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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I feel completely the opposite. I am judging each couple by their actions, and how they handle their business. What Rick and Maya do has no bearing on how I feel about Caroline/Ridge, or vise versa. There is no doubt that I am 100% a C/R fan, but that doesn't mean I am against R/M as a couple. I am not liking either of them as individuals at the moment, but they don't bother me as a couple, although I am not invested enough to care if they stay together. That was not true the first time around; I was completely in their corner. I never really liked Rick and Caroline, although it did get better after they were married. Even so, I still found them kind of boring. And I never expected to like Ridge and Caroline; it never even crossed my mind, or occurred to me to pair these two. Back then I was thinking about Caroline and Carter, and was totally blindsided by actually liking R/C. 


I think both couples, and all four performers, are hitting their marks with their respective characters. Yeah, Rick and Maya are a little over the top, but it is some good shit all the same. And even though I diss Maya relentlessly, Karla Mosley has come a long way in this role, and is starting to really own it. I can't imagine another Maya now; I think my KM love grew substantially the day Rick shot the gun, and Maya was standing behind him when he said "I had to get him off my wife somehow". The best reaction ever. And it grew ever larger when she boldly opened that door in her lingerie, and carried on a civilized conversation with her possible future mother-in-law. And she is beautiful, and a total hoot in real life. 


Perfectly stated....I don't see this writing as slanted to prop any couple,  for me each couple owns their actions.  I don't see Ridge and Caroline as innocent victims of anything.  They are two people who started out this relationship on less than perfect terms...it's soapy and perfect.  The reaction that Rick is having to it is completely in his wheelhouse and not new to me.  Rick has always been unbalanced, childish and over the top in his anger.    


I never felt one way or the other about Maya..she actually was ffw'd material for me when she first arrived.  She was sappy sweet and blah but now she has spine and attitude and it's fun to watch her.    


There's not one thing about this show I find boring now or that I ffw'd.   Kudos to TK/LG/JY and KM  for reeling this viewer in.   It's the best 30 mins in daytime drama right now imo and I couldn't say that before when it was the Hope/Wyatt/Liam show.   

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 10

Count me in as one who found yesterday's paint scene hot. I enjoyed them today as well.

I'm starting to feel sorry for Brooke. I really don't think Ridge is going to back to her, especially right now when things are new and heating up with Caroline and he's obviously really enjoying it. Brooke just looks pitiful and lacking any dignity, getting all dressed up in a bikini and basically throwing herself at him. And I still don't understand the point of this.

  • Love 11

So, I assume that Ridge and Caroline needed to shower to get all that paint off before they went to sleep.  Any chance that's in a bonus scene? 


I don't know that I can take Liam and Wyatt seriously as the corporate sharks they're trying to be here. And was that shot of Rick interspersed in their scene supposed to mean that he is on to them or that he's sitting there, smugly, not aware of what's being plotted? 

  • Love 8
I don't know that I can take Liam and Wyatt seriously as the corporate sharks they're trying to be here. And was that shot of Rick interspersed in their scene supposed to mean that he is on to them or that he's sitting there, smugly, not aware of what's being plotted? 


I kind of wish that it meant that Rick knew what was happening, simply because Liam and Wyatt sounded really dumb today.  Liam, especially.  "First, I'll take your stock.  Then with Steffy and Thomas's, we'll be on our way.  What...huh?  Oh, yeah, Steffy did explicitly say that she's not on board, but I'm still going to depend on her stock.  Then Eric and Ridge are majority (?) stockholders, but I'm just going to bring up that point with no resolution.  Finally, with Wyatt on the inside, we'll finally have a start to taking over the company, somehow.  I don't know how businesses work, but this takeover seems doable."  However, I do like seeing Liam and Wyatt working toward common brotherly goals.

  • Love 7


It's not even their petri dish, it's his father's!!!  ::bleurgh::


Ah ick?!? 



Karla Mosley has come a long way in this role, and is starting to really own it


I was with you until this. I continue to think KM is subpar at best compared to the rest of the players. She does nothing for me at all. She's got one look and it's that silly wide eyed thing she does. I also don't think she contributes much to scenes or her fellow actors. She seems like blank space to me.



