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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Re Maya and Caroline, I thought it was a bit much, a bit "tried to hard" but that is probably somewhat realistic, if this was a real life story.  It would be awkward and they would be trying hard.  What I did like is that maybe they can put the hate and bitterness behind them and not be enemies.  I suspect Uncle $Bill is going to create problems soon enough for all of them.


ITA, banana.


The scenes and dialog was skewed to give Maya an out for her failings and a pulpit for her life-choice, while Caroline's shortcomings were glossed over to include her alternative upbringing as Our histories parallel our choices! We're more alike than dissimilar! Jinx, girlfriend!


The treacle-fest went a little long, but as long as all's forgiven with mutual lies and betrayal, gunfire, verbal and physical abuse, king-making and unmaking ...






I think Aly suddenly dressing like a nun at a convent is weird.  But her reaction to Steffie and Liam is not, based on the Hope Liam stuff.  And while I think Aly is BSC, I love her going after Steffie, cause basically I hate everything about her.  I never liked her before, and I didn't even like Hope either.  But now that she is so unfortunate to look at, I like her even less.  Shallow, I know.  Her face troubles me a lot, it is the same way I felt about HT, but even worse because I think she started this madness at a younger age.  Sad.


The character of Steffie has no redeeming qualities in my mind, but I did enjoy her sparring with Aly.  And what is with Aly suddenly doing a 180 on the whole, I forgive you Taylor for killing my mother?  Have they ever addressed if Aly is on medication?  Cause if she is, I think she has been off it for a while.




As has been mentioned earlier, Ally went from vulnerable and off-kilter to tormented normal kid to Floating Darla Head of Steffy-hate. The zero to infinity is too broad and sudden for someone that two weeks ago was wringing her hands over Rick picking on her and ignoring her shoe line -- Where has the revenge version of Floating Darla Head been to advise and direct Ally against Rick and Maya's regime?  


I'm sorry to see her character used as a plot device to prop up the mediocre farce of Steffy and Liam re-coupling, but having Ally read Steffy and Taylor for filth didn't  hurt.


It's remarkable to see JMW in scenes with actors who haven't had any augmentation done to their faces -- Her facial features are thoroughly unnatural and distorted in comparison.




  • Love 7

Caroline, Maya, Steffy, and Hope are defiantly not angels and would not win a Miss Congeniality contest. Who did what to whom and is more reprehensible is just in the eye of the beholder. The only one, IMO, who is beyond reproach is Ivy and my candidate for sainthood. Is she too good for Liam or Wyatt? Yes without a doubt. Let's hope Ivy finds her Prince Charming and a kiss from him wakens her from the nightmare that is Liam/Steffy.

WTF is with Aly and why is she allowed to talk to people that way. Let's just forget it was Steffy/Liam she was berating but, if it was me, Aly would be shown the door and placed in shipping or the mail room. Do you think that Aly would get on Maya's and Rick's case for how she was treated now they are not in power. I think not. I'm just worried Aly will do something to Steffy and Quinn will be blamed.

  • Love 8

Cupid Stunt your description of what bothered me about the whole Caroline/Maya sorta apology is better than anything I could come up with---and I still say that until Maya and Rick show some character growth I am not there with them and I know I did not see the past but I saw enough to know that they are not there with a new attitude and so I wait... show me that you two get it and without all the excuses---I am pretty sure I could like Maya at some point (especially without Rick but I know I am not gonna get that) but not yet and my history with this show (and it is long if sporadic) in no way shows me that I will see what I want to see---the stuff I read made me see a different Caroline but it also showed me the crap that Maya pulled too---sigh---both these ladies need to start over but from a level playing field and that is not what I saw--- at least not yet. 

  • Love 4

WTF is with Aly and why is she allowed to talk to people that way. Let's just forget it was Steffy/Liam she was berating but, if it was me, Aly would be shown the door and placed in shipping or the mail room. Do you think that Aly would get on Maya's and Rick's case for how she was treated now they are not in power. I think not. I'm just worried Aly will do something to Steffy and Quinn will be blamed.

This! The next Steffy scene we see should be her on the phone with Thorne letting him know his baby girl is the cray.

And ITA that Quinn will be blamed for something Ally does to Steffy. Has anyone seen that letter opener lately?

Edited by bittersweet4149
  • Love 4

I'd give Aly a solid "A" on her dressing down of Steffy today. I would have given bonus points though, if, while they were talking about "family," Aly had pointed out that Steffy isn't a real Forrester. That would have been a nice touch....

The "not a real Forrester" stuff isn't fair since it is not Ridge and his children's fault that Steph lied about his parentage. Besides, as descendants of Stephanie, they have as much right to FC as blood Forresters.

