no we don't kill people because there's no going back from that.  But we did fuck them over, which apparently you can go back from.  I don't know, he seemed pretty clueless, and I wouldn't be surprised if he spent the entire ZA high.


I think this new development signs Rosita's death warrant. She barely has any dialogue as it is. Lately, they've given her two scenes with Spencer, and it's for sure this will push her into his arms. Spencer is both a closet coward and a secret jerk who thinks he's above the rules. He will get her killed (and probably go back and tell the others about his heroic attempts to save her). Mark it down.

It would be a shame to kill off Rosita.  I think the character is underutilized as it is.  I think Spencer is probably a red shirt, I haven't seen anything compelling enough about him to make me think that he will become a (relatively) permanent member of CDB.  He is a total jerk, but he does have that "protecting me and mine" mentality that tends to get you farther in the ZA than the former Alexandria lifestyle.


And how is that all going to play out? It's not like he can just break it off with her and never see her again. They ostensibly live in the same house! "Hey, Rick, can Rosita come camp with you guys now? I'm going to move Sasha in and give Eugene a little variety with his voyeurism."

Aren't they all still divided between two houses?  It's ridiculous, but I've often wondered who lives in which house, and if they have roommates and stuff (and thangs).  I'm going to operate under the assumption that they have two four bedroom houses.  When they came, they had Rick, Carl, Baby Judith, Carol, Daryl, Sasha, FPP, Glenn  and Maggie, Abe and Rosita, Tara, Noah and Eugene.  So 14 people, including Judith, with 2 couples.  Then Noah died, and Morgan came and moved in with them.  Does FPP still live with them?  These are the things that I want to know.  A whole bunch of Alexandrians died, so maybe they can score a third house.  And maybe some of them will start moving in/out,  based on their relationships with the Alexandrians.  I wonder when/if Rick will think it's a good idea to play Brady Bunch with his new lady friend.  Judith does need a full time babysitter, after all, and sometimes Carol is busy killing people.

Edited by truelovekiss
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Right. No attempt to cauterize it ala Merle and his hand. No almost dying like Hershel and his leg. Nope. This guy is just ready for a jaunt through the woods. 


The belt tourniquet was supposed to do the job? But I think this was most of the reason they went back. Law of diminishing returns and all. Kind of "screw this, no longer worth it." I'm guessing leader dude liked the guy with the arm chomp maybe better than the rest of the canon fodder, so at that injury, it was time to cut bait.



i don't think it had to do with Rosita, either- not entirely anyway.

I think she was alluding to his love of killing things and the need to be constantly venting anger. She kept after him to calm down, sit down, the walker behind the glass is secure, the one walking down the street isn't after you, etc. Just to get him to stop reacting so violently to everything. Taking care of business to me meant getting his head on straight and leaving the PTSD behind.

That's why when he tried to scream walker on a stick to death and it had no affect he just stopped and watched it drop. That yell seemed like some of the last hurt and anger leaving his system.

That's why he had such a cat that ate the canary face when they hit the road again in his spanking new clothes- he knew he was on the road to taking care of his business.


I got a similar vibe, except that I think Abraham's yelling was his frustration at, as he put it earlier, not wanting to leave loose ends. He doesn't like seeing the walkers there not dead. It's a control thing for him (and maybe a little bit like seeing a hurt and struggling bug and wanting to end its struggle by stepping on it). And like he told Sasha earlier he really really wanted to end the walkers he saw. So for me, he was screaming at this walker because he really really wanted to end it, but the walker was grabbing at him, taunting him, making it impossible to do, and finally he screamed out his frustration that he couldn't control the situation by stabbing the zombie. But he was finally able to pull back and live with the not being able to control it, and guess what?... the walker ended itself. Abraham saw that it was completely okay that he didn't control the situation. I think that's where his satisfied look came from. He learned Sasha was right: he didn't have to personally have that "tying up of loose ends" all the time. And I think that was freeing for him. That's what I got out of the scene.


For what it's worth, my closed captioning identified Elf Girlfriend as "Honey".  Not sure what Poor Man's Josh Lucas' name is.  Elf Girlfriend kept saying sorry to Elf Girl and "we had to try".  I think they probably stole provisions or something from those guys that were tracking them.  It seemed like they were all part of some commune.  They took some supplies, perhaps they started a fire as a diversion (which killed Carly and Dell, I think those were their names) and took off.