I don't see this writing as slanted to prop any couple,  for me each couple owns their actions.  I don't see Ridge and Caroline as innocent victims of anything.  They are two people who started out this relationship on less than perfect terms...it's soapy and perfect.  The reaction that Rick is having to it is completely in his wheelhouse and not new to me.  Rick has always been unbalanced, childish and over the top in his anger.


Completely agree. I don't see how the writing for Rick is any different. He has always been childish, whiny and angry.



Rick interspersed in their scene supposed to mean that he is on to them or that he's sitting there, smugly, not aware of what's being plotted?


I tend to think he's unaware since he's spent more time in his fathers bed with Maya than actually running the company. I don't think anything about this Spencer plot makes much sense. The shares math seems suspect at best. Plus, isn't there a board involved someplace that might have something to say about all of this?

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 5

Count me in as one who found yesterday's paint scene hot. I enjoyed them today as well.

I'm starting to feel sorry for Brooke. I really don't think Ridge is going to back to her, especially right now when things are new and heating up with Caroline and he's obviously really enjoying it. Brooke just looks pitiful and lacking any dignity, getting all dressed up in a bikini and basically throwing herself at him. And I still don't understand the point of this.


Love Caroline and Ridge!    I had no problem with the painting and love scene,  except I wanted less painting and more of the ooh la lah in the sheets!   I think TK is hot, big hands and all!   The fact that Caroline is so delicate and fresh only adds to their appeal for me.  I see nothing wrong with the age difference.  I know lots of young women who are just into older men.   I was one of them when I was Caroline's age.  ;-)


I don't feel sorry for Brooke at all.   She just screams of a tired pathetic old bicycle, plus her smug "I can get him like that *snap* pissed me off royally.  I want nothing more than for her to get her over inflated ego cracked hard.   Of course knowing Brad Bell and his infatuation with all things KKL and Brooke,  he will at some time have Ridge/Brooke again.  That's about the time I'll start remodeling my master closet that I've been putting off.  


I'm kind of tired of Liam and his whiny "what about Ivy?"  routine.   We get is show...Liam is really into Ivy and I'm very happy, because I was really tired of Hope, but we can put the "Ivy and Liam" are a couple sledgehammer away now.   


I'm totally on board with them going after Rick though...little Napoleon has it coming to him; and oh boy is Brooke really gonna need to coddle her son after The Spencer boys dismantle his world.  "Mommy, they took my company away from me.  *sniff sniff* and  I want it back!"     

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 11


I don't feel sorry for Brooke at all.


Me either. For this viewer, it feels more like something she's deserved for a long time. I've been over that whole Brooke can get any man stuff for a long time now. Also the no man ever forgets her or gets over her. It's extremely tired and very stupid because come on Brooke isn't all that. I feel the same way about Victurd on Y&R - the writers have always treated the character like no woman can resist him nor forget him. Uggh. As if.


Brooke has spent very few moments in her life considering the other women when she was trying to bed her current destiny. Brooke rejected=all good for me.

  • Love 10


It's only a year--if Liam is so frantically worried about Ivy and Caroline, why doesn't he find some suitable jobs for them at Spencer to tide them over 'til Rick's off his tyrannical throne at FC?


Exactly! It's just so ridiculous. It's one year. No matter how much of a dumb ass I happen to think Rick is, I don't think he'd let Forrester crash and burn completely. And if he was, I'd have to believe Eric would have some recourse. Ivy and Caroline don't seem nearly as concerned as Liam allegedly is at this point.

  • Love 4

Perfectly stated....I don't see this writing as slanted to prop any couple,  for me each couple owns their actions.  I don't see Ridge and Caroline as innocent victims of anything. 

I think many would agree with you, which is a fail on the writers' part, because I DO think they want the viewers to see Ridge & Caroline as victims of Rick.

  • Love 3

For me, Liam is unbearable in any romantic pairing. His interactions with Steffy yesterday (and the requisite flashback of their location-shoot history) drove that home for me, but I can't put my finger on the reason why. Is it his tone? Or how drippy he becomes? The expression on his face?

But I love him with Bill, Wyatt, Caroline, and Katie, and I'm still waiting for the hate-sex with Quinn! He has great comedic timing, and I can't understand why he's not used more in that capacity instead of constantly forcing him into some silly triangle.

  • Love 14

"Delusional Party of One? Brooke you table is waiting."

She is really feeling herself way too much and looks clueless.

