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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I just couldn't watch today. All I paid attention to was the beer drinking chat between Liam and Wyatt. I was glad to see that Wyatt is lightening up on Liam about taking Hauxdi back.

Now to diss on the clothes:

I didn't like Brooke's hair. I wish she'd left it loose like it was earlier in the day when she wore the cobalt sweater. That was a very pretty look. Her dress was beautiful, especially in full view.

Pam is the next person we need to nag into the haircut chair. I loved her black and white dress and her overall trademark retro look. But ... this is another case of too long, too yellow stringy hair. She needs a hairstyle to go with her clothing style. There are plenty of ideas out there for putting a modern twist on 50s pin-up girl hair. Maybe Ronnn Mossss's wife can give her some tips. (His wife brags about being a pin-up model ... gag ....  I think that's really code for Playmate.)

What I could see of Ivy's dress wasn't good. The color wasn't right and her coloring seems to be all wonked up with that awful hair that's growing out from platinum to whatever.

I loved Maya's dress and hair and after seeing everybody again in more detail, I have to rescind Puffy's best-dressed crown and hand it to Maya. When I saw the close-up photo of Puffy's face above, yeah, that length of hair doesn't work for her. It accentuate her f-ed up jawline like x 1000.

I thought yesterday that Ridge was wearing a white jacket. I guess I was thinking about the outdoors scene of him in the white shirt. Eric had on the white jacket and he looked mighty fine. I am hoping that Ridge's ample derriere in that photo above is just an unfortunate cast of sunlight hitting him in the wrong place.  If I were KKL, I'd cry to have to pretend to be in love/lust with that greasy hobo after years of playing kissy face and more with RM.

Ridge's cufflinks were ugly and tacky looking, like something you'd buy out of a discount catalog. It was is questionable that Quinn designed the cufflinks and Brooke's rings. It is kind of like having a lasting reminder, bad taste in the mouth, of the Quidge dalliance. I wonder if it was on purpose.

What I miss is that back in the day, there would always be a handful of extras who would attend the weddings; supposedly friends of the bride or groom. Taylor and Ridge's first wedding was full of people, but it was held in a church. I don't know if space is an issue or overall cheapness in hiring a few bit players to dress up and fill chairs.

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Other than I love seeing Anna and Obba on screen, why were they at the Garbridge wedding.   Because they are Maya's parents? Lizzie's grandparents?  Sludge and Brooke really don't know anyone to invite ... i.e. they have no friends? 

Couldn't the IIC figure out a reason for the Avants to have an SL?  Anna and Obba are incredible actors -- they elevate everyone they share scenes with. We need to see more of them.

And never see Slouchy again. Now that his parents are married he needs to go off to college or Milan or Europe or ........ somewhere.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Not sure I understand the significance of Brooke not having slept any of the Black men.

Just a reference to B&B's past.  For the longest time, B&B had the reputation of being one of the 'whitest' soaps on telly.  Papa Bell had no problem having his leading lady sleep with her son-in-law but I don't think he would have ever put her in a relationship with a Black man.

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7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:
12 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Back upstairs, Katie and Donna encourage Brooke to wear Beth's earrings. Um, wouldn't that have been more appropriate when she married Eric

No ?

Yeah, considering Eric & Beth used to be an item I think it would have been worse.

7 hours ago, grisgris said:

I didn't like Brooke's hair. I wish she'd left it loose like it was earlier in the day when she wore the cobalt sweater.

I didn't like that style either.  I guess KKL's hair doesn't hold a curl very well, because those curls looked like they were sprayed to within an inch of their lives...same thing when they style her hair in those beachy waves...straight & sleek looks best on her IMO.

7 hours ago, grisgris said:

When I saw the close-up photo of Puffy's face above, yeah, that length of hair doesn't work for her. It accentuate her f-ed up jawline like x 1000.

Agreed, but fortunately it looked like her hair was styled in one of those faux bobs.  It will be back to dead-animal hair in no time :)

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The best part of the wedding for me was having Donna and the Avants back. I usually don't care for any of the work that any actors have done to themselves, but KKL is looking magnificent.

