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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Liam is still his waffling self. I don't get why he's Bill's golden child when he is so wishy washy.


Really, Wyatt is the son far more like Bill.  (He's no Bill, but he's a hell of a lot closer than Waffles.) 


Judging by some previous spoilers/spec, and the description for the show on my channel guide today, I'm developing a theory on this INS thing:

 Today it says that Quinn does some meddling on Ivy's behalf.  I'm assuming that she's somewhat behind the INS thing.  Yesterday there was talk that either Wyatt or Ivy would find out that her immigration status is just fine, but they'd keep it to themselves to keep her married to Liam and Wyatt with Steffy.  So I'm guessing that they find out that Quinn either was behind the original INS visit, or she's discovered a way that Ivy can stay without being married, but she covers it up to keep Ivy in a situation where she "needs to" marry Liam.  Wyatt and/or Ivy will find this out, and they'll stay quiet about it. 

I missed the original run of LIam/Steffy/Hope waffling so I didn't realize just how bad it was.  It only took Steffy 2 or 3 trips down memory lane, up close and as personal as you can get with clothes on to turn Liam into someone I don't really recognize.  That pained look and shifty eyes, it looks like he's mentally recalculating his love life on the fly.  Ugh.  I liked Liam and Ivy together.  Now I don't like either one of them. 


And $Bill is gross.  I vote with previous posters - he should just sleep with Steffy already.  It would be 10 times less pervy than he's coming across now. 

  • Love 4

Quinn had nothing to do with INS. She does give Ivy the marriage solution which she balked at then by the end she's suggesting she and Liam marry to him. Quinn also does go to Carter to see if he has a solution, his is the same to get her married and Quinn asks him if he can marry Liam/Ivy today.


Liam was hilarious suggesting Ivy go back to Austraila. He was giving every option except marriage, which is usually peoples first thought.

  • Love 7

Well now, color me surprised that Ivy was the one who proposes. I mean, that's totally Liam's thing. This is the man that thinks there are few problems in life that can't be solved by throwing an engagement ring at it.

Oh, Ivy, your desperation makes me sad for you. He ain't all that, girl.

Steffy shut that shit down with Wyatt quick, fast, and in a hurry, didn't she?

Though Liam was kind of a dick with all his "you'll find someone else" hooey. He sounds like Hope right now, what with holding onto Ivy while refusing to let go of Steffy. Therefore Wyatt shouldn't make a play for Steffy, just in case Liam decides he wants her after all. Mmhmm. Sounds fair.

  • Love 7

Today was a really good episode that had a few chuckles and some poignant insights into Liam that the views know but were specifically pointed out by Quinn and Wyatt.

Quinn with Ivy: Waffles has a tendency, super power, to tell people what they want to hear but that's not really the case.

"Waffles doesn't need Steffy, he's confused, that's his natural state" "He needs a damsel in distress"

Wyatt to Waffles: "Your like a golden retriever trying to hold too many tennis balls in his mouth"

"Thank you for always reminding me that your not that good of a guy that everyone thinks you are".

Waffles and Ivy: Waffles' self realization that he's been careless emotionally with the women he's loved in trying to be loving and honest but has failed. Once again Waffles fall short of saying that he wants to keep Ivy exclusively and only has feelings for her (that's where I thought he was going) but it seems that he is telling Ivy that he is struggling about holding off his feelings for Steffy.

Ok, I'm confused, did walling off his feelings for Steffy also included his feelings for Hope. I'm pretty sure it was jealousy that kept Waffles from going to Paris in the first place and not at the last minute risking being late to Hope's deadline. Waffles was pretty emotional, with Hope, telling her to divorce Wyatt and raise the baby with him. That goodbye scene seemed pretty emotional also.

I also believe that Quinn has nothing to do with the INS and Ivy. After all, she is no Charlie with his super sleuth skills and important contacts.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 7

Ivy, girl, you are focusing on the wrong brother.


Unlike Waffles, Chicken focuses on one woman at a time. He was consumed with Hope (which is questionable but I digress) and it was pretty clear from Hope's response (aka her inability to give him up) that Wyatt was damn good in bed while Liam was just ok.


That's reason enough to let Liam go be with Daddy's choice. 

  • Love 12

Wyatt, trying to tell a waffle truths about himself is like verbally abusing a piece of toast. It feels good, the audience appreciates it, and nothing changes because buttered breakfast foods have no self-awareness.

