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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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46 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Hold onto your hats, folks. Wait until you get a load of Hope’s hair today!!

LMAO!!!!  Hilarious!  

Is NuTay on a caffeine jag or hopped up on bennies with that jumping up and down giggling behavior?!!  Same with NuDouglas who is suddenly so animated and acting far younger than he did before.  You would think Douglas never had any “fun” at Hope’s the way everyone keeps asking him if he is having “FUN?!”

It looked like KKL is no longer wearing a boot today and maybe has been for a while.  She is getting around pretty well considering how bad her break was.  

FF Steffy and Finn scenes!

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The paint fight was more fun than I'd expected, which isn't really saying much because I perpetually have low expectations when it comes to Show. The actresses came so close to cracking up with laughter, and kudos to them for being able to pull this off without a) losing their shit and b) endangering KKL's healing ankle. 

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So Hope admitted they have shared custody. But it doesn't feel like it if Thomas is just a drop in dad. He should be spending equal time between Hope/Thomas. Not permanently with one parent all the time. Too bad neither understand this concept.

Both Brooke and Taylor are such busy bodies always running the lives of their daughters/grandkids. They always make things worse. And act like teenagers. 

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I know why Douglas wants to stay at Eric’s house and go swimming. He likes to watch Donna sunbathing 😜

Fuck Taylor and her phoniness and fuck Lurch for not even asking Douglas on what he wants to do. 

Fuck Stuffy two times over because she can’t see her “hypocrisy” for the trees. Douglas has been living with Hope, his mother, long enough and that’s going to change. Well I got news for you, hasn’t Kelly been long enough with you and shouldn’t that change?  Of course the monkeys with a keyboard won’t let that happen because being a pseudo Forester always out trumps being a Logan. But to think of it, Kelly is not a Forester, Kelly is a Spencer.  Now what would happen if Liam wanted Kelly to live with him. Would Stuffy and the pseudo Foresters be so magnanimous. 

I would be so happy if Hope punched Stuffy in her smug face but Hope would be at the risk of drowning in Botox.  Hey Stuffy, how many times has your mother been married and to the same men a Brooke. Hey Stuffy, how many Spencers have you slept with?  

That paint fight looked like Taylor and Brooke were having a blast. 

For me it boils down to this, Stuffy and Lurch were raised by Ridge and Taylor and under their parenting, Stuffy and Lurch turned into spiteful, mean spirited, elitist, tyrannical bull headed ass holes.  Right now Douglas is a sweet kid. I predict, by the age of 13 if Douglas is raised by Lurch, Douglas will be just like the rest of the pseudo Foresters.  Hope you have to Save Douglas!!  

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It's time to stop trying to negotiate with these entitled A-holes, lawyer up Hope. No one WANTS to put a kid through a custody battle, especially a kid who definitely has residual PTSD and is a people pleaser. But it's time to at least threaten to air some dirty Thomas laundry in family court. 

Deacon is about to be dead to me. And probably actually dead soon. 

Cake Fight 2022: Now with Paint! I was more concerned about that marble floor

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The way they treat Hope like she's nothing is appalling. The writing against adoptive rights is insulting. 

Thomas hanging up on her today she should have went there and said it's time to go home. 

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All I could think during the paint fight was those poor actresses. Maybe they were getting a real laugh out of it at least. 
Steffy needs to shut her pig mouth! Wasn’t it just a few months ago that Thomas’s crap lead her to the alley to get shot? Now he’s the best daddy in the whole wide world. She has the nerve to throw Brooke and her marriages into the conversation? You slept with your father In law too Steffy only while he was actually your father in law and your mom has also slept with every member of the Forrester family so again, SHUT YOUR MOUTH. 

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The second Thomas hung up on Hope, she should have headed right over to Eric's house to pick up Douglas. Of course, I'm guessing that's one of the reasons Thomas was happy to take Douglas out to the store for more art supplies. He probably suspected Hope might come running, and he wanted to be gone so she couldn't take Douglas home. 

I was at least happy to see Hope and Brooke reminding Steffy and Taylor that Douglas is Hope's son and Brooke's grandson. Hope wasn't the babysitter, she's his mother. Thomas very intentionally made that happen, so they can all blame his psycho ass if they don't like it. 

