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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Speaking of new love interests, can we let Brooke and Katie have some, too? I know Rick Ashley will give you up before Bell gives up Bridge, but you'd think he'd have done better by  Heather Tom, whose acting got Y&R tons of accolades in the 90s.


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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I thought Rosie is the daughter of Amber & Marcus.

I missed explaining this in my first post, but cleared it up later. Rosie is the product of a fling with Amber and Marcus, but Amber gave up custody so that Marcus and Dayzee could raise her.  

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28 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

I missed explaining this in my first post, but cleared it up later. Rosie is the product of a fling with Amber and Marcus, but Amber gave up custody so that Marcus and Dayzee could raise her.  

That's right!

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Why was it a big deal for Brooke to be taking the Forrester jet to go visit her daughter? Isn't she a FC employee? Or part owner even? Leave it to Ridge to score points for something that costs him nothing and that Brooke should've been able to get on her own merit. Ugh, that cheapa$$ bastid.

Oy, I don't think those severe closeups were doing DR any favors. Maybe now that Shauna's married (right 😒) to a rich guy she can get some botox and stuff to go with her fancy new rich wife wardrobe. 😏

Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. Didn't we talk about that shirt? 😕 Love your smile though, and it looks like you tidied up the facial hair a lot. Keep working on your redemption, okay?

Pictures. Pssht, bish better produce a marriage license. A real one, not something she and Quinn typed up in MS Word.

Heavy dosages of ibuprofen are going to do a number on Steffy's digestive system. That's the last thing she wants on top of the back pain. Countdown to when she's texting Vinnie for a fix of the hard stuff.

How could Ridge file divorce papers for CA divorce in NV? Can the papers be uploaded and filed online? And wouldn't they have to have been notarized in CA? None of this makes sense to me. It should be easy enough to find out whether the documents have been legally filed though. Carter to the rescue! (Plus there's still the matter of Ridge  having been blackout drunk when all this allegedly went down. That should be grounds for an annulment, right?)

First I was thinking Ridge would pay Shauna to go away but now I bet Brooke will be the one. Then watch Shauna claim she's pregnant from the wedding night festivities. KMN.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Speaking of new love interests, can we let Brooke and Katie have some, too?

I'm not a fan of Brooke at all but good lawd I do agree with this. I am so tired of Brooke and her Ridge destiny crap. Seriously. I feel like KKL just wipes the dust off a script from 20 years ago and says those same lines. I like Katie more than most here and I would enjoy seeing her away from Bill. I actually liked her with Wyatt but of course that got blown up.

I hate what the writers did to Sally. Hate. I liked the actress a lot. She really deserved much better.

I wish Shauna and Saint Flo would just go.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Plus there's still the matter of Ridge  having been blackout drunk when all this allegedly went down. That should be grounds for an annulment, right?)

If there were ever grounds for annulment on this show, this would be it. This *should* be it. Liam was able to get annulments for his bad judgement for weddings that he was entirely sober for, but not this?

This show has done stories about quickie divorce in Nevada (like Caroline I establishing residency to get around the 6 month wait that was a thing even in 1988 and Eric trying to marry a pregnant Brooke before Rick was born), but it was never as fast as dropping off papers same day.

I hate this show nowadays with how it insults my intelligence.



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Lurch is like stink on shit. The only was to get rid of the stink is to flush the turd.  


Fiscally responsible for a $10,000 flight, for one, from LA to NY.  


Finally a responsible Doctor unlike Doctor Peloton.  No meds for you but I’m quite sure Lurch will have Vinnie scare some up for Stuffy. 


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I think the show should have Brooke be...gasp...  single and focusing on a life by herself.  Maybe soul search and question if all the heart ache and angst was worth being wealthy vs a nice chemist living in the Valley. 

TK could use a shower,shave, and clean clothes..while DR is the karma both sides Ridge and Brooke deserve.

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What was with all the conspiratorial looks between Quinn and Shauna? Yeah, something is definitely afoul here. 

