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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On the one hand I think both Hope and Zoe could use a galpal to bounce stuff off of before they go down a wrong path with some guy. However, I don't know how I feel about them being too chummy with each other. Zoe is still the person who helped keep Beth's kidnapping a secret and Hope is Zoe's boss. They should maintain appropriate boundaries IMO.

Loved Quinn's red shoes.

Lol, had to laugh at that fake bottle of vodka Shauna was handling in the flashback. Instead of Grey Goose the label looked like it had a silver turkey. Yeah I'm sure cheap B&B wasn't going to pay for that likely pricey product placement.

You don't know how it happened, Ridge? Are you for real right now? 😒

Whee, Donna was flashing the girls big time at Eric! 🤗

That LV minister was kind of unethical, no? He could clearly see Ridge too drunk to know what he was doing. What if the genders had been reversed?

A potential loophole: the trick marriage isn't consummated. Seems like a opening for a quick annulment, right? Ridge should consult with the annulment expert, Liam. 🤔

Okay Brooke, the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody else. 😉 Somebody else named Bill Spencer. You're free and clear! Go ride that stallion, girl!

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Why o why doesn’t Ridge, the great Corp Exec and Designer have security on his phone. No pass code, no thumb print nor facial recognition. 🤔


Why are TIIC dragging this out with Ridge trying to explain himself to Eric and Brooke. Why hasn’t Ridge told Eric or Brooke that it was a mistake and he’s getting an annulment.  Problem solved. But maybe Ridge would rather be married to Shanna. 


It seems that Sally was dumped for Zoey. Even though Zoey is not a designer, well not yet, but she has wormed her way back into Hope’s good graces. Now who is the HFTF designer?  If those dresses Hope and Zoey are wearing than the designer is Y&R’s Chelsea. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

However, I don't know how I feel about them being too chummy with each other. Zoe is still the person who helped keep Beth's kidnapping a secret and Hope is Zoe's boss. They should maintain appropriate boundaries IMO.

Lol @ "appropriate boundaries," as though anyone knows what those are on this show 

I guess if I had to pick one of the five stooges that pisses me off least, Zoe would be my second choice. And if Hope can forgive Steffy the mountain of trespasses she made against her over shallow rich girl reasons, it's not too crazy that she can begin to forgive Zoe. 

TBH, she'll need a crazy bitch in her corner the next time Steffy gets on her bullshit (I'm not even remotely convinced that Bell won't dip back into the Steamless well six months from now) and  I'd like the black cast to be actually integrated into the show in a meaningful way.

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On 8/13/2020 at 1:37 PM, Gam2 said:

Just watched Hope and Zoe. Yikes. That Zoe is almost scary looking with that hair and those eyebrows.

Thank God I’m not the only one. Sheesh. I felt so superficial thinking how scary she looked. 

Edited by Runningwild
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Watching today's episode now, and noticed the lip service to "inclusions in the workplace, as thought Brad Bell didn't kill over a black character and let the white legacy character skate on that.

I see you, Brad 🙄

Side note: I know someone in the industry who stated when her studio created their guide to resources re: racism, they were one of the only studios who actually asked for their black employees' input. Another exec from a different studio whined about that fact that the PDF file was over 20 pages long filled with links and asked, in all sincerity, why it wasn't enough to be kind and invite his black friends to the barbeque.

I'm headed to work as I type this, so I won't drag of the decades of bad takes from both him and his equally out of tune daddy, but I, a black woman, would be especially grateful if Bratley Bell stayed in his own lane. No rep at all is better than two that is tone-deaf and pandering.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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This show is so misogynistic. Brooke is labeled a slut for kissing Bill and she’s exposed to outrage in front of the whole family. Meanwhile, Ridge gets to just have an innocent drunk mistake divorcing his wife and marrying someone else in Vegas. He wants Brooke to not freak out and immediately forgive and forget. He’s not being blamed for his actions by his family and ultimately he won’t be blamed for the whole thing once it’s revealed Shauna and Quinn arranged the wedding. 

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20 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Why o why doesn’t Ridge, the great Corp Exec and Designer have security on his phone. No pass code, no thumb print nor facial recognition. 🤔


Why are TIIC dragging this out with Ridge trying to explain himself to Eric and Brooke. Why hasn’t Ridge told Eric or Brooke that it was a mistake and he’s getting an annulment.  Problem solved. But maybe Ridge would rather be married to Shanna. 

ITA to this whole thing!  I was rolling my eyes when the flashback showed Shauna accessing Ridge's phone w/o needing the passcode/facial unlock security measure. AS IF!

