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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I didn't say that just because she's been promiscuous. I said that because Brooke has been the cheater and always excuses her nonsense because of destiny. She's hardly the character to hold anyone accountable for cheating. I didn't say she wasn't allowed to stand in defense of someone. Her judging Caroline or anyone for cheating? Hilarious. Her defending someone? Sure why not. 


Though in the scenario spelled out by the spoiler, who exactly is Brooke defending?!?

As per the post, the idea instead seems to be that Brooke is going to be going after Caroline for being a cheater. Sounds potentially judgy not defending.

But perhaps being silly, I misread that.


I feel like you may have misread it because there's another spoiler saying Brooke vows to do whatever it takes to make things right for her son. I also don't think she'd be personally involved with whomever was cheating on whom had it not been her son whom she was cheating on and with Ridge of all people./TM Rick/. It sounds like she's going to try to get Caroline to see how capriciously Ridge takes lovers. Is it hypocritical? Sure but that's her son so of course she's going to defend him, what else would and should a mother do if not that.

  • Love 1


I thought the guy who played Ridge seemed rather attractive in the 7000 ep as others have said. What the hell are the wardrobe and make-up people doing to him?


I know! I mean I think he's attractive period, but the wardrobe people seem to hate him. I've said it before and I'll repeat it: it feels like he's been wearing the same damn suit since he arrived! Needless to say, he looked even better in that behind the scenes stuff.



Half an hour was too short for this milestone event, IMO.


It was very short, plus no interviews with cast members past or anything which was a bummer (I think). I don't quite understand why 7000 eps iis such a big deal. Haven't all the soaps currently on the air hit that number? And really the soaps that CBS most recently cancelled (GL and ATWT) were way over that. It seems like an odd thing to celebrate. 50 years of GH sounds way more impressive!


I know! I mean I think he's attractive period, but the wardrobe people seem to hate him. I've said it before and I'll repeat it: it feels like he's been wearing the same damn suit since he arrived! Needless to say, he looked even better in that behind the scenes stuff.


It's especially bizarre since it's in character for Ridge to look good. I mean they'd only be doing what's make sense if they sorted out his wardrobe and hair.


Also what's going on with the teeth caps (or whatever they are). JY has them and it looks as though the actress who plays Ivy has succumbed to them as well, neither of them need it. WTF?

Edited by slayer2


He's been a ridiculous waffler between two women for years, absolutely, but  Spoiler He's married both women, spent years with them, and had kids with each, so he  Spoiler That said, I'm interested in watching Brooke's head explode once Maya spills the beans about what's gone down. But it's still ludicrous that nobody (Rick? Eric? Bill? Katie? Hope? Donna? Pam?) called Brooke in Italy to clue her in. That's just bizarre, and frankly, bad writing. Makes for good showdowns, though.


He waffled back and forth with Taylor and Brooke during and in between marriage. He would waffle directly out of one marriage into another one for some reason or another, I would call that capricious. Then he took a timeout with Brooke's own daughter and Brooke's sister, I think I'm leaving out some lovers but yes I'd definitely call his choices capricious and (many) dependent on his mother. Before Taylor arrived he was waffling between Caroline and Brooke. He is as fickle as the day is long.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 1

Straight up truth! Bow down bitches. But what I like about Steffy is she owns it. Someone calls her out she doesn't care, she knows what she is.


Frankly, the fact that Brooke has been promiscuous doesn't mean she never gets to stand in defense of anyone ever, c'mon that's a bit silly.



I feel like you may have misread it because there's another spoiler saying Brooke vows to do whatever it takes to make things right for her son. I also don't think she'd be personally involved with whomever was cheating on whom had it not been her son whom she was cheating on and with Ridge of all people./TM Rick/. It sounds like she's going to try to get Caroline to see how capriciously Ridge takes lovers. Is it hypocritical? Sure but that's her son so of course she's going to defend him, what else would and should a mother do if not that.




Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the show tried to make Brooke look bad for supporting her own child.

  • Love 2
She wasn't portrayed as a character in her own right, just an assortment of qualities that made her the anti-Hope.  It was so lazy.