And Shauna? Girrrrrrl, you are simply dumber than dirt. "I love you so much Ridge!" But honey, sweetie pie, little Las Vegas Relations Manager.........Ridge DOES NOT LOVE YOU AND HE DOES NOT WANT YOU. 

I see a Steffy/DLB/Vinnie triangle on the way. Vinnie will be Steffy's pain relief supplier, and Dr. Liberty Bibberty will be her savior. 

I am liking sane Thomas more each time I see him. 

I think I like Sinn, because it will be sinfully good not to have to watch the TOD for one day longer. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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13 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I missed explaining this in my first post, but cleared it up later. Rosie is the product of a fling with Amber and Marcus, but Amber gave up custody so that Marcus and Dayzee could raise her.  

Which was absolutely ridiculous. Amber was many things - screechy, annoying, borderline pervy with deflowering underage or barely legal young men, but she was a good mother and after how hard she fought for Little E, it makes no sense (other than plot, of course) for her to just give up custody of the only child she gave birth to that actually lived. 

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Ridge and Shauna is what will break up Eric and Quinn.  was it me or did anyone else notice Quinn's   cat that got the canary vibe when Shauna announced the marriage and everything about the events leading up to and after the "wedding"?  I think Quinn and Shauna are pulling  the wool over Ridge and Eric's eyes, the wedding can't be legal no matter what, but I think Quinn and Shauna have a plan and it will all explode in their faces (I hope so much) and it will have a huge impact on Flo and everyone else. 


Hell Bring Deacon or Nick back  and for once have Brooke be DONE with Ridge, cause my god  How dare Brooke kiss Bill, when he's been at his dad's house  throwing his tongue  down Shauna's throat multi times  before the Brill kiss even took place.  or hell bring back hot Dr. Holden Snyder!

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I think Shauna and Quinn made up this whole Vegas wedding scheme. Shauna would have told Flo about a wedding if it had happened. If Ridge was so intoxicated that he has blacked out the whole event, he wouldn’t have been competent to get married.  How could Ridge have filed the divorce papers? Carter was handling the divorce. 🙄

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I think Quinn and Shauna are in cahoots with the divorce and marriage and likely he's still very much married to Brooke.

But Ridge is a dumb-ass and will believe what he's told. Remember the email from "Taylor" giving him permission to boink Morgan. 

I'm hoping though the truth outs and it blows up in Quinn, Shauna, and Ridge's faces spectacularly. Quinn has gotten away with too much shit for far too long. Shauna gave birth to the baby thief and encouraged her to keep it a secret for months and had no problem tonguing a married man behind his wife's back. And Ridge...don't get me started. Suffice it to say, he treated Brooke like garbage for one measly kiss with Bill while they were separated (they didn't reunite until the Thope aborted wedding), nevermind he was cheating with Shauna while they were still very much married. 

I just want these bitches and yes, I'm including Ridge, to pay..for once in their lives.

Honestly, Ridge being hit with the karma stick right now with this may or may not be legal divorce/marriage is a good start. 

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Warning - today's epi will test your upchuck tolerance as it's yet another Flatt love scene on the same nasty couch that should have been burned a long time ago. 


ETA: And speaking of karma, can I dare to hope that Flo is hit by the karma bus in the form of infertility (as she and Wyatt were blabbing on about having kids). That, or yes, as @RuntheTable suggested upthread, that Flo get pregnant and lose the baby. Normally I would never, ever advocate for this, and detest these storylines, but it's exactly what this bish deserves. 

Also, this is a perfect gif for this couple.


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I feel like in an odd, round-about way, the show is giving me a lot of what I ask for: Destiny potentially kaput for now, Steffy moving on, & Thomas making improvements. I don't care how/why/who Ridge & Brooke break up, I just want them to break up. Destiny is a word, just like Vegas is. Move on. 

