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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Katie had the same when she claimed that RJ needed both Brooke and Ridge, while Bridget should be with Nick.  Too bad, old girl had designs on Nick herself, evidenced by her awkwardly showing up to play basketball one day and a sudden love for hot wings.  Supposedly, nothing said "connection to Nick" like basketball and hot wings!

Don't forget pistachios!

  • Love 3

What I really want is an epic confrontation, on par with Katie/Brooke/Bill last year, between Liam/Hope/Wyatt.  I do want Liam to take responsibility for his part while fully acknowledging that both Wyatt and Hope are garbage.  I don't even care about this triangle, but I know that my reaction would border more along the "rage" spectrum than the "sad sack packing up pictures" one.


It would be one thing if we saw Hope coming to the realization that she didn't actually forgive Liam for all of his stunts, but she didn't want to admit that to herself so she dug in even deeper with their whole "true love" scenario, coupled with the fact that she didn't want to see herself as Liam, being able to be swayed by one person while committed to another, but we haven't.  She just looks like some brain dead idiot who gazes moronically at whoever is currently blowing smoke up her butt, obsessed with getting married.


Wyatt, on the other hand, has always been an asshole.  Don't know why Liam put so much stock in to the fact that Wyatt saved his life.  That's what non-psychotic people do.  You can still be a conniving weasel and not want to have people killed.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 11

I'm just about done with this show.  There was a glimmer of hope with the whole Dubai storyline, but now, it's nothing but same old, same old.  And I cannot believe Hope.  Liam shows up two minutes late and Ms Hot Cooter runs off with Foghorn Leghorn and gets married?  It's just insane.  And I'm getting tired of Quinn and all the crap she pulls.  Yes, Stephanie was manipulative when it came to Brooke and Ridge, but Quinn is too over the top.  And, this show needs new characters as it's becoming too close to incest.

  • Love 8

Hey Bold and Beautiful Writers: ENOUGH with the stupid Hope and Liam montages. It's too fucking much!

How's about stopping ALL the montages? There was a point last year when Brill were still new where we couldn't go a single episode w/o flashing back to their Balloon Ride of Luv . Lope's flashbacks are like those, but with fewer happy moments.

And Bill? Liam is a grown man and has every right to confront Dope about her "marriage."

Heh. I'm surprised that $Bill didn't immediately start with the Steffy worship.

Soooooooooo, not having seen the episode yet, I guess this means Bill is okay with Wype? I thought his big beef with Hope was that she was a wet blanket that didn't have fun and spontaneity like Steffy had...so how does that make her a good match for Wyatt, who is far more like Bill than Liam is? The irony of that is now that Bill apparently doesn't care, Hope has proven his every criticism right with this stunt.

  • Love 1

What I really want is an epic confrontation, on par with Katie/Brooke/Bill last year, between Liam/Hope/Wyatt.  I do want Liam to take responsibility for his part while fully acknowledging that both Wyatt and Hope are garbage.  I don't even care about this triangle, but I know that my reaction would border more along the "rage" spectrum than the "sad sack packing up pictures" one.


It would be one thing if we saw Hope coming to the realization that she didn't actually forgive Liam for all of his stunts, but she didn't want to admit that to herself so she dug in even deeper with their whole "true love" scenario, coupled with the fact that she didn't want to see herself as Liam, being able to be swayed by one person while committed to another, but we haven't.  She just looks like some brain dead idiot who gazes moronically at whoever is currently blowing smoke up her butt, obsessed with getting married.


Wyatt, on the other hand, has always been an asshole.  Don't know why Liam put so much stock in to the fact that Wyatt saved his life.  That's what non-psychotic people do.  You can still be a conniving weasel and not want to have people killed.


I would fall to the floor in a dead faint if some man (other than Bill, of course) told Hope to her face that she was garbage.  Said it, actually meant it and didn't walk it back because her little feelings got hurt.