I really wish Hope would have fought back harder at Steffy's bullshit. I know Hope is supposed to be the "nice" one, but screw that. When Steffy said she has to put up with Brooke "constantly throwing herself at my father," Hope should have said "she's not throwing herself at him, he's her husband. Your mother is the one throwing herself at my mother's husband." When she trashed Brooke for marrying all of the Forrester men, Hope could have pointed out that Steffy's mother has been through all the same men and that Steffy has been through the entire Spencer family, except for Will, who just hasn't been old enough yet. And when Steffy went with the "Douglas has been with you long enough, it's time for him to live with his father" crap, Hope should have said the exact same thing about Kelly. 

Bonus points to anyone who says that Douglas actually isn't a Forrester, he's a Marone and a Spencer, and he's currently living in a Spencer household. 

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Steffy is glad that Finn is there, and that he is alive, and that he is with her. 

Just in case you missed it.....

That was the limit of my patience and I had to FF'd through the rest of the Steffy/Finn stuff. If only Tanner could have maintained that head of steam he created while in Sheila's hands, but sadly, he has deflated right back to the boring, vanilla, invisible character he was before being shot. His only purpose to prop his dreadful wife in an effort to make us believe she has a shred of decency in her. 

Now Thomas is just being plain ass mean. Looks like it's time for Hope to lawyer up and do what her dad told her to do and get ahead of this mess. I wonder who will run to Carter first; Hope or Thomas, whoever retains his services will probably lose their case. Too bad Justin is gone, he could really bring the Billy Bad for Hope. 

Hope's hair though? I kept waiting for a genie to pop out of that thing. 

Cake fights! Paint fights! Come on guys, you used to know how to give us the good stuff, the real deal:

In any event, Taylor as usual was firing blanks, and was exercising selective amnesia, not clearly remembering how Douglas wound up in Hope's care. She is also forgetting that she, her ex-husband, and her daughter are currently in cahoots keeping her totally recovered son's secret regarding his collusion with Sheila. 

All this stupid talk about "Douglas is a Forrester." Complete nonsense. Douglas is not a Forrester; he is a Marone and a Spencer, and when it comes to the legalities of adoption, last names don't come into play. 

Hope needs to get her mean on, in a no holds barred, ferocious, rabid way. Tit for tat. Give those fools as good as they give you. No need to lower yourself pulling up Steffy or Taylor's sordid pasts; just stick to the facts about Thomas and you will score the win. 

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15 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Yet again, I do wish they’d get rid of KA as NuTay. She is just so awful in this role. I was embarrassed for KKL today.

I don't think it's the actress, it's the role.  I don't think Meryl Streep could bring any kind of dignity or grace to this needy, desperate, clinging, immature, aging wannabe.

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It may fall on a lot of deaf ears but can we lose the "Fauxrrester" tag?  Ridge's last name is Forrester.  That's because he is a Forrester.  As Eric's and Stephanie's oldest and by far most favored child, he's much more "Forrester" than any of his siblings.  The ridiculous SL that made him Massimo's bio-kid happened when Ridge was in his forties.  In the decades prior, there'd been no inkling he was anything other than Eric's son.  And in all ways that matter, Ridge is Eric's son.

If Douglas is Hope's child (and he is), Ridge is Eric's.  That's how adoption works.

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4 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

It may fall on a lot of deaf ears but can we lose the "Fauxrrester" tag?  Ridge's last name is Forrester.  That's because he is a Forrester.  As Eric's and Stephanie's oldest and by far most favored child, he's much more "Forrester" than any of his siblings.  The ridiculous SL that made him Massimo's bio-kid happened when Ridge was in his forties.  In the decades prior, there'd been no inkling he was anything other than Eric's son.  And in all ways that matter, Ridge is Eric's son.

If Douglas is Hope's child (and he is), Ridge is Eric's.  That's how adoption works.

It was revealed long ago that Ridge is not Eric’s son.  Stephanie had an affair with Morone way back when, but tried to pass him off as Eric’s son.  At least, that’s the way I remember things.  So Ridge doesn’t have Forrester blood, regardless if Eric adopted him.  Adoption papers don’t change your biological parents. 

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10 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I don't think it's the actress, it's the role.  I don't think Meryl Streep could bring any kind of dignity or grace to this needy, desperate, clinging, immature, aging wannabe.

With all due respect to your opinion, I do think it’s the actress. Her words and actions don’t correlate. Her words may be silly but her slinky, hips thrust forward, snarky “smile” to Brooke and anyone else, her clothing (!) do not say to me “a world renowned psychiatrist”). No psychiatrist in the world would behave the way this one does. KA could class up her acting in so many ways that she’s choosing not to do on a day to day basis.