I'm also kinda digging Finn, & I could get behind Sinn. He was rather darling quasi-flirting with her, & I'm totally down with anything that gets her out of the TOD. What I can't get behind is why Steffy only had a few days worth of pain meds, when she has broken ribs (I'm not a doctor, but shouldn't she have pills to spread out over longer?). What I really can't get behind is why she's there, alone, with a toddler. I get that Kelly sleeps 23 hours/day, but she still needs held, carried, put into a car seat, helped in & out of the bath, etc. Steffy is a multi-millionaire, & she has a multi-millionaire baby daddy, along with several generations of multi-millionaires on her side, & a billionaire on Liam's side. Why does she not have full-time help? It absolutely blows my mind. My oldest was almost 2 when I had my youngest, who was a very large baby. I couldn't lift over 10 pounds (which he was, I birthed a Thanksgiving turkey) for a few weeks, but anytime I was there with both kids & Hubs couldn't be there with me, my mother-in-law was there. Why is Steffy there all alone? It's absurd.

Finally, I'm liking the upgraded Thomas. The facial scruff is approved here, & he seems to be working on himself. I'd be fine if he was a baddie, I long-loved Stefano DiMera, but own it, dude. 

However, I'd like to see FAR more $Bill, all day, every day, please & thank you, & I'd like to see FAR less Flatt. They can go.

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2 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I think Shauna and Quinn made up this whole Vegas wedding scheme. Shauna would have told Flo about a wedding if it had happened. If Ridge was so intoxicated that he has blacked out the whole event, he wouldn’t have been competent to get married.  How could Ridge have filed the divorce papers? Carter was handling the divorce. 🙄

In a Vegas chapel, that would be the norm, rather than the exception!

cosmopolitan las vegas GIF

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57 minutes ago, bannana said:

So Quinn, by her own admission, is risking her cushy life with Eric in order to trick Ridge into getting divorced and marry Shauna? 

She really wants to live vicariously through her BFF. 

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I don't see what's in it for Quinn for Shauna to have scammed her way into a marriage to Ridge. Is this all about revenge on Brooke? I thought Quinn liked Ridge.

Carter stays being incompetent. 😑 Ya moron, anyone could've sent those texts from Ridge's phone. And anyone did.

OMG, is there going to be Flo tongue-bathing EVERY DAY? This is cruel and unusual punishment, Bradley.🙁

Heh, is Shauna already feeling guilty about what she and Quinn did or is she just scared they'll get caught?

I'm gonna need Thomas to make himself useful and overhear Quinn and Shauna discussing what they did to Ridge. He could do his father a solid by getting him out of that travesty of a marriage. Maybe his grandfather too since I can't see Eric making excuses for Quinn this time.

Lesson #1: don't get blackout drunk in Las Vegas. Lesson #2: Don't use signed but unfiled divorce papers as a weapon for months to try to punish and manipulate someone. Ya effed up, Ridge, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. 😼

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I don’t understand why Ridge didn’t tell Carter to look into whether this marriage was legal and if so look into an annulment. No way would it be legal for someone to get remarried the day they file for divorce because a judge has to issue a decree for the divorce to be finalized. Plus, Ridge and Brooke would likely have further negotiations about money and custody of RJ. Will Quinn and Shauna have to produce someone who allegedly witnessed this sham marriage? 

B&B can just stop with the Flo and Wyatt love scenes now because the level of hypocrisy and ewww is too high now. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I don't see what's in it for Quinn for Shauna to have scammed her way into a marriage to Ridge. Is this all about revenge on Brooke? I thought Quinn liked Ridge.

Carter stays being incompetent. 😑 Ya moron, anyone could've sent those texts from Ridge's phone. And anyone did.

OMG, is there going to be Flo tongue-bathing EVERY DAY? This is cruel and unusual punishment, Bradley.🙁

Heh, is Shauna already feeling guilty about what she and Quinn did or is she just scared they'll get caught?

I'm gonna need Thomas to make himself useful and overhear Quinn and Shauna discussing what they did to Ridge. He could do his father a solid by getting him out of that travesty of a marriage. Maybe his grandfather too since I can't see Eric making excuses for Quinn this time.

Lesson #1: don't get blackout drunk in Las Vegas. Lesson #2: Don't use signed but unfiled divorce papers as a weapon for months to try to punish and manipulate someone. Ya effed up, Ridge, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. 😼

For quite a while, Quinn really, really, really liked Ridge. TK was super alive with RS, the only other performer besides Caroline II, LG, that I feel like he's been awake in scenes with. 

