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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Anyone want to bet that Ridge is going to end up suing Bill for loss of livelihood or something similar? Maybe if he can create a big enough scandal, Brooke will decide--temporarily of course--to back away from Bill for RJ's sake. Bonus points if he gets Brooke subpoenaed to testify against Bill.


Man, not this shit again!  At this point, I wish the Ogre had fucking died and stayed dead.  Has there ever been a more limiting male character on a soap?  When exactly does Brooke get to have a life of her own without the specter of Sir Funk-A-Lot hanging over her?


I'm sick of Brooke being guilt-tripped into doing this creep's bidding while he gets to live happily ever after with his latest muse.  Owww, he hurt his wittle hannnnd!  Big friggin' whoop!  It amazes me how this clown starts shit with other men and then whines when he gets handed a check his ass can't cash.  He did the same thing when he jacked up Rick for having the temerity to stand up to him and defend his wife, whom Ridge repeatedly called trash.  When Deacon intervened, Ridge resorted to his old stand-by, the sucker punch.  Only, he never counted on Deacon fighting back.  That kick to the face that sent Ridge hurtling toward his desk and resulting in his hand being broken only served him right.  Now, here he is again acting like the punk ass bitch he really is.  The seas must roar; the mountains must crumble; all wars must cease; and the world must fall of its axis because poor Ridge can't draw.  How about his fiancee actually calling a neurologist to address his problems?  Instead, it's easier to squawk about Bill because that primes the pump in their DOA revengemance.  It should also occur to Katie that she has yet to contact a wedding planner and her so-called man is moving at a snail's pace to get her to the altar.  Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Bill might as well be the Temptations' David Ruffin because he ain't too proud to beg.


Just on principle alone, I wish Brooke would for once give Ridge an unpleasant surprise and remind him that he started all this and that he WILL NOT control her life using his latest fuck-up or their son to do so.

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How does Liam do it? What is it about this guy that draws females to him?

I don't get it, either. I understood it about young Ridge who would actually persue the object of affection and suggested to be amazing in bed and have some great romantic getaways. And Ronn Moss looked like a grown up, too.

Liam just looks like a boy playing house, and just stood like a deer in headlights while the people around him dragged him by the nose during Hope/Steffy mess. I guess his appeal is to the woman who thinks a man can be molded into whatever her image of a good man would be. Personally if I want to "mold" another human being I'd have children by now.

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Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Bill might as well be the Temptations' David Ruffin because he ain't too proud to beg.

MulletorHater- A bullet of love coming your way. Your posts are always spot on and hilarious!

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I like Liam when he isn't with Hope.  Put him in a scene with Bill, Wyatt, Quinn, even Ivy and I find him tolerable. I wish he would shave that half assed facial hair off his face - and I like a guy with scruff. But his looks like my 13 year old nephew when he first started getting facial hair - all patchy and curly.


And I wish he wouldn't have gone to the Joey Tribbiani school of acting with his 'I smelled a fart' facial expressions.

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Week 3 or so - more characters on my screen that I'm not quite sure who they are or why they are.  The show still looks pretty.  And Rena Sofer is still entertaining me.  (I hope everyone is wrong with the Sheila Carter comparisons but until I see it with my own eyes, I'm just going to enjoy her.)


I liked SC on OLTL, so I guess I don't see what you all see in Liam.  (Some of the descriptions ring true, though, especially the Liam of Infinite Sadness. lol.) 


Last comment/question - is Brooke (the character or the actress) always this low key?  She almost seems like she's on some pretty powerful meds.  I haven't seen any chemistry with Deacon or Bill either.

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If I understood correctly, Ridge said he could see the design in his head but couldn't draw it.  Why don't they hire one of those people that do sketches for law enforcement from peoples' descriptions and let Ridge tell them what he sees and then draw it?  Is that too simple a solution?

I also like Liam better without Hope.  I hope they're done, at least for a year or so.

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Oh well, Liam could forget all about Hope, but we all know that once she gets back from the yacht, she'll see Liam and start pining away for him, and we'll have a lot more montages of her and her past with the little guy.


Why don't soaps hire real men anymore?  Why is the requisite look, skinny, dopey, scrawney guys like Liam and Wyatt?  Forgive me, but I like a man with a real body, arms, muscles and a great butt.  I'm not talking body builders, but bodies with shape and definition.  But it seems that all these casting directors have a big woody for are the skinny Liam/Wyatt types.  While I'm not a fan of the Bill character, at least Don D has a man's body.

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How does Liam do it? What is it about this guy that draws females to him? I am just so over Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb chirping his praises, and encouraging his delusions. How could Hope just go and marry Wyatt the same day? I don't know pal; how could you put Hope's engagement ring on Steffy's finger five minutes after taking it off Hope's and marry her straightaway? How could you waffle between these two girls for years?