I was starting to mildly enjoy Liam, but then Steffy came back. It is amazing how quickly he becomes repulsive in her presence. Why Brad Bell is so enamored of this wretched couple, I cannot fathom.

Carter did make me lol when he was talking to Quinn. "Did you stab someone? Simple assault then?" Quinn wasn't even offended.

Sure, Steffy, you just hate it when men fight over you. Attention from men does not make you giddy. Right. Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

  • Love 15

Wyatt, trying to tell a waffle truths about himself is like verbally abusing a piece of toast. It feels good, the audience appreciates it, and nothing changes because buttered breakfast foods have no self-awareness.

Ha! Quoted for truth. :-)

I also rather loved that Quinn wasn't the least bit offended by Carter's questions. That's my girl.

  • Love 6

Have you seen any flashbacks of her wedding costume yet? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6e/57/45/6e574510fdfa14bb48d28d7a1cabba1c.jpg


Actually, her second wedding costume was also a hoot: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/af/7b/71/af7b719a74df4fb07d8040a007a44a2c.jpg


Now you know why I said "costume."



Wow.  I don't suppose these were Vegas weddings? 

Is it bad that I have been thinking lately that somewhere down the line we find out Liam isn't actually Bill's son, and really Thorne's like they thought at first.....(remember it was between Thorne Bill and Ridge...)

Looking at that contender list are we sure he isn't Brooke's son ? 



Since Thorne and Steffy are biologically related, he's out of being Liam's father.

On this show I wouldn't count on it. ;)


Props to Steffy, this may have been the fastest a character has eaten the show.


Maybe $Bill gives more attention to waffles because he's the son who is further from being a "MAN".


Carter was pretty good with Quinn, but then he lost me by pointing out how FUN! things are with Steffy around.

  • Love 1

Wow. I don't suppose these were Vegas weddings?

Sadly, no. The first was in Aspen (witnessed against her will by Hope who was trapped in a gondola... oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth...).

The second I believe was outside Eric's house (wherein Steffy rides in on a motorcycle) if I recall correctly.

Edited by Amberosia
  • Love 3

Liam's appeal is one of those mysteries that may never be solved, like Bigfoot or the Bermuda Triangle. At first I suspected he could lay some serious pipe, but then, much like Bigfoot, I was forced to dismiss that theory for lack of evidence. Could it be his personality? No, I said to myself, much like the Bermuda Triangle, Liam's personality just sort of exists and is a tragedy for some who cross it.

My latest idea is that women gravitate to Liam because he will pretty much go along with whatever they want. If a good looking woman told him to go jump off a bridge, Waffles would pancake himself in the waters below the nearest one.

  • Love 12

Ha, the press conferences. Oh boy. That girl couldn't decide to have a granola bar without holding a press conference first.

While I certainly appreciate taking note of the communal engagement ring, I feel honorable mention should go to the mood ring wedding band of the Aspen wedding. Almost positive Steffy literally got it from the gift shop in the mad dash to the top of the mountain to be the first to marry Liam. Good times, good times.

  • Love 6

Waffles put Hope's engagement ring on Steffy's finger while it was still warm from Hope dumping him (literally, about 10 minutes earlier)

Yeah, and the twit twins were reminiscing yesterday about "this is where you put the engagement ring on my finger".  Unless this was another engagement ring?  I swear these soap people have closets full of engagement rings. And speaking of Waffles being a waffle, remember when Steffy agreed to an annulment so Liam could marry Hope (something Liam and Hope were begging for for months on end...at least it felt like months on end) and he ripped up the papers and threw them in a creek?  UGH


So, Steffy hasn't like boys fighting over her since 7th grade?  Does that mean she's now the oldest 8th grader alive? :)

Ha, the press conferences. Oh boy. That girl couldn't decide to have a granola bar without holding a press conference first.


  • Love 6

Liam's appeal is one of those mysteries that may never be solved, like Bigfoot or the Bermuda Triangle. At first I suspected he could lay some serious pipe, but then, much like Bigfoot, I was forced to dismiss that theory for lack of evidence. Could it be his personality? No, I said to myself, much like the Bermuda Triangle, Liam's personality just sort of exists and is a tragedy for some who cross it.

My latest idea is that women gravitate to Liam because he will pretty much go along with whatever they want. If a good looking woman told him to go jump off a bridge, Waffles would pancake himself in the waters below the nearest one.

