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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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36 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I don't know, either. I think Liam "loves" Hope more than his other romantic interests but he still wants to keep Steffy on a string because reasons.


Easy sex. It always came down to it.

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Basically, yeah.

Although, I assume Ivy didn't have the same hangups about sex that Hope did and he dropped her as soon as Steffy came back to town, so....🤷‍♀️

I think Bell just like assholes to win.

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Ugh. It's a sorry state when I think that TN's acting career peaked at "Liberty Biberty." He really is awful and a disappointing choice for a romantic male lead on a soap. I personally, don't find him that hot-looking either. His wooden delivery makes RM from back in the day look like Gumby. I find it very hard to believe that a single, successful, attractive (???) physician who lives in Malibu, is such a neophyte with women. I can't wait until the s*** hits the fan some day when it IS revealed that Kelly is Bill's daughter.

I am still fixated on why is Liam still living at the cabin? If Hope is too spineless to throw his waffling ass out, then Liam should have enough decency to voluntarily leave so Hope can have some time to herself to think. BTW, her ensemble looked like she's just participated in the local "color run."

So, the paternity test switcheroo was the only SL going on right now that I am remotely interested in and it is wrapped up in days (just like Steffy's pill addiction), whereas Phoebeth dragged on for more than a year. JMW's maternity leave could have been handled in a variety of other ways, that wouldn't have necessitated (in the writers' minds) to wrap up the Finn vs. Liam story so quickly.

Carter, Zoe, et al, bore me to death and the only thing worse I could think of would be to pair Zoe and Finn. And I do not care about Katie and Bill redux 5,000000.0. I have watched B&B since its inception and cannot remember a time where none of the characters or their stories were so disinteresting to me. Barely worth watching. 





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Well I hope Mr. Bell is enjoying the show he's writing, because nothing about Sinn or Lope or Thope or Steam is making any sense nor entertaining for me. The nonsense Finn was spouting to Steffy about herself was laughable.

When my sympathies are with Vinny the drug dealing paternity test switcher, you done messed up.

Vinny needs to go ahead and expose Thomas for giving him drugs to roofie Liam and the drugs he gave Thomas for his 'wedding night' with Hope. Thomas puffing his chest at being Finn's hero is all kinds of stupid when Thomas has played his part in facilitating Steam by pimping Steffy out so he could secure Hope.

Steffy deciding to bounce with Kelly without so much as a call to Liam is enraging. Also think about this from Kelly's POV - 'Daddy didn't say good-bye. Daddy didn't come with us when we left'  Steffy would actually be contributing to the confusing emotions Kelly would have about her father and repeating a cycle she said she wanted to break. That she was basing this decision on *Finn's* needs rather than think about how it would affect her daughter shows she hasn't grown from her interactions and disappointment with Liam - she's transferring unhealthy behavior to Finn.

We got a clue about Finn's background.  He had a mom who is apparently deceased since he has her wedding ring to give to Steffy.  I'd love for the twist to be that he's Prince Omar's son who exiled to the US in a break from his royal heritage (shades of Harry and the BRF to make it relevant 😉 ) and he thinks Taylor/Laila was his mother. Omar told him that his mother died when Taylor left to return to her family.  Steffy and Finn think they're in for a happily ever after when Taylor arrives and they both think she's their mother, LOL.  Of course Taylor will reveal that she's not Finn's biological mother but adopted him as his real mother was some handmaiden Omar knocked up. In any case that'd throw cold water on the nuptials.

I'm done with Liam's apology tour. Like I was over pregnant Steffy giving up her snotty hoodie to finally move on from Liam dumping her, Liam needs to move out of Hope's cabin and in with Bill. I much rather watch the Spencer men regroup ala Two and a Half men style on their lives and figure out a path forward.  Liam can give his blessing to Finn and Steffy but warn that he'll lawyer up with a quickness if they screw with his relationship with Kelly.  Liam can give Hope all the space she wants but let her know same rules apply to her regarding Beth.

If the show pulls another twist that Vinny was high when he messed with the results and that Liam actually is the father Imma be pissed, LOL.