  • Love 8

Aly IMO is so far off the deep end in terms of being a mini dictator herself it's nearly impossible for me to drum up any sympathy for her.

See, that's exactly what made me sad. She's so mentally ill right now it's not campy crazy anymore. Either the show needs to lighten up or I do.


The character of Steffie has no redeeming qualities in my mind, but I did enjoy her sparring with Aly.  And what is with Aly suddenly doing a 180 on the whole, I forgive you Taylor for killing my mother?  Have they ever addressed if Aly is on medication?  Cause if she is, I think she has been off it for a while.

I found that scene odd since the whole family knows about Aly's condition. I would have expected Steffy to question Aly about taking her meds, talking to her dad, getting some help, etc. and in a concerned way, even though her cousin was verbally attacking her, because they are cousins and Steffy has known Aly since she was born. I guess they were trying to show that Steffy doesn't take Aly's condition seriously for the sake of the plot. Which just doesn't make sense to me. It's just one more reason not to like Steffy.

  • Love 4

Fuck it all, I put the old makeup bag aside this morning until I had watched the entire episode, and grabbed the kleenex instead. I guess I am just a sap, but redemption SLs and those about forgiveness get me every time. I think the show is painting this in very broad strokes and is expecting the viewer to read between the lines, and be able to parse out guilt and apologies in generalized statements. Personally, I never expected any of the pertinent players to come together with a laundry list of their misdeeds, and read them off with an "I am so sorry" after each. Outside of the fact that this is B&B, a show where no one ever owns their shit, much less apologizes for it, I feel a "I did this or that" rundown would have killed the moment. What I like is that Caroline was the driving force, and the one to extend the proverbial olive branch. That bonus scene (thanks slayer2!) went a long way in explaining Caroline's motivations. I will have to eat my words and say that I now believe Rick and Maya do truly care for each other, but all the same, I am not ready to invest in them. When they show me through deeds and actions that they are genuine, and that they know how to treat friends and family with the respect and dignity they themselves demand, well, then I can get solidly behind them. It may be asking and expected far too much, but I think it would be awesome if this could start to heal the deep wounds between Ridge and Rick. I keep thinking back to Eric's comment to Ridge about missing out on so much by not loving his brother. I didn't want to hear that then, but in hindsight, Eric was dead on. If all this adversity can pull these two couples together, working on the same side? Even if they are only frenemies, I think it would really turn some pages in the B&B story. 


I cannot believe this, and I am almost ashamed to admit it, but Ally actually made me feel bad for Steffy. I find the character a royally insufferable bitch, but all the same, when it comes to your mother, and by extension your sister, that takes it into entirely different territory. I have never blamed Taylor for killing Darla, what I have blamed her for was her actions after the accident. Getting involved with Hector, putting Phoebe in a terrible position, and lying to everyone. Steffy wasn't even on the scene when all that happened, but there is no doubt it was painful for her. I may hate the character, and find her obnoxious and arrogant, but I don't find her stupid. I hope her first action is to pick up the phone and call her uncle Thorne and tell him his daughter needs him. And I hope she does that before Ally finds any sharp pointy objects.


I am enjoying Zende and Nicole. When I heard he would be joining the cast and would be put in Nicole's orbit, I was like "ok, that is just the pat and easy way", but the two of them have a little something, something going on. I think it goes a long way for the Nicole character that she was willing to own her bad behavior when she first came on the scene, and I for one cannot wait for the introduction of the Avant parents. 


Did I pick up on some chem testing with Ivy and Wyatt? I think I could get behind that if it would make Liam's head explode. And I did find them kind of cute together. I mean, Wyatt made Ivy laugh. I can't think of the last time I heard her laugh with Liam, but then that is the effect his vapid, mercurial, blankness has on women. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 10
I have never blamed Taylor for killing Darla, what I have blamed her for was her actions after the accident.


I so agree with you on this, RuntheTable. Darla was changing the tire, pulling, and feel backwards into traffic. The traffic was Taylor's car, and I swear I only remember her having a half a glass of wine. It was foggy as olde Londen, but she was not driving erratically. But yeah, afterwards, all on Taylor. Phew, good to get that off my chest.

  • Love 2
I think the show is painting this in very broad strokes and is expecting the viewer to read between the lines, and be able to parse out guilt and apologies in generalized statements.

Perhaps but I think in the case of Maya, "between the lines" seems to about the distance between Earth and Neptune.


