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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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21 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Back to Sally for Wyatt, what a surprise.  Wyatt actually thinks he’s Liam but he’s only plays second fiddle to waffle boy. 

I got my issues with Wyatt, but I can't charge him with waffling in this case. He just found out his fiance was an accessory to the kidnapping/human trafficking of his niece to his ex-wife and that Flo has been lying to his face since she first scooted back to town. He's right to dump her ass. It'd have been even more an eye roll for him to stay with her and forgive her and given his history with forgiving Quinn's sins it wouldn't have completely been outside the realm of possibility for him.  The twist I'm expecting in all of this is Felony Flo is pregnant so that sending her to prison won't be as easy peasy, she'll then have reason to stay in everyone's lives since Wyatt is gonna be anguished about not abandoning his kid like Bill did him, Sally will be gunshy about reuniting when she got burned by Thomas's divided loyalties, and Bill is gonna be riding his ass to sue for full custody while Quinn will partially want the same thing but also not want a child taken from it's mother.  This show loves to repeat stories from Liam to Wyatt so wouldn't surprise me if Thomas rears his ugly head and gets revenge on Flo by kidnapping her kid so she can experience the pain she did to Hope (and maybe delusional Thomas thinks hurting Flo will get him back in Hope's good graces) with Wyatt in Liam's role of suffering another loss of a child but not really.

Wyatt may actually get a good story out of this yet. Then again the actor may be MIA for his own paternity leave so who knows how this will fall out.

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2 hours ago, MajesticMariposa said:

Hi, friends! I don't post here often since I think I'm the only one here who likes Steffy (and TK), but I have a question for those of you who think she's being selfish/heartless right now: Where you expecting her to just automatically accept and understand everything and help Hope and Liam pack up Beth's stuff to take to the cabin? She adopted this baby and has loved her for almost a year, why shouldn't she be in shock? Even though we have known the truth forever, she only just found out now. How is having the reaction "Don't take my baby!" wrong?

Welcome! Although the board does tend to skew more Team Hope these days (and I promise that is a very recent development in this community where we've mostly been Team Fuck All These Morons and Especially Brad Bell), we do try to remain civil with one another. It's way less crazy than Twitter lol

That out of the way, I can only speak for myself when I say it had less to do with Steffy's reaction in this situation and more of a long history with her sense of entitlement in general. Taylor has fed into that for the first half of this decade and now nuRidge picked up the mantle when Taylor left.

Even in a situation where she is a victim--legally speaking, since stupidity is not a crime--all it would take is one line of concern about the other mother involved to not appear like a compete asshole. I can't think of any other instance where a mother whose baby did not survive the switch who dare fixed her mouth to say the child should stay where he was.

Oh actually, after I typed that, I just realized Sharon pulled that crap with Nick about SullyCAN after he found out. Despite Nick's typical caveman routine killing my sympathy for most of the same reasons I just can't with Steffy, I wanted to smack Sharon then, too (and that too went back to a long history that includes switching DNA tests on Nick's other daughter).

Most of all, I'm more mad at Brad Bell for ruining the show with this story fail from start to  (blessedly shortened) finish and killing every story beat. How do you go wrong with one of the oldest tropes of the genre?! Soaps have had small casts and 30 minute run times until the 80s and pulled it off fine.

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16 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Then again the actor may be MIA for his own paternity leave so who knows how this will fall out.

Oooooh? 👀

I had no idea his wife was expecting a baby! 🙂

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Beth is what 6 months old?  I’ll buy you a beer if you can remember anything that happened to you prior to being 3 years old. 

When I was born my parents could not take care of me because they were both working (farming) day and night.  So I was sent to  live with a woman who apparently took great care of me for about 9 mos. or so.  Maybe it screwed me up but I doubt it.

Edited by bannana
I should proofread
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15 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Oooooh? 👀

I had no idea his wife was expecting a baby! 🙂

Yup! Here is their gender reveal. A lot of the B&B and Y&R cast were at both their baby shower. They're really too cute.

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A quick peek on Twitter told me today was going to be EPIC, namely for the showdown between Hope and Hauxdi. And I will put every last dollar on my gal, Hope, always.

But even I was blown away by the performances of Annika and Scott - they continue to amaze - as well as how laughable it is that JMW holds the Best Actress Emmy. Someone needs to be asking for the trophy back because she was just downright awful. Speaking of awful, I thought I couldn't despise Hauxdi more than when she fucked her father-in-law and renewed her wedding vows to her clueless, cuckholded husband in the same day but I was wrong.

Today, she took me to a whole other level of rage and disgust, so you've been forewarned. 

We pick up right where we left off at the cliffhouse and original recipe Beth is back.

Steffy: "Beth? I adopted...Beth?"

Liam (like, OMG, she's finally getting it!): "Yes."

Steffy, proving the cuckoo doesn't fall far from the cocoa puffs, says, "Noooo. That's Phoebe. She's Phoebe."

Hope: "I know it's hard to take in and it's a shock, but it's true. You've been raising my daughter."

Over at FC, Brooke is furious over the Thomas revelation and corners Ridge: "All this time Beth has been alive and your son knew!"

Ridge: "We don't know that."

Brooke gestures at the trio of idiots: "Ridge, why would they lie?"

Ridge snaps: "All they do is LIE!" He has a point here. But then again, it is fire-setting, roof throwing off of, car bombing Thomas we're talking about here.

Brooke: "He married Hope knowing-"

He totally interrupts her, saying they'll deal with Thomas by "talking to him." Yeah, that sounds like a plan, Ridge.

Ridge: "Right now, I'm concerned about Steffy. There's a lot of pain coming her way and she doesn't deserve it." Maybe not from the onset, but trust, she'll earn it very soon by being the same selfish, entitled bitch she always is.

We cut to the design office and SQUEEEEE! We have Sally meeting with Eric over one of her designs. I missed her/CH so much and she is looking absolutely gorgeous, rocking a black, studded dress and that gorgeous red hair. And it's so nice to see Eric/JMc and some honest-to-goodness fashion.

Eric is praising one of her designs, telling her that her incorporation of his recommended changes went "way above and beyond." 

Sally is as humble as always: "I wasn't sure if I went too far, you telling me to dig into my inner Spectra. I mean, you said you wanted something daring."

Eric: "Daring, yes, but staying within the original intent of the design. Which you did and in a helluva lot shorter time than I expected. This is fantastic!"

Sally is blushing here and it's adorable as she thanks him and takes in his praise. 

He notes how she's been throwing herself into her work of late and Sally winces, saying "Yeah, it's been a nice distraction, given my social life coming to a screeching halt."

Eric: "Well, you're a valuable asset to this company, I'll tell you that."

Sally: "Thank you." She smiles wistfully and there's some of her old spark back as she teases, "Praise from Eric Forrester. I should have break-ups more often."

Eric is fatherly here and I know he has a soft spot for Sally just like he did for her aunt, telling her: "You don't have to pretend it doesn't hurt. I can see how much you miss Wyatt." And I'm thinking Eric is on her side here. "I can see how much you still love him." And yep, it's written all over her face.

Eric adds: "For what it's worth, I'm sorry you and Eric didn't work it out."

Sally tries to make a joke of it, saying "Who needs a man when you've got designs to work on?"

Eric: "There are worse ways to spend your time after a break-up."

Sally admits to spending quite a bit of time (and her paycheck) at Bikini those first few days post-breakup. But she's tough and a survivor and says: "Drowning your sorrows gets old after a while. And it's not my personality."