I'm all for Kelly becoming Bill's kid so everyone will stop asking for it, LOL.  Even with that switch, the show won't do anything with it because they suck at doing good story these days. I will say for the short term it'll release Liam from Steffy so he can focus solely on Beth and Finn won't be able to steamroll Bill who will bust his ass up; we may get Katie vs Steffy again so that'd be...fun?




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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

whereas Phoebeth dragged on for more than a year.

In real time, it was actually just short of eight months that it played out, but it damn sure feel like five years for all the repeated dialogue about Hope tossing Liam away for two months and people convincing other people not to tell for six full months.

The best baby switch I personally recall was As The World Turns, and that one actually played out in nearly half the time this did. And that was a story that affected every character in ways that resounanted until the very end of the show, including:

*Will and Gwen becoming a couple

*Carly discovering Gwen was her sister

*Emily going batshit on Paul, which put her on a looking path of bad decisions, even for her.

*Jen's drug addiction, the after-effects of which were directly the reason she would later die about 6 months later.

*Everything to do with Johnny, the battle for which Craig, Dusty and Lucy fought for years

*Paul and Meg, which UUUUUUUUUUUGH. More enjoyable to watch than Lope or Steam but.... UUUUUUUUUUUGH

Honestly, the last time this show had anything close to an umbrella story like this, I was screaming about how much I hated that Bridge ate up the damn show over dial-up. Boy, did I not appreciate how good we had it when Nick was torn between Bridget and Brooke and the show took a a full three months and a medical crisis before Bridget even considered taking Popeye back.

25 minutes ago, BoffoDaWonderSheep said:

That has to be the most painful half hour of soap opera that I’ve ever seen. Just tell them, already FFS! Is the pacing on this show always this bad?

No. There were times when I really hated the story being told, but it at least kept moving at an appropriate pace. One notable exception pre-ToD was how Taylor was gone for months right after the reveal that Jack was Brooke's bur  that was unavoidable given Tylo's real life tragedy with her own son.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I want to like Hopes track suit but it looks like something an 8 year old would wear.

One thing I cannot stand on this show is how much they drag things out. Thomas could have told Hope a million times today but he had to go on and on.  I can get why Finn didnt say right away to Steffy to propose to her but Thomas was the worst. 

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For some reason seeing Finn and Steffy together makes me wanna hurl.  I think it's a combo of bad acting, especially Finn, and Steffy's puffy lips.

Anyway, I hope we've finally seen the end of baby drama.  First, with Hope's baby and now with Steffy's paternity test finally being resolved.

Message to writers:  LEAVE THE BABIES ALONE!  

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Yeah, for a show that has avoided teen scenes like the plauge and never really cared all that much about babies, they've sure been pushing the baby drama of late, huh?

I'm sick of the nonsense too. Which means Bell will double down and have Flo and/or Zoe get knocked up. Hell, maybe we'll have post-menupausal Brooke and neutered Ridge somehow get another "miracle child" and find some way to name yet another girl child after Beth Logan. Yippee! 🙄

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I cannot believe I sat through this crap for the last two days and although Liberty made a proposal, he never told her that he was the father of the baby !

You would think that that would be the first thing he said as he was running outside the house to get to her ...and I was figuring he would lead with that... but it never came up.....whaaaaa ????

Even Hope got the news before Steffy 

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I feel like I watched Kid Rock's Bawitdaba.......

Circular talking and utter nonsense. 

Thomas had to lead Hope down the yellow brick road before just telling her that Vinny tampered with the test? 

I have no words for what was happening over at Cliff House. However, of all the accolades that dripped outta Finn's mouth, only one was accurate; Steffy definitely loves openly.  Honestly however? Well that is a horse of a different color. 

So why didn't the good doctor spill the beans about being the daddy? 

My real burning question though, is why didn't he propose when he thought the baby was Liam's? 

And Steffy wow; just gonna skate right on over to Paris with Liam's daughter in tow without nary a word? Yeah, I agree with @TobinAlbers; for a child that already deals with confusion about her daddy, spiriting her away without so much as a chance to say goodbye is all kinda wrong. But Steffy was hell bent on doing what was in Finn's best interest; not her daughter's or her daughter's father. 

