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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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It was nice to see Thorne happy, even if it was a second.  If there is anyone on B&B who deserves love and happiness, it's Thorne.  He's been second best for way too long.  And it as nice to Ingo do his Ingo thing.  I didn't think he and HT would work but I liked them together.

Too bad Will wasn't a young woman.  $Bill wouldn't have had a problem making him listen then.  Were we supposed to find $Bill's total refusal to be a parent to his son ATTRACTIVE?  He fails as a father for ONE FUCKING NIGHT, dumps his kid with his ex and then proceeds to insult the man that had actually been invited to be there.  Is that what passes as MANLY these days?  If Bill wasn't such a fucking pig he would have realized that Thorne was giving him good advice that he learned through tragedy and pain.  But $Bill was too busy trying to show that his is bigger.

I will be absolutely horrified if Katie even considers getting back with $Bill.  He has shown REPEATEDLY that he will betray his own children if they get in the way of what he wants.  He dropped a building on one of his sons and then he fucked that son's wife.  And has Katie forgotten that he had no problem threatening to take her son away when he didn't approve of her choice of lover?  What would $Bill have done with Will if he won custody?  Pass Will on to Justin? $Bill thinks that all he has to do is throw money at his children and that makes him a good father.  I can see Katie supporting $Bill's attempt at becoming a better father but why the fuck should he be her PROJECT?  Why is it her job to make him a better person?  It's disgusting!

I'm probably alone but I liked Liam and Hope.  I've always had a soft spot for them.  I think Annika is really coming into her own and she and SC work very well together. 

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Wow, HT's son sure shot up in height. He looks like a ten-year old now. These kids grow up so fast. ? (Seriously though, wonder why they SORASed Will all of a sudden?)

This is the only soap I've ever seen IR on. Has he always been so weird in make-out scenes with women? It's like he's trying keep everything below his neck in a separate zip code.

Wonder what secksay times with a waffle is like? Probably kind of crumbly and sticky. Ugh.

And still no punches thrown between Thorne and Bill. Sigh.

Today must've been HT's Emmy reel day. Plenty of impassioned speeches and water works.

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What Brad Bell knows about female empowerment could fit on the head of a pin with room left over for what he knows about interesting television. Nothing says icon and role model like chasing men in committed relationships and being born into immense wealth and privilege and parlaying that into a cushy job you rarely have to show up for. When I think about heroes, I think of those who bravely mounted their in-laws, secretly took paternity tests and endured the struggles of single parenting with nothing but a hefty bank account, supportive family and active co-parent. Perchance Bell could fill a journal with weaksauce Saint Steffy fanfic instead of ruining his soap. This shit is embarrassing.

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Ahhhh….it is always a good day when it is an intern free zone, and when we don’t have The New Everywoman bestowing her benevolence on all.

Are they trying to make Katie and Will the catalyst in Bill’s redemption? Is the point trying to be made that Bill doesn’t know how to be a father because he doesn’t know how to interact with his growing son? I am confused by their message, but I am still enjoying the SL. Deadbeat parents are one on my pet peeves, and while Bill isn’t a deadbeat in respects to providing, he sure is in all the ways that really matter. Which was perfectly reflected in his statements about giving Will the best of everything. Actually, I find it very sad when a person doesn’t know how to love and parent their child, particularly when that has been caused by their own non-loving parent. So, I must side with Katie here with her pleas to Bill to stop the cycle now while he still can. However, I in no way want a reboot of Batie. They have had two chances and failed. Show also needs to break its cycle of the remarriage-go-round and let Katie move on. Bill needs to be alone to try and figure himself out and to rebuild his relationships with his sons.

That young boy playing Will had me itching to smack the smart right out of him. And I don’t condone hitting children! At the same time, he was clearly telegraphing his hurt and confusion at a father he no longer knows. Very good stuff from this young’un.

Well shit, I was just starting to warm up to Katie and Thorne when Bill barged in. Ingo works much better with players in his age demographic. And I have to give him serious props for not slugging Bill. You want to be a part-time parent to Will? That is on you buddy; but don’t pick apart Thorne’s words of regret because he no longer has a child at all.

I wasn’t put off by Liam and Hope. Annika Noelle has improved so much since joining the cast; and is learning there is more to acting than looking perpetually scared and serious. I also think she and Scott Clifton have very nice, easy, and comfortable chemistry. I also believe that Hope truly loves the Waffle, where Steffy used him as a door prize in her battle with the Evil Logans.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Why couldn't they just leave it at Steffy telling Liam it was over, and Steffy giving Liam or Hope the ring?  At that point, Steffy is out of it, and stays out of it.  Instead Brad Bell wants to continue to drag out the triangle from hell that will never end and most people find boring, all while the characters make dumb speeches no one believes.

I don't see why Bill needs to be rehabbed or redeemed.  Granted, Bill isn't a nice person, but neither are any of the other characters.  Whenever the characters get all self righteous and judgmental and start in with the "How could you" crap, I'm like "The same way you and all the other characters could and you would do it again if it would get you what you wanted."  They are all hypocrites, and none of them are better than Bill no matter what delusions they may have about themselves.