Too funny, I was thinking of something to post along those lines but I gave up. You are a hard act to follow.

I got a kick out of Ivy when she said that she follows the rules. I have it on good authority that both Aussie men and women are extremely adventurous. Aussie men have been known to refer to Aussie woman affectionally as "little dudes".

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 1

Oh wow!

Ivy looks absolutely beautiful at her wedding to Liam.

Speaking of wedding looks

Have you seen any flashbacks of her wedding costume yet? https://s-media-cach...d7a1cabba1c.jpg

Actually, her second wedding costume was also a hoot: https://s-media-cach...0a007a44a2c.jpg

Now you know why I said "costume."

Steffi's wedding attire is somewhat a legend/in going joke in my family. My parents caught those 2 weddings and died laughing. That and the Hope fantasy flashback montages that went on constantly were the source of much amusement.

  • Love 3

As somebody who can't stand Hope or Steffy, I have to say that episode was AWESOME. I laughed and laughed, between Steffy's hilarious wedding costume complete with dirty hiking boots, and Hopeless being trapped in the gondola, pounding on the bulletproof glass, shrieking for Liam to hear her so he wouldn't marry his second choice. Honestly, as soon as Waffles put Hope's engagement ring on Steffy's finger while it was still warm from Hope dumping him (literally, about 10 minutes earlier), she deserved that gondola treatment for continuing to pursue such an assenine waffle. She extra-deserved it when he went out drinking with Steffy the night before he was supposed to marry Hope (I can't even remember which failed attempt at a Hope/Liam wedding that one was) and he showed up with blue hair and a tattoo, in his tighty-whities in front of her family. Girlfriend cannot buy a clue if it's on a neon billboard sign. Waffles = Loser!

That was wedding attempt number five or six and I think somehow Rick got blamed for ruining that for months on end. Had something to do with his pursuit of Caroline. I didn't watch that one, but I didn't realize he came to the wedding THAT fucked up! Lol. Hope deserved any stupidity she put up with after that.

Steffy was the second choice, but she at least got married to him. Twice. In seven attempts (I think--who can even keep track anymore?) Hope couldn't get legally wedded to him once.

Brooke and Ridge are king and queen of wedding disasters and even they eventually said "Fuck it" and went to the Justice of the Peace for their second-to-last marriage.

As for guys fighting over Steffy: when has that EVER happened? The closest I've seen on the show was her overlap with Marcus and Rick and Marcus bowed out more graciously than any guy whose rival sent him across the world to mack on his GF should be. Pretty much every love interest Steffy has ever had since Rick has been highly inappropriate, unavailable and madly in love with the woman she tried unsuccessfully to steal them from.

Steffy and Brooke are two sides of the same worthless FUN! token. Brooke feels guilt, Steffy doesn't give a shit, but it's the same poaching from family garbage that needs to end.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 8

That was wedding attempt number five or six and I think somehow Rick got blamed for ruining that for months on end. Had something to do with his pursuit of Caroline. I didn't watch that one, but I didn't realize he came to the wedding THAT fucked up! Lol. Hope deserved any stupidity she put up with after that.

Steffy was the second choice, but she at least got married to him. Twice. In seven attempts (I think--who can even keep track anymore?) Hope couldn't get legally wedded to him once.

Brooke and Ridge are king and queen of wedding disasters and even they eventually said "Fuck it" and went to the Justice of the Peace for their second-to-last marriage.

As for guys fighting over Steffy: when has that EVER happened? The closest I've seen on the show was her overlap with Marcus and Rick and Marcus bowed out more graciously than any guy whose rival sent him across the world to mack on his GF should be. Pretty much every love interest Steffy has ever had since Rick has been highly inappropriate, unavailable and madly in love with the woman she tried unsuccessfully to steal them from.

Steffy and Brooke are two sides of the same worthless FUN! token. Brooke feels guilt, Steffy doesn't give a shit, but it's the same poaching from family garbage that needs to end.


Still beyond euphoric that Hope is gone. May she and Steffy never exist in the same time space continuum ever again.