And as much as I'm hoping that all of this forever shtuff is leading to Sludge being written out, I'm more inclined to think that this whole wedding SL is merely a prop for Puffy and Waffles. I see that the consensus here is that the marriage will last 6 months. Seriously, guys? It is not going to last that long no matter what convoluted reason they come up with.

And, oh, yeah, Puffy looked dreadful. Like a matronly reject from a 1940's B movie at best.

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16 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

No ?


D'oh! Smacks forehead about the Beric wedding - this is what the GarBridge wedding has done to me. But certainly the earrings should have been trotted out for the first Bridge wedding. 

Sorry guys, but I refuse to recap the actual wedding ceremony. I have some principles. 

I'll just leave it at this as I continue to marvel at the contrast.



Look at Ridge and his serial killer eyes here:


Brooke looks like she's practically trying to shove him away.

She's gorgeous but she also looks like she's aged a good 10 years from the Brill wedding.

Also, here's what Ridge really whispered in her ear:


Edited by CountryGirl
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This is one of the worst weeks on the show I can remember.  The umpteenth repairing of a couple we know wont last and stopped caring about many years ago.  Everyone acting completely out of character and forgetting even VERY RECENT history, Thorne and especially Katie.  No suspense, so drama - no one calling Brooke on her shit. Even Ghost Stephanie approves.  It's like the staff is writing for characters they have no knowledge of.

Edited by hitchcock3011
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A little slip of the tongue Liam?  Katie is way out of his league but Stuffy and Hope weren't?  I know what Liam meant but it came out a strange. 

Didn't no strings attached come from Katie not bringing Wyatt to the wedding?  How can you have any sort of committed relationship when your afraid to shed light on it.  Katie knows that Thorne was just professing his love for Brooke and now she's kissing him.  After playing second fiddle to Brooke twice with Bill and Thorne, she acts like she doesn't give a crap and has lost all of her self respect.

Three days of platitudes and than hopefully the coup de grace with Stephanie speaking from the grave. Time to move on to different ??. 

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Ghost Stephanie refers to Brooke as "my sweet little slut from the valley" and we're supposed to be moved by THAT??

I'm about to start a bonfire and use her portrait as kindling.


Edited by CountryGirl
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Something is definitely up.  The air of finality in the last few episodes is inescapable.  I read on another site that KKL was planning to move to Australia and live there for at least half of the year.  That's going to cut into Brooke's time on the show.  And Susan Flannery was always a champion for KKL; she supported her through their together.  Ghost Stephanie was APPALLING but I can understand that Susan might have wanted to be a part of whatever's going on with KKL (if anything is going on).

I liked the scenes between Wyatt and Liam.  We rarely get a chance to see them relating as brothers.  I liked when Liam said 'I'm tired of talking about Steffy'.  Baby, I'm tired of WATCHING you talk about Steffy!

Othello is a nice looking man.  Why isn't his club a 'hangout' for the characters?  It would be more interesting than that Olive Garden knockoff.

WHERE IS WILL?  Does he still live with his mother or has he been farmed out?  And did Katie give Wyatt her security codes?  Because he's making himself awful free in her home.

I'm calling it now:  Donna and Carter.  They look GREAT together and it's nice to see Carter smile instead of wearing that hangdog expression he normally has.  Donna & Carter 2018!!!!!

I really hope that we've seen the last of these dreadful wedding scenes.  Stephanie was always a party-pooper so hopefully she kills this particular celebration ad everyone can get back to stabbing each other in the back.

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25 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

I'm calling it now:  Donna and Carter.  They look GREAT together and it's nice to see Carter smile instead of wearing that hangdog expression he normally has.  Donna & Carter 2018!!!!!

I approve of this message. If Justin doesn't want her, let Carter and Donna commence!

25 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

I liked the scenes between Wyatt and Liam.  We rarely get a chance to see them relating as brothers.  I liked when Liam said 'I'm tired of talking about Steffy'.  Baby, I'm tired of WATCHING you talk about Steffy!