3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

@nkotb, my mother broke her humerus a few months back (which next to the femur is the most painful break) and she got enough meds for 3 days. 

OMG, that's crazy. I'm super fortunate, knock on wood, to have stayed healthy & not needed pain meds, but that seems crazy. I thought that was a stretch to get Steffy to turn to Vinny, but wow, color me shocked.

2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

She really wants to live vicariously through her BFF. 

I'd say that part of Quinn really wants to live vicariously through her BFF. She never got her chance, but she's certainly pushing Shauna to complete the task.

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11 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

And Shauna? Girrrrrrl, you are simply dumber than dirt. "I love you so much Ridge!" But honey, sweetie pie, little Las Vegas Relations Manager.........Ridge DOES NOT LOVE YOU AND HE DOES NOT WANT YOU. 

Ridge was more into Katie than he's ever been into Shauna, and he couldn't be assed to buy a proper ring before dumping her for Caroline. 

All Shauna has been was a good way to pass the time while he got over his anger w Brooke until his lowlife son was exposed for the lunatic he is. I mean, we're talking about the same Ridge who all but handwaved Brooke's boink with Oliver. I imagine this version of Ridge would take her back if only to keep Bill from having her. Either way, Shauna's milkshake ain't cutting it for him and she looks increasingly desperate if she has to stoop this low to trap a man who wasn't even sober enough to say no.

2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

She really wants to live vicariously through her BFF. 

The more I see how Quinn is with Shauna, the more I understand why she and Bill got together back in the day. Such a shame they made her go full Sheila almost from day one with her obsessing with Liam. She should've been more like ATWT's Carly Tenney who schemed for her benefit but was mostly harmless...or at least, not prone to actual, deliberate murder.

3 hours ago, bannana said:

So Quinn, by her own admission, is risking her cushy life with Eric in order to trick Ridge into getting divorced and marry Shauna? 

Pfft. Eric is a pushover who has overlooked worse from both her and Stephanie. If it leads to anything more than a slap on the wrist, I'll be surprised.

4 hours ago, nkotb said:

What I can't get behind is why Steffy only had a few days worth of pain meds, when she has broken ribs (I'm not a doctor, but shouldn't she have pills to spread out over longer?).

Agreed. I had a dislocated shoulder in 2007 and was given a week's worth of Vicodin. An accident like that would need around the clock medication for at least that first week back home just to be able to walk to the toilet and back.

32 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

Plus, Ridge and Brooke would likely have further negotiations about money and custody of RJ

Given he was about 16 the last time we saw him in *checks notes* 2017, custody would not be an issue. And thank God because Ridge had no qualms about using that kid for his own purposes, the same as his other slimy brat.

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Ridge has been a blackout drunk before, so why would Ridge and especially Eric think that the events in LV were not possible?  Of course, filing the divorce papers were not on the up and up. 

Shauna/Quinn plan is even dumber than Sally/Dr Peloton plan because Quinn has a lot more to loose.  

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12 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Which was absolutely ridiculous. Amber was many things - screechy, annoying, borderline pervy with deflowering underage or barely legal young men, but she was a good mother and after how hard she fought for Little E, it makes no sense (other than plot, of course) for her to just give up custody of the only child she gave birth to that actually lived. 

Yeah, this one didn’t make a lick of sense. She and Daniel on Y&R broke up over her wanting kids and him not so much. We witnessed the hell she went through with her first pregnancy and the angst afterwards. It made absolutely no sense characterwise for Amber to give up custody of her child and share parenting with Marcus. But Brad Bell’s gotta Brad Bell things up.

8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Carter relied on a text to file? WTF! Obviously Shauna sent the text. 🙄

😂😂Ridge’s life keeps on being undone by text messages sent by shady people.


2 hours ago, nkotb said:

For quite a while, Quinn really, really, really liked Ridge. TK was super alive with RS, the only other performer besides Caroline II, LG, that I feel like he's been awake in scenes with. 

