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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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OMG, was Liam actually trying to act surprised and befuddled? This scenario between him, Hope, and Steffy is like video on constant replay. He's been here before.

I just don't understand why Liam thinks it's fine for him to be discussing his and Hope's relationship troubles with Steffy. He knows Steffy still wants him. A woman with more self-respect would be offended.

AFAIC Steffy is an idiot to let Thomas pull her into his schemes with Hope and Liam. She's aiding and abetting a psycho and taking away Hope and Liam's personal agency. Forrester strong! KMN!

Yeah, I think it's starting to look more and more to me like Hope wants to be with Thomas. She just wants it to seem like an inevitable decision and not like she got fooled into it.

So in Tommy's mind Beth doesn't deserve to have a family with her parents? Screw her with her Logan genes, huh?

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I think this show has finally pushed me to “I’ll check in on the forums but I can’t watch this shit” status. I can’t stomach another round of this.

Edited by lgprimes
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Funny it’s Deja Vu all over again. Brooke sees Ridge kissing Quinn and she calls off the wedding and Raggedy sees Liam kissing Stuffy and she reddy to throw everything away. Raggedy is being very hypocritical in her relationship to Douglas and Liam’s relationship to Stuffy. Raggedy doesn’t want to see how her love for Douglas effects Liam but she sees how Liam’s “love”, for Stuffy, effects her.

Is Stuffy that dumb. Didn’t Lurch admit to still being obsessed with Raggedy. 

Raggedy seems to be more obsessed with Douglas than keeping her family with Beth and Liam together. 


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3 hours ago, lgprimes said:

I think this show has finally pushed me to “I’ll check in on the forums but I can’t watch this shit” status. I can’t stomach another round of this.

I checked out some time shortly after Beth was revealed to be alive and I'll maybe peak when Bill is on. But this show is unmitigated, unenjoyable dreck. I don't even love to hate on the characters anymore, because  this shit is boring and everything I could say about the ToD, I already did in 2012.

I just hope that one day, the actors will be allowed to break out the narrow holes Bell dug them all into. Even JMW who is hardly any acting talent has to be bored out of her mind and deserves better.

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38 minutes ago, lgprimes said:

Man, when people start feeling sorry for JMW we’ve really hit a low point!

But for real, who the hell gets into acting to have the same story for a decade or more? I know how I felt trying to get any of the myriad of issues I had with the Navy fixed to do anything new, I can only imagine being in the ToD (and KKL, let's be honest) is like that for her and SC. Kim Matula is out there living her best life and her short lived sitcom showed what a waste it was that she had to play Hope as such a lame boring drip.

And Steffy is the daughter of one of Show's biggest pairing. If there is any character that should be put in new situations and had ten weddings to five guys more wealthy and handsome than the last, it should be her. Even for at tedious as the original ToD of Bridge vs Tridhe got, we had interludes where the ladies got to be with different men, and actual careers (remember those?).

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I, too, thought of Brooke catching Quinn and Ridge kissing on the beach in Sydney. But then that makes me think of her reunion with Bill at the harbor and then I get sad and angry.

Hauxdi can STFU forever about how it was just a kiss and she kissed him (no, sweetums, he kissed you back for several seconds, with more than just his lips) and funny how she's expecting Hope, ridiculous as she's being,  to insta-forgive a kiss when she lit it up like the 4th of July when she learned of Liam and Sally's tiny little peck when thought they were thisclose to dying. 

To the point of fucking Liam's own father.  

So hop a flight and take all the seats in Madison Square Garden, honey, because you are a damn hypocritical heifer. 

Although it has to chap her ass that Liam is losing his mind over not being with Hope and that Thomas is so into Hope he went full-on psycho. 

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Hope clearly doesn't see her attachment to Douglas (and his to her) is unhealthy.  The boy lost his mother and started calling Hope "Mommy" within the span of about six months.  In what world is that good for a five-year-old's well-being?

Hope's risking putting at risk the family she's always wanted, i.e., Liam and Beth to not protect, but be a full-time mother, to a child who isn't hers.  This isn't even a blended family where, of course, my child is the most important person to me, as yours is to you.  That's how adults handle these situations. 

But, here, Hope just glommed onto a virtual stranger and immediately started playing mommy.  And when Liam questions her, she makes him sound as if he doesn't care about Douglas at all.  I just wish Liam would remind her Douglas is his cousin and there's a whole family, including great-uncle $Bill, who will be keeping a very watchful eye on him.  But MartyrHope always feels she's the one who gets to decide all things, e.g., Liam - go be with Kelly and Steffy; I'll marry Thomas to be closer to Douglas, etc.

Stupid Hope.

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Can someone please take the time to explain to me how Sally/CH is not the lead of the show? She's so much better than most of the leads. I was half-ass watching while scarfing salad, & she had me almost in tears, because Ridge & Steffy were basically kicking a puppy. I haven't seen any spoilers, but I'm betting she's pregnant, hence the "what's wrong with me?" & Wyatt inching towards Flo. Maybe when Wyatt has a baby of his own, he can understand how Flo playing any part in keeping Beth from Hope & Liam, & letting Steffy fall in love with her, is heinous. 