53 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

A little slip of the tongue Liam?  Katie is way out of his league but Stuffy and Hope weren't?

Probably more of he knows Katie wouldn't have put up with his waffling.  Katie is more of a Woman than Steffy and Hope. Pretty much like how Thorne is a Man with a capital 'M' while Wyatt is a man.

20 minutes ago, AngelKitty said:

Poor Wyatt, I'm not sure he can compete with Thorne.

And yet that's the drama of this triangle. ALL of these guys have second place sibling syndrome. Wyatt should have a lead over Thorne in simply having been here for Katie in her sexual time of need but he knows that Thorne is older, experienced, and he and Katie have some history and can relate on a level that she and he can't. And yet this is where Wyatt's character development and maturation and coming into his own can happen. Since this isn't about him being the alternative to Liam but being Wyatt Fuller Spencer. Who he is? What does HE want? What kind of woman does he want? This triangle can go a long way towards helping finally flesh out his character outside of Bill and Liam. I'm actually for the first time looking forward to this as I do like DB but not 'Whining about Liam and Bill Wyatt' and since he won't be whining about Bill or Liam but trying to figure himself out or at least who he is vs Thorne Forrester it'll be a nice change of pace.

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Liam is very surprised by Wyatt being with Katie since he hasn't been with her first. 

Is Stephanie's voice from the portrait going to be the Aly's advice from Floating Darla Head? That ended well.

On that vein why isn't Stef giving advice to those who really need it and she has more a guardianship over like her granddaughter/namesake. 

Wyatts a nice guy but he's definitely no Thorne in the looks or experience department. 

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I hated that wedding. More of the same from Ridge and Brooke. And everyone else there. And we all know this won’t last just like any of their other marriages lasted. That was just a waste of flowers, champagne and pretty dresses. BLECH.

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"Finally happened." Seriously, Ridge?

I'm surprised Wyatt told Liam about Katie. But it was a good way to get Liam's mind off his own troubles for a while.

Darn, I kept waiting for Ridge to drop dead at the reception. Guess there's always the wedding night!

Aaannnddd Thorne makes his move. But why was Wyatt spying on Katie?

Hmm, that ending. ??????

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I caught the end of today's episode by accident. What is this Brooke's 100th wedding and Brooke and Ridge's 50th wedding? Bwah! However, I give them credit for Susan Flannery's voice over to Stephanie's portrait. It made me happy and I couldn't stop laughing when she told Brooke enough with the tears. I will miss her forevah!

Edited by SimoneS
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4 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Something is definitely up.  The air of finality in the last few episodes is inescapable.  I read on another site that KKL was planning to move to Australia and live there for at least half of the year.  That's going to cut into Brooke's time on the show. 

I really cannot imagine a B&B without Brooke and KKL. Not that I've ever considered myself any kind of dedicated fan of Brooke's, but she's been a dynamic part of the show since forever. Moreso even than Eric.

That said, assuming that is the case (and I don't blame her; she's making a killing with her fashion line down there!), that would leave open plent of opportunities to expand the characters left on canvas. Especially if TPTB use her leaving to send Ridge packing as well. Lots of money to hire Mama and Papa Avant full time or bring back Little Eric or a long lost son from Maya's teen years as conflict for Raya or more screentime for CJ to interact with nuSpectra.

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5 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

And yet this is where Wyatt's character development and maturation and coming into his own can happen. Since this isn't about him being the alternative to Liam but being Wyatt Fuller Spencer. Who he is? What does HE want? What kind of woman does he want? This triangle can go a long way towards helping finally flesh out his character outside of Bill and Liam. I'm actually for the first time looking forward to this as I do like DB but not 'Whining about Liam and Bill Wyatt' and since he won't be whining about Bill or Liam but trying to figure himself out or at least who he is vs Thorne Forrester it'll be a nice change of pace.

