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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Other yuck is Steffy and that awful hair, all she needs is a basket of fruit on top of her head to complete the look!

I can't figure out which looks worse, this or that choppy cut she had for her motorcycle boot Aspen wedding. 


When I first started watching again after a long hiatus, I thought Caroline was so cute and quirky, a real breath of fresh air. But with more viewing, she really kind of annoys me. Stop with the twitching and face pulling and brush your dang hair already.

And she and Ridge will never not be squicky IMO.

I'm not crazy about Caroline either. I used to really like her, now I "nothing" her.  What IS up with that deranged Swiss Miss braid thing she's had going on?  Couldn't agree more about her & Ridge.  I can't wait until Ridge finds out she kept the Steffy secret from him so they could be over.


Also...poor Bob Hope must roll over in his grave every time those two twits mention him.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 5

Ya know, I wish Caroline and Ridge could break up for reasons not related to this Aly blackmail idiocy. The baby thing is more than reason enough to drive a wedge between the two given the age difference and the fact that Ridge has four kids of his own and raised Rick and Bridget well before that. That, or acknowledge that unlike his previous relationships, Caroline is also a designer and have friction over her designs taking off better than his....this is The Great Egotistical Ridge Forrester we're talking about. He doesn't take kindly to being upstaged.

Instead, we're in for more secrets and Caroline cheating on a significant other yet again. Yay.

  • Love 6

Yeah, blackmail is the FC way but in none of those instances was anyone going to jail if they didn't agree to the deal. Ivy has taken it to the next level.

Yes, but this is Steffy we are talking about and the entitled Brats Doll would probably not go to jail. It would just be a fitting humiliation of a trial or at least an interrogation. At this point she is not as bad as Rick and Maya, but by becoming lead model, as well as all her other jobs, she just might make their level. Beside, it would just be a hoot to watch Liam's dumb looks and speeches.

  • Love 2

Meanwhile, Aly must be spinning in her grave at the way her name keeps being taken in vain and used to justify blackmail.

I don't know about that...even with her mental challenges, Aly condoned worse than blackmail through her own behavior. In fact, as Ivy told Wyatt that Aly would tell them to do whatever it takes to win I thought - really? You're going to use what unbalanced Aly would say as justification for your behavior? I guess whatever gets you through the day...

  • Love 5

So is Ivy's mother coming to town?

Speaking of this, was it ever confirmed who Ivy's mother was? The long forgotten Jessica Forrester has been assumed to be her half sister (I think her dad is John as well), but we never knew if John married an Aussie or if Ivy was born to Americans and happened to be raised there.
  • Love 1

So yeah--I am a TK fan back to the beginning but that does not mean that I am not aware of the problem with the character of Rigid ( and I had little use for Ronnnn Moss) but still---it is an ill fit and still I like TK---all the old Stephanie baggage (and I was here off an on for a fair amount) to me are someone else---likewise I was not here for the beginning of the Caroline romance but at this moment I find her to be...not much and not here for the long haul especially if the likes of the blouse wearer can turn her head etc---sigh---I find myself wishing TK was with an equal as he has been on other shows---she could be it but I am not seeing any signs of it---poo--the actress who plays Quinn is the one who is up to the challenge but she is with Deacon and I am not ready to dump that either---seriously why are so many of these characters so D.U.M.B.----and yet it is still better than Y&R but that is not saying much---

  • Love 6

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT!  Great critique, you sound like a professional with this stuff! 


I had the good fortune to work with a female mentor at my first job out of college. I was dressing like a college student, and she was an entertainment reporter that had worked in media for many years. She was a polished, very stylish woman (think Lauren Bacall with brunette hair), and I was in awe of how effortless she looked. She explained to me how clothing can work and accentuate your body type, with lessons on tailoring and fit. She had covered NY and European fashion shows as a  print reporter, and had a very sharp eye for trend and transitory vs classic and universal design.