Also, Quinn, being an integral part of a baby-napping, & accidentally saying someone else's name after a kiss, are not even comparable. It wasn't that long ago that you were shoving your tongue down your son-in-law's throat (the last time I kinda enjoyed Ridge), so you might stay out of matters of other people's hearts. 

Edited by nkotb
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Sally’s designs can’t be any worse than Tommy Boy’s bucolic hooker crap.

1 hour ago, nasir jones said:

I thought this Flo nonsense was over with.

In addition, it's interesting how the kidnapping of a child is now known as "a mistake".

Guess Flo is living off that big chunk of change Reese gave her for her part in that “mistake.” 🙄

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Wow, they're setting it up for Sally to take the blame for Steffy's possibly losing the fashion showdown? Grrr.

Quinn stays having no chill. You have to pity any woman (or man; poor Liam) who gets between her and who she wants for her precious Wyatt.

Yeesh, Flo and Steffy should get together and form a support group: Women Who Love Men Who Love Other Women. But at least those two have real history with those men. Shauna is mainly living in a fantasy world with a d-bag who's stringing her along simply because he can.

And why has Wyatt still not given Sally an engagement ring? Is he trying to save up three months of salary? 😼

I hope Sally isn't flipping out and messing up at work because she's insecure about her relationship with Wyatt. He ain't worth all that, IMO.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
i can haz sum grammerz
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Sally is a Spectra so why would you think that she can design as a Forester. You hired her because she hit a home run with her “Yoga” line but that seems to be past history. Stuffy actually set Sally up for failure by moving her to a new line that seems to be in direct competition with HFTF. Ridge, in his ass-holly-ness, berates Sally instead of instructing her on how to fix her designs.  Sally has been working on this for quite a while but nothing was said in all that time.  Now that Stuffy feels she’s going to loose, she wants to call off the fashion show.  I bet Stuffy will blackmail Lurch into designing for her and push  HFTF to the back burner. 

So far, Lurch hasn’t shown me that he isn’t any better, of a designer, than Chelsea 2.0 of Y&R.  


Edited by Waldo13
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Why don’t they just rename Forrester Creations to Marone Ma’Fashions? It’s clear they have no use for any line or designer who isn’t them. 

I get why Sally was upset and shaking, she gave up her chance at her OWN line via Wyatt and Spencer to be part of an established one and get some solid industry credibility and instruction. Stupid (and out of character) move. But I see why Chupracobra wig and Ridge had her all the way fucked up. She’s not like the other characters. She came from nothing and has no people to fall back on. A better show would explore why she feels like she’s tired of fighting and feeling less than. Even the Logans who are a legacy family and paid their stripes professionally or in kindness, are being called as and treated like dog shit so can’t expect any sort of realism or sensitivity. 


It is obvious to me Sally is the beloved character who will die per spoilers. Fuck you Show! 🖕🏽 This is Ally’s death WHICH STILL pisses me OFF and was pointless all over again! This show cannot write for interesting or confident women to save their lives. They trashed Bridget, fucked over Ally, Ivy, Sasha, now Sally. They tried it, I’ll deny it! 


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On 1/13/2020 at 11:00 PM, Anna Yolei said:

I checked out some time shortly after Beth was revealed to be alive and I'll maybe peak when Bill is on. But this show is unmitigated, unenjoyable dreck. I don't even love to hate on the characters anymore, because  this shit is boring and everything I could say about the ToD, I already did in 2012.

I just hope that one day, the actors will be allowed to break out the narrow holes Bell dug them all into. Even JMW who is hardly any acting talent has to be bored out of her mind and deserves better.

I guess a check is a check for JMW. If BB is finally canceled or she finally decides to leave, her best bet is to try and enter the Hallmark and Lifetime movie rotation.

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Yesterday's episode pissed me off so much. It was full-on hate-watching. And hate-writing a recap.

First, we have the bullshit with Sludge and Hauxdi discussing the kiss.

Ridge: "I get the feeling you didn't sleep well last night."

Steffy: "No. I'm assuming Hope didn't, either." As if you care. You not only made a move on Liam (who, granted, did not have to reciprocate), but did so partially at Choo-Choo's bidding.  

And I don't want to hear any more comparisons about this kiss being chickens home to roost because of Hope making out with Liam at FC (or sleeping with him) when he was still married to Steffy. Because their marriage was DEAD. OVER. FINITO. the second he found that paternity test results paper, got a forced confession of adultery, and walked out on her lying, cheating ass.


All that was left to do was sign and file the divorce papers. And this happened WEEKS before Hope ever returned to town. 