Now that you mentioned it, it's about time Wyatt got his own development as a character. This Spectra umbrella story with Liam was a much needed course correction for an utterly rudderless character as he'd become without being in a triangle.

But now, it's Wyatt's turn to have a relationship where there's no rebound, it's been about the here and now with enjoyment of one another's company, he's not a substitute for anyone and (at least for now) there's no Quinn pulling strings  for or against the relationship.

So I expect B&B to bypass all of that and make it super generic and ridiculous and somehow Brooke's fault. Because it always it.

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My remote got a good workout ff-ing through all of the GarBridge wedding nonsense.

Sludge looked like he was really manhandling Brooke. I didn't care for that. Showing affection is one thing, possession another. Well, if she's that stupid, then she deserves what she's inevitably going to get. I hope by the time GarBridge implodes (again) Katie is happily with Thorne and Bill is either in prison or married to Hauxdi or even Sally.

Brooke really did have a Marliyn Monroe vibe going on so I guess she's been practicing MM's voice for several weeks now!

I also agree that the SFTV remark was out of place. I can't imagine Stephanie saying something like that to Brooke at a wedding, even if she were alive and they were still in an adversarial relationship. Like CountyGirl said, this seems like a time when Brooke should be remembering and wanting to have her own mother around, not some woman who made it her focused mission to make Brooke's life miserable. I still don't buy that nonsense that Stephanie and Brooke were loving BFFs when Stephanie died.  Likewise with Brooke/Stephanie at today's wedding, when Stephanie died, it would have been more fitting to have Kristen and Felicia with her, especially after how Stephanie went through hell and back to save Felicia's life when Felicia "died" of cancer.

Maybe moving to Australia (if that is even true, not dissing our messenger here but the folks who write/report such "news") is a graceful way for KKL to disengage from what surely must be a disappointing turn of events for her. Losing RM and SF had to have been a blow, but the horrible writing for Brooke, especially in the last year or so, would have to be a major downer for one of the show's "core four."  If it would reduce GarBridge screen time for BOTH of them, and it's better for KKL to promote her non-B&B business, then I am all for it. She is smart to diversify because nobody knows how much longer B&B will be on the air (or soaps in general) and face it, the focus of all of these shows is shifting to the younger characters.

Boring week. I hope the heat's turned up starting Monday.  I wish GarBridge a LONG (and off my screen) honeymoon!

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I tuned in with trepidation, mixed with a weird sense of anticipation; my barf bucket at the ready.

I am ashamed, embarrassed, and a bit horrified to admit that I wasn’t bothered at all. I think it was a lovely ceremony; just wasted on the wrong couple. I was doing ok until Eric gave that shout out to Beth, and that was simply my undoing.

I have never been a Bridge supporter. The only time I enjoyed them together was after Taylor’s first death, when they had the beach wedding, and Ridge bought Brooke the estate, and they were really very happy. But then Taylor was resurrected, and well……Even so, I could tolerate them because KKL and RM had “IT”, and were so comfortable with each other, that it all seemed real and effortless. It wasn’t until Taylor retuned from her second death that even their chemistry, and individual magnetism, couldn’t support Bridge. This is when Bell succeeded in turning Bridge into a parody. And as much as I dislike them; is as much as I think that is really very sad. Bridge is so important to Show’s history, such an integral part of nearly every SL that set Show’s foundation, and is so deeply woven into it’s fabric, that it is criminal they have become a running joke; whose relationship will forever be given the side eye. After so many failed attempts at any type of marital success, they seem trite, annoying and silly. 

But something is different here. The crescendoing music, all the history talk, bringing the Queen out of the closet, Beth, people acting like this is Brooke and Ridge’s first rodeo, “last time”, “forever”. I hate to say this, but I hope it means they will stay together, because the alternatives scare me. I have also heard about Kelly Lang talking about moving to Australia. I saw a short piece where she was saying they would only need a small, practical place because they would only be there part of the year. I don’t know what I would do if she left Show. Sure, they could recast, but it would never, ever be the same. Ridge or Eric too. Although Ridge has already been replaced once, but there could never be another Eric. I am feeling very apprehensive and sad too.