I also suspect that Hope hasn't really forgiven Lame.  Like her mother before her, Hope has so much emotionally invested in her "destiny" that it would kill her to admit that this relationship was a dysfunctional mess.  She has to prove to herself and everyone else that Lame is the man she was destined to be with especially since she did most of the heavy lifting and crying.  The more others interfered the more Hope had to prove.  That's why I previously observed that had Stephanie simply butt out and hadn't pushed so aggressively to destroy Bridge, the relationship would have died a natural death years ago. But, Brooke pushed back just as aggressively to prove that Ridge loved her and she desperately wanted to be accepted by the woman who reviled her.


That's why all of this is karma for Lame especially if he has to suck it up and form his lips to congratulate Hope and Wynutt--just like Hope was told to do by Ridge when his daughter and Lame got married.

  • Love 2

I would fall to the floor in a dead faint if some man (other than Bill, of course) told Hope to her face that she was garbage.


Someone call Hope garbage!?  Never happen.  She's Hope of Los Angeles, patron saint of vanilla, mayonnaise and cream cheese; Golden Child; breaker of Spencer hearts; Goddess with no discernible talents or skills.


I'm FFing through most of this right now, if a scene doesn't have Bill, Brooke, Aly or Quinn, I'm out.

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 6

How's about stopping ALL the montages? There was a point last year when Brill were still new where we couldn't go a single episode w/o flashing back to their Balloon Ride of Luv . Lope's flashbacks are like those, but with fewer happy moments.

Heh. I'm surprised that $Bill didn't immediately start with the Steffy worship.

Soooooooooo, not having seen the episode yet, I guess this means Bill is okay with Wype? I thought his big beef with Hope was that she was a wet blanket that didn't have fun and spontaneity like Steffy had...so how does that make her a good match for Wyatt, who is far more like Bill than Liam is? The irony of that is now that Bill apparently doesn't care, Hope has proven his every criticism right with this stunt.



I would think she'd proved his criticism wrong with this stunt. Marrying Wyatt was pretty damn spontaneous, it was a direct copy of the Jacks and Brenda yacht wedding right down to being stood up by Sonny but hey, that's when soaps were good so I'm not complaining. 


I thought the wedding was cute right down to the captains waving and screaming at them that they were married. I'm just happy to see Liam lose because that little shit has gotten on my nerves since he started the whole "Taylor vs Brooke" "Betty vs Veronica" "Round 2" nonsense in the first place. On a superficial level, if a guy is going to try that shit for three years straight on a soap opera then he needs to be Adam Gregory levels of hot and Scott Clifton doesn't do it for me at.all. Maybe if they could recast him with Brandon Barash or something.  

Hey speaking of Jacks, anyway we can get Ingo Rademacher on the show? I mean he could be a resurrected Storm (I hated that suicide storyline) or some other long lost Logan.....

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 1

How's about stopping ALL the montages? There was a point last year when Brill were still new where we couldn't go a single episode w/o flashing back to their Balloon Ride of Luv . Lope's flashbacks are like those, but with fewer happy moments.


Stop the montages ? Then the writers would have to write actual..... scenes...... with lines..... and plots. That would be madness! ;)


Wyatt, on the other hand, has always been an asshole.  

All the effort I put into expressing my feelings about chickenhead can be summed up in this one statement.


Foghorn Leghorn 

Brilliant! I can hear the voice now  " I say, I say, I say we must get married now."


It looked to me that while Liam was packing the pictures up he left a picture of him an Wyatt on the mantle, I couldn't go back and check but that wouldn't make sense.*


So I see chickenhead even inserts himself into Liam's montages.


*make sense, who am I kidding?

  • Love 5

Usually I'm okay with a montage here or there on any show but even this newbie says enough already.  Or at least find some less drippy music for them.  :-)


Obviously I came in at an inopportune moment because Hope acting like the typical bride on the honeymoon is baffling.  So Liam is the guy she's been on and off with for 3 years but the brother is the one she married with barely a backward glance?  