And then to have Ridge and Brooke act like his marriage to Shauna can't be undone, as though the marriage was mandated by Congress or some such.  Given how often (and easily!) everyone on this show gets married/divorced, just get the wheels into motion for a quickie annulment. It's not rocket science people!!!  [Unless, as Waldo13 stated above, Ridge actually wants to be married to Shauna.  Maybe his subconscious is telling him something...?]

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I was so worried that I wouldn’t get to hear Quinn and Shauna repeat the same conversation they’ve been having for the past four days. Alas, I worried for no reason. They got to say the same words yet again today!

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Oh Steffy, bending from the waist to pick something up from the floor is a risky proposition even if you don't have a back injury. I winced just watching her do it.

Quinn keeps saying no one will find out what she and Shauna pulled on Ridge. That has to mean someone will find out, right? Fingers crossed!

Shauna as a safe place? Heh, Ridge would be safer in a tank full of piranhas and jellyfish.

Is that the same shirt Thomas has been wearing all week? That I've been complaining about all week? I see you, B&B. 😼

Donna, you cannot be that naive. Shauna will definitely want to stay married to Ridge because of the Forrester money and social status. She is the definition of a golddigger. 😑

A "lifetime," Shauna? Maybe a lifetime on Neptune. You likely won't be married to Ridge for the lifetime of a fruit fly.

I don't know why Steffy would need to go to the grocery store while she's recuperating. She can have whatever she needs or wants delivered to her home. Heck, as a wealthy woman she can hire someone to handle all her errands 24/7. Why are they pretending like she doesn't have virtually limitless resources?

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Since I think that Thomas is still evil and crazy, I keep thinking that he is accessing Steffy's condition and will eventually have facilitate her to get some illegal drugs to deal with pain. He already has Vinnie who could help out with this. And when she becomes addicted, she will lose her job as CEO and her child. Revenge complete for Steffy betraying him by siding with Hope and Liam.

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Ok Show; imma only gonna say this once. I did not tune back in to watch two fiftyish women gloating about being lowlifes. And you gave me how many days of this? Could Shauna and Quinn be any more annoying? I don't need a new tag team going after my girl Brooke, although these two morons don't hold a candle to the original pairing. Stephanie and Taylor were mean, and they were shitty, and did horrible, unforgivable things to Brooke, but they did it with grace and class. These two reek like gutter snipe. 

Yeah, Ridge is clearly torn to shreds. As mentioned by others above; why is everyone acting like this can't be undone? How many annulments have Brooke and Ridge had? Liam and Hope? Liam and Steffy? Wyatt? But this complete farce of a marriage is governed by some other worldly power? Devine Intervention? Please. This is the shammiest, sham, of a sham marriage B&B has ever given us. So everyone can just fuck off with all this "forever" crap. 

And another thing; Ridge doesn't even look upset with Shauna. Saying he didn't want to hurt her? What the actual fuck? I don't think taking someone who cannot make rational decisions to a wedding chapel in Vegas for a quickie marriage reeks of sweetness and light. Is Ridge that dense that he doesn't get she did this on purpose? If he doesn't remember giving vows; how can he be committed to this mess? He isn't even going to fight it? I can only speak for myself, but I would be mad as hell. I am just so totally confused. 

So who is going to out Shauna and Quinn? I think it would be fitting for Brooke to be the one. Let her over hear them congratulating their mutual brilliance, and have Brooke film it, and show it at Eric and Quinn's anniversary party. Then Eric can kick Quinn out in front of everyone and can get back with the only woman who has ever truly loved him; Donna. 

Having said that:

I would love to see them take Brooke in a whole new direction. Don't throw her into a "new" relationship. And for God's sake; please don't have her waging battle with that trailer trash grifter for Ridge. I loved Brill; I thought they were one of Show's more dynamic pairings. But there has been too much water under the bridge for me. And I'm sorry, but I can't forget how easily Bill threw Brooke away for SKYE, and ultimately for Steffy. And their relationship will always be saddled with Katie baggage. No, what I would like to see is them to bring Dave back. Let Brooke come full circle and go back to her roots. Dave was a good guy, and he truly loved Brooke. Or, they could put her focus back on being a business woman. Honestly, I will take anything that does not involve Ridge. Or Shauna. 