Eric (and me): "No, it's not." He adds: "You have way too much talent to waste on that sort of thing. Too much talent...and beauty...and just the right amount of your namesake's flair." And his eyes light up there and again, I've really, really missed him. 

Sally is touched but trying to play it off, teasing that he should write her online dating profile. Eric says to hand him a pencil and he'll get started. See, TPTB, THIS is what we want to see. Characters we love interacting and with fashion part of that. It's not that hard.

Eric: "Look, online or not, some lucky guy is gonna observe all those wonderful qualities in you."

Sally has a ghost of a smile on her lips, but it's gone in an instant as she reveals: "I just wish it had been Wyatt." 

Back in the CEO office, Brooke assures Ridge they will be there for Steffy and that she knows how difficult it will be for her.

Ridge sidesteps her and looks down at his phone. Flo comes over again, blathering "if I had could go back..." But you CAN'T so this is helpful, how?

Ridge snaps: "If you knew, you'd do what? Stop stealing other people's babies and selling them?" DAMMMMNNNN. But she deserves this and so much more.

Shauna tells him to stop and why is this waste of space still here? She tries to argue Flo didn't do that. Yes, she did. By her actions of posing as the birth mother, she absolutely did.

Ridge, shouting now, says: "You put a baby into my daughter's arms and made her raise it AS HER OWN. With all the explanations, that's wrong. You understand that, right?" I wouldn't count on it. "You're messing with people's LIVES. Steffy. Hope." TK brought his A-game today (for once as he is in tears and whirls away in disgust. He rubs his face as he groans, "Oh God." He looks at Brooke: "I know this is what you wanted."

Now that is the cheapest of shots. Of course Brooke wanted her granddaughter not to be dead and what grandmother on the planet wouldn't? But she would never in a million years have asked for it to happen this way.

Ridge adds: "And I'm happy for you. I'm trying to be happy for you and for Hope." Brooke gives him a look. "But what about Steffy?" He swallows hard. "It's not fair." And I can't fault him for feeling for his daughter. 

Back at the cliff house, Beth is babbling away as Steffy gets up from the couch, her back to Liam, Hope, Beth...and the truth.

Liam: "We can, um, genetic tests can be done." So let the record show it was LIAM, not Steffy, who insisted on DNA testing. "But the people involved have already admitted what happened."

Steffy's face is a mask of anger. Or, you know, a mask. She mutters to herself: "Gambling debts. Zoe's dad owed money?" She turns to face them and why is she rewinding all the way back to that?

But Hope is patient here, explaining it again: "And selling a baby was a fast way to make some cash." Steffy stares at her, looking disgusted and stop sending daggers out of your eyes at Hope. She is the victim here as is Liam and Beth. And you can claim a teeny tiny part of victimhood. But that is ALL. Especially after her callous IDGAF about the birth mother having her baby stolen from her.

Liam, knowing he's talking to a wounded animal here: "It's not your mom's fault. He just knew she was ready and willing to hand over any amount." To buy a plaything for her precious and a ploy (read line) to go with the hook (Kelly) to try and reel Liam back in. He adds: "That man...he took someone's child, a dead child, and put it in our arms and told us it was Beth."


Liam, pain etched on his features, for both of these women and for himself: "I know you're trying to get through to her but she doesn't give a shit. She didn't give a shit when she knew it was some unknown woman and she cares even less now that she knows it was her rival. 

And to prove my point that she's a selfish bitch, she completely ignores that and says, "He brought her to me." Not one ounce of sympathy for either of them. Not even the slightest acknowledgement.

Steffy: "He gave her to me."

Me, me, me...are you guys sensing a pattern here?

Liam: "And we grieved her. But the truth is...she was thriving. Because she was here the whole time. With you and Kelly. Safe...and loved and cared for." He is giving her so much here. trying hard and she is giving him...nothing.

She looks at Beth, happily chirping away in Hope's arms, so very comfortable and content and she honest-to-goodness glares at them.

Back in the design office, Sally is alone now and lost in thought.

There's a knock on the door and Wyatt pokes his head in: "Got a minute?"

Sally should say "no" and slam the door shut in his face, but of course, she has a minute for him. Though I do give her props for the chill in her voice, in her eyes, the almost-annoyed stance with hand on hip as she says, "Wyatt."

Wyatt: "Eric said you'd be in here." Where else should she be? Home, crying into her pillow over your stupid, sorry ass?

Sally cuts to the chase: "What's going on?" What she wants to say is "What do YOU want?"

Wyatt looks a little thrown and what, you thought she'd instantly fall into your arms? He hems and haws about how "something's happened."

Sally: "Something good or something bad?"

Wyatt: "Both."

Sally almost shrugs here: "So? What is it?"

Back in the CEO office, Ridge is in full-on finger pointing and wagging mode, telling the trio of idiots, "I'm gonna make you pay for this. I promise you that. We're gonna go see our kids." He grabs Brooke's purse off the desk and hands it to her, his keys in hands.

Shauna pipes up: "Our driver licenses?"

Brooke smiles as she looks at the licenses in her hot little hand: "Oh, I have them right here."

Shauna: "You're not seriously going to keep them." You bet your Botoxed face they are.

Ridge: "Eventually we're gonna hand them over to the police."

And with that, they leave the office, leaving the three to sweat like hookers in church on Sunday. 

Back at the cliffhouse, Hope says: "I had given up on miracles. I mean, now could something like this happen? But it did. We have our Beth."

Steffy steps towards her as Beth babbles happily and Hope smiles, saying "Yeah. And I am never letting you go."

Liam: "I mean, it does explain the instant connection."

Hope: "From the moment we met her, I remember holding her, like this jolt went through me. Yes." She lifts Beth and turns her to look at her. "You knew...didn't you?" Yep. She recognized her mother's voice. "The way you crawled up to be at that wedding and called me 'mama.' You were just trying to find your way back to me, weren't you?" Yep! "Yeah...I can't wait to take you home."

Steffy immediately snaps: "No, you're not!" Hope and Liam stare at her. "That's...that's Phoebe. She's the little girl I've been raising. She's the little girl I brought into this family so Kelly could have a little sister."  So, it's finders keepers, apparently for Steffy. And she's the baby your mommy bought for $250k and all so you can have a plaything for Kelly when she was barely crawling

Beth stares at her like, you cray. Word, Beth.

Steffy is gritting her teeth as she snarls: "You're not taking Phoebe anywhere. You're not taking her from the only home she's ever known." I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Hope and Liam exchange glances as they gird their loins for battle.

Back at the design office, Wyatt suddenly hesitates and I hope it's because he feels like a total shitpig right now.

Sally: "What is it, Wyatt?'

Wyatt: "It's...it's a long story." He looks down and has the good grace to look guilty and ashamed as he SHOULD. "People just...aren't what they seem sometimes." 

He falters here and Sally immediately zeroes in on the obvious: "People meaning Flo?" I love this gal so much. He can barely look at her but he doesn't have to answer. She knows as she asks, "What did she do?" The better question is "what didn't she do?"

Back at the cliffhouse, Steffy has her ugly cry on, emphasis on ugly, as she sobs and says "You can't take her! Her life is here! With her mom!" So she knows the full truth now and has the gall to stand there and look Hope in the eye with the daughter that was STOLEN from her and still refer to herself as Beth's "mom?" 