After Daryl lured the one guy into getting bitten by the walker stuck in the crash truck, the one (Wade?) went to amputate the arm of the guy who got bit.  Why didn't Daryl just take them out with his arrows while they were occupied?  I'm not sure how many of those guys there were, but Daryl had gotten chased by them earlier.  I was surprised he didn't try to steal their truck.  It doesn't matter how many of them there were, he's like a silent ninja.  Then the whole incident with losing his crossbow wouldn't have happened.


For the first part I think it was what a previous poster said: They knew these people and worried that they had accidentally gotten caught in the fire that the group of three set to kill the walkers / be a diversion/ etc, and the other two who were not Tina had to try to find them in case they made it through okay, but seeing the bodies, they then knew that no, they hadn't made it. And so Elf girl/Honey was saying to Tina that she was sorry, they got her into this mess, but they had to try to see if the people they knew were okay. And it all went horribly wrong.


As for Darryl, I think for me he was using basic battle strategy. In general, a badly wounded person is more strategic than a dead one. First it means that healthy people have to stop and try to help the wounded people, and second, if he shot them dead, then not only would the other people in the woods now potentially want revenge, his shooting them would alert the rest to the fact that he was still there in the woods to find rather than maybe already escaped. That's my opinion anyway. That part I thought Darryl played just right.


So the three in the woods, setters of fire and sufferers from diabetes, when they led Darryl to the chain link enclosure with walkers inside, they were looking for Patty their truck?  The same Patty the truck that they abandoned previously and covered with brush?  That they should have known where it was?


I don't think the truck was where they left it? The walker inside that Darryl killed pointed to the fact that someone probably took their truck, but as for how he died afterwards, that I'm not sure of. But I'm assuming if they left the truck, they hopefully wouldn't leave a walker inside on purpose, because Ew.



As for not headsticking the walkers, I think Sasha was worried that a bunch of freshly incapacitated walkers would alert the enemies they were trying to avoid as to where they had gone. The enemies didn't seem to be killing the walkers - since the walkers were wandering around unimpeded - so a bunch of head stuck walkers likely would've attracted attention and pointed to their location. So Sasha chose less obvious things - I guess - like making a few muddy footprints and leaving Darryl his last name - that no one else would know - on the door.


And as for losing the bike, Darryl did trade up. Maybe he wouldn't have found the truck if he'd still had the motorcycle? The crossbow was unfortunate, but if you love something let it go, and if it's meant to be, his crossbow will return to him eventually.

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LOL.  She would eat that poor guy alive!  (and no, I didn't mean that in a 'sexual innuendo' way)


She would definitely get to play role reversal, though.  She'd totally be the "Ed" in that relationship.

I feel like Eugene would be way too scared of Carol to even try to have a relationship with her.  I really thought Doctor Denise would have been good for him, but obviously that's not going to work.

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I'm so confused...I think I missed a bunch or wasn't paying attention or? What the hell were those new people talking about?

They were evading some bag guys they stole insulin from. Which of course would still be viable. Not. They appear to know the baddies, but not enough to know Daryl is not one of them.

So, they kidnap Daryl, and the Mary Stuart Masterson gets offed by some shrink wrapped people who I suppose were dead. Then they turn on Daryl, probably because he stinks so bad.

You didn't ask, but Abe got all grosser than usual and hit on Sasha and said even stupider than usual shit.

I'm not sure this even happened. I may have accidentally dropped some mescaline or suches

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Spencer is a hottie. IMO Rosita would be trading up. Spencer isn't as manly as Abraham, but Rosita can toughen him up. I think he will be alive for a little while longer, otherwise, poor Deanna -- her entire family gets wiped out in a matter of weeks.

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I actually think it's all a scam.

"Fear the Walking Dead" was created to make the actual "Walking Dead" look better by comparison.

And then "Into the Badlands" was created to do the same thing for "Fear."

God only knows what they'll add next. "Comic Book Men in Thongs" perhaps?


It worked then. Fear the Walking Dead was terrible. It made me really look forward to the Walking Dead.

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I liked Abraham for the most part until that moment. And it feels like okay if Sasha doesn't reciprocate then that will be awkward af going forward and if she does reciprocate then it'll seem like "Oh see the mens know what the womenz want even if the womenz don't seem to want it'.  Blergh. Not diggin' that. 