She taught me a lot and I am grateful for her patience. We are good friends to this day.

  • Love 7

I had the good fortune to work with a female mentor at my first job out of college. I was dressing like a college student, and she was an entertainment reporter that had worked in media for many years. She was a polished, very stylish woman (think Lauren Bacall with brunette hair), and I was in awe of how effortless she looked. She explained to me how clothing can work and accentuate your body type, with lessons on tailoring and fit. She had covered NY and European fashion shows as a  print reporter, and had a very sharp eye for trend and transitory vs classic and universal design.


She taught me a lot and I am grateful for her patience. We are good friends to this day.


I love talking about the fashion (or lack of) more than the plot lines these days on both B&B and Y&R!  Keep the fashion posts coming!!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 2

I didn't get much out of today's show. Thomas and Brooke would make a fine couple, as they're both transparent, pathetic shit-stirrers.

That's all.

Who the F... Is Brooke to give anyone advise about anything. Brooke would have kept the baby but it's not ok for Ridge to think about having a baby with Caroline? Also, why in the world would make Thomas think that Caroline would choose him even if she broke up with Ridge. Does he think He is Devon, of Y&R, where he can "long dick" his father. I think that Ridge could accept Caroline breaking up, with him, for a family, but I don't think Ridge would accept Caroline/Thomas without any consequences.

Sometimes I get the feeling that B&B used cookie cutter scripts where they just fill in different names to the same dialogue. There doesn't feel any effort is put in to the writing and they are only there for a paycheck. I could also say this by some of the actors.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 9

I swear if Caroline would stick out her tongue while standing sideways, she could be mistaken for a zipper.  She's stick thin.  I'm surprised she's able to wear the stiletto heals already, knowing her broken ankles might still be tender.


Does anyone know where I can find a job like those at FC?  No one ever seems to work, as they are all busy flirting, knocking boots, eating or working out.  That's some nice company perks.  

  • Love 7

Brooke, when she's around, has stopped wearing tucked floaty shirts and skinny jeans (not an attractive silhouette on her). Her office wear has stepped up considerably to fitted dresses in rich colors, with expensive accessories. That has been a huge improvement.


Cupid Stunt - thought of your post as I watched today's show because once again, Brooke had on the outfit you described above  --floral shirt tucked into a very ill-fitting pair of pants. I could not believe how unflattering the whole get-up was. Doesn't anyone look at her before they send her onstage? UGH !!!  That outfit, coupled with her smug, squinty, know-it-all attitude made me cringe. Could not bear the sight of her. 

  • Love 6

Caroline's squeaky cutesy voice is getting to me!  I noticed today the actor playing Thomas was almost mimicking her style which goes to the point of him needing to work with experience actresses!  She does look awkward walking in those high heels coming so soon off two badly broken ankles plus the dress style was making her shorten her steps to walk.  Her body type is PEAR, skinny top with no stomach and larger hips and butt.  


Yep Brooke was back to same old floral print type blousey top tucked into man pants with a hip belt.  She has a great figure, show it off in those beautiful dresses that are all the rage and so flattering on the CBS daytime ladies!  They could also class her up with a new hairstyle instead of the ingenue look.    

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 3

Begging to differ, I thought Caroline looked fine and I'd hardly call her figure pear-shaped. IMO, if anyone on the show is pear-shaped it's Maya. The thing is though, probably not many women can pull off a tight-fitting dress like that in a relatively thin white fabric. It's a very unforgiving look. At least with wedding gowns there's usually some kind of decorative business to distract the eye. (Plus Spanx.)

  • Love 1

I liked Brooke today. She was right...if Ridge loves Caroline, he does need to consider what she wants, it can't be all about him.

For Ridge, you may as well ask him not to breathe. He may be played by a competent actor now, but he's still Ridge "Golden Child" Forrester.