I don't remember if SK ever interacted with RS on GH but they do make quite a pair of schemers.  I could be on board with it if she hadn't killed a guy to get a diamond for her son.  (I'm assuming she did it.  Did she?)

  • Love 2

Montage-A- Pallooza!  All that was missing was a flashback of Quinn and Deacon meeting in a bar, and talking over the Bubblin' Cauldron.  Hell they could flash back to what happened yesterday, as they often do.  With some specially recorded sinister but still sappy music playing in the background.

Gotta loce $Bill telling Liam what he is NOT gonna do.  Go ahead, get lit up drunk Liam and tell Hope that since she was OBVIOUSLY never really in love with you as much as she's in love with herself that you hope she's happy with the choice she made.  I hope they're not crazy enough to invite Aly. although I'm sure someone will.  And I hope she has an Epic EPIC meltdown at HOPE.  Because that dimwitted Princess deserves to get SOMEone's wrath.  It can't be 100% ego stroking lollipops and unicorns ALL the time, can it?  Can there be one person on the canvas who just Can't. Stand. Hope?

  • Love 7

After weeks of mind numbing monotony, we get a show with a little spark. Quinn and Deacon were great; I can't imagine trying to have a serious conversation with someone who is not only brandishing a weapon at me, but carelessly swinging it about. What I noticed is all it takes is Brooke's name to end Deacon's tirades, it is like a hypnotist's secret word with his subject; once Quinn said "Brooke" Deacon calmed down and became quite malleable in Quinn's hands. So, they will become fellow schemers to get the girl and guy? Breaking up Bill and Brooke, not that they are actually together now, does not guarantee either will come running to Quinn or Deacon.


That yacht is beautiful! Oh, Hope and Wyatt were there? I felt like I was getting chewed up by gnats.


Bill can be a bitch, but he was talking sense to Liam. Can we all pray together now, that we will not be hearing, "We were robbed!", anytime in the near future?


Foghorn Leghorn


" I say, I say, I say we must get married now."



Oh, dear Lord, I just can't........


If Wyatt were to have popped out with that long ago, I would have given him my unwavering support.

  • Love 4

Hey kids....I'm still a relative newbie here (2 mos give or take).  I don't know all the background of Hope/Liam/Wyatt but the fact she married Wyatt in a heartbeat tells me she didn't love Liam at all.  She seems to show no remorse or a "OMG...what have I done?" moment.  How long before she runs back to Liam and everyone blames him for breaking up Hope/Wyatt?  Sounds like a lather, rinse, repeat SL.


I'm loving Quinn in all her nuttiness and she and Deacon work so well together.  I'm glad SK is finally getting some good material.  What they did to him over at GH was a crime....make that a 1st degree felony.  I could see the two of them teaming up and wreaking havoc all over town.


 Question....who is Liam's mother?

  • Love 4

How long before she runs back to Liam and everyone blames him for breaking up Hope/Wyatt?  Sounds like a lather, rinse, repeat SL.


None of the characters care about Wyatt except for his mother (and maybe Bill), while people actually like Liam.  If Hope and Wyatt break up, most people will be actively happy, a couple of people "only want Hope's happiness" so it won't matter to them either way, and Quinn will try to kill him.

  • Love 3

When Liam was de-Hope-ing his apartment I couldn't help notice he had an awful lot of framed photos for a young straight guy.

Lol This is what I love about Liam. He's a beta male through and through. He needs a nice, warm, loving home as opposed to a bachelor pad. It's a nice contrast with Wyatt who's a total alpha type. Liam will make a great dad one day but he's not a convincing romantic lead for me. Say what you will about Wyatt but he gets ish done when it comes to knowing when to pounce on Hope. No hesitation.

She seems to show no remorse or a "OMG...what have I done?" moment.

This is Hope in a nutshell. She's not a 3-dimensional character like others on the show. She's a princess. Wyatt shows up, Liam didn't, so Wyatt gets to keep her. She genuinely believes Liam ditched her which imo illustrates how little she thinks of Liam.