  • Love 9

When it comes to inappropriate interference in their kids' love lives, as bad as Stephanie, Eric and Brooke were/are, Bill & Quinn are on another level.  Bill & Quinn are two different sides of the same crazy coin and their crazy has affected their sons. Speaking of crazy, inappropriate doesn't even begin to describe Aly's putting Liam & Steffy on blast at Ridge's first meeting as CEO, as much as they deserved it. Aly needs to learn that there's a time and a place for everything and that was neither the time nor the place. That said, while when and where Aly said what she did was wrong, what she said wasn't. Steffy has no business going after Liam again and Liam has no business letting her because of Ivy. Wyatt's made plenty of mistakes in his love life, but when it comes to women, Liam sends more mixed signals than a teen pop star, whether it's to Ivy, Steffy, Hope or all of the above, at one time or another. Calling Liam a waffle insults waffles everywhere.


 Ivy's insecurity doesn't help and Steffy not only knows it, she's used it to her advantage ever since she slithered back to town. Steffy has proven time and time again that she will say, do and/or use anything and/or anyone to get Liam back and it's working like a charm. If I were Ivy, to be honest, while I would let Steffy get to me, I wouldn't show  it because she doesn't deserve the satisfaction and as for Liam, I would let him know that he had better keep things strictly business between them now and to nip any romantic bullshit in the bud. Ivy's immigration issues is just more deep-fried fuckery in order to go down the green-card marriage route, which was old and lame since before Ivy was born and it hasn't improved with age. If Liam's not smart enough to resist Steffy this time, that says much worse about him & Steffy than it does about Ivy, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 8

This is my first exposure to Steffy other than hit and run episodes in the past and so far I am not liking it or her at all---I was just starting to enjoy this show especially with the Little Dictator's comeuppance (which alas will probably be short lived and he will be braying in the halls again sometime soon) Steffy has got to be one of the most obnoxious characters I have seen in a long time--not Phyllis from Y&R awful but give her time---and Liam aka Sir Wafflealot is now ruined---what an ass. I still have hope for Ivy since I like the actress and the character (well I did until Steffy said "boo" and she folded ) At least I still have TK so I will keep tuning in for now even if they have a variation of the same conversation every day---

Edited by Oly
  • Love 7

Watching this week's episode at once....ugh, bad idea. And Steffy pulled all of Brooke's old tricks including flaunting lingerie in Liam's face. I'm surprised she hasn't cornered him in the steam room by now.

On a shallow note, I dig TK's shorter hair. And I loved seeing him care for Caroline. I'm not the biggest fan of the couple, but I've missed seeing simple loving, caring stuff like this on soaps between couples rather than triangle after never-ending, show eating triangle.

ETA: The Fullers were on point about Liam. Far too many quotes, but the one about a golden retriever with too many balls in its mouth is an insult to retrievers. They are capable of a loyalty that Liam can only dream of.

Quinn and Ivy work well off one another. I didn't realize how much I missed her till I saw her this week, batshit obsessive mother that she is. :)

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 8

Geez, no one enjoyed Steffy's lingerie play? I thought it was hot.




Okay, maybe not...


Waffles (to Wyatt): Maybe Ivy will decide to move back to Australia! Me: What an asshole. This brazen tool hopes his girlfriend will move away so he doesn't have to be a big meanie and dump her for his disgustingly thirsty ex-wife. Anything to wiggle out of making an actual decision. Thankfully Wyatt bluntly told Liam that wasn't going to happen. Then Liam has the sack to suggest to Ivy's face she move back to Oz and try for a visa. A thumbtack to the scrotum would not have been amiss at that point.

  • Love 12

Geez, no one enjoyed Steffy's lingerie play? I thought it was hot.




Okay, maybe not...


Waffles (to Wyatt): Maybe Ivy will decide to move back to Australia! Me: What an asshole. This brazen tool hopes his girlfriend will move away so he doesn't have to be a big meanie and dump her for his disgustingly thirsty ex-wife. Anything to wiggle out of making an actual decision. Thankfully Wyatt bluntly told Liam that wasn't going to happen. Then Liam has the sack to suggest to Ivy's face she move back to Oz and try for a visa. A thumbtack to the scrotum would not have been amiss at that point.



Yeah, that was like Charlie Sheen level dickishness. Like really Liam? Man up and make the choice you WANT to make instead of relying on "fate" or waiting for an anvil to fall on one of your girlfriends. Waffle indeed.



Quinn and Ivy work well off one another. I didn't realize how much I missed her till I saw her this week, batshit obsessive mother that she is. :)



I really liked them too. Quinn is making Ivy tolerable for me, I hope we see them get in even deeper, Quinn doesn't have a daughter and I could get firmly on Team Ivy if she lost some of the sanctimonious, sneaky-deaky crap and got her hands a little dirty.