Steffy: "And that's ME!" She points to herself for emphasis. Again, ME, ME, ME. "I'm her mommy! We...we can figure this out." Hope and Liam already have and they are doing you a courtesy by telling you first.

Steffy is still blubbering on and man, she's just really baddddd. "We can figure out why."

Hope rises to her feet: "Steffy...Steffy, my daughter was STOLEN from me."

Steffy shouts: "So you propose stealing mine?" And how Hope doesn't hand Liam Beth and physically knock her ridiculous ass to the floor, I don't know. You would think a dead baby was placed in her arms and her child was taken and sold to the highest bidder. Oh...wait.

Liam tries to defuse the tension: "Can we just take a breath?"

Steffy barks: "NO!" 

Liam: "This is not easy or straightforward but-"

Steffy: "Phoebe is staying here!" That is not for you to decide and for anyone who says, Steffy is the legal mother, no, she is NOT! The adoption was illegal. So she has no rights to Beth whatsoever. Liam and Hope call ALL the shots. AS THEY SHOULD.

Hope, trying to reach Steffy here, says how how grateful she is for all the care she's given her, but Beth needs to come with her. 

Steffy has the nerve to try and throw the "what about our family and what about the children and putting them first?" in their faces and THAT'S the argument she's trying to use as part of her throwing a fit to get her way. How in the bluedillyfuck is Beth being with her RIGHTFUL parents NOT putting the children FIRST?

She's not done, folks, as she wails: "How can you just yank her away from me? It's wrong!"


Hope is horrified and disgusted as she fires back: "What's wrong is being apart from her MOTHER for MONTHS!" Tell her, Hope.

But Steffy and her winged eyes just keep bellyaching: "I know, I know what you've been through-" And you can just STOP right there. Honestly, she's dead to me right now for saying that. She knows NOTHING of Hope and Liam's pain. What she is feeling now isn't in the same UNIVERSE. That she would say that and be so utterly and deliberately and cruelly obtuse is unfathomable and yet, somehow, not because this is WHO she is. This is who she has ALWAYS been and as the late, great Maya Angelou said: When people show you who they really are, believe them...the first time 

Well, Steffy is a spoiled, entitled, selfish, heartless bitch.

Who is huffing and puffing and making it all about her as she says, "We have to think about Phoebe."

Hope, steel in her eyes and voice as she says, quite clearly, "BETH! Her name is BETH!" Adorably, Beth looks up at her mommy and then at her faux mommy like "Yeah!"

Hope continues: "And I AM thinking about her. She needs to be with ME. I have a lot of LOST time to make up for here." Hell yes, she does. And when Steffy would interrupt her yet again, she shuts her down but quick: "But Steffy, Steffy...I am not trying to erase you. I would never, ever do that. Do you understand that?" I doubt it. She is being so kind and so gracious here, so giving. And you know if the situations were reversed, there is no way in hell Steffy would return the favor. "You can be as involved as much as you want." I'd be careful there, Hope. She looks at Liam. "You could help with the transition?" So see, Hope is thinking of the children and knowing this is a process. 

Steffy spits: "Transition? Transition!?! I haven't just been her babysitter. I've been her mom!"

Hope blasts her: "You are not her babysitter and I am not your surrogate!" Damn straight! "So where does that leave us?"

Steffy whines: "I don't know! I don't know!" Well, I do. That baby needs to go home with her parents so they can have the full reunion that is the least they are owed. Time enough tomorrow to have contact between Steffy, Kelly, and Beth. But there is no way they should leave Beth with Steffy. No way in hell.

Steffy continues to sob about how much she loves her and Kelly loves her. And I don't doubt Steffy loves her, but that is nothing compared to Hope and Liam's love for her.  As for Kelly, honestly, will she even remember Beth living with them after a few weeks? I mean babies that age have the memory and attention span of a gnat. And I'm not trying to minimize, I'm not, but Steffy is just grasping at straws here.

Liam tries to reason with her and good luck: "Steffy. They're still sisters." 

Steffy interrupts: "No, they-"

Liam: "They always will be." 

Steffy: "Phoebe needs to be raised in this home!" Her crying is just embarrassingly bad. Maybe she was better somehow during the whole affair/paternity test reveal. Maybe?

Hope cuts her off: "BETH. Her name is Beth."

Steffy: "I know you're going through hell." Yeah and you are adding to it by making everything about you. "But you have to understand Hope, what you're asking of me."

And Hope lowers the boom: "I'm not asking." 

Steffy looks at Liam, all pitiful: "Liam?" And what does she expect him to say? He is WITH Hope. They are a united front. But she knows he feels for her (as Hope does as would anyone with half a heart) and is once again trying to manipulate him. "We were like a family. And now you're just walking away?" You are a family with Kelly, but he has a family with Hope, too. But apparently, the only one he's allowed to have is the one with her as wife/mother. And her whining about family is proof positive that she WAS using these innocent little girls to lure Liam back in. She's freaking out about that as much as anything now, nevermind all Liam has been since he moved back in, sans Molly night, is a roomate and co-parent. 

And when he remains silent because what is he supposed to say to this, the real Steffy comes out full force, the angry, hissing snake bitch that she is: "Say something? For once! Say something!" We all know the only thing that will suffice in her eyes is to say Hope, it's enough that you know Hope is alive, but Steffy is amazing and awesome and let's just let her keep her and we can visit when she says it's okay, all right?

I actually appreciated that Liam was mostly silent today and let Hope do most of the talking. Because she's more than capable, for one. But of course, he's getting raked over the coals and honestly, he's in no-man's land here. If he sides with or shows too much sympathy to Steffy, he's dishonoring Hope and Beth. If he flat-out told Steffy to go hang, it would be "Liam's a deadbeat dad to Kelly!" But even without him saying it (although he did, clearly, by saying "Hope and I are her parents"), it's clear he feels for Steffy, but he's very much with Hope. And that is what is killing Steffy most of all. 

Steffy: "Tell her that she's wrong. Tell her not to take my baby." For the hundredth time, she's not YOUR baby.

LIam sighs, then says what he must: "Hope and I are her parents. And we thought that she was gone, that she was dead, but she's not. She's here. That's amazing. But, I don't want to do that to you. If anyone knows what's that like, it's Hope and me. We can work something out, we can find a way."


She's staring at him like he's a cockroach. Something to be killed and destroyed.

Hope: "Yes...Liam...a solution, but it's time for her to be Beth again." 

Steffy stands there with her big black mascara/eyeliner tear and I'm sorry, I burst out laughing.

Speaking of bursting, enter Ridge with Brooke behind him and he immediately flanks his daughter, saying "Steffy" and pulling her into his big, beefy arms as he asks if she's okay.

Brooke immediately goes to Hope and says, "Look at you, Hope. You have your daughter back." Brooke Logan is laying eyes on Beth as her granddaughter for the first time and I am tearing up. 

Steffy wrenches free from Ridge: "No! No, I'm not. There's no way you're taking my daughter home." 

And Hope just looks at her, the protective mama lioness, thinking "MY daughter and yes, I am."

Back at FC, Sally asks, "So this thing, it has to do with Flo? Did she do something?" Oh, she did a lot of things. Things that would make your impulsive design stealing seem like child's play.

Wyatt: "Before I get into all that, I need to apologize." For starters. 

Sally, wary: "Why?"

Wyatt: "Just, I mean the way we ended things." The way YOU ended things, you mean.