I died at Wyatt's expression when Rick asked him to get on his knees and beg. That was an epic face he made. All I need is a gif of it and printed on the bottom "bitch please" or "you're fucking kidding me!"

"Little Dictator! Napoleon wannabe!" LMFAO at Bill. Despite his manly image it'd be fun to go to the bar with him and snark about people Karen Walker style.

Caroline's dress and hair looked so cute.

This show is crazy but so good right now.

  • Love 13

Man, I don't know who Brooke has less respect for: herself or Ridge. I hate watching someone use their sexuality as a weapon and assume their target doesn't have the ability to resist them.


He is definitely more Patrick Thornhart.

Possibly so. I wasn't watching OLTL during the brown penny era and my main frame of reference for TK is Zach. However, I also watched him when he was on Smash and most of his routine came into play there as well. It would seem that B&B hired him specifically for the whole thing he's know to do as a dark and brooding romantic partner and I guess it's finally clicked.


I do like seeing Liam and Wyatt working toward common brotherly goals.

Me too. It's so much better than watching them use Hope as a human ping pong ball.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 4

Okay, this picture from (I guess?) the Valentine's Day show coming up really cracks me up!!!

: https://www.facebook.com/433905550012381/photos/a.435570376512565.97555.433905550012381/785152211554378/?type=1&theater Steffy looks like something the cat dragged in! Too funny...how is this even a dilemma for Waffles 2.0?


oh lawd....just no Steffy.   All I can think with her in that me Jane get up is tarzan06.gif

  • Love 8

venusnv80, on 09 Feb 2015 - 5:06 PM, said:


Excuse me but  Spoiler Even though it makes me giggle that its even a question.


jenrising quote

Once a waffle...





Liam is a dipshit.



Cupid Stunt Quote

All from the peanut-sized imagination of Bill Bell.


St3phForrester quote

You mean Brad? Bill came up with the original good stuff; Brad hasn't done quite as well with the follow up.


I did mean Brad at the time, but Bill cued up this broken record of interfamilial sexual predation.

  • Love 8

Oh Brooke, PUH-leeze! This is so childish and pathetic. I just hate, hate, HATE when Bell pulls out a "I Woke Up in Love This Morning." What, Brooke officially broke up with Bill like last week? I mean I realize she'd been keeping him at arms length for months, but still... She's just sooooooo smug and arrogant about the whole thing with Ridge, really.


I loved Donna's WTF reaction to Brooke and how carefully she was choosing her words to tell Brooke that the whole idea was BSC and doomed to fail without coming right out and saying it. What was even worse was how Brooke was so quick to dismiss everything ("Bill was a mistake," really?) and has deluded herself into thinking that she could erase time back to the doomed honeymoon interrupted by a text message.


I can't wait to see this backfire terribly. KKL must be so weary of this tired-out storyline.


Yes, Liam and Wyatt were hilarious today. So was JY. You can tell he's just loving this!

  • Love 8

You know, it's nice to see the Spencer Brothers working together (finally) I hate to see sibling rivalry onscreen so this is a nice change of pace but aren't they coming on a little strong with this Rick is TEH EVIL business? It reminds me of villains from 80's/90's movies, it's practically  Cary Elwes in Hot Shots at this point and Maya and Rick together are booking for best Misfits impersonation, while Jem and her Holograms look on in horror. I mean c'mon writers, I'm not 9years old anymore, I may act like it from time to time but fawk. This is truly outrageous.



I just hate, hate, HATE when Bell pulls out a "I Woke Up in Love This Morning."


Bwah! It's even more upsetting when you realize that he wakes up in love every morning with a brand new ship.


CupidStunt! *dies* Best.gif.ever.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

"Delusional Party of One? Brooke you table is waiting."

She is really feeling herself way too much and looks clueless.

I died at Wyatt's expression when Rick asked him to get on his knees and beg. That was an epic face he made. All I need is a gif of it and printed on the bottom "bitch please" or "you're fucking kidding me!"

"Little Dictator! Napoleon wannabe!" LMFAO at Bill. Despite his manly image it'd be fun to go to the bar with him and snark about people Karen Walker style.

Caroline's dress and hair looked so cute.

This show is crazy but so good right now.