I especially love his super suave "a man knows" bit, because in my experience, they very often don't.  Sorry, I try not to cast stereotypes and generalizations, I'm just speaking to my own personal experiences with men and their lack of knowing things.

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Spencer is a hottie. IMO Rosita would be trading up. Spencer isn't as manly as Abraham, but Rosita can toughen him up. I think he will be alive for a little while longer, otherwise, poor Deanna -- her entire family gets wiped out in a matter of weeks.


Sorry, but to me, Spencer is a self-serving douche.  He's also a two-faced fake.  Spencer is still alive only because he was too much of a wuss to leave the safety of ASZ to go out on 'runs' like Aidan did.  He bragged about shooting the driver to stop the truck from barreling into ASZ like he was a crack shot that got the guy with one perfectly aimed bullet, but he was in fact scared shitless and was lucky enough to have one of many fired rounds (from an unsteady gun) hit where it needed to. 


And even though it will never be played this way - he was indirectly responsible for his father's death.  Rick only left the room/house - before showing up at the 'meeting' with his dead walker - because he saw the open unattended gate [which Spencer let happen, by allowing Gabriel to watch a gate that hadn't been shut and locked properly before running off to the 'meeting'], followed by Rick's chasing down & dispatching the walkers who got inside the gate.  I don't think it would have got to the point of Reggie having to approach Pete to restrain him if Rick isn't at the meeting, when he shows up.


Just don't like Spencer.  For every 'good guy' moment he has, he follows it up with 3 'selfish idiot' turns to ruin the image.

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It worked then. Fear the Walking Dead was terrible. It made me really look forward to the Walking Dead.

Maybe I'm just crazy, but in the Morgan episode, I was starting to think to myself, you know, maybe Fear the Walking Dead wasn't so bad.  At least this whole "is-it-ethically-wrong-to-kill-people-or-walkers-or-anything-and-what-even-am-I" bullshit would make sense for people who were at the very beginning of the apocalypse, as opposed to over a year in, when you should probably have already come to terms with what the world is, or at least come up with some kind of ethical code to help you get through the night.

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I didn't understand Daryl's near panice at the approaching walker. To your average person a lone walker is dangerous, if they are unarmed and unprepared, or somewhow unaccustomed to dealing with them. But to an experienced killer like Daryl, how is that a big deal? He should have been able to waltz over there, knock it off it's feet, saunter back over to his bag and causually get the crossbow out and fire it before the damn thing even got back to its feet. Half the time you can have a snack and watch as they're stumbling closer before you bother to get up and kill it.


Sasha and Abraham...okay. I have nothing against it. Why not? Well, okay, Rosita, but we don't really even know what THAT is.


And the voice on the walkie, a vague little "Help" I barely heard wasn't really enough to identify for me. It could have been Glenn, I suppose, but I'm not sure I really care at this point. An episode to create tension is one thing, three or more is just annoying.

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They were evading some bag guys they stole insulin from. Which of course would still be viable. Not. They appear to know the baddies, but not enough to know Daryl is not one of them.


So the baddies had a stock of insulin because....? The bad guys ALSO have a diabetic on board? They keep outdated insulin around in hopes of bartering it for sex with other random diabetics who are still alive? They're ZA hoarders? What???

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Actually, yes, it is how dare they!  It's holding a portion of the audience hostage who might not otherwise give a shit about that show. It makes me resent AMC and the show they want to me tune in more than makes me stick around to see a preview of TWD next episode.


This is...a bit dramatic, no? To feel like a hostage simply because one can't see a 30-second promo (which, to be fair, in this scenario, one is voluntarily choosing not to see out of sheer spite because everything was not arranged "just so"). No one on this planet has to watch that other show--I don't even know what it's called, so AMC's grip is hardly viselike. Further, this is far from a unique system in terms of suspenseful entertainment. Sometimes when you want something, you also have to do something (or "have to" in this case). I'm baffled by the notion that AMC owes viewers anything, much less a preview that will essentially reveal absolutely nothing anyway. It all sounds to me like a very skewed sense of entitlement (though I'll admit to still being a bit salty to this day that Buffy was canceled).


My point is that it's NOT a good way to attract new viewers to a show. AMC has done it with other shows and it remains annoying, in my opinion...


Why would a new viewer care so specifically about "next time on" info? "Well, I always wanted to watch The Walking Dead--it's right up my zombie-lovin' alley--but then someone told me that the previews are not attached to the episode sometimes! So forget it." [sad trombone.]