Even in a very generous reading, IMO nothing Maya said approached admitting that she did a single thing wrong. Now that's fine if the show wants us to see her (and Rick) as villains but that doesn't appear to be the case. Apparently we're supposed to be completely awestruck by her journey and how graciously she handled being outed in an ugly way by Bill. Never mind all the crap she did while she was ramping up to become Rick's moll and queen of all things Forrester. Or the nasty ways she lorded her status over people, either in support of egomaniacal Rick or simply because she could.


Sorry, Bradley B., not buying what you're trying to sell. If I'm supposed to accept her as the show's new heroine, I'm gonna need a least one sentence out of Maya's mouth owning her part in some of the mean stuff that's gone down. She is not completely blameless.

  • Love 16

The "not a real Forrester" stuff isn't fair since it is not Ridge and his children's fault that Steph lied about his parentage. Besides, as descendants of Stephanie, they have as much right to FC as blood Forresters.

While I agree with this, the Taytots minus Phoebe have used this line to throw shade at Hope and Brooke and even Rick who actually is Eric's son so often that I'll never be upset when it's used against either of them.

That said, I'll be just as glad if TIIC were to never use that shit again. It made some minimal sense with Steffy and Hope given the latter'latter's conception, but from one cousin to another? Not so much.

I so agree with you on this, RuntheTable. Darla was changing the tire, pulling, and feel backwards into traffic. The traffic was Taylor's car, and I swear I only remember her having a half a glass of wine. It was foggy as olde Londen, but she was not driving erratically. But yeah, afterwards, all on Taylor. Phew, good to get that off my chest.

Yeah, it was in fact one glass of wine (not even that) when she went out. And even worse was I Think Phoebe wanted to come clean and Taylor discouraged it. I could be remembering that incorrectly, though.

  • Love 4

Perhaps but I think in the case of Maya, "between the lines" seems to about the distance between Earth and Neptune.


Even in a very generous reading, IMO nothing Maya said approached admitting that she did a single thing wrong. Now that's fine if the show wants us to see her (and Rick) as villains but that doesn't appear to be the case. Apparently we're supposed to be completely awestruck by her journey and how graciously she handled being outed in an ugly way by Bill. Never mind all the crap she did while she was ramping up to become Rick's moll and queen of all things Forrester. Or the nasty ways she lorded her status over people, either in support of egomaniacal Rick or simply because she could.


Sorry, Bradley B., not buying what you're trying to sell. If I'm supposed to accept her as the show's new heroine, I'm gonna need a least one sentence out of Maya's mouth owning her part in some of the mean stuff that's gone down. She is not completely blameless.


 Of course she is completely blameless! How dare you not see she is white washed with trendy transgender paint of bravery! *Sarcasm font*

  • Love 10

  Re Caroline & Maya, the only person who impressed me in those scenes was Caroline. At least she admitted her mistakes and apologized for them; otoh, Maya played the victim again, as usual. If Maya wants me to believe that she's changed, then she's gonna have to own and atone for her shit, not pretend that it doesn't stink.


  Re Aly, yikes! If she wasn't on the fast track to Crazytown before, she is now. Steffy is not now , nor will she ever be, worth a nervous breakdown. The sooner Aly gets the help she so clearly and  so desperately needs, the better.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 10

Sorry, Bradley B., not buying what you're trying to sell. If I'm supposed to accept her as the show's new heroine, I'm gonna need a least one sentence out of Maya's mouth owning her part in some of the mean stuff that's gone down. She is not completely blameless.



Apparently cutting off your man bits because inside you believe you are a woman makes you blameless.


This isn't a story.  Its a public service announcement and not a good one IMO.  I don't think people are allowed to react in a real way.  I mean Rick accepting Maya shouldn't have happened in a split second.  A part of the story should have been him reconciling the fact that woman he is with used to be a man and lied to his face for years about it. 

  • Love 7

Fuck it all, I put the old makeup bag aside this morning until I had watched the entire episode, and grabbed the kleenex instead. I guess I am just a sap, but redemption SLs and those about forgiveness get me every time. I think the show is painting this in very broad strokes and is expecting the viewer to read between the lines, and be able to parse out guilt and apologies in generalized statements. Personally, I never expected any of the pertinent players to come together with a laundry list of their misdeeds, and read them off with an "I am so sorry" after each. Outside of the fact that this is B&B, a show where no one ever owns their shit, much less apologizes for it, I feel a "I did this or that" rundown would have killed the moment. What I like is that Caroline was the driving force, and the one to extend the proverbial olive branch. That bonus scene (thanks slayer2!) went a long way in explaining Caroline's motivations. I will have to eat my words and say that I now believe Rick and Maya do truly care for each other, but all the same, I am not ready to invest in them. When they show me through deeds and actions that they are genuine, and that they know how to treat friends and family with the respect and dignity they themselves demand, well, then I can get solidly behind them. It may be asking and expected far too much, but I think it would be awesome if this could start to heal the deep wounds between Ridge and Rick. I keep thinking back to Eric's comment to Ridge about missing out on so much by not loving his brother. I didn't want to hear that then, but in hindsight, Eric was dead on. If all this adversity can pull these two couples together, working on the same side? Even if they are only frenemies, I think it would really turn some pages in the B&B story.