I had another image in mind when Rick told Wyatt to get down on his knees. Yes, I went there. Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 4

oh lawd....just no Steffy.   All I can think with her in that me Jane get up is tarzan06.gif


Funniest thing I've seen in awhile.  Even as tiny as she is, JMW is quite masculine looking.  I wish someone would kindly tell her to lay off the plastic surgery though, and just roll with it.  Seeing anyone - but especially someone so young - have themselves implanted and injected and whatnot is pretty sad.  Sometimes I wonder how the doctors who do this to people live with themselves.  Yeah, yeah, free will and all that, but at some point they are just flat out taking advantage of someone's out of whack insecurities.  And that's disturbing.

  • Love 6

I feel like KKL is constantly playing catch up whenever she's in a scene with TK, if that's the best way to describe it. I got a good laugh out of it, whatever it was. Not as many laughs as the Spencer Jr Squad scenes though; this is the kind of material that makes me love Linsey Godfrey as an actress. She & Scott Clifton were particularly good. Who would have guessed the secret to making Liam more likeable was just to jack him up on coffee?


But Brooke's lines were particularly stupid today. "I've loved Ridge forever"??? Gorl plz. And the bonus scene above (thanks Kia112), RJ asking when Mommy & Daddy are getting back together again? Last time we saw that kid he was talking to everyone like he was 45 years old, not 6. 


Actually, now that I think about it, what about having a scene between Caroline and Donna? I wonder how that conversation would go.


Ridge celebrated his 30th birthday in 1990.  (Yeah, once upon a time, they actually gave the character a definite age.)  The character was seven years younger than his portrayer, Ronn Moss, who's now 62.  So, Ridge should be 55 now.

Thanks Cool Breeze for that little tidbit - so if Ridge was 30 in 1990 that means he was born in 1960, and if Stephanie was a freshman (18?) and Eric was a senior (21?) then Stephanie was 70 when she died and Eric is 76 this year.


Might just be me and you Snaporaz, but YEAH!
Nope, I'm in, too!

Me three, me three!


TK's reaction when Caroline dropped the sheet was perfect

On first viewing I thought he'd PE'd. Whoops!


I also watched him when he was on Smash

Oh my goodness talk about the lolz, remember the Bollywood number from that show? I think 2:58 was the moment I fell completely in love with Thorsten Kaye.
  • Love 8

Brooke's timing couldn't have been better; Ridge is so not into her scene or her frame of mind. I think Ridge is going to have to get ugly to get the message across that he has moved on. I don't want to see Brooke get hurt, but what she is doing is a total embarrassment to her and Ridge, and disrespects whatever they did have in the past. I still cannot believe that we are back to square one with Brooke suddenly wanting her destiny again. And of course, Ridge has no say in the matter. It was all just too much really. 


I had another image in mind when Rick told Wyatt to get down on his knees. Yes, I went there.



Me too!

  • Love 4

As a Brookie, I'm disgusted and saddened by how she continues to be treated,


When she was with Bill, I had some hope that finally, after all these years, she was free of Ridge and the trappings that came with him, most especially turning her into a vapid sex kitten or crying heap on the floor, depending on the week, day, or hour. She was strong and confident and taking on Bill's attitude of giving not a fuck about what anyone thought about her. 


When KKL was off dancing in Italy, Brooke definitely lost all of that growth and momentum and has now regressed into the insipid teenager she apparently thinks she has to be to compete with Caroline.


Triangles are a soap staple, always have been, always will be, but seeing two women fight over a fifty-something year old man and one of them is fifty-something herself is just ridiculous and demeaning. Who honestly wants to see this? It didn't work with two twenty-something women fighting over a twenty-something man (Hope/Steffy/Liam and the various spin off triangles), so what are TPTB smoking that they think this is entertaining?


And it's just so tiresome to see Brooke trod down the same roads over and over and over again. She should have been done with this type of storyline in her twenties, but it was carried on through Brooke vs Stephanie and the seemingly endless Brooke vs Taylor wars. 


Why does Brooke have to have a man at all? Why can't she just be happy by herself, kicking ass at work and raising RJ, etc. But of course, she has to be inserted into the CaRidge relationship and come off as unintentional comic relief.