I’m no Quinn fan but cutting Queridge off at the knees was a bit short sighted. The pairing had its fans and there was mileage to get out of Ridge once again dicking over his father and stealing his woman and Quinn falling for the Ridge charm until Ridge showed his true colors of always going back to Brooke and Quinn being left with nothing as Eric would’ve left her and would no longer trust er to take her back. Quinn then could’ve gone Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction on Ridge’s ass and she terrorize both him and Brooke or do Gone Girl where Quinn plots his downfall with them locked in a love/hate battle again. Quinn giving karma to Ridge for how he treats women would’ve been a great use of her craziness. Such a waste.

I so want Shauna to end up pregnant. Vasectomies have been known to come undone. 😂

Eric and Quinn will break up when JMcC decides he’s done. The show seems to like this pairing of Queric even though they don’t do very much and he lets her get away with crap. I’ll always think pairing him with Donna would’ve been way better. They really did love each other in their own way and JG is on about as much as Quinn when you think about it. It sucks that she still pines for him and he chose to marry Quinn instead.


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4 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I’ll always think pairing him with Donna would’ve been way better. They really did love each other in their own way and JG is on about as much as Quinn when you think about it. It sucks that she still pines for him and he chose to marry Quinn instead.

Well, maybe that will happen, once it comes out that Quinn orchestrated the Ridge divorce and marriage to Shauna.  It might explain why Donna is suddenly around and looking fantastic.

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It might just be wishful thinking, but could we be in for some good old fashioned soapiness? 

Quinn and Shauna think they have pulled the ultimate coo on Brooke? Really girls? See, this is what happens when two know it all wannabes come out to play with the senior class. Brooke dealt with the original mean girls. She was tagged teamed by Stephanie and her henchwoman Taylor for nearly thirty years. This shit is grade school. Sending phony texts? I am not sure, but aren't there some laws been broken here? I am also wondering about this "blackout" Ridge had, could there have been maybe more going on with that? Does Quinn know Vinnie? In all the horrible things Stephanie did to Brooke over the years, I would say the one that ranks up there in stupidity with this current situation was the fake heart attack. 

Now, this could go either way. Brooke could be horrified and throw Ridge out, declaring and end to Bridge. Or, she could smell a rat. Or two. I honestly don't know which I want. I have begged and pleaded for an end to Bridge for so long, but at the same time, watching Brooke dissect those two would be sweet. They really have no idea who they are dealing with, but I would love to watch Brooke give them both some Stephinication. 

I'll have to give Carter a pass on this one because he did call Ridge after receiving the text. So who did Quinn get to call Carter back? Ridge has a kind of distinct voice. And Carter did say that Ridge returned his call, unless he meant by text. If that is the case, then I rescind my pass. 

As said above, that divorce would not have been final even if the papers were filed. So Ridge was still legally married when he married Shauna. Carter should know that. So yeah, I am taking back my pass. 

Of course they are trying to make Ridge look sympathetic, but he is a grown ass man that needs to stop solving his problems by getting drunk. Which makes me wonder about a lot of things. If a person is that drunk, they usually pass out while hugging the porcelain princess, or on a bed or couch, with their head and one arm hanging off. I can't imagine any one would actually allow a person that sauced to get married. I know this is Vegas, but aren't there some guidelines about these wedding chapels not marrying folks who are too drunk to stand up? Maybe Quinn found a Ridge stand in? Someone who looks like Ridge went to the chapel with Shauna, while the real Ridge was passed out, or drugged out, back at her house? I will say this; if those two bitches drugged Ridge, I will be sympathetic to that, but that is where it ends. He should not have been in Vegas at all. He has no wiggle room with the Brill kiss, given he had been doing much more with Shauna for months. And I haven't forgotten that Brooke forgave Ridge for his and Quinn's kissing affair. 

What is Quinn's stake in this? I think she is jealous of Brooke, plain and simple. 

KKL's body. I look down at my droopys and just cry. 