I like IR and Thorne for the most part, but Thorne had no problem shooting Ridge, drugging Taylor or locking Donna in the sauna, and if that's not bad enough, he has to go and tell Bill Liam is a good guy and better than Bill.  Liam is not a good guy, and having the other characters say he is, won't make it so.

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While everyone on this show (and in real life) behave hypocritically at times, I don't agree that none of them are better than Bill. If show is using his attempt to relearn how to be a father to take him from soulless monster back to beautiful bastard territory, that would be nice. I imagine they're just trying to figure out how to do it to meet the current "everything must be about how wonderful Steffy is" brief. 

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17 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:


  Liam is not a good guy, and having the other characters say he is, won't make it so.


Liam is a "good" guy in that he never deliberately sets  out to hurt others, but he is not such a "good" guy since his inability to take a stand and make choices causes the ones he cares most about a lot of pain. Guess he's just human.



A human WAFFLE!  ;-)

(Sorry. Couldn't miss that set  up.)

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Way to rub salt in Steffy's wounds, Hope...presenting her with that wedding invitation approximately two days after she ended things with Liam.  Isn't it bad enough that she has to wear that dead black thing on her head???

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10 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

Way to rub salt in Steffy's wounds, Hope...presenting her with that wedding invitation approximately two days after she ended things with Liam.  Isn't it bad enough that she has to wear that dead black thing on her head???

Steffy and Hope have both invited the other to their wedding with Liam before, so it's kind of weird everyone is acting like this is revolutionary. Not really, I know the writers don't care about continuity between days, let alone years. 

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41 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Oh Dear God. Check out the roadkill on Slutty’s head today. What was she THINKING?!!!!!!!!

I was just coming here to mention the dead raccoon living on her head. Why??

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I know this is a horrible thing to say, & I'm probably heading directly to hell (maybe with $Bill), but even just seeing Hunter Tylo on my screen makes me uncomfortable. She is so jarring looking, for lack of better terminology. She is so plastic, & overprocessed, I honestly think she's pulled so tightly that she looks like she's in actual, physical pain. Plus, Taylor is just batshit crazy, I genuinely look away when she's on-screen, because she's just so awkward & not good at being bad, & also not good at being the victim (especially when she gave as good as she got with regards to BRidge's "destiny"). She legit makes me uncomfortable to see her, & I intensely watched Captive Cabin, & actually considered it 1 of the better stories this writing crew has come up with, so I can handle the crazy. I hope her storyline & tenure on the show wraps soon, she may be a saint off-screen, but she is really not good on-screen anymore. 

Anyone want me to save you a seat in hell? 

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27 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I know this is a horrible thing to say, & I'm probably heading directly to hell (maybe with $Bill), but even just seeing Hunter Tylo on my screen makes me uncomfortable. She is so jarring looking, for lack of better terminology. She is so plastic, & overprocessed, I honestly think she's pulled so tightly that she looks like she's in actual, physical pain. Plus, Taylor is just batshit crazy, I genuinely look away when she's on-screen, because she's just so awkward & not good at being bad, & also not good at being the victim (especially when she gave as good as she got with regards to BRidge's "destiny"). She legit makes me uncomfortable to see her, & I intensely watched Captive Cabin, & actually considered it 1 of the better stories this writing crew has come up with, so I can handle the crazy. I hope her storyline & tenure on the show wraps soon, she may be a saint off-screen, but she is really not good on-screen anymore. 

Anyone want me to save you a seat in hell? 


Thank goodness we were spared from St. Steffy and the interns yesterday.

I enjoyed seeing Thorne and Bill spar and the two actors play quite well off of one another. I mean, it's not the Brokeback action that's looming just under the surface when it's TK and DD, but it's pretty riveting.  

Bill needs to listen to Thorne and take heed. Thorne has lived every parent's worst nightmare - burying his child. I really can't figure out Bill's motivation in bringing Will home early. Either he was looking to cock-block Thatie or he was that out of his element with Will. But seriously, Bill, how is bringing Will back the second he squawks for "Mommy" going to improve your relationship? While I will miss cute little Zane, the SORAS-ed kid is pretty darn good, even if I did want to slap the taste of his mouth just a little bit.

DD and HT play off each other well  and OMG, the man tears from DD(!!!!) but I'm making like Nancy Reagan re Batie 3.0. and just saying "NO!"

Elsewhere, we had some Lope lovin' and I have to say, these two definitely have chemistry and while I know they'll eventually implode because that's how this show rolls, I enjoyed watching them. Annika has really grown into the role and Scott is really going all in during their scenes.

Edited by CountryGirl
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2 hours ago, nkotb said:

I know this is a horrible thing to say, & I'm probably heading directly to hell (maybe with $Bill), but even just seeing Hunter Tylo on my screen makes me uncomfortable.

