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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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When the gang saw Ally's "collage", I think they should have been calling Thorne or Eric, but Liam first wants to call Steffy? Of course it was to advance the plot, but it was stupid all the same.

Of course it was stupid...it was Liam.

Actually, it really wasn't that bad of an idea. But i agree more calls should have been made.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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Random thoughts:


I was surprised by Steffy, too, trying to make in-roads with Aly - very un-Steffy-like. 


I thought Ivy would be the only one to see the anti-Steffy shrine but nope, Chicken and Waffles were right there with her.


A newly-engaged Rick and Maya are very cute together.


I totally see Vanessa Williams in Nicole, but now that she's dropped the Electric Youth clearance rack look, I'm also seeing a young Tyra Banks in her.




Young Tyra:



Edited by CountryGirl
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Even with it's flaws, of the 4 soaps remaining on network B&B is the best of the lot.  Oliver's absence is very weird.  Maybe there will be a separate scene where we see Carter and Oliver talking about what in the world Oliver's been busy with that he hasn't been around Aly.

Sadly, it's true - B&B is the only soap I watch regularly right now. And I never thought I'd say that. Totally agree about Oliver - As if this whole Aly is crazy story wasn't out of the blue enough, Oliver's complete absence only makes it more bizarre. Instead we get a deluge of FUN!Steffy and DUMB!Liam. Yay?


You know in the movie Clue, at the end, when Wadsworth goes through his long winded explanation of how it was all done.  "And you had a letter and you had a letter and she had a letter and...."   "GET ON WITH IT!!!!!"


I find it hard to believe that nobody but Steffy recognises that something is "wrong" with Aly.

CLUE!!!! To make a long story short (too late!) I heart that movie so much. In fact, just thinking about it makes me think about how great that movie is, and how not great B&B is.


I too have a problem with the fact that only FUN! St. Steffy can recognize that Aly is so troubled. In fact, it infuriates me. To let Clue do the talking again: "I hate her so much - flames, on the side of my face…" The more the writers push Steffy as the Best Thing Ever, the more I dislike her. The writers at All My Children spent years telling us that Babe was the Best Thing Ever, and mean ol' JR (played by Jacob Young) was terrible for being so mean to poor perfect Babe. The harder they tried to make me root for Babe, the more I rooted for JR despite the awful and inane ways they mangled his character prop Babe.


I get the same sense from this - mangling Aly's character to make Steffy and Maya more likable. While I'm inclined to like Maya (as long as I completely forget the past few months of her schemes and mean girl crap) because I've liked KM since Guiding Light, there is no force in this world that will make me like Steffy. And the more they try, the more I will root for the randomly crazy girl trying to run Steffy down on the word of her Bizarro-world dead mother. Because I'm contrary that way.


All kidding aside, Ashlyn Pearce got me hard in the car; she did a great job of showing her conflicted emotions about hurting someone, and about saving the Forrester name.

The storyline is terrible, but I've been impressed with her performance - she's made it far better than it really should be. Now if only we could watch her bring her talents to a non-idiotic storyline.


Liam is a dodo bird/waffle hybrid with a mind that can only process thoughts of Steffy. Her FUN just overloads the flickering light bulb between his ears.

LMAO! I believe we have the line of the day here.


ETA - I totally see the similarity between Nicole and a young Tyra Banks.

Edited by Maelstrom
  • Love 10

Outside of her scenes with Liam, I'm finding I don't entirely loathe Steffy.

I said those exact words about Steffy. She was so much more tolerable when she wasn't FUN! Steffy.


I'm the first to knock Waffles, but I thought he was correct to call Steffy after seeing the anger board, since both she and Aly were unaccounted for. I also kinda liked that he got a dig in to Rick as to why they had to be so mean to Aly, when she has a known-history of psychological problems. It also gave Maya a chance to re-apologize. Rick & Maya actually both seem to realize that they were horrendous, so bygones for me where they're concerned.


I wish TK's schedule allowed for him to be onscreen more (I know "allowed" probably isn't the correct word, when his filming-schedule was reportedly written into his contract, ala Tony Geary). 5 years ago, these words would have never been typed from my fingertips, but I miss Ridge when he's not on.