Ridge: "It was just a kiss, right? You didn't mean for that to happen, did you?" Of course she meant for it to happen, you fool. We didn't see her trip and fall on Liam's lips now, did we? But this is Ridge, king of the cheaters we're talking to, who's "just a kissing" with Quinn ended his engagement to Brooke the day before their wedding. And should have ended them FOR GOOD.

Steffy: "Dad, I don't-- I don't want to talk about that right now, okay?" I'll just bet she doesn't.

Talk turns to the fashion show and OMG, we have the insta-plot contrivance of Sally suddenly turning into a shitty designer.


Just a few months back, we saw that nice scene with Eric, the most experienced designer at FC and whose name is on the door, working with Sally and admiring her work with just a tiny tweak here and there.

We have a quick cut to Sally slaving away in the design office. All for nothing.


But back to the BS of her designs suddenly being all wrong when they were what made FC hire her in the first place. When she could have had her own fashion house under the Spencer Publications umbrella. Sally showed them her talent (which obviously drew Thomas to her in the first place and their original partnership), so much so that they made it more than clear they wanted her to stay and have her own line.

And I also think they were shaking in their boots at the prospect of competing against her.

I'll spare the Sally-trashing dialogue, except to say Hauxdi had the audacity to throw out "laughingstock,"and show you my reaction watching it:


Sally comes in as they're still assassinating her design skills and they waste no time in smugly crushing her hopes and dreams like the assholes they are. 

Sally is absolutely stunned and blindsided and devastated. These two never gave her one hint in all this time that she was off-course. They are terrible bosses and shouldn't have jobs in the mailroom, let alone co-CEOs.


Sally: "I don't understand. I have poured all of myself into my work these past few weeks. I've neglected everything else in my life, including my relationship with Wyatt, and now you're saying it's just over?" Wyatt ain't worth it, honey, but I feel you.

Steffy: "I know you're disappointed. And if we do this, it's strictly a business decision." 

Sally: "But there's no way that we can salvage any of these?" 

Ridge: "No, there is not. How--how could you? What would you do? There's--there's nothing. Look, this is-- we're all creative people, right? And sometimes you just-- you hit a wall, and things don't come out the way you want them to, and--and you just have to step away from it." Again, assuming the designs aren't quite right, this should have been brought up to Sally weeks ago.


Sally: "Okay. So... what does that mean for me, then? I mean, if this happens, am I--am I gonna get reassigned to a different line? Hope for the Future, maybe? Hope said that she wanted to work with me. I mean, I know that Thomas is over there right now, but, I mean, I can contribute." Who knows WTF Hope's head is these days, but my heart is breaking for Sally here as she's reduced to begging. 

Ridge: "All right. Let's-- let's not jump the gun on any of this. We haven't made any decisions. We just..."

Sally, reading the room: "On whether or not to let me go entirely? Is that-- is that what you're thinking, of firing me? Because if it is, then I really need to know that." Sally is visibly trembling. And a woman who likes as fine as she does, in leather pants to boot, should be making others tremble. 


Steffy: "Okay, calm down. Calm down." Easy for you to say, born with a silver spoon in your mouth, heifer.

Sally glares at her: "Really, you're telling me that this might be the end for me, and now you're telling me to calm down like it doesn't matter? It does matter, okay? Working here is everything to me. Forrester Creations has literally become my entire life. I have given this my all every single day, and now you're saying that I might get the boot because my designs are just a little off?"

Steffy: "Sally, I think the showdown is stressing you out. You're shaking. Your hands are shaking." Well, who wouldn't be reacting to being blindsided like this? To be told your designs suck, basically, and that your job is in real jeopardy.

Ridge, clearly wants rid of her, says, without an ounce of real empathy: "Take a deep breath. Can you do that? We all think you're very talented, but I think you need to go home, take a breath, and we're all gonna talk about this some other time."

Sally leaves the office, then slams her sketchbook on Pam's desk. She notices her hands trembling, badly, asking herself: "Okay. What is wrong with me?"

If this is going where I think it is, well, I might be tuning out for good. Especially because it won't even be Sally's storyline. Oh no, she'll just be used a prop for Fyatt.

But if you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, wait, there's more.

We cut to the Forrester mansion where still-sucking-on-the-tit Wyatt is visiting Mommie Dearest.


Quinn is already snarking on Sally: "Totally makes sense now why things didn't seem quite right between you and Sally when you were here over Christmas." Not that any of us saw any of that because they basically skipped Christmas.

Wyatt whines: "Oh, Mom, don't make me regret telling you."


Dude, you are well into your 30s and you're still kvetching with mommy like you're 16?

Quinn, all feigned innocence: "What??? I'm just saying. You didn't seem all lovey-dovey like a newly engaged couple should, and now I know why."

Wyatt: "Okay. Sally already said that the slip-up was completely unintentional." OMFG. Is he really going back to that well? He really is reaching for any excuse to go back to his baby-stealing charlatan.

