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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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So minutes after pulling the "anyone but Ridge" card on Caroline, I guess Brooke figures it won't bother Rick too much if she starts sniffing around Ridge again.


Right? Perhaps she should have actually spoken to Rick for a while one on one and listened to what the real issue is in his life: Ridge. It's all about Ridge and what Ridge put Brooke through. Nevermind that Brooke went willingly through that madness with Ridge but whateverpants. Perhaps if Brooke knew that Ridge was the be all and end all of all evul for Rick, she might not hatch this ridiculous 'get Ridge back' plan.


Oh who am I kidding? That wouldn't stop Brooke even for a second. She doesn't care what Rick thinks about her romantic entanglements. Nor did she ever spend a moment thinking about the consequences for her children and any other person who might get hurt. She was/is controlled by destiny and she isn't responsible for anything!



I like Caroline's confidence and backbone


I agree. It was rather refreshing to see a woman not be all scared, worried or insecure about Brooke.

  • Love 10

This shows business plots make no sense at all. If they all have shares then there's a board, if there's a board then they have to vote. Eric can't just pick and dictate who he wants to be CEO. The board should vote.


Steffy shouldn't have to sell anything. All they should need is 51% to add up. Before they rewrote the Steffy giving Thomas 25% plot, Steffy, Thomas and Bill could have added up to controlling interest and easily ousted Rick. 


Between Steffy, Ridge, Thomas, and Bill they should have over 70%. Why does Eric get to do what ever he wants? He has the worst business sense and picks CEOs because of their personal life. 


drivethroo quote

Why should Steffy or any other Forrester sell their shares to a Spencer? They should be banding together to oust Rick.


I would not be selling shares of my family's company to a non-family member.


Me neither, but we're not fools.


I'm still hazy about who owns how much stock other than $Bill (12.5%), with Steffy and Thomas jointly (17.5%).


I understand why $Bill would commit to a hostile takeover of FC (to pull the rug out from under any Forester that has dissed him or his family, own what he had been tricked out of by Steffy, and kick in a few teeth for the fun of it), but Liam's reasoning makes zero sense. Liam has not demonstrated business or management skills; his running FC will never happen. If the Spencer's get control, $Bill isn't going to let anyone but himself pull the strings and spread the grief at FC.


Anna Yolei quote

This whole SL has made me long for the days after Stephanie discovered the trust and ran the company with Thorne and Taylor on their platform of "morality."


Fundagelical Creations ... Those were the days.

  • Love 1

Welcome back Steffy! Loved her getting at Caroline today then Ridge. Speak and Preach! Finally someone to tell that sanctimonious little git what's what, and finally someone to put the fear of god in her elitist, trifling ass. JMW looks phenomenal and she is fun as hell to watch, I can even take whatever lumps she inevitably gives Maya if she'll keep pointing at Caroline like a laser. She's just the injection the show needed and I will be doing veritable handstands if she takes her 'no prisoners' attitude over to Liam's abode and not only keeps her shares but gives Cousin Koala a taste of her own meddling medicine.

I will call bullshiit if she sells her shares though as there is no earthly reason why she or Thomas should ever do that and to a Spencer no less. Steffy may be a lot of things but she's never been written as an idiot in business so I will redial and speedial on the bullshiit if they even try to go that route. The writer in me tells me the story is leaning towards a Steffy/Brooke enemy of my enemy is my friend temporary alliance where the two of them run the company together or some such thing. I would be VERY amenable to that were that to transpire as I just don't see any other option making sense what with the Spencer Cloak and Dagger scenes and their particular pointed discussion about misleading Katie and Cousin Koala (who frankly is so in love with Liam she'd probably be Team Spencer any ways). Omg I didn't know JMac was Canadian! Woot! Get it girl!

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 1

Speaking of Statz and her grossly spackled face, I just saw this article about redoing the Bratz dolls so they don't look like streetwalkers. I think Statz could greatly benefit from this scrubbing off of her caked-on makeup, although the pumped-up lips and hockey-puck cheeks (whoever said that upthread: brilliant!) would still be problematic. She used to be beautiful--what the hell!?