I loved Bill and Liam's scenes. I wish we could get one of those every day. Just a random scene of Bill yelling at Liam telling him to get himself together. Love that alpha Bill got stuck with a soft son like Liam. They are really great together.

Oh and I love Liam when he's not with Hope. Even though he's currently the Liam of Infinite Sadness *silent cross* he's so much more tolerable for me when he's away from her.

  • Love 7


I loved Bill and Liam's scenes. I wish we could get one of those every day. Just a random scene of Bill yelling at Liam telling him to get himself together. Love that alpha Bill got stuck with a soft son like Liam. They are really great together.

Oh and I love Liam when he's not with Hope. Even though he's currently the Liam of Infinite Sadness™ *silent cross* he's so much more tolerable for me when he's away from her.



Agreed! Liam is so very Thorne, it's a shame they don't undo that and make him Thorne's son. Then Aly would have a good reason for her Liam worship, he'd be her brother.

  • Love 2

When Quinn grabbed the crumpled papers from Ridge's trashcan all I could think of was the ending scenes of the video for "Take On Me" If they'd been playing that song in the background while she smoothed them out for her and Deacon's perusal, I would have dropped my own self out of a helicopter that would've been so sweet.

I had the sound way down for most of the show, when I realized...hey No Hope and her paramour of the Day.  So I turned up the sound and they were all ...Talking about Hope!  Ugh.

Can't wait for this "Thanks for inviting us, your loving family to your wedding.  Here's a gravy boat" party

  • Love 4

None of the characters care about Wyatt except for his mother (and maybe Bill), while people actually like Liam.  If Hope and Wyatt break up, most people will be actively happy, a couple of people "only want Hope's happiness" so it won't matter to them either way, and Quinn will try to kill him.

I find this odd considering how he boomeranged between daughters of the famous families on this show.  But I notice that other male soap characters are also seen as "good guys" despite doing the same thing like Ridge and Nick Newman.  Characters (like Wyatt) that would stay faithful to 1 woman, but run afoul of the law are seen a despicable and contemptible. 

  • Love 4

Nasir Jones, with all the pissing matches Ridge has been in with every one of his male relatives and just about every male character besides maybe CJ, you'd think he'd have an axe to grind with Liam (hypocrisy notwithstanding) for whay he's done with his daughters. But nope. He had far more ire when Rick dated Phoebe and he never even had sex with her nor used other women to get her attention because she didn't put out.

  • Love 2

I had the sound way down for most of the show, when I realized...hey No Hope and her paramour of the Day. So I turned up the sound and they were all ...Talking about Hope! Ugh.

Can't wait for this "Thanks for inviting us, your loving family to your wedding. Here's a gravy boat" party

Anyone here ever watch "Secret Life of the American Teenager"? This show is exactly like that these days with everyone all having the same circular discussion on the same topic for episodes on end.

Nasir Jones, with all the pissing matches Ridge has been in with every one of his male relatives and just about every male character besides maybe CJ, you'd think he'd have an axe to grind with Liam (hypocrisy notwithstanding) for whay he's done with his daughters. But nope. He had far more ire when Rick dated Phoebe and he never even had sex with her nor used other women to get her attention because she didn't put out.


Welllll...although Ridge didn't realize it at the time, he was competing with poor CJ in a roundabout way.  Here, CJ thought he might have a chance at romance with Bridget only for her to gush about how wonderful kissing Ridge was.  I believe she described it as "the 4th of July--times 10!"  I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


I've always found it remarkable that Ridge really had no male friends to speak of.  Every man was set up to be his rival and was found lacking in some way as a result.  Oh, I forgot about Carter.  Or, will that change if Myrnah the Human Burner (who is quite thirsty) decides to cast glances Ridge's way when she strikes out with Rick?