This best not be a green light for Hope to forgive Eggo. Screwing your ex is not excusable just because her baby doesn't belong to him. Don't do it Hope, and before I forget; KICK THAT WAFFLNG MANCHILD OUT OF YOUR HOME! He is the son of a very rich man, and can find suitable accommodations elsewhere. 

Why does everyone think that because Hope is a good person, and has the capacity to forgive, that she deserves to keep getting kicked in the teeth? 

Brooke, I love you, but did you really ask Ridge how many times Hope should have to forgive Liam? Oh, I know you didn't do that. Not the dynamic, beautiful, alluring, sexy woman who has become a piece of Bridge flotsam. Ridge's eternal and perpetual doormat. And did you actually compound that by saying that Hope had watched Liam go back and forth between her and Steffy for years? Here is a clue my beauty; 30+ years of Destiny. Please, don't talk about a man waffling when you are married to the master. 

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Brooke said no one knows better than Ridge does how flexible she is. Heh, I bet Bill has an idea too. 😉

Is Hope reverting to childhood because she keeps dressing like one. I don't find it cute.

I have to say, that was a nice wig JMW's stand-in (the actor's wife?) had on today. It looked good in the sun.

Hope, Hope, Hope. Why continue agonizing over Liam when you've got that hot piece standing right in front of you? I'd say Thomas has redeemed himself now. He did the right thing when he could just as easily have sat on the truth. And this time the baby in question can be with her/his parents from birth.

Had that diamond ring for years, Finn? Meh, that looked like a relatively contemporary setting to me. Your mommy had good taste in jewelry though.

Move out of the way, Finn. I'll tell Steffy the news since you can't seem to cough it up. Yeesh. It's the Friday cliffhanger nobody wanted. 😑

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28 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Had that diamond ring for years, Finn? Meh, that looked like a relatively contemporary setting to me. Your mommy had good taste in jewelry though.

I could've sworn that was used as one of Brooke's wedding rings to Ridge at least once. With all the weddings they've had to one another, it probably was.

Safer to say Ridge never used it for Katie tho 🙃

(It's been 8 years and I'm still not over that raggedy ass ribbon she walked around with for months while they'd both moved on from one another xD )

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“Steffy, the DNA test was wrong! It’s my baby after all!”

“Hope, the DNA test was wrong! It’s Finn’s baby after all!”

See, writers? It’s not hard at all.



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I’m so sick and tired of these pregnant pauses. Can’t anyone spit out what’s needed to be said before four commercial breaks.  The pregnant pause is not all that bad but I have to endure scenes of shit ass acting by all involved. Just get it over with and I can FF the last 15 minutes.  

Hey Finn, don’t you think it would have been better to tell Stuffy the baby is yours before you proposed?  

Beside Quinn and sometimes Eric, the partially open door and the loading dock guy are the beat actors on the show. 

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8 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Oh FFS!!  Finn just had to go on and on instead of just telling Steffy the baby was his after all?!!  GMAFB!  


And if you want to stop someone from going to the airport, wouldn’t you call that person on her cellphone? 
Wonder if Vinnie is running like a Looney Tunes character for the Mexican border? 😆

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I have to say, that was a nice wig JMW's stand-in (the actor's wife?) had on today. It looked good in the sun.

The actor who plays Finn wife who also is the stand-in is Kayla Ewell who WAS on B&B a love interest of Thomas and um Rick I think? I wonder if they ever do shop talk at home or she told him tips before he got the job. 😂 

speaking of Finn UO he’s not that handsome to me he looks like he’s had work done or his features are weird, like disproportionate. a little like Handsome Squidward or one of the characters on Daria

Edited by Petunia13
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Although it was annoying as hell, I think the reason Finn didn't tell Steffy about the true paternity before he proposed is that he wanted her to know he was committed to marrying her, even if he wasn't the father.  Then after she says "yes," he springs the happy news to her that he is the father. 

Yeah, it's cheesy but Steffy will lap it up. 

Edited by Crashcourse
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28 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Although it was annoying as hell, I think the reason Finn didn't tell Steffy about the true paternity before he proposed is that he wanted her to know he was committed to marrying her, even if he wasn't the father.  Then after she says "yes," he springs the happy news to her that he is the father. 

Yeah, it's cheesy but Steffy will lap it up. 