  • Love 3

Man I thought for sure we were going to get

Steffy's secret today. I wonder what it could be? Espcially when spoilers say she's worried about others knowing. Is it about the baby she lost with Liam? Did she meet some dude in Paris and got married? Was she the one to hit Darla? Sigh.. I can't even begin with BB on this one.

  • Love 2

I'm thinking Maya should STFU altogether about Aly instead of continuing to minimize her treatment of the girl. And IMO there are plenty of ways the show could have propped Maya (and Steffy) without turning Aly into a bigoted nutbag.

Nicole's sense of entitlement is amazing. She acts like the Forrester mansion is hers and that she's not a guest (and dare I say it, a freeloader). Lucky for her Zende is a pretty laid back guy and has a sense of humor about it. And do we know for sure that Zende is even interested in her? Wouldn't that be something if he already has a girlfriend (or boyfriend...).

  • Love 11

Ivy to the rescue.  I liked it when Liam tried to rush to the rescue and Ivy basically told him to stand down and wait at the mansion because she won't need him for this.biggrin.png   Women banding together to help each other and it's about DAMN TIME that one of these remaining soaps got it right.  I mentioned this in the Y&R survey I filled out and lo and behold, I see an example on today's B&B.  Talk about kismet!wub.png   B&B is at least not insulting their main demographic, women!  At least someone is in the 21st Century!

Rage seems to run in the Forrester bloodline.  Both Thorne and Rick could sit down and have a talk with Aly about the destructive consequences of taking rage out on someone else.

Does this mean less screen time for Aly to be off at an institution?  Or will there be an onscreen therapist?  Didn't Hillary Bailey Smith play a therapist a few years ago?  I was taking a break from B&B at that time but I thought I read about it somewhere.

  • Love 3

Finally! It took long enough to get here but I thought that today's scenes with Aly and Steffy were very good.  Ivy was good.  Zende was good.  Even the Spencer boys didn't annoy me. Okay, so Rick and Maya were just kind of there but again, they didn't annoy me so it's all good.  :-) 


Did I miss any mention of the secret?

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 2

Finally! It took long enough to get here but I thought that today's scenes with Aly and Steffy were very good.  Ivy was good.  Zende was good.  Even the Spencer boys didn't annoy me. Okay, so Rick and Maya were just kind of there but again, they didn't annoy me so it's all good.  :-) 


Did I miss any mention of the secret?

No. I think they're going to milk that until Friday. I'm guessing tomorrow Thorn will finally get there.

  • Love 2
The storyline is terrible, but I've been impressed with her performance - she's made it far better than it really should be. Now if only we could watch her bring her talents to a non-idiotic storyline.


ETA - I totally see the similarity between Nicole and a young Tyra Banks.

She really does elevate the story more than it deserves.


And speaking of lookalikes, Ashlyn Pearce totally reminds me of Zoé de Grand Maison on Orphan Black.  Along with the uptight, puritanical and homicidal tendencies, I tend to think of her as Prolethean!Ally.


Or I've been watching Orphan Black too much.





  • Love 8


I get the same sense from this - mangling Aly's character to make Steffy and Maya more likable. While I'm inclined to like Maya (as long as I completely forget the past few months of her schemes and mean girl crap) because I've liked KM since Guiding Light, there is no force in this world that will make me like Steffy. And the more they try, the more I will root for the randomly crazy girl trying to run Steffy down on the word of her Bizarro-world dead mother. Because I'm contrary that way.


This final showdown with Ally sanitizes the Steffy everyone loves to hate -- Maya being salvaged after her dénouement in the press as transgender -- so many heartfelt violins raising her back on the runway. Steffy goes from the !!FUN!! and selfish sexual opportunist to empathetic and caring victim of Ally's delusions. TIIC clean up Steffy's Maneater past with more humane and approachable characteristics that the viewers can more readily identify. 


She'll be !!FUN-ish!! (inflatable lips, matching bra and scooter sets, Beach Blanket Banzai Bikinis) because TIIC are into that.