Mr. R fell off a scaffold in 2009, breaking his neck and totally tearing off his rotator cuff in the right shoulder. As they say about the earthquake in CA; it was the Big One, ending his working life. In all, he had 5 back/neck surgeries, and 3 shoulder surgeries, with the last one being in 2016. This is when I started seeing the changes in pain management protocols. In all his prior injuries we worked directly with his surgeon to manage pain, but with this last one he was sent to a pain management center. Most surgeons no longer dispense pain meds; there is just too much to lose, and it is easier to let a "specialist" handle it. They had Mr. R on a veritable cocktail of death; Oxy, Morphine, Valium, Soma. Mr. R decided he didn't like living that way, and made the decision to get off of them. Mr. R is a very strong person, and managed to get off all of them by eliminating one at a time. The pain management clinic was beside their self over this. They are used to it going the other way, with patients wanting more. I only say all this because this Steffy SL is upsetting me. When your Dr. asks you your pain level, you have to be honest. That is how future decisions about your pain management will be decided. If you say you only have a pain level of 5, then they will base any future recommendations on that. Dr. LB doesn't have a clear picture of Steffy's pain level, and because of that, has now told her to step down to over the counter drugs, and she is no where near ready for that. If Steffy had been honest and clear about her pain; then Dr. LB would have/should have, directed her to a pain management center. I realize this is all a set up to get Steffy to start buying illegal drugs from Vinnie, but it still pisses me off because it is being handled so irresponsibly. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Show please don't go for the obvious.....

I don't want Vinnie to be Stuffy's pill supplier. I want his crush/ interest/ feelz to be real.  I want Vinnie to be working hard to turn his life in the opposite direction so he can be an upstanding guy for Stuffy.

It would make more sense for Dr. Finn Medicine Man to be the Doc Feel Good and Vinnie to be the one who realizes Stuffy is addicted. 'Cause ... uh... knowledge from his former "job."  Maybe we find out Vinnie worked at a hospital or was a pharmacist or a drug rep who was selling samples on the side.

Vinnie can be the one who confronts Stuffy about her pill habit, organizes an intervention, and sees her through withdrawal and rehab. Naturally they get closer through it all. He won't give up on her or leave no matter how often she rages at him to get out. Stuffy finally sees he's really a kind, thoughtful, caring man and that he really cares for her -- just her..  Thus end of TOD and a new man for Stuffy

Edited by La di Diva
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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

They had Mr. R on a veritable cocktail of death; Oxy, Morphine, Valium, Soma. Mr. R decided he didn't like living that way, and made the decision to get off of them. Mr. R is a very strong person, and managed to get off all of them by eliminating one at a time. The pain management clinic was beside their self over this. They are used to it going the other way, with patients wanting more.

I don't blame him for not wanting that. I'm a veteran and I've seen that from the older vets too. I live in California so thankfully there are....er, alternatives that work for the majority of folks. Helps me sleep, too. :3

19 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Dr. Finn Medicine Man


19 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Vinnie can be the one who confronts Stuffy about her pill habit, organizes an intervention, and sees her through withdrawal and rehab. Naturally they get closer through it all. He won't give up on her or leave no matter how often she rages at him to get out. Stuffy finally sees he's really a kind, thoughtful, caring man and that he really cares for her -- just her..  Thus end of TOD and a new man for Stuffy

That's a great idea which gives them both depth, so natural, it's gonna turn into "Vinnie is a drug seller who made Steffy into a junkie" and she wakes up in love with Liam again, somehow.

Although I'm gonna be honest, the vast majority of the time, it's not rich party boys selling drugs on the street. They don't need to since people can just pay off a doctor directly for most shit. No, usually, it's kids like my cousin, who by accident of birth grew up in Oakland in the 80s (way before the tech giants gentrified the place and before Pixar moved in ten minutes away from his mothers house) and got tangled up in selling drugs despite being the valedictorian of his high school and end up dead at 22 being shot at by a rival seller outside his mom's place. 

It's clear Brad Bell has never set foot outta Malibu with the stories he writes. 😐

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Stephanie’s spirit needs to possess Pam or Donna so they can slap some sense into Brooke and read her for filth. Or send a flock of bluebirds to poop on her and get her out of her funk.

Shauna’s won?

After battling Stephanie, Taylor, Bridget, Ashley, Quinn, and Katie, Brooke is just gonna roll over and declare Shauna the winner?

Come.on. Even if I had my issues with Brooke and Ridge’s Destiny, for her to sob in the dark declaring Shauna the winner is pissing me off. 