So much word.  I especially can't stand Aly, I don't understand why she is so invested in what Hope does or who Hope marries.  She should be thinking about her own life.


I don't understand how Hope is this internationally famous woman.  In Monte Carlo, in Paris, in Aspen, everywhere people are recognising her and will be telling their grandchildren about the day they met Hope Logan. She's not a model.  Even if she were, I don't think there's any model but maybe 5 or so that I would actually recognise on the street.  She's a spokesperson / designer / something.  Again, I don't think there's but 3 designers that I would actually recognise on the street.  If Hope is as famous and as huge of a celebrity as we are purportedly supposed to believe she is, she shouldn't be able to go anywhere at all in public without being attacked and trailed by papparazzi.  The show should be hiring 5 or 6 actors to accost her every time she appears onscreen outside.  Because she is apparently one of the most famous faces on the planet.  Why didn't they shut the Eiffel Tower down?  She should have gotten private use of it, she's Hope Logan, international sensation.  She inspires girls all over the world!


Speaking of Sheila Carter.... it's about high time someone undid the Lynn Marie Troll Latham fiasco of having her take Phyllis Newman's face.  Especially since Michelle Stafford is thankfully gone.  Bring back Kimberlin Brown with Sheila's restored face.  Then have her go on an L.A. killing spree.  I would seriously love for her to kill just about everyone on this show.  The only people I would leave alive are Oliver, Rick, Caroline, and Donna.  Maybe Brooke.

Edited by blackwing
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Why don't soaps hire real men anymore?  Why is the requisite look, skinny, dopey, scrawney guys like Liam and Wyatt?  Forgive me, but I like a man with a real body, arms, muscles and a great butt.  I'm not talking body builders, but bodies with shape and definition.  But it seems that all these casting directors have a big woody for are the skinny Liam/Wyatt types.

If you don't watch already, check out Y&R. There are many good male bodies over there. Unfortunately though, several of them seem to be impressive only for their physiques and not their acting abilities.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Why don't soaps hire real men anymore?  Why is the requisite look, skinny, dopey, scrawney guys like Liam and Wyatt?  Forgive me, but I like a man with a real body, arms, muscles and a great butt.  I'm not talking body builders, but bodies with shape and definition.  But it seems that all these casting directors have a big woody for are the skinny Liam/Wyatt types.  While I'm not a fan of the Bill character, at least Don D has a man's body.


I don't watch many soaps, but I don't mind the casting of the ones that I do watch.  Scott C and Darrin B are real men, and accordingly, they have a real man's body.  Same as JY, LSV, ZC and whoever else comes and goes from the show.  The only guy I really find attractive on this show is ZC.

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She's a spokesperson / designer / something.  Again, I don't think there's but 3 designers that I would actually recognise on the street.



Just to be clear Hope does not design Hope For The Future, Caroline does.  We have yet to be exposed to any one of Hope's talents or skills, that is, besides beguiling the Spencer brothers.


Why don't soaps hire real men anymore?  Why is the requisite look, skinny, dopey, scrawney guys like Liam and Wyatt?



When it first aired B&B was infamous for hiring models and not actors, sure the cast looked great, but the acting was quite questionable.  I like the fact they're currently hiring actors rather than models.  I like the character of Liam, I just think of him more as a zany sidekick than a leading man in a CBS soap, but I still think Scott Clifton is a good actor, I think he's not being used to showcase his talents.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Katie looked a little put out yesterday. I don't think her fairytale is going as she planned. No talk of wedding plans, no talk about anything but Bill and Brooke. If it were me, I would have thrown in the ribbon long ago...


You know, I had forgotten all about that "really, really cool" relationship Ridge was touting to Eric that was supposed to be drama free.  Yet, Ridge creates the drama by injecting himself into Brooke's life at every opportunity.  I suspect also that deep down, Katie doesn't want Ridge to have his full faculties back because it keeps him dependent on her.  Now, she's the chump stuck with the wooden stump, while Brooke is the filly who has the stallion.


At least Taylor managed to blame Ridge for playing Brooke's white knight every once in a blue moon.  Katie's too busy trying to play the "understanding girlfriend" and isn't willing to make waves or lay down any ultimatums because she's afraid of what the answer might be.


I am still trying to figure out how Quinn has gotten Deacon under her spell, because boy howdy, he is sure on board now. Like I said earlier; all Quinn had to do was say "Broooooooke" and Deacon went into a malleable and trance like state. Doesn't he get that his interference in Brooke's happiness will not sit well with Hope? How do they propose to get this information out without anyone knowing where it came from? If Deacon tells Brooke, then she will want to know how he got it, and I don't really see him telling her he is in cahoots with Quinn; particularly after her unannounced appearance at Forrester. I feel a dumbing down coming on.