Sally scoffs: "Wyatt, you have nothing to apologize for." No, Sally, no! And yes, he definitely does. She goes on to say she betrayed his trust and kept a secret from him and she regrets it.

Wyatt: "Yeah, but I was upset." And hot to bang your HS girlfriend that you were already fooling around with before you knew about Sally and the Thomas secret. I cannot roll my eyes hard enough here. "All right? I don't - I don't like secrets." Uh, is that karma calling? Yeah, I think so. "The fact that you were keeping one for Thomas of all people and that it was hurting my brother...oh man." Um, you were keeping a whopper of your own, Wyatt. 

Sally is clearly not here for a rehash of that and says simply, "People make mistakes."

Wyatt: "No...people make mistakes." He sighs, "I'm saying that now that I look back on it, it really wasn't all that bad." Ah...funny how he has that clarity NOW. It's too little too late in my book.

Sally gives him a look: "What are you saying?"

Wyatt: "Look, there's a lot of crazy stuff happening right now and I will explain all of that to you, but I just...I want you to know that I was wrong." He was definitely very, very wrong and it just bugs me that he's only saying this now that he's found out about Flo. He would still be with her if the truth hadn't come out and even if Flo was this fabulous catch, which she isn't, he still was wrong to break up with Sally.

Wyatt continues: "I regret the way I ended things with us and I'm just...I'm sorry."

Sally: "Okay, I'm confused. What happened to HS sweethearts reunited?" I am here for her snark.

Wyatt, quietly: "That's not happening."

Sally: "So this is what? You crawling back to me?"


I would have dragged him a helluva lot more than that, Sal.

Wyatt: "I just wanted you to know that with all the madness going on, I couldn't think of anything more important than seeing you."


And I think he is being sincere here and really does love her, but part of me is also thinking, damn, he can't be alone for a hot minute, can he? And I need to see him literally crawling on his hands and knees with some cut glass sprinkled on that design office carpet.

Sally isn't immediately falling into his arms though so here's hoping she makes him grovel a while longer. She looks pretty pissed right now which is a good sign.


We wrap up at the cliffhouse.

Liam: "I'm sure you guys have questions."

Brooke: "Yes, we were just with Flo and Zoe. They filled us in."

Ridge: "Yes, it's unbelievable what they did."

Brooke: "I for one am happy that the truth came out. And I'm so happy for you. Oh my sweetheart, you have your precious little girl back." And she smiles at the baby and rubs her chubby little arm. And no, I do not want to hear one word about Brooke being insensitive. She has EVERY right to be happy for her daughter and Liam and no one has the right to steal her joy as a mother and grandmother. "And your family with Liam. I'm sure you're excited to take her home."

Steffy: "That's not happening." It is NOT up to you, bitch! Ditch some of that weave and maybe you'd hear them better.

Brooke, the mama and grandmama lioness, places her hand on Hope's arm, asking "What isn't happening?"

Steffy: "You can't just take away the baby I adopted."

Brooke: "There was nothing legal about that adoption." Preach, Brooke!

Steffy: "Do you think Phoebe knows that?" And seriously, STOP calling her that. It's so damn disrespectful. "The only mother she knows is me. She knows her sister. She knows this house."

Brooke: "And as Liam's daughter, she will continue to know this house and spend time with you. But she's not going to be living here."

Ridge interjects: "Can you just give her a moment to adjust?" Why? Why, when she's gotten HOW many moments with Beth that they will never ever get back? Stolen moments. Bought and paid for moments. They shouldn't have to lose one more second of time with her.

Brooke, the voice of reason: "Ridge, a baby was stolen and it must be given back. You must understand that, Steffy."

Steffy whines: "But we need to think about what's best for..." And for once, she falters, but at least she doesn't call her Phoebe here. "We can't just rip her away from the only family she knows." As if she doesn't know Liam and Hope whatsoever. Liam especially. 

Brooke, calmly, "So? What are you suggesting?"

Steffy, staring at Beth as if seeing her for the first time: "Beth. That's Beth. You gave birth to her. My mind is starting to catch up with me. Just...can you just listen to me?" And for a split second, I had a glimmer of hope for her. But then, as always, she never fails to disappoint: "You can be kind of a mother to her. You could keep her without uprooting her from her family." Kind of a mother???? Is she for real here? She IS with her family. At long last.

Brooke gasps: "Oh my God, Steffy! You can't be serious!"

Ridge: "All she's saying is this has been a blow for all of us and the baby is happy, healthy, living here." Brooke gives him a WTFAYS look. And it is hard to see where Steffy and Thomas get their sense of entitlement from?

Hope, holding Beth close, holds her ground: "I am grateful for everything that you have done, Steffy, but it is time for Beth to come home. None of us expected this to happen. But here we are. I have been given the impossible, a second chance with my child that I was told was dead after months of grief and sadness and you think I am walking out of here without her? She is exactly right where she belongs, where she should have been since the day she was born. I am so thankful for all you have given her.." But here, her voice is deadly serious: "But Steffy, my daughter is finally in my arms again and I'm not letting her go. I'm taking my daughter and don't you DARE try to stop me." 


The real Hope Logan Spencer is here and isn't going to take Steffy's - or anyone else's - shit. Not anymore. And she doesn't need anyone to fight her battles - not her mother or Liam - she can kick ass all on her own.

And on that note, I give you a portrait of three generations of Logan women. Simply stunning.


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13 minutes ago, Jane Tuesday said:

I'm sorry, but I don't believe for one hot minute that ANY of these people are thinking about what's best for Beth.

But what does that even mean? She's a baby. Everyone involved is rich and perfectly capable of giving her everything she needs. But Hope and Liam are her parents. They didn't give her up, she was stolen. She belongs with them. If Liam and Hope were strangers, sending a baby to a random place with people she's never met hastily would be a reason to move slowly. But Liam lives with her now. She's calling Hope mama. 

I spent the first seven months of my life in a single foster home before I was adopted. I don't have memories or yearnings for the woman who took care of me before my mom adopted me because I was a baby. I thank her and appreciate what she did much like Liam and Hope do to Steffy. But Beth isn't hers. If Beth never saw Steffy after today she's never remember or miss her. Beth and Kelly are sisters and they're all family so there can be a relationship but Beth's parents decide what's best for her and those parents are Liam and Hope. Not Steffy. Not Brooke. Not Ridge. End of. 

Edited by jenrising
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58 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy's face is a mask of anger. Or, you know, a mask. 

LMAO 😂😂😂

58 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Her crying is just embarrassingly bad. Maybe she was better somehow during the whole affair/paternity test reveal. Maybe?

It helped that she was the only actress under 35 getting the lion's share of screentime back then. Sharing screentime next to AN and SC (who has really improved in the last couple of years not that Liam isn't swinging back and forth between them anymore) really does JMW no favors.

You know, if the show still remembered the fiasco with Jack Marone, Brooke should've brought up that fact that she was well within her legal rights to sue for custody the minute she was told about that mix-up. I won't give Brooke too much credit considering why her eggs were in the system to be mixed up in the first place, but she did sign the release paperwork  without blinking. In every way that mattered, Taylor was that boy's mother. But seeing how her other living brats turned out, Jack is much better off with Nick and whichever damsel in distress he saved after leaving LA.