Thomas taking Caroline from Ridge will be wonderful. Not because I ship it, but seeing Ridge's face being cracked will be worth it for his long, storied history--Caroline 1.0, Brooke (from Eric, Thorne AND Nick) and while Taylor may have woke up in love with Ridge with Rick, I doubt he did THAT much to discourage her. Hilarious.

  • Love 2

Sure, Ridge ought to consider what Caroline wants and Caroline ought to consider that Ridge is old enough to be a grandfather. And would likely be happier about being a grandfather than having a new baby. Which isn't to say he'd be thrilled about that. I do like them together but unlike Caroline I didn't/don't expect it to be a forever love. Having a romance with an older man is exciting and many other tasty adjectives but marrying an older man is a tad more problematic, IRL. There has got be at least a twenty year age difference there and it's not something to hand-wave away, IMO. Not to say this never works but it is a challenge.

  • Love 8

First, I loved CupidStunt's fashion commentary. Spot on!  I noticed how poorly Brooke's clothes fit her. It makes me wonder if the stylists are trying to still "frump-up" KKL to contrast Brooke's age against Caroline's.


I just caught Friday's show and wondered if there was any significance to Caroline putting the bottle of Pam's anti-anxiety medication in her purse? Or was that just a WTF ploy to introduce the photo of Caroline's friend's baby? If it didn't mean anything, then why did the camera linger on the bottle label? Are we in store for another drug addiction SL? If so, at least choose a new script to abuse. Hope already did the Xanax.


It's an unspoken commentary when I was actually happy to see Zende and Nicole instead of the latest QoD.

  • Love 3

It makes me wonder if the stylists are trying to still "frump-up" KKL to contrast Brooke's age against Caroline's.

Why bother, when KKL and TK barely share scenes anymore? At this point, he's had more screentime with Katie.

Back when Brooke was "stealing" Eric away from Stephanie, they were both allowed to wear fashionable, flattering clothing. No stupid customize tricks were needed to help Brooke be root able because back then, characters also had this thing called development and fans were assumed to have brains to figure out for themselves what to take from a story.

All that aside,KKL does look more puffy than I ever remember, even from the early days where she had some baby fat on her cheeks. Does it relate to why she's had so much time off lately?

  • Love 1

I liked Brooke today.  She was right...if Ridge loves Caroline, he does need to consider what she wants, it can't be all about him.

She's full of shit because when he said, yes, i should put her needs first and reconsider this baby thing, Brooke got all upset.


I never expected Caroline and Ridge to last forever but thought it could be a romantic and fun and sexy interlude in her life as affairs with older men are, although I wouldn't mind if they stayed together. What i do NOT want, however, is Caroline with Thomas. He is a boy by comparison and a predator to boot. No game whatsoever and constantly harping on her relationship with Ridge. Enough!


Wyatt and Ivy are annoying. Why again does Wyatt think he's entitled to anything Forrester except a job? Oh, because he wants what Liam has. And Ivy may be a Forrester but not of the branch that created the design house and legacy and it was Stephanie's family that provided the funding. Did her father have a career? She needs to shut up and work for what she gets.


Forget whether the production people look at Brooke before she heads onstage. Does SHE ever look at her sorry self?

  • Love 7

It must be easy to work on this show.  If you're in Wardrobe, you just put Brooke in the same type of clothing she always preferred even if both her body type and age have changed.  You can use most clothing, tops especially, as uni-sex.  Much like Y&R used ladies' tees for Daniel, this show can put Thomas in a blouse or Zende in a ladies' hoodie.  Zende was looking so hot after that work-out scene, but then he put on my daughter's vest, and even his arms looked less masculine.  Liam, Wyatt and Steffy have all been discussed much, but how about Ivy?  They put her in a very flattering 2 piece dress with a bare midriff one day, and everyone liked it, so they just put her in the same dress day after day with just a color change.