Agreed, but at least her hair looks like it's growing out of her head.

Steffy's wig is the greatest thing ever !         It's even worse than anything Nicole ever wore.


I enjoyed this exchange;

Wyatt: I thought you said you were cooking me breakfast.

Liam:  I am, there's vegetable hash on the stove.

Wyatt: I thought you said you were cooking me breakfast.

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I thought Hunter Tylo looked pretty good today. Maybe, I’ve just gotten used to her face but she didn’t look as good on her initial return before Bill was shot. I still prefer her with dark hair but going blonde is easier with gray hair. The Steffy hair is whole other animal......literally. I think she and the hair department thought it was edgy but it just looked ridiculous. 

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3 hours ago, nkotb said:

I know this is a horrible thing to say, & I'm probably heading directly to hell (maybe with $Bill), but even just seeing Hunter Tylo on my screen makes me uncomfortable. She is so jarring looking, for lack of better terminology. She is so plastic, & overprocessed, I honestly think she's pulled so tightly that she looks like she's in actual, physical pain. Plus, Taylor is just batshit crazy, I genuinely look away when she's on-screen, because she's just so awkward & not good at being bad, & also not good at being the victim (especially when she gave as good as she got with regards to BRidge's "destiny"). She legit makes me uncomfortable to see her, & I intensely watched Captive Cabin, & actually considered it 1 of the better stories this writing crew has come up with, so I can handle the crazy. I hope her storyline & tenure on the show wraps soon, she may be a saint off-screen, but she is really not good on-screen anymore. 

Anyone want me to save you a seat in hell? 

I think it's going to be standing room only in hell, so I'll reserve a seat now.

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^^ The hair department has to be playing a big joke on her.  Come to think of it, she's had so many laughable and bad wigs, maybe she does select them herself.  Something is always off with her look and it's not edgy or new, it's always bad and makes her look stupid.  

Yes, Hunter makes me feel uncomfortable too.  Why did they make her so neurotic?  I guess she's Mom filler now.  I want my Brooke Taylor wedding face off now!.

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3 hours ago, nkotb said:

She is so jarring looking, for lack of better terminology. She is so plastic, & overprocessed, I honestly think she's pulled so tightly that she looks like she's in actual, physical pain.

She looks like a muppet to me.

I like Liam and Wyatt's banter.

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Who wrote today's show? I want to formally petition the people in charge to employ this person daily; that was a thoroughly enjoyable episode. 

So, I am going to take a deep breath and just dive right on in; you all are welcome to start throwing the rotten tomatoes at any time. I thought JMW rocked it today. She hit every note with Hope and seemed genuine. But it was her interaction with Taylor where she really shone. The body language when Taylor started in about Hope was spot on, and clearly telegraphed how really tired Steffy is of this never ending war. Her tone with Taylor too, was on point. I actually believed what was coming out of Steffy's mouth. Now, most shocking, his how the hair helped. I know, I know, but fuck it all I kinda liked it. I think the bangs and the overly pouffed out sides softened JMWs very angular face, and made her look quite lovely, and amazingly like a very young Hunter Tylo.  I also enjoyed the daisy dukes and that gold rimmed tank top. 

Taylor is living in a time vacuum, and her hatred of Hope is disturbing. Brooke has her issues with Steffy, but she has never been as vile, or spoke with such total contempt about her. I could almost feel sorry for Taylor, except NOT. The first thing out of her mouth was about Brooke. Why would Brooke tell Hope to invite Steffy? But, in Taylor's world, Brooke is responsible for everything from melting glaciers, to diminishing water supplies, natural disasters, and loss of honey bee colonies. Taylor should listen to her daughter, because what Steffy is saying is the truth. Living and chasing a Waffle is no kind of life. There is no doubt that Ridge loved Taylor, but she always knew that Brooke had a power over him. She should have stayed out of Brooke and Ridge's relationship after her second return from the dead. Brooke had raised the TayTots and done a damn good job of it. Brooke and Ridge were happy. But, she had to weasel her way back in. She is totally appalled that Steffy is talking about peace with Hope. Taylor is absolutely pathetic. 

Brooke looked cute as a button, but she was pissing me off too. She has her flipping destiny, so just let the shit with Taylor go. For some reason Brooke and Taylor's battles fall flat without Stephanie around to referee them. They come off as two sniping, grasping, needy, society wives. I expected much better from Brooke. Has she forgotten how hard she fought to have Stephanie come to her and Thorne's wedding? She went to all that trouble making that scrapbook, then agreed to be Stephanie's unpaid servant, with Stephanie taking full advantage of Brooke's desire for her blessing. Brooke needs to back off and let Hope invite who she wants to her wedding, although I do understand her concern about Taylor. Brooke knows all to well how much Taylor likes disrupting special events.

Wyatt and Liam were hilarious. There were so many gems in their dialog:

Or worse yet, she'll sic her mother on me

Am I being punked right now

Was Satan booked

Oh, no, he's a hoverer

You stole Brooke's bacon

I don't know how to cook bacon

Like she bosses you around a lot. What? Steffy doesn't boss me around. (I couldn't resist this one, because, you know...….reasons)

Well, it requires me to know what I'm thinking which I don't, ever  (BINGO!)

