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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I get (but don't agree with) Rick being such a colossal douche, but I cannot figure out what the hell Maya is thinking.  She's not hurt and lashing out; she's getting everything she wants and should be happy.  Sure, I guess she's "supporting" Rick and showing she's on his side, but it just seems so stupid and misguided to treat everyone like such absolute shit, especially considering that she's presumably not blinded by pain and rage (in contrast to what I assume is supposed to be going on with Rick).  She has Matriarch Plans and never seemed to be a dummy - doesn't she realize that all this assholeishness is in direct opposition to her goals?  I cannot figure that character out, and I think it's 50% because the writing for her is inconsistent and 50% because the actress is not giving me any indications of who the character is supposed to be.


This better not be the start of a Brooke Is An Alcoholic storyline.  People, even supposedly mature adult people, can and do go on a bender and pass out on the couch and be hungover (occasionally) without it being alcoholism.  Can't she just drown her sorrows for a bit without it requiring rehab?  I think that could be a much more interesting and amusing story - Brooke slushing it up and being all crazy for a bit before she settles down and figures out how to be alone and be happy.  Also would be more realistic.  People don't generally go from having no problem with alcohol to needing rehab within a month or so, and it drives me crazy how often soaps go to that well.  I guess that relates to a general complaint I have about soaps these days, though - there is rarely any build up to and depth in storylines.  Or, things drag on forever and ever and ever and ever with no forward movement or resolution (Liam/ Hope/ Wyatt).  


Aly is going to snap and go all gonzo on Rick, isn't she?  Not opposed to it.​

  • Love 10

C'mon Brooke! I want for her to sneak a flask into the wedding and get sloppy drunk. Make a scene. Pay Katie back for ruining the Bridge wedding (not that I wanted for that to succeed...) I want to have her raging and kicking and screaming and Liam and Wyatt having to drag her out of there. Good times!

  • Love 9

I love the Wyatt/Liam brotherly relationship they have now. They're great together.


Poor Donna. Brooke sleeps with the groom, cheats with him when he was her brother-in-law last time, was going to marry him and she still is matron of honor over Donna? LOL Katie wanting Brooke as the MoH is ridiculous. Total opposite of the great scene of Bill with his sons asking Wyatt to be his best man.

  • Love 9

Brooke is feeling "a little jetlagged"? Didn't she fly in, like, weeks ago? And Katie believed her? C'mon son. None of this shit is flying with me. Why couldn't Katie smell the vapours off her morning breath, which I assume would have been terrible? And why is Brooke drinking something she doesn't like? Every time she takes a swig KKL grimaces; I'm pretty sure you can get just as shitfaced on mixers as you do with the straight stuff, and it's much more fun. And anyway, I can't feel sorry for a woman who got sloshed on high quality vodka and crashed on her luxuriously plush couch surrounded by equally expensive decor, and then probably had someone make her a top-notch greasy hangover breakfast just like that (::snap::).


Oh oh oh! And then she's saying "No I don't want to be your MoH, it's not right, blah blah," and then Katie badgers her into accepting the role, and then everyone's all smiles that she says yes? Christ on a bike.


"Yes, that's who I am."


Oh, Don Diamont, lol. Actually, lol to all the Spencer boys today.


No more Rick & Maya, please. I'm no longer interested in their assholery. Ivy & Aly should make tracks for elsewhere like yesterday.


How about Eric comes back and says that he's found a loophole in that stupid contract and he appoints Brooke as CEO.  And throws Rick, Maya and the portrait from hell, out of the mansion.  And tells Ridge to STFU about it all.

And then sets everything on fire because he's done with this shit. THE END.


Why does Katie need a matron of honor anyway?

I don't know how it works in the States, but Down Under you need two witnesses to your ceremony & signing of the certificate, which is usually the role of the Best Man & Maid of Honour. So I imagine that's what Katie's doing, although why it has to be Brooke of all people is still baffling. I know she said something like "it's part of the healing process" but for real, Brooke ain't got no honour.


Poor Donna. Brooke sleeps with the groom, cheats with him when he was her brother-in-law last time, was going to marry him and she still is matron of honor over Donna?

And her +1 is on the other side of the world. Can her day get any worse???