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Lurch is a bastard just like his father.  To Lurch, Douglas is a toy that he would quickly ignore when the novelty of living with Douglas wears off. He knows EMT hat he can do what he wants because Hope would be very reluctant to drag Douglas through the courts. If Hope does, Ridge would buy another judge to get Lurch full custody. 

I wonder what Lurch would do if Hope offered herself to keep Douglas in her home. 

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5 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

It may fall on a lot of deaf ears but can we lose the "Fauxrrester" tag?  Ridge's last name is Forrester.  That's because he is a Forrester.  As Eric's and Stephanie's oldest and by far most favored child, he's much more "Forrester" than any of his siblings.  The ridiculous SL that made him Massimo's bio-kid happened when Ridge was in his forties.  In the decades prior, there'd been no inkling he was anything other than Eric's son.  And in all ways that matter, Ridge is Eric's son.

If Douglas is Hope's child (and he is), Ridge is Eric's.  That's how adoption works.

Agree with the spirit of this. My dad is not my adoptive dad only because his name is on my birth certificate; he's not my biological dad. He's my dad in all the ways that count and matter. I'm not FauxDoveGrey.

But how the Forresters are treating the Douglas custody situation boils my blood, and it's why I personally don't mind the Fauxrester tag used in this specific storyline. The non-biological Forresters are running around spewing about how only biological family counts, regardless of the hurt they're dishing out to not only the Logans but to their own family members. Because if they truly believe that only biological family counts, then, no, Ridge isn't Eric's son, Thomas isn't Eric's grandson, Zende isn't Kristen's son, Finn is 50% Sheila (Li be damned), etc. If that's how Ridge's family subjectively defines family, then, by their own belief logic, they're not Forresters. 🤷‍♂️

All I can say is that the writing for this SL is absolutely insulting to the audience and the characters, and I can't wait for it to be over. Or for the show to be over. Can't tell.

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Liam said Thomas hasn't had an innocent in months? Wasn't he just covering for Sheila? That was weeks.

Steffy and her feud nonsense, shouldn't she be saying it to her grandfather that has Donna Logan living in that house she wants Douglas to live in? 

So Thomas supposed to be spending time with his son and instead he's sent off with Amelia? Yet he keeps saying he needs to spend time with his father. 

Hope needs to go to court. She needs to be done with Steffy, Taylor, and Thomas demanding Douglas move. 

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Just to clarify - Fauxrrester as a nickname is allowed. It does not break any site rules. 

For future reference - if you think a post is breaking a site rule, report it. Do not engage your fellow posters.

Also, do not try to dictate what others may post. Use the Ignore function if it's really annoying.

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20 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

really wish Hope would have fought back harder at Steffy's bullshit.

Original Recipe Hope picked the way wrong battles to fight at times, but she at least *would* battle and didn't take shit lying down. TIIC have swung from one extreme to the damn next.

I mean, shit, even Bridget the perpetual whipping girl has more Ws than Hope at this point.

6 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

It may fall on a lot of deaf ears but can we lose the "Fauxrrester" tag?  Ridge's last name is Forrester.  That's because he is a Forrester.  As Eric's and Stephanie's oldest and by far most favored child, he's much more "Forrester" than any of his siblings.  The ridiculous SL that made him Massimo's bio-kid happened when Ridge was in his forties.  In the decades prior, there'd been no inkling he was anything other than Eric's son.  And in all ways that matter, Ridge is Eric's son.

I definitely agree with all of this.

I wish someone would remind his entitled brat children of this fact and stop using biology as a litmus test for good parenting. I am all here for the spirit of this IRL. But in Show, this:

41 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

All I can say is that the writing for this SL is absolutely insulting to the audience and the characters, and I can't wait for it to be over.

...sums up where I'm at quite nicely. It's another Logan vs Forrester showdown disguised as a custody battle. It comes from no good place. Even Katherine Chancellor's battle for custody of Phillip in 1986 was better intentioned than this, and she went to court to strip away his parentage as a baby.

But since I'm here, since Show still wants to make fetch happen with Paris, maybe she can dust off that social work degree and actually be a neutral party to advocate for Douglas. I'd far rather that than her boring romantic entanglements.

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

Liam said Thomas hasn't had an innocent in months? Wasn't he just covering for Sheila? That was weeks.

Ridge, Taylor, and Steffy have all agreed to keep that to themselves to protect Thomas from those evil Logans.  I'm hoping that Steffy forgets to tell Finn they're keeping it secret, and he lets it slip in front of Hope or Liam. 

I was glad to see Bill is taking an interest in this. Someone needs to fight dirty against the Forresters. 