I cannot believe this, and I am almost ashamed to admit it, but Ally actually made me feel bad for Steffy. I find the character a royally insufferable bitch, but all the same, when it comes to your mother, and by extension your sister, that takes it into entirely different territory. I have never blamed Taylor for killing Darla, what I have blamed her for was her actions after the accident. Getting involved with Hector, putting Phoebe in a terrible position, and lying to everyone. Steffy wasn't even on the scene when all that happened, but there is no doubt it was painful for her. I may hate the character, and find her obnoxious and arrogant, but I don't find her stupid. I hope her first action is to pick up the phone and call her uncle Thorne and tell him his daughter needs him. And I hope she does that before Ally finds any sharp pointy objects.

I am enjoying Zende and Nicole. When I heard he would be joining the cast and would be put in Nicole's orbit, I was like "ok, that is just the pat and easy way", but the two of them have a little something, something going on. I think it goes a long way for the Nicole character that she was willing to own her bad behavior when she first came on the scene, and I for one cannot wait for the introduction of the Avant parents.

Did I pick up on some chem testing with Ivy and Wyatt? I think I could get behind that if it would make Liam's head explode. And I did find them kind of cute together. I mean, Wyatt made Ivy laugh. I can't think of the last time I heard her laugh with Liam, but then that is the effect his vapid, mercurial, blankness has on women.

Yup yup yup to your entire post RuntheTable and I'm a sucker for forgiveness and redemption arcs as well. I've been waiting a long time for Caroline to treat Maya like a person, I couldn't be happier with this week's stuff. Just proves how much bigger people Maya and Caroline are to Taylor and Brooke in the longrun.

  • Love 1

I found that scene odd since the whole family knows about Aly's condition. I would have expected Steffy to question Aly about taking her meds, talking to her dad, getting some help, etc. and in a concerned way, even though her cousin was verbally attacking her, because they are cousins and Steffy has known Aly since she was born. I guess they were trying to show that Steffy doesn't take Aly's condition seriously for the sake of the plot. Which just doesn't make sense to me. It's just one more reason not to like Steffy.

I think that Steffie does take Ally's condition seriously which is why she is careful, or seems to me to be so, about how she reacts when the girl goes crazy on her. That said, someone needs to notify her father that she's leaping off of the deep end.


Not that I miss her, but where the hell is Brooke? I think it's crazy the way she just disappeared after Rick's car crash.

  • Love 6

I think that Steffie does take Ally's condition seriously which is why she is careful, or seems to me to be so, about how she reacts when the girl goes crazy on her. That said, someone needs to notify her father that she's leaping off of the deep end.

Not that I miss her, but where the hell is Brooke? I think it's crazy the way she just disappeared after Rick's car crash.

I agree. Steffy was def handling her with kid gloves and let her get away with a lot more than I would have.

  • Love 2

I think that Steffie does take Ally's condition seriously which is why she is careful, or seems to me to be so, about how she reacts when the girl goes crazy on her. That said, someone needs to notify her father that she's leaping off of the deep end.


Not that I miss her, but where the hell is Brooke? I think it's crazy the way she just disappeared after Rick's car crash.

On today's show Steffy does treat Aly with sincere compassion and there is a Brooke sighting.


So if Rick is back to running Forrester International again, who was running it while he was CEO, who got fired/demoted? Thorne?

  • Love 3

I could see Aly eventually growing obsessive with Liam, to the point of locking him up, a la Jan Spears/Sheila Carter. 


It would make a lot of sense to me if that was the kind of direction this was going.  We know she had a thing for him when she first hit town.  She went completely apeshit over Hope sleeping with Wyatt. And now she's losing her shit over Steffy/Liam.  She has Liam up on a pedestal, and it's OK for him to be with a "good girl" like Ivy or Hope (provided they treat him to her liking).  But she can't deal with someone like Steffy getting her hooks into him. 


The "not a real Forrester" stuff isn't fair since it is not Ridge and his children's fault that Steph lied about his parentage. Besides, as descendants of Stephanie, they have as much right to FC as blood Forresters.


I'd ordinarily not be OK with it, but since Steffy, Thomas, and Taylor were all "not a real Forrester" about Brooke's side of the family, screw them.  Payback's a bitch. 