  • Love 2
I need to get some things off my chest. I like Wyatt, and I think Hope seems like an actual sexual being when she's with him. I totally dug the wedding. My family members that watch this with me are all cuckoo banana-pants for Liam. I find him to be a total emo dipshit who would turn blue and pass out if breathing was something he had to decide to do. Friggin' waffle.
I agree completely.  I can't stand Liam, I can't believe that this scrawny wimp with his pathetic "I'm trying to grow facial hair" beard is who they are passing off as one of the show's lead actors.


I liked the wedding.  I liked the use of the location shoot.  Way way way better than when Thomas and Hope and Steffy and Liam went to Cabo San Lucas.  That entire shoot was one big commercial for the resort, presumably in exchange for the show's free use.  "We have live music every day, and a delicious variety of gourmet foods available in each of our five dining establishments.  Is there anything else I can tell you about the resort Mr. Forrester?"


I liked the yacht even better.  That yacht is amazing.  It has a glass tube elevator?  First off, an elevator?  On a yacht?!  Way cool.  But the fact that it was this clear tube, and Hope suddenly rose from the floor in a smooth and seamless motion?  Very much reminded me of the Jetsons.  So awesome.


The one thing about the yacht I don't understand are the hot tubs.  What is the purpose of the clear windows on the sides?  So someone can sit naked in them while someone else looks at them sitting naked?  I don't fully get it.

  • Love 4

Props to Ridge; he called Quinn sketchy. Best description of her so far.


Katie was perfectly dressed as the Keeper of the Ogre. How many ways can you say ugly? How many ways can you say not butt friendly? Christmas in August? Red ribbon....green dress.


Katie is acting concerned and upset with Ridge's predcament, but her statements say something else, "It doesn't define you", "stop worrying, there is no rush".  I think Katie is pleased as punch that Ridge has lost his "gift".


Who the hell's office is that anyway? Didn't Pam answer the phone, "Ridge Forrester's office?". Last week it was Rick's. The week before that if was Eric's. Sometimes it is the Communal and Random Meeting Room. So fucking confusing. Whatever.


Does Quinn actually think her performance today convinced anyone that she is on the road to good mental health?


So is Quinn going to show Brooke the stick figures to get her feeling sorry for Ridge? I'm not so sure who that will piss off more; Bill or Katie. Seeing that Ridge hasn't cemented the deal, and doesn't look in too much of a hurry to get Katie to the alter, I would suspect she won't be too happy with a concerned Brooke hovering around Ridge.


Ridge is going to start worrying if Brooke is going to forgive Bill and take him back? That made Katie pull out her Lemonheads and start sucking away.


Katie can't be bothered with Brooke's decision regarding Bill, she is too superior to worry about Brooke's base desires, and need for a man. She has Ridge now, the man who has never done a bad, mean or underhanded thing. Not ever.


It was a hopeless day today. And it was great.

  • Love 5

Hey kids....I'm still a relative newbie here  

How long before she runs back to Liam and everyone blames him for breaking up Hope/Wyatt?  Sounds like a lather, rinse, repeat SL.


You don't sound like a newbie to me.



Agreed that Bill/Liam have an awesome vibe together. It's the only time I don't entirely hate Liam.

Also one of the few times I don't hate Bill.



Characters (like Wyatt) that would stay faithful to 1 woman, but run afoul of the law are seen a despicable and contemptible.

Perhaps it's the "run afoul of the law part". ;)


Katie needs to forget this idiocy and hook up with Liam.

I'm still holding out for Quinn and Liam.


The one thing about the yacht I don't understand are the hot tubs.  What is the purpose of the clear windows on the sides?  So someone can sit naked in them while someone else looks at them sitting naked?  I don't fully get it.

This amuses me so much, thank you.


Wyatt needs to cut the apron strings before I'll call him an alpha.


Hooray for no Mr and Mrs Chickenhead today!