  • Love 9

Well, I am simply gobsmacked; Steffy as the voice of reason? The crying and caring cousin? That was some awesome stuff yesterday. Part of me was saying yes, yes, yes to Steffy, for speaking plainly and sensibly, about life and pain and loss. It was like tough love on steroids. Then again, when Ally broke down I thought maybe Steffy was too hard, but I find myself leaning further in the other direction, and think maybe this is what needs to happen with Ally. Maybe she has been too protected and sheltered, and as a byproduct she has lost touch with reality. In any event, both of them were so good, and I found myself reaching for the ever present box of Kleenex again. What is troubling me, is that I am disliking Steffy less and less. This is how it started with Ridge, and before I knew it, I found myself rooting for him. Is that good writing or just incredible naivete on my part?


Not to throw snark on some good work, but when they showed Steffy screaming as she saw the car approaching, I saw this:




What was Liam's true motivation in wanting to go with Ivy? Did he want to help Ally, or was he just worried about Steffy? In any event, I was glad Ivy shut that shit down. Just keep your indecisive, woman rescuing ass right where it is bucko, cause the lady has this one covered. 


Was that the lamest after party ever? Why wouldn't Ridge and Caroline have been there? And Brooke? Eric? Quinn? This is one of those gaping holes the show puts out that annoys me to distraction. In the old days the Forrester Manse would have been hopping; but then Queen Steph knew how to throw a party, and she even knew how to put aside her dislike of "certain" individuals for the sake of everyone else. Moreover, everyone else would have been chomping at the bit to be there. It is little stuff like this that makes my heart hurt so much for the old days. 


Looking forward to seeing Thorne and the introduction of the new Thomas, who is one hunk of beefcake. But boyfriend better keeps his paws off of Caroline. By all that is holy, I don't want to see a repeat of Ridge/Brooke/Eric with Ridge/Caroline/Thomas. 

  • Love 11

I'm with you, runthetable.


Watching Steffy yesterday was the first time I (small voice) actually liked her and thought that her tears over the mental collapse of her young cousin were real. I'd like to get to know this Steffy vs the man-eating cha-cha-cha I'm fun carnival ride we've been treated to the past several years.


Not that I want Steffy to be painted with the same sugary sweet brush that Maya has had one too many coats of as of late. I like my gals with a little bite to them as they're much more interesting (and real) that way.


That party was the lamest lame that ever lamed. I mean, seriously, no Brooke, no Eric, no Quinn or Deacon? Come on! And they couldn't spring for a few extras and Othello DJ'ing to make it look like an actual after-party vs the after-after-party?


Of course Thomas is going to be brought in as an interloper to CaRidge. The show wouldn't know how to survive without it's stale staple of triangles.

  • Love 9

I will never like Steffy, but I did appreciate her straight talk and compassion for Ally.

When Zende was recalling what happened to Darla, it made Taylor look awful. Her actions were really quite disgusting.

While I enjoyed Liam reminding Rick what a bastard he was to Ally, he still needs to have all the seats and let Ivy handle the situation. The last thing Ally wants to see rolling up is Steffy's duh-faced conquest. The ladies can take it from here, yo.

Good for Maya admitting that her treatment of Ally was wrong. I'm still not sure Rick gets it. He was rude to Wyatt and Liam, two people who are trying to help (granted, Liam is about as effective as a TV remote without batteries). Unless he plans on a long apology, Rick is deluded in thinking he's going to talk to Ally about anything.

I hope I don't jinx anything, but I think Thorne is going to stay out of the basement this trip.

  • Love 7

How about that close up of those inflatable lips in the rear view mirror as she applied lipstick? 

I will not lie: they scared me. A lot.


Good for Maya admitting that her treatment of Ally was wrong. I'm still not sure Rick gets it. He was rude to Wyatt and Liam, two people who are trying to help (granted, Liam is about as effective as a TV remote without batteries). Unless he plans on a long apology, Rick is deluded in thinking he's going to talk to Ally about anything.

Excellent points here. If only the writers would listen!

  • Love 3

What is this I don't even...


Please go climb a wall of dicks and fall face-first into a sack of scorpions, Rick. When Thorne walks through the door, the first thing you bring up is Ally, not your engagement, you well-dressed shit muffin. And there was even a spot of Maya propping before we got to the important stuff. I don't mind Thorne giving Maya respect, but this was not the time. Rick finally apologizes and Thorne just blows it off and says Ally's issues aren't Rick's fault. No shit, Sherlock. No one said they are. Give Thorne the details about what Rick did and let's see how forgiving he is. Just a badly arranged scene all around.