I wholeheartedly agree about the dumbing down.  When I think of Deacon, I can come up with any number of superlatives:  trifling, grifting, and delightfully devilish.  However, he's never been delusional or stupid.  


Given how envious Katie is of Brooke, I'm actually shocked that she hasn't tried to jump on the Deacon tilt-a-whirl yet for a little taste.  Can you imagine it?  That's where Deacon's reputation as a conman will precede him because insecure Katie will always wonder if he's in it for the money.  My answer to that, of course, would be, "Boo--what do you think?"


Her efforts to change Deacon would also elicit quite a few laughs because, like Bill, he won't quite measure up to her supposedly high standards.  Plus, he's an alcoholic.  And, can you imagine the "pomes" they would read to each other in the park?


Deacon:  "Katie, my dearest, roses are red and violets are blue...the sex was whack and now I'm bidding you adieu!"

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@MulletorHater, Loved this post!!!! BTW, what is the "pomes" reference that keeps popping up? Did somebody pronounce it that way on the show? I must have missed it, so I'm missing out on some great laugh/snark. Well, off to watch today's episode!

Edited by grisgris
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Katie's too busy trying to play the "understanding girlfriend" and isn't willing to make waves or lay down any ultimatums because she's afraid of what the answer might be.

Exactly, and Ridge knows it. That's why I still believe he's using Katie and isn't really in love with her. IMO, she's merely a placeholder until Ridge can get Brooke to bow down and apologize for taking up with Bill instead of waiting indefinitely for him to return from his sojourn in Paris. Has he even bought Katie a real friggin' engagement ring yet? WTF? If he doesn't come across with some major bling by Christmas, Katie needs to woman up, dump Ridge, and maybe actually give Deacon a spin. Or even better, Liam.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Bill is a fool if he thinks that no one is going to tell Hope that Liam did go to Paris to meet her. And why are these people pretending that the stupid marriage is even legal?

Exactly, and Ridge knows it. That's why I still believe he's using Katie and isn't really in love with her. IMO, she's merely a placeholder until Ridge can get Brooke to bow down and apologize for taking up with Bill instead of waiting indefinitely for him to return from his sojourn in Paris. Has he even bought Katie a real friggin' engagement ring yet? WTF?

Agree that he's not madly in love with Katie, but I don't think he expected Brooke to wait indefinitely for him and was genuinely grossed out by her knocking boots and getting knocked up by her sister's husband while the Katie and Bill were still married. I also hate the way they've neutered Katie. Sad, sad show.

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The only thing funnier than Ridge and his drawings was Quinn and Deacon making fun of said drawings, that tickled me thoroughly!


Maybe I am just in a good mood, but today's show was delightful! I loved party atmosphere, the awkward moments, the snarky little comments, RS's scenery chewing (and I mean that in the nicest way possible, love her) and everyone looked amazing, even Kringe looked a little better than usual.


And then we come to that ugly fucking 3 tiered nightmare Hope was wearing. I swear KMat must have pissed off the stylist, they are keeping her dowdy and plain. She is a cute girl with a lot of potential, but instead of taking advantage of her Blair Warner realness and going full on prep school princess they make her look like someone who rolled off the turnip truck, what a waste!


They had Brook looking smoking hot, though. But, and I don't know if it's KKL's preference or what, but it's time to let go of the damaged yellowy straw and get a sharp honey blond short cut to maximize her MILF-y hotness.


I enjoy Quinn and Deacon's little partnership, I like them together. I don't want to see them paired romantically, but I also don't want Quinn with Bill. Lordt (yes Lordt) Jesus this show needs some new male blood.


And I am feeling @KLovestoShop's comment about real men on this show. Of course Liam and Wyatt are "real" in the sense that they probably have penises or whatever, there is nothing wrong with them per se, but dammit this is soap fantasy world! I want to see more men looking like DD or SK, or even young RM. In real life my preference is skinny dudes, but for a soap opera leading man they need to look more like Oliver, not like Wyatt, ya know?

Edited by P-Fat
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At least Hope make a fucking decision and went with it.

Now I pray she sticks with it.


Katie looked a little put out yesterday.

I call this business as usual.


Last comment/question - is Brooke (the character or the actress) always this low key?  She almost seems like she's on some pretty powerful meds.

This made me laugh. With the right material she is actually quite good, it just feels to me like she's bored (who could blame her) with these repeating storylines.


Bill pushing Liam through the door and Liam's eyeroll at him were today's highlights for me.