Brooke should be angry and over it and Ridge’s BS. I could buy her sobbing over what she realizes is reaching her limit of her relationship with Ridge because if at their ages if they can’t still get it right, then she needs to move on. The back and forth has been over their entire lives and she has to ask herself has the pain really been worth it?

I would love for Brooke to turn that corner and realize that her destiny no longer lays with Ridge. I’d really love if Brooke also relayed her lessons learned to Hope as she sees it pertaining to Liam or even better lay it out to Liam that he’s Hope’s Ridge but that Brooke needs him to be better than Ridge with his waffling and promises made with good intentions but somehow end up being broken. Be a better man than Ridge or Bill.

Then she can focus on a project for herself at FC or independently.  Start a STEM program at the local schools for minority kids in honor of her granddaughter Lizzie where she begins working with a school administrator played by David Andrew MacDonald or Walt Wiley or Darnell Williams who she clashes with initially and then sparks fly.



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Since I think that Thomas is still evil and crazy, I keep thinking that he is accessing Steffy's condition and will eventually have facilitate her to get some illegal drugs to deal with pain. He already has Vinnie who could help out with this. And when she becomes addicted, she will lose her job as CEO and her child. Revenge complete for Steffy betraying him by siding with Hope and Liam.

Knowing our Bradley, this development is quite plausible but I'm rooting for a redemption for Thomas--at least for the moment anyway. The other day I was wondering who was going to be the show's villain now if it isn't him. I guess maybe Quinn? Shauna's on the fence I think because she's supposed to have "good" motives in the Ridge situation. Quinn appears to be just wanting to eff somebody over again. This time it's Brooke.


It's clear Brad Bell has never set foot outta Malibu with the stories he writes.

Ain't that the truth. He must be totally blocked out from the rest of the world, or at least CA and LA. I continue not to understand why this show doesn't have any Latinx or gay regular characters. (I know there's the police detective but he only shows up like every six months it seems.)


Walt Wiley or Darnell Williams

Yes! Or Greg Vaughan, who I've been wishing for since he and DAYS departed ways recently. And the thing with Vaughan is that he's engaged to Angie Harmon. They could plop a blonde wig on her and let her be Brooke's stand-in for love scenes. 😉

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4 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Shauna’s won?

After battling Stephanie, Taylor, Bridget, Ashley, Quinn, and Katie, Brooke is just gonna roll over and declare Shauna the winner?

That's what truly irritating about all this. Not that Ridge is worth the effort but it's the fact that this boring, basic bitch lemming "won" with trickery that was even beneath Steffy circa 2011...say what you will about her manipulations back then, but Liam was sober for all of it.

I dunno about anyone else, but it definitely felt like KKL was as close to phoning it in as I've ever seen her at any point since I started watching this show. I don't blame her if she was.

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21 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ain't that the truth. He must be totally blocked out from the rest of the world, or at least CA and LA. I continue not to understand why this show doesn't have any Latinx or gay regular characters.

And then there are the fashion designs, which seem stuck at 1998 Oscar Night type gowns, or Real Housewives of Orange County 2005 cocktail dresses. I get this show isn't going to hire an actual designer, but couldn't they have Los Angeles fashion students consult to get an idea where actual 2020 fashion is? Or they could consult with 20-something Instagram influencers. Like the Toykyo asthetic is huge right now. Or they could do a fake Supreme look. Whatever. It's just odd to me that for a show about fashion houses, nothing feels au currant. Hell, Kate Middleton's famous see through dress from 2001 feels more hip than anything you see on this show. 

Edited by methodwriter85
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I knew that Denise Richards was no Meryl Streep but good heavens. After watching her last week in her scenes with Ridge and Quinn, that woman really stinks at this acting thing.

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35 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

A “good person” doesn’t use trickery and deceit to get someone to marry her.

Or commit human trafficking and lie about it for the better part of a year.

The dingleberry really doesn't fall far from the turd.

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That's a pathetic newlywed who has to wonder when their new spouse will sleep with them. BTW, Ridge and Shauna have had sex, right? Just not since they got married?

FFS, how many times are Quinn and Shauna going to have the same conversation? They pulled a fast one on Ridge and they have to keep it a secret. We got it. Good grief.

Quinn and Shauna, you keep using that word, "lifetime." I do not think it means what you think it means. At best Shauna will get a fat settlement from Ridge that will set her up financially for life. Apparently these rich people don't insist on prenups but that might be hard to do if you're getting married while you're blackout drunk.

Has Shauna never been married before? She keeps staring at that marriage license like she's 16 going on 17.