I could be entirely wrong, but I don’t think KKL knew that Ghost Stephanie was going to make an appearance. Brooke seemed so incredibly and believably shocked. I wasn’t bothered by Ghost Stephanie’s “my sweet little slut from the valley.” Like all insults, when they are used enough they lose their sting, and actually make the insult hurler look bad and expose them as the bullies they are. If there was a way to prove to Brooke it was really Stephanie talking to her, that was most certainly it. That reference is just as offensive as Bridge itself, but again, it is a part of Show’s history, and that is what they have been about all week.

So why wasn’t Wyatt invited to the wedding again? He is the family Patriarch’s wife’s son, and Eric made a great to do about seeing Wyatt as a son; he is also the brother of the groom’s daughter’s husband. I mean Coco was there, but Wyatt wasn’t? Strange.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Spencer brother’s conversation. Hearing Liam say he didn’t want to talk about Steffy anymore gave me the same kind of feeling I have after I finish my Elliptical session. And I saw a whole new Wyatt with Liam today. For the first time he seemed like a MAN, not a man. Sometimes talking about something makes it real, and that is what happened with Wyatt. He hasn’t talked about Katie with anyone, well except his mom and Eric. But not someone he could really open up to, and by opening up and talking about Katie she became something important, and something that he doesn’t want to lose. I thought he was great in the spyscope scene. I like that they are giving Wyatt his on SL, that doesn’t involve one of Liam’s exs.

How did I miss Donna’s dress? Wow. And she looked awesome with Carter.

KKL was positively stunning at the reception. I loved the white jumpsuit, and I don’t know who has been doing her makeup lately, but they are on point. And her hair was adorable and sexy at the same time. This woman continues to amaze me. After all the crap SL’s she has been given, and the vile and often ridiculous things she has been asked to do, she remains a true professional, giving 100%, and her all to sell the story. Her inner glow was shining so brightly today I thought I was going to need sunglasses. I just love her.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Excellent comment @RuntheTable!

I agree with every word you said about KKL; she really does glow.  I can't imagine B&B without her because she carries this show on her lovely shoulders.  KKL and JM are the links to the past but KKL does most of the heavy lifting. 

I think you might be right about SF's voice being a surprise for KKL.  I liked it because of the relationship between the two women but didn't like the 'slut from the valley' bullshit and the words of wisdom for Brooke.  Stephanie should have saved a few words for her son.  Wasn't he fighting for a woman with his son a year ago and rolling around in the guest room with his step-mother a few months ago? Brooke is slammed for sleeping with her son-in-law but the only reason Ridge hasn't slept with HIS daughter-in-law is because he's never had one.

Stephanie might have also had a word with Hauxdi who could give all assembled a few pointers about being a 'slut'.

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I skipped this week except for the non-wedding (and the final) scenes yesterday. Liked the Liam and Wyatt scene so much and am glad that Wyatt has finally gotten a clue.  Though would the writers actually give Wyatt the win in this triangle?  

Most of the women looked great.  I loved the color (but not the construction) of Quinn's dress. Maya looked positively regal.  But AB's dress certainly didn't do her any favors and Katie's sparkle helped make it easier to ignore hers.  As for the men, well... I don't usually comment on personal things like weight but in a couple of places it was distracting. There are several guys who could use a little gym time.   

And the final scene?  If I were Brooke I'd torch that thing. SF the actress I like, SF the character kept me from watching this show and even from clips I find it hard to buy their supposed bond. But I can see how other viewers might like it.  I'll even admit that hearing her voice made me a little nostalgic, not for Stephanie herself but for an era where soaps were still popular and not on the endangered species list. 

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I think you might be right about SF's voice being a surprise for KKL.  I liked it because of the relationship between the two women but didn't like the 'slut from the valley' bullshit and the words of wisdom for Brooke.