Brooke and KKL deserve better.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 13

Triangles are a soap staple, always have been, always will be,

I agree, triangles have always been one important soap storyline.  Unfortunately, the B&B writers never got the memo that there are stories to write other than triangles.  It started with a triangle (Brooke-Caroline-Ridge) from the very beginning, but there were so many other things going on as well, like the fashion business  with shows that consisted of more substance than 3 models stomping up & down the runway wearing the same 3 dresses.


I also agree that seeing Brooke "single and loving it!" would be awesome for a change, but I feel like a soap character without romance kind of stagnates.  Why can't they just have her in a relationship and STAY in it? Yeah, yeah, drama comes from a 3rd party entering the picture, but how dramatic is it when you already know that's what's going to happen??

  • Love 8


When KKL was off dancing in Italy, Brooke definitely lost all of that growth and momentum and has now regressed into the insipid teenager she apparently thinks she has to be to compete with Caroline.

Triangles are a soap staple, always have been, always will be, but seeing two women fight over a fifty-something year old man and one of them is fifty-something herself is just ridiculous and demeaning. Who honestly wants to see this? It didn't work with two twenty-something women fighting over a twenty-something man (Hope/Steffy/Liam and the various spin off triangles), so what are TPTB smoking that they think this is entertaining?

And it's just so tiresome to see Brooke trod down the same roads over and over and over again. She should have been done with this type of storyline in her twenties, but it was carried on through Brooke vs Stephanie and the seemingly endless Brooke vs Taylor wars.

Why does Brooke have to have a man at all? Why can't she just be happy by herself, kicking ass at work and raising RJ, etc. But of course, she has to be inserted into the CaRidge relationship and come off as unintentional comic relief.



YES!!! to all of this!

  • Love 2

ByTor, I wouldn't be opposed to Brooke having a steady, stable relationship. I was hoping so hard with Brill but hoping for Brooke to be happy and in a secure, mature, committed relationship is like Charlie Brown thinking Lucy's not going to snatch the football away.


I also agree that in the vintage days of B&B, the love triangles were there but there was so much more storytelling going on, most especially with the competing fashion houses of Spectra and FC. And sometimes, like with the gold of the original Macy/Thorne pairing, they could seamlessly blend the romance with the corporate intrigue. I also miss the glory days of the runway shows and how excited I'd get to see all the different outfits, most especially the show-stopper (runway proposal aside). Now, the fashion shows are pretty much FF materials to me.


I would have loved to see a storyline where SP decided to branch out into fashion (not a huge stretch considering Eye on Fashion is one of their key pubs) and Bill and Brooke ran that company, giving FC some competition.


But instead, we have ego-manic Rick running FC uncontested or unchallenged by a rival fashion house, Bill/Liam/Wyatt plotting to take over FC when two of the three don't know nothin' about birthin' babies, and a lead model that is anything but. 

  • Love 6

So I missed the show yesterday, but I see references to Rick telling Wyatt to get on his knees and beg. Wyatt didn't actually do that, right?

When is the refreshing new direction for the Brooke character supposed to start? From what I read here, it's the same tired, played out nonsense for her.

  • Love 1

Funniest thing I've seen in awhile.  Even as tiny as she is, JMW is quite masculine looking.  I wish someone would kindly tell her to lay off the plastic surgery though, and just roll with it.  Seeing anyone - but especially someone so young - have themselves implanted and injected and whatnot is pretty sad.  Sometimes I wonder how the doctors who do this to people live with themselves.  Yeah, yeah, free will and all that, but at some point they are just flat out taking advantage of someone's out of whack insecurities.  And that's disturbing.


I have been thinking the same about whoever does HT's surgeries for years.  At some point, you have to realize that the woman needs some therapy.  Of course, then I guess that's why her work is so bad - the really good doctors won't just keep cutting and cutting to the degree she seems to want. 


it's beyond embarrassing that a woman Brooke's age decides to throw on her bikini as part of her ploy to lure in a man who's interested in someone else.  Have a little self-respect, Brooke.  

  • Love 6

I agree, Quinn & Deacon were cute, and I wonder if they're being established as a team.in order to send them on a caper or two sometime soon. I look forward to watching them get themselves into trouble. In the meantime, SK is being so warm and cuddly, I'd be happy to let him ruffle my feathers. But I'm looking forward to having him regain a bit of his dangerous edge.