Did Maya call Ivy a fish? Maya: "(You) Fish need to step it up a little; a little bit of effort goes a long way."

She said "You just need to step it up a little".


And, when the heck is John McCook coming back?

Feb 19th.

Edited by St3phForrester
  • Love 6

This is just my opinion, but the show was moving on all cylinders before Brooke returned, and now she is sucking air out of the show by her not so good portrayal of a drunk and too much screen time. And we seem to have another Liam threesome here and I think they've served that leftover dish up before. I don't know what will happen to Rick and Maya, but they are too cartoonish for me. 

  • Love 12

The wheels have come off; this show was steaming along, and then Brooke returned and put a screeching halt to all of that. I know the selection pool is pretty shallow for Katie, but she could have chosen Donna to be her Maid of Honor, and had Brooke as her Bridesmaid, or, she could have done the right thing and left Brooke out of it all together. Did neither of these women smell Brooke's morning after liquor breath? After that final scene, Donna should now understand what is going on, and instead of badgering Brooke about her feelings for Bill or anyone else, should be stepping in to help Brooke, because she clearly is unable to help herself.


Heckle and Jeckle were in rare form yesterday; I just can't with these two. I don't see how FC's is going to be putting out any type of lines with H&J vetoing, and not approving of anything they are shown. Ivy's jewelry, once admired and loved, is now garbage? And looks like high school wear? I am not a person who finds other people falling, or getting hurt, funny in any way, and watching those two buffoons laugh at Ally because the heel came off of her shoe made me want to throttle them both. Rick isn't crazy, he is on a major power trip, and when he finally gets jacked off and comes back to earth, he is going to hit hard. Rick is going to snub his aunt because he can't stand to see Ridge and Caroline together? Well in that case, he might as well be living in a rabbit warren, cause he is going to be seeing a lot of them, at least I hope so. R/C can educate H&J on how it is really done; on how a romance should really pan out. I mean, you don't see those two running amok, nope, just a nice, sexy, steamy, hotness driven romance. 


This Spencer takeover thing is still a puzzle. So, Liam has to fuck Steffy to get her to agree? I don't see them getting back together since she is going back to Paris, which also raises the question on how she will be running FC's? I don't think any of it is going to happen. I think the takeover is going to come about, but not with Steffy's help, or, that could just be wishful thinking on my part, because I can't stand Steffy, or the weak actress who portrays her. She is like something someone used to spike the punch. Just go away please. 

  • Love 10

Dear lazy ass writers:


The hamfisted way you are trying to turn Rick and Maya into mean girls is unnecessary.  We get it. They are the villains. You want us to hate them. And you can't even do that right, cause I still like them.



A viewer with a working brain

Thank you. My mind was fried watching those two yesterday. If I hadn't already been convinced that TIIC want to turn Rick into a cartoon villian, I would be now.


I was surprised at Katie having Brooke anywhere near her wedding, but I remembered she married Nick and Bridget with Nick's bun in her oven once, so.....um....

  • Love 4

It didn't surprise me in the least that Katie wants Brooke to stand up for her at Batie 2.0 wedding.


Of course she would want her sister to have a front-row seat so she can watch, up close and in her face, how Katie bested her yet again.


I hope Brooke fakes her own heart attack or drinks herself silly ahead of time and passes out when it comes time for the does anyone object part.


And I hope Bill rushes to her side because he sure as hell isn't over her and vice versa and let bitchy Katie deal with THAT.


But I'm sure it will play out that Brooke holds it together then gets her drink on after the fact. 

  • Love 10

Katie has two sisters, Bill has two sons (i.e., adult sons), so why not have them all be whatevers-of-honor? It would take some of the pressure off of Brooke. I guess Katie just likes shit to get awkward.

I don't understand Liam's takeover plan, either. Wouldn't it be easier just to give Bill's proxy to Steffy? Ridge would be more inclined to throw in with them if it didn't involve Thomas and Steffy forfeiting their shares.

Edited by Snaporaz
  • Love 4

Don't you have to be currently married to be a matron of honor? Why at this age, a million marriages and a second marriage to the same person does Katie need to have bridesmaids? Just have whomever available as witnesses to sign the marriage certificate. 