I hate Wyatt and Flo, and I don't want to watch them do anything. I certainly don't want to watch them screwing. Stop the madness please. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Of course they are trying to make Ridge look sympathetic, but he is a grown ass man that needs to stop solving his problems by getting drunk.

Didn't Show go outta its way to say Bill had a drinking problem because he had a glass of scotch every night? Yet this is the second time within the same season that he's gotten so drunk as to lose his memory.

Which, uhhhhhhhhh....look, I was in the Navy for five years, and even for a career in which excessive drinking is damn near required, people like this were rare. Not only that, they're not fun to be around when you're having to clean up after them every fucking week. I knew someone who was so forgetful with that amount of drinking she lost multiple iPhones. And this was in the early 2010s, purchased with yen under an especially weak dollar conversion at the time.

I digress. As others have said, I'm beyond sick and tired of people being taken advantage of in a vulnerable state via Misunderstandings(tm) or molly or perscriptions and Ridge is no exception despite his own checkered history on this score. But even more than this drinking, it's Ridge's pride and who that gets in the way of his better judgement.

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I was in the Navy for five years, and even for a career in which excessive drinking is damn near required, people like this were rare. Not only that, they're not fun to be around when you're having to clean up after them every fucking week.

On a tangential note, back during the Stone Age I used to work for a DoD agency that had to coordinate things with members of the Army, Air Force, and Navy. When we went to conferences with them there usually would be dinner and drinking in the evenings hosted by whoever's location we were at. In my experiences with mostly lower ranked officers in those three services, the Navy guys were the best partiers. The best. They could knock 'em back for hours and the next day they'd be 100% and able to comport themselves professionally. I was always impressed because I'd been around some sloppy drunks and it usually wasn't fun. That said, growing up as a military dependent I was aware that there were a lot of functional alcoholics and it was clear many of their kids would be heading in the same direction. I hope things have changed since then.


But even more than this drinking, it's Ridge's pride and who that gets in the way of his better judgement.

Yeah, and in the few years I've been watching it seems to me that a) he's never really held accountable because Brooke and Eric always forgive him; and b) he only admits fault and tries to make amends when he sees it's the only way to get what he wants. His mea culpas are just another kind of manipulation, in my view.

After terrorizing Brooke for months with those stupid divorce papers, and then being shown that Thomas had indeed been doing awful things, suddenly Ridge wants to handwave all that away and get back with Brooke. Nevermind that he's also been keeping Shauna in his back pocket for months. The mother of the woman who kidnapped Brooke's grandchild, FFS. But he knew Brooke would be still be waiting for him with her freaking Destiny crap. Now finds he himself in a tricky situation with Shauna but it was largely of his own making. He's a grade A POS in my book. A POS who gets to float in a golden toilet because he's a Forrester.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Yeah. Carter said that he tried to call Ridge after the first text green-lighting filing the divorce papers. Carter said the call went directly to v/m and "Ridge" sent Carter a follow-up text confirming the divorce decision. Still ... I think Carter, overall, is dense (and boring) and am truly surprised he passed law school and the CA bar. 

I am not surprised that the writers are presenting us with scripted scenes extolling the "virtues" of Flo. Yuck. NOTHING. No amount of flattering and glowing accolades will ever change my mind about that felonious heifer. GO. AWAY. Take Wyatt with you.

You know ... why not turn the tables and have a SL about Ridge having a drinking problem? It's always the women (Macy, Taylor, Katie and Brooke) who succumb to alcoholism or drug addiction (Amber and Hope) over some MAN (or situation driven by a man). It would definitely be something different. Steffy and Ridge could support each other in dealing with their substance abuse issues. Finn, Shauna and/or Brooke could all play roles.



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Brooke's still got it, baby! I thought she looked amazing in that lingerie and I loved the color.

Oy, I don't know whose hair hurt my eyes more, Hope's or Zoe's. 😨 I liked Zoe's outfit though.

You go, Donna. Go get your man, again. Eric will be ripe for the picking soon enough.

Seriously, why would any woman with a modicum of self-respect trick a guy into marrying her when she knows he's in love with someone else? And has been in love with that person for decades? IMO Shauna's gotta be in it for the eventual settlement she'll get in the divorce.