Well, your the man, you got to at least fake it

Wyatt, you naughty, naughty, boy! Suggesting Liam live some type of harem lifestyle, not marrying Hope, but just paying visits to each woman for a few weeks. That is actually one of the best ideas I have heard in a long time. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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6 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Wyatt, you naughty, naughty, boy! Suggesting Liam live some type of harem lifestyle, not marrying Hope, but just paying visits to each woman for a few weeks. That is actually one of the best ideas I have heard in a long time. 

Kind of wish the show would go there, heh.

The one thing about the Lope baby is Liam gets to enjoy this pregnancy and all the talking to the baby in the tummy and the milestones that come with each month/trimester. I'm not happy about his being a project daddy but I'll find a silver lining! 

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I really like Hope and I'm glad she and Liam are getting married.  AGAIN.  But she is dead wrong about wanting Hauxdilox at her wedding.  I hate to say it but Hauxdi was right.  It is too soon, if there will ever be a good time for Hope, Liam and Hauxdi to play happy families.  I can't help wondering if Hope is playing her own long game.  She knows Steffy is full of shit, so maybe Hope is going to force Hauxdi to put her money where her mouth is. 

Speaking of mouths, has Hunter Tylo decided to dedicate her life to paying tribute to Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker?  Hopefully having to work so closely with HT will dissuade JMW from EVER letting someone go near her face with a knife again.

I agree with @RuntheTable.  I think that Hauxdilox is tired of her mother's shit.  Who wouldn't be?  But I can't believe that she thinks taking Taylor to the wedding is a good idea.  Taking Bill would be a better idea.  Taylor is a woman who has killed at least one person and recently attempted to kill another, who just happens to be the father of the groom.  Yeah, she APOLOGIZED, but Hauxdilox knows what a sick bitch her mother is.  I'm surprised she lets her anywhere near her daughter, much less want to go out in public with her.  I also get what you're saying about the hair but I'm not completely on board.  The style looks good on JMW but there's just too much of it and it's too damn dark.  Perhaps if they had stuck with only ONE dead cat, it would look better.

I'm on Brooke's side in this business.  Inviting Hauxdi is a mistake.  Having Taylor come with Hauxdi is a disaster.  Of course, Taylor will make a scene; that's what she does. 

I loved the banter between Liam and Wyatt.  SC and DB have a very good chemistry.  I don't understand why Wyatt is pleading Hauxdi's case.  If anyone knows what a faithless slattern Hauxdilox is, it's Wyatt.  If Liam has decided to move on, Wyatt should be supporting him wholeheartedly.  EVERYONE'S life is better with less Hauxdilox in it.

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Liam could ask his slightly less little brother Will to be his best man. Or Ridge. I mean as long as Hope has the stones to invite Steffy then Liam could ask her daddy to be his best man. Sure.

Who'd a thought Taylor and Brooke would be the voices of reason today? I hope Taylor goes to the wedding, sets her hair on fire, moons the wedding party, and farts on the cake.

Steffy seemed to be channeling her inner Star Trek babe, Nona, today:



Hopefully having to work so closely with HT will dissuade JMW from EVER letting someone go near her face with a knife again.

It doesn't seem to have dissuaded her so far. I think both women probably have some level of body dysmorphia,

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11 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

Liam is a "good" guy in that he never deliberately sets  out to hurt others, but he is not such a "good" guy since his inability to take a stand and make choices causes the ones he cares most about a lot of pain. Guess he's just human.

Reminds me of Chidi on The Good Place - spoiler for end of S1 of that show


we learn that they're actually in the Bad Place, aka Hell, and that Chidi was condemned to it because even though in so many respects he was a good man - he had a good heart and strived to live a moral and ethical life - he couldn't ever make a damn decision and hurt everyone around him because of it.

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11 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

Liam is a "good" guy in that he never deliberately sets  out to hurt others, but he is not such a "good" guy since his inability to take a stand and make choices causes the ones he cares most about a lot of pain. Guess he's just human.

No, he's not.  Liam is a spineless coward who can't follow through and end a relationship because it might be a little difficult for him to deal with the fall out.


3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

There is no doubt that Ridge loved Taylor, but she always knew that Brooke had a power over him.

No, she didn't.  Ridge had no problem turning Brooke down again and again.  This is why Taylor should have stayed dead.  Instead Brad Bell seems determined to never really end the original triangle while creating a bunch of new boring triangles that make no sense.

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9 hours ago, A-Lo said:

Way to rub salt in Steffy's wounds, Hope...presenting her with that wedding invitation approximately two days after she ended things with Liam.  Isn't it bad enough that she has to wear that dead black thing on her head???