Wow, I don't know how Brooke didn't punch Quinn today. Tick, tock, Quinn. Payback is just a matter of time once Brooke gets on the case.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

FFS, how many times are Quinn and Shauna going to have the same conversation?

That's a rhetorical question, right? Because this is B&B we're talking about here.

As for Shidge doing the ol' Devil's Tango, the only other time they were in bed, Ridge had also gotten sloppy drunk before anything happened and Shauna just invited herself into bed with him but nothing happened.

There's a pattern to point out, here.

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Like I said before, Nevada allows an easy annulment  when either party is under the influence of any kind of chemical intoxication.  Ridge was certainly not in his right mind and he could easily dump Shauna.  

I’m finding the whole pain meds story to be interesting. Today, you will not find doctors handing out Oxy like Pez candy.  About four years ago, I had a nasty attack of kidney stones.  If any of you have endured this you know the pain is right up there with childbirth.  When I got into the emergency room, they gave me a couple of shots of a painkiller and sent me home with 16 Oxy pills.  Flash forward to last October when I had a second attack.  Just like the first time, the pain was excruciating, but they gave me nothing but Tylenol and no prescription for anything.  Doctors don’t want to mess with that stuff, and if Steffy’s Doctor isn’t a quack, and if she gets addicted, she’s going to have to score her pills from some creep. 

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I am liking Brooke's dialogue better than anyone else's in this mess. As I watched Donna and Eric encourage her to help Ridge set things right I was screaming NOOOoooooo. It seems Brooke is the only one who see's this is about more than Ridge getting drunk and making a mistake. Ridge is not a young playboy any longer. He should not be getting so drunk that he blacks out and wakes up married, or has pictures taken of him and a hot model in bed on the eve of his wedding. Shauna is guilty of a lot, but she didn't tie Ridge up and pour liquor down his throat, and she didn't kidnap him at gunpoint and make him take her to Vegas. This is what Ridge does when his ego has been bumped. You can go all the way back to his tryst with a drunken Caroline, or proposing to Taylor as she wore the Show Stopper designed for Brooke, or more recently, when he spent a year in Europe pouting over Brooke and Deacon texting about their daughter. Ridge is about Ridge. Ridge is about Ridge, because Stephanie was about Ridge, a woman who fashioned her entire existence on molding, chaperoning, and dictating her son's life. I really hope they will allow Brooke to see this is not about a drunken Vegas wedding, but about a grown up child man, who will always feel entitled to these type of episodes, and will expect everyone to forgive him. Brooke has already forgiven him too much since his return from Europe; not being there when his mother died, deserting her for a year, Katie, crashing her Dubai wedding to Bill, QuinnGate, having a relationship with Shauna while still married to her, all the Thomas stuff, letting Flo skate. It just exhibits over and over again how little he values Brooke. I hope that is where we are going, cause I don't think I can watch Brooke and Shauna battling for Ridge. Brooke and Taylor worked for a myriad of reasons that do not exist between Brooke and Shauna. Please Show, I am on my knees begging you to let Brooke remove herself from this mess. Let Ridge wallow in the fruits of his own making. 

Having said that, I could totally get behind a Brooke/Quinn battle. And when the shit hits the fan about what really happened in Vegas, let Brooke be the one to break the news to Eric. I don't say that for Brooke to get revenge....well.....yes I do, but I also say it out of concern for Eric. His and Brooke's bond is deep and true, and I think he will need that when he finds out how devious his wife is. 

I am working through Brooke and Eric's race to the alter on Youtube. Man, that was some good stuff. And here I thought Brooke was bad for misleading Stephanie about the date of the divorce hearing. And of course there was that letter. And she took Macy divorce papers that caused Macy to flip out and end up dead-not dead. Yeah, Brooke manipulated, but she wasn't evil. She didn't get in on plans to hurt other people when she had no stake in the game. And that will be the sweetest part; Eric will realize that Quinn stood to gain absolutely nothing by helping Shauna dupe Ridge. And when you do something vile for no reward, then you do it because you are vile. Hopefully, Eric will kick her and her gang all the way back to Vegas. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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16 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

And of course there was that letter.

Yeah, imagine my surprise to find Thorne was the ringleader in that and not Brooke.

Which, yanno, wasn't a great moment for her but I did like how, unlike Taylor, Caroline was woman enough to acknowledge that letter or no letter, her heart wasn't fully in it for Thorne and they really shouldn't have gotten married so soon after the rape trial.

I'm sure Bells Sr and Jr would have ruined Caroline as the years went on but she did start with a better head on her shoulders than I think Taylor ever did.