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

With all due respect to your opinion, I do think it’s the actress.

Don't get me wrong, she"s an awful actress.  On that we agree. What I should've posted is 'it's not only the actress'  I was just pointing out the problems with the character started on paper by the writers.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Even covered in children's paint, KKL is stunning. 

And just look at Taylor, tattling on Brooke to Ridge, aiming to collect a few more gold stars, or maybe a few more kisses. I have never really liked Taylor, and in later years when she completely went off the rails, I came to outright detest her. The only time I was ever in her corner was when she read Stephanie for filth after Stehpanie's stock break out. She was and has been, at least to my memory, the only person to put Stephanie's romantic love for Ridge into words, and it was a thing of beauty:

Even with all her faults, Taylor always maintained a certain element of grace and class. A beautiful woman who was always elegant and put together, and even though she was a raging hypocrite and a manipulator, she did it with style, never baring her teeth and showing how ugly she truly was underneath all that loveliness. This current version is really a disgrace to the character's legacy and is completely missing the mark of who and what Taylor has always been. 

Do I sense a change in the wind? Finally, someone talking sense about his mess, and thank you beautiful Bill for being that person. Planting the seeds of how to handle this in Liam's head was genius, now Liam needs to let those seeds grow into thoughts he can relay to his wife. And speaking of Hope, I see she is finally finding her tongue too. Reminding Steffy that she is not a nanny, and also reminding Thomas of how she came to care for Douglas. More importantly, allowing her emotions to dictate for once, and letting her hurt and anger show. You go girl. Now go and lawyer up. 

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I cannot believe Dumb Deacon actually told Shitty Sheila to "be good" today.  Sheila?  Good?  Has he lost his f*ckin' mind? 

I swear, if she causes him to have a heart attack, I won't be sad. 

Edited by Crashcourse
I could've sworn I typed "lost"
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KKL looked gorgeous today!  Loved her lighter hair and beach look along with the baby blue blazer on top of all white.  She is a real California girl. 

Has NuTay moved into Eric’s now?????!!  She is ALWAYS there!  I want to see Hope put her and Thomas in their place as the mother of Douglas although I fear she will see him liking being with her Dad so much she will cave “for Douglas’ sake.”   Oy vey!

NO RIDGE today, YAY!

Will Finn the dumbass realize it is Sheila?  Stay tuned!  Lol

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Cat fights seem so stupid an archaic. Even the term is just so ugh. They don’t ever have Ridge and Bill rolling around in paint or cake or mud. It’s just so cringe for the actors and characters to be fighting over the same man for 30+ years. Why do the creators think we want to see this? Everything just feels so stale. 

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1 hour ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

KKL looked gorgeous today!  Loved her lighter hair and beach look along with the baby blue blazer on top of all white.  She is a real California girl. 

Has NuTay moved into Eric’s now?????!!  She is ALWAYS there!  I want to see Hope put her and Thomas in their place as the mother of Douglas although I fear she will see him liking being with her Dad so much she will cave “for Douglas’ sake.”   Oy vey!

NO RIDGE today, YAY!

Will Finn the dumbass realize it is Sheila?  Stay tuned!  Lol

KKL did look gorgeous today. Very classy and appropriate. NuTay, as usual, looked like a hooker when she was hanging all over that unfortunate Douglas. Ick to the max.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

KKL did look gorgeous today. Very classy and appropriate. NuTay, as usual, looked like a hooker when she was hanging all over that unfortunate Douglas. Ick to the max.

I also got an icky vibe when she hugged Thomas.  I think she dresses that way just for him.  Forget Ridge.

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1 hour ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

I couldn’t find this in the FAQ or topics but what do the reaction buttons mean. I know the obvious ones but some I have no idea and hovering over it does nothing on my ipad.  

Off topic I know…

Heart = "Love";  Light Bulb = "Useful";  Orange Smiley Face = "Laugh";  Teddy Bear = "Hugs";  Purple Smiley Face = "Wink";   The Primetimer Logo Multicolor Stripes = "Thanks";  Green Thumbs Up = "Like";  Exploding Head Smiley Face = "Mind Blown";  Red Flame = "Fire"; Blue Hands = "Applause";  Crying Face = "Sad"

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Douglas' description to Hope of what his days have been like at Eric's house sounded more like a week at a posh summer camp. Not like a structured, disciplined home. Well, there was Thomas' half-hearted attempt at getting Douglas to go finish his reading assignment. 