But seriously, next to "For Our Baby," the most overused idea is B&B's hilariously awkward guest lists for every single wedding. Like Brooke and Eric's, where not only were Beth and Stephanie in attendance, but Ridge--Brooke's would-be baby daddy--was the best man! And then Nick and Bridget's very last wedding where three of Nick's four exes were there and all of them were related to Bridget!

Still, I'm here for Hope giving no fucks and rubbing that salt. Steffy wouldn't have cared.

4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Taylor is living in a time vacuum, and her hatred of Hope is disturbing. Brooke has her issues with Steffy, but she has never been as vile, or spoke with such total contempt about her. I could almost feel sorry for Taylor, except NOT. The first thing out of her mouth was about Brooke. Why would Brooke tell Hope to invite Steffy? But, in Taylor's world, Brooke is responsible for everything from melting glaciers, to diminishing water supplies, natural disasters, and loss of honey bee colonies.

This isn't even the first time she's done this. Taylor threw a whole ass salt deposit on Bridget after the Baby Jack thing happened and was just flat out ugly towards her about that despite nothing in Bridget's history suggesting she'd ever enable Brooke's endeavors like that and Nick telling her flat out she had nothing to do with it.

But she's become even more unhindged with every return to this show. This woman is a far cry from the intelligent and sharp (if even then hypocritical) woman I remembered as a kid. Like, she once had a life that was separate from hating Brooke and now....I don't even know.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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2 hours ago, Black Knight said:

Reminds me of Chidi on The Good Place - spoiler for end of S1 of that show

  Hide contents

we learn that they're actually in the Bad Place, aka Hell, and that Chidi was condemned to it because even though in so many respects he was a good man - he had a good heart and strived to live a moral and ethical life - he couldn't ever make a damn decision and hurt everyone around him because of it.

OMG!! You are right. I was totally describing Chidi!!! Guess we know where Liam is going to end up.  ;-)

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12 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Kind of wish the show would go there, heh.

The one thing about the Lope baby is Liam gets to enjoy this pregnancy and all the talking to the baby in the tummy and the milestones that come with each month/trimester. I'm not happy about his being a project daddy but I'll find a silver lining! 

And the Steamless fans are still boo-hooing about how Steffy didn't get this during her pregnancy. To that, I say, well, that's what happens when you fuck your father-in-law's dick.

Edited by CountryGirl
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11 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I also get what you're saying about the hair but I'm not completely on board.  The style looks good on JMW but there's just too much of it and it's too damn dark.  Perhaps if they had stuck with only ONE dead cat, it would look better.

Yes, one cat would have been better. It really was more about the softening effect the overall style had on Steffy, but a little less pouf would have been better. 

10 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Steffy seemed to be channeling her inner Star Trek babe, Nona, today:

Thank you! I was trying so hard to remember who she was reminding me of! I was a total Trekkie as a kid and thought Nona was such a hottie!


8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

This isn't even the first time she's done this. Taylor threw a whole ass salt deposit on Bridget after the Baby Jack thing happened and was just flat out ugly towards her about that despite nothing in Bridget's history suggesting she'd ever enable Brooke's endeavors like that and Nick telling her flat out she had nothing to do with it.

But she's become even more unhindged with every return to this show. This woman is a far cry from the intelligent and sharp (if even then hypocritical) woman I remembered as a kid. Like, she once had a life that was separate from hating Brooke and now....I don't even know.

I think Taylor began to lose her grasp on reality once Stephanie started excepting Brooke, but I think the real turning point was the night Taylor barged into the Forrester mansion all pissed off over Stephanie not giving her any shares. This led to the argument where Taylor told Stephanie that she had always wanted Ridge for herself, which led to Stephanie's slap that was heard around the world. I have always felt the breakdown of Taylor's relationship with Stephanie is what drove her over the edge; not losing Ridge. 


9 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

No, she didn't.  Ridge had no problem turning Brooke down again and again.

The very fact that Ridge kept coming back to Brooke, and that he interfered in all her other relationships, and that he always has turned to her in his times of need says that Brooke has always been important in his life. Ridge was a waffle, but he was a waffle with some amount of principles, and when he was married to either woman, he would not stray with the other. So, yes, Ridge did turn Brooke down quite often, but it wasn't based on not wanting her. Ridge has always wanted Brooke. 

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Add me to the seats in hell. I was shocked to see HT. On my TV screen and monitor (both relatively new and HD) her hair looked like it was ashy then had an auburn rinse over it. It was a very odd color and clashed with her orangey red lipstick. I agree with you'll who think her face looks painful. Add to that, is that it looks like she's pulled so tightly that she can barely speak. I had to rewind 2-3 times just to listen to her finish that last sentence with, "Bwwahrrrrok." And BTW, WTH with all of that? Brooke had nothing with Hope's insane choice to invite Hauxdi to the wedding. I agree with both Brooke and Lippy that it is a terrible idea and a disaster waiting to happen.

The only good thing about HT's appearance is that is enhances her completely BSC off-the-rails behavior.  The ranting and raving over the Logans has to stop. NOW! She needs to be locked up some far far place away and the key thrown to the bottom of the ocean.