Though, to be fair, Hope wasn't much of a character either! It seemed to me both were brought on in attempt to continue the Taylor/Brooke war. Only Brooke's daughter was more like Taylor (and by that, I mean early Taylor. Not the Taylor who slept through slept through the whole Forrester family just like Brooke. I think Taylor, in the beginning, was supposed to be the opposite of Brooke. Unfortunately, she ended up just like Brooke but never got called out on any of it) and Taylor's daughter was like Brooke. Oh the irony. Or something. And then of course, they had to be in a triangle with a waffler. ZZZZzzzzz.

You're both spot on. Hope and Steffy seemed to become placeholders for the ToD instead of their own characters. Neither of them were particularly insufferable when they first came on the show, but by the end all the two ever did was fight over Liam. Brooke and Taylor each had distinct personalities and actual achievements beyond riding Ridge's disco stick, so people could actually give two fucks about when one of them "lost" to the other. Steffy and Hope just put me in mind of two equally spoiled toddlers fighting over who gets to carry the giant ass FAO Schwartz teddy bear out the store.


Of course if didn't help that Liam would stand there and say nothing one way or the other as everyone fought their battles for them. Coming to Ivy and Caroline's aid by shoving Rick and the later romantic dinner is about two more acts of effort than I ever remember him doing for either of the Idiocy Twins, and I'm glad he's realizing that he's better off being in a relationship that wasn't about overcoming obstacles all the damn time (Something Brooke had to learn after menopause). I hope he remembers that when Steffy inevitably returns to fuck shit up.


The 7000th episode was okay for what it was. I agree that Taylor deserved a shoutout of some sort. I was not surprised to find that KKL originally rend for the part of Caroline, and now I wonder how different the show would have been had she'd gotten that part. And Darlene Conley was the best.


Also, one thing about the flashback on Wednesday: Was that Justin Tolkensen (sic)! Rick in the flashback scene? I was surprised by that, since I've never known the show to show flashback clips using different actors (which pretty much means the end of "Unforgettable" montages* of Bridge)I remember that Rick had a few issues with Ridge, but mostly his SLs dealt with Amber.


* for the new posters/viewers to the show, "Unforgettable" by Nat King Cole was Bridge's theme song that would play for many of their montages.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 5

I get continuity and all, but I really wish TK didn't have to be penalized for all of RM's mistakes as Ridge. Too bad the writers could come up with something to magically make old Ridge's actions disappear cause I really enjoy new Ridge (TK) with Caroline and don't want Brooke to interfere with this love story.

  • Love 11

I agree that he's fickle and a waffler. I just don't see him as taking up lovers capriciously because that sounds like he's bedding a new woman every night, just for sex, and he does seem to have deep (albeit waffling) love for these women. He and Liam are the king and prince of waffling, but to be fair, Brooke and Taylor have done plenty of waffling on their own. (As has Hope.) Taylor literally woke up one day while she was engaged to Rick and decided she was still in love with Ridge. Totally out of the blue. And was still pining for Ridge while she was married to Whip (I'll never understand that one!). Wasn't Brooke back and forth between Nick and Ridge? I kinda feel like it's the nature of soaps to shake things up periodically, couple-wise. Nobody gets to be happy together for decades.

The one with Nick and Ridge was so incredibly out of character for everything we'd seen of Brooke. I totally shipped Bricky before TIIC tanked that harder than Target Canada, but it was pretty clear that not even two years before all that went down, she was hoping and praying for RJ to be Ridge's kid after the foundry boink. And then after decades of chasing this guy, she finally gets Ridge to fully commit to her then runs off because OH NOES he took a swing at her nearly 30 year old son that was fooling around with his barely legal daughter. Just...no.


I don't need happy for decades, but changing spouses on a semi-annual basis is just whiplash enducing. Who can be invested in something that goes by so fast? It's the reason why Lope failed as being B&B's next big supercouple, because the two of them never *had* a period to connect or have conflict over anything besides being together. Back when Ridge and Taylor were first married, the two of them fought over whether Taylor should've told Kirsten that her boyfriend Tony was HIV positive. And as ridiculous as the Morgan pregnancy SL was, at least Taylor and Ridge were going through the trials and tribulations of that together--again, something Liam and Hope never, ever did.