It's looking more and more like we got our February sweeps in January, my friends. And I agree with those who said Brooke's return has sucked the life out of the show and I definitely don't want to watch (and won't) a Brooke Goes to Rehab storyline. 


Here's to wishing Caroline a speedy recovery because it's going to be awful with her out mending her bones. 

  • Love 5

I wish Katie had some real friends. Maybe then she wouldn't have to insist that Brooke be her matron of honour.

I wish anyone had actual friends on this show at any point in history after 1990. Alas, apart from the Spectras and Stephanie and Taylor's mutually parasitic relationship that was passed off as BFFs, there's been little of that even by daytime standards.

I'm I wrong or did Katie have a heart transplant?

If so, where is her scar?

That's a helluva slip up for this show. There's been precious little continuity, but the scar on her chest is usually not forgotten, even though it happened almost ten years ago, which is like 100 in soap years.

  • Love 5

I wish anyone had actual friends on this show at any point in history after 1990. Alas, apart from the Spectras and Stephanie and Taylor's mutually parasitic relationship that was passed off as BFFs, there's been little of that even by daytime standards.

That's a helluva slip up for this show. There's been precious little continuity, but the scar on her chest is usually not forgotten, even though it happened almost ten years ago, which is like 100 in soap years.

If you had her money, wouldn't you have had some plastic surgery to remove the scar?

The show started dragging for me before Brooke came back. I was over it as soon as they started writing Rick and Maya as the Joker and Harley and Ridge and Caroline as the greatest love ever. Yawn. Then again, B&B is a fan of drilling it into our heads who we are and are not supposed to love. They force fed us years of Steffy/Hope/Liam as the second coming of Brooke/Taylor/Ridge which.....no.

I gotta say that I enjoyed Drunk Brooke. I'd watch a show with her, Nikki Newman, and Neil Winters sitting at a bar and snarking on whichever characters walk by.

The pace of this show kills me. It's amazing that Katie is getting married just weeks after breaking up with her fiancé lol

  • Love 7

If Rick wants to go scorched earth on people, be my guest. I just thought he might get his revenge or sling zingers above an eighth grade level. What's next? Shooting spitballs at Ridge or leaving flaming dog poo on Wyatt's step? Maybe he and Maya could head to the local mall and point and laugh at the peons. Why have Rick regress like this? I don't care how annoying Ivy and Aly are; no one deserves to be treated like that. I guess instead of a nuanced look at Rick's anger and mining that history, we're going to get Mean Girls 2: Forrester Fuckery.

Terrible, bizarre writing.

This show has gone straight off the rails. Soooo very sad. Remember how just a mere few weeks ago we were all praising it?

  • Love 2

If you had her money, wouldn't you have had some plastic surgery to remove the scar?

The scar of a heart transplant surgery would run from the neck to the navel. The problem would be that it would take many procedures but the most important problem is that because of having to use anesthesia, any cosmetic surgery would be off limits. Anesthesia can cause problems to the transplanted heart.

  • Love 5

I didn't watch today's show, either.  So they got married already?  Let me guess: Carter did the honors?

They ended as Katie reached the altar. And yes, of course, Carter is officiating. He mentioned something about being able to do it as a side job given all the Spencer and Forrester weddings. Unless he starts officiating topless they need to find something else for him to do. 


But more importantly, Will is the cutest thing in the whole damn world. Cute enough to make up for Bill and Brooke staring longingly at each other DURING HIS FREAKING WEDDING. Gross.

  • Love 5

Bill's such a rogue but he's so amusing and charming.

I didn't like Katie's hair. I didn't care for her leather appliqué embellishment. Very Hunger Games ceremony dress. I didn't like Aly's dress but her hair is gorgeous.

Brookie, since you can't shot straight you know OJ or cranberry juice make a great mix with vodka just like this ::snap::

Drunk Brooke is not much different than normal sober squinty baby voiced Brooke.

When Ridge congratulated Bill and held out his hand to shake he looked like he wanted to snap it off.

Ivy looks a lot like Kate from Days. Same hair and everything.

  • Love 4

Why doesn't Donna have a story?  I only realized who she was about a month ago because I've only ever seen her in the background of ensemble scenes. 