I don't think loyal TWD viewers appreciated the attempt to trick them into watching the first third of the new show l.


With all due respect, if someone interprets plain old garden-variety advertising to be a "trick," that someone probably lacks the intellect to even turn on a TV. There's no trick there: do this, and you will get that. Same principle behind any business. Just be glad AMC didn't pull that stunt that Bravo does: make you and your DVR believe that the show you regularly watch is extended by a half hour...but the extra 30 minutes is really some new show piggy-backed right onto the end! 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I didn't understand Daryl's near panice at the approaching walker. To your average person a lone walker is dangerous, if they are unarmed and unprepared, or somewhow unaccustomed to dealing with them. But to an experienced killer like Daryl, how is that a big deal? He should have been able to waltz over there, knock it off it's feet, saunter back over to his bag and causually get the crossbow out and fire it before the damn thing even got back to its feet. Half the time you can have a snack and watch as they're stumbling closer before you bother to get up and kill it.

I was losing it.  He was in a fucking forest, surrounded by rocks and fallen branches.  He could have so easily just put the bag down for a hot second, picked up a rock and taken care of it.  Hell, he could have probably just swing the bag at it.  That insulin box looked like it was metal, and probably could have done some damage.  If nothing else, it would have knocked it down and the dead aren't exactly agile.  It would have taken it a minute to get back up.

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Sasha and Abraham...okay. I have nothing against it. Why not? Well, okay, Rosita, but we don't really even know what THAT is.


IAside from Rosita, I have nothing against Sasha and Abraham. If Abraham had just left it at, "If you're into it, I'm available. I hope you are because I dig you" . Cool. I'm against how it's being launched with Abraham presuming to know more about what Sasha wants than Sasha.  NOPE.

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Spencer is a hottie. IMO Rosita would be trading up. Spencer isn't as manly as Abraham, but Rosita can toughen him up. I think he will be alive for a little while longer, otherwise, poor Deanna -- her entire family gets wiped out in a matter of weeks.

Just looking at him, I would agree that he's attractive, and frankly much prettier than most of the other surviving men.  I do agree that he will be around for probably at least the rest of the season, but I don't think he's long for this world.  


Sorry, but to me, Spencer is a self-serving douche.  He's also a two-faced fake.  Spencer is still alive only because he was too much of a wuss to leave the safety of ASZ to go out on 'runs' like Aidan did.  He bragged about shooting the driver to stop the truck from barreling into ASZ like he was a crack shot that got the guy with one perfectly aimed bullet, but he was in fact scared shitless and was lucky enough to have one of many fired rounds (from an unsteady gun) hit where it needed to. 

I totally agree on the douche vibes.  He did one thing right, and he's running around talking about all the lives he saved.  Carl could have done more than that if he wasn't stuck babysitting Judith.  In this world, just because you do one thing right and save some lives, it doesn't make you a hero.  It's not going to go down in history as "Spencer Day."  It makes it a Thursday where less people died than they otherwise would have.  He's got a lot more shit to do if he wants to be considered a hero or a leader.  I loved that prideful look Deanna was giving her beloved son when he was talking about the importance of teamwork and shit, but that all ended so quickly when she saw he was really just conning her flock so there wouldn't be a mass hysteria, so that he could do exactly what he said he was trying to prevent.  Face it lady, you had two sons.  One died because he was an arrogant douche, and the other is a currently living weasely douche.

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I was losing it. He was in a fucking forest, surrounded by rocks and fallen branches. He could have so easily just put the bag down for a hot second, picked up a rock and taken care of it. Hell, he could have probably just swing the bag at it. That insulin box looked like it was metal, and probably could have done some damage. If nothing else, it would have knocked it down and the dead aren't exactly agile. It would have taken it a minute to get back up.

Same deal with Michonne staring slackjawed at Betsy's husband getting chomped; with Maggie's hamfisted fumbling with the sewer walker; hell, let's add Glenn getting trapped in an alley at all. Lots of moments where the zombie killing machines of the last several seasons falter and behave like it's their first time let loose in the ZA world. Why they are doing this to these characters remains a mystery to me.

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I was losing it.  He was in a fucking forest, surrounded by rocks and fallen branches.  He could have so easily just put the bag down for a hot second, picked up a rock and taken care of it.  Hell, he could have probably just swing the bag at it.  That insulin box looked like it was metal, and probably could have done some damage.  If nothing else, it would have knocked it down and the dead aren't exactly agile.  It would have taken it a minute to get back up.