The show does feel like it's getting closer to form than it's been  at any point since the Ridge/Bridget fiasco, though, and I think that's largely due to actually building up the couples they do have. Ivy and Liam have dated like a whole three months (at least) before jumping in the sack, and even Bill is being seen trying to woo Katie back. I'm actually remembering why I liked those two as a couple (and it's Y&R's loss that no one capitalized on these two's chemistry before HT left the show). I wouldn't mind a B or C story going on that is largely unrelated to that, but I'll be flat surprised if B&B doesn't win an Emmy for best writing or even best show.

  • Love 7


I just don't see him as taking up lovers capriciously because that sounds like he's bedding a new woman every night, just for sex, and he does seem to have deep (albeit waffling) love for these women


Agreed. Plus, I feel like the changing of spouses overnight stuff is largely due to the change all soaps have made in the last 10 years or so regarding romance and couples (the last soap couple that I watched where the writers actually took time with it was Olivia and Natalia on GL. That story went for a year before they admitted their feelings. Of course, it being a romance between 2 women contributed to the slow down). Back in the day it was a build up - couples sometimes didn't even kiss for months! Now it's all insta-couple, insta-love. Ridge was a waffler yes absolutely agree, but he has rarely been portrayed as a one night stand kinda guy.


I don't require decades of togetherness either, but Liam/Hope/Steffy and Liam/Wyatt/Hope triangles never worked because they just ran back and forth instantly. There was no way to invest in that nonsense. I felt like Hope was engaged and married to Liam and Wyatt at the same time it got so ridiculous!



Ivy and Liam have dated like a whole three months (at least) before jumping in the sack, and even Bill is being seen trying to woo Katie back.


Amazing isn't it? Even more surprising, Ridge and Caroline haven't jumped in the sack yet and have only made out a bit. They even have some cute shyness going on. I enjoy watching couples when some actual time and care is taken with them and I can get invested. Honestly right now, B&B feels like love in the afternoon. None of the other soaps even comes close with their couples.


I cannot believe how much I am enjoying this show. I can only hope it continues this way despite the return of one of my least favorite soap characters ever: Brooke.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 4

Also, one thing about the flashback on Wednesday: Was that Justin Tolkensen (sic)! Rick in the flashback scene? I was surprised by that, since I've never known the show to show flashback clips using different actors (which pretty much means the end of "Unforgettable" montages* of Bridge)I remember that Rick had a few issues with Ridge, but mostly his SLs dealt with Amber.


No, Justin was never that cute!  That was definitely Jacob Young and his surfer hair in the flashback.

  • Love 1

Alright y'all just putting this out there in case anyone knows where I can download some 2013/2014 B&B, I'm dying to make a Raya video. But I'm an equal opportunity vidder, if you point me in the right direction I'll make a CarRidge video that will blow your minds. Please hook me up if you know any good sites.

Alright y'all just putting this out there in case anyone knows where I can download some 2013/2014 B&B, I'm dying to make a Raya video. But I'm an equal opportunity vidder, if you point me in the right direction I'll make a CarRidge video that will blow your minds. Please hook me up if you know any good sites.


:-)  I don't but wish I did just to see what you would do with a CarRidge vid. 

  • Love 1

Old age is creeping in ya'll. Apologies to you fellow mid 40's folks. After Maya busted Not.So.Sweet Caroline and bedded Rick, she went to the main house and donned Brooke's lingerie or so I thought.  But now they're in Eric's mansion while the guest house is being renovated. Which is it? Is the guest house on Eric on Brooke's property? Within walking distance?!?


Thanks in advance...

:-)  I don't but wish I did just to see what you would do with a CarRidge vid. 


B&B vids seem harder than any other soap opera to find and download, I remember I had no problem finding clips for Phyllis and Nick on Y&R and Days ships like EJ and Nicole and Melanie and Philip. Hell, I even found clips for Thomas and Dayzee but I haven't found any B&B clips since then. *sad face* I really miss vidding.

Back in '06 when YouTube was still new, it was next to impossible to find B&B in English. I'd have to sort through Italian, French and the infamous monotone Polish (?) dub to barely find one or two with Greek subtitles.