I hated Steffy's hair.  It was too much and too dark and looks like she was playing a character. The bangs are a good idea to soften her face (and hide any recent work) So, if were less voluminous and a softer color, it would probably look OK. I know JMW has said in interviews that she loves to mix it up with her hair and makeup. That's counter-intuitive to her "I am a strong, independent woman" mantra. While I am not saying that single working moms have to go around looking unkempt and like crap, I don't know many who have hours to spend on completely new hairstyles every day, nor do they have an extensive collection of weaves, hairpieces, etc. FAIL on that end.

The deal with Steffy is that I don't 100% trust or believe her. Despite her crowing and proclamations, I think that deep-down, she is hatching some long-term plan to get Liam back from Hope. At least she has the awareness that the couple will eventually fall apart on their own. It's really just playing a waiting game. I don't believe that people can make such huge changes of character overnight, not to mention, a few minutes. 

I always love the banter between Liam and Wyatt. It's apparent that those two enjoy working together. Wyatt's one-liners were epic.

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Forgot to add in that last post that I totally understand Brooke's stance; I was just hoping that she would rise above it all. Also, there is a big difference in the stances of Brooke and Taylor. Brooke is understandably concerned about Taylor disrupting the wedding because that is what Taylor does. As far as Steffy, I don't believe she would do anything during the event, that is simply not her style. Steffy likes to work in the background and pounce when you least expect it. Taylor, however, is still pushing this nonsense that Hope and Brooke are out to get Steffy. I mean her verbiage yesterday? Hope stole Liam. Brooke did this or that. Nothing grounded in fact; just more of her pounding her Anti-Logan drum. Brooke comes off as a concerned mother and Taylor comes off as a bitter Negative Nellie who doesn't care about Steffy at all, but only cares about hurting Brooke and Hope. 

And I really did get the vibe that Steffy has had her fill. I can't stand her, but she still doesn't deserve to be used as a pawn in her mother's never ending war with Brooke. 

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19 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

And I really did get the vibe that Steffy has had her fill. I can't stand her, but she still doesn't deserve to be used as a pawn in her mother's never ending war with Brooke. 

You know what's funny?

I remember when Hope and Liam got married in Italy and on the way back, she did talk to Steffy about moving on and not repeating Taylor's mistakes. It was the first time at any point that someone had told either of them to move on from Liam and that they should want better.

And then, when it was found that the marriage was invalid, Taylor was basically like:


...and got right back to telling Steffy she still had a chance.

WTF :|

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I have always felt the breakdown of Taylor's relationship with Stephanie is what drove her over the edge; not losing Ridge. 

A fair analysis, considering I think Brooke got to the point that having Ridge was less about Ridge and more about proving herself to Stephanie.

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

The very fact that Ridge kept coming back to Brooke, and that he interfered in all her other relationships, and that he always has turned to her in his times of need says that Brooke has always been important in his life. Ridge was a waffle, but he was a waffle with some amount of principles, and when he was married to either woman, he would not stray with the other. So, yes, Ridge did turn Brooke down quite often, but it wasn't based on not wanting her. Ridge has always wanted Brooke. 

If Ridge wanted Brooke he could have had her back at the very beginning of the show.  Ridge chose Caroline.

1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Brooke is understandably concerned about Taylor disrupting the wedding because that is what Taylor does.

Brooke is the one who constantly showed up at Taylor's weddings to disrupt them.

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

A fair analysis, considering I think Brooke got to the point that having Ridge was less about Ridge and more about proving herself to Stephanie.

I would take it a step further and say that Brooke's destiny was not Ridge. I think she wanted Ridge in the beginning, but that morphed into her wanting a relationship with his mother. I also think he continued pursuit of Ridge through the years was more about aggravating Stephanie. Outside of FC's, the only real weapon Brooke had against Stephanie was Ridge, and she was not going to do anything to hurt the company, so she kept chasing Ridge to keep getting under Stephanie's skin and causing her sleepless nights. 

I has always been my opinion that the most interesting couple was always Brooke and Stephanie. 

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I guess it's no shock that Taylor is a fucking lunatic.  She's already killed one woman and tried to kill $Bill recently.  I don't know how Bell Jr. thinks that we will believe that Taylor cares about her daughter when we SAW Taylor basically hand her precious daughter to $Bill to keep her pathetic ass out of the hoosegow. 

This Taylor/Brooke bullshit is so tiresome.  Is Bell so desperate for material that he's recycling scripts from decades ago?  Does anyone REALLY want to see ANOTHER Brooke/Taylor catfight?  Sadly the answer to that is 'yes'.  There are a lot of viewers who are still stuck on 'Logans are EVIL' and long for someone to put them 'in their place'.  But the Logans ARE in their place.  Brooke lives in a lovely house with her husband.  Hope lives in the cabin with her soon-to-be-husband.  It's Taylor, who is still stuck in the past, that doesn't seem to have a home or a reason for living other than fighting with Brooke.