ASZ and it's precise walls of safety, has made them weak and complacent. The minute they were put back into an environment that emulated "the old way", they lost their killer instinct. It happened to Carl, Maggie, Michonne, & Daryl. Maybe Moral Morgan has seeped into their heads. Well, we are not yet at a point where they can relax and get back to rebuilding what was. They still need to take care of the Walkers and Mauraders FIRST!. I also agree that relationships may be very fluid and all of the prescripts of the "old ways" may no longer matter. That is why FPP is at such a crossroads. His faith is being tested and frankly, no one is buying what he is selling. I was thinking about it yesterday. What if a major, major event happened that took out 80% of the population? I wouldn't be worrying about the socially derived things that I "must" do (like I need to vacuum, and put out Xmas lights and make 3000 cookies because everyone expects that I will, and make sure I wear make-up, and follow the fashion and be thin, let my husband make all the decisions,etc...), I would be doing what needed to be done to survive. It would be a radical change and in some ways would really be liberating. It is like once Carol accepted what happened to Sophia, she embraced that concept that she could be what she thought she wanted to be in this new world. So,  some of these "bad guys" are doing whatever evil thing has always been in their hearts because there really are no more rules. 

Edited by riverheightsnancy
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^^^yes I originally thought they were trying to make it appear that the ASZ has made these hardened zombie slayers soft but I don't buy it. They haven't been there nearly long enough for me to get on board with that scenario.

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So the baddies had a stock of insulin because....? The bad guys ALSO have a diabetic on board? They keep outdated insulin around in hopes of bartering it for sex with other random diabetics who are still alive? They're ZA hoarders? What???


There were comments from The Unseen Baddies (TUBs) to the Flower Children Runaways (FCRs) about them needing to pay for things they took or used, such as gas, etc.


So yes, I get the impression that there are similar shenanigans going on with the TUBS as was going on at Beth's Hospital o' Horrors (HoH), where you are required to, in some way, pay for what you use/get.

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Add me to the list of people who wouldn't mind if Rosita was freed from Abraham and transferred to an aquarium sans dolphins. She can function as a lone badass or hook up with a primary. Now that she's out of her walker bait clothes and had a precious few scenes that don't involve her shaving Abraham (oh the humanity) I've come to like her. She hasn't gone Full Carol but she's less conflicted than Michonne without being the moral compass of Maggie--lots of potential.

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I wouldn't be totally against Rosita hooking up with Eugene - even if not an actual relationship.  Have a heart and don't let the man die a virgin, Rosita!


Other than Daryl and Morgan (& Eugene), who else on CDB is available?  Daryl is too stanky to think of in that way and Morgan is basically a monk now.  FPP doesn't count because the only way I'd be ok with him getting tail from any woman, is if he Died in the Process!

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I wouldn't be totally against Rosita hooking up with Eugene - even if not an actual relationship. Have a heart and don't let the man die a virgin, Rosita!

Other than Daryl and Morgan (& Eugene), who else on CDB is available? Daryl is too stanky to think of in that way and Morgan is basically a monk now. FPP doesn't count because the only way I'd be ok with him getting tail from any woman, is if he Died in the Process!

Is FPP from a branch of Christianity where priests have to be celibate? You're right, Daryl is far too unkempt to be a suitor. Apparently rick is taken. Glenn is taken/missing/dead. Morgan is being annoying. It's pretty much just Captain America and Eugene. Plus the ASZ crew.

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I think they were in a green house, so maybe the plastic over their faces was the roof of the green house?


Yes, it was a greenhouse, and the fire was so hot that it liquefied the glass in the greenhouse and it coated the two people, leaving walkers coated in glass. And when the glass broke, they bit the diabetic girl.


But if the fire was hot enough to melt the glass, why weren't the people burnt to cinders? Oh, right, they needed a neat new way for someone to get bit, even if it made no sense.

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Other than Daryl and Morgan (& Eugene), who else on CDB is available?  Daryl is too stanky to think of in that way and Morgan is basically a monk now.  FPP doesn't count because the only way I'd be ok with him getting tail from any woman, is if he Died in the Process!


Someone needs to Black Widow him, stat!