I almost forgot to add my "Why is Maya there ?" question.

Edited by Gudzilla
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And why are these people pretending that the stupid marriage is even legal?

As idiotic as the whole set up was, why wouldn't it be legal? Dope's lawyers could have any paperwork filed either in Paris or LA once they came back.

At least, I hope to God it is. Let the twit stay legally married till the beginning of fall season before starting in on I WAS ROBBED!!!

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I almost forgot to add my "Why is Maya there ?" question.


Looking for Eric, perhaps?


What was with all of the women wearing white? Trying to upstage the new bride a little bit? I liked Ivy's dress the best. I didn't particularly care for Hope's dress either, but it looked almost interchangeable with all of the strapless white frocks she's worn over the years.


I love Liam and Bill together! ITA Deacon and Quinn laughing over Ridge's scribbles was hysterical.


Hopefully the newlyweds will be sent off on a l-o-n-g honeymoon and we won't see them for a while (fingers crossed.)

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This made me laugh. With the right material she is actually quite good, it just feels to me like she's bored (who could blame her) with these repeating storylines.


She was better today than the past few weeks. 


Isn't Deacon an alcoholic? He's been drinking the last few episodes.

Edited by tessaray
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@MulletorHater, Loved this post!!!! BTW, what is the "pomes" reference that keeps popping up? Did somebody pronounce it that way on the show? I must have missed it, so I'm missing out on some great laugh/snark. Well, off to watch today's episode!

Bill snarkily pronounced it that way in a conversation with Ridge. "Pome" always reminds me of Bryan Brown in "Breaker Morant." He was a working class Aussie soldier who said he knew a "pome": There was a young man from Australia/Who painted his arse like a dahlia/The color was fine, likewise the design/But the aroma, ooh, that was a failure!

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I almost forgot to add my "Why is Maya there ?" question.

Looking for Eric, perhaps?

So was I - turns out he's on tomorrow's show instead. Ho hum!


Haven't watched a whole episode since before Paris, but it doesn't look like I've missed much. DeaQuinn the Scheme Team are fun, RS and SK are obviously enjoying themselves. Don Diamont looked fuller in the face to me, but it might just be the haircut. And Thorsten Kaye looked enormous in that light blue shirt, goodness gracious. I love it, but damn.


@RuntheTable, did you see Donna look Carter up and down as she offered to get him a glass of champagne? If we're not gonna get any more Honeybear, then I'll settle for some Chocolate Swirl.

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Isn't Deacon an alcoholic? He's been drinking the last few episodes.



He attended AA meetings back in the day, that's where he met Macy.  I don't know if he attended to actually get help or to get someone or something off his back.  He was drinking on his first day back in LA at the bar with Quinn.


The only thing that would bother me is if someone, who knew him back then, like Brooke, saw him drinking and didn't mention his past affiliation with AA.

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Nor, does it make sense that Ridge acts as if his marriage to Taylor never happened and that they have two living children.  Instead, it's been all about pissing on Brooke and Bill's parade, with the added bonus of his keeper playing helicopter mom and stroking his bruised ego.

Ditto. Ridge is by far the most boring new hired character on this show. He needs something of a Taylor to liven him up. Poor Brooke is so fragile when it comes to all men that they have to embrace her face as well as hair just to kiss her. I can't believe she was doing the whole party preparations all by herself. Where's the house keeping staff and cooks? My jury is still out on Quinn, I still don't know how or if they are going to redeem her. She and Deacon seem more like comedy characters thus far, but I guess that's what this show is all about, because I laugh almost every time that I watch!

Edited by godfreydaniels
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He attended AA meetings back in the day, that's where he met Macy.  I don't know if he attended to actually get help or to get someone or something off his back.


I know the show crosses over with Y&R but not sure how much of what happens there is canon here.  There was a storyline with Deacon and Nikki with a lot of AA/12 Step stuff so it surprised me to see him casually sipping champagne. I was an on/off viewer, so maybe there was something about Deacon and AA that I missed but it seemed "real" enough to throw me a little here. 


Which leads to a good question.  How many B&B characters are Friends of the other Bill?

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As idiotic as the whole set up was, why wouldn't it be legal? Dope's lawyers could have any paperwork filed either in Paris or LA once they came back.

At least, I hope to God it is. Let the twit stay legally married till the beginning of fall season before starting in on I WAS ROBBED!!!

Filing paperwork in LA is still putting the cart before the horse and I doubt they were able to get a license in Paris that quickly. And, remember, the marriage to Liam in Italy wasn't legal either. I don't know why I'm even worrying myself about it. I can't stand Hope.