I really hope they're having drunk Brooke be a hot mess for a while rather than this being a set up for A Very Special Intervention, because THIS IS NOT HOW ALCOHOLISM WORKS.  Haven't a lot of us been there, going through a screwed up time and self-medicating a bit?  It can just be messy and embarrassing and even a little awkwardly funny without it having to be rehab-worthy.  


I think this show does a much better job with dialogue than other soaps (cough, cough, GH) - sometimes it's actually funny and it often seems in character.  So, good on them for that.​

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 8

Since Brooke can't decide who she wants, I want for her to have this alcohol-induced blackout nightmare, so she won't remember if it really happened or not.


A black and white Warhol-esque setting with the grainy filmstrip. Brooke is playing a slot machine and the choices are either three Bills, three Ridges or three Deacons. None of the faces will line up and pretty soon they start sneering and laughing and mocking her. Frantically, she keeps slugging back the booze and stuffing handfuls of coins into the machine and pulling the lever over and over and over...

  • Love 14

Does anyone else think Brooke has had a boob job? She is looking really buxom.

I really don't think so. Seeing Brooke in her bikini, she didn't have any of the tell tale signs. But to be 100% sure, you would have to see her laying down on her back or naked. I love the way Brooke winced after taking a swig of vodka. That's what she gets for drinking a cheap generic brand. A premium Russian vodka such as Stoli, is made to be virtually tasteless for its primary use is to be a mixer.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 1

I think Brooke was just wearing a remarkable bustier under that matron of honor dress.  The girls were definitely not in their natural positions.  And seriously, what is up with the wincing after every drink?  If you hate it that much, maybe cut it with soda or lime or something.  Or just drink three bottles of white wine every day (or even a box).  Sheesh, Brooke, it's like you don't even know how to be a proper drunk - you have to at least *pretend* like you're enjoying it!


But, she was killing me with the champagne pre-wedding drunkenness today.  She really was pulling off being a little boozy and maybe overdoing it to hide her feelings but trying so hard to put on a happy face.  I liked it.  

  • Love 5

I only really watched this episode to see Don Diamont and Thorsten Kaye shaking hands and thereby touching each other, but even that was disappointing.


What was with Carter pointing out to Justin that "Man, Brooke is very beautiful woman!"??? What a weird exchange, and poorly acted.


Brooke vs CarRidge, lawd what a sloshy mess.


Also, I think when the zipper was stuck on the dress bag, at first JG & KKL were pretending and then it actually did get stuck, because the giggle KKL did just before she opened it sounded like she was genuinely struggling with it and was about to call cut on the scene, and then the camera ever so slightly zooms in as HT approaches her to do the Big Dramatic Moment. Anyway. Must've been a "Near Enough is Good Enough" filming day.


I know the selection pool is pretty shallow for Katie, but she could have chosen Donna to be her Maid of Honor, and had Brooke as her Bridesmaid, or, she could have done the right thing and left Brooke out of it all together.

Or she & Bill could've just eloped and done the registery thing later? Bill was happy to move Heaven and Earth to get Brooke to Abu Dhabi, but no such extravagance for the love of his life who has to settle for the living room? It's a nice living room, but the park across the street from the Logan house looks exotic in comparison, and no one who gets married in a living room ceremony officiated by Carter stays that way for long.


And what was with Bill's jacket? I'm not in a position to call anyone's choice of wedding attire/decor/whatever tacky, but I didn't like it.


Don't you have to be currently married to be a matron of honor?

I think it's currently and/or previously? Like when you are unmarried you are Miss, when you're married you are Mrs, but when you're divorced you're Ms. Whatever to all that, anyway. I'm having a Matron of Honour and my brother as a Bridesbro, but this is my first (and hopefully only) wedding - should Mr. St3ph & I go around again for whatever reason, we'd probably elope and save everyone the hassle.


Bill asking Aly who invited her was hilarious. Loved it!

Me too! I always enjoy it when characters who don't normally interact share scenes. 


But more importantly, Will is the cutest thing in the whole damn world.