But like the cast mentioned in Friday's episode, the show is a much bigger deal outside the US, where Y&R has hung on to its lead in ratings only because they had that many more fans to bleed out. It was odd at first to know this, but then I guess themes of family power dynamics are universal.

  • Love 1

I roll my eyes every time I see him (or his wife) whine about how he asked them not to recast and they "betrayed" him by recasting the role.  If you quit your job, you don't really have the right to command your boss to not hire someone to do your job if they feel that job still needs to be performed.  And then saying that he gave 25 years of his life to the show.  Yes, and you were well paid, along with the numerous travel opportunities and global fame the job afforded you (that fame, I'm sure, has made it possible for his band to draw more crowds as they perform now).  


Had he been fired, given the "story line dictated" line to explain the boot, and he made the request to not recast (because he'd like to come back if they decide to use the character again), I can see him feeling put out.  But, he left.  He's even said he had no intention of taking the role back, he was done with the show, ready to move on, etc.  The show felt Ridge was too important to leave him permanently off screen, so what are they to do?  Not recast and whine to the media that Ronn "betrayed" them?  

  • Love 8

I don't think Ronn looks any different now than when he left the show, save the grey hair. That bun? Not unexpected from a guy who shows such love for scarves, but if Tom Mison as Ichabod Crane can't pull off the bun, then no man can.

All of this. His best days were in the 80s for sure, but give him a haircut and he'd still get attention.

That spoiler: sigh.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 1


I do wonder, since there was bad blood with Ronn Moss leaving, if they are essentially rewriting Ridge's character, because that dude was a major asshat when played by Ronnnnn Moss and now...he's just not. Not in my book, anyway. It helps that the new actor is hella hot (and 14 years younger, which must KILL Ronn Moss), but I think they're doing quite a redemption arc with his character...

The funny thing is, TK's Ridge *was* still an asshat when he first returned. He was judgmental with Brooke, he was an egomaniac at work (remember when he tried to fire Oliver?), then there was the caveman behavior in Dubai, etc. For me, the redemption arc is just beginning, but it is definitely there.

It's as if they gave TK the time to make Ridge his own, and we're starting to see it happen now.

  • Love 5

All of this. His best days were in the 80s for sure, but give him a haircut and he'd still get attention.

That spoiler: sigh.

I agree. I think he looks perfectly fine. I admire a man with his own personal style. I don't fault him for not wanting a recast either, I wouldn't take a recast Stephanie or Brooke. They were part of the integral square, the biggest part of the show and I don't fault him in any way for thinking that, I wasn't crazy about a recast Ridge anyway (still not).

  • Love 1

Change is hard for most and RM was the face of Ridge since the beginning so it's understandable that some would be resistant. I was, at first. I guess I was expecting a RM wannabe, chiseled and slick but I have come to appreciate their choice to go completely different in TK.  The shift in focus from all things Hope and a new Ridge have peaked my interest in the show that I had given up on a long time ago.

  • Love 9

I get continuity and all, but I really wish TK didn't have to be penalized for all of RM's mistakes as Ridge. Too bad the writers could come up with something to magically make old Ridge's actions disappear cause I really enjoy new Ridge (TK) with Caroline and don't want Brooke to interfere with this love story.

Ok, let's talk about the things TK's Ridge has done since he's been back.  He started an emotional affair with Katie and then proposed to Brooke.  He said the vows in front of everyone and would be married to Brooke if Katie hadn't pulled her fainting act.  He tried to fire Oliver and get Eric give him the CEO position and then threw a hissy fit when Eric didn't.  Even before he knew about Bill and Quinn, he was in "caveman mode" with Brooke telling her that she could not marry Bill.  He pulled her engagement ring off of her finger and threw it at Bill.  The only engagement ring he should have been worried about was one for Katie who wore that stupid red string.  Then Dubai happened.


This Ridge also refused to tell anyone about his issues with drawing and refused to get help, preferring to manipulate his sister-in-law Caroline into helping him.  Both he and Katie berated her when she wanted to tell Rick about their arrangement.  And then he started the emotional affair (I sense a trend here) with Caroline, kissing her and "cheating" on Katie.