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Part of me is relieved to see Steffy's house look "normal", according to my standards. Kelly's toys are everywhere, she has laundry out, it's "lived in", as my husband says, so he doesn't have to fret about dust & assorted, mismatched shoes in the mudroom. As much as I'd like a perfect-looking house, with our 2 messy terrors, it's just not feasible.

The other part of me thinks it's doubly-insulting that for Steffy's house to look like mine, she has to be in immense pain. 

But, most of me thinks the whole thing is ridiculous, with all of Steffy's money, & all of the family money on both sides, why she didn't already have a live-in nanny, as well as someone cleaning regularly boggles my mind. 

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That's what I say. Why is Steffy trying to go it alone? I don't know if her injuries were serious enough, but she certainly could have gone to (and paid OOP for) a rehab/spa kind of place until her ribs were healed and her back was better before trying to go home and trying to work and take care of Kelly.  I am sure that those kinds of places that cater to the rich and *famous* would not be lacking in "pain management" options.

Liam and Hope could have easily kept Kelly and isn't Kelly still too young to fully grasp that "Mommy is in the hospital?" Couldn't Lope just explain that Mommy is away on a business trip? Where the hell is Taylor in all of this? 

I don't have kids, but in a way, Steffy trying to play this downtrodden single mother role must be kind of insulting to those in real life. 

If the whole point is to try to make me feel sorry for her, it isn't working. 

I just can't with Shidge. Let those two losers be stuck together while in the meantime, Eric dumps Quinn and reunites with Donna. Brooke would be a more bitter pill to swallow, but I like Deric better than Breric.  Besides, we can't have Brooke break the hearts of both of her sisters. Although, given that Katie was foolish to take Bill back yet a third time speaks more about her than it does Brooke. 

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I want Brooke to find out what Quinn/ Shauna did, read both of them for filth, and then tell Shauna that she can have Ridge and welcome to him. So yeah Shauna girl you "won" and Brooke. Don't. Care.

Because Brooke. Is Done. And. Destiny. is Over.

I want Brooke reminding Shauna that if Ridge will do what he's done to Brooke, his Destiny, for 30 years, he'll do it to Shauna. Ridge threatened Brooke with divorce for months over Thom-ass,  flirting with Shauna all the while, He flew off to Vegas with Shauna because of Brooke's one kiss with Bill.  Ridge got black-out drunk with Shauna ,.. again ... and then he married her. Probably while drunk but who knows if that's just his excuse.

Ridge is all sorry not sorry, but yeah sort of sorry  -- so everyone forgive me, because I'm Ridge. At this point I want Eric to stop telling Brooke to fight for Ridge, because he (Eric) realizes 30 years of this nonsense is more than enough.  I want Eric to tell Ridge he made the messy bed, now lie in it.

I want someone to remind Brooke of all the lyrics to "I Will Survive."** Remind Brooke shes's a strong smart tough red power suit woman. Remind Brooke that she doesn't need Ridge and it's high time for her to focus on who and what she wants.

And that's no longer and never again that tired, worn out, never was "Destiny."


** "I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock, I should have made you leave your key
If I'd known for just one second you'd be back to bother me
Go on now, go, walk out the door
Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome anymore.
Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
Do you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die?"




Edited by La di Diva
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On 8/16/2020 at 3:52 PM, Gam2 said:

I knew that Denise Richards was no Meryl Streep but good heavens. After watching her last week in her scenes with Ridge and Quinn, that woman really stinks at this acting thing.

She’s always been terrible and BB is just reminding us how bad she is. A long time ago she was in a movie called Tammy and the TRex and a Texas group that riffs on movies like Mystery Science Theater 3000 is featuring that movie and Denise’s terrible acting this week. 


Edited by Angeleyes
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Lurch knows Stuffy is hurting so you would think that he would be helping her instead of watching her with his arms crossed.  Can Lurch just shut the fuck up. He makes me 🤢🤮


I really don’t think Eric has ever stopped loving Brooke either. Eric lives vicariously through Ridge. 


Brooke only wants Ridge when she can’t have him the same as Bill.  Bill/Brooke, Bill/Katie, Ridge/Katie, Ridge/Brooke. This is like a bad soft porn movie instead of a soap opera. 


Questions:  How does Carter file divorce papers when the court in closed (after hours)?  When did they get a marriage license or go to the courthouse to get one? Since when is Carter licensed in Nevada because the annulment has to be filed in Nevada?  

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Yay, Thomas changed clothes! Sun's out, guns out, huh?