I agree with the posters who've commented on Taylor's venomous attitude towards Hope.  Is she really going to blame Hope for the circumstances of her birth?  Or insinuate that Hope is 'less than' because she's the result of Brooke's affair with Deacon?  Isn't Taylor supposed to be the 'classy' one? 

There's no doubt in my mind that Steffy is taking her mother to the wedding because she KNOWS that Taylor is going to cause a scene.  She's counting on it.  I agree with @RuntheTable.  Steffy likes to plot behind the scenes.  If, or more likely WHEN, Taylor starts shit, Steffy can sit back and claim that all she wanted was to bring the families together.  Hopefully she'll have the sense to pat Taylor down before they leave, so there won't be any gun play.

I feel sorry for Hope.  It sounds like she REALLY believes that inviting Steffy is a good thing.  That's a level of naivete that's pretty hard to believe.  And Hope doesn't know what a fatal (literally) mistake it is to invite Taylor.  Hope probably has no idea of Taylor's body count.

The one thing I've noticed is Ridge's total LACK of interest of seeing or speaking to Taylor.  I know that to some people they're the love story of the century but it looks like Ridge has moved on.  Maybe he knows what Taylor looks like now.

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So Steffy stole Liam and Hope's life, and it's Bill's fault Steffy and Liam aren't together?  Keep playing the blame game you idiot twits.  It's worked out so well for you in the past.  Taylor was right when she pointed out Brooke never respected Taylor's marriages, and if Steffy and Liam were together, Brooke would be doing everything to make sure Liam got back together with Hope.  Taylor was also right when she said Steffy made the choice, not Liam.  Which is why Taylor should back off, and respect Steffy's decision.  Liam isn't worth it.  He never has been.  Ridge and Brooke aren't worth it and never have been.  At one time, Taylor knew that.  I think Brad Bell only resurrected Taylor in order to trash the character.  However, it doesn't matter how many characters Bell ruins, it won't make Ridge, Liam or Brooke look any better.

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

The one thing I've noticed is Ridge's total LACK of interest of seeing or speaking to Taylor.  I know that to some people they're the love story of the century but it looks like Ridge has moved on.  Maybe he knows what Taylor looks like now.

The *only* time Taylor and Ridge stayed together for so long was because of Tylo's stupid mandate that Taylor never get divorced from Ridge. And as someone who got into the show shortly after that marriage (I specifically recall the first episode I can remember involved Sheila handing Stephanie a lock of Thomas's hair), I did buy into that idea that they were in for the long haul. I can recall them having conflicts that didn't involve Brooke which is more than I can say for most couples since.

And as has been discussed, this could've worked if they'd ever truly let Brooke move on with Thorne or even Deacon before he married him off to Bridget.

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Ditto comments upthread, since when is Hope so starry-eyed and naive? Inviting her mommy's long-standing enemy to the wedding? It's ridiculous. And I still think expecting Steffy to be there is rubbing Steffy's face in it. Not that Steffy hasn't earned the treatment but IMO Hope doesn't need to sink to her level.

Soooo, Taylor has gone completely unhinged? At least more unhinged than she was when she shot Bill. Forget outpatient treatment, she might need to be fully committed. There were a few nuggets of truth in her lunatic spewing though.

"Our last wedding." Dream on, Hope. The only way that'll happen is if you and Liam both get flattened by an asteroid or something immediately after the ceremony.

FFS, if Liam stops another wedding because he's changed his mind again, I AM DONE! Done with B&B, that is. They need to reclassify this show as sci-fi because it's almost gotten too absurd.

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Today was a welcome revisiting of the "Brooke look"...narrowed eyes, clenched forehead, hissing.  I haven't seen that in ages.  Her telling Taylor that she and her daughter should NOT attend the wedding was like waving a red flag in front of a bull.  Good work, Brooke!

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Sludge mentioned Phoebe today!!!!!

Well... he didn't actually say her name, but he did mention he and Taylor had twins.  I think this is the first time I've heard Ridge acknowledge he had another daughter since TK(never not)Ridge showed up.

I think Taylor plans to physically keep Hope from the wedding (gondola anyone) and assumes that Liam will just naturally re-marry Hauxdi because Hope isn't there.

And ........ seriously Show can you pleeeeeease stop having characters refer to Liam as Hauxdi's husband.  Looking at you Sludge and CrayCrayTay.  He is not.   He annulled her ass because she's a loose booty haux who effed his father -- All. Night. Long.   Even Hauxdi keeps reminding people they aren't married because she effed Liam's father.

Of course, CrayCrayTay keeps referring to Sludge as "my husband" as if they were still married so there's that.

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Brooke is a fool.  She never should have called Taylor.  If Hope wants Steffy at her wedding, that's Hope's decision.  Let Steffy deal with Taylor.  Brooke as usual just screws things up and makes a situation worse.  I don't think Liam will waffle at the wedding.  I think Liam and Hope will get married, Steffy will move onto someone else, Brooke will believe she has won (because this isn't about Hope no matter what Brooke says), and instead Liam will dump Hope and Ridge will dump Brooke.