Quinn: "Ha! Are you kidding me? You are discussing with your fiancée about setting a wedding date, and she calls you Liam? Her former flame and your brother? I mean, that just speaks volumes to me. So where do things stand now?" WTAF, bitch. Sally and Liam were NEVER even a thing, let alone "former flames."

Wyatt: whines some more: "I don't know. We haven't been spending a lot of time lately. She's been very busy working at forrester on Steffy's new line." OMG, how DARE Sally invest in her own career. How did I ever find him the more attractive Spencer brother? Well, right now, both suck balls.

But Wyatt looks especially jackass-ish. And extremely punchable. The face, the throat, the nads.


Quinn: "Ah, yeah, well, from what I hear, there have been rumblings that Steffy isn't all that impressed with Sally's design sensibilities." So Quinn is in the know, but Sally, the designer has been left in the dark...

Wyatt: "What?"

Quinn: "Not that I blame her because I've always thought Sally was a little bit tacky." Sally is a fucking queen and you aren't fit to kiss her boots. 

Wyatt interjects: "Mom."

Quinn: "What? It's true. It's also one of the many reasons why I believe Sally Spectra is not the woman for you." She doesn't think Sally is right for Wyatt because unlike Flo, Sally won't be manipulated or controlled.

Quinn: "Sweetheart, look, I know you have feelings for Sally. I'm not trying to minimize that. I'm just hoping that you pay attention to your instincts. Look, yyou... you proposed to her out of guilt and impulse. You barely spend any time with each other, and her Freudian slip, calling you Liam, well, I think that says a lot. Besides, you don't even really know sally. You've never even met her parents."

WTAF do her parents have to do with this?

And the gall of her to say this when she, at minimum, is a rapist, kidnapper, and attempted to murder multiple people. She is as evil and trashy as they come.

Wyatt: "Sally doesn't even know where her parents are." They abandoned her. How would she know? But he just says this matter of factly, without any hint of caring or compassion for Sally. 

Quinn: "Exactly. They walked out on her and her sister and never looked back, so have you ever asked yourself why? Have you ever asked Sally?" If I thought I hated Quinn before, it just went up to a whole nother level. How she has the audacity to somehow imply that Sally and Coco, who were children at the time, were to blame for their shitty parents abandoning them is beyond me, but fuck her. 

Wyatt: "What's your point, Mom?" To tear Sally to shreds because she has to, to try and have one splinter of anything to use to try and prop your felonious ex up. 

Quinn: "My point is Sally grew up very differently than you did, and you don't really know her. But Flo, you two grew up together. You know exactly the kind of person that she is."

A baby-stealer. A human trafficker. An accessory to kidnapping and fraud. A person who lied and lied to Hope's face - her own blood cousin - and would have kept on lying forever until Liam busted her with the truth.

And Wyatt knows all this, but clearly, he doesn't give a shit. About her crimes and that they were against his own flesh and blood.

Quinn handwaves all of that with her next words: "And true, she's had one unfortunate misguided act where she was taken advantage of by Reese Buckingham. But Hope got her baby back. Reese is in jail. So can't we just put all of this behind us? Can't you just forget about the past and admit that you still love Flo?"

Perhaps he should ask his brother or Hope or his own niece when she's old enough to know what happened the first year of her life if he should let bygones be bygones.

And I just can't with either of them. It's just more of the same bullshit and it's clear that Wyatt wants to reunite with Flo. Well, go ahead and go do it, then, Wyatt, you dumpster fire of a human being and leave Sally alone.

There's a scene with Shauna and Flo, who's back and looking the same age as her mother. And someone in hair/makeup must not like KB because she looks rode hard and put away wet.


And then later, Shauna pops in at the mansion to "helpfully" share with Wyatt that Flo is back and staying with her at the guesthouse and he runs like Forrest Gump to be with her and I'm not recapping that fucking bullshit. 

Suffice it to say, there's more praising for her giving a kidney to Katie and as I said then, that was big of her but it was far from altruistic. She did it to score points and to get a mighty big rugsweeping of her misdeeds and to get Wyatt back.

And given his "I've missed you" to close our their scenes, it's pretty clear that's what's going to happen. Fuck them both. In fact, fuck everyone who isn't Sally on today's show.


I hope they get married on a cliff overlooking the ocean and fall off the edge.

And take this shitshow with them.


Edited by CountryGirl
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I forgot to mention, when I was watching yesterday's show, it irks me that everyone keeps talking about the holidays. "Beth & Kelly at Christmas..." and "Wyatt & Sally didn't look lovey-dovey at Christmas...". As much shit as we have to put up with seeing on-screen, & not nearly enough $Bill, it'd be nice if we could see things like Christmas scenes, etc. Grrrr!

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I know a few viewers like TK as Ridge and have liked him in other roles but, I'm sorry, he just sucks. 

He's a loud, impatient, one-note, charmless brute.  There's absolutely no nuance in any of his performances.  He just growls and bellows and berates.