  • Love 4

I'm just not understanding this whole "I can't draw anymore" from Ridge.  In the scheme of things, it makes no sense, UNLESS this isn't really Ridge, but a doppleganger, ala Mariah/Cassie on Y&R.  Yeah, I know he had some head injury, but I'm just not getting the reasoning behind why they're doing this to Ridge. 

  • Love 2
I'm still holding out for Quinn and Liam.



Oh yeah, I'm still holding out for that, too.  (It would be amazing if he followed up the de-Hopeing of his house with a drunken night at the bar where he encounters Quinn and ends up having a drunken wild night of sex that rivals that Bill/Quinn hook-up).  But since I doubt we'd get them long term, if we get them at all, I'm all for Katie/Liam after he gets his Quinn sex. 

  • Love 3

In the scheme of things, it makes no sense, UNLESS this isn't really Ridge, but a doppleganger, ala Mariah/Cassie on Y&R.  Yeah, I know he had some head injury, but I'm just not getting the reasoning behind why they're doing this to Ridge. 

What if Ridge gets Todd Manning'd? For all Ronn Moss's bluster and butthurt about the recast, I totally think he'd come back under the right circumstances, ie unemployment running out.

I'm still holding out for Quinn and Liam.

How about they have a ONS, then he bangs Katie. Then Quinn gets jealous and long story shory, Katie gets a real reason for a heart attack.

Everyone wins!

  • Love 4

Put me down as holding out for Quinn and Liam as well.


They have far more chemistry than he ever had with either KM or JMW and it must be a refreshing change for SC, who I think is actually a pretty decent actor, to spar with someone away from the kiddie pool. In those scenes at his house (before ChickenHead - LOL LOVE that nickname! - showed up), I expected them to start going at it any moment.


Wouldn't that just blow Princess Hope's pea brain?

  • Love 4

I'm just not understanding this whole "I can't draw anymore" from Ridge.  In the scheme of things, it makes no sense, UNLESS this isn't really Ridge, but a doppleganger, ala Mariah/Cassie on Y&R.  Yeah, I know he had some head injury, but I'm just not getting the reasoning behind why they're doing this to Ridge. 


It's all such plot-driven bullshit.  Evidently, in their haste to make the Ogre look sympathetic, Brad & Co. forgot that this same creep morphed into Ridge Forrester, International Man and had the mental and physical faculties to fly a helicopter and engage in other malicious, dangerous and reckless acts to punish Bill and permanently break up Brill.  Yet, two weeks later we're back to "poor, poor Ridge!" again.  It really tugs at your heartstrings, doesn't it? Spare me.


I also find it interesting that while in Paris, this jackass was so busy reading "pomes," attending gay pride parades and learning to fly helicopters.  Yet, he didn't have two fucks to give about his mother's illness and subsequent death.  The writers still haven't explained why Ridge couldn't spare a few minutes to go online and purchase a first-class ticket to Los Angeles to attend his mother's farewell Irish jig or her memorial service.   Heck, I'm sure that if he wanted to use the Forrester jet to fly home, Eric would have had no objection.  Nor, does it make sense that Ridge acts as if his marriage to Taylor never happened and that they have two living children.  Instead, it's been all about pissing on Brooke and Bill's parade, with the added bonus of his keeper playing helicopter mom and stroking his bruised ego.

  • Love 8

Speaking of Taylor, I got a taste of how redundant she really would be on this show when I accidentally downloaded the aftermath of failed wedding #3 and her running to Steffy's place to let her know the wedding was off with crazy eyes that reminded me of Sharon Newman. Being a sci fi nerd, I was put in mind of that Star Trek: Voyager episode where the half-Klingon engineer's DNA got split to create two new people...a full human and a full Klingon. Well, if that happened to Taylor, you'd get Katie the martyr and Quinnsane, who is as meddlesome as Stephanie but lacking character depth and a slightly more functional moral compass.

  • Love 5

But why on earth should she think well of Liam? This is the same stupid little shit that ricocheted of Steffy for almost 3 years whenever the need suited him. If she thought well of him she'd be a fucking moron.