  • Love 6

I DO NOT want Liam and Steffy (and whomever) to be shoved front and center for three more years. I can't take it! Liam is so much better in scenes with Bill, Wyatt and even Quinn. Introduce any kind of romance into his life and any cred he's built up is out the window (or over the edge of the Sky Lounge.)


WTH has Brooke been? I'm waiting to see her tangle with Steffy because isn't Brooke still supposed to be a VP of FC? Is KKL off on some other off-screen commitment?


Maybe Maya or Nicole would be more formidable foes for Steffy. I want somebody to take her down a few (no several) pegs. That's why I hope Liam goes ahead and marries Ivy.

  • Love 2

Is it just me, or has the air gone out of this show?  For awhile it was "must see tv"...now, not so much.  


The corporate storyline with all the fallout just drew me in; now, it just seems so tired.  Steffie, with that kabuki makeup, idiot brothers and poor lovely Ivy begging a guy to save her. I would hate to see Quinn drawn into the vortex of dull.

  • Love 4


NinjaPenguins, on 11 Jun 2015 - 08:08 AM, said:


Liam! Hey, Liam. I don't mean to harsh your mellow, but...well...your dad is trying to fuck your ex-wife with your dick. Pardon my indelicate language.


CountryGirl quote

This. Exactly.


Bill is the epitome of living vicariously through his son and I've always thought Steffy went after Liam solely because he's the closest thing to Daddy $Bill. Steffy is like an itch Bill can't quite scratch, under his skin. I honestly wish they would just fuck each other already since it's so clear that's what they both want.


In no universe ever would Steffy be satisfied with bland, boring, safe Waffles. He was interesting because Hope wanted him, the same with Ivy now. $Bill is much more her speed. As for Bill and Katie...the ink isn't even dry on marriage certificate #2 and he's already sniffing around Steffy again.


When $Bill was lecturing Liam to pursue Steffy -- "The future of Forrester Creations" and all that hooey -- I was seeing Stephanie commanding Ridge to dump Brooke for Taylor. Since the dialog was so familiar, after seeing it played out hundreds of times, I started to imagine $Bill barking orders at Liam in a silk crepe pant suit and matching brooch.



  • Love 8

I'm still puzzled as to why INS is going after an Australian.  She designs jewelry for a living.  It's not like she's a particular danger to society.  I get that if she's illegal, she's illegal, but surely they have more pressing concerns.


California is the epicenter of INS/ICE arrests and deportations of all nationalities. A local family was deported back to Canada when a job ended -- the employer contacted ICE after termination (as per federal law). Employers can face sever penalties if they do not follow federal and state regulations.  


TIIC are giving bits and pieces of Ivy's immigration process as the story moves along, so Ivy's immigration status will be subject to change to feed the plot, plot, plot -- When Ivy filed for a temporary work permit for her trip to Paris, her original work permit was flagged by the Feds -- the specifics are fuzzy, but Ivy represented herself as having duel citizenship when she applied for a U.S. work permit and travel visa. She did not have duel citizenship (having not applied for it), which means she misrepresented her citizenship status, obtaining a work permit under false pretenses. Ivy has been working illegally in the U.S., Paris and Amsterdam for Forrester Creations since she arrived.    


Gudzilla quote

As for Ivy's immigration status you would think they would have ironed that all out before she started. If only Forrester had a lawyer or something to do that.


All indications are that the Forrester Creations house lawyer, Carter, only works for Ridge.

  • Love 6

Maybe Maya or Nicole would be more formidable foes for Steffy.

If the writers want us to be on Maya's side, putting her up against Steffy definitely do the trick for me.


I don't know much about laws when it comes to working in a foreign country, but Ivy had to apply for a permit to do a one or two day photo shoot in another country?  Is this true in real life?

  • Love 1

I agree the show was so so so good for a whole there and now is just ok. Everything petered out or lost momentum. I can't stand Steffy the only bonus of her is she isn't Hope (since they wanted to bring both back).

They should have done the Maya story with Steffi instead and show the transition to male. The actress and character could pull that off honestly.

Ridge is looking good.

  • Love 4

If the writers want us to be on Maya's side, putting her up against Steffy definitely do the trick for me.


I don't know much about laws when it comes to working in a foreign country, but Ivy had to apply for a permit to do a one or two day photo shoot in another country?  Is this true in real life?