If he's not supposed to like Sally and he's got his businessman pants on, I suppose, maybe, I could see his terse brevity as borderline appropriate.  But, even with Steffy, his beloved daughter, he can barely tone it down:  "What?WhyAreYouSayingThat?Don'tSayThat!No!"  His delivery is truly awful and almost always not appropriate for the scene.

He's terrible. 

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This is going to be very unpopular but I like Flo, even with her nefarious recent past, a hell of a lot better than Stuffy or Raggedy. Both of them live in an alternate reality. I also like Quinn and Shanna better than Brooke.  Brooke is the queen of Half Truths.  

I had to laugh when Brooke was telling Eric she’s trying to save her marriage.  Her marriage will only be saved if Ridge capitulates to her demands. Now Brooke is making demands on Eric. Hey Brook, it’s Eric’s House. If you want Shanna to stay away from Ridge, tell Ridge to move out and get his own place. 

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Hey Waldo13 I’ll be unpopular with you!

I’m rooting hard for Flo and Wyatt to get back together. 
And Shauna makes me laugh, so I’m always happy to see her. Brooke is a snooze but she belongs with Bill, not Ridge IMO. So no foul on Shauna trying to get her piece of him.

(Bill and Katie as a couple is a tragedy.)

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Shut up, Ridge. Your precious Thomas instigated the situation leading up to The Kiss. You know nothing.

Ugh, AFAIC Wyatt is a solid POS. I at least hope he has the decency to cut Sally loose quickly before he full on cheats on her. What is with these guys using women as placeholders? And what is with these women tolerating it?

Oh please, the only reason Ridge told Brooke about kissing Shauna was to make her jealous. And she stepped right into the trap. Call his bluff and file the divorce papers yourself, Brooke!

So a kidney cancels out a kidnapping. Good to know. 😒

Whoa, Brooke just went spinning off the road! How does she tell Eric to dump his wife? Shauna I can see but Eric would be a sh!tty husband if he went, "Quinn, you gotta go. Brooke has spoken!"


He's terrible. 

He's terrible in this role, at least. Basically they've let him turn Ridge Forrester into Zach Slater.  Pretty lazy on his part, IMO, and I say that as someone who was a big fan of his when he was on AMC.

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I keep trying to find someone, anyone to root for on this show. Nope. Not a one. I just wish they’d all go away. Well, perhaps Beth, Kelly and Douglas. Except when he say “Moooommmmyyyy”. That just creeps me out big time. 

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I'm confused by the color of both Flo and Shauna's hair.  It's some kind of weird not-blonde, not-brown shade that has a cast of gray in it.  Abby Newman's hair on Y&R is the exact same color.  I wonder if the hair dept was able to get a discount on huge batch of it?


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@CountryGirl came through with the recap!! Thank you! Now I don't have to watch it myself! And wow motherfuck Quinn. I've never not hated her she is such a useless character just like her son. She doesn't have a single humanizing quality she is so evil! Eric the sex can't be that good wake up and smell the bitch coffee! In speaking of Eric; Brooke's request of him is not all that ridiculous the way she is going about is though. Eric never should've married Quinn begin with and harboring her granddaughter's accessory kidnapper on his property after everything they've been through is a punch in the gut. So what if Hope has her baby back? That doesn't make up for the time lost or Tomass ruining her life and marriage as a result of her continued lies. Not to mention as a result of that trauma Hope feels a very unhealthy obligation to Douglas who is not her child. 

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1 hour ago, TeamGabi said:

Eric never should've married Quinn begin with and harboring her granddaughter's accessory kidnapper on his property after everything they've been through is a punch in the gut. 

Agreed.  However, now Brooke's getting a dose of the handwave that Eric and Ridge both used to give Stephanie when she brought up Brooke's misdeeds to them.  "Oh, Stephanie/Mother, why are you bringing up old stuff?"

So, I don't mind.

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So many thoughts, so little time. 

First, I am very curious as to what Katie's big meeting is all about. Maybe she has decided to move away and start some type of foundation for organ donation. As a side note, I keep reading more and more how HT is doing more directing and seems to really enjoy it and has a talent for it, so maybe it's time to segue to full-time?  Katie really has digressed into a supporting character, so I wouldn't miss her and it would free Bill up for Brooke.

And on Brooke ... woman is becoming unhinged! I co-sign 100% that those Las Vegas grifters need to be far far away from the Far-resters, but dragging Quinn through the mud is a bit much. Right now. Quinn is another character that I wouldn't miss -- fab wardrobe and jewelry aside. If she sticks around, I'd much rather see her and Shauna fight over Ridge than her going to blows with Brooke. I realize that the point is to stick Eric squarely in the middle. Whatever happened to the plan to reunite Donna and Eric? 