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It takes some strong writing to make me feel sad for Steffy, but that is exactly how I felt today. She is so clearly over her mother's imaginings, and her fixation on Brooke and Hope. Taylor stood by and let her daughter be blackmailed, all the while shrieking about how she would never survive in prison. Here's the thing about that; if you don't want to be wearing orange, and you don't want to hear the clanking of a closing cell door, then don't shoot people. In the back or anywhere else. And frankly, I have serious doubts about Taylor's claims; I think she would do just fine in prison. Her special kind of crazy would certainly keep the prison's general population at bay. But seriously, this is the second time Taylor has made a daughter complicit in her crimes, and put them in terrible, untenable positions. Taylor came to see Steffy when Steffy was alone and down, and what did she do? Started ranting and raving, her bobble head wobbling around for all it's worth, as she pled her case to her distraught daughter. No motherly affection. No motherly hugs. No motherly love. Nope. ALL.ABOUT.TAYLOR. And now Steffy has ask one thing, and this wretched woman cannot do it. She doesn't have what it takes to get through one friggin afternoon. If she doesn't have the self control to keep her trap shut, and exhibit a little bit of class, and act like a lady for a few hours, then maybe she should be looking at a more permanent arraignment for her "therapy". 

Then, Steffy's sleazy father shows up. Could Ridge be any less anxious to see Taylor? He was so completely dismissive of Taylor when Steffy said he had just missed her. This also made me feel sad for her. Steffy is a shit. I don't like her one bit, but when it comes to kids and parents, I can separate my dislike. All kids, and I don't care how old they are, should always know their parents are there for them. Steffy has a mother who lives in the past, still fighting the battles she fought twenty or more years ago. Who possesses no hold on reality, and only loves her daughter for her ability to bring pain and unhappiness to Hope, and by extension, Brooke. Steffy's father talks a big game, but he doesn't give one rat's behind if Steffy marries Liam; he just doesn't want her with Bill, and at the moment, there is no other available male for Steffy. He is also disgustingly familiar with his daughter; leering, and talking about sex, and just being really, really, creepy. Yeah, I admit, I felt bad for Steffy today, because even though she had a steady stream of visitors, I don't think she has ever looked more alone. 

Wow, that was my hissing Brooke! I haven't seen her in so long I forgot how much I missed her. Taylor is such a fucking twat......I mean twit. I don't blame Brooke one bit for wanting to lay down the ground rules. And even though it was clear Taylor was gearing up for some serious Anti-Logan action, Brooke was still trying to keep it civil. It took Taylor pulling out The Guns of Navarone, her hatred of Brooke dissolving any chance of a level headed discussion, to push Brooke over her limit. I get so tired of hearing Taylor waxing on about her husband, and her children, and her family. Because, you know, the Forrester/Marone/Hayes family is not the only one ever known to exist. Or the only one to ever matter. Hey, you raving lunatic, Brooke had a family with Ridge too. Several times. But both times you returned from the dead you expected to pick up your life where you had left it. Expecting Ridge to walk away from Brooke and their family. Telegraphing with every fiber of your being that Ridge was cheapening himself by hanging with the Logan's. Of course, it wasn't as bad on your second return because Brooke had been raising your spawn. So please, stop with all this talk about how you raised your kids. Brooke acted as their mother for years, and frankly, I think her influence is the only thing that has made then even moderately normal. I think it is very fortunate for the TayTots that they had Brooke's influence through their formative years. God help us if it had been you, because then there would have been four to deal with. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

And I still think expecting Steffy to be there is rubbing Steffy's face in it. Not that Steffy hasn't earned the treatment but IMO Hope doesn't need to sink to her level.

That ship has sailed on several deployments there. Every time one of them "wins" Liam that day, they always play nice and extend the olive branch to the other. Granted, there's the pressing issue of Liam juggling two families potentially this time (assuming Hope carries to term and Kelly's paternity remains unchanged), but that's the only new element.

I am proud of Steffy standing up to Taylor. Even more than Ridge, this bitch is all about using her kids as weapons against the Logans. All that Evil Logan shit that started in 2010 when Hope arrived and Katie was CEO of FC? Started by Taylor. Bitch was chomping at the bit to tell Liam about his very first Eggo mini while Steffy wisely was willing to let him sort his shit, with no sense of irony or reflect about everything leading up to Thomas' birth.

And all the love for her remaining daughter hasn't motivated Taylor to confess about the shoot to save Steffy from blackmail as she still looks down on Brooke over Deacon as though her fling with Rick isn't in part why Phoebe is six feet under today. ??

1 hour ago, La di Diva said:

I think this is the first time I've heard Ridge acknowledge he had another daughter since TK(never not)Ridge showed up.

It last came up three years ago during the Rick/Ridge fighting behind Caroline, but yeah. Even RM hardly got to bring it up after Rick and Steffy broke up.

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