I'm not seeing his proposal as sweet. He only proposed to her when HE knew he was the dad.  Had he proposed when they both thought Liam was the dad, that would've shown unconditional commitment on his part.

As it stands he's proposing to her knowing a critical bit of information and seemingly withholding it until he hears her answer. What if she says no? Is he not going to tell her? Of course not, he's going to want to be a part of his baby's life. So when he then dumps the news on her to give her a reason to say yes, I'd be wondering WTH he didn't lead with that information instead of 'testing' me to see if I'd accept his proposal. It's supposed to be romantic that she then says yes only when she hears the truth and realizes 'everything is perfect now'? 

If I'm Steffy and I immediately say 'yes' and then Finn tells me the truth then I'm still going WTH, man? You tell me this news only after I say yes as my 'reward'?

Finn's actions do not make sense if you're positioning him as the romantic anti-Liam hero.

Now the show can try to spin it that it was sweet that Steffy thinks he's asking her to marry him while carrying another man's child and that for Finn it's awesome that she loves him enough to marry him when she's carrying another man's child and she thinks HE thinks she's carrying another man's child but I'm not buying it. I don't buy anything about this couple except that Steffy loves the idea of a man fully focused on her.  But the truth is Finn was withholding information from the woman he claims to love and respect - not allowing her to make an informed decision about their lives together.  But then Steffy was about to do the same damn thing to Liam by taking Kelly away to Paris so seems like Finn and Steffy are a perfect match in disrespecting the feelings of their kid's other parent to suit their own needs.

A married united Sinn is gonna be insufferable -especially when it comes to Kelly's relationship with Liam.  Finn thinks it's his right to set down rules when it's up to Steffy and Steffy only. The question is, will the show actually show the friction between them when Finn oversteps and Steffy actually speaks up or will Steffy cower to appease Finn because she feels she owes him after the affair and because Liam didn't choose her once truth of Hopequinn came to light? 

Liam absolutely deserves to be kneed in the balls by both women and dropped by both romantically but he doesn't deserve to have his child used as a pawn by Steffy's new boo.


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26 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I'm not seeing his proposal as sweet. He only proposed to her when HE knew he was the dad.  Had he proposed when they both thought Liam was the dad, that would've shown unconditional commitment on his part.

I'm reminded of when Brooke was pregnant with RJ, when he was thought to be Nick's. Given Brooke boned Nick the night she thought he had died, he'd been well within his right to kick her to the curb, but he stood by her and accepted the baby as his well before the news of Jackie's test switch was revealed.

26 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

. I don't buy anything about this couple except that Steffy loves the idea of a man fully focused on her. 

Yep. And I don't blame her, but as someone else pointed out earlier, Steffy's just transfered her dysfunctional projection from one lousy man to another who sucks for different reasons.

27 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

married united Sinn is gonna be insufferable -especially when it comes to Kelly's relationship with Liam.  Finn thinks it's his right to set down rules when it's up to Steffy and Steffy only. The question is, will the show actually show the friction between them when Finn oversteps and Steffy actually speaks up or will Steffy cower to appease Finn because she feels she owes him after the affair and because Liam didn't choose her once truth of Hopequinn came to light? 

Good question. I have no doubt TIIC will try to neuter Steffy because Bell loves having the men to Take Charge™ but I also think she would push back because of her own upbringing and the bullshit retcon about Ridge never being there, so she wouldn't close her kid away from her dad.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Finn's actions do not make sense if you're positioning him as the romantic anti-Liam hero.

I am definitely not positioning him as some kind of anti-Liam hero; I'm just suggesting that that's the hook he made up for Steffy.

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He only proposed to her when HE knew he was the dad. 

Huh, that hadn't occurred to me. So does that mean on his way over to tell Steffy the big news Finn stopped off somewhere (his security deposit box at the bank or his home) to pick up the ring? He delayed telling Steffy the truth even longer (because surely he wasn't driving around with a ring like that in his car's glove box)? What a jerk. Sounds to me like he's trying to manipulate her. Either he doesn't have full confidence in her feelings for him or is this is yet another case of him taking undue control in her life. Ehhh, I'm still seeing Finn as problematic but it's not completely clear why yet. They might be setting it up for Liam to have to "rescue" Steffy from Finn at some point in the future.