And the same for the writers.  They write a few lines of dialogue for each cast member and they're finished with their work for 5 to 10 days.  Ivy:  Justice for Aly; Steffy is a muhduh-ur, let's have unemotional sex and watch my video.  Wyatt:  You deserve it; I'll ride your coattails because I deserve it, are you sure you're over Liam.  Liam:  I know you're innocent; I won't let you go to jail.  Steffy:  I'm innocent, don't tell my father.   Ridge:  Caroline wants a baby; I don't want a baby.  And so it goes with every character.  I dread Rick & Maya returning because I'm not sure anyone has remembered to write new dialogue for them and we'll be back to honesty, integrity, etc.


On another note, I wouldn't mind Thomas and Caroline together for a while.  I love Ridge and Caroline as a couple, and it's probably the only time I smile with this show is when they are on screen.  I hate May/Sep couples though for the most part, and I don't want to see Caroline waste her young life catering to Ridge.  I'm not enamored with nu-Thomas, but I think he's all right.  The only reason I don't want him with Caroline is his height.  He's way too tall for such a tiny girl.  I really thought he might have been brought on for Ivy because she is as tall or taller than most of the men she plays against, and that's a little disconcerting, too.

  • Love 6

She's full of shit because when he said, yes, i should put her needs first and reconsider this baby thing, Brooke got all upset.

I'm so sick of soaps doing this.  Constant declarations of "I'm over you," "I'm moving on," then they actually see the ex and get all mooney eyed.  I do think what Brooke said was absolutely correct, but you're right, that one step forward led to three steps back.

  • Love 5


Brooke, when she's around, has stopped wearing tucked floaty shirts and skinny jeans (not an attractive silhouette on her). Her office wear has stepped up considerably to fitted dresses in rich colors, with expensive accessories. That has been a huge improvement.


siouxbee39 quote

Cupid Stunt - thought of your post as I watched today's show because once again, Brooke had on the outfit you described above  --floral shirt tucked into a very ill-fitting pair of pants. I could not believe how unflattering the whole get-up was. Doesn't anyone look at her before they send her onstage? UGH !!!  That outfit, coupled with her smug, squinty, know-it-all attitude made me cringe. Could not bear the sight of her.


Gaa! Another Brooke sighting! Why would anyone with hips wear that mess? The hair ... if she's going to continue with long and lank, add a few clip-in extensions to give some volume. 


Sometimes I think the wardrobe personnel get their Spanx in a twist, and here comes Brooke in two things that deliberately clash with each other -- a print floaty and smiling-pockets tweed trousers, with a skinny belt to delineate her body in lumpy sections. Wearing a plain, close-fit long sleeve sweater/tee/fitted blouse with the trousers (I don't know if that would help those trousers though), or the floaty with plain flat-front slim pants would have looked more balanced.


Two steps forward, three steps back ... Oh, by the way Brooke. You're pulling out an old trick from your Bag-Of. Stay well out of Wanna-Baby Crisis and let Ridge's terminal narcissism do the rest. He'll be back to sniffing your hair soon enough, you jealous slapper.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 5

Gaa! Another Brooke sighting! Why would anyone with hips wear that mess? The hair ... if she's going to continue with long and lank, add a few clip-in extensions to give some volume. 



Doesn't Steffy have all the extensions on her head?! Can we picture Brooke with a head of hair like Steffy, she would look like Barbie!  LOL  

  • Love 3

I never expected Caroline and Ridge to last forever but thought it could be a romantic and fun and sexy interlude in her life as affairs with older men are, although I wouldn't mind if they stayed together. What i do NOT want, however, is Caroline with Thomas. He is a boy by comparison and a predator to boot. No game whatsoever and constantly harping on her relationship with Ridge. Enough!

Wyatt and Ivy are annoying. Why again does Wyatt think he's entitled to anything Forrester except a job? Oh, because he wants what Liam has. And Ivy may be a Forrester but not of the branch that created the design house and legacy and it was Stephanie's family that provided the funding. Did her father have a career? She needs to shut up and work for what she gets

Conversely what has Liam done to be Vice President of FC and President of Spencer Publications? Think about it, everybody, at FC, is there on nepotism. Ridge and Caroline are talented designers but do you think that Steffy, Rick, Maya, and Liam could be on the top tear of any company that is not owned by "the family". Ivy had her own business and is status quo at FC as is Wyatt.