Brooke, Sally and Hope really need to dump that trio of losers and go their own way. For starters, a kick-ass fashion house would be awesome and give FC some real competition besides trying to retrofit Spectra ideas into "FC-approved" designs. Just. Isn't. Working.  What I fear is that Sally is going to get killed off. I predict it's either a brain tumor or some rare autoimmune disease. Not one to defend Steffy, but I recall one episode at least where she met with Sally about designs and Steffy told Sally that she'd "given Sally notes" on how to fix her designs and during that same scene, they discussed some specific details. So, to me, that signals that Sally either didn't comprehend or was physically unable to fulfill the brief. Also, there were a couple of brief shots of Sally at her drawing board and her hands were shaking. 

All I can say it was a glorious day without Hope! 

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Fucking Wyatt.  I hope when he and Flo have a kid, it comes out looking like Dikembe Mutombo and we can hear how that's "a mistake" too.

I love RS, but Quinn is out of her freakin' skull.  This one stuck her tongue down Ridge's throat while she was with his father and the other one stuck her tongue down Ridge's throat while he was still married to Brooke.  (I'm not giving Ridge a pass.)  Quinn should know that thing about throwing stones in glass houses is still true.  


Edited by nasir jones
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Loved the ending of today's episode! If not for Quinn, I would have been preparing for another "hiatus" from the show. I re-watched Quinn's slap like 30 times. Brooke is out of her freaking mind (on a side note, KKL's hair looked really good). Why are the writers making her appear so unhinged and slap-happy (just a play on words here, I know the actual definition)? Who is she to walk into someone else's house and make demands? If she is so concerned about Ridge, why doesn't she ask him to move back to her place? Why is she constantly bullying Shaunna? How about Ridge takes some responsibility for who he kisses? My biggest gripe with soap operas is how much they infantalize the men, while the women are either pushovers or bitches--no in-between. And who is she to say whether someone is "good enough"? These people have the most selective memories I have ever seen. I did like the "Felony Flo" bit. The writers have been reading our tweets. lol I also liked how Eric kept trying to get Brooke water. Even he couldn't deal with her craziness.

Now, back to the terrible:

-What is with the show whitewashing Flo via Katie? Was it really necessary to corral all the forgotten characters into Bill's office and sing Flo's praises? Even a child (Will)? Even $Bill?Why is everyone letting her off the hook when she helped orchestrate all of this? She knowingly falsified legal documents and posed as the birth mother to a child that was not hers and allowed her to be sold. She knowingly lied to everyone for nearly a year because she didn't want to give up her new Logan lifestyle. Why the hell is she allowed to be forgiven but everyone constantly beats down Thomas, who only knew for a fraction of the time as Flo? Why does he constantly get the bulk of the blame? Because she is Wyatt's "high school sweetheart" I'm supposed to care about her? Where is Sally? Wyatt is just around town kissing people when the woman he is engaged to is having a panic attack? Why can't these people break up before they cheat? Another side note: Am I really supposed to believe Bill would give up his office so those 2 could have alone time? I know we're low on sets, but come on. Screw Flo and screw Wyatt.

-Really, Justin? Bill can't function without Katie? I think you need a walk down memory lane as well.

-Maybe Katie should have consulted Hope before welcoming Flo back into the family, whatever that means.

-I can't decide if I like Flo's sweater, but I'll add it to the negative list anyway.

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23 hours ago, MajesticMariposa said:

Why the hell is she allowed to be forgiven but everyone constantly beats down Thomas, who only knew for a fraction of the time as Flo? Why does he constantly get the bulk of the blame?

Morally, Thomas had established relationships with both Hope and Steffy. Flo was just in it for the money beforehand, so the fury  and contempt about his betrayal from the rest of the cast would make far more sense on a better written show. To use ATWT as a comparison, Craig initially switched the two babies, but Paul (who kept up the charade months after Craig skipped town....or was shipped off to prison for something entirely unrelated, I've forgotten which)) was Jennifer's brother. It makes sense that she disowned him and it took her death to even consider forgiving him for that.

But then, there was actual logic applied to that story (the last story on that show I could honestly say that for) and that plot affected the cast well into it's final days. What's actually changed as a result of Beth's kidnapping, beside the fandom's collective goodwill dwindling down to zilch?

On 1/14/2020 at 7:06 PM, Petunia13 said:

Why don’t they just rename Forrester Creations to Marone Ma’Fashions? It’s clear they have no use for any line or designer who isn’t them. 

I get why Sally was upset and shaking, she gave up her chance at her OWN line via Wyatt and Spencer to be part of an established one and get some solid industry credibility and instruction. Stupid (and out of character) move. But I see why Chupracobra wig and Ridge had her all the way fucked up. She’s not like the other characters. She came from nothing and has no people to fall back on. A better show would explore why she feels like she’s tired of fighting and feeling less than. Even the Logans who are a legacy family and paid their stripes professionally or in kindness, are being called as and treated like dog shit so can’t expect any sort of realism or sensitivity. 