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So, JMW is reading from a teleprompter and the guy who is playing Finn is acting with his wife in JMW wig. I have seen them in a two shot so I assumed they kept them apart due to her pregnancy. It looked beautiful at the real Cliff House. It must save Brad Bell lots of money filming at his own home.  I must say the CBS soaps have really been really strict with the Covid-19 protocols whereas GH and Days are all loosey goosey and hugging all over the place. 

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7 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I'm not seeing his proposal as sweet. He only proposed to her when HE knew he was the dad.  Had he proposed when they both thought Liam was the dad, that would've shown unconditional commitment on his part.

As it stands he's proposing to her knowing a critical bit of information and seemingly withholding it until he hears her answer. What if she says no? Is he not going to tell her? Of course not, he's going to want to be a part of his baby's life. So when he then dumps the news on her to give her a reason to say yes, I'd be wondering WTH he didn't lead with that information instead of 'testing' me to see if I'd accept his proposal. It's supposed to be romantic that she then says yes only when she hears the truth and realizes 'everything is perfect now'? 

I don't see it that way, and I don't think Steffy will either. I mean how many times did he have to tell her that he would stand by her through thick and thin, even if it was Liam's baby? Nice, but she didn't want to hear it. She felt guilty and decided to leave for Paris. So the only way he could make her see he meant what he said is to propose to her BEFORE she leaves the country.

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5 hours ago, ByaNose said:

So, JMW is reading from a teleprompter and the guy who is playing Finn is acting with his wife in JMW wig. I have seen them in a two shot so I assumed they kept them apart due to her pregnancy. It looked beautiful at the real Cliff House. It must save Brad Bell lots of money filming at his own home.  

I didn’t realize he owned that property. According to Zillow and realtor he does not.

The Bell family does, though, own the mansions that serve as Eric’s estate, Brooke’s mansion, and Bill’s manor. 

To answer your other comment about Days they do daily covid lab tests also some of actors film in a bubble w only a few people. JA/ Victor filmed in his home w just a couple people who were tested. His daughter Jennifer built and furnished an add on to look like the Kiriakis mansion study. 

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6 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I didn’t realize he owned that property. According to Zillow and realtor he does not.

The Bell family does, though, own the mansions that serve as Eric’s estate, Brooke’s mansion, and Bill’s manor. 

To answer your other comment about Days they do daily covid lab tests also some of actors film in a bubble w only a few people. JA/ Victor filmed in his home w just a couple people who were tested. His daughter Jennifer built and furnished an add on to look like the Kiriakis mansion study. 

Actually, Brad Bell does own the real Cliff House in Malibu:



The Bell children Bill Jr, Brad & Lauralee Bell sold the Bell mansion aka Eric’s estate to LeBron James:





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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:


Although does anyone think the Sinn marriage will actually take place? I have my doubts.

I mean...maybe? I want to remain hopeful that the national nightmare that was Steam is over but stranger things have happened that absolutely no one asked for.

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Oh trust, I’d love to see Steamless be finally put out to pasture but I’m not holding my breath. Especially when the only non-Steamless marriage happened mainly because Liam was held up in Captive Cabin and Wyatt was...there. 

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:


Although does anyone think the Sinn marriage will actually take place? I have my doubts.

I'll give the show this - they lulled us into a false sense of security that things would be different when they introduced Sinn and had them seemingly solid so that when Steffy backslid into Liam it was shocking and enraging and not really predicted by anyone since Steffy was SO into Finn.

Now the audience is back to not knowing what to expect with the baby daddy now being Finn and him proposing.  Steffy has recommitted hard to Finn and Liam has done so much groveling that it seems nigh impossible for Steam to reunite without Finn fans revolting.  It'd be refreshing for Steffy to move on and have a devoted love, but we also don't know anything about Finn beyond his being doormat for Steffy.  If they bother to flesh him out with a background and family we may see what their issues/hurdles will be as a couple and if they can come through it intact.