Thomas and Caroline is just wrong as was Caroline and Rick. Ridge may be too old for Caroline but at least he is very manly. Thomas and Rick, to me, are just boyish. Before Ridge, Caroline was self centered. With Ridge, Caroline has matured in her ways.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 5

I don't want Thomas with Caroline because of his creeper behavior. If Thomas wants to crack Ridge's face, maybe he could drag his father to his face instead of behind his back. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the two faces of Thomas.

Thomas (w/Ridge): Golly gee gosh I've been working sooo hard on my designs just to please you. You are the very pinnacle of fashion excellence, father. Only your approval can fill the gaping hole in my psyche.

Thomas(no Ridge): My dad is old! He probably designed togas for Aristotle. And selfish, hooooo boy, is Ridge Forrester a giant selfish dick. He hates babies! Here, Caroline, let me burden you with a secret about my sister that I will pull the trigger on later to get in your pants. Have I mentioned that my dad is really old? Seriously, grandma used to yell at him for tracking dino poop in the house. Who wants a boinkberry?

  • Love 16

Uh Brooke, I don't think Ridge needs your approval to reproduce. Thanks for your concern though! I am curious as to what Brooke envisions her role in Ridge's life to be. She wavers between acting like a possessive ex and his mom.

Thomas still makes me want to hurl. I think it was his confession that he was hovering over Ridge's and Caroline's relationship like a vulture. Disgusting.

So what's in Ridge's envelope? A lab report on his low sperm count?

Was that a honeymoon montage or a pleasant douche commercial? Either way, it was better than Thomas Forrester, Uterus Inspector.

  • Love 11

I have a feeling I know where this Caroline/Ridge storyline is going and it is going to be bad and I just don't like it. I might be in the minority, but I definitely ship Caroline and Ridge. I have always been with older men and I married an older man. We waited 8 years to have a child and it was the best decision we could have made.

Both Caroline and Ridge have legit feelings and reasonings. Caroline obviously wants to experience motherhood and Ridge has already experienced fatherhood and is ready to not have to worry about children. It is one of the most frustrating parts of an older/younger relationship. What is sad to me is how hard Ridge worked to get Caroline and he never once took into consideration her age and her future wants and needs. He knew she was young with dreams and still went after her, only to break her heart later.

  • Love 13

Uh Brooke, I don't think Ridge needs your approval to reproduce. Thanks for your concern though! I am curious as to what Brooke envisions her role in Ridge's life to be. She wavers between acting like a possessive ex and his mom.

Thomas still makes me want to hurl. I think it was his confession that he was hovering over Ridge's and Caroline's relationship like a vulture. Disgusting.

So what's in Ridge's envelope? A lab report on his low sperm count?

Was that a honeymoon montage or a pleasant douche commercial? Either way, it was better than Thomas Forrester, Uterus Inspector.

God: Brooke, is it ok that there are some people getting pregnant today?

Brooke: God, I'll get back to you on that.

Brooke shouldn't you have been at Rick's and Maya's home coming instead of getting up in Ridge's business.

There has to be more to why Ridge is setting Caroline free. It would be my guess that Ridge will have a new SL that he is fighting cancer more so than having a low sperm count or sterile.

After seeing Rick and Maya today, I would like to play a game that's called either or. Would you rather see Rick and Maya all warm and fuzzie or Steffy and Liam warm and fuzzy? Or in other words, would you rather be nauseous or throw up?

  • Love 8


Knowing B&B's penchant for after-school special/social topics, I'm going to guess Ridge was in Paris getting treatment for testicular cancer and that's why he can't have kids. It would at least partially explain why he missed his own mother's funeral and would add an angsty angle to the story.