I had to laugh when he asked HT to open the jar of whatever it was (looked like face cream?) and she couldn't get it open - but damn girl for getting through the scene in the first place, having her kid distract her the whole time. I can't hate on her for being able to concentrate like that. Zane is so adorable, especially in his little suit.
  • Love 9

I'm having a Matron of Honour and my brother as a Bridesbro, but this is my first (and hopefully only) wedding - should Mr. St3ph & I go around again for whatever reason, we'd probably elope and save everyone the hassle.


Congratulations! As far as this being your 1st and only, as long as Carter isn't there you should be fine :)


ETA...unless JMcC shows up in a helicopter...

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 7

Bill and Katie's wedding is shaping up to be one unfestive festive occasion. What with Katie upstairs worrying about that hangnail otherwise known as Brooke, and Bill downstairs strutting around looking smug and satisfied instead of happy and excited. Then you have seating for about twenty, but only five guests, with one of them being uninvited, and another uninvited and unwelcome. The best part of the entire pre-ceremony was Ridge offering his hand to Bill and Bill accepting it, when I thought he was going to slap it away.


In retrospect it also seems like the entire episode was about Brooke, and not Bill and Katie. Starting with Brooke running late, to her grand entrance and sharing longing looks with Bill, to Carter's weird "Brooke is a very beautiful woman", to the sisterly devotion, and Katie being so glad to have Brooke back in her life, to Brooke coming down to the ceremony drunk, and stumbling. I will say, KKL does a much better job of being a silly drunk, than a depressed one, but I see this as groundwork for all of Brooke's "men" to come to her rescue. 


Why can't little Ally buy a break? Her uncle has been unmerciful in his high handed, nasty treatment of her, and now Bill? Where are creepy Floaty Darla Heads when you need them. 



After months of watching Rick and Maya having sex at Brooke's cabin, Brooke's house, at the office, at Maya's love nest, in the bathtub, and now at Eric's, in addition to all the pre and post coitus scenes, and scenes with them in various stages of undress; all we Caroline/Ridge fans get is one night? What the fuck is up with that? Because clearly, something was up with Ridge and his over concern for Brooke. I don't see him leaving Caroline for her, but I do see his lingering desire to see Brooke happy coming between them. Stupid, stupid, stupid show! Go on then; put Ridge and Brooke back together. They will last as long as Bill allows it, and he dumps Katie once again to save Brooke from the Glorified Dress Maker, and we start the whole friggin cycle over again. 



I thought everyone looked really nice, particularly Ivy and Brooke. Loved both of their dresses, and Ivy looks nice in bangs. I don't think KKL has had a boob job, but her twins were on full display in that gown; even so, if anyone can carry it off it would be KKL, who was just sparkling. And I remain so jealous of Ally's luscious locks. All the men looked nice all doodied up, but I didn't care for Bill's faux western jacket. 

  • Love 8

What were Ridge's pained looks about? Thinking that it should have been him up there instead of Bill? Not that I don't think that he's not happy with Caroline, but it's gotta smart to see that Bill knew what he wanted, proposed, got her a ring and married her within a month. He may have been fine with Katie ending it, but he can't be happy with Bill reaping the benefits.

KKL was really bad today.

  • Love 3
I gotta say that I enjoyed Drunk Brooke. I'd watch a show with her, Nikki Newman, and Neil Winters sitting at a bar and snarking on whichever characters walk by.



I would totally watch that.  (Of course, my secret Y&R shame is that I would be SO there for a Nikki/Neil drunken relationship.)  


Of course Katie needed Brooke to be her matron of honor.  Her win isn't complete without that victory lap.  And was it me, or was Brooke's dress kind of a blue version of the red dress Scarlett wore to Melanie's party?  


The show right now feels like they're at a point where they're not entirely sure how they want to move forward with anything.  it's weird.  

  • Love 10

I am loving Drunk Brooke and I hope Drunk Brooke sticks around for many months to come.


I am confused as to why Katie didn't choose Donna as her Maid/tron of Honour.  Of course, Bradley chose for her so we could have conflicted angst between Drunk Brooke and Bill, but whatever.  It would have made more sense for Katie to choose Donna.  Who was it the first time around?