As a Brooke supporter I should feel this way too; any other time I would be right there with you. But I am giving them a pass because the show has been so heavy with the nostalgia this week, and love it or hate it, that statement is firmly ingrained in the shows history. And it would be just like Stephanie to pull out her old standbys, but it didn't come off as nasty or mean spirited to me. As weird as it sounds, the expression has come to be almost an endearment between Brooke and Stephanie, and I could hear that teasing tone in SF's voice. I miss Susan so much; I hope she is doing well. 

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22 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I really cannot imagine a B&B without Brooke and KKL. Not that I've ever considered myself any kind of dedicated fan of Brooke's, but she's been a dynamic part of the show since forever. Moreso even than Eric.

According to the January 29, 2018 issue of Soap Opera Digest's feature called "Stuff We Know (and shouldn't tell you):

"Get ready for two big and very imminent exits from this soap."

Ideas, anyone?

Edited by SimplePleasures
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As much as I wish it would be TK and JMW, my guess is that one of them will be Darin Brooks. Why? Well, with Katie obviously moving on to Thorne, what's left for Wyatt? There has never been any chem testing between Sally and Wyatt, unless $Bill delegates the Spectra reboot to him Wally takes root.  I can't imagine him even remotely considering getting back together with Steffy. If he did, that would be "box office poison" to the fans. It's pretty clear that Hope has eyes only for Liam.

Honestly, I think DB would do very well in primetime, (nodding to KM's success story) and I think he's had guest roles on a couple of the CBS sitcoms. Frankly, I am surprised he has stuck around B&B as long as he has.

I really can't see KKL leaving permanently. But nobody saw RM's departure. SF's had been hinted at on and off for years and she finally just pulled the trigger (no pun intended.)

Otherwise, I have no idea.

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The wedding ceremony and everyone going on and on about Brooke and Ridge has made me seriously believe KKL and TK are leaving. As others have pointed out there was an awful lot of forever and this is the last time type stuff going on. And honestly, when was the last time they made such a big deal about one of their weddings? I don't know ... even having Susan Flannery show up for a voice over seems like a good bye. The whole week felt weird - even beyond the ridiculousness of everyone acting as though Brooke and Ridge were getting married for the first time.

KKL leaving might also explain why Brooke and Bill were tossed to the side so quickly.

Plus, maybe that's the reason Wyatt suddenly wants a real relationship with Katie and of course Thorne has suddenly discovered her too. Perhaps Katie is going to be moved more front and center when Brooke leaves?

Heck I could totally get behind a Donna/Carter romance too.

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There's no doubt that without KKL/TK's salaries, it could open up the canvas a lot. Though honestly, I'd rather they shipped them off to Paris/Milan/Fargo than kill them off.  No matter who it is, I'm always impressed by how good B&B is at keeping big plot twists under wraps.

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14 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:

According to the January 29, 2018 issue of Soap Opera Digest's feature called "Stuff We Know (and shouldn't tell you):

"Get ready for two big and very imminent exits from this soap."

Ideas, anyone?

It's been a few weeks since this rumor came out, and I think it's been unofficially confirmed that the soap was GH, and that the exits were Genie Francis (which was a shocker) and Ryan Paevey (which was not much of a shocker, since there were rumors Nathan would be killed off for months).  However, there's a new rumor in the Feb. 19 issue of SOD that a once-popular soap family, which hasn't been seen much lately, will be written out, and there's alot of speculation that that relates to either the Avants or the Spectras.  Of course, it doesn't have to be that this rumor relates to B&B, but the Spectras have no story and haven't had one since October, when Sally and Liam kissed.  Since then, Courtney Hope hasn't worked much, and the role of spoiler in Steffy/Liam's marriage seems to belong to Hope.  I was pretty surprised that Liam dismissed Sally's "let me be the one to comfort you" speech, which kinda told me that Sally has no purpose on B&B anymore. 

TK and KKL did a live chat earlier this week, so they're both still working on B&B.  If Bridge are going to be written out, it doesn't seem to have happened yet, and might not be scheduled to happen for awhile.