This viewer isn't buying any redemption arc for Ridge because there hasn't been any.  He hasn't really lost anything.  This Ridge is exactly like the arrogant ass and now he gets rewarded by a new romance with Caroline who is still the niece of his first wife and whose mother is an identical twin of said dead wife.  I can only imagine the awkwardness of Ridge/Caroline 2.0 wedding with Karen sitting there.  LOL!

  • Love 9

I don't think Ronn looks any different now than when he left the show, save the grey hair.  That bun?  Not unexpected from a guy who shows such love for scarves, but if Tom Mison as Ichabod Crane can't pull off the bun, then no man can.


Maybe the only guy who ever came close for me was John Glover.  Not sure how or why but I've seen him in a few guest spots where the hair, I'd hate it on any other man on the planet.  Must be some kind of lingering Lionel Luthor spell... :-)

  • Love 1

I think I just saw the midnight bus from Harry Potter ride over Rick today. Caroline is the new Hope and it's positively nauseating at this point. What is Bell's fascination with blonds?

Oh and at least Brooke shows some outrage, but I'm sure once Caroline starts with the crocodile tears--she will completely understand her position of cheating (even though it's hypocritical as all hell for her to be outraged by anyone cheating on anyone).

  • Love 5

Is RM wearing a bun? LMAO!


I've heard that RM and JMc are less than 10 years apart so no wonder RM looks super old.  Not that JMc looks super old but JMc wasn't portrayed as the pretty playboy, either.  He was always portrayed as the older patriarch of the family.


LOL @ Maya opening the door in Brooke's Bedroom.  And at Brooke for recognizing her handiwork.


Is Liam's first name wilLIAM?  Because that's weird to have two children with the same first name (WILLiam --Katie's son with $Bill). 


Unless you're George Foreman, of course.


I don't think it would be that awkward if there was ever a Ridge / Caroline 2.0 wedding with Karen sitting there, because Ridge had no chemistry whatsoever with Karen.


I don't think RM has any right to dictate to the show if they recast Ridge or not, since he left on his own.  Yes, Ridge was one of the original 4 characters but I never thought Ridge was unreplaceable.  Stephanie is unreplaceable.  Eric Sr. is unreplaceable.  Even Brooke, I think, is unreplaceable.


ALL of the Forrester children have been recast (Thorne, several times) so RM and his bun can go have a seat.

Edited by drivethroo
  • Love 7

I'm pretty sure you can't just fire shots into a populated building, 3 feet above people's heads and not get thrown into jail.  Heck, you can't even fire shots in the air without getting thrown into jail.


Caroline is such an idiot.  If my "husband" was shouting that insane crap at me 6 seconds after he shot at me, there's no way I wouldn't call the police myself.


Ridge is tired of asking for forgiveness?  How are you tired of something that never happened?


This story is kinda going off the rails for me.

  • Love 7

Ok, let's talk about the things TK's Ridge has done since he's been back.  He started an emotional affair with Katie and then proposed to Brooke.  He said the vows in front of everyone and would be married to Brooke if Katie hadn't pulled her fainting act.  He tried to fire Oliver and get Eric give him the CEO position and then threw a hissy fit when Eric didn't.  Even before he knew about Bill and Quinn, he was in "caveman mode" with Brooke telling her that she could not marry Bill.  He pulled her engagement ring off of her finger and threw it at Bill.  The only engagement ring he should have been worried about was one for Katie who wore that stupid red string.  Then Dubai happened.


This Ridge also refused to tell anyone about his issues with drawing and refused to get help, preferring to manipulate his sister-in-law Caroline into helping him.  Both he and Katie berated her when she wanted to tell Rick about their arrangement.  And then he started the emotional affair (I sense a trend here) with Caroline, kissing her and "cheating" on Katie.


This viewer isn't buying any redemption arc for Ridge because there hasn't been any.  He hasn't really lost anything.  This Ridge is exactly like the arrogant ass and now he gets rewarded by a new romance with Caroline who is still the niece of his first wife and whose mother is an identical twin of said dead wife.  I can only imagine the awkwardness of Ridge/Caroline 2.0 wedding with Karen sitting there.  LOL!