What was with Carter pointing out to Justin that "Man, Brooke is very beautiful woman!"??? What a weird exchange, and poorly acted.
Seriously, Carter is useless.  When he was standing next to Justin, for a moment I forgot who he was.  And Justin is barely on as it is.  The actor who plays Carter is downright awful.  I really hope that line wasn't a hint that he and Brooke are going to have a fling.  


So why aren't Justin and Donna together?  I remember some "it didn't work out" excuse, but that was probably more to do with Bradley deciding he didn't want much to do with them and didn't want to give them a storyline.  Neither are with anyone else, and they never interact with each other much at all anymore.  It's as if Bradley doesn't want anyone to know they were ever together.  It's as if Mushmouth doesn't exist anymore.

  • Love 3

Lol at Quinn referring to OPP. And um, Quinn, check Urban Dictionary. It's not "problems".


Why was Aly at the wedding? She's not a friend or relative of the bride or the groom and she's wasn't anyone's date. I thought that was really a pathetic wedding. Bill and Katie should have just flown to Vegas.

  • Love 2

Bonus scene.  How does Deacon know any of this stuff?  When is the last time you saw SK out of that set?  Oh, wait, someone said he went to Brooke's recently, right?  But when's the last time before that?  Give this man something to do.




Eric's finally coming back.  How long has Rick had that picture of him and Maya up in his office?


  • Love 2

Well, the advance notices went out today to all pertinent parties that BROOKE HAS A PROBLEM! Even so, I found the episode surprisingly entertaining, mostly because silly Drunk Brooke is growing on me. I found it pretty hilarious watching her interjecting her own version of the wedding ceremony and responding to Carter's statements. Katie and Bill's reactions were priceless too. 


I don't know or think I care for, what was going on with Ridge. 


Were they chem testing Allison and Carter?


I can't get that image of Quinn trolling the net for images of a lingerie clad Brooke out of my head. And now I want to see them hooking up. Deacon could jump in and make it a quick three way, but I think a Q/B pairing would be hella more entertaining than Bridge version 957547569555............


OMG...are we still back on does Rick have feelings for Caroline?



IKR? I watched that three times to make sure I heard it correctly. Rick's response almost makes it worth it, but if this is where Eric's head is going to be, well, then, he needs to go back to where ever he was, cause he is only going to be contributing to the problem. Rick has betrayed you Eric, he has lied to you, he has done every single fucking thing you told him not to, he has disrespected you, your wife and your home, he has mistreated your niece, and your granddaughter, he has shot a gun in an occupied office, he is actively sabotaging the company you entrusted to him, he has sought out and obtained a divorce, and you come back and are asking him about his feelings for Caroline? That is just a serious WTF moment there. 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 9


Why was Aly at the wedding? She's not a friend or relative of the bride or the groom and she's wasn't anyone's date. I thought that was really a pathetic wedding. Bill and Katie should have just flown to Vegas.

Bill asked her the same thing. LOL She said she heard about it,  I think Brooke walked in before Bill could question her further or tell her to go. 


Her showing up uninvited was pathetic.


So Eric's going to tolerate the awful warzone of a work place he's turned Forrester into? Steph must be rolling in her grave. Rick and his enabler parents need to leave the building and not be allowed in. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 2

IKR. I was hoping that she'd try to kiss Bill or be catty to Caroline or pass out face-first in the cake or something. Or, break out in a solo chicken dance (aka boozy Taylor) while the other couples were canoodling.


I wished that either Liam or Wyatt had innocently chosen Ridge and Katie's "love pome" for their reading.


Did Bjork design Katie's wedding dress?  That looked like a giant white swan feather or shark fin. Since Ridge couldn't spring for a proper engagement ring, the very least he could have done was design a dress for Katie. What's one day's notice, give or take a few hours?


I can't stand listening to Katie speak when she's all choked up. I keep wanting to clear my throat. What was there to get all teary-eyed about anyway?  I'd be keeping a clear eye on your groom who was giving side glances to the MoH.


So, I am confused. If Brooke is still in love with Bill, why did she just toss him away? If her own daughter's men were fair game, why make a sisterly sacrifice? Did she really want Ridge or was he just Plan B? Why are both Deacon and Ridge so concerned?


Bottom line. If the only association people had of me was being with some man, I'd shoot myself!

  • Love 6

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