Quinn knows darn well Ridge doesn't love Shauna. She's not doing Shauna any favors by encouraging this marriage scam. Maybe one day Shauna will realize her bestie used her to execute a personal vendetta.

Gee Ridge, one kiss kind of pales in comparison to GETTING MARRIED ON A DRUNKEN WHIM. Ugh, such a pig. 😒

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11 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

KKL's body. I look down at my droopys and just cry. 


You can purchase them too.  Off topic  (I hope it's okay)- breast tissue is made up of fat and no matter how fit a woman is after 50, 55, there is gravity.  When they re-do the implants they are often larger than the natural breast so they fill up the looser breast skin and make them look really full and at attention.  Add a breast lift plus new implants and you've got a set like a pair of soldiers.

Get a good support bra and stay healthy.



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I must say KKL should know better than to mess around with plastic surgery. She’s seen HT at her prettiest and her scariest. But I guess everyone thinks “I won’t go crazy with it. I’ll know when to stop.”  And then you do. And you don’t. 

Carter should be fired. “I tried calling but it went straight to voicemail. Then you texted me to just do it.”  Yeah, that sounds totally legit. The only ones I knew in that seen were Ridge and Eric and I knew it wasn’t Ridge.  

I hope Brooke tears into them. Wasn’t she the one who got Ridge to think Taylor gave her okay for Ridge to sleep with her (Brooke)? She should be able to sniff this one out. 

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“Come on Man”, the dress Zoey is wearing looks like it’s off the rack at Target.  Very drab for a fashion house. 


And another shoe drops. Donna just happens to work late, to catch up on her terribly busy workload, with Eric working late at the same time.  Donna, the hypocrite, would steal Eric away from Quinn in a hot second and Brooke would cheer her on. 

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Quinn and Shauna talking like Ridge will be on board for this nonsense. 

Shauna said she doesn't like secrets and lying. I rewound that several times, because facts and all. 

What is really funny, because they don't know shit about Brooke and Ridge's history, is thinking that being married to Ridge would stop Brooke. HA, as if! 

Props to who ever it was that called a Donna/Eric redux. That was a mighty heavy anvil yesterday. Once Eric starts laying voice to his unhappiness with his current wife, and allows another woman to trash her? Well, just call Carter and have him start on those divorce papers. 

10 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

You can purchase them too.

Yes, of course. But the rest of KKL's body still shines as bright as always. The one thing I have always admired about KKL is her devotion to physical fitness and health in general.

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4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

What is really funny, because they don't know shit about Brooke and Ridge's history, is thinking that being married to Ridge would stop Brooke. HA, as if! 

As another poster said above, Brooke has had to deal with with the Ivy League of catty, jealous bitches in Stephanie, Taylor and even Macy, who hated her more than the woman who Thorne knocked up and helped her lose FC. Compared with that, Shauna and Quinn are like paste-eating 1st graders.

I don't want a Bridge reunion but I will be glad to see these two numbnuts. Especially Quinn, whose behavior makes late stage Stephanie look like a choir boy and gets absolutely no comeuppance for any damn thing.

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15 hours ago, Runningwild said:

hope Brooke tears into them. Wasn’t she the one who got Ridge to think Taylor gave her okay for Ridge to sleep with her (Brooke)? She should be able to sniff this one out. 

That was Morgan, actually, but Brooke's done enough shady shit to smell a rat regardless.

12 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I hope Donna and Eric get back together.

Me too. They broke up over some truly asinine BS to begin with and seemed to genuinely have fun with one another. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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As has been mentioned, when did the judge sign the final decree of divorce? I doubt he/she did it in the middle of the night before Drunk and Drunker got married. Filing the petition doesn’t finalize the divorce.

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Wasn’t that the issue with Shelby in Steel Magnolias?


I was catching up on episodes today.  I’m still hung up on Steffy’s favorite ice cream being mint chocolate and marshmallow??  Sounds disgusting to me, and a flavor combo I’ve never heard of.  Yuck!

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