Yep, I've been thinking Ridge was dealing with his own health scare while Stephanie was dying and that's why he was MIA so as not to add to the grief. I mean I also get that Ridge loved his mom so much he just couldn't see her fade away and I also think he wouldn't want Stephanie dying thinking he might be coming right after her and he wouldn't want Eric to be thinking about burying a son right after a wife. 


And with Brooke he just didn't want to put her through having to take care of him or see him so weak ; he rather have her angry at him. When he was recovered, he came back to L.A. and was banking/hoping that the old charm and history and connection would help her get over the hump of his dumping her but too much time had passed and Brooke did find life and love after Ridge. I can already see Brooke working those tears and saying to Ridge 'You didn't believe in me! You didn't believe in our love!' and TK giving her a bashful regretful look of 'I wasn't going to do that to you. I've been on that side of it with Caroline (1.0) ...watching the person you love just get weaker and fade away and  I couldn't do that to you.'


They actually have a lot of history they could cover with a Ridge health scare like that.

  • Love 7

I can definitely see Caroline sleeping with Thomas and then getting back with Ridge, only to discover she's pregnant. But there is another possibility: Caroline will have IVF to try to to have a baby with Ridge at the same time a Raya surrogate (Nicole?) is getting impregnated with Rick's sperm. Cue a Brooke/Taylor style mix-up where Caroline gets impregnated with Rick's sperm and Raya surrogate gets Ridge's. Then they will probably have the Caro pregnancy a tick and the Raya surrogate a tock.

  • Love 5

You all have thrown out some great ideas.  Well thought out, plausible and mining a history that we've seen or heard abut.  Which is a guarantee that it won't be that.  My guess is that Ridge got someone else in Paris pregnant and is scared to tell Caro. Or its a posthumous letter from Mama Stephanie advising him that his spawn are the work of the Devil and he should not propagate any further.  Or a letter fro RJ, begging to come the hell home e already!

I saw show today while getting ready for work, Caroline was sweet and broke my heart when Ridge said "have a baby" with the relief, happiness on her face.


Rick and Maya took a photographer on their honeymoon with them? 

At least Thomas got that creeping scragg off his face, even though he didn't get a Real Boy haircut yet.

Brooke can exit stage left with her "advice".  Maybe let Ridge tell CAROLINE his decision before the tells YOU, Buttinski.

  • Love 4

Is gathering together with the family, post-honeymoon for a little celebration a thing that is done?  I know it's been a few years or 18 since my own honeymoon, but I seem to recall just dragging our butts from baggage claim to the limo to our front door, unpacking, contemplating laundry, saying "screw it, we can do that tomorrow," and passing out (which is pretty much how every vacation ends in our family).  I definitely do not remember gathering for a "yeah, you consummated your marriage!" champagne toast upon arriving home.  

  • Love 10

Just finished today's and could not get on here fast enough to discuss. I have NO interest in Raya and ff'd thru all of it. That was quite a welcome wagon; between the ever present Nicole with her shit eating grin & Zende and Eric, I could not take it. And where are Maya's parents? Have we seen the last of them? I hope not; they were the only thing about Maya I liked.


Brooke - with the same unflattering outfit still on you from last week, I can't look at you. And MYOB, Ridge is a grown ass man who can do whatever the hell he wants; stop sitting there and gossiping with Thomas, like two yentas. 


And now the only part I watched (and re-watched); I need to be honest with you fine preverts - I was swooning thru Caroline & Ridge. I loved the dialogue, how they both got to say how they felt and I loved how she didn;t back down; loved when she said "then have a baby with me !!!" . The dialogue was very convincing and true to life. Very emotional on both sides. I think both actors did a fantastic job and did I mention I was swooning? Good God, that TK...yowza !!!!  I have been watching soaps for a good thirty years and never have I been so affected by an actor......../fans self 

  • Love 10

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