Why is everyone acting like this fakakta marriage is permanent? Is getting married when you're clearly so drunk you can barely stand up legal in CA? Or anywhere? Why does no one question it?

"...Brooke and I's relationship..."? Please tell me that was not the way the dialogue was written. However, I watched today's episode online at cbs.com and that's what the closed captioning said so maybe it was in the script. Yikes.

I didn't realize what Quinn was wearing was a jumpsuit. I thought she looked good in the color but that kind of outfit might not be for her. And in related news, dang, could Thomas' pants have been any tighter? I was almost wondering where he managed to tuck his junk. 😼

Aw geez. Now Steffy's pain has to be all about Liam? WHHHHHHYYYY?????? Thomas, you're not helping with that crap. If you want to do some good you should take that poster of Steffy and Liam hanging over her fireplace and burn it.

Yeah, DR is at no risk of winning any acting awards (except maybe a Daytime Emmy because they don't have any meaningful standards anymore) but I actually liked her in Starship Troopers.

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Brooke has already forgiven him too much since his return from Europe

No doubt but come on. Brooke is no innocent and has been pulling nonsense for destiny or for following her heart and whatever other excuse for her crap behavior she can make up. I know you are limiting your comment to since when new Ridge took over, but these two have done a lot of damage lo these many years and have always forgiven each other in some form or fashion. I wish the writers would just stop with this get together/break up over dumb crap/back together thing. Personally? I much -preferred this Ridge with Caroline II (or even Quinn) and Brooke with 'Bill. Regardless it's way past time for these writers to either keep these two together or really and truly move on.


Why is everyone acting like this fakakta marriage is permanent? Is getting married when you're clearly so drunk you can barely stand up legal in CA? Or anywhere? Why does no one question it?

Right? It's so stupid. No one has mentioned annulment?!?! Ridiculous.


Questions:  How does Carter file divorce papers when the court in closed (after hours)?  When did they get a marriage license or go to the courthouse to get one? Since when is Carter licensed in Nevada because the annulment has to be filed in Nevada? 

Wait I can answer all of these questions: Pffft ... work hours? we don't care about work hours .... Pffft ... marriage license? Aren't you being a little too real world with that question this is a soap! No one cares! And Carter is licensed everywhere in the USA because of reasons. I hope this helps!

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I was hoping Brooke was going to mention Eric when reading Quinn the riot act. Basically, when the truth comes out & it will Eric ain’t gonna be happy. That said, I did like the three ladies going at it. 

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4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Lurch knows Stuffy is hurting so you would think that he would be helping her instead of watching her with his arms crossed.  Can Lurch just shut the fuck up. He makes me 🤢🤮


I really don’t think Eric has ever stopped loving Brooke either. Eric lives vicariously through Ridge. 


Brooke only wants Ridge when she can’t have him the same as Bill.  Bill/Brooke, Bill/Katie, Ridge/Katie, Ridge/Brooke. This is like a bad soft porn movie instead of a soap opera. 


Questions:  How does Carter file divorce papers when the court in closed (after hours)?  When did they get a marriage license or go to the courthouse to get one? Since when is Carter licensed in Nevada because the annulment has to be filed in Nevada?  

California has e-filing of court documents; however, the judge wouldn’t sign the final decree of divorce in the middle of the night.

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I don't know if it's the writers, the dialogue coach or the actor himself, but please B&B, stop putting bad grammar out there!

I forgot who Thomas was talking about because I was so distracted, but I'll insert Hope's name here for argument sake: Our scholar actually said "Hope and I's relationship" 🤦‍♀️

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That's right; only moments after being flimflammed sending confirmation by text to his attorney to file his divorce papers from his long time love interest Brooke Logan Forrester, he and his new bride, Shauna Fulton, headed for a Vegas wedding chapel to seal the deal tie the knot. Let's all send out happy congratulation to the newlyweds!

Ah, you gotta love it right? Ridge Forrester getting totally bamboozled by the likes of Shauna and Quinn. When you look at Ridge's history with troubled women the ones that come to my mind are Morgan, Amber and Sheila. Now those were some consummate pros, but each of them brought something unique and wonderful to the table. And even though they were nuts, they still had careers and were successful until they were caught. But they also had style, and a level of class that Shauna and Quinn do not possess. If I had to compare Quinn to one of Ridge's prior nemesis's, it would have to be Sheila, because of the laser focus they have on their targets. However, Sheila took on the entire Forrester family, as well as Lauren Fenmore, Brooke and her family, her mother, and the LA and Genoa City's PD. Quinn OTOH, stalked a man half her age, terrorizing him and threating to kill him. She also kidnapped that same young man when he was mentally not right. Yeah, Quinn is a real toughie. And Shauna is the eternal bubble headed gold digger, who has spent her life mooning over velvet paint by numbers of Elvis and Wayne Newton. She just wants to belong so bad she is completely clueless to how vulgar she truly is. Vulgar and insipid. 