Endless days with little supervision over schoolwork and how leisure time is spent (i.e., no household chores), makes Douglas a spoiled boy! Then, once Thomas 1) gets bored, 2) starts obsessing over another woman, or 3) Douglas is too out of control to manage, Douglas will get quickly shuttled back for Hope and Liam to deal with. 

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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Then, once Thomas 1) gets bored, 2) starts obsessing over another woman, or 3) Douglas is too out of control to manage, Douglas will get quickly shuttled back for Hope and Liam to deal with. 

I know it won't happen but if any of the above happens, I hope Hope & Liam tell Thomas to go eff himself . Further, they should make it clear that they (Hope & Liam) are not babysitters, available whenever Thomas gets tired "playing" with Douglas like a toy. They should furthermore tell Thomas that since he went all aggro about custody, he needs to shape his life to revolve around Douglas and not the other way around. Reap what you sow.

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Whelp, Thomas’ comment to Hope about he is a one-woman man and that she is still his one-woman and wishes they could raise Douglas  under the same roof just solidified that he hasn’t changed one bit. 

He used Douglas to manipulate her before and here we go again. 

1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

None of these so-called adults are focused on what Douglas wants.  They're only concerned about what they want because of all their dirty baggage.  Douglas isn't a toddler anymore, and he should have a voice. 

I don’t disagree that Douglas shouldn’t have a voice in this but his cannot be the deciding factor. He’s a child, not yet in possession of a fully-formed frontal lobe and no more capable of making this decision than he is about whether his bedtime should be at a reasonable hour vs 2am or putting off homework to play video games. And given today’s final scene where it’s clear Thomas is obsessed with Hope as ever, Douglas can’t begin to grasp that it’s not even about him now anymore than it was before. If, as I suspect, Thomas hasn’t changed and is still the same obsessive, gaslighting psycho he was before (and much of that occurring before his brain injury), then no way in hell would I be in support of him having any kind of custody and Douglas wanting it doesn’t change what is in his best interest. 

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6 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I don’t disagree that Douglas shouldn’t have a voice in this but his cannot be the deciding factor. He’s a child, not yet in possession of a fully-formed frontal lobe and no more capable of making this decision than he is about whether his bedtime should be at a reasonable hour vs 2am or putting off homework to play video games. And given today’s final scene where it’s clear Thomas is obsessed with Hope as ever, Douglas can’t begin to grasp that it’s not even about him now anymore than it was before. 

While I agree that he shouldn't have final say, he is old enough to have some input.  

Thomas being obsessed with Hope is a different story.  Hope knows he's still obsessed with her, so yes, it's a delicate situation to handle.  However, that shouldn't affect how Douglas wants to spend his time.  Even feuding, divorced couples can work out shared custody.  

However, my point was, it's not about Douglas.  It's about them.

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I agree the adults who aren’t Thomas and Hope need to stay out of it. But if Thomas is mentally unstable, which his conversation with Hope today has all kinds of red flags going off, then I cannot agree that Douglas’ wishes are that relevant anymore. Thomas’ past behavior and the recent undercurrents that it’s not just past behavior (today’s conversation, the hiding of Sheila’s actions, the encouraging of Liam to spend time with Steffy after Finn’s death) would call into question his fitness to parent Douglas. If Thomas is still the same psycho underneath all the “I’m a changed man” veneer, it is not in the best interest of Douglas (which is the standard in family court) for Thomas to have full custody, which he is seeking and I would question shared custody at this point. 

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18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

What the hell!!  Did Lurch confess that he is, once again, using Douglas as a means to an end to get together with Hope?  

Not in those exact words but basically. That’s father of the year material right there. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Not in those exact words but basically. That’s father of the year material right there. 

He probably originally planned for Steffy to come back from her stay at the grieving clinic and then have her leaning on Liam while he whispers in Hope's ear that Liam is going to stray.

With Finn not being dead, he had to change tactics and went from his preferred method of going after Hope (sticking Steff in the middle) and then he went with his second favorite option, using his son in any way possible.

Edited by nilyank
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11 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Endless days with little supervision over schoolwork and how leisure time is spent (i.e., no household chores), makes Douglas a spoiled boy! Then, once Thomas 1) gets bored, 2) starts obsessing over another woman, or 3) Douglas is too out of control to manage, Douglas will get quickly shuttled back for Hope and Liam to deal with. 

And that would probably be accompanied by Thomas, Steffy, Taylor, and Ridge talking about how it's some combination of the Spencer genes and spending too much time with the Logans that's responsible for his behavior. 