I think B&B expected the Bill/Steffy ONS to be more popular than it was, which isn't to say that they don't have fans, but I think the public revulsion was more than expected.  I'm not sure where Bill fits in on the canvas, at least romantically, but if B&B isn't going to write for Bill/Steffy, that means Steffy/Liam is still a possibility, and I guess the writers think Hope is the better rival for Liam's love than Sally.   I like Courtney Hope, but unless the writing changes, she'd be better off leaving B&B and finding a better show for her talents.    

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I didn't realize that the rumor wasn't soap specific.  Sigh... that means we're more likely to get the Bridge trouble via their daughters. I wanted so much more for a recast Hope than that. No thanks to another iteration of the ToD. 

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4 hours ago, SingerIslander said:

I like Courtney Hope, but unless the writing changes, she'd be better off leaving B&B and finding a better show for her talents.    

Agreed. And that’s a damn shame for B&B, because FC’s constant internal squabbling amongst themselves and their power plays have grown entirely stale. What little taste of SF this season was infinitely more entertaining than anything related to all the whining from the various Forresters about what they are entitled to....especially when none of them work for anything anymore.

That’s what missing from this show. Even Y&R, clusterfuck as it’s descended into at least a decade ago still sorta has that with most characters having their own unique careers and jobs that occasionally overlap with others. I realized this back with the Room 8 shenanigans, where I realized the Forresters need not be the focus anymore if they could mine into a more current, tangibly feasible way to show off the dynamics of the haves and have-nots. You could still have Forresters designing dresses that Maya would wear to a premiere or that make their way into a gala fundraiser from Liam’s charity...but having it be the forefront? Naw. It today’s society, I don’t think that is really the wisest choice. And frankly, if General Hospital can survive this long as it has without being centered around a hospital at all (minus when one of the mobsters that it now focuses on gets shot at), I think B&B could branch out a bit more and still survive.

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Speaking of not holding Steffy responsible, Ridge needs to take every seat available.  Dragging Brooke to Liam's no-tell motel to show him what 'twu wuv' looks like was such bullshit.  I know Liam is hurting but he needs to grow a spine and tell all of these people to leave him the fuck alone. 

THIS!!! Because For.fuck's.sakes. It's such bullshit that everybody just strolls into his hotel and reads him a riot act married with a full-on guilt trip! He's the only one in this situation that isn't actually culpable, like fuck the fuck off!!! And Steffy (who looks gorgeous btw) can SHUT THE FUCK UP! Goddamnit I've never seen anyone who is so guilty be so fucking self-righteous and entitled, on second thought, I have, I mean I was raised on Sonny Corinthos and Victor Newman but goddamnit does she run a close third. HAAAAAAATE!!! And BTW you're not fighting for your baby, bitch. People co-parent all the fucking time, this isn't 1940, like Steffy can honestly choke on this "for the baby" bullshit. We all know if you ever put anyone before yourself you'd literally trip on them and fall into a hole of despair so just STFU.

Edited by slayer2
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He's the only one in this situation that isn't actually culpable, like fuck the fuck off!!!

But ... But ... HE kissed Sally - totally the same thing as Steffy sleeping with his father!! And Liam took advantage of Sally just like Bill took advantage of Steffy. All equal!

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7 hours ago, slayer2 said:

And BTW you're not fighting for your baby, bitch. People co-parent all the fucking time, this isn't 1940, like Steffy can honestly choke on this "for the baby" bullshit. We all know if you ever put anyone before yourself you'd literally trip on them and fall into a hole of despair so just STFU.

I'm gonna put pins in this entire season and then repost clips for when Steffy steals Baby Swill's boyfriend ten years from now.

Or maybe she'll mistake the BF for whichever Spencer man she's with at Baby Swill's mascarade grad party and fuck him outside the party to another Daddy Yankee song. Then her transformation into Darth Brooke will be complete. ?

But yeah. As soon as she's finished destroying Lally or Lope version whatever the fuck this will be again, you can be sure he or she will be raised by whoever is raising Lizzy these days.