34 minutes ago, jenrising said:

Beth and Kelly are sisters 

Exactly! If that's what Steffy was after in the first place, she got it! 👏👏👏👏👏👏

But no, her little tantrum today was Me Me Me! It's like listening to a Taylor Swift album, geez. And as was pointed out earlier, I maybe could've given her some slack if Douglas hadn't clued her in that something was off, but she knows him. By her own admission she knows Liam wouldn't pull something so sick and cruel no matter how hard he's hurting.

Today's scene demonstrates once again how fundamentally disastrous Steamless is. Liam is doing his best Ronn Moss!Ridge in walking a line to support them both--because he does care for both as people and the mothers of his children. Steffy can't even meet him halfway like even Ridge paid lip service to. Waffling aside, Liam is generally a decent person at his core. 

Well, mostly. He covered Billcs lie for Steffy, but he might have saved Sally's life so I'll let it slide. Lol.

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I was waiting for your recap, @CountryGirl, and you did not disappoint!  

Brace yourself, because I'm going to defend Steffy a little bit:

Her feelings are valid.  She's formed a relationship (I hesitate to call it a bond) with "Phoebe" for half a year, and being told who her birth parents are is a shock.  Of course she's going to babble and bargain and say stupid stuff.

Now that all the kind shit is over: HAND OVER THE BABY.  

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Sally's hair! So gorgeous. And oof, I heard Courtney Hope was joining the Price is Right and I was afraid she was leaving B&B. No, it's just a guest appearance. She can't leave B&B until Sally gets to cuss out Wyatt out multiple times, dagnabbit. 🙄

Hey, Beth #1 is back! Mid-scene, lol. Guess that's what can happen when the same scene drags on for several episodes. The liitle girl seemed to be getting cranky the last time she was on.

And there's the old "my way or the highway" Hope we used know and love, back in true form. Gee Hope, give Steffy a minute.

AYFKMWTS, Wyatt? You let Sally apologize to you AGAIN? Boy, you better drop to your knees and beg Sally to forgive YOU!

I see why those promo shots of Liam had him looking confused. Both Hope and Steffy are still trying to lay claim to him via Beth/Phoebe.

Oh Ridge and Steffy, come back to this planet. You ain't keeping Hope's baby. Seriously?

Ah, the lovely odor of fresh Emmy bait was wafting all over the show today.

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Steffy didn’t bother me in those scenes as much as Ridge and Brooke did. I get Brooke wanting to be happy and have a moment with her daughter, but read the room. Maybe wait to have that conversation until you’re in private? Yes, you and Hope deserve your happiness, but things with Beth aren’t settled yet, and her coming in gushing about how Hope has her daughter back in front ofSteffy made me cringe. it exacerbated an already tense situation. It sucks and is unfair that she should have to temper her reaction, but Steffy still has legal custody and what Hope needed was everyone helping Steffy get to a point where she can see reason, and Brooke’s initial comments did nothing to help with that.

And Ridge, man. I can understand Steffy’s delusions that Beth should just stay there because she’s still processing this information, but Ridge failed her as a father by feeding into that delusion. If he had been the one to gently reason with her, it would carry a lot more weight than any of the others. But instead of doing the thing that would actually help his daughter, guiding her toward the inevitability of losing Beth (sure, she can insist Beth stay there that night and legally she has the right, but a DNA test and a court order will have Beth going home eventually) he coddled her, which is the exact reason why she has a decades worth of history of being an entitled jackass. 

But man, JMW was bad. The only moment she seemed to relish in was “say something for once.” (Of course, this is the one storyline where Liam actually doesn’t deserve that. It only took a decade!)

that being said, in that moment, my mind played out this whole scenario where the inevitability of losing Beth pushes Steffy to cut Liam out of Kelly’s life to punish him for “choosing” Hope/Beth. So Liam goes to fight for custody, and they find out Kelly is really Bills, and then Steffy throws all their words about Beth back in his face about how Kelly is still family and he can be a part of her life even though she’s not his daughter and Bill is her daddy now. And, anyway, dark!Steffy is born (or, rather, finally acknowledged by the show.)

i also keep thinking about something Flo said during one of her explanation scenes about how she assumed the birth mother was a celebrity who needed things quiet at first. It bothered me because even with all of her handwringing all of these months, that’s the first I can recall her saying that, and I really wish that had been the story. Reese leads her to believe bio mom is a celebrity who wants to put her kid up for adoption so she needs discretion, so Flo thinks she’s doing a good deed (and doesn’t think twice when Reese gives her a boatload of cash, assuming it’s payment from bio mom for her help.) She also never learns the bio mom’s name.  Zoe shows up at the apartment demanding to know who she is, and Flo still tries to get rid of her, wanting to protect bio mom. Zoe investigates things, and Flo finally tells her the truth about celeb mom, but Zoe thinks something is odd because her dad was in L.A. for two minutes, so how did he have time to meet a celeb mom who trusted him with this? By this time, Wyatt and Flo reconnect and discover she is a Logan. Flo connects with the Logans. Reese slips up in a conversation with Zoe so she knows the celeb mom thing is a lie. She then puts the timing of everything together and suspects Phoebe might be Beth. Flo is horrified, and they run a DNA test on hope and Beth ( not wanting to tell anyone their suspicions so they don’t hurt Hope if they’re wrong) the results come back positive, and Flo and Zoe are horrified. Them keeping the secret is still gross, but a lot more understandable if they don’t know until after Steffy has been with Beth for months and Flo has bonded with her newfound family. They could also have written it so that Thomas found out when he saw the DNA test, and started threatening them immediately. It’s still gross, but a lot more palatable if they plan on keeping these characters around. 

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Hope was trying her best to be sympathetic.  Steffy should be allowed some room to attempt to process this, even if that includes a few asinine, ill-fated suggestions.  However, Brooke isn't helping at all when she voices her Hope-Liam thoughts.  When Ridge finally pulls his head out of his ass in regards to Thomas (and wonders about Douglas' safety), he'll be fine too.

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What the ever-loving fuck with Steffy? First, JMW played the scene as if she'd just woken up from a 3-day bender and I also laughed and laughed at her dark streaky "tears." I can't believe that selfish, selfish cow. I know it was a shock and very painful, but geez ... she had a chance to reunite a mother with her believed-to-be-dead baby and you whine that the real mother could, "kind of be a mother" TO HER OWN CHILD??? It was all that I could do to wish I could reach through the screen and strangle Steffy.

Any decent human being (but look who we're talking about here) would have swallowed their tears and graciously allowed the newly reunited family to leave. The disrespectful way she treated Hope was unbelievable. Steffy is finally getting everything she deserves. Interfering in Hope and Liam's relationship from years back, breaking up Thomas and Sally, fucking her FIL, the list goes on and on.  Like I said yesterday, the coup de grace would be if/when it's revealed that Bill is Kelly's father. A nice finishing touch would be a custody battle between Steffy vs. Bill/Katie with Bill/Katie winning. This had been a L-O-N-G time coming. 

Sorry. I was disappointed in Liam standing there like a helpless waffle. This was the woman who cheated on him with his FATHER. Any semblance of compassion or loyalty should have blown out the windows way back ... I was hoping he'd just take Hope/Beth by the elbow and escort them out the door of the cliff house without another word. And Liam has been so awesome about "manning-up" lately. 

I also hope this is the beginning of the final implosion of Bridge. I can't believe that oaf couldn't even muster one iota of happiness for Brooke and Hope. What an ass. It's not difficult where Steffy and Thomas have acquired their air of entitlement, arrogance and complete disregard for anybody other than themselves.