I keep reading about how Ridge has changed and evolved and is a new man or being written differently, which, first of all, I'm wasn't born yesterday and am not going to chuck all his prior history (that I won't revisit here because ain't nobody got time for that) simply because there's a new actor playing Ridge. Nice try though.


Second, even if I were to suspend disbelief until the cows came home, this Ridge? Ain't one bit different in character than the previous Ridge as your post so succinctly points out. The only thing different is the face... ok, AND the lack of scarves AND hair petting. 

  • Love 5

TK shows emotions that didn't exist with original recipe Ridge, so he is evolving.  We like him for that.  Can't leave this topic without saying that early original Ridge was terribly handsome, and Ronn Moss still has good looks and elegance, but bad judgement as to hairstyles.  He also couldn't play angry well, he just got loud and sounded like a schoolyard bully.  Would I want him back?  Yes, but not if it meant losing TK.   

  • Love 5

I didn't like RM with that topknot thing. Like he was trying to be Mick Fleetwood from the cover of the "Rumors" album. I have a B&B book about the first 10 years and there was little said about RM's audition. The main comments from the producers and other cast members was that he was "good looking." I don't think that he had any acting experience, neither did Joanna Johnson. The casting specs were for "young and new." KKL has some bit parts on TV and soaps and was also a swimsuit model.


I'm sure I read somewhere (but don't remember) that RM is always a musician first. I'm guessing (not putting words in his mouth) that he took the B&B gig thinking it would be short-term and he could go back to music -- maybe even serve as a springboard. Then the show took off and all the characters became hugely popular overseas. I don't think that anybody held a gun to him head and made him stay. I also agree that he doesn't need to be making whine out of sour grapes, as he chose to leave the show. He really had no right to demand that Brad Bell not re-cast the character.


I can only speak for myself, but I think the consensus as to why people don't like NuRidge is because he looks so dirty, greasy and unkempt. I'm not going to disagree that he is a far superior actor to RM.


I happen to like tall, thin, well-groomed clean-looking men with very angular faces. I think that David Bowie is insanely good-looking. So shoot me.

Edited by grisgris
  • Love 4


I've heard that RM and JMc are less than 10 years apart so no wonder RM looks super old.  Not that JMc looks super old but JMc wasn't portrayed as the pretty playboy, either.  He was always portrayed as the older patriarch of the family.

This comment makes me want to see Rick walking around pronouncing himself the Forrester patriarch.


The comment by SC now makes me want to see a scene where Liam tells his right hand that they were robbed.

  • Love 5

Am I the only one who found those "after the shooting" scenes bizarro? Were Ridge and Caroline so lost in the throes of passion that they didn't hear the gunshots? Or was Ridge trying to protect Caroline? Ridge seemed shocked when he saw the gun and ask Rick what he was doing; so, he didn't hear the gunshots? I don't know, even making out with TK would have to take a backseat to getting shot, and this girl would have been up off that couch in a New York minute. And I have little doubt that something like a scream would have probably left my mouth. And Rick! OMG! Just so absolutely clueless about what he just did; there could be a whole host of charges coming out of this if people choose to go that route. It doesn't have to be Ridge and Caroline either, anyone in the building has a claim. And did Rick forget that he just signed divorce papers? So what is all this stuff about his wife? Then the Calvary shows up, and they all just let this nut leave? I have been watching this show since day one, and that is the weirdest set of scenes I have ever seen.


Ah shucks, Ivy and Liam were really cute. They seem like a normal couple who are getting to know each other. And Ashliegh Brewer looked incredibly sexy in that jewelry and nothing else.


Hmmmm......for not knowing Brooke all that well, Maya certainly knew how to push her buttons. Somehow, she knew that by leading off with "Rick's wife betrayed him with Ridge" would effectively make everything going forward Charlie Brown speak to Brooke. Somehow, she knew that would get Brooke's destennae all a quiver, and maybe, just maybe, might help her win Brooke over. It also helped that Maya left out many, many crucial details and facts, and glossed over her and Rick's actions. I don't know though, Brooke was giving her the squinty eye, and that doesn't usually bode well for the one receiving it. I don't think I am going to get too upset about it though, because I fully expected Brooke to come back and start making excuses for Rick. I love Brooke, but in this case I don't care what she thinks about Ridge and Caroline, it is really none of her business, and her focus should be on her son, and what is best for him.