Donna and Carter might be cute together, but I don't think he's looking for a cougar. She is mushmouth's mother and there aren't that many years between him and Carter. They need to bring in some non-Forrester/Spencer fresh meat  in general but definitely to give Carter a new girlfriend. 

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Friend of Bill is a phrase people in AA sometimes use. (Bill W. was the founder. I have alcoholics in my family.)  Since there is a Bill on the show... 


Basically a convoluted way to ask which characters have substance abuse issues.

Edited by tessaray
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Friend of Bill is a phrase people in AA sometimes use.



Yeah, got it.  Friend of Bill myself for 24 years (25 in November, woo hoo), guess I didn't see it because the f wasn't capitalized.  B&B has stayed away from recovery issues in any kind of realistic way.  Deacon and Macy attended AA meetings way back when for about a week.

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Now, she's the chump stuck with the wooden stump


Dear Lordt I couldn't stop laughing at this turn of phrase.

I think women are attracted to Liam because he's like a non threatening boy they can hang with and not worry he's trying to look down their shirt.  Because he's so chivalrous, and a gentleman and all that...doncha know? 

Oh how I pray for a barely contained rage toast from Ally.  And I missed some stuff (I wasn't paying attention) but did Ally ever express how disappointed or mad she was with HOPE?

I find it hilarious that Ridge cant even draw a vaguely humanoid stick figure anymore.  He might as well get out the Crayolas and start scribbling all over the page like a toddler. 

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Exactly, and Ridge knows it. That's why I still believe he's using Katie and isn't really in love with her. IMO, she's merely a placeholder until Ridge can get Brooke to bow down and apologize for taking up with Bill instead of waiting indefinitely for him to return from his sojourn in Paris. Has he even bought Katie a real friggin' engagement ring yet? WTF? If he doesn't come across with some major bling by Christmas, Katie needs to woman up, dump Ridge, and maybe actually give Deacon a spin. Or even better, Liam.


Agree that he's not madly in love with Katie, but I don't think he expected Brooke to wait indefinitely for him and was genuinely grossed out by her knocking boots and getting knocked up by her sister's husband while the Katie and Bill were still married. I also hate the way they've neutered Katie. Sad, sad show.


I believe that Ridge most certainly expected Brooke to wait indefinitely for him to return.  It's how he has rolled for years.  He has a history of dumping her, moving on to something "better" and then popping back into her life expecting to pick up where they left off.  He also knows that she's more than happy to engage in that dance with him.  That's why it offends him greatly when men like Thorne, Nick and Bill force Brooke to open her eyes about what a piece of shit he really is.


Ridge leaves Brooke on tenterhooks of uncertainty and insecurity about being "good enough" for his fine self.  While he was supposedly grossed out by Brooke and Bill doing the do, it's all a part of the shtick that I've witnessed from this character ever since Stephanie and Caroline put a bug in his ear about Brooke's first pregnancy.  His being grossed out is rich considering that he got another woman pregnant outside of his marriage to Taylor on the basis of an email.  He always expects the worst from Brooke and when she confirms whatever the worst is, he acts accordingly.  Yet, she can't say jack shit about the shortcomings that make him less than an ideal partner.  Brooke was straightforward with him about Bill; yet, what he was doing in Paris is still shrouded in mystery (other than poetry readings and learning to fly helicopters).  In fact, when Brooke ventured to ask about his time in Paris, he was evasive, dismissive and downright rude.  Her confession about Bill gave him the convenient excuse to perform as he always has.  The only thing different is he didn't have his mother to act as his cheerleader and to do his dirty work.  Brooke sounded like a cult member for weeks while she debased herself at Ridge's altar, extolling his non-existent virtues, castigating herself for being unworthy, and understanding why he was disappointed.  I remember yelling at the TV: "FOOL!  The man dumped you on your honeymoon and hasn't contacted you in a year!"   Fucking frustrating.  Brooke even took the extraordinary step of asking Ridge to marry her again!  His response?  He had to think about it.  You know, because he was soooooo disappointed.  Except he was commiserating with his fellow victim while he got to wear the horns of a cuckold.  Despite the fact he and Brooke weren't married.  I vaguely recall that Brooke managed to warn Katie that life with Ridge isn't all that it's cracked up to be.  I'm still waiting for Ridge's latest cult member to have that epiphany.  