Wonderful article - thanks for posting it.  My daughter is in her later twenties now (I was a teen mom), but the differences between the dolls she had and the dolls today are disheartening.  Of course stupid Barbie was around, but the image she inculcated wasn't as pervasive as it is today.  I really feel for young girls, especially if they don't have a positive role model to help them navigate through it all.


Anyway, Brooke and Steffy can both shut it.  The hypocrisy that comes out of both their mouths is astounding.

  • Love 7

Watching the show this week has felt like watching a balloon slowly deflate; all that momentum and great writing has just vanished. I don't find myself having that "can't wait" feeling to get home and view the day's episode, nor do I find myself rewinding and re-watching, or saving shows for reviewing later. I hate to lay it all at KKL's feet; she is only an actress working with what she is given, but what she is being given is so bad, and has already been done a thousand times before. 


It was painful to watch Brooke try to be uninvested and coy at the same time; her desperation was cloaking her like a bad habit. So, Brooke is concerned about RJ now, and not wanting him to be confused? Oh right, because of course what went on last year was just standard operating procedure. I mean, what child would be confused by his mom living with his Uncle Bill, while his dad was living with his Aunt Katie? I don't know, the little we saw of the current version of RJ; he seemed to be a pretty level headed kid, and I find it hard to believe that he would be confused about his dad wanting to move on, and I can't see a kid of approximately ten concerning himself too much with his dad's girlfriend's age. No, Brooke has just opened up her little bag of tricks and pulled out the RJ card. And this really angers me. After nearly twenty years of trying to have Ridge's child, she finally got her wish with RJ, but once she realized that he wasn't going to cement Ridge to her hip, he became just more collateral damage in Brooke's never ending quest for "Destiny". Now, Brooke's trophy son has been reduced to a bargaining chip, a pawn to be played when she has run out of other options. I cringe to think what is going to happen at this little family gathering. 


I have never been fond of JMW; outside of the fact that I find her a weak actress, I find her very masculine, and angular, and affected.  And then there is that wholly annoying voice. Now however, I can barely look at her. She looks puffy, rounded and stretched all at the same time. The top of her face doesn't move, and the bottom looks like a hybrid of a Puffer Fish and Elasta Man. And that makeup! Good god, it appears to be applied with a full size paint brush and a trowel; I honestly don't know how she keeps her eyes open with all that weight on them. All of this was so pronounced in her scenes with Caroline. Juxtaposed against LG's delicate, and very feminine beauty, she looked like a demon from hell. Six episodes right? So that means I only have to endure four more? YEAH!


And what an interaction between those two. I like that Caroline got down in the dirt a little, but didn't stoop nearly as low as Steffy, but then, when you got nothing, that is what you do. Caroline is bad because she is from New York? Caroline is Brooke? Really, how lame could Steffy be? At least Caroline fought back with facts, and history as it happened, and didn't pull any punches about how she felt about Steffy's checkered past. And that last scene when Caroline was flashing back (more please!), showed that Caroline was not the least bit put out or concerned about Steffy. 


I much prefer happy, goofy Wyatt, to sullen, hateful Wyatt. I hate Hope. 

  • Love 13

Shut the fuck up Steffy.

You took the words right out of my mouth.  I hope while she's getting her next round of plastic surgery that she gets those Yakky Doodle lips sewn shut permanently.  I don't think Caroline has too much leeway in taking the moral high ground...it bugged me how one second she wants Rick back, then the next she's doing her goofy grin at Ridge and starts making out with him...but it was really nice to see SOMEONE call Steffy out on her shit.

  • Love 7

So Brooke's plan to help her clearly troubled son is to 1) Cover up his actions by demanding no one call the police after he commits an armed felony 2) Push him to reunite with the wife he resents 3) Pursue Ridge, the source of Rick's fiery rage. This is almost as spectacular as having unprotected sex with your daughter's husband and birthing an insipid ego monster.

I give thanks today for my DVR and the lovely little button that lets me zoom past all things Steffy. Why this character has such a high opinion of her nasty self, I have no idea. She's no better than Hope, wanting what she can't have. Instead of being a drippy energy vortex, Steffy is merely a cartoon version of a quirky bad girl. Please just let her leave soon and take her "cha cha cha" with her.

  • Love 15

NinjaP, I agree that Steffy's needs to exit..stage left...and soon. But the cheeks on her putty face aren't the only implants, did you see that Sasha Fierce BaDONK she had in those tight pants? DAYUM, girl " Looks like some rap starrrr's girlfriend".

Oh Brooke. Just a weary sigh from me over this latest nonsense.

Even from "halfway around the world" Hope continues to be The Worst.

  • Love 5

When Steffy said that Caroline was from New York it reminded me of a '90's sitcom, "Caroline in the City". Instead of being a cartoonist this Caroline is a fashion designer but parallels can be drawn to their situations. I'm using this to bring up the point that most things in the world of B&B is been there done that or wash rinse repeat and I can understand how a lot of viewers can tune out. After all these years, there is nothing else for the writers to write about. Bringing in new characters like Ivy or Aly just get swallowed up into the same old drama. I still watch because I can relate to a lot of the characters and I still find myself rooting for the good to come out on top. But that is subjective to who is deemed good and who is deemed evil.

  • Love 2
RuntheTable, I was going to include a quote from your post above, but then I realized I'd have to quote the whole thing, because: YEP!



Thanks Shira.


I still remember when it was all decorated in crazy plaids like the Bay City Rollers on acid. Who had it like that, was it Taylor? I wonder who gets it next, after Wyatt inevitably moves out due to Debbie Downer memories.




Yes, I do believe it was Taylor, I remember the night she reverted to 70's Disco after being hypnotized by Pierce, and she was dancing around all that plaid. 


Wyatt could be a really nice cousin and let Caroline move in; she and Ridge are going to need some place besides the office to canoodle. And just think, they could actually do more than kiss!

  • Love 7

Thanks Shira.



Yes, I do believe it was Taylor, I remember the night she reverted to 70's Disco after being hypnotized by Pierce, and she was dancing around all that plaid. 


Wyatt could be a really nice cousin and let Caroline move in; she and Ridge are going to need some place besides the office to canoodle. And just think, they could actually do more than kiss!


Like give Ridge a bath? Either way eww. I wish I had a gif of Steffy's eyeroll to Caroline because I feel it every time Caroline talks about anything. In what universe is being called a New Yorker an insult? Bitch what? Must be that "rarified" smog in LA getting at her brain cells. Different strokes I guess.


Opa! Found it!  https://twitter.com/kyleo71/status/562829088029962241

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 1

I missed Chickenhead.

Rick's mood swings are rather alarming. Would someone get this guy some help? Telling Wyatt how fast he should mourn his lost child and marriage, smarmily telling Aly to kiss his hindquarters if she wants a shoe line...ugh. JY plays it so well. I find Rick so incredibly douchey and yet I want him to get better.

  • Love 8

I missed Chickenhead.

Rick's mood swings are rather alarming. Would someone get this guy some help? Telling Wyatt how fast he should mourn his lost child and marriage, smarmily telling Aly to kiss his hindquarters if she wants a shoe line...ugh. JY plays it so well. I find Rick so incredibly douchey and yet I want him to get better.


Yeah, it's weird how he makes you want to smack then coddle him. JY's doing some really good stuff.

  • Love 3

I'm glad to see Wyatt again, even angry and bitter.  I don't think Quinn quite gets how hard it has to be for him to have everything he wanted and just have it all disappear.  I'm sure he knew all along that Hope only stayed because of the baby but it's once thing suspecting and another having it rubbed in on a daily basis. 

  • Love 3

Thanks Shira.



Yes, I do believe it was Taylor, I remember the night she reverted to 70's Disco after being hypnotized by Pierce, and she was dancing around all that plaid. 


Wyatt could be a really nice cousin and let Caroline move in; she and Ridge are going to need some place besides the office to canoodle. And just think, they could actually do more than kiss!

Or she could have her own house or apartment like a big girl and as she presumably did before marrying Rick.

  • Love 3

Every last person on this show is officially stupid.

Brooke: What else need be said?

Hope: still fails despite being off screen and has the self awareness of a newborn amoeba... if even that much.

Quinn: wow, you really think Wynutt put too much stock on Hope? I can't imagine anyone enabling him to persue such an inevitably toxic relationship. :rolls eyes:

Caroline 2.0: another Hope in training where everyone kisses her ass for her shitty behavior.

Rick: I really wish I hadn't wasted the N. Sane moniker on Nick Marone ten years ago. At least Nick never fired a round at Ridge.

Steffy: see Brooke.

Everyone else: why are you not seeking employment someplace else?

Eta--Wyatt: why is this a surprise that a woman who was about to marry someone else literally five minutes before you married her still has feelings for her ex? In fact, what gave you the idea that you ever had a remote chance of this work out when all she ever did is pine for Waffle?

Waffle 2.0: seriously? Ivy is like the anti Hope. Why would you ever go back to Steffy OR Hope when you've got Ivy? Ass.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 7

Yep, cha cha cha right out the door

Haha I wish!


Or she could have her own house or apartment like a big girl and as she presumably did before marrying Rick.

Did she? Most of these characters sponge off others as far as living arrangements go (Maya & Carter come to mind as some of the few who actually did live on their own), was Caroline ever shown to live in her own place?


Hope: still fails despite being off screen and has the self awareness of a newborn amoeba... if even that much.

What has a newborn amoeba ever done to you??? :)

  • Love 3


Yessssss, please! If Caroline gave Ridge a bath, in the style of Kristin Scott Thomas and Ralph Fiennes in "The English Patient", I would be one very happy camper indeed! (Talk about quivering nether regions, eh, StephForrester?)


Look, I don't want to see Ridge in any bathtub, I'm more concerned with the final result but we Rayans got bathtime so fair is fair.

  • Love 3


Waffle 2.0: seriously? Ivy is like the anti Hope. Why would you ever go back to Steffy OR Hope when you've got Ivy? Ass.

I couldn't agree more.


I really enjoyed Chickenhead realizing he didn't need to take Rick's crap, and then Rick's "Wait a minute did he just refuse to take my abuse and quit ?" face.


I'm also kind of pissed that Bill and Liam want him to go back, it was such a perfect resignation.


Judging by lack of screen time should I just assume that Maya's sister is dating Thorne ?

  • Love 7

Maya's sister probably will show up again, it IS Black History Month. 


As for Steffy and Ridge today, I realized that she is basically sentencing us to that relationship...which actually works for me. If they have their little relationship, I hope I don't have to hear or see people basically manipulate Rick to reconcile with her. So Ridge and Caroline, FLY...until Ridge gets bored. 


I hope Liam cheats on Ivy with Steffy, Ivy was positively annoying during that Rick, Caroline, Maya saga. 


Oh and Rick's rant at Wyatt didn't make any sense to me. Like none whatsoever. Just stupid. 

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 3

Shira quote

I don't get why Liam and Bill need Wyatt to go groveling back to FC. They already have Caroline and Ivy over there--how many insiders do they need?



$Bill particularly needs information from an insider with management experience and no personal ties to the Forester family; Wyatt fits the bill. $Bill's main target is to humiliate and crush Rick AND Ridge.


Caroline is biased; involved with Ridge and waiting for her divorce to Rick completed. $Bill does not like her involvement with Ridge. Period. He will go to any lengths to end that relationship.


Ivy IS a Forester; she might have mixed feelings about a hostile takeover of a family business, she isn't working in FC management and her access is limited. $Bill doesn't have any dirt on Ivy, so he can't manipulate or flip her. And she's a dreadful gossip, so she can never be trusted.


$Bill's venality, bruised ego and long-simmering resentments against the Foresters (personified by Ridge and, to a lesser extent, Rick), have always been personally justified and in constant need of feeding.


How Liam working Steffy to sell the stock she controls is a dubious plan, when Ridge and Eric own majority stock positions and the remaining family members won't sell to tip the scales for the Spencer's. Rick is a loon but the shareholders have the power to remove him, if they get their shit together.

  • Love 6

I thought it was a good thing to have Rick act like an asshole because of how hurt he is that his wife betrayed him with Ridge, but of course the writers have gone overboard.  I assume they were going for villain, but IMO he is just becoming a one note, pissy little pain in the ass. 


Wyatt...I hate to say this, but I'm liking him more & more these days.  I loved him telling Rick off, but of course he's going to go along with Liam & Bill's scheme.  If I were Wyatt, I'd tell those two to pound sand.  A corporate spy?  I don't see how he, who I thought was more or less a contractor, would be able to get all that much inside information from Rick.  Besides, Rick is being a bully and an overall ass, what kind of "inside information" is needed, anyway?  There are plenty of peope who are willing to attest to his behavior.  JUST when I thought the show was getting good :(

  • Love 8

Yes, Steffy, Ridge can date whoever the fuck he wants. He can also have feelings for whoever the fuck he wants. He can also fuck whoever the fuck he wants. I think Steffy's face would have cracked today when she realized that her dad also desires Caroline, but it is too rubbery. 


I don't like this Spencer take over thing. It makes zero sense. 


I really do prefer happy Wyatt, but daumm, that was some righteous smack down on Rick today. Really Rick? You callous, demented little twerp, do you truly think you can put a timeline on grief. Or maybe it was more about Rick looking into the face of someone who has really lost something. Lets see...mom, wife, baby, and now job? But Rick was BETRAYED!!!! And has been "grieving" longer than Wyatt. I wanted to kiss Wyatt today. That was stellar.


Liam and Bill are not respecting their new romances. 


Why do they need Wyatt at Forrester? Isn't Caroline a Spencer? 


I thought Ally's shoe designs were cute.


Rick "what, do you think I am packing heat?" I died.


Is JMW jaundiced? She was positively glowing yellow, with a hint of orange. Of course it could be my tv, but no one else looked like that. 

  • Love 8

Today two of Shakespeare's lines come to mind. The first "Et tu Brute?" (Steffy). The ultimate betrayal. Steffy also blaming her father for Rick's behavior and what is going on at FC. For the first time I directed my discuss at the TV and told Steffy to STFU! The second is "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,/ And by opposing end them? This pertains to Ridge and his unpopular relationship with Caroline and the plot to dethrone Rick's dictatorship. In essence, Hamlet is contemplating ending his life or to live and fight on. Wyatt is the most like Hamlet here by choosing to quit (possible career suicide) even though it was justifiable but by quitting was he actually fighting on against tyranny? In any case, Wyatt has balls and not deflated ones. We most likely will never know if he was that forthcoming with Hope as he left Italy.

Once again Aly has become subject to Rick's wrath when he told her not kissing up to him was not a wise move to get her shoe line produced.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 5


Finally someone to tell that sanctimonious little git what's what, and finally someone to put the fear of god in her elitist


I didn't see Steffy do any such thing. She said a stupid thing about Caroline and New York and then she said a bunch of hypocritical shit about dating an older man. ZZZZzzzz is all I got out of Steffy. Also? I didn't notice Caroline shaking in her shoes over Steffy's 'tough' words. And finally, Caroline is trifling? Okay she kissed another man and ended up having feelings for him. Rick fucked Maya 2 seconds after finding out about Caroline and moved her into his daddy's house. How is that any less trifling? Oh wait I know Caroline did it first!!! Whatever.




Yes, Steffy, Ridge can date whoever the fuck he wants. He can also have feelings for whoever the fuck he wants. He can also fuck whoever the fuck he wants. I think Steffy's face would have cracked today when she realized that her dad also desires Caroline


LOL. Exactly.

  • Love 11

And finally, Caroline is trifling? Okay she kissed another man and ended up having feelings for him. Rick fucked Maya 2 seconds after finding out about Caroline and moved her into his daddy's house. How is that any less trifling? Oh wait I know Caroline did it first!!! Whatever.


The problem (for me) is that people are always saying, "But look what Rick did! It's so much worse."  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but someone else's worse behavior doesn't negate your bad behavior.

  • Love 6


Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but someone else's worse behavior doesn't negate your bad behavior.


That's fair. However, I tend to think most of the characters are commenting about Rick's plotting, scheming and screaming. The whole pretend to take Caroline back and grab the company is much worse - at least to me. it's childish and gross. Honestly, Rick had the higher morale ground for about the 2 seconds before he slept with Maya and then poof - all gone. 


It's been said here before, but it seems to me marriage is work. Partners make mistakes, find themselves attracted to others and so on. Those things don't have to end a marriage. Now for Rick, Caroline kissing Ridge did mean the end of his marriage. So, he should have ended it ... stand up to his dad and be a man.


He took it to a whole different level and basically gave up that position where he can say 'listen Caroline did this' without everyone giving him the side eye.


Rick and his never ending anger just gives me a rash.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 13

...Wyatt...I hate to say this, but I'm liking him more & more these days.  I loved him telling Rick off, but of course he's going to go along with Liam & Bill's scheme.  If I were Wyatt, I'd tell those two to pound sand.  A corporate spy?  I don't see how he, who I thought was more or less a contractor, would be able to get all that much inside information from Rick...

He isn't even a contractor anymore. He's Ivy's assistant!

  • Love 3
The problem (for me) is that people are always saying, "But look what Rick did! It's so much worse."  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but someone else's worse behavior doesn't negate your bad behavior.

Meh, I think those people are mostly bystanders who've designated themselves as some kind of Jerry Springer-style Greek chorus. The only ones whose behavior really matters is Rick and Caroline's, IMO.


Rick seems to think that his blatant affair with Maya was justified by what Caroline did. However, what Caroline did wasn't instigated by Rick and I don't think she sees her now proceeding with Ridge as motivated by Rick's behavior either. But for Rick's insistence on a quick divorce instead of working with her to try to repair their marriage, I think they'd be together now. However, between Rick and Caroline, only she's been willing so far to admit to making a mistake.


AFAIC, it's not a sin-measuring contest but the bystanders feel like they have to take sides and make it one. It doesn't help that Rick has control over the current livelihoods of most of those people and neither Ridge nor Maya seem to have any boundaries. Ugh, FC is such an incredibly toxic workplace I'm amazed it functions at all.

  • Love 8

Rick seems to think that his blatant affair with Maya was justified by what Caroline did. However, what Caroline did wasn't instigated by Rick and I don't think she sees her now proceeding with Ridge as motivated by Rick's behavior either. But for Rick's insistence on a quick divorce instead of working with her to try to repair their marriage, I think they'd be together now. However, between Rick and Caroline, only she's been willing so far to admit to making a mistake.

I think it's easier to admit to making a mistake when you have a support system. I should say, it's easier for me. I can't speak for other people, but that's what I relate to in Rick. If my entire family showed zero concern for me in a situation that hurt me deeply, I'd probably double down on a coping mechanism, too.

  • Love 3

I think it's easier to admit to making a mistake when you have a support system. I should say, it's easier for me. I can't speak for other people, but that's what I relate to in Rick. If my entire family showed zero concern for me in a situation that hurt me deeply, I'd probably double down on a coping mechanism, too.


  PRick has Maya  to support him and kiss his ass like it's never been smooched before. Initially he was supported by his family...until he deceived them and continues to do his best Hitler impersonation on them. He was irrational from the get-go, IMO how the hell are they supposed to support that? Double down on the crazy? I don't think that's a great idea.  


 Brooke is boring me.

  • Love 10

Well yeah, I agree that Rick has received zero support from his family but I think that's largely because he didn't give them time to do it. He immediately went on the offensive by rubbing his affair with Maya in Caroline's face, and by turning Aly and Ivy's home into a war zone by moving in his mistress and designating her as acting queen of the manor. It might have helped if he'd taken at least 24 hours to collect himself and perhaps receive the comfort of his family members instead of going right into a scheming rampage aided and abetted by the wannabe matriarch.

  • Love 13

I think that his family had plenty of time to be supportive.  In the month between the reveal and the beginning of the con, his sister, his cousin, his aunts, and his niece never came to talk to him.  Correct me if I'm remembering incorrectly.  Compare that to the way the family behaved when Aly was having serious issues.  They reacted with kindness and empathy.  Firmness, but kindness.  She acted out, but they didn't just wash their hands of her.  The closest Rick got to any kind of support was Eric giving him the CEO position with a "Whoopsie, my bad" talk.


You don't have the chance to accept or reject something that's never offered.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 3

Steffy's tirade at Ridge didn't make sense for me until their last scene today, when she mentioned all the things that had happened because of Ridge & Caroline's... whatever it is - Rick moving himself and his mistress into her grandparents' home, Maya's picture hanging where her namesake should be, employees at her family's company suffering. To me, being upset with her father about his behaviour causing all of this fall out is reasonable. Screeching at him that his new infatuation is 20 leagues younger than him and has "the emotional maturity of, like, an eight year old" and proclaiming that the quasi-incestuous tone of the relationship is stomach-churning when she and her brother were not too long ago quite happy to support their mother being in a relationship with their grandfather absolutely grinds my gears. JMW's awful acting isn't helping any either. This story was done much better ten years ago when it was Felicia vs Eric.


I wish Ridge & Caroline had decided that what they were going to pursue was not a relationship but a flat out fling, no strings attached, so we wouldn't have to deal with all this nay-saying nonsense. Oh well.


I like this Spencer Publications hostile takeover story precisely because it's so silly. The Spencer Boys are going to charge in all guns blazing to rescue their damsels in distress, hurrah! I've been wanting more integration between Forrester Creations and SP for a while now so I guess beggars can't be choosers.


TK and KKL are so awkward together; I'd love it except for that sinking feeling I get that the Bridge will be rebuilt. oh well. When all else fails, look at this screenshot.


And Jacob Young is still being brilliant at playing a total asshole. I liked Wyatt not putting up with Rick's bullshit - Rick had a point but he didn't have to be a jerk about it - and I hope he doesn't go back to his job just to be a spy, but there's a high chance I'll be disappointed in this regard. Oh well.


I used to freeze-frame on her face because she was so gorgeous and now she's scaring me a la Jocelyn Wildenstein.

Wow Shira thanks for the nightmares! :(


Yessssss, please! If Caroline gave Ridge a bath, in the style of Kristin Scott Thomas and Ralph Fiennes in "The English Patient", I would be one very happy camper indeed! (Talk about quivering nether regions, eh, StephForrester?)

On second thought, all is forgiven. ;) Now if you'll all excuse me for a minute...


So, Brooke is concerned about RJ now, and not wanting him to be confused? Oh right, because of course what went on last year was just standard operating procedure. I mean, what child would be confused by his mom living with his Uncle Bill, while his dad was living with his Aunt Katie?

Seriously! C'mon son. I can't wait for RJ to be SORAS'd into Lord Byron and literally screw everyone over.


When Steffy said that Caroline was from New York it reminded me of a '90's sitcom, "Caroline in the City".

Oh my God Waldo13 I kept thinking about the apartment from that show when we were in Maya's bathroom penthouse (I think it was the white walls and the full-length windows).


I hate Hope.

Me too.


Where the heck is John McCook in this storyline? Does Eric know any of this going in? Doesn't he have a cell phone? This story doesn't make ant sense if Eric isn't around.

You know, as much as I love that silly old duffer, I think Eric being absent has been a good thing. Dumb as it may be, it's at least fueled the drama. Had he been in LA still we would have just had more of the same "I choose Ridge until tomorrow when I'll choose Rick" waffling, and I think we've all had enough waffling already. Anyway,

he'll be back soon according to Soaps She Knows, but I will wait for the cable spoilers to come out before I get too excited.


  • Love 11

I loved this new Wyatt kicking Rick's ass and not taking any of his imperialistic bullshit.  But for God's sake, someone please teach him to stop with the O mouth, like he's singing in some wayward Up With People group.  Sheesh.  Keep your lips together unless you're doing something with a woman. 

  • Love 15

Rick protests the occasion and spends the day with Maya.

I'm not sure why that person would be expected to attend an intended happy occasion, much less be invited. Bill certainly wouldn't want that person there. It must be due to Brooke's influence on Katie.


Eric returns home and makes a controversial decision about which son to support as CEO.

I guess he'll be making that decision after he finishes picking  his face up off the floor. The mess was largely created by his previous bad decisions and unnecessary meddling.

  • Love 5

I think that his family had plenty of time to be supportive.  In the month between the reveal and the beginning of the con, his sister, his cousin, his aunts, and his niece never came to talk to him.  Correct me if I'm remembering incorrectly.  Compare that to the way the family behaved when Aly was having serious issues.  They reacted with kindness and empathy.  Firmness, but kindness.  She acted out, but they didn't just wash their hands of her.  The closest Rick got to any kind of support was Eric giving him the CEO position with a "Whoopsie, my bad" talk.


You don't have the chance to accept or reject something that's never offered.

Your memory is correct. Rick wasn't given any support from anyone from the moment he found out what Caroline had done.


All their support and loyalty went to her even though she was the guilty party, the one who cheated first and I still recall the scenes where she was outed and she didn't seem all that sorry about what she had done. Sorry that she got caught, sure, and by Maya of all people, but really sorry? I don't buy it. In the days that followed, when she was supposedly trying to win Rick back, she was still confiding in Ridge and getting her ego stroked and firing the flames of the affair - an affair that was never truly ended because she didn't want it to end. Not to mention, minutes after Rick learned the truth, she is wanting to rugsweep the affair as a "mistake" and was demanding Rick to take her back when she was in no position to demand anything from him.


So she didn't fuck Ridge, she fucked him in her mind countless times and did far more intimate acts with him than PiV. 


Something tells me, even if she had fucked Ridge, she would still have her bevy of cheerleaders singing her praises and blaming Rick for driving her to do it or some such nonsense. 


Rick needs to own his shit as two wrongs don't make a right, but Caroline has yet to own hers, including the fact that by cheating with Ridge, Rick's archenemy, she made Rick vulnerable to having a revenge affair. Again, it doesn't excuse his actions, but in my opinion, they both lied, they both cheated, yet why does Caroline get all the support? 


Of course, with Rick on a rampage, it's easier to side with poor, innocent, lamb Caroline, but never forget, she is the one who set all of this in motion and yet Rick gets all the blame.

  • Love 3


Yep. Did he even wait an hour before sexing up Maya? Hard for his family to have "tea & sympathy" with him when he's always plugged in to her.


I think the family was initially torn between sympathizing with him and being horrified enough to want to sweep it all under the rug, which the justification of "just a couple of kisses" allowed them to do.  ETA: And a repentant Caroline (at that point) wanted to fix her marriage more than she wanted whatever it was with Ridge, so the family was pushing that pretty hard.


If Rick hadn't slept with Maya, I think he would have gotten more sympathy and support. But Maya swooped in while he was drunk (which was wrong, IMO, taking advantage of someone in pain and under the influence) and then made sure he wouldn't give Caroline a chance the next day when you could see in his face that he wanted to.  And he might have if it hadn't been for Maya.  She zeroed in and amplified all his anger and insecurities.  Rick's behavior and Maya's enabling made it easy for the others to excuse Caroline.  And that's not even getting into Eric's stupidity.   


ETA (again):  I think the writers did a good enough job of making the whole situation a mess, with no real winners.

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 9


Something tells me, even if she had fucked Ridge, she would still have her bevy of cheerleaders singing her praises and blaming Rick for driving her to do it or some such nonsense.


 I don't think so but perhaps you are right.  It makes sense to me this way as there is a line that Caroline didn't cross and Rick pole-vaulted over almost immediately while deciding to deceive and screw over the rest of his family because he was butt-hurt.


  • Love 4

 I don't think so but perhaps you are right.  It makes sense to me this way as there is a line that Caroline didn't cross and Rick pole-vaulted over almost immediately while deciding to deceive and screw over the rest of his family because he was butt-hurt.


I think that last part is a big part of everyone's problem - Rick has screwed over everyone in his revenge schemes.  It isn't just about Caroline and Ridge.  

  • Love 3

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