I think the only way Sinn can break up is if Finn dies a horrible, sudden, tragic death leaving Steffy a pregnant widow - but that opens the door for Liam to swoop back in to help her pick up the pieces. But this still will alienate the Sinn fans - and frankly JMcW should be livid they pulled a bait and switch on her too, LOL.  But I think Liam is gonna be 'freed' as Hope looks like she's worked through her feelings to realize that baby or no baby, Liam's infidelity and lack of trust in her is enough for her to end things once and for all, clearing the path for a legit take on Thope.

If Finn doesn't get axed to clear way for a single Liam then we'll be in an interesting situation of Liam being the odd man out with Thope and Sinn as the main couples.  Will they keep him single or have him spiral to fall into Shauna, Eva, Donna, or Katie's laps?  I'd honestly love if Liam formed a club with Marcus and these four ladies where they were all down on love and checked each other on their bad choices and formed an odd friendship club.


Edited by TobinAlbers
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9 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I'll give the show this - they lulled us into a false sense of security that things would be different when they introduced Sinn and had them seemingly solid so that when Steffy backslid into Liam it was shocking and enraging and not really predicted by anyone since Steffy was SO into Finn.

I remember the first time the show kicked me in my non-existent balls when after nearly 3 years of fighting to be with each other and having killed off Macy as a direct consequence of this relationship's existence, Brooke tells Deacon of all people she was still in love with Ridge. They didn't even have a six-month anniversary FFS.

But I sucked it up and assumed after Ridge Jr was born and Taylor presumably out of the picture permanently that Bridge would have a shot at happiness. Which....lol no.

So this sudden reversal on Steffy's attitude towards Liam doesn't surprise me in the slightest because when Bell ships a thing, he's all in. Far better characters were sacrificed at Alter of Bridge for decades, most notably Nick who I will never not be mad about and hell, even Taylor herself and I had no delusions we were done with Steam in spite of the media blitz.

9 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:


I think the only way Sinn can break up is if Finn dies a horrible, sudden, tragic death leaving Steffy a pregnant widow - but that opens the door for Liam to swoop back in to help her pick up the pieces. But this still will alienate the Sinn fans - and frankly JMcW should be livid they pulled a bait and switch on her too, LOL

I hope Katherine Lang has had a discussion with her about pushing for better stories now as opposed to waiting twenty years in and getting a rape plotline as a "compromise" for not wanting to be bouncing back and forth between two men (that still became a sideways vehicle for a Bridge reunion anyway, tanking Ridge/Ashley, the latter of whom accused her of using the attack to get Ridge back!)

I mean, JMW is no Meryl Streep but a child born on her first day of filming would be in middle school now and the character is barely any different than she was back then. I'd be tired too. And so too should SC who's won the bulk of the male acting awards for this show's entire HISTORY. (I still say Peter Bergman was robbed the year they were both up, but....)

9 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

If Finn doesn't get axed to clear way for a single Liam then we'll be in an interesting situation of Liam being the odd man out with Thope and Sinn as the main couples. 

He certainly NEEDS to be single and to get a story that has fuck all to do with his romantic life. No single character in the show's history has been so wholly defined by their relationships, and that's a helluva tall order for a show with Brooke Logan amongst it cast. And even rarer still for a male character in ANY show I've ever watched.

Edit: you guys remember how in 2005-06, we got the story of Stephanie's childhood as a way to explain how increasingly nutso controlling and bitter she'd become by that point? I won't say that it necessarily wiped the slate clean but it gave the character some much needed depth and a chance to do something besides piss about Brooke who was presumably done with Ridge at the time after he stayed w Taylor after the fake heart attack.

That's really what Liam needs. I mean, how much do we know about his life before he ended up working on Steffy's laptop anyway? His mom died and he was on good terms with the man who raised him and gave him his name of Cooper.  What about his other family? Any cousins? Any step-sibs? What about the friends from the prep school he had to.leave when his mom got sick that he can re-connect with? The show was sorta on the right track with this when Flo was brought in as a past girlfriend of Wyatt's before *waves hand* THAT all happened.

And Liam at his core is not a horrible person. Not like his Spencer family and not like the Forresters other than Bridget. He COULD be...okay, but he needs some agency.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Why is the show acting like Kelly was conceived in the middle of Hope and Liam's relationship?. A child born pre Lopes marriage is not an obstacle for Liam/Hope. Why are they trying to change the time line of Kelly/Steffy/Liam.