Is FPP from a branch of Christianity where priests have to be celibate? You're right, Daryl is far too unkempt to be a suitor. Apparently rick is taken. Glenn is taken/missing/dead. Morgan is being annoying. It's pretty much just Captain America and Eugene. Plus the ASZ crew.

He had a girlfriend we saw pictures of back at the church (and I believe we even saw her in walker-form).

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Also, I'm supposed to believe that in all the time that Aaron has been scouting around for new people to recruit, he's never been aware of another sizeable group nearby?

Great point.

Also, a question just popped into my mind. Maybe someone can answer. Going back a ways, when the "wolves not far" (unfair wolves, lol) was scrawled on the fence/building?, do we know who left that message? I must have missed that part. Help?

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No, we didn't know who left it, but it does bring up an interesting question. If it was someone in Noah's community, how did they have the time? We can probably safely assume the attack on them was like the attack on Alexandria-quick, brutal, and final. We've seen nothing to indicate the Unfair Wolves are in to tagging or advertising in any form beyond their Ws on foreheads.

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Suddenly they're not mercy killing walkers because it constitutes "leaving breadcrumbs" and they want to give Daryl a challenge or something, because the last thing a tracker needs is a trail...but writing his name on a door is ok? Huh? 


Well, the walkers can't read.  (rimshot)


I think your Glenn theory is how is SHOULD play out and would be more honest storytelling.  I just don't think that's the direction they're going on.  

At this point, if Glenn is dead, then we've all been played. And I'd give them props for that.  



My major problem is, if Glenn wasn't getting chomped why was he squalling?  General fury and tension relief?  


That's what I've found manipulative, every time the topic's been broached.  Glenn knows the "zombies drawn to noise" equation, and he's no alarmist (not anymore, anyway).  Why would he raise a ruckus unless it's actually his intestines being turned into cocktail franks?

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I wouldn't be totally against Rosita hooking up with Eugene - even if not an actual relationship.  Have a heart and don't let the man die a virgin, Rosita!


Other than Daryl and Morgan (& Eugene), who else on CDB is available?  Daryl is too stanky to think of in that way and Morgan is basically a monk now.  FPP doesn't count because the only way I'd be ok with him getting tail from any woman, is if he Died in the Process!


I like Rosita far too much (didn't used to care, but she's grown on me) to wish FPP on her.  The idea of Eugene is just creepy to me.  

Now, if she were to give Daryl a shower and he was less stanky... maybe.  But I'd still rather see him sleeping with Carol- not true love, but friendship and respect and comfort.  (I *hate* that we've so lost track of these interpersonal relationships.)

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Between Abe's word salad and Daryl's mumbling, I didn't get anything out of this episode other than:


a. an indication that the new trio were running away from a scary colony which we will presumably learn more about in 6B;

b. Even in dire straights, Daryl is still recruiting for ASZ;

c. The regularly appearing characters like Abe and Sasha have a lot of confidence in the tenacity of their fellow survivors. Abe assumes Rick has ASZ's situation well in hand. Sasha knows Daryl is okay and will track them; 

d. Abe is attracted to Sasha.


That's all I got. Could have gotten that from a 10 minute webisode. 

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The people Daryl met were the worst. This guy saves your life and you leave him stranded without weapons after he tells you he can provide a safe place? Good luck.

As for the group Darryl helped them escape from, I think I'm suffering from apocalyptic asshole overload. The last couple seasons have given us the Claimers, Terminus folks, their cannibalistic remnants, The Wolves and now these people. The show needs something more than the Rick gang fending off groups of eeeevil people.

Oh, and I think it's hilarious that Rick's plan is to wait for Abraham, Sasha and Daryl to get back and lead the herd away while Abraham is confident Rick took care of whatever problem Alexandria is facing.

I wouldn't say the crossbow thieves were the "worst". They didn't shoot him, try to rape him, hack him to pieces or eat him.

By Zombie Apocalypse standards they were practically Gandhi and Mother Teresa. :)

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Someone needs to Black Widow him, stat!

He had a girlfriend we saw pictures of back at the church (and I believe we even saw her in walker-form).

I think Father Gabriel is an Episcopal priest. His church did not appear to be Roman Catholic or Orthodox and AFAIK those are the only other major denominations that call their clergy Father. Episcopal priests are allowed to marry.

I don't think it was totally clear what his relationship to the woman wearing glasses in the photo, who later became a walker wearing glasses in the flooded food bank, was.