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It is obvious to me Sally is the beloved character who will die per spoilers. Fuck you Show! 🖕🏽 This is Ally’s death WHICH STILL pisses me OFF and was pointless all over again! This show cannot write for interesting or confident women to save their lives. They trashed Bridget, fucked over Ally, Ivy, Sasha, now Sally. They tried it, I’ll deny it! 


If that spoiler comes to pass, I will truly be forever and completely done with this show. I've said that so many times over the years that it's probably meaningless, but that was before the show went full HBO, somehow salvaged Lope to be a decent pairing only to trash that, and Thomas became the love child of Sami Brady and Adam Newman. I was over Bridge's stupidly well before Ronn Moss walked, and TK doesn't have an ounce of charm to save this putrid character.

The only remotely decent part of the show still is Bill, but he shows up only long enough for Show to fulfill his SAG contract requirements, and Bell clearly has no use for him. 

But this? 


I hope Sally will at least get more of a memorial and maybe actually affect the story than Emma did. Maybe seeing his one true love die will be the thing that brings Thomas to the Light Side of the Force.

Overall...no. I haven't been this pissed about a story plot since the finale of Star Trek Enterprise.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

What I fear is that Sally is going to get killed off. I predict it's either a brain tumor or some rare autoimmune disease.

Quinn was way out of line suggesting it was somehow Sally's fault her parents deserted her.  But could that be laying the groundwork for some sort of genetic disorder and her parents didn't leave but died?  And now Sally has it?

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I felt bad for Denise Richards today, she didn't get to slap anyone.

So now Flo's actions are reduced to "one lie".

Nice of Katie to call a forgive Flo meeting and not invite the people she actually injured.

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1 hour ago, mmccpp said:

Quinn was way out of line suggesting it was somehow Sally's fault her parents deserted her.  But could that be laying the groundwork for some sort of genetic disorder and her parents didn't leave but died?  And now Sally has it?

Huh. We haven't had a good ol' fashioned death by medical malady in a good, long while.

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Brooke has one hell of a nerve to barge into Eric’s house and DEMAND that he throw Shauna out of the guest house. And then, of all things, demand that he divorce his wife! Who does she think she is?! However, the slaps at the end were well worth it. Maybe we might be getting something interesting for a change. Just for the record, I’ve never bought this long, close friendship of Shauna and Quinn. It’s always “I’ll say a line and then you say a line and then I’ll say a line.” There’s no feeling or companionship or memories of their time together. And Denise Richards is such a terrible actress. Maybe that’s the flaw in the whole thing.

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Brooke's struggle with alcohol? Didn't that last about a week? And what's she got against the desert? She made it sound like it was basically hell on earth. Since the advent of air conditioning and sprinkler systems, deserts aren't so bad.

Ditto comments upthread, why wasn't Liam invited to Katie's big family meeting? 🤔 Pssht, now I look for Katie to be the matron of honor when Flo and Wyatt get married. Because of course they will.

Oh Brooke. You have done it now. Now it's just a matter of how Quinn will come after you.

Wyatt. You can FOAD, ESAD, and DIAF now. And take that baby-stealing skank with you.

Lol, when I watched Quinn slap Brooke the sound effect came a few seconds after the physical connection appeared to have been made. These women need to take a course at the La Lucci School of Perfectly Executed Soap Opera Diva Slaps.


comes out looking like Dikembe Mutombo

I feel like I should get this reference but I don't. Please to be explaining?


Maybe Katie should have consulted Hope before welcoming Flo back into the family, whatever that means.

Katie probably feels like Hope got Beth back so no biggie. Meanwhile, she's never going to get her fully functioning kidneys back. New kidney > stolen but returned baby. Ugh.

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19 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Brooke has one hell of a nerve to barge into Eric’s house and DEMAND that he throw Shauna out of the guest house. And then, of all things, demand that he divorce his wife! Who does she think she is?!

No matter the elitist garbage Quinn was spewing about Sally as if she of the absentee mother and teenage unwed parenthood had any legs to judge anyone...Brooke can go fuck off on this. I wasn't here for Liam pulling the same bullshit a few years back, and he has far more right to give Quinn grief than Brooke ever will.


20 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

Nice of Katie to call a forgive Flo meeting and not invite the people she actually injured.

Wow. We're talking about the same Katie Logan that gave Hope her own fashion line out of spite (which ignited much of the events over the last decade as a result) and who was stalking Quinn a while back? She's providing forgiveness that isn't even hers to offer?

Jesus. Bell is really trying to make fetch happen with Flo, huh?



Edited by Anna Yolei
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What?  Brooke was an alcoholic for only about 15 min.  

Will is the bigger man and Katie is the bigger Logan for the first to forgive Flo. In defense of Flo, some people do the wrong thing for the right intention. Flo got caught  up in Dr Shady’s attempt to save Zoey.  At first, that’s all she knew.  I really don’t give a shit about Raggedy, Brooke, and Stuffy forgiving Flo. Liam will forgive Flo when he learns Wyatt and Flo are back together. 