  • Love 4

I haven't seen today's show but yesterday had me almost liking Steffy, the way she was very careful with Ally.  I don't get the fascination with Liam at all (though I do like SC a lot) and since I don't really have any baggage with Steffy, I could enjoy her getting together with Wyatt or ?.  IMO, the best case scenario would be to have all the women get fed up with Liam and move on.


Usually I like the bonus scenes but Rick, Maya and Caroline all laughing in one just got on my nerves.  I can maybe almost buy Maya and Caroline bonding but Rick being there just ruined it for me.  So his reign of terror just a month ago is all bygones now?  Who is this wise, loving, humble guy and what did he do with the Rick I've seen on my screen for most of the last year?

  • Love 11

Aly is off the rails, however, it was Taylor and now Steffy who pushed her off.  Taylor murdered Darla in a drunk driving "accident" on Aly's 5th birthday.  She then lied about what had happened in order to get away with her crime.  Leaving Thorne into an agonizing search for his wife's killer, while at the same time seducing him.  She manipulated Thorne into falling in love with her and became a "mother" to Aly in order to ease her guilt.  When Taylor finally faced the "consequences" of her crime she got off with a slap on the wrist.  Aly only learned about Taylor having killed her mother from Hope while they were play the day before Thorne and Taylor's wedding.  Five year old Aly let her feeling known by destroying Taylor's wedding dress.  It was at that point it occurred to Taylor and Thorne called it off.


For Aly the issue she has with Taylor and her spawn is not just that Taylor killed her mother.  It is the fact that Taylor lied and manipulated her way out of being held responsible for Darla's murder.  Aly had to grow up without her mother all the while her mother's killer was not only accepted back into the Forrester fold but continued to be a cherished member of the family.  Can you imagine the how painful the Forrester family gatherings were for Aly growing up. To rub salt into her wounds she had to sit back and watch Ridge (who was not only disrespectful to Darla but treated her cruelly as well.), Taylor, Thomas and Steffy take over Forrester.  Thorne and Aly are left out in the cold while the Marone clan once again takes from them.  The only reason Steffy is strutting around as president is Taylor gave her the stock.  Buy all rights Taylor should have signed over her stock to Thorne and Aly.

  • Love 4

Steffy isn't responsible for Aly's crazy behaviour that's on Aly. What happens between Liam/Steffy and Ivy is none of Aly's business. Nor was it her business what went on between Wyatt/Hope/Liam. She has a sick obsession with Liam that should have been curbed long ago.

Addendum: For Aly to handwave Phoebe's death? Fuck you little girl, seriously. Don't step to me about twins. Steffy is one classy broad for being able to see through all that, rage would ha e got me and I would have slapped the red off her head.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 6

Steffy isn't responsible for Aly's crazy behaviour that's on Aly. What happens between Liam/Steffy and Ivy is none of Aly's business. Nor was it her business what went on between Wyatt/Hope/Liam. She has a sick obsession with Liam that should have been curbed long ago.

Addendum: For Aly to handwave Phoebe's death? Fuck you little girl, seriously. Don't step to me about twins. Steffy is one classy broad for being able to see through all that, rage would ha e got me and I would have slapped the red off her head.

I agree. I've only read today's recap but it sounds like she has some major issues and they need to call her father asap. And it definitely seems like she has something going on for Liam as he is a common factor in her crazy. Where is Oliver? Does he know she's got issues? Like major issues? Do we think they've had sex? They need to have him drop the girl and interact more with Liam, Steffy, Ivy et al as they are the same age. Poor thing doesn't need to be saddled with a mentally unstable teenager. How old is Ally supposed to be, like 19?


Like that "slapped the red off her head."

  • Love 2

I agree. I've only read today's recap but it sounds like she has some major issues and they need to call her father asap. And it definitely seems like she has something going on for Liam as he is a common factor in her crazy. Where is Oliver? Does he know she's got issues? Like major issues? Do we think they've had sex? They need to have him drop the girl and interact more with Liam, Steffy, Ivy et al as they are the same age. Poor thing doesn't need to be saddled with a mentally unstable teenager. How old is Ally supposed to be, like 19?

Like that "slapped the red off her head."

Ha! Thanks! Good point, doesn't it make Ollie seem a little off or pedophile-esque to be attracted to someone so young impressionable and unstable? I hope they haven't had sex. It would make him seen like a child molester IMO.

Seriously, though, where was this Aly when Rick and Maya were making her bring them dessert in bed and give foot rubs??


Crazy or not, I don't know why what Liam and Steffy and Ivy do is worth pulling a Jekyll-and-Hyde over. I mean, we've all had girlfriends in less than ideal relationships, and the world goes on just the same. Especially on B&B, where Steffy and Liam and another third party will be pulling this crap ten years from now, same as Brooke and Ridge.