I remember when I first go engaged, I couldn't wait to spread the news to my family and friends.  I rushed out the next day and bought bridal magazines and the search for a gown began immediately.  I was giddy at the prospect of selecting a formal china pattern and had to restrain myself from talking about the wedding All.  The.  Time.  I researched and interviewed wedding planners and obsessed over every little detail although the wedding was more than a year away.  Yet, we see none of that with Katie.  All I know is that Eric mentioned designing a gown for her.  She hasn't been in for one fitting, hasn't been shown one sketch, and has yet to be measured.  There's simply no excitement about this engagement.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.  All of Kringe's excitement is reserved for Bill and Brooke instead of their own relationship.  The lack of continuity to Kringe's so-called love story is quite jarring.  It would go a long way if Katie was shown confiding in her sister, Donna, about her worries about marrying Ridge in light of what she already knows about him and has witnessed in the last few months.  Instead, the writers are intent on passing them off as this ethereal couple whose relationship is the supposed gold standard.

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^Agreed with all of that. When Ridge left Taylor for her Big Bear Boink 20 years before he goes right to Brooke's place less than an hour later and she rightfully showed him the door. It was one of the few if not the only time she kicked his ass away when she wasn't already attached to another man.

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Liam is such a whiny child. He can't speak, he can't be there, he can't do anything but stare. Didn't Liam as Wyatt to be his best man and didn't Liam have a reception after his wedding with Steffy that Hope attended.

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Didn't Liam as Wyatt to be his best man

Yes, because it was easy for Liam to be gracious when he thought he was the winner.  Much like Hope played the "let's be sisters" card with Steffy when she thought she "won" Liam.

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I guess his appeal is to the woman who thinks a man can be molded into whatever her image of a good man would be.

This really seems to hit the nail on the head. And dear dog, he is just so passive. Liam just goes with whatever way the wind is blowing.


Imagine his thought process, if you will. "Dad wants me to partake of the side piece he's been lusting after...okay." Never mind that in some sick, twisted way Bill is trying to vicariously nail Steffy with Liam's stick of sorrow. Bill gave Liam a nudge and like a stone poised at the top of a long, steep hill, Liam just rolls with it. If one girl gives back a ring, then the obvious equal and opposite reaction is for that ring to boomerang onto the finger of the nearest warm female body. No wonder some ladies love Liam; he can be made to do anything they want.


And, man, I just can't see him as having the killer instinct to work for his father's business unless there's an opening in the mail room.

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Props to LittleIggy for mentioning Breaker Morant, great film.


Brooke forgives Bill for the 'almost killing Ridge' part, but is devastated that Bill might have caused Ridge to be unable to draw.


If Ridge lived Under the Dome his drawings would be revered.


Liam is the guy all the girls think is perfect................... for someone else.


I think I might actually like Maya better than Hope.

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Just got caught up on party central; boy, what a difference a couple of days makes. You just know it's going to be a joyous occasion when all your adversaries are assembled together; kicking back champagne. I can't decide what I liked better:


Quinn, casually strolling into Brooke's kitchen as if she belonged there.


Brooke's kitchen! I have never seen that set before; what a nice change of pace.


Quinn, offering to bite Bill.


Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum unsuccessfully tag teaming Wyatt.


Ridge mumbling because Bill brought a really big bottle of champagne.


Liam being crushed under the pressure, because when E. F. Hutton talks, everybody listens.


Rick pulling that "I wanna be a Forrester" hornets nest out of Maya's ass.


Ridge chewing on something while talking to Brooke.


If this is the new Maya I am on board.


I don't get how Bill is still hurting Ridge. Where I come from, folks who don't, or won't, take responsibility for their health are hurting themselves. Anyway, this shit is getting old, and I am beginning to wonder if Ridge isn't playing everyone. Not being able to draw is a multi-faceted solution for Ridge; it is the perfect excuse to delay his and Katie's wedding, and it will serve to paint Bill in the worst light, not only to Brooke, but everyone on the canvas. Meanwhile, Ridge will be the tragic, broken hero, struggling with the loss of his livelihood. All his loved one's will be fluttering around him offering support and advice, and once he assures himself that Brooke is done with Bill? BOOM!, I say, I say, I say, that boy is healed! Then, to add insult to injury, the fucking Ogre will remove whatever tatters are left of Sourpusses red ribbon, and replace it with the real thing. It will be the wedding of the ages, and all will come from far and wide to witness the union of these two damaged, betrayed souls. Oh, but I can smell the stench of their mutual superiority, as they gloat in their happiness, and titter about Brooke's latest wrong turn. My blood is bubbling at about a thousand degrees already.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Just got caught up on party central; boy, what a difference a couple of days makes. You just know it's going to be a joyous occasion when all your adversaries are assembled together; kicking back champagne. I can't decide what I liked better:


Quinn, casually strolling into Brooke's kitchen as if she belonged there.


Brooke's kitchen! I have never seen that set before; what a nice change of pace.


Quinn, offering to bite Bill.


Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum unsuccessfully tag teaming Wyatt.


Ridge mumbling because Bill brought a really big bottle of champagne.