I am glad that Wyatt got a chilly response from Sally. I hope that she makes him beg and grovel for an eternity before she even gives him the time of day.

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8 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

Hope was trying her best to be sympathetic.  Steffy should be allowed some room to attempt to process this, even if that includes a few asinine, ill-fated suggestions.  However, Brooke isn't helping at all when she voices her Hope-Liam thoughts.  When Ridge finally pulls his head out of his ass in regards to Thomas (and wonders about Douglas' safety), he'll be fine too.

The only constant in the decade of Hope/Liam/Steffy is that Brooke and Ridge make everything 1000% worse whenever they try to "help"

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Is the baby playing Beth really named Beth? I never seen a soap baby react every time her soap name was mentioned. She must looked AN, SC & JMW every time her name was mention. Give that kid an Emmy.

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13 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Is the baby playing Beth really named Beth? I never seen a soap baby react every time her soap name was mentioned. She must looked AN, SC & JMW every time her name was mention. Give that kid an Emmy.

Douglas says ‘Leggo my Emmy, Baby Beth. You can get one next year.’

Speaking of the Emmys, Douglas is gonna have a bigger field to beat as they’ve combine younger actor/actress into one category.

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Steffy’s feelings are perfectly valid and she definitely needs time to process what’s happened. I simply don’t care  because she’s such a flaming asshole. I hope there’s not a custody battle, because I will turn this shit off lightning fast. The adoption isn’t valid and Hope’s marriage to a psycho isn’t valid. The end.

”You can be her mother, in a way.” Dear god. Fuck off, Steffy.

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I didn't like the way Brooke was looking at Steffy.  This situation is horrible for all of them, but Steffy did not steal Beth, she adopted Phoebe.

Brooke needs to save her anger for the people who did steal Beth.

Call an attorney, the police, and get a DNA test.  If this goes before the court, they will order one anyway.

If Brooke and Hope are stupid enough to walk out of Steffy's house with Phoebe, I hope she has them charged with kidnapping.

I know this is mean, but I want Phoebe to be Phoebe and not Beth.  Then Kelly is revealed to be Bill's daughter and Steffy is done with Liam forever.

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1 hour ago, Zoe116 said:

But man, JMW was bad. The only moment she seemed to relish in was “say something for once.” (Of course, this is the one storyline where Liam actually doesn’t deserve that. It only took a decade!)

I was taken aback by that to be frank. Liam is a waffle and I won't be shocked if and when he goes back to that, but what is there for him to say? That the wife he lost over this baby's presumed death is rightfully Steffy's because she "paid for her" and should stay? No! Not even remotely! God, TIIC managed to even ruin this much needed drag!

But then, everyone views Liam as a puppet on this show. Not without very good reason to be sure, but if he'd every been faithful at any point to anyone before this story, I doubt Thomas wouldn't have driven home that fact at every opportunity with Hope and likely contributing to her pushing him out before he could walk out.

1 hour ago, Zoe116 said:

that being said, in that moment, my mind played out this whole scenario where the inevitability of losing Beth pushes Steffy to cut Liam out of Kelly’s life to punish him for “choosing” Hope/Beth. So Liam goes to fight for custody, and they find out Kelly is really Bills, and then Steffy throws all their words about Beth back in his face about how Kelly is still family and he can be a part of her life even though she’s not his daughter and Bill is her daddy now. And, anyway, dark!Steffy is born (or, rather, finally acknowledged by the show.)

She would try that shit, wouldn't she? xD And Liam being Liam would probably try to be there as much for his daughter/sister as much as possible, much like how Ridge ended up raising Rick and Bridget like his own children. Not that you'd know it now. Ridge barely even likes his own son and I'm sure he actively favors RJ for being his namesake and being a Bridge cheerleader.

1 hour ago, jenrising said:

The only constant in the decade of Hope/Liam/Steffy is that Brooke and Ridge make everything 1000% worse whenever they try to "help"

You ain't lied! xD

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This is the problem with having these lame new characters so involved in this SL and hogging screen time.  There is no investment in seeing them, except to wish they would drop dead.

Dr. Rees - MIA since he committed the crime

Flo - Boring, whiney, spineless, and useless

Zoe - See above

Shana - See above

Xander - See above

They should have done a SL like Knots Landing where Val knew her babies were alive, but no one believed her.  Then it would have been up to Hope to find her daughter.

While Liam and Hope are looking for their baby, Kelly has a medical emergency.  Bill is there for Steffy, and they discover Kelly is Bill's daughter.  Steffy and Bill get together.

Instead out of this SL, we will get Ridge and Brooke breaking up AGAIN, Brooke screwing Bill behind Katie's back, and Ridge screwing Quin behind Eric's back.  If that weren't bad enough, the triangle from hell featuring Steffy/Liam/Hope will be back on again.  {face palm}

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5 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Two weeks on Vacation and there is no need to catch up. It’s like nothing really happened except the Beth reveal. Ridge is still the King of Ass Holes.  Poor poor Thomas.  Poor poor Stuffy.  How about Raggedy and Liam?  Ridge is trying to be happy for Raggedy.  Yeah right!  

I don't even buy that Ridge is thinking much about Thomas, to be honest. Everything he does is in service of Princess Steffy and if it takes turning a blind eye to the son that raped his last wife to keep Liam in Steffy's talons, so be it.

Ridge would've been better off dead after Moss left the show than to be played by such a charmless way as TK portrays him.

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I’m still waiting for Ridge to really find out that Thomas knew along? Also, I want everyone to pile up on him. That said, I just know Hope is gonna get pregnant with his baby.

I don't think that Hope and Thomas have had sex; so unless he kidnaps and rapes her (which I unfortunately wouldn't put past this show), that can't happen.

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OK I'll admit it --  when Hope snapped at Hauxdi "I am not your surrogate" I did a little fist bump.

Because that's what Steffy was thinking, and confirmed, a few minutes later with her cruel calculating "You can be kind of a mother to her..."  With Hauxdi it's always Me, Me, Me.  Give it all to me!  What can you do for ME!!

Hauxdi is perfectly willing to take Beth away from Hope so that she (Hauxdi) gets what she wants.

Hauxdi trying to keep Beth when she knows Hope is her mother is in the exact same league as Dr. Shady selling the baby in the first place.

Firmly convinced there will be a custody battle with Hauxdi pulling the "Only home she's ever known" and "I'm her mother" and "Putting the children first"  b.s.  I also think Sludge will side with Hauxdi and that will blow up Bridge.  

I really, really, really hope that Sludge doesn't guilt Carter into representing Hauxdi in the custody fight. You know, because Carter should have known the whole adoption was a scam. This is where Bill needs to ride in and ensure Hauxdi loses. And then reveals he had the DNA tests doctored and is Kelly's father.

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On 8/5/2019 at 6:48 PM, TessHarding2 said:

In B&B fashion, I do expect Wyatt to be knocking on Sally's door tomorrow, be in bed with her the next day and confess his love the following day.  Isn't that what OrigRidge would do for many years? 

I don't mean to be rude quoting myself here -- but Wyatt actually DID knock on Sally's door!  I howled!

3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

 Ridge would've been better off dead after Moss left the show than to be played by such a charmless way as TK portrays him.

This is what bothers me the most.  He comes off as an asexual and an ogre.  Brooke and Ridge

have clear agenda's when it comes to their bio children - but then they go have sex and it doesn't work anymore.  It's nauseating.  The re-casting was all wrong and now they are stuck with him.  