  • Love 5

Usually I like the bonus scenes but Rick, Maya and Caroline all laughing in one just got on my nerves.  I can maybe almost buy Maya and Caroline bonding but Rick being there just ruined it for me.  So his reign of terror just a month ago is all bygones now?  Who is this wise, loving, humble guy and what did he do with the Rick I've seen on my screen for most of the last year?


He's the same guy he was before they decided to epicly trash the character.  Abruptly changing personalities (Caroline, Rick, and now Aly) is something the writers seem to think is good storytelling.  

  • Love 4

While watching the big Forrester meeting today, I felt the urge to crawl under my coffee table and cover my eyes. That was so unbearably awkward, and it seemed like Aly would never stop saying bizarre things. The facial expressions around the table were extremely well done - there was a shock, discomfort, pity, and the dawning realization that Aly was off the rails again. Now, I'm not really in the mood yet to hear jokes about the corporate atmosphere from Rick, but I did appreciate his sincere attempt to soothe Aly. I get why she wouldn't want to hear it from Rick or Maya, but Rick's concern seemed real and from straight from his own experience. Even Steffy came across as a non-irritating, caring person.


That all being said, I have two areas of confusion. Was Aly experiencing those flashbacks to Darla's death or were they just being shown for the audience's benefit? If Aly is experiencing them, how could she possibly know exactly what happened? Second, I would like to know why Steffy insists on modeling the lingerie and swimwear. Again, Forrester employs models, and she must be plenty busy with the presidency. For someone who doesn't respect Brooke, Steffy sure acts like she wants to be Brooke.

  • Love 18

He's the same guy he was before they decided to epicly trash the character.  Abruptly changing personalities (Caroline, Rick, and now Aly) is something the writers seem to think is good storytelling.


It's kind of hard to get invested in any storyline or couple when writers do that.  But I watched JY for too many years on AMC - evil Rick seemed normal to me.  :-)

  • Love 1
The only reason Steffy is strutting around as president is Taylor gave her the stock.  Buy all rights Taylor should have signed over her stock to Thorne and Aly.



I am not sure this is correct. I wasn't watching at the time, so fellow posters correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Steffy pull some kind of fast one on Bill to get FC's back? And didn't Steffy then divvy up the stock by giving herself, her dad, her grandmother, and her mother 25% each? 

Female empowerment through lingerie and bikinis, Aly may be crazy but she's not necessarily wrong.*


This business idea ranks up there with Thomas' boutique where you order online idea.


I find it easy to forgive these characters because they switch personalities so often.


This is a confusing time for me, no one is being smug so I'm finding it hard to know who I'm supposed to root for.


I just realized $Bill was punched by Rick and Ridge, Liam punched Rick and Wyatt, and Deacon kicked Ridge in the head. Liam and Deacon need to fight to see who the toughest man in LA is. (I don't know where the hell I'm going with this)


I almost thought the flip flopping waffle was going to dramatically tear up the annulment papers again.


*I do support the lingerie and bikini thing though.

  • Love 7

Of course she is completely blameless! How dare you not see she is white washed with trendy transgender paint of bravery! *Sarcasm font*

Word. They need to just go ahead and build a shrine to St. Maya the Transgendered. It could be at the front entrance so everyone can genuflect before it as they enter the building.

Aly looked like Gollum right there at the end. I half expected her to jump up on the table and hiss "The Preciousss is ours! Give us the Preciousss..."

  • Love 9

Admittedly,the end of the Caroline/Maya speech was a bit coying. But again, this show has handwaved far more henious, disgusting acts (Stephanie's actions leading to Brooke's rape, Ridge raping the first Caroline as Thorne made the World's Longest Sandwich which was reconned to her knowing it was Ridge in the bed with her).

In a genre where catfights were a thing until recently, I'll take anything thats a facsimile of women putting aside their past to stop sitting on one another. Maya should have owned up to her shit, but the things Caroline apologized for were long overdue and would have been even without Maya being trans.

  • Love 3
Where is Oliver?

That's what I was wondering. They should have called him to come calm her down. Maybe he could take her to that medieval castle jousting dinner theater thing that she loves so much.


Does he know she's got issues? Like major issues? Do we think they've had sex?

I think Aly is still a virgin or else there would have been several episodes of her dealing with having sex, both before and after. Plus, given all the grief she gave Hope when Hope gave it up to Liam, I imagine it's unlikely Aly would've easily surrendered her strict values. She's apparently the show's spokesperson for abstinence.


How old is Ally supposed to be, like 19?