I would demand another test if I was Steffy or Hope.

Liam is a huge douche. And needs to be alone forever.

LOL at Steffy running. I hope that was the body double and not pregnant JMW.

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Finn seems nice but he comes off too goofy for me. And, it has nothing to do with his commercials. I think Finn should be the suave doctor and not the nice guy as he’s currently portrayed. I don’t think he’s that bad of an actor but I don’t think he’s the right actor for role. Of course, it is written that he is the nice under the radar guy. I am curious what happens when JMW returns. Are Steffy and Finn the end game. That seems way too boring to me. All that said, the on location scenes were beautifully shot. Drone and all. 

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I tried to like it, but man, the sheer cheesiness of it lulled me into a fit of unstoppable laughter. 

"It's OURS!"

And then there was the running. 

They tried though, but this was not Jenny and Oliver. 

I might be more invested if Finn had proposed when he still thought the baby was Liam's. For some reason that sticks in my craw. It makes the whole proposal seem so disingenuous. 

Liam, don't lump Kelly in with this mess. You were married to Steffy when she was conceived, and Hope knew all about it, and has been on board with being a stepmom; she would have done the right thing by this baby too.

Hope said the news changes everything. Except, no, it doesn't. All it changes is that Liam is not having another child with another woman. He still betrayed you. He still made a snap decision about his wife; a woman he should know better than anyone, and used that "misinformation" as an excuse to have sex with his ex-wife, who's budding relationship with Finn did not meet with his approval. In other words Hope, he fucked you over, by fucking his ex-wife, in an effort to fuck up her new romance. 

A new test should be ordered with all possible daddy's contributing. Of course that will never happen since everyone now has the results they want. 

All in all, a really uninspired episode. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I think Steffy loves Finn because she thinks he's this wonderful person, but I don't think she's in love with him.  He doesn't light her fire like $Bill, or even Liam for that matter.   Just like Liam loves Hope, but I never thought he was in love with her.  

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AFAIC Steffy should've slapped Finn. It's like he doesn't listen to her and completely disregards her feelings. Why would he not straight up tell her about the paternity test instead pulling this big distracting scene to make himself look noble?

Thomas: yes, Finn is telling the truth to Steffy right now. I'm so happy for them.
Hope: yeah, sure you are. So are you going to get out of the way so I can speed over to SP to tell Liam?
The World: the heck with Liam!
Thomas: World, don't need the help, okay? I got this.
Liam: hey, what's going on here? I heard my name mentioned. That's you, right Hope? Not the mannequin again?
Hope: sigh, what did I ever see in you?

What is wrong with Finn? He waited until Steffy was literally running away from him before he finally yelled out the truth. And then he looked puzzled that his proposal and the gigantic ring wasn't enough to sway her. I think something is seriously off about that guy.

Been funny if Steffy had fainted in shock and then fallen off the cliff. 😉 The first thing Finn should do is tell Steffy he's not raising his child in a place where they can't go outside for fear of death or major injury. The second is getting rid of that poster of Steffy and Liam in the living room.

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

I think Steffy loves Finn because she thinks he's this wonderful person, but I don't think she's in love with him.  He doesn't light her fire like $Bill, or even Liam for that matter.   Just like Liam loves Hope, but I never thought he was in love with her.  

Funny enough, I don't think that Steffy was in love with Liam. I do think that Liam was/is in love with Hope.

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1 minute ago, nilyank said:

Funny enough, I don't think that Steffy was in love with Liam. I do think that Liam was/is in love with Hope.

I think Liam loves Hope and thinks she's a wonderful human being.  However, there's a reason he can't seem to be faithful to her and I still think it's because he's not in love with her--meaning, there's not enough passion.   It's like he loves a Madonna.

Steffy might not be "in love" with Liam but, again, there's a reason she can't/won't keep him outta her cooch.   I think she feels more passion with him than she does with Finn but, like I said, $Bill is the main man.

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Steffy might not be "in love" with Liam but, again, there's a reason she can't/won't keep him outta her cooch.   I think she feels more passion with him than she does with Finn but, like I said, $Bill is the main man.