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This is what bothers me the most.  He comes off as an asexual and an ogre.  

Well, except when he's around Hauxdi. I mentioned that in that recent CBS survey. Frankly, it grosses me out. TK/Ridge isn't some hot stud muffin who would naturally attract women half his age. Ronn Moss back in the day, absolutely!

Edited by CharlizeCat
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11 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

The re-casting was all wrong and now they are stuck with him.  

I dunno why they haven't. He had no heat with anyone and was unavailable for a lot of key moments for the first two seasons. Ronn Moss left largely because of some BTS politics; was Brad Bell really not able to meet him halfway to keep him on until a suitable replacement was found?

That Holden Synder actor would've been perfect. His character on ATWT is hand-to-God my absolute least favorite leading man, Victor Newman included, but when he needed to have tender moments with his children and when Luke came out, he was able to show that tenderness (in between Holden's sanctimony and affairs of course).

I don't know of Kaye's other roles, but he plays Ridge with only two emotions: rage and horny, and the latter falls way flat for me. At least Moss tried other emotions even if the result was unintentionaly hilarious

3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

This is what bothers me the most.  He comes off as an asexual and an ogre.  

Well, except when he's around Hauxdi. I mentioned that in that recent CBS survey. Frankly, it grosses me out. TK/Ridge isn't some hot stud muffin who would naturally attract women half his age. Ronn Moss back in the day, absolutely!

He and Thorne #1 were rocking those Speedos 🍑❤️

But more importantly, Ridge had enough grace to look past his many shortcomings. That was literally the whole point of his character. He was often the leader, the mediator between his parents and siblings for this reason. Plus, his divided loyalties were very often a driver in his decision-making (for better or worse), which is a bit more sympathetic that "I hate Bill because he's an asshole!"

Edited by Anna Yolei
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15 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Steffy’s feelings are perfectly valid and she definitely needs time to process what’s happened. I simply don’t care  because she’s such a flaming asshole. I hope there’s not a custody battle, because I will turn this shit off lightning fast. The adoption isn’t valid and Hope’s marriage to a psycho isn’t valid. The end.

”You can be her mother, in a way.” Dear god. Fuck off, Steffy.

Co-signing all of this.

I can't stand Steffy and have made zero secret of that, but of course, I know this is difficult for her and hand-waving the red flags surrounding the fauxdoption notwithstanding, I could have had sympathy for her. Could have is the key because of how absolutely awful she has acted since learning the truth. I would expect crying and screaming and anger at Flo et al and the doctor and the gods for this happening. But I draw the line at her continuing to call Beth "Phoebe" until the very end of the episode, her constant "ME ME ME" with no sympathy or empathy or ANYTHING resembling real caring (vs loathing) for Hope or Liam, and, most of all, her not giving a shit that the adoption was illegal and expecting to keep Beth anyway and remember, she was saying this even BEFORE she knew Hope is Beth's mother and so, she clearly could not care less that some poor woman had had her child YANKED (to use her own words) away from her and a dead baby placed in her arms instead. 

The only moments of compassion she showed was when Hope was describing this other woman and what she went through. But again, she still did not care about this other woman, the REAL mother, and her right to be reunited with her baby. And notice how once she knew that woman was actually Hope, she had zero sympathy whatsoever, as clearly illustrated by her ridiculous and incredibly and deliberately cruel statements of "I know what you've been through" and "you can be kind of a mother to her." 

I cannot get onboard with any of that. Hope and Liam have suffered enough and I'll be damned if I'm going to get behind Steffy causing them to suffer more because for once in her life, she isn't getting her way.

Yet Brooke is somehow the selfish bitch for daring to say two sentences - two - to her own daughter, who has suffered for MONTHS, about being reunited with Beth. You would think the entire episode was Brooke throwing a party for Hope and cackling in Steffy's face. 


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17 hours ago, nasir jones said:

Hope was trying her best to be sympathetic.  Steffy should be allowed some room to attempt to process this, even if that includes a few asinine, ill-fated suggestions. 

 Hope and Liam were doing a remarkably calm job of muddling through the situation, all things considered. And much as I’ve historically disliked Steffy, I’ll forgive her the things she says on this one day given how traumatic it is for all of them. Plus, the way she kept referring back to things in the story, and the way she half stopped herself at one point as if seeing for the first time the resemblance between Hope and Beth, and the point at which she even verbalized that her brain was trying to keep up, it seems clear to me that she’s not being calculated in what she’s saying and has lost all of her filters. Anything she says/does after she’s had time to process this, that I’ll have no problem blaming her for. 


Sorry. I was disappointed in Liam standing there like a helpless waffle. This was the woman who cheated on him with his FATHER. Any semblance of compassion or loyalty should have blown out the windows way back

But that’s not who Liam is. With the exception of times when he’s in extreme pain himself (for example, right when he found out about Steffy and Bill) He’s never been the guy who is intentionally cruel to women when they are in pain. And as annoying as Liam’s waffling has been, and as much as I’ve loved him gaining some agency this past year, I like that he’s still a leading man who is genuinely decent and good. We have far too many of these crap alpha male anti heroes.


I'll admit it --  when Hope snapped at Hauxdi "I am not your surrogate" I did a little fist bump.

I loved that moment. 


 I don't know of Kaye's other roles, but he plays Ridge with only two emotions: rage and horny, and the latter falls way flat for me.

Having been unfortunate enough to have watched all four, he always plays his character as a condescending, arrogant blowhard. 


Yet Brooke is somehow the selfish bitch for daring to say two sentences - two - to her own daughter, who has suffered for MONTHS, about being reunited with Beth.

I don’t think she was a bitch, but I do think she was short sighted and dumb. Both Hope and Steffy are running on high emotions right now. They need people surrounding them to defuse the situation, not antagonize each other. Brooke, despite also feeling a lot of emotions right now, was smart, savvy and calculating enough to know they shouldn’t call the police just yet because then they couldn’t control the story. She was smart enough to keep Ridge at FC, so that Hope and Liam could talk to Steffy without his interference on his daughter’s behalf.

Right now, Steffy has all legal rights to Beth, and getting custody of her would take longer than this one day. If Hope wants to take Beth home tonight, she has to get Steffy on board or else wind up in jail on kidnapping charges.

Brooke knows that Steffy is highly emotional, and that she can be vindictive and lash out. Brooke knows the limitations of her husband when it comes to his daughter. If Brooke were being the smart woman she was being just minutes before at Forrester Creations, the woman best equipped to help Hope get what she wanted in that moment, she would have approached the situation and Steffy more carefully. She did a much better job later on when she asked Steffy to come up with an alternate solution, trying to show Steffy  in Steffy’s own words how ridiculous anything but Beth going home with Hope would be, but when Brooke first entered that room, she entered it hard, and that didn’t do her daughter any good. 

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1 minute ago, thewhiteowl said:

The adoption was phony. Steffy has no legal right to Beth. 

She does until the police investigate it and determine it was a fake adoption for themselves. Even then, Hope wouldn’t get her back until a DNA test proved she was Beth. If Steffy chooses to fight Hope, Beth could easily wind up in foster care until the courts/DNA testing settle the matter.

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One phone call is all it took Liam. Steffy would have a poor excuse of motherly love to put Beth in foster care. Not that it would surprise me but damn. Beth actually served the purpose of getting Liam back to Steffy unlike poor Kelly. First born, second best is the story of her short life, to date.