Liam being crushed under the pressure, because when E. F. Hutton talks, everybody listens.


Rick pulling that "I wanna be a Forrester" hornets nest out of Maya's ass.


Ridge chewing on something while talking to Brooke.


If this is the new Maya I am on board.


I don't get how Bill is still hurting Ridge. Where I come from, folks who don't, or won't, take responsibility for their health are hurting themselves. Anyway, this shit is getting old, and I am beginning to wonder if Ridge isn't playing everyone. Not being able to draw is a multi-faceted solution for Ridge; it is the perfect excuse to delay his and Katie's wedding, and it will serve to paint Bill in the worst light, not only to Brooke, but everyone on the canvas. Meanwhile, Ridge will be the tragic, broken hero, struggling with the loss of his livelihood. All his loved one's will be fluttering around him offering support and advice, and once he assures himself that Brooke is done with Bill? BOOM!, I say, I say, I say, that boy is healed! Then, to add insult to injury, the fucking Ogre will remove whatever tatters are left of Sourpusses red ribbon, and replace it with the real thing. It will be the wedding of the ages, and all will come from far and wide to witness the union of these two damaged, betrayed souls. Oh, but I can smell the stench of their mutual superiority, as they gloat in their happiness, and titter about Brooke's latest wrong turn. My blood is bubbling at about a thousand degrees already.


I also love Brooke's kitchen.  I just wish the goings-on weren't so bloody redundant.  No wonder someone upthread observed that KKL is probably bored.  The actress is 50-something and is playing the same storylines that she was when she was a young ingenue.  The only difference is that the character was a lot more sassy back then and actually had some gumption.  It fascinates me that she refuses to make any discussion about her man off limits to people she knows full well have an agenda.  If she chooses to break up with Bill, then break up with him because of his considerable shortcomings--NOT because "poor wittle Widge" is hurting.  If she's going to forgive Bill, then forgive him for everything--NOT in stages.


Ridge is like the playground bully who starts stuff, gets his butt whupped, and then runs home with a black eye, a busted lip and bruises.  He squeals like a stuck pig, and then his mommy and other enablers rush in to make it all better.  Don't forget the belligerent dad who demands punishment of the other child--NOW!  Otherwise, he's writing a letter to the school board and suing the school district.  Of course, it's always the other child's fault for having the audacity to stand up for himself.  Not only does the other child get suspended along with the bully, everyone forgets that the bully started it all in the first place and only got what was coming to him.  Creeps like Ridge can never win in a fair fight.


Speaking of Deacon, the dumbing down has commenced just to make this latest plot-driven swill work.  Why he would unwittingly put Brooke back in Ridge's orbit just to one-up Bill is beyond comprehension.  But, I agree that you have to hand it to Quinnsane though because she definitely knows how to work him.  All she has to say is Brooke's name and it's akin to ringing Pavlov's bell in front of a dog.  And, I'm sorry, but no amount of flashbacks will ever make me want to see Brooke and Deacon onscreen as the couple they never were.


My blood is also boiling at the prospect of Ridge winning yet again thanks to the machinations of Boris and Natasha.  The other thing that makes my blood boil is that Kringe has had everyone's support despite how they got together, and everyone will turn out en masse to see them finally get married.

Edited by MulletorHater
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My friends, a moment of silence if you will, to mourn my external hard drive which crashed last night and so inconsiderately wiped all of my Bold stuff - pictures, video clips, full episodes, everything, all gone. It's this kind of technological treachery that makes you want to pick up a book instead.


Friend of the other Bill

I thought you meant Bill Spencer, Sr. Derp! No one was friends with him either, come to think of it. Congrats on your 25-year Friendship, too, sugarbaker.


I can't believe she was doing the whole party preparations all by herself. Where's the house keeping staff and cooks?

Well, there were waiters, so maybe she had her house staff do the waiting? The caterers probably went home after everything had been prepared, but it looked like it was just cupcakes & strawberries, so how hard could that be? And does Brooke do anything else these days? When was the last time she was at FC?


I've never liked this "The Logan Sisters Can't Do Anything Practical" angle TPTB have worked in the last 5ish years or so. Remember that Christmas when they burnt the turkey? And it was funny because they are daughters of a first-class caterer? I'm pretty sure if you can earn a Chemistry degree at university, you can cook a bird. Ugh, rant over.


Donna and Carter might be cute together, but I don't think he's looking for a cougar. She is mushmouth's mother and there aren't that many years between him and Carter.

I was joking, but the more I think about it the more I wouldn't mind seeing it. Age & relation are not really obstacles to romance on this show anyway, and especially not for Donna Logan.