I assume you're talking about Katie here?

And since when has that stopped anyone on this show? Katie knew what Nick was and she still was willing to set sail onboard USS Wife Hopper. After the Dare campaign rant, I never expected Bill and Brooke to have a civil conversation let alone bang literally 4 minutes after Katie left Bill. I need not comment on the blessedly short lived Steffy/Rick or Ridge/Bridget.

Since this show continues with not making sense, at least I wish they'd find ways to be entertaining in its nonsense. Liam dating a woman and not two girls fighting over a Ken doll would be far more interesting than failed Lope wedding number 8.

Anyone want to bet that Ridge is going to end up suing Bill for loss of livelihood or something similar? Maybe if he can create a big enough scandal, Brooke will decide--temporarily of course--to back away from Bill for RJ's sake. Bonus points if he gets Brooke subpoenaed to testify against Bill.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu

I like how Katie and Ridge were out in a public place practically screaming at each other that no one can find out that Ridge can't draw. I wish Ridge would say, This is like that time Deacon kicked me in the head and I cut my hand.


Quinn is a master of disguise.


Nice to see the Liamettes trying to raise his spirits.


Sounds like my chickenhead free diet ends tomorrow.

  • Love 5


Sounds like my chickenhead free diet ends tomorrow.

LMAO! Chickenhead will never not be funny. I can't wait to see the look on her stupid face when she finds out Liam did show up. Idiot! Turning off her cell? What if Liam's plane had crashed and he died? What about all the manipulations that stopped them before? Or traffic...None of these occurred to her? Can't really blame her though. The blame is on the lazy writers who rely on montages instead of writing actual dialog for a 30 minute show.

  • Love 4


LMAO! Chickenhead will never not be funny.

As much as I like Wyatt, I still love Chickenhead. Chickenhead and the Liam of Infinite Sadness - two brothers, two great nicknames.



I think Katie is pleased as punch that Ridge has lost his "gift".

Totally. She probably thinks it will deepen their non-existant bond or something. And seriously, how long could a top fashion designer cover up the fact that he can't  draw anything but games of hangman? 

  • Love 4

So, we are going to have another almost Brooke/Bill wedding? Based on the fact that Ridge can't draw. Well, I call bullshit. That was not the agreement between B/B, which was that Bill would not do anything in the future. And once again, Ridge won't take responsibility for what is going on, because he wants to make this all about Bill. Did Bill ask Ridge to show up in Abu Dhabi? Did Bill ask Ridge to interfere in his marriage/relationship with Brooke? I have no recollection of that at all, but I do remember quite clearly, Ridge's need to interject himself into yet another of Brooke's romances. And now, due to bulldozing his way into a situation where he didn't belong, he finds himself unable to draw. Here's an idea Ridge, stop bellyaching and seek out some professional help.


Katie looked a little put out yesterday. I don't think her fairytale is going as she planned. No talk of wedding plans, no talk about anything but Bill and Brooke. If it were me, I would have thrown in the ribbon long ago.


How does Liam do it? What is it about this guy that draws females to him? I am just so over Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb chirping his praises, and encouraging his delusions. How could Hope just go and marry Wyatt the same day? I don't know pal; how could you put Hope's engagement ring on Steffy's finger five minutes after taking it off Hope's and marry her straightaway? How could you waffle between these two girls for years? At least Hope make a fucking decision and went with it.


I am still trying to figure out how Quinn has gotten Deacon under her spell, because boy howdy, he is sure on board now. Like I said earlier; all Quinn had to do was say "Broooooooke" and Deacon went into a malleable and trance like state. Doesn't he get that his interference in Brooke's happiness will not sit well with Hope? How do they propose to get this information out without anyone knowing where it came from? If Deacon tells Brooke, then she will want to know how he got it, and I don't really see him telling her he is in cahoots with Quinn; particularly after her unannounced appearance at Forrester. I feel a dumbing down coming on.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 4

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