I believe the issue is that if you're here on a visa, you can't leave the country and just get back in.  So if you need to leave the country for a brief period, you have to get a permit that allows you to leave and re-enter the U.S. 

  • Love 1

Holy unromantic crap, Batman. If my boyfriend were making those sad-waffle faces and calling the marriage a "limited partnership", I'd be on the phone to the airlines, buying my ticket home. Who needs a crap relationship like that? Plus, he's mentioning his feelings for Steffy AGAIN before going through with the ceremony? Ugh! I noticed Sad Waffles hasn't even told Ivy he loves her during this whole immigration/rush wedding discussion. I get that she sprung a big idea on him (which she shouldn't have--dump him, sister!), but it would be impossible for him to look less enthused about the whole idea. He's making pained faces like somebody just told him his hamster has fallen ill. And since when is it tough for Waffles to have a quickie wedding? Ivy could do soooooo much better, it isn't even funny.


But here's who was funny: Quinn! She was cracking me up right & left today with her attempts to convince Carter and then Wyatt that she was on the up-and-up. I LOL'd when she told Carter that "Ivy wants to stay right here in the good ol' U S of A!", not head back home with the koalas. Rena Sofer has great comedic timing. I'm liking funny Quinn who isn't over-the-top psycho.

Edited by Shira
  • Love 13

But here's who was funny: Quinn! She was cracking me up right & left today with her attempts to convince Carter and then Wyatt that she was on the up-and-up. I LOL'd when she told Carter that "Ivy wants to stay right here in the good ol' U S of A!", not head back home with the koalas. Rena Sofer has great comedic timing. I'm liking funny Quinn who isn't over-the-top psycho.

Totally agree, Shira. In fact, as I was enjoying Quinn bring the funny & snarky today, I couldn't help think that I wish they hadn't totally botched her relationship with $Bill (not in a romantic sense, even in just a tolerable sense), because he also has great one-liners & comedic-timing, and I'd love to see them share scenes where they were on the same side.


That being said, ugh, I kinda wish Quinn had pushed Wyatt to marry Ivy instead of pushing Liam/Ivy so that Wyatt could have a shot at Steffy. Full disclosure, I began watching the show because it was on during my lunch hour, but I saw a few scenes of drippy Hope and then-awesome Steffy, and I couldn't imagine there being any competition between the 2. After a few rounds of the triangle from Hell, with Liam always choosing Mope over Steffy, I gave up on liking them, but stayed for everyone else (I intensely disliked Hope right from the beginning, and the waffling made me dislike Liam, although, I waffle back-and-forth on liking him myself). I liked Steffy up until the end of her time in BelLA, and was excited when she was coming back, but now I'm disappointed and just wish she'd have brought back some hot French toy with her, so that she could be away from Liam. She's one of those girls who would always rag on her friends' man for the slightest infraction, but will put up with whatever morsel of affection Liam gives her (in fairness, he's always all-too-eager to show her affection). She's much better in the HBIC at Forrester role than the pining for Liam.

  • Love 3

That is true, ByTor, the Steam marriages did last longer than the Lope marriages, but he was always openly pining for Hope when he was with Steffy, moreso than he pined for Steffy when he was with Hope. There always seemed to be a reason he HAD to be with Steffy. During their first marriage, it was because they didn't know about $Bill's involvement in Gondola-gate, then because Steffy hit her head and had brain trauma. The second time, it was because Steffy was pregnant (which she told him about at his impromptu-wedding to Hope). I always felt like, given the choice, he'd choose Hope over Steffy every time. I think he had more fun with Steffy, but he loved Hope more.


Why do I feel like you & I, along with the rest of this board, have given way more thought to each of those relationships than the writers have??

  • Love 5

I always saw it as Liam always choosing Steffy over Hope.  I mean, of Liam's eleventy-million marriages, his with Steffy are the only ones that lasted more than a day or two. 

Me, too.


Liam and Hope had too many chances to count to seal the deal and many of them without the interference of others, and yet they just couldn't make it happen. Even her insta-nuptials to Wyatt cannot seriously be blamed on Quinn shoving Ivy into the Seine because who marries SOMEONE ELSE because the man you supposedly love enough to marry is FIVE MINUTES LATE???


Liam wanted his cake and to keep eating all the slices. He had good girl Hope and bad girl Steffy panting after him when they should have not only shut down the bakery, but burned it to the ground, Angela Basset style.



  • Love 4

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