If Ridge and Caroline were to really strike out on their own? That would be so cool, but something tells me it ain't going to happen.


It is hard for me to take Brooke seriously with that ridiculous hair. She could have at least got a trim or a shape up.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 6

KLL hair is really getting too thin for the long look. She ain't 25 anymore and some woman need to make the move and cut it off. It's sort of like a man and a comb over. You have to accept & move on. LOL!!! The after of the shooting was kind of low intense for me. I don't know if Rick was supposed to be so drunk that he didn't care that shot a few rounds or if that's how JY was playing it. I thought Caroline was going to stay in her catatonic state but she eventually came around. Also, TK grabbed the gun from Rick like he was taking a plastic toy gun from a baby. It was all very odd. I guess I was expecting more.

  • Love 2

I noticed the lack of screaming after the gunshots on Thursday and I thought I'd give them a pass if it turned out to be a dream sequence as some here speculated. Nope. Replay the scene today and again no screams. Ridiculous.

Runthetable I think we are supposed to think Ridge was protecting Caroline but it looked so odd how it played out. I agree that that whole scene was bizarro.

  • Love 2

For all who missed part of the show:


The shooting scene was shown over again, starting with Rick running with the gun out to the lobby, calling after the attorney.


Quick cut to Brooke and Maya. Maya was dodging Brooke's questions, stating that "Rick should be the one telling you..." Brooke said that she was aware the Rick and Caroline were having problems, but did not know that Rick and Maya were now a couple. Maya left to go put on some clothes and Brooke said she would go find Stephanie's portrait and replace Maya's with it. She was not pleased when she couldn't locate it. Again, Maya simpered, "Rick....blah, blah, blah."


Next scene was boring pillow talk with Liam and Ivy. At least she didn't wax on about it being "her first time," or anything like that. WHEW... I guess she wasn't a virgin, like we'd feared. Liam did not propose marriage. No used engagement rings lying around.


Charlie, Pam and Carter all rushed into the office to find Caroline, Rick and Ridge. Rick explained that the gun was Stephanie's and how he was planning on giving it to his attorney. Then, oddly enough, he handed the gun to Ridge, who stupidly took it.  Instead of calling the police, Charlie went to the adjacent office to see if anybody was hurt. Later, Charlie took picture of the bullet holes, which all appeared to mysteriously be in the door jamb... Rick kept yelling at Ridge to "keep his hands off of my WIFE!" Ridge then called him out on that one and asked him why he said that, to which Rick didn't really answer.


More bed talk with Liam and Ivy. Liam reassured Ivy that he wouldn't have slept with her or said the "l" word if he was still hung up on Hope. (Wait until Steffy shows up.)


Maya gave Brooke her version of the story, stating that she had "respected" Rick and Caroline's marriage, implying that she was hands-off until all of the shit hit the fan with Ridge. (Not true. What about the attempted steamroom seduction?) When Maya dropped the bomb that it was Ridge, Brooke looked like she'd been punched in the gut. Then later, she looked really incensed like "How could Ridge DO that?"


Ridge started to call the police, but Caroline begged him not to. At the very end, Ridge got a gleam in his eye and told Caroline that the two of them were going to leave FC and start their own design firm.


It really wasn't a "must see" day. The aftermath of the gunshots was pretty anti-climatic. Carter kept his shirt on. Maya was smug. Brooke looked confused and shocked and Caroline seemed to be showing the hint of having second thoughts about Ridge. She was too quick to defend Rick's WTF actions.


ETA: RM vs. TK? All in good clean (and dirty) fun!

Edited by grisgris
  • Love 9

Thanks for the recap!



Caroline seemed to be showing the hint of having second thoughts about Ridge. She was too quick to defend Rick's WTF actions.


This makes zero sense to me. Now I get that all her feelings wouldn't disappear over night, but given the way the Little Dick Dictator has been acting? Please. That isn't love Caroline, that's him trying to control you.



ick kept yelling at Ridge to "keep his hands off of my WIFE!"