Had Steffy met Bill by the time Liam came into her life? If so, it seems to me that maybe she's basically been screwing Bill with Liam's peen. Same deal with Bill, I think he supports Steffy with Liam because likewise he can then screw her with Liam's d!ck. Liam is just the middleman.

Honestly, after Steffy got her some of Bill I don't how she was ever satisfied with Liam again. Bill is the daddy of the (wannabe) mack daddy.

As far as Hope is concerned, I think Liam loves the idea of who he thinks he is when he's with Hope. She doesn't make him want to be a better man so much as he thinks he is a better man with her. But trying to maintain that perfect image of a relationship/marriage/family gets tiring after a while and that's when he goes to Steffy. Maybe Hope needs to stop trying to be ideal and get down and dirty for a while. O hai Thomas.

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I am just stewing that Steffy is coming out of all of this smelling like a rose with the man and the baby. Hope, OTOH, again, got the short end of the stick. She really needs to lay down the law with Liam if she intends to give him his gazillionth chance. (But, I really can't take her seriously when she's wearing that ridiculous 5-year-old's Garanimals get-up. I suspect Beth has a matching one!)

Hope and Finn need to get together and set up some ground rules regarding Liam and Kelly going forward. For starters, change the locks to the Cliff House ASAP. Secondly, insist that paternal visits be evenly divided between the Cliff House and the cabin, or in a public place and on a regular schedule. No more Liam dropping by to visit Kelly whenever he feels like it.

And FFS ... take down that damn Steam portrait and burn it!

I noticed that the guy playing Finn only really shows and range of emotion when he's in scenes with his wife. He and JMW have zero chemistry.

Now, can we please move on to a new story? 



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15 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Hope said the news changes everything. Except, no, it doesn't. All it changes is that Liam is not having another child with another woman. He still betrayed you. He still made a snap decision about his wife; a woman he should know better than anyone, and used that "misinformation" as an excuse to have sex with his ex-wife, who's budding relationship with Finn did not meet with his approval. In other words Hope, he fucked you over, by fucking his ex-wife, in an effort to fuck up her new romance. 

I might watch just for the sheer cheesiness of it all.

But WORD to what you wrote because unless Liam can unfuck that Fool's Gold Cooter, then it changes abso-freaking-lutey NOTHING.

How dumb are these people? (rhetorical)

If Hope takes him back after this, then I'm gonna have a tough time mustering up any sympathy for her at this point. But I guess she knows what's she getting. Like mother, like daughter, indeed.

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43 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

I am just stewing that Steffy is coming out of all of this smelling like a rose with the man and the baby. Hope, OTOH, again, got the short end of the stick. She really needs to lay down the law with Liam if she intends to give him his gazillionth chance. (But, I really can't take her seriously when she's wearing that ridiculous 5-year-old's Garanimals get-up. I suspect Beth has a matching one!)

Hope and Finn need to get together and set up some ground rules regarding Liam and Kelly going forward. For starters, change the locks to the Cliff House ASAP. Secondly, insist that paternal visits be evenly divided between the Cliff House and the cabin, or in a public place and on a regular schedule. No more Liam dropping by to visit Kelly whenever he feels like it.

And FFS ... take down that damn Steam portrait and burn it!

I noticed that the guy playing Finn only really shows and range of emotion when he's in scenes with his wife. He and JMW have zero chemistry.

Now, can we please move on to a new story? 



Yep, Hope needs to look like a grown up if she wants us to think she is making grown up decisions!

I noticed the exact same thing about Finn with his wife in scenes.  He was grinning from ear to ear and had enthusiasm with her then fell flat with JMW.  He is robotic in his scenes with everyone it seems.  I hope he goes on mat leave with Steffy so he is off screen! 

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15 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I think Liam loves Hope and thinks she's a wonderful human being.  However, there's a reason he can't seem to be faithful to her and I still think it's because he's not in love with her--meaning, there's not enough passion.   It's like he loves a Madonna.

All of Hope's suitors (post-Oliver) have spoken of her this way.  She's "wonderful", "forgiving", "honest", etc.  It was particularly glaring when that sentiment was expressed when they were in their early twenties because that's not what interests men in their early twenties.  I'm generalizing, of course, but Hope has never seemed to be much of a loin-stirrer which is frequently a requirement for most men that age.  

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