Ridge mumbling because Bill brought a really big bottle of champagne.

"Someone's overcompensating!" Oh, boys.


Ridge chewing on something while talking to Brooke.

This is one of the reasons why I love TK in this cast, despite everything that's wrong with his Ridge. He doesn't give an F and it makes me laugh.


What's with the Bob Barker thing next week? I get the Happy Gilmore reference, but why is he punching out Wyatt? Of all the silly things this show does, this seems pretty silly.

Edited by St3phForrester
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Props to LittleIggy for mentioning Breaker Morant, great film.

Brooke forgives Bill for the 'almost killing Ridge' part, but is devastated that Bill might have caused Ridge to be unable to draw.

If Ridge lived Under the Dome his drawings would be revered.


Snerk! But later he would get beat up by Barbie and throne in jail by Big Jim.

Every time I see Wyatt, I keep expecting him to start bobbing his head, clucking, and shuffling his feet.

I was so glad that Liam told the Princess that he was in Paris. What I would love would be for him to blast her for instantly turning to Wyatt and marrying him.

Edited by LittleIggy
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I thought you meant Bill Spencer, Sr. Derp! No one was friends with him either, come to think of it. Congrats on your 25-year Friendship, too, sugarbaker.


Sorry, I didn't know that Bill Spencer was a Jr.   


I can't believe that Liam actually told Hope about Paris.  On other soaps they would drag this out for weeks or months even.

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Every time I see Wyatt, I keep expecting him to start bobbing his head, clucking, and shuffling his feet.



If he did, then he'd be perfect for Taylor, especially when she's had a few!


I really don't feel very sorry for Liam. At that party he reminded me of a wooden marionette with Bill pulling the strings. His eyes got all beady and had that blank look he sported back in the days of ToD 2.0. I think the fact that Hope instantly married Wyatt is fitting karma for Liam pulling the insta-engagement to Steffy.


Prime example today of why Hope is considered such a spoiled princess. When Liam was trying to explain to her what had happened en route to the Eiffel Tower, all she could do was lament about how humiliated SHE felt. ME! ME! ME! This whole thing is so tiresome and downright dumb. There's no excuse today why one couldn't have called the other than none of this sordid mess would have happened. Now you know this is going to drag on for even longer.


Was Oliver even at the party? I thought I saw a glimpse of him in the background. Aly really needs to butt out of Liam's and Hope's business and tend to her own relationship. I wish the Floating Head of Darla would point that out to her. Aly and Ivy were acting like high school gossip girls.


I laughed at the Rick and Maya exchange.


Did Eric even utter one word?


Damn, I was so wishing that Deacon would have whipped out one of those pathetic sketches by Ridge to show to Brooke. I still don't see how Ridge's impairment is Bill's fault. I think it would have been funnier and more deserving if Ridge ended up with an "impairment" in the bedroom. That seems to be a more suitable punishment.


After seeing Brooke's white satin dress for a second time, I decided I didn't like it. It didn't look like it fit her properly and it looked like she had on a circa-Madonna "cone bra" underneath.

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Sorry, I didn't know that Bill Spencer was a Jr.

No apology necessary! Jim Storm's Bill Spencer is old, old news. And dead.
Did Eric even utter one word?

I think he had four, something like "The buzz is unbelievable" or some other rubbish; he spent most of the episode eating hors d'oeuvres. Hardly worth JMC pulling the suit on for.


Which reminds me - thought it was odd when Maya accosted Rick the second time, and he said "I'm not alone, Dad's just across the courtyard", when Eric was standing right behind him in the living room. ???

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I think Rick meant, living situation wise. Not at that exact moment. He meant Eric's main house is across the courtyard from Rick's house and pointed out that Ivy/Ally are living there too.


I laughed when Wyatt saw Rick and Maya, then told Hope that her brother needed rescuing. Wyatt's got Maya's number.

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I think Rick meant, living situation wise. Not at that exact moment. He meant Eric's main house is across the courtyard from Rick's house and pointed out that Ivy/Ally are living there too.

Good point Artsda - didn't even cross my mind to think that!

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Damn, I was so wishing that Deacon would have whipped out one of those pathetic sketches by Ridge to show to Brooke. I still don't see how Ridge's impairment is Bill's fault. I think it would have been funnier and more deserving if Ridge ended up with an "impairment" in the bedroom. That seems to be a more suitable punishment.


I wish Justin had gotten a severe concussion or fallen into a coma after one of Ridge's sucker punches.  Then maybe someone would be saying Ridge ruined his life.  More likely, the nimrods on the show would say, "Justin who?"



And, I'm sorry, but no amount of flashbacks will ever make me want to see Brooke and Deacon onscreen as the couple they never were.



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