When she first showed up again she was pre-law or in law school, and she had dropped out. I think she must be in her early 20s even though she dresses like she's a 12-year escapee from one of those secluded fundamentalist cults.

  • Love 7

I think Brooke was the only one at that conference room table born before 1990 (character, not actor).

Poor thing needs something to canoodle with. Carter should bench press her.


I would love for the storyline to go this way but I know it won't .  Aly finds herself in the psych ward with one of her inmates turning out to be a very much alive Sheila who uses Aly to get out and get revenge on all the Forresters! Or even Morgan who after all these years still has an obsession with Steffy after kidnapping her as a baby and tries to plot her way back to Ridge.

  • Love 6

Meant to say: I appreciated the Kristen/tony flashbacks even though that sweet little chocolate nougat no way ended up to become the zende of today.

As I type this, I realize Kirsten is the only Forrester who I haven't wanted to smack, ever. I hope she comes around sometime.

NuZende: oh myyyyyy... easily the hottest young actor to be casted in the last five years IMO! And while it may be too early to tell, he doesn't seem to be devoid of talent like most of B&B's cast (sorry, but there's a reason the number of acting awards in this show's history can be counted on one hand, even with a lack of shows to compete with).

It seems like B&B is really reinventing itself lately, apart from the Steam rehash. The optimist in me would like to think Bradley Bell is learning from the mistakes of other showrunners, particularly the demolition duo of Phelps and Pratt who are ruining what little remains of his father's vision that LML and his sis-in-law Maria hadn't already topedoed. Either way, I hope he keeps it up.

I think Aly is still a virgin or else there would have been several episodes of her dealing with having sex, both before and after. Plus, given all the grief she gave Hope when Hope gave it up to Liam, I imagine it's unlikely Aly would've easily surrendered her strict values. She's apparently the show's spokesperson for abstinence.

Was Aly even on the show when that happened? She seemed to worship Hope when she was first on the show and that was well after all that had come down the pipes.

As for another Sheila or Morgan: bring it on! While I'm glad to see B&B tackle the transgender issue, albeit in its own cloying way, I still think turning Maya into black Hope and then a lame Mean Girl was a wasted oppertunity, because KM definitely had the crazy eyes going for her when trying to track down her baby.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 6

OH great---now I don't even like TK Ridge---jeez, I will keep watching but where or where can I find someone who is some one I can like---they are all idiots--I still like Ivy but only if she gives Liam the gate and I still like Quinn/Deacon in spite of their pasts but the rest---not so much 


***and yeah Ally was pretty scary like everyone said.

Edited by Oly
  • Love 1

I don't really mind Aly going off the rails again, I actually thought it was nonsense how she all of a sudden seemed cured by forgiving Taylor.  So I guess how she feels about Taylor directly affects her mental health...forgives Taylor, Aly's fine; angry with Taylor, we get Floating Darla Head Aly.  As hard as I find this to believe, I was actually feeling bad for Steffy.  Yes, she is an arrogant bitch, but she lost her twin sister and that had to be horrible.  So horrible that I do think she's in a perfect position to help Aly, and I was really happy to see that she showed Aly some concern & compassion instead of standing back and rolling her eyes.  Maybe Aly's latest  rant made Steffy see that Aly is not just some nuisance but is a person with real problems.


Going back to when Taylor killed Darla,  as much as I could never stand Taylor, I actually felt bad for her.  if I'm remembering this correctly, I think there were several times that Taylor wanted to come clean, but Hector kept butting in and gave some compelling reasons as to why Taylor should keep her mouth shut.  I don't remember is the reasons he gave were actually all that compelling, but they were good enough that Taylor was really conflicted.  Didn't she finally cave and confess because she couldn't take the guilt anymore?  Also, I don't remember...was it Hector who made Phoebe keep quiet as well?  I really really felt bad for her; I think I recall her being pretty close with little Aly.  Anyway...yep, the one and only time I liked Taylor, because she went right back to being a bundle of smug :(

  • Love 4

Sorry, Bradley B., not buying what you're trying to sell. If I'm supposed to accept her as the show's new heroine, I'm gonna need a least one sentence out of Maya's mouth owning her part in some of the mean stuff that's gone down. She is not completely blameless.

Exactly! In the time I've been watching, Maya has been a self-serving gold-digger who actively campaigned to tank someone's marriage to get what she wanted and, once she did, lorded it all over everyone else. Being transgender doesn't excuse the fact that you are also an asshat.

I have to admit that I cringed when I read that Brad Bell has declared Karla Mosley to be B&B's new leading lady. Not because I'm opposed to a transgender character but because I don't think KM is a particularly strong actress. I also think it's a shame that they didn't cast an actual transgender person to play this groundbreaking character.