Ridge had annulment papers drawn up. That Carter; always at the ready. So does this mean that Ridge will be pursuing Brooke whilst still married to Shauna? Cause there ain't no way in hell a gold digging Forrester girl is ever gonna sign some annulment papers. And heads up precious; Ridge had a very well known vasectomy that cost him Caroline. So don't even be trying to go there. 

I don't know; this could get interesting. As long as Brooke refuses to consider a reconciliation with Ridge I am good. 

14 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

No doubt but come on. Brooke is no innocent and has been pulling nonsense for destiny or for following her heart and whatever other excuse for her crap behavior she can make up. I know you are limiting your comment to since when new Ridge took over, but these two have done a lot of damage lo these many years and have always forgiven each other in some form or fashion. I wish the writers would just stop with this get together/break up over dumb crap/back together thing. Personally? I much -preferred this Ridge with Caroline II (or even Quinn) and Brooke with 'Bill. Regardless it's way past time for these writers to either keep these two together or really and truly move on.

Oh, Brooke has her skeletons for sure. I make no bones about being a Brooke supporter, but I also know she is far from perfect, and I have wanted to step in and slap her silly on more occasions than I can count. But what I will say is that Brooke has never gotten sloppy drunk on two separate occasions that found her in bed the first time with her husbands mortal enemy, and the second time married to him. This is the woman who's daughter accepted money for the illegal sale of Brooke's grand daughter. Now Shauna is certainly not responsible for the actions of her POS grown ass daughter, but she is certainly responsible for telling her to keep her mouth shut about it. The very fact that Ridge even entertained Shauna's pleas while standing in the jailhouse, after he had just set her daughter free, really does say it all though. If Ridge truly loved Brooke he would have never done that to her. And it wasn't about Thomas either; it was about Ridge and his ego and saving face. He is a horrible person, and I hope Brooke is just done with his ass. I would like her to be the one to expose Quinn and Shauna, but then when everyone is all giddy with excitement that Brooke and Ridge can now reunite, they can rebuild Bridge, I want her to turn to the crowd and smilingly tell them all "Not on your fucking life!"





They are called receipts Quinn. So you can shut up about hurting your man. Bitch. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Ridge had annulment papers drawn up. That Carter; always at the ready. So does this mean that Ridge will be pursuing Brooke whilst still married to Shauna? Cause there ain't no way in hell a gold digging Forrester girl is ever gonna sign some annulment papers. And heads up precious; Ridge had a very well known vasectomy that cost him Caroline. So don't even be trying to go there. 


This is super random & weird, but I know that my soap loving friends will love this. I know this guy, who had a vasectomy 10 years ago. Everything went swimmingly, no swimmers, have a great life, patient X. 

Last week, 10 years after the procedure, his wife had their second baby. He's all excited, the baby is a miracle, & they're thrilled. Now, I've watched enough soap to be thinking that if I was him, I'd be swabbing a cheek. However, apparently, it does happen occasionally, & not just to Victor Newman. 

Also, I left that pic, because Quidge really was such a huge missed opportunity for our show. 

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19 minutes ago, nkotb said:

Last week, 10 years after the procedure, his wife had their second baby. He's all excited, the baby is a miracle, & they're thrilled. Now, I've watched enough soap to be thinking that if I was him, I'd be swabbing a cheek. However, apparently, it does happen occasionally, & not just to Victor Newman. 


In the case of Victor Newman, he had at least two of them and he still kept getting women pregnant.

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JFC Brooke!!!  Stop being so damn melodramatic!  How many times can Ridge say he can't recall why/how he told Carter to file the divorce papers, that he regrets what happened and is trying to make things right? I never thought Ridge carried the one brain cell in that relationship, but here's Ridge with annulment papers and declaring he will always love Brooke, but Brooke's just gotta continue with her "how could you" routine! I've already posted on here before that these characters marry/divorce as often as others change their underwear. Is it really that difficult to think Ridge can't get a quickie annulment and then marry Brooke so she and her "destiny" can be together again?  The producers are really insulting the audience.

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