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Abe and Sasha were presumably needing to stay in that building for safety, then suddenly he's on a random bridge finding bazookas and smoking a cigar - that somehow no one else had already taken - out in the open like he was on vacation.


Actually, I think the objective was simply to find a place to wait for Daryl -- the tracker of the bunch -- to find them. Sasha says as much.

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Can it be mutually agreed that first 1st question on the 'questionnaire' is officially pretty much useless now??


I mean, if they are coming up on/meeting survivors - unless its a big sheltered group, ala ASZ - doesn't (even a little bit of) common sense demand that they've killed at least a few walkers between the start of the ZA and the time of meeting?


At least change the wording somewhat.  Make it a multiple choice.  "When you come upon walker(s), do you; [A] kill them, run/hide, or [C] sacrifice your partner(s) to ensure self-survival?  No pressure, there's no right or wrong answer here.  *said while cocking gun*"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Same deal with Michonne staring slackjawed at Betsy's husband getting chomped; with Maggie's hamfisted fumbling with the sewer walker; hell, let's add Glenn getting trapped in an alley at all. Lots of moments where the zombie killing machines of the last several seasons falter and behave like it's their first time let loose in the ZA world. Why they are doing this to these characters remains a mystery to me.

You beat me to it! Zombie Apocalypse Amnesia. While "Lost" had the same kind of "are we making this up as we go along?" plotting, I don't remember often thinking that Hurley wasn't acting like Hurley any more, etc. Well, except when Locke actually was different people. And smoke monsters and whatever Desmond was doing and all that. Never mind. Maybe the Governor was actually a smoke monster and he can't really die, and he was in the group whose faces weren't shown in this episode, b/c it seemed very much like the first time we saw him after the helicopter went down. As we continue to repeat ourselves. 


Help people, get screwed. We get it. Although in Daryl's case, it's not like he can actually SEE a single bit of what is going on so maybe we make allowances there.


Was I the only one hearing ZZ Top when Abe walked out in his new clothes? I don't totally see Sasha's interest, but if you're mostly clean, not an Alexandrian and not Gabriel, why not I guess.


As for all the mystery groups living nearby and ongoing nonsensical geography -- if Georgia can have A Magical Forest, why can't Virginia? Still a lot better than FTWD.

Edited by EllenC
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But but weren't there walkers on fire in a previous episode? Making the point that fire doesn't kill the walkers? So why did fire kill the walkers in this episode?

What I did like is that they showed walkers that were so decomposed that they couldn't move. Proving that eventually the decomposition will finally progress far enough that the walkers are unable to move.

Or maybe I dreamed that?

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And BTW, you guys now have me imagining "The Zombie Apocalypse Bachelorette," where Eugene, Spencer, FPP, Tobin etc. vie for Rosita's attention. 


Another sign I'm getting bored with this show, even though I don't want to!

Edited by EllenC
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Aren't they all still divided between two houses?  It's ridiculous, but I've often wondered who lives in which house, and if they have roommates and stuff (and thangs).  I'm going to operate under the assumption that they have two four bedroom houses.  When they came, they had Rick, Carl, Baby Judith, Carol, Daryl, Sasha, FPP, Glenn  and Maggie, Abe and Rosita, Tara, Noah and Eugene.  So 14 people, including Judith, with 2 couples.  Then Noah died, and Morgan came and moved in with them.  Does FPP still live with them?  These are the things that I want to know.  A whole bunch of Alexandrians died, so maybe they can score a third house.  And maybe some of them will start moving in/out,  based on their relationships with the Alexandrians.  I wonder when/if Rick will think it's a good idea to play Brady Bunch with his new lady friend.  Judith does need a full time babysitter, after all, and sometimes Carol is busy killing people.


This seriously interests me more than nearly anything I've seen in the last two episodes.  I still want to know who's living with who and how they decided that.  I imagine if FPP is still in either house it's damn uncomfortable for him in wake of the "these people who have saved my worthless ass over and over across three states are terrible evil people" confession.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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I'm going to try to put a positive, glass half full kind of spin on this first half of the season.  At least I won't miss the show during the mid season hiatus.


I'll raise you with the fact that I'm convinced this episode structure is some kind of budget related constraint that they only seem to need to adhere to for half of each season.  So that means that  they are probably done with it and we won't have to deal with it in the second half of the season.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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