Today showed me how much Brooke is like Lurch.  Can someone say control freaks? Unhinged?  Oh how I love nuclear Quinn.  I’m quite sure, Lurch will be on Quinn’s and Shauna’s side.  


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The fight at the end was hysterical because of all the plastic surgery between Lang & Richards. I could barely look at them attempting to move their mouths 👄. Rena Sofer is still beautiful though. 

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Welp Brooke you have really done it. You've pissed off Quinn. Not even Stephanie's ghost can save you now lol. 

But I'm all seriousness Quinn is a several times attempted murderer, a rapist, and hypocritical elitist trash. I've longed for her brutal exit for years now but looks like I will have to wait cos Brooke haters just need to see her pay for her crimes before and more than anyone else, apparently.

Brooke. Stephanie knew how to fight sneakily and when to get in a bitch's face. You don't have that down yet.  Learn how fight(like punching people. Hard) cos judging by that slap Quinn gave you, you aren't strong enough. You are still a padawan young Skywalker(wouldn't it be hilarious is Stephanie came back as a force ghost to teach Brooke the ways of the force?) LMAO 

I agree that the aggressive leeches known as Shauna and Quinn should get the steppin and not let the door knob hit them on the way out. But there is a way to do things and this ain't it chief. Quinn is gonna fight dirty and my only hope and wish is that the writers can have someone match her blow for blow(doesn't have to be Brooke but someone) if I have to hear Queen Quinn one more MF time I'm gonna break something Lol

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3 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

Brooke. Stephanie knew how to fight sneakily and when to get in a bitch's face. You don't have that down yet.

She sure doesn't. You'd think after all the time she spent pissing with Stephanie that something would absorb by now. I mean, Brooke majored in chemistry (one of two subjects I ever struggled with), so she's capable of using her brain.

Quinn does not play and she will gladly cut a bitch that stands in her way.

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Brooke getting rid of Quinn and Shanna today by snapping her fingers or is that just the way she can have any man?  

We can’t actually call Wyatt a waffle maybe we can call him an Eggo?  

Of course that old demented fuck Eric is leaning towards Brooke.  He didn’t seem to care Brooke slapped Shanna  Like other times, Eric thinks Quinn is over reacting because she acts like a Fuller and not a virtuous shit don’t stink Forester.  We end the week with Eric standing there with his thumb up his ass, Brooke squinting, and Quinn throwing daggers with her beautiful blue eyes. 

Once again I say, Sally was not hired to design for Stuffy.  Sally was hired for her own line of sports ware.  That design office has almost seen as much nooky as the CEO office.  

I really can’t decide between Sally and Flo for Wyatt but for Liam, I would say Sally if Wyatt goes with Flo. 

We might not find out for a while since I expect to see a lot less of  B&B starting Tuesday. 

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4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

really can’t decide between Sally and Flo for Wyatt but for Liam, I would say Sally if Wyatt goes with Flo. 

Given certain spoilers, this may all end up a moot point, but I'd gladly take Liam with Sally over Steam or Lope, both of which are FUBAR and DOA.  Steam because there was nothing there besides sex and Lope because Hope is apparently even further up her own ass than she was ten years ago, and I didn't think that was even possible.

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Wow, Flo. How can you trust a guy who so easily cheats on his girlfriend with you? And this is the second time he's done it to Sally with you.

Wyatt ragging on Sally to Flo. Liam whining to Steffy about Hope. Ridge shading Brooke to Shauna. These mf-ers. And why don't the women consider that if he'll put down another women to her, at some point he'll probably talk crap about her to her replacement-in-waiting?

Eric, have you met your wife? Quinn most certainly is not better than the trashy scenario she's in the middle of. Not by a long shot. Just ask Liam and Hope.

I can't believe Wyatt intends to give up tight-bodied Sally for kinda doughy Flo. 😾

Brooke has lost her mind. Full stop. Guess she'll be taking some of the pressure off Hope to carry the Logan crazypants flag. 🙄

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wow, Flo. How can you trust a guy who so easily cheats on his girlfriend with you? And this is the second time he's done it to Sally with you.

Wyatt ragging on Sally to Flo. Liam whining to Steffy about Hope. Ridge shading Brooke to Shauna. These mf-ers. And why don't the women consider that if he'll put down another women to her, at some point he'll probably talk crap about her to her replacement-in-waiting?

Eric, have you met your wife? Quinn most certainly is not better than the trashy scenario she's in the middle of. Not by a long shot. Just ask Liam and Hope.

I can't believe Wyatt intends to give up tight-bodied Sally for kinda doughy Flo. 😾

Brooke has lost her mind. Full stop. Guess she'll be taking some of the pressure off Hope to carry the Logan crazypants flag. 🙄

They all suck at life and sins of the parents manifest its self in future generations or you wouldn’t have a soap opera. Will, Beth, Douglas, and Kelly are still too young, but give it time, TIIC will give this next generation shit ass story lines because there are no Forester or Spencer angels in the City of Angels. 

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