Shut up Rick you man child. Either you want to work things out with your wife or you want to keep sleeping with your mistress/gf in your daddy's bed. You can't have it both ways (and God knows there is no way Rick could satisfy two women at the same time). Also I noticed I left off the R in Rick's name when i did my cut and paste. I actually like it better: Shut up Ick.


Also? Shut up Maya. It's really too bad KM can't act at all. Those scenes might have been better. Sadly, Brooke's hair is just as hideous as I remember.



Or was Ridge trying to protect Caroline?


After Ick shot the gun and we came back from commercial break (dun dun dun), Ridge was on top of Caroline protecting her from said gun shots. The scene was very awkward and weird all the way around.


Ronn Moss wearing his hair in a bun? Yikes. Not a good look, Ronn, not a good look at all.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 8

I'm pretty sure you can't just fire shots into a populated building, 3 feet above people's heads and not get thrown into jail.  Heck, you can't even fire shots in the air without getting thrown into jail.


Caroline is such an idiot.  If my "husband" was shouting that insane crap at me 6 seconds after he shot at me, there's no way I wouldn't call the police myself.


Ridge is tired of asking for forgiveness?  How are you tired of something that never happened?


This story is kinda going off the rails for me.


The story is definitely going off the rails. Is this (dare I say it) Ron Carlivati ghostwriting yet another haphazard DiD story? Because the way Rick goes from happy, joyous scenes  planning a future with Maya to randomly shooting up a building and screaming about "Getting off his wife" reminds me of Connie Falconeri/Kate Howard and her random blackouts. At this point NOT calling the Police on Rick (although I'm no fan of Police) would be doing him a great disservice, at least in jail he can't hurt other people or himself and they need to put him somewhere until somebody with more than the IQ of a labrat realizes that he needs professional help and sets about giving it to him. If not the Police then why not a Mental hospital? Call a doctor (all together now) NOT TAYLOR!


Mind you I don't begrudge anyone the desire to shoot the shit out of Ridge and $Bill did try to kill him already with that whole helicopter disaster (so there should be no judgement from him on the attempted murder of Ridge) but the way Rick said to Chris that he didn't trust himself with the gun tells me that even Rick isn't in complete control of his actions. Hopefully Brooke will put two and two together and get him some help. I do think that (as is always the case with rich, white males) it never helps to shield them from the long arm of the law ($BIll is included in this). I really have no idea where this is going, I'm with kia, absolutely baffled.



That gun isn't Rick's to give away. Can you even do that? Just give a gun to someone? Aren't they supposed to be registered?


That wretched bitch is dead and I can think of no one who would object to getting that particular item out of the house especially considering its sordid history and given what happened today.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 2
Next scene was boring pillow talk with Liam and Ivy. At least she didn't wax on about it being "her first time," or anything like that. WHEW... I guess she wasn't a virgin, like we'd feared. Liam did not propose marriage. No used engagement rings lying around.



I like Ivy (mostly), but I won't even try to pretend that there isn't a part of me that wants to see Liam propose with the exact same fucking ring he tossed back and forth between Hope and Steffy.  

  • Love 6

The Rick/CaRidge scene was definitely weird and I must agree with others who thought the entire ep was off.  First of all, I don't remotely care about Ivy and Liam.  Secondly, the CaRidge reveal to Brooke didn't have the gravitas it should've because Maya was involved.  It should've been Katie or Rick, a scene between actors/characters with some history between them.  Finally, the Rick shooting scene was all sorts of ridiculous.  How could Rick say "You'll be getting something from me" (I assumed he was talking about the divorce papers), then yell "Stay off my wife!"?  Then he just left as if nothing happened.  Then Caroline, who I literally cannot stand, was waaaay over the top in trying to stop Ridge from calling the police.  Wasn't she just giving Rick all sorts of attitude?  Didn't Rick just put 3 shots over her head?  Now, she's back to the "I hurt him really badly" shit?  WTF??!!?!?  None of it made the slightest amount of sense.


Had Rick shot Charlie and Carter, I think I would've been okay with it all.

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