7 hours ago, slayer2 said:

Goddamnit I've never seen anyone who is so guilty be so fucking self-righteous and entitled, on second thought, I have, I mean I was raised on Sonny Corinthos and Victor Newman but goddamnit does she run a close third. HAAAAAAATE!!!

Can't speak on Sonny, but that's an insult to Victor Newman to compare him and Steffy. The dude literally came from nothing and he built his fortune from the ground up. He has done henious things but until Maria Bell began catering to EB's ego, he owed them and didn't give any fucks. And I got that he was an intelligent man, which makes most of his decisions in the last ten years all the more baffling, like his scheme with Patty.

If anything, Steffy deserves comparison to Cane Ashby, an abusive bitch baby who never earned a single financial thing in his bitch baby life and shits over people who he expects to still be there. The only reason I left off the charicature formerly known as Billy Abbott is because Billy is, in fact, a blood Abbott and has that much going for him. :|

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Brooke seems happy but Ridge looks so BORED.


Elsewhere, Wyatt saw Katie kissing Thorney-Claus.



I hope he doesn't beat himself up too badly for telling Katie he wanted a NSA relationship when he actually does want more because I don't think Katie wants anything from him except his penis on speed dial. Now, Thorne is a different story altogether.

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Awwwww, I loved Wyatt and Katie! I also think Wyatt is just adorable. 

I really don’t like Maya her facial expressions are weird, the baby voice and then today she was being a nosy bitch! 

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Maya being coy doesn't work for me. Maya is as subtle as a whisper in a monastery.  Maya just go away and take care of Lizzy. You know the baby you just had to have. 

Cheap ass Ridge. If you want privacy, take Brooke to bridal suite at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.  I think TIIC are trying to make Ridge and Brooke into the modern day Gable/Lombard.  Poor Wyatt, TIIC made him brake up with Katie for no good reason. 

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The Forrester matriarch? I'm thinking Eric and Quinn might have something to say about that though Brooke probably makes the most sense. She'd actually be the matriarch of two families.

Where does Katie live now? That set doesn't look like the Spencer mansion to me. It seems too small.

Thorne looked very 007 in that tux but I wonder how many days they'll make him wear it. He'll probably sleep in it, wear it to breakfast, and then wear it to the office.

Dang, KKL looked amazing in that merry widow corset. But ugh, I did not need to see Brooke bed wrestling with a manatee. (Sorry, TK. Age catches up with us all, huh?) And ew, why would anyone try to summon the ghost of their MIL to their wedding night bed?

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I truly do hope that today was the last day we had to see Brooke and Ridge in bed. Please never again. That was just sickening. Not sexy, not loving, not erotic just sickening. As much as I’d miss KKL, I wouldn’t be sad if B & R moved to Paris, Milan or Thailand and just sent texts or emails to stay in touch. So done with this sad couple.

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Maya being coy doesn't work for me.

Not at all mainly because that actress cannot act. But showing her in a discussion with Thorne? After what she did to his daughter? No thanks. Honestly I thought that was worse than watching KKL and TK rolling around in bed.

Ah Wyatt! No, he didn't make me cry ... Katie either ... there's dust in my living room ... that's it ... dust! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! I do like Katie and Wyatt and I hope this isn't the end of them. Though I sort of like her with Thorne too. I never thought I'd see Katie with 2 potential suitors at once!

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I thought Maya and Thorne were sweet. No one ever gives Thorne an ear so it was nice. I too am reveling at Katie in the middle of a potential triangle. GO TO IT SHOW!!! Let HT give us her best, for it truly is the work of an acting phenom!

Edited by slayer2
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I don’t want to see Katie with Thorne. There’s no heat there. She and Wyatt just need to be honest with each other and admit that they love each other. One of them needs to give in. They were both so glutted when they said goodbye when neither one of them wanted to do it. I think they’re adorable together and need to explore this relationship. Thorne just leaves me cold. Not sure why he was even brought back. He’s just “Meh” to me. Hook him up with someone new. And Maya? Mind you own damn business and go tend to that child we never see anymore.

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