Edited by catalogrrr
  • Love 10

WTF is with Aly and why is she allowed to talk to people that way. Let's just forget it was Steffy/Liam she was berating but, if it was me, Aly would be shown the door and placed in shipping or the mail room. Do you think that Aly would get on Maya's and Rick's case for how she was treated now they are not in power. I think not. I'm just worried Aly will do something to Steffy and Quinn will be blamed.


This is the second meeting Ridge had to disband because of Ally's interruptions, quarreling, and contempt for his and Steffy's leadership. No one dealt with Ally's previous behavior, and her delusions have returned with a vengeance against Steffy and, to a lesser extent, Ridge (for the old chestnuts of not being Real Forrester's and their poisonous libidinous behaviors/attitudes).


Ally needs help and direction; she's not getting that from her surrounding family members. Steffy trying to reason with hysterical Ally was staged to make Steffy look more human and compassionate (both qualities she has historically shown to have in limited supply).


Of course, Ally will do something outrageous or, at the very least, act so rashly that Thorne will have to be called in to pack her off to Europe for "therapy."



Zende and Nicole don't have to actually perform standard intern scut work as Forrester Creations Crown Prince and resident Golddigger. Nice work, if you can get it.

  • Love 2

Nobody on the show works except Oliver and Carter so I'm not sure why Nicole or Zende wouldn't be exempt from it as well. Liam has two high profile jobs and hasn't been seen working in weeks.

Addendum: Steffy has been shown to be working and since she is back has more than once attempted to redirect gossip and Liam's whining to more work-related and productive activities.

I also think Steffy's sensitivity to Aly is in keeping with what she and Ridge promised which was to make Forrester more humane.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 2

Did we see a bit of niceness from Steffy towards Aly-gator yesterday? Surprising.


Wasn't it Oliver who convinced Aly to let go of the past and forgive Taylor? So in other words, nobody coerced Aly into it, as she implied during her rant. IIRC, Aly willingly agreed to try to give Taylor a second chance. She went from slaying a medieval axe to hugging it out in about three minutes. SMH.


From what I saw from today's spoilers, Aly goes postal on Oliver as well. I think they are at a pool party and Aly is dressed in some head-to-toe dowdy outfit. Ugh.


I say the actress portraying Aly is giving it her all. Maybe TIIC have had second thoughts about keeping her around full-time. I thought I read that she'd been relegated to recurring???? I remember that Maya was on and off the canvas for quite some time and look how that turned around...


I don't really care who Bell chooses to be the current leading lady as long as it isn't Steffy.  I'm good with Maya, but I guess we're in for a Ridge/Thomas/Caroline triangle to suck up airtime. Why not throw Brooke into the mix?

  • Love 2

Caroline should be the new damsel with Brooke assuming a Stephanie role!  Maya=no.  I feel like everybody including the writers are making this about transgender success and no one will cross Maya now because she is, anyone doing so will be discriminating!


And already on Day 1 Zende makes a move on Nicole?  Please, can we give it a week? 

  • Love 7

Exactly! In the time, I've been watching, Maya has been a self-serving gold-digger who actively campaigned to tank someone's marriage to get what she wanted and, once she did, lorded it all over everyone else. Being transgender doesn't excuse the fact that you are also an asshat.

I have to admit that I cringed when I read that Brad Bell has declared Kara Mosley to be B&B's new leading lady. Not because I'm opposed to a transgender character but because I don't think KM is a particularly strong actress. I also think it's a shame that they didn't cast an actual transgender person to play this groundbreaking character.

That's because there was no intention of having a trans character when Maya was brought on two years ago, when she came to Daisy looking for the baby she gave up when she was sent to the slammer.

Some speculated that Rick/Maya were endgame until the sudden rewrite of Caroline's personality gave the character some much needed spark and became a surprise hit with viewers. Then TPTB put them back together and Maya was out in the cold until this.

I do agree that KM is hardly leading lady material.

ETA: Everything I've wanted to say about Aly's behavior has already been said, but homegirl needs a history lesson, STAT. Eric and Ridge upholding FC values? Ha! Ridge has always wanted more skin in his designs...it was a big thing between him and Eric in the early days. But even in the '87 episodes, I swore I remember FC having a bikini line, one that even Ice Queen Stephanie was praising (or at least not yammering on about morals).

Also, Steffy should've used Taylor as her example, as she did spend her formative years thinking she was dead. But despite being a cretin, losing a twin has to hurt and Aly should've gotten cold cocked upside her self righteous head for that remark. FFS, that's your cousin and a far better role model for chasing and virtue than Hope could ever have hoped to be.

Phoebe, of course, not Steffy.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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