I am a little disturbed at how Steffy went so easily into ass-covering mode despite being distraught.


Holy shit, what an ending. Did the paramedics really only try once?

  • Love 7

I figured Aly would end this way. She was nothing but a plot point.

I'm going to need Ivy to lose her shit with Rick and Maya. To me their regret seems really shallow since neither can admit how truly awful they were to Rick's niece.

And to see Thorne kissing their ring while knowing how awful they were to his kid - rage blackout.

  • Love 9

What, seriously?

TIIC actually pulled a Colleen Carlton? Brad learned nothing from the Phoebe disaster.

Fuck this show. I'm glad I read this thread before catching up on this week's episodes so I cam keep on tuning out.

ETA: that out the way, whoever is in charge of news/media/spoilers deserves a raise, because none of us saw that coming. They kept a lid on the Maya news and there's still no hint of the other big secret that's supposed to come out in the next week.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 6

I'm still so angry.  That's was some nerve of douchebag Rick to tent his hands and say, to the father of the girl he tormented, that maybe, just maybe, he should have been nicer to Aly.  And for asshole Maya to stand there and say, yeah, maybe she should have been more considerate ... instead of giggling while having Aly fetch her and Rick ice cream while they lay there in bed after just having had sex, or manipulating her into giving foot massages, etc.  Those two are the fucking worst.


It makes no sense that B&B got rid of a talent like Ashlyn Pearce but keep inviting back the mediocrity of JWM. So, so stupid. 

  • Love 16

Holy shit, WTF did I just watch?


I truly did not see that coming - I thought they'd ship her off to some asylum, too. This is completely horrible. Awful. I have no words. Ally was one of the few spots on this show I still liked. Killing her off in such an insulting, needless way, to prop awful Steffy and abusive assholes Maya and Rick, is more than I'm willing to take. I've seen too many soaps kill off too many worthy and interesting legacy characters for short-sighted sensationalism, and my patience is all used up. I'm done with this shit, folks.


Yes, I noticed that she attempted some gaping but wasn't completely successful.  Artificially filled up face not withstanding, she's just not a very good actor.

Seemed to me she was trying to channel her inner Jennifer Lawrence from Mockingjay, and the odds were not in JMW's favor.

  • Love 14

I am so disturbed by this Aly/Steffy development that I'm not sure I ever want to watch this show again. Why did they have to have this repeat of the Taylor/Darla tragedy? Why couldn't they have shipped her off to the assylum? Such a cowardly way out.And it's so sad they can't find new ideas instead of rehashing triangles and other stuff we never wanted to see in the first place, much less again and again. They think they're all bold and brave for doing the transgender story but they were really just following a trend. This seriously sucks balls.

  • Love 16

Ugh. Just ugh.

We better get some scenes of Oliver and Pam mourning and comforting each other in their grief. Aside from Ivy, they were the closest to Aly and losing her this way will have to be devastating to them.

Pam and Quinn both battled psychosis, hurt people, and were allowed to heal and live and get a second chance but poor young Aly with so much potential dies tragically. What the hell did she or Thorne do to deserve this crap?

  • Love 18

What, seriously?

TIIC actually pulled a Colleen Carlton? Brad learned nothing from the Phoebe disaster.


Brad won't learn anything by carrying water from the same well his father dug.



Gudzilla, on 23 Jul 2015 - 2:36 PM, said:

I think JMW made a facial expression today, I was so proud of her.


Kitty Redstone quote

Yes, I noticed that she attempted some gaping but wasn't completely successful.  Artificially filled up face not withstanding, she's just not a very good actor.


It did take effort to squeeze the filler into a rictus of grief.


Boo Hoo, say Steffy -- Who tossed the tire iron.


Boo Hoo, say Ivy -- Who had the wherewithal to snap a photo.




Well....there is Steffy's secret. But did she kill her by hitting her with the tire iron or did she die when she fell and hit her head on the rock? Either way, not the ending I was expecting. RIP poor lil Aly :(


White Knight Liam will save Steffy from manslaughter charges with Ivy's photo.




"No, you're my hero ... "

"No, you're mine ..."

**kisses and hugs**




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