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It seems I'm in the minority, but I think everyone did a horrible job with how they handled Steffy during all of this. Nearly instantly after telling her that Phoebe is Beth, Hope is telling her that Beth is going home with her, insistently telling Steffy her name is Beth, holding Beth through pretty much the whole thing. Meanwhile, Steffy was left all alone on the other side of the room for most of the episode nearly hyperventilating through the whole thing. Could no one comfort the woman other than Ridge? 

Steffy's world got completely ripped out from under her, and even though I think Hope and Liam were trying to be sympathetic, it was an entire episode of them telling Steffy what was going to happen, rather than try and gently coax her through it. And no, I'm sorry, but they're not thinking about Beth by having her immediately go home with Liam and Hope. At least give Steffy 24 hours to process this too. Maybe Hope and Liam could stay at Cliff House for a night or two, ease everyone into it. 

Steffy has done her fair share of crap and it could be claimed this is her getting karma or something, but I just don't love how they're writing anyone in this triangle right now. 

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One phone call is all it took to prove that the adoption is shady. Proving Phoebe is Beth is another matter. All of the circumstances point to it, but the only evidence they have is the word of two liars, one of whom helped steal a baby for profit, and the other of whom was also complicit after the fact. And technically, Zoe and Flo don’t even “know” that Phoebe is Beth. They only have Reese’s word, and he’s also a man who stole a baby for profit. We know it’s true, but if the police get involved, they’re going to want DNA evidence. DNA test results seem to range from taking one day to three months on soaps, but in the meantime, where does that baby go if there’s no proof of parentage and everyone is fighting? Hope and Liam are better off getting Steffy on their side before they involve the courts to restore their rights. 

And yes, it would be shitty of Steffy to let all that happen, but, I mean, it’s Steffy.

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When we brought our babies home (from the hospital), we had the nursery completely set up. You know: a crib, changing table, clothes, diapers, diaper rash cream, baby shampoo and wash, etc, etc. You don’t just walk out of a house with a baby and take her home. I’ve never been a Steffy fan and have hated this story line with the heat of a thousand suns but for crying out loud. Give Steffy more than 5 minutes to wrap her head around the fact that this child is no longer her adopted daughter! I don’t fault Hope and Liam for feeling the way they do but Steffy deserves a bit of time to come to terms with this huge change in her life, Kelly’s life and also Beth’s life. 

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I do not trust leaving Beth with Steffy for one more night. I would fully expect Steffy to take off in the night with Kelly and Beth -- probably to Mexico or overseas where they would be harder to track down. And her rotten bastard father would probably go along with it by chartering the FC jet for her exclusive use. Steffy cares for no one but herself, kids be damned. Like hell she's "putting the kids first."  She's an cold, selfish, entitled bitch of the first degree. 

Maybe Brooke and Maya still have some of Lizzie's infant clothes and items around that Beth could use in the interim?  No shame in making a Target run on the way home!

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5 hours ago, Zoe116 said:

And as annoying as Liam’s waffling has been, and as much as I’ve loved him gaining some agency this past year, I like that he’s still a leading man who is genuinely decent and good. We have far too many of these crap alpha male anti heroes.

If no other good comes out from this story, I'm glad Liam was given that much needed agency to flesh out his character. He's been rightfully compared to Ridge over the years, but this story has helped to hammer home how the only thing they have in common is waffling. I couldn't imagine Liam choosing blatant favorites between his daughters like Ridge does (and probably would have between Steffy and Phoebe Sr if she'd lived).

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Beth has shown that she is quite comfortable being around her parents so although there will be an adjustment in no way that it would be detrimental to Beth overall well being.

Now for Steffy, that is going to hurt a lot. Unfortunately for her, she had no friends and most of her family suck. Ridge is there but her mother is mysteriously out of town and her brother is a lunatic. 

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In fairness, nobody has friends on this show. The Spectra crew were buddies, but even that was tanked when Darla fucked Thorne. The gall of those two to name their child after her! 😂 

But I gotta admit if they really want the audience to feel even a tinge of sympathy for this character, having Taylor around with her own looney ravings about Brooke ruining her family is a great way to go. Steffy admits the Stallion Ride was her fault and gets why Liam left, which is more than I can say for her mother and the Big Bear deflowering of James that she hid from Ridge for decades--all the while acting like the paragon of virtue.

It's no wonder their brats turned out like they did, but I wish someone in Show would call it out for what it is.

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Perfect AS ALWAYS, @Country girl.

This episode was what my Hauxdilox hating heart has needed ALL THESE YEARS.  I thought the episodes that Hauxdi told Liam she fucked his father were the ultimate but this was so much better.  To see Hauxdilox be told that she couldn't keep something that her mommy bought and paid for and for her to realize that there was nothing that her daddy/boyfriend could do was PURE GOLD.

The rage Hauxdi spit at Liam was beautiful to see.  She knew there was no way she could cha-cha-cha her way out of this and she was furious.  Hauxdi realized that even if she spread her legs in front of Hope, Brooke, her Dad (who would probably stroke out at seeing the stuff that his dreams are made of) AND Beth, Liam wasn't interested.  Liam has chosen Hope before, but it never deterred Hauxdi.  But this time Liam chose HIS FAMILY.  Liam had the nerve to pass on the 'family' that Hauxdi her mother put together as a ploy to get him back in Hauxdi's bed and spent $250K of Forrester money to seal the deal.  In that moment, Hauxdi showed that she's never REALLY loved Liam; she just wanted to keep Hope from having him.  That's why Hope was the first person she called back when Liam disappeared.

Brooke did what ANY mother would have done.  She put her daughter's happiness FIRST.  It doesn't seem to be a crime when Taylor and Ridge do it, even if they actually do commit a crime to make sure Hauxdi is happy, but if Brooke does it it's the worst thing in human history.

I sincerely hope that Ridge's words to Brooke at Forrester have FINALLY showed her that she was wasted her life on a piece of shit and it's time to cut bait.  Of course she wants her daughter to be happy.  How dare he expect that she would put her own child second to that hateful bitch that he and Taylor have inflicted on mankind?

Hauxdi probably does have a legal right to hang on to Beth for the moment.  Part of me hopes she does, just because it will hurt her EVEN MORE when she finally has to give Beth up.  I'm all about Hauxdi's pain, the more the BETTER.

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Did Steffy have a lawyer for the “adoption,” and please don’t tell me it was Carter. 🤦‍♀️ Did they go before a judge? This “adoption” should have raised more red flags than a May Day parade in Moscow.

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After so many good shows the last 2 weeks, Friday was kind of a letdown (except for Sally and Eric).  

While it's nice to see Hope grow a spine, Steffy would be totally within her rights to call the cops if Lope tries to walk out with Beth.  Until the adoption is officially invalidated, Steffy is her parent in the eyes of the law.

I suppose the upside to this is that future  Steffy/Hope animosity could finally be Liam-free.  They can hate each other over Beth instead.  

I am not a Steffy fan, but I kept thinking how much better this would have been if she had someone in her corner to even things out.  Such a wasted opportunity not to have had Steffy come home from Paris with the girls and a hot new guy.  

Edited by tessaray
Clarifying... Eyes of the law is closer than legal.
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14 hours ago, Zoe116 said:

If Hope wants to take Beth home tonight, she has to get Steffy on board or else wind up in jail on kidnapping charges.

Well that would be hilarious if the only person in jail ends up being Hope! 🙃

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