As for Brooke, this exchange with Ridge was a long-overdue dousing in cold water. I've never cared for her alternate states of self-righteous indignation or smirking coyness, so the gentle rebuff from Ridge was just perfect.

  • Love 8

So Quinn let her business collapse, didn't use the Forrester connection to expand and now has no work? What the hell is the matter with her? I hate that.


Cannot wait to go home to see Ridge reject Brooke. And I do hope Caroline rubs it in a bit because that snapping was beyond idiotically rude.

  • Love 7
Ridge celebrated his 30th birthday in 1990.  (Yeah, once upon a time, they actually gave the character a definite age.)



Before they sorased anybody and fucked up timelines, B&B worked in real time.  That was one of the reasons I liked it.  Stephanie would often say "That bitch has been a thorn in my family's side for seven years" or Brooke would say "You've been gunning for me for six years!" No other show could do that.  Then they sorased Brooke's kids and then the year specific declarations stopped.

  • Love 6

Then they sorased Brooke's kids and then the year specific declarations stopped.

I don't know if I'm imagining this, but I swear once Brooke was arguing with Stephanie that she treated her like dirt for 15 years, but at the time Rick was supposed to be early 20s.  I remember laughing that they dropped the ball on that one.

  • Love 3

Deacon and Quinn are really starting to grow on me. I wasn't on board with them at all, feeling they were the convenient and contrived pairing; the two bad asses, the trouble makers hooking up. But it hasn't panned out like that at all. Deacon is so sweet and affectionate with Quinn, and she is actually having moments of self awareness, and is showing some weakness and self doubt. Crap, they are actually shaping up as model citizens; maybe they are the future Matriarch and Patriarch.


Jesus Donna and Pam, were you two running your lines for Mean Girls 3? Why do they feel the need to convince Caroline that Ridge will go back to Brooke? And I think saying it once was enough, maybe twice for effect, but after that they needed to cap it. Seriously.


So, I hurt real bad for Brooke. Not because Ridge rejected her, but because now, she will have that terrible journey of pain, and self doubt. Losing your connection to someone who has been a major part of your entire adult life is really hard, but this is long overdue. I have always felt the Bridge collapsed after Taylor's second return from the dead, and even though they tried to patch it up, it has remained in ruins for me ever since. Even so, I don't believe that Brooke will ever truly let Ridge go. No matter what her outer demeanor, I think that she would drop everything and take Ridge back if he indicated he wanted to reconcile. 


"To all the men who have loved me and left me"? Bill and Ridge? Is that because they are the two that made the short list? 


Caroline opened the door and looked at Ridge and the sparks started flying instantly; whatever it is just crackles like live wires between them. I am excited to watch them face the challenges ahead, and grow stronger as individuals, and hopefully as a couple. 


There isn't much I am not enjoying right now. The weakest link for me would have to be the Spencer take over of FC's, but the Hardy Boys are so entertaining to watch as they encourage and pump each other up. They really are very enjoyable when interacting as brother's, and not worrying about Hope. 

  • Love 8

I have always felt the Bridge collapsed after Taylor's second return from the dead

That long?

They should've been kaput after Ridge left Brooke and her kids for Taylor and newborn Thomas. But the ToD definitely took a turn turn at Albequeque when Taylor returned ten years ago.

Whoever said watching for maturity in Brooke is lime expecting Lucy not to pull the football out is dead on. Even in the one point where Ridge actually did place Brooke as a priority, TIIC ruin that by having her chase after Nick....three months after she divorced him for knocking up her daughter and his ex-wife. The brain boggles.

  • Love 2

I started laughing at Brooke at the end of the show. Really? Brooke has dumped Eric, Thorne, Whip, Deacon and Nick (where there more?) She more or less dumped Bill when she took off to Italy and refused to speak to him. He just put an official end to the relationship.


So was handing Bill back to Katie really an altruistic gesture? Or did Brooke just suddenly decide that she wanted Ridge again and Bill was a hindrance?


Whew, for a moment there, I thought TK was going to reach out and pet Brooke's hair.

  • Love 10

I loved when Ridge wiped The Single Tear from Brooke's face. Nice touch.

I hate all disease storylines, especially those involving addiction, so I hope they aren't taking Brooke down the alcoholism road. Maybe this is just another one-time bender, like the time she passed out on Eric's living room floor in the midst of the Katie/Bill mess.

  • Love 8

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