OK, now, I was not watching when Deacon was first on. (I think my first exposure to him as a viewer was when Bill and Steffy brought him in to try to sabotage Hope and Liam's Italy wedding).  But, from what I remember reading about the character in the soap mags back in the day, isn't Deacon supposed to be a somewhat skilled plotter/con man? Because current Deacon doesn't seem like he could scheme his way out of a paper bag. The man has no poker face, no chill, and he can't think on his feet at all. He may as well have just started yelling "oh my God, it's Sheila. She's still alive, Finn! She's right behind you, holding my phone!" when Sheila showed up. 

Just as I was thinking to myself that the "Douglas loves being with his daddy" stuff was so over the top (sitting glued to his side, repeatedly talking about how awesome it is to be around him, etc) that Thomas (or Taylor) must have put him up to it, Thomas tells Hope "I haven't been putting him up to that." And that just seemed like an admission that, yes, he is. And then he pulled that "I'm a one woman man, and that woman is you," line, and it's pretty clear what's happening here.  Even if he's not directly telling him "tell your mom how great this is," I'll bet he's absolutely planting that seed - repeatedly telling him "aren't we having the best time? Isn't this so fun? Don't you wish we could do this every day?"  And, soon enough, it will escalate to "wouldn't it be great if you, your mom, and Beth all lived here with me?" 

@nilyank, I think you're right. Finn's "death" and Steffy thinking she was still married to Liam gave Thomas the idea that Steffy could clear Liam out of his way, so he'd have a shot at Hope. And now that Finn's return put the kibosh on that, he's going back to using Douglas to get her. The only thing that brain surgery fixed was his believing the mannequin was talking to him. 

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I agree the adults who aren’t Thomas and Hope need to stay out of it. But if Thomas is mentally unstable, which his conversation with Hope today has all kinds of red flags going off, then I cannot agree that Douglas’ wishes are that relevant anymore. Thomas’ past behavior and the recent undercurrents that it’s not just past behavior (today’s conversation, the hiding of Sheila’s actions, the encouraging of Liam to spend time with Steffy after Finn’s death) would call into question his fitness to parent Douglas. If Thomas is still the same psycho underneath all the “I’m a changed man” veneer, it is not in the best interest of Douglas (which is the standard in family court) for Thomas to have full custody, which he is seeking and I would question shared custody at this point. 

He also lied to Brooke about Ridge being inside Steffy’s house and blocked Brooke from going inside when she was trying to reconcile their relationship. 

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On 9/1/2022 at 4:31 PM, Angeleyes said:

They don’t ever have Ridge and Bill rolling around in paint or cake or mud. 

Well..I wouldn’t FFWD if they did have them do this. Just once. To ‘even’ things out 😂

16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

What the hell!!  Did Lurch confess that he is, once again, using Douglas as a means to an end to get together with Hope?  

Pretty much. Brad Bell strikes again with his promise of new love interests only to fall right back into old habits. Hope, Brooke, and Liam need to get into the habit of recording conversations with Thomas because he’ll say crap to them that is all the evidence they need to stop him in his tracks. I’m still steamed that Liam didn’t have that amazing rant Thomas made about holding Steffy and Hope as he stood victorious over his grave and became the father to his kids. Dude was nuts and I’ll never believe that sentiment isn’t still in his heart. 

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The young blonde woman who was prominently shown in the scenes as a customer at IG yesterday was KB's RL daughter. 

I guess KB and the stylists like KB as a redhead, too. I noticed that she has a new layered haircut and dark auburn hair now. Suits her.

Hope is being an idiot. I would not believe Thomas nor give him the benefit of the doubt. His "one-woman" statement should be all the ammo she needs to yank Douglas out of that house and take him far, far away from his nutcase father.

Too bad the "new love interest" for Thomas we were promised isn't Sheila. Game recognizes game and that might be interesting. Ridge, Steffy and Taylor's heads would collectively explode. I'd kind of be into it. It beats Sheila hanging around to ruin Deacon and I really don't care how she'd mess up Thomas. AFAIC, they can become cellmates in a psychiatric prison. 

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At this point, (since they will not cast a new love interest in all likelihood) I wish they would pair up Thomas and Paris again. At least that was something different. I wonder how her mom would feel about that? He’s a Forrester, but he also did Zoe wrong which is what she held against Carter. I’m worried now that Quinn is out we’ll get another Carter and Paris rehash. At least with Thomas, she could be a friend and maybe a voice of reason in this whole custody situation. She could act on the the connection